Top 14 Apps Similar to Affirmation Workout FREE

Affirmations 2.3.2
Affirmations that you can use to break the negativeautomaticthoughts.
Me But Better - Affirmations 1.6
Me, But Better is an app that lets yourwritecustom affirmations, against the backdrop of some stunningimages.Affirmations are positive statements you speak to yourself,justlike in sport psychology, but for your everyday.Use them to improve yourself and your business or sportsgoals.The app features reminder notifications that you can setweekly,daily and even hourly. Self improvement isn't easy, butthisaffirmations app will help you get into the right mindset.Use affirmations as part of your meditation practice andyourpersonal development programme.Me, But Better was created to be a tool for people like youwhowant to improve themselves and achieve more in their lives.An affirmation is a proven way of programming your mind sothatyou think and behave in ways that support your personalsuccess.Affirmations are an antidote to the negative messages wearebombarded with in the media and a way for you toeradicateself-sabotage.Experiments have shown that when a downward force is placed onanoutstretched arm, the same person can resist anything from 3-5timesas much pressure when they repeat the words “I am strong” outloudcompared to when they repeat the words “I am weak”.The words we hear have a direct effect on how we feel and whatweare capable of. If our internal dialogue is negative then thishas adetrimental effect on our well-being, capability andsuccess.If we replace this self-talk with positive statements abouttheworld and about ourselves then you can start to change yourrealityfor the better from the inside out.How do I create an affirmation?Think of something that you would like to be true about youoryour life.Write it as a positive statement in the present tense.This means that instead of saying “I no longer want to feelill”,say “I feel fit and healthy” or “I make choices every daythat aremaking me healthier and healthier” or “I enjoy regularhealthyexercise and eating fresh, nutritious foods”. Instead ofsaying “Iwant to get out of debt” say “I have all the money Ineed” or “Ienjoy watching my savings increase” or “I notice thewealth ofopportunities around me and take action to increase myincome”.Repeat this process for as many areas as you would like sothatyou have a number of positive statements. Common areas thatpeopleuse affirmations are Health, Finances, Career,Relationships,Family, Study, Emotional Wellbeing andSpirituality.Every affirmation you create can be entered into Me, ButBetterand will start to shape your thinking and actions to supportyoursuccess.Hopefull you will find our app as useful as we have.
Meditate Free Meditation Timer 1.12
MindCore LTD
Meditation is the best innerdevelopmentmethodever discovered.Train your mind, calm your thoughts, analyze them or getdeepinnerinsight of yourself.By meditating, your body heals faster, brain runssmoother,thoughtsbegin to organize themselves. You start to clarifyyourexistence.This is the app that gives you full control ofyourselfdevelopment process. It is higlhy custamizable,programmableanduserfriendly meditation timer, trainer and alsosleep helper.Theapp helps you to regularly meditate, affirmate,comtemplate onthedesired topic, fall asleep. Also encourages to doso bymultipleuseful functions, like defining own meditationsessionsplans withdifferent steps, categories, furtheranalyzingstatistics, history,creating notes.**********************Note: This is a free trial version of the app. Inthedescriptionbelow it will be noticed which features areavaliableintrial.