Top 16 Apps Similar to Putzalarm! der Putzplan LIGHT

Spring Cleaning Checklist FREE 7.0
This spring cleaning checklist app is all you will ever needtoensure you do a thorough job of spring cleaning. Having a goodlistof things to clean will decrease your stress and make youmoreefficient. The app comes pre-loaded with more than 150+springcleaning list items to help with organizing your cleaning.Withoptions to add/edit/delete you can quickly customize thelistanyway you want. NOTE : This free app is Ad supported andhasin-app purchase option to upgrade to premium features. Thebasicfeatures are always free. You have NO obligation toupgrade.Features include: - Tablet support. - Quick navigation. Forsmallscreen devices, just swipe right to reveal the left pane. -Createnew lists from factory template in minutes. - Add/Edit ordeletelists/items/categories. - Quickly add item or category fromthesame screen with the "Quick Add" feature. - Hide/Unhidecheckeditems. - Option to check all/uncheck all so you can reusethe listagain. - Indicates the total number of items and the numberofitems that need to be completed. - Color coded (green, yellowandred) for a visually appealing presentation - Export/Backupalllists to external storage. - Easily email with your friends/family using any sharing client you have on your device. - Sendandshare via Bluetooth to any bluetooth enabled device - Easilysendto your printer (via email - Needs email to print support onyourprinter) Premium features (requires upgrade) : - Cloud Sync.Easilybackup and sync across devices via the cloud. - Cloud share.Shareyour lists with friends and family and keep everyone in sync.- 65+Templates and 14,000+ items. Quickly create your listfromtemplates in minutes. Save yourself all the typing. - Abilitytoadd notes, Quantity and an additionalmeasurement(weight/volume/temperature etc) for each item. - Movechecked tobottom/top. - Ability to delete all checked items. - "AddAfterThis" or "Add Before This" option to insert items wherever youwantand quickly. - Password protect from prying eyes. - Copy orMovebetween lists, categories and items. Quickly creates yourownpersonal list in matter of minutes. - Auto Sort either inascendingor descending order. - Rearrange items/categories/listsusingdrag/drop. - Edit your list on your computer and import itback.
Rockethome Smart Home 3.38.0
With the ROCKETHOME app lets you control your home easilyandconveniently.
Roomboard - Cleaning Roster 1.1.12
px minds
The Cleaning Roster. Re-Invented.Roomboard is a great possibility to finally get a griponyourhousehold, no matter if you are living alone, withyourpartner, ina shared flat or in a dorm. It's free. Try it nowandinvite yourroommates!CLEANING ROSTER★ Roomboard distributes recurring tasks in a fair waytoallroommates and reminds everybody with push notificationswhenit'stime for action.IT'S COMING MORE★ Roomboard is still new but the next features arealreadyindevelopment. How about a shared shopping list?Also available on iOS.--Roomboard Permissions• For the internet and login:android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATEandroid.permission.INTERNET• For auto-completion (not the NSA):android.permission.READ_CONTACTS• For push notifications:android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTSandroid.permission.READ_PHONE_STATEandroid.permission.WAKE_LOCK
Flatastic - The Roommate App 3.6.2
Flatastic makes living in a shared household simple and enjoyable.
Cleaning Organizer 0.8.18
K Buss
Organize household cleaning tasks and housework into zone andweeklytasks. 2.0
Forget Cleaning Schedules - just cleanitandcheck-in your housework.Instead of a fixed cleaning schedule use the just-clean.itApptokeep record of your chores and collect points. Yourscoregetsautomatically synced between all smartphones withinyourlivingcommunity group. Works great for students, youngcouplesorfamilies with kids :)Learn more at our website: http://just-clean.itTags: justcleanit,, flatshare, sharedflat,roommate, cleaning organiser, free
immowelt - Immobilien Suche 6.7.2
immowelt GmbH
Buy, sell or rent real estate. find an apartment or house.
Immonet Property Search 6.6.5
Immonet GmbH
The Immonet property search: more info, more images,moreproperties.
Haus - Segen - Der WG Planer 1.8.1
Neeritech GbR
Your WG - planner for harmonious coexistence
Apartment Renting 1.4.3
What can you do with this app? - Make free to sell, rent orshareapartments, houses, flats publications. - Buy: Findestateopportunities near your location or another you specify. -Makeoffers, counteroffer, negotiate the price of a property -Manageyour property listings, price changes, report problems. -With theimplementation of rent and sale of flats you can publish anad in afew steps and use a camera phone to take pictures of whatyou areselling or access the gallery. - You can chat directly withtheseller of an internal real-time messaging. Manage your adswithquestions and answers to your prospects / buyers livemoreeffectively. - The ads are geo, you can find things nearyourlocation - Your location is secret and will never be usedforcommercial purposes. Your location is displayed withsecuritywithin the maps so that they can not see the exact address.Thehouses are geolocated more precisely. - public Classified adstofind roommates - public rated for rent apartment - SolarSearch,land for housing, industrial buildings, rural properties.
