Top 2 Apps Similar to Cut Out Alcohol

Craving Tracker - Alcohol 1.53
Craving Tracker - Alcohol is a journalingtoolto track when you feel a craving for alcohol. Simply loggingacraving in a journal can sometimes be enough to begin raisingthecraving to consciousness, and begin reducing the power it hasoverthe conscious mind and will.Additionally, Craving Tracker - Alcohol includes a numberofquestions to answer when each craving event is logged.Thequestions function as a structured, active imaginationexercise,and inherits its structure from CG Jung's description ofActiveImagination, as well as "part-work" from Internal FamilySystems.The questions are all optional, but serve to help deepenandstrengthen your conscious relation with the craving, which canbeunderstood as being driven in part by unconscious complexes,orpart-personalities.A more detailed description of the theories and ideas behindthisapp are available at* Application is password-protected* Email backup of database; backup database to SD* Email individual craving events, or the entire set ofrecordedcraving events (HTML or Text format)* App2SDKeywords: alcohol; addiction; craving; alcoholism; journal;log;active imagination; complexes; internal family systems;Jung;Jungian; diary; quit; drinking; new year'sresolution;resolutions
Staying Free 1.3
Breaking Free
Staying Free is a relapsepreventiontoolkitthat you can carry around with you on your Androidphone.It is designed to be used alongside Breaking FreeOnline,theconfidential treatment and recovery programme forproblemalcoholand drug use that is Free will let you keep track of how your recoveryisgoingvia weekly check-ins that give you instant feedbackandadvice:• SUBSTANCE USE CHECK-IN – looks at whether you havedrunkalcoholor used your main problem substance or managedtostayabstinent• MOOD CHECK-IN – looks at how you havebeenfeelingemotionallyStaying Free will also give you a set of four powerful toolstohelpyou stay safe and avoid relapse:• CYCLE OF DEPENDENCE – a reminder of the key issues thatkeeppeoplelocked in a cycle of dependence on alcohol or drugs,butwhich youcan overcome by using Breaking Free Online• MANAGE MY RISKY PLACES – a strategy that will guideyoutorecognise, avoid and cope with risky places or situationsinwhichyou could be tempted to drink or use drugs• SEE MY MOTIVATION – a ‘digital flash card’ that will giveyouextramotivation to stay strong in your recovery at times whenyouarefeeling vulnerable• SURF MY CRAVINGS – a technique based on mindfulness thatwillhelpyou ride out your cravings and urges for alcohol ordrugsIMPORTANT – PLEASE NOTE:The Staying Free mobile app is for use only by people whohaveanaccount on Breaking Free Online, or who have received(fromalicenced alcohol or drug service) an access code thatallowsthemto set one up.If you are already using Breaking Free Online, you will beabletoaccess Staying Free as soon as you have downloaded it:simplylog inwith your existing username and password.If you have not yet started on Breaking Free Online,usetheaccess code you have been given by a service to createanaccounton either Staying Free or Breaking Free Online. Onceyouhave donethis, you will be able to access both by using yourchosenusernameand password.