**********************FEATURES:Quickly choose between single mode or highlycustomizablemeditationplans directly after applicationstarts.Make notes after each meditation's session. All of themwillbestored in your history and statistic charts forfurtherreviewingor editing if you want that.Single mode:Easy, fast and custamizable mode for quick setupofmeditation.What you can do:- Set up the duration of meditation (Hours:Minutes)- Swiff to choose the category between Meditation,MeditationwithAffirmation and Fall Asleep mode.Affirmation mode let's you to type and save theaffirmationsentenceyou want to focus your meditation on.Fall Asleep category has always given setup for quietingtheeachnext time sound is playing. . It can be also used asasleephelper.Meditation Plans [*Full version feature*]:- Programmable medtitation plans with as many programmablestepsasyou want to have in.- What you can do:- Create as many plans as you want- Name and edit the plan title how and whenever you want- Create any amount of steps you need for each plan- Choose the category of meditation for each step- Set up duration time for each step (Hours:Minutes)- Edit every previously created step- Delete step- Edit current category step or it's duration from the mainwindowofapplication (directly after it's started). So you don'thave toclickPlan Settingsicon all the time to do that.Statistics: [*Selectable days avaliable in full version*]- Zoomable and scrollable statistics, divided into 7, 30,90,365days and 'Show All' selectable options.- Each select mode displays overall amount ofhours/minutesofmeditations for choosen period of time.History: [*Selectable days avaliable in full version*]Browse all your previous medtitations with detailedinformationsuchas:- Date, start and end time of meditation- Category, note, affirmation, number of step, title of plan- Edit previously created note or create one if you havn'tdoneityet.- Delete history entry if you don't want to haveitthereanymore.Settings:- Choose between 9 beautiful meditation sounds- Or choose your own sound file from your phonestorage.[*Fullversion feature*]- Set up the preparation time- Set up after how many seconds/minutes thesoundshouldrepeat.- Turn on/off the sound looping.- Turn on or off the functionality that makes each nextsoundquietertill the last one is the quietest.- Do you want automatically repeat the plan after completingallit'ssteps? No problem, turn on this option.- Check how meditation sound files sound directly fromthesettingswindow.- Set up everyday notification timeMeditate - is Meditation Timer, Personal Trainer,SleepHelper,Your way to happiness, self-development,enlightenmentandrelax.Let's start meditate today.Upgrade your life with Meditate - Meditation Timer
Healing Affirmations vol 3 1.0
Jesus Raymond
Spiritual Healing Affirmations ads
Health Affirmations 02
Affirmations for Health and Wellbeing.• Recorded affirmations for Health & Wellbeing• 6 Relaxing tracks with adjustable volumes toenhancetheaffirmations• Strategically built by a qualified life coach&ahypnotherapist to bring results• Session lengths for either 5, 10, 20 minutes or 1 hour.• Choose from either male or female voiceHappy Apps brings you easy to use affirmation recordingsonarange of subjects so that you can always includeaffirmationsaspart of your daily personal development routine nomatter howbusyyou are.For a long time now I have been using affirmationsandmeditationas part of my daily personal development routine, butIwould noticehow easy it was to stray from my new good habits ifIwas ‘too busy’and before I knew it a couple of weeks had gonebywithout recitingmy affirmations. So I came up with the ideaofhaving recordings ofaffirmations, so that on those reallybusydays, I can just press‘play’ and with Happy Apps you cantoo.If you can find the time, say the affirmations out loud,infrontof a mirror, if you really don’t have the time, thenjustpress‘play’ and listen as you go to sleep or while you arewaitingforthe kettle to boil.Happy Apps is created by Myriam & Craig Sohail-Qualifiedlife coach and hypnotherapy practitioner.