actify – deine Freizeit App
Mit actify findest du spannende IdeenfürdeineFreizeit, neue Leute mit deinen Interessen und diebestenOrte undEvents in Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt und Rhein-Main-alles indeiner Nähe. Alles in einer App.Das bietet dir die Freizeit-App von actify:HIGHLIGHTS: Entdecke das Beste deiner Stadt undlassdichinspirieren.SUCHEN: Finde alles in deiner Umgebung auf einen Blick.ERSTELLEN: Erstelle deine eigenen Aktivitäten und Eventsundkommschnell in Kontakt mit anderen.COMMUNITY: Sei immer up to date über das Geschehen indeinerNäheund schlage spontane Ideen vor.ICH: Wähle deine Interessen und finde genau das,wasdirgefällt.Funktionen in der Freizeit-App von actify:Melde dich kostenlos an und lege deine Interessen fest.Gestalte deine Freizeit: Finde spannende VeranstaltungenundOrtein deiner Region.Finde alle Highlights in deiner Nähe auf einen Blick.Suche gezielt nach VeranstaltungenmitintuitivenFilterfunktionen.Plane deine Freizeit mit deinen Freunden odertriffneueLeute.Verpasse nichts mehr durch Push-Nachrichten.Komme schnell in Kontakt mit der integrierten Chatfunktion.Die Anmeldung ist kostenlos, verpflichtet dich zu garnichts,bringtaber in Sachen Freizeit eine ganze Menge Spaß.Einfachherunterladenund deine Stadt neu entdecken.Jetzt schon in Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Darmstadtunddemganzen Rhein-Main-Gebiet.Hast Du Fragen zu actify oder Ideen, wie wir actifynochbessermachen können?Dann freuen wir uns auf deine Nachricht. Sende unseinfacheineE-Mail an: [email protected] Actifyyoufindexciting ideas for your free time, new people withyourinterestsand the best places and events in Berlin,Hamburg,Frankfurt andRhein-Main - everything near you. All in oneapp.This will give you the leisure app Actify:HIGHLIGHTS: Discover the best your city and be inspired.SEARCH: find everything in your area at a glance.CREATE: Create your own activities and events and quicklycomeincontact with others.COMMUNITY: Be always up to date on what is happening inyourareaand suggest spontaneous ideas.I: Select your interests and find exactly what you like.Functions in the Leisure App Actify:Sign Up! And I set your interests.Make your leisure: find exciting events and placesinyourarea.Collect all the highlights in your area at a glance.Search for specific events with intuitive filter functions.Plan your free time with your friends or meet new people.Miss nothing by push messages.Come quickly in contact with the integrated chat function.Registration is free, you committed to anything, but bringsintermsLeisure a whole lot of fun. Just download andrediscoveryourcity.Already in Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Darmstadt andtheentireRhine-Main area.Have to Actify questions or make ideas on how weActifyevenbetter?Then we look forward to your message. Just send us anemailto:[email protected]
Immoworld Immobiliensuche 1.0.5 ist eine Metasuchmaschine für Immobilien. Mitderkostenlosen Immobilien App durchsuchen Sie gleichzeitigfreieWohnungen und Häuser von mehrereImmobilienbörsen(,,, etc.)und sparensomit eine Menge Zeit. Monatlich über 1 Mio.Mietwohnungen,Wohnungen und Häuser zur Miete oder zum Kauf: Mit derImmoworld Appfinden Sie bestimmt das passende Objekt in Ihrer Nähe!Diewichtigsten Funktionen und Vorteile der Immobilien-App: •einfacheImmobiliensuche nach Ort und Umkreis •zahlreicheFiltermöglichkeiten (Wohnfläche, Zimmeranzahl, Preis)•interessante Immobilien in die Favoriten-Liste übernehmen•Speicherung der letzten Suchen (Suchprofile) Lassen Sie sichkeineneuen Wohnungen oder Häuser mehr entgehen: Mit der ImmoworldAppkönnen Sie jetzt rund um die Uhr mobil auf Wohnungssuchegehen.Anregungen & Verbesserungsvorschläge: Helfen Sie unsdieImmobilien-App weiter zu verbessern und senden Sie unsIhreAnregungen und Verbesserungsvorschläge [email protected] Erfolg bei der Immobiliensuche! IhrImmoworld-Team
Chores List FREE 7.0
Fully customizable chores list app to help with your daily chores.
Social Power 1.0
Do you really know how muchelectricityyourhousehold consumes? Do you know when it is useful toturn offyourelectric appliances? Want more tips and tricks tomakeenergysaving easy?Social Power is an App that makes yourhouseholdelectricityvisible in your life. You can use the App tobettervisualize yourhousehold electricity use and get to know yourownhabitsbetter.But mostly Social Power is a game that you play withyourfamilyand neighbors to earn points bycompletingenergy-relatedactivities and earn points and knowledge inenergysaving, energyefficiency and load shifting.In addition, you can receive valuable tips on how tooptimizeyourelectricity use, and with these you can furtherimproveyourperformance. Will your household be the bestatsavingelectricity?The App is in three languages: Italian, English and German.BENEFITS AND FEATURES● track your household electricity consumption inapersonalizedway with easy-to-read visuals;● watch the changes of your electricity use over the weeks;● see the effect of your actions and become an active partinthereduction and shifting of your load peaks;● play with your team, challenge yourself and yourmates,completeactivities, and learn collaboratively howtosaveelectricity;● collect tips and share good practices andoptimiseyourconsumption;● interact with your neighbor and achieve a socialenergy-savinggoalwithin a ‘neighborhood contest’;● become an expert in energy saving raising yourawarenesslevel.WHY SOCIAL POWERA change in how individuals consume energy representsacrucialcontribution to a more collective andsustainablelifestyleadoption and is a key step in fighting climatechange.Looking ateveryday energy consumption activities we caneasilyadopt newperspectives and opt for more energy-efficientchoices.Spreadinggood practices we can have fun with friends,familyandneighbors.ABOUT THE RESEARCH PROJECTSocial Power is a research project run by SUPSI(UniversityofApplied Sciences and Art) and ZHAW (ZürcherHochschulefürAngewandte Wissenschaften) in collaboration with QBTsaglandSparkling Labs and the support of the localelectricitysuppliersof Massagno (AEM) and Winterthur(StadtwerkWinterthur).The entire Social Power project aims to launcha“neighborhoodcontest” to actively involve citizens inacommunity-based processof social innovation.CONTACT USLearn more about us: www.socialpower.chSocial Power Blog: www.socialpowerblog.chFollow us on Facebook: questions or feedback? Contact us at [email protected]
3D Small Home Plan Ideas 1.0
The activity of designing a virtual small homes plans can beusedforactually building a house or just for the sake of fun. Ifoneisseriously thinking about preparing blueprints for hisfuturehousewith the help of available software, he should firstconsultacontractor or an architect to discuss the plan. Somepeoplepreferconsulting a home builder whenever they takeupconstructionactivity. Any of the above options can be chosen asperthe user'sconvenience and specific needs. Build a VirtualDreamHouse Most oftoday's designing activities take place with thehelpof computers.The virtual world provides ample tools and methodsforcustomizingdesigns and home plan. This kind of virtualdesigningprovides anidea of how the house would look like; changesandmodifications inthe design can be made instantly, if theneedarises. Interiordesigning can be best carried out with the helpofsoftware. Thereare many such 'virtual' services andfacilitiesavailable in themarket, including virtual private networkand evenvirtual pets.Along with automotive designing, architectstoo areopting todesigning their plans virtually. The differentsoftwarelike 3DHome Architect provide tools necessary to design ahouse.Softwarelike these are user-friendly and allow in carryingout theprocessof designing in a desired manner. Using the 3DHomeArchitectSoftware The 3D Home Architect software isavailableonline. Onecan download it by visiting the respectivewebsite andclicking onthe 'Download Now' button. The softwareprovides aproper interfaceand necessary tools for the purpose ofdesigning.To create avirtual house, select the 'File' optionfollowed by'New'. One canadd walls by clicking on the relevant iconpresent onthe screen.This icon can be dragged on to the work spacefordesigning. Afterthe designing of exterior walls is over,interiorwalls should thenbe designed. Various other utilities canalso beadded whiledesigning the home design plans virtually. Theuser ispresentedwith options for 'composition' and 'pitch' whiledesigningthesmall modern home plans. Appropriate values fortheseoptionsshould be selected to prepare a suitable design forthehouse.Designing With the Help of 'Hexagon' The interfaceprovidedbysoftware, Hexagon, is known as the Universal Manipulator.Amongthetabs present on screen, one should select the 'cube' anddrag itonto the interface. In order to scale the cube, a 'greencube'fromamong the tabs should be used. Different tools such asthe'SliceTessellation', 'Edge' and 'Extrude Surface' can be usedtocarryout different tasks in the process of designing.Manypaintmanufacturing companies provide users or customers withtoolsfordesigning a home plans. For the time being let usunderstand howtobuild a virtual house for fun, through thefollowingparagraph.Creating a Virtual House for Fun Creating avirtual houseis atrend fast catching up. There are differentwebsitesofferingservices where one can live a virtual life, similarto ourrealone. Computer games like 'Second Life' or 'TheSims'facilitatedesigning of houses in these virtual worlds. 'TheSims'providesusers with easy-to-use tools for designing a house.One canalsoattend different workshops that teach the principlesofdesigningand architecture. Frank Lloyd PreservationTrustorganizesworkshops for the same. The Architect Studio 3Dsoftwareisgenerally used in such workshops.
Quoka Kleinanzeigen Flohmarkt 8.5.1
Quoka GmbH
Buy and Sell used things with Quoka! Download now and getstartedright away!