Top 16 Apps Similar to ABG Smart Mobile

iGM 4.0.5
iFAST Global Markets (iGM) Investment Advisers An app forbothiGMadvisers and clients, facilitating the creation andapprovaloftrades across multiple investment productsforadviser-assistedtransactions, while also catering forself-directedinvestments.iGM advisers can create transactions forclients on thego, whileiGM clients and supervisors can also approvetransactionsvia theapp. Both advisers and clients can viewinvestment holdingsandcash account balances on demand. Advisers cancreate buy, sellorswitch transactions for Unit Trusts, Bonds, ETFs,DPMS, andalsoapply for Regular Savings Plans (RSPs). Clientscanapprovetransactions, and also view historical statementsandinvestmentholdings. The app is also a fullyfunctional“Do-It-Yourself (DIY)”investment app for clients withDIYinvestment accounts. The iGMapp lets you invest in Stocks,Bonds,Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)and Unit Trusts with theflexibility ofa self-directed investmentaccount. It comes withaccess toprofessional investment advicefrom a dedicated financialadviser. ·Open an iGM account to starttrading immediately ·Aggregate yourinvestments on the iGMplatform and view consolidatedportfolioholdings on demand ·Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) withBiometricsfor security andease of use · Trade Stocks, ETFs, REITs,Warrants,DLCs and otherinstruments listed across the Singapore, USand HongKong stockexchanges, and receive real-time tradenotifications ·Gain accessto a broad universe of Retail andWholesale Bondsencompassingvarious sectors and currencies · Tradewholesale bondsin odd lotsizes via Bond Express, and place ordersfor new bondissues Builddiversified portfolios with one of thelargestselections of UnitTrusts managed by leading global fundmanagementprofessionals ·Benefit from asset allocation andportfoliomanagement strategiesutilising our in-house DiscretionaryPortfolioManagement Services(DPMS) · Build Watchlists to monitorinvestmentideas on-the-go,and analyse opportunities with our suiteofinvestment tools ·Leverage on independent investment researchbythe in-houseresearch team and uncover new investmentopportunitiesThe iGMmobile application is developed by iFASTCorporation Ltdwhich hasempowered over 7,700 wealth advisers and330,000 customersin 5markets* over nearly two decades Incorporatedin the year 2000inSingapore, iFAST Corporation Ltd. (“iFAST Corp”or the“Company”,and together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) isalsopresent inHong Kong, Malaysia, China and India. The Groupoffersaccess toover 9,100 investment products including unittrusts(“funds”),bonds and Singapore Government Securities (“SGS”),stocksandexchange traded funds (“ETFs”), and insurance products.Italsoprovides services such as online discretionaryportfoliomanagementservices, research and investment seminars,financialtechnology(“Fintech”) solutions, and investmentadministrationandtransaction services to financial advisory (“FA”)firms,financialinstitutions, banks, multinational companies, aswell asretail andhigh net worth (“HNW”) investors in Asia. *as of31December 2018Contact iFAST Global Markets (iGM)[email protected]
Global Stock & Reward Services 1.10.1
View your portfolio, upcoming events andcompletetransactionhistory. Sell or transfer shares and exerciseoptions.You'll needa Global Stock & Reward Services account touse theapp. Toactivateyouraccount, visit • View youremployee share plan portfolio • Manageyouremployee share plans •Track important events, both past andfutureSALES AND EXERCISES: •Sell or transfer shares • Exerciseoptions •View your transactionhistory SECURE: • Sign in securelyviafingerprint (for Android6.0+ on supported hardware) •Allcommunication is encrypted • Nofinancial data is stored onthedevice
FSM Mobile - UT & Mutual Funds
Invest globally and profitablywithFundsupermart’s mobile application!With over a decade of experience serving investors withanaward-winning funds platform, Fundsupermart is widely recognizedasa leading funds and investment services distributor inSingapore,Hong Kong and Malaysia.With this mobile application, being a mutual funds and unittrustsspecialist has never been easier! Packed with easy-to-useandinteractive tools, and numerous analyses on mutual funds /unittrusts, you can stay on top of the latest developments intheglobal markets and funds industry.Take charge of your finances now! Download the FREEFundsupermartmobile application!Features include:★ IdeasIdea of the week: This popular weekly article gives you ideasandinvestment tips on how you can position your mutual funds /unittrusts portfolio wisely, amidst rapid changes and developmentsinthe global markets and the funds industry.Research: Leverage on the independent analyses by our researchteamon markets, mutual funds / unit trusts, portfolios andmuchmore.Funds and Personal Finance: Get investment insights fromouranalyses on funds and our interviews with fund managers andotherinvestment experts.Webcast: Hear straight from the fund managers and industryexpertsfrom around the world as we interview them on their strategyinmanaging their mutual funds / unit trusts, and their take onthelatest global market developments.★ MarketsFSMI (Fundsupermart Fund Indices): The FSMI are uniqueproprietaryindices created by Fundsupermart to track theperformance of mutualfunds / unit trusts across asset classes,markets, sectors andregions. With the FSMI, you can make an easycomparison of a fund’sperformance versus its peers in the samerelevant category.Market Indices: Get the latest information on the globalstockmarkets, including key valuation metrics, which give you anidea ontheir earnings growth potential and their Price Earnings(PE) level(an indicator to evaluate a market’sattractiveness).★ Portfolio SimulatorCreate a portfolio with the different Fundsupermart FundIndices(FSMI) invested across different asset classes and markets.Withthis interactive tool, you can change the weight age tothedifferent FSMI and see the historical performance of theportfolioyou have created.★ FundsFund Watch: This popular funds tracker tool lets you addyourfavorite funds into fund watchlist, and track their daily price/NAV data.Top Volume Funds: Find out what other investors are interestedin,with data on the more popular mutual funds / unit trusts byvolumeover the past one week/ month.Top Gainers and Top Losers: All the information you need on thebestand worst performing mutual funds / unit trusts over differenttimeperiods (from as recent as one week to as long as 5 years) canbefound here.Fund Finder: This feature makes