Chakra Activator Lite 9.4
This app is for the activation of the chakras through theuseofaffirmations specific for the chakras. Theaffirmationsaredirected towards the issues which are specific forthe chakras.Inthis app the affirmations will work beyond thethresholdofconscious awareness. This app is to be used withStereoHeadphonesonly. The user will hear 3 overlapping voices -onevoicein eachear and one voice heard in both ears. The userwillconsciouslyhear the affirmations which are given, but willnotconsciouslyprocess them. This will happen because it is beyondtheability ofthe conscious mind to process theaffirmationssimultaneously formore than a few moments. The userdoes not needto focus on theaffirmations. The affirmations willdirectly work onthesubconscious mind and help to activate thechakras. The chakrasareenergy centers in the energy body. There are7 major chakras-BasicChakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra,Heart Chakra,ThroatChakra, Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra. EachChakracontrolscertain aspects of human life. This app containsisochronictonesat 4Hz to help achieve the Theta State. The ThetaState isthestate where the predominant brainwaves are the Thetawaves.ThetaState is the state of the subconscious mind. This appissupportedby advertisements. Chakra Activator is the paid versionofthisapp. It is free of ads. It is available on thefollowinglink the following bonuses over Chakra ActivatorLite- 1)An audio forthe activation of all chakras 2) NoadvertisementsDISCLAIMER: Thisapp is not a medically prescribedproduct. It isfor spiritual andhealing guidance purposes only.The effects ofthis app may vary fromperson to person. Thedeveloper is notresponsible for any sideeffects that may occurfrom the use of thisapp. Designed by Dr.Shrinidhi Manikarnike.©2014 Dr. ShrinidhiManikarnike. All RightsReserved. Chakra Images©Morgan Phoenix usedunder Creative CommonsAttribution-Share Alike3.0 Unported license. Tags: Chakras, ChakraActivation
Affirmation Exercise 1.0
Is a busy schedule preventing self growth …areyou always dreaming of self improvement but do not know wheretostart… is your reality burdened by thoughts like “thisalwayshappens to me” or “why did I do THAT again” then this is theappfor you... it’s quick, it’s easy and it’s EFFECTIVE!This Affirmation Exercise is an excellent trainer forpositiveautomatic thoughts. Simply choose the length of time forthesession then cycle through the affirmations once in the morningandonce in the evening.With the affirmation workout you are creating a habit ofmanuallyimprinting positive messages into your subconscious mind.The mindis similar to the body’s muscles... both require regularexercisefor progress. Slowly these new messages will challengeyour standardthought patterns and eventually quiet your innernegative voice.Every week UPDATE your personal affirmations andoff you go…Success is a habit to which certain people have becomeaccustomedto. Imagine facing a challenge. The successful personwill observethe challenge and instantly get excited about thepossibility ofsuccess. The person visualizes the result that theywant and thentake action to achieve it.The average person, who has experienced more than theirfairshare of setbacks, will look at the same situation and seeapossibility of failure. This causes fear and anxiety whichendswith:1- Being motivated by fear and avoiding the situation2- Taking action but due to a high focus on the negative youengagein what seems to be self sabotaging behavior andultimatelyfail.Please Note: For maximum results… try to evoke a positiveimageinside your mind together with repeating the affirmations.Goodluck using the “Affirmation Workout” and may your goals becomeareality.
Positive Affirmations 1.0
Positive Statements For granted now in your phone! Theapplicationis available in English for all users who wish to bepositive,think positively and also make someone positive. It givesoptimismchanging your mood every day bringing happiness in yourlife. Whatconsiders the interface , it is very friendly, whichincludes avideo and music playing, thus giving a feeling ofcalmness andserenity. There are around 2000 statements to provideyou a happyand confident self-development in your daily life. It isa funnyand at the same time easy way to change your negativethoughts andfeelings and help you manage a healthy, positivelifestyle. The wayyou think is the way you live your life. So, beinfluenced by onlypositive thoughts to live a happy life. Usingthis application youcontrol your thoughts, thus living the life ofyour dreams. Theprogram can read automatically the affirmation youwant and you canquickly send it to your friends or share. With ourexclusive newtechnology you will ensure your mind to attractwhatever you wantin life. Your mind will be programmed toeffectively attracthealth, wealth and happiness. Change your life!Download now!
Daily Positive Affirmations 1.0.1
We all need a quick spiritual pick-me-uponceina while and that's exactly what this little app aims tosatisfy.Loadthe app, kick-back, and listen to the soothing musicas anewpositive affirmation feeds your soul. Share thedailypositiveaffirmations you like the most on facebook with asimpletap! Also,signup to receive new positive affirmations viaemail at:
Affirmations (Free) 3
Affirmations are statements meant toberepeatedmany times to influence the subconscious mind. Itcanpromote ahealthy outlook on life by reprogram your brain toitsnaturalpositive state.The affirmations are organized via thecategoriessuccess,confidence, peace, and health. You can also viewtheaffirmationsrandomly or add them to a favourite list.Affirmationsaresurprisingly effective and can drastically changeyour mood forthebetter.This application already contains 365 preset. Moreaffirmationscanbe added by the user or deleted in the paidversion.
Positive Thinking 🚀 46
Be motivated to achieve the highest success, wealth and happinessinyour life
Mirror Work Lite 1.0
Mirror Work Lite is applicationforpersonalgrowth, using front facing camera on your smartphone.What is Mirror Work? It’s when you face yourself inthemirror,look into your eyes and say positive affirmationstoyourself.These simple affirmations can have profound effectsonyourwell-being.With your smartphone you always have a mirror with you.The love that we feel to ourselves, opens every door.Begin to believe in the strengths, abilities,andcompetencieswhich you possess.Grow in self-acceptance, self-confidence,self-worth,andself-love.Relax, have fun and enjoy living.Lite version limitations:- 20 morning affirmations (full version 260),- ads,- no ability to write your own affirmations ingroup»MyAffirmations«.Check the list of areas for self change and choose theonesthatwill be beneficial for you.Some or all following needs might be right foryourpersonalgrowth:- Morning Affirmations (Lite version)- Build Self-Confidence (Full version)- Achieve Love Magnetism (Full version)- Inner Child Awareness (Full version)- Self-Encouragement (Full version)- Discover Abundance (Full version)- Self-Forgiveness (Full version)- Improve Body Image (Full version)- Self-Acceptance (Full version)- Achieve Weight Loss (Full version)- Heal Feelings of Shame (Full version)- Affirmations for Kids (Full version)- Healing Affirmations (Full version)- My Affirmations (Full version)
SubliminalAFF 1.0
SubliminalAFF is a TOP FREE Android mobileapp,which creates unique positive affirmations to harness thepower ofyour conscious and subconscious mind to achieve maximumsuccess.Designed for the big thinking mobile user, SubliminalAFFcombinespositive affirmations, inspirational images, andsubliminal messagesto reprogram your beliefs to reflect yourdreams. SubliminalAFF iscustomizable to any goal, and creatingyour own life-changingaffirmation can be accomplished in minutesusing the simpleSubliminalAFF interface.Documented cases of successful people using the power ofpositivethinking abound throughout history from Olympic athletesto famousleaders. Positive reinforcement has been shown inclinical studiesto have a significant impact on almost all facetsof human life fromimproving one’s self-confidence to beinginstrumental in healingdisease. Daily affirmations will help toinspire and motivate you tobe more positive, confident, andsuccessful when facing life’schallenges.This app features:- Create unique affirmations for your goals, or select from12pre-made positive affirmations covering topics such ashealth,weight loss, positivity, and wealth.- Add your own inspirational images that personify thesuccessfulcompletion of your goals to add context to youraffirmation, orselect from 8 stock images.- Create your own subliminal messages that will nurtureyoursubconscious, or select from 43 pre-made subliminal messagesthatwill compliment any affirmation.- Select from up to 4 affirmation visual layouts (templates).In-App Purchase features:- Remove advertising.- Adjust the speed of your affirmation text.- Adjust the refresh rate (speed) of your dream-board images.- Adjust the refresh rate (speed) of your subliminalmessages.- Add music to your affirmations.- Adjust your affirmation file length.- Access the device camera to see yourself recitingyouraffirmation.- Change the font color and font style of your affirmationscriptand subliminal messages.- Change your file color.- Set affirmation reminders.- 4 additional affirmation visual layouts (templates).Use the Law of Attraction and positive reinforcement toyouradvantage, build a positive mindset, and you improve yourqualityof life. Create personalized affirmations for your goals,unlockyour full potential, and achieve your ultimate success.Brainwash yourself with SubliminalAFF.Website: us on Twitter: us on Facebook:
Relax & Sleep Well Hypnosis 10.11
Hypnotherapy & Meditation for Stress, Anxiety, Esteem,SpiritualHealing & More