Top 11 Apps Similar to Bluefruit Playground Community

Koch Morse Trainer Pro 2.1.1
Bit Ninja
Due to changes to the law, please read our privacypolicybeforepurchasing this app. Take your morse code to the nextlevelwithKoch Morse Trainer Pro. The only trainer thatsupportsprosigns(procedural signals) and non-english extensionscharactersonAndroid. Learn or improve your morse code in a shortamountoftime. The Koch method is designed to teach you morse atfullspeed.There's no need to learn at slow speeds then re-learnallthecharacters again once you increase your wpm. If you wishtostartoff slow or simply want to pass your 5 wpm morse exam,thisapp hasadjustable speeds to suit your needs. KMT usesFarnsworthtimingslike the ARRL use for their transmissions andpracticetapes. Youcan increase the gap between characters so youstilllearn them atfull speed but not feel overwhelmed by thefrequencythey are sent.Main Features: ✓ Character and word speedsare fullyadjustablebetween 5 and 50 wpm ✓ Eight modes: random, 100commonwords, 1000common words, (German users can also select 100and 1000commonGerman words), QSO (includes prosigns),callsign,morseabbreviations, custom text (which also allows you toinput&practice prosigns also), and RSS Feeds ✓ Test yourself!Inputwhatyou're hearing and calculate your results to see howwellyou'redoing ✓ Warm up feature which plays the latestcharacterprior tothe main session ✓ Character setup option screentoinclude/excludecharacters, such as punctuation, prosignsandnon-englishcharacters - this also allows you to learnadditionalcharacters ✓Adjustable group size with option to fix sizein randommode ✓Adjustable pre-session delay and session time (1minute to30minutes) ✓ Adjustable tone frequency (200Hz - 2000Hz)✓Backgroundnoise (QRM) simulator ✓ Speak feature which tells youthelatestcharacter if text to speech is available ✓ Favourrecentcharactersoption for those new characters so they are playedmoreoften ✓Display character before or after it's sent ✓ Pluslotsofcustomisable options to change
Remuda/SC 3.0.0-full
Edit and control your SC X2 amplifier from your Tablet orSmartphone
Morse Player Free 2.2.0
Morse Player will convert text into Morse code (CW) sounds.Ithastwo modes, real time and text file encoding. In realtimemode,characters entered from the keyboard will be played astheyaretyped. In file mode, a file can be loaded and played backasCW.Using Morse Player is a good way to go from knowing theMorsecodecharacters to hearing words. It is not designed tospecificallybea trainer, but training files could be generated andused tolearnthe characters. For example, I’ve created files withham radiocallsigns to help in call sign recognition for CWamateurradiocontesting. Also, using the real time mode andtypingthecharacters is a good way to learn their sounds. Freepublicdomainbooks from can be downloadedandplayed asMorse code in Morse Player. Listening to these booksinMorse codeis a good way to improve conversational CWcopyingskills. The onlyfile format supported is UTF-8. This is myfirstrelease to theAndroid market and I’m sure there are going tobeissues with someof the platforms. Please contact medirectlythrough email withbugs/issues and suggestions. I willgladly workwith you to resolvethe issues. Features: -Plays typedtext in realtime and text filesin CW. -Share text files directlyfrom browser.-Content screenthat allows easy access to accessedcontent. -Smallmemoryfootprint regardless of file size. -Adjust CWparameterswhileplaying (WPM and Frequency). -Selectablepunctuation.-Chaptersearch to ease book navigation. -AdjustableFarnsworthtiming.-Adjustable sound envelope rise and fall times.-Ability tosaveuseful phrases to memory for recall later. -Abilityto saveusefulphrases as a ring tone. -Now with pro-sign support.Uses<>characters to delimit. NewBetachannel: the Save Text feature. This feature will savethe first1Kbytes in the edit buffer to new memory location. Thefirstfivememories will be added to the 'Save Text' menu for quickrecallandplay. The 'Manage' menu selection will navigate to theSaveTextactivity without adding a memory location. Version 1.0.11addedtheringtone feature. You can save any of the saved Morsecodephrasesas a ringtone by long pressing the saved item andchoosinggenerateringtone from the menu. This will ask for thename of thering tone.This is the name that will identify the ringtone to thesystem.After choosing a name, the file will be encodedto the OggVorbisformat and will be added to the ringtone,notification andalarmsdatabases. They will be accessible to usefrom the Androidsoundsettings. When you delete a phrase theringtone will bedeletedalong with it. This app only generates theringtones. Youmust go tothe android sound settings to use it as aringtone. Theogg-vorbiscode runs in the native layer and isprocessor specific.It was donethis way because it encodes muchfaster. It was firsttried as pureJava and it was painfully slow.The drawback is that itmay not runon some platforms. It has onlybeen tested on AMRprocessorplatforms. If the app crashes whileencoding, pleaseforward me theinformation and I will try toresolve it rather thanwriting a badreview. With version 1.0.4,the READ_PHONE_STATEprivilege isrequired. This will only be usedto detect if a call isanswered, sothat the Morse code that isplaying can be stopped.Version 1.0.9added theACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION privilege requirement.This is onlyused tohelp tailor ads that are location specific.Version 1.0.11addedthe WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE privilegerequirement. This is soringtone files created with Morse Player canbe created and deletedinexternal storage. This is the free versionand using it is agoodway to evaluate if Morse Player works on yourdevice. Itsfullyfunctional and contains ads. The paid version hasthe adsremoved.
Morse code - learn and play - 1.2.2
Premium, ad free version of Morse Code - learn and play app
Moto Voice for Alexa
Alexa Hands-Free on Motorola devices
Bluetooth Keyboard Wedge - BluePiano 2.2.1
This soft-keyboard enables any app to capture and process datafromarbitrary Bluetooth devices. BluePiano works as aso-calledBluetooth keyboard wedge: in addition to manual typing orvoiceinput, this keyboard is able to receive and process datafromexternal Bluetooth devices (e.g. barcode scanners,Bluetoothscales, Raspberry Pis, any data collection, measurement-orscientific equipment supporting the Bluetooth Serial Port Profile/Bluetooth SPP). App modifications are not required.DATAACQUISITION The received data is immediately converted intovirtualkeystrokes, which are then forwarded to the currently activeinputfield of your target app. Voilà - the data appears in your appastyped by yourself. Another benefit of BluePiano is thecapabilityto scan barcodes with the built-in camera scanner and itsabilityto read NFC tags. Again – the scanned data is inserted intotheactive app like keyed in by the user. FREE DEMO Just give it atryand test the free demo version. The free version displays ademotext in random intervals. You may upgrade to the full/paidversionat any time. FEATURES ◾ Ensures automated, fast and accuratedatacollection ◾ Works with almost any target app ◾ Dataacquisitionwithout copy/paste or manual typing ◾ Reduces typingefforts andinput errors ◾ No modifications of the target apps arerequired ◾Compatible with all Bluetooth devices supporting theserial portprofile (SPP, RFCOMM) ◾ Built-in camera barcode scanner◾ Built-inNFC tag reader ◾ State-of-the-art keyboard layout ◾Multiple inputlanguages, voice input, word suggestions, dictionarysupport ◾Advanced features like swipe to scan (ideal for operationwith workgloves) ◾ Fully customizable ◾ Device-command support(send triggersequences to external devices) ◾ Always show keyboardoptionSUPPORT In case of problems, questions or requests pleasecontactour free support: [email protected] (mail) / TECITSupport(Skype).
Material Design Tasker Plugin 7.1.3
A Tasker Plugin to show a diverse range of Material Design actions
JJYEmulator 1.5.6
The application to which the time of the electric wave clockisadjusted.
CW Morse practice oscillators 1.1.6
Amateur radio iambic paddle & straight lever CW Morsecodepractice oscillators
20 Acoustic Blues Solos 1667082004
Learn to play amazing acoustic blues solos.
CASIO ECR+ 1.6.4
Utilize your smartphone to enhance your store management withCasioECR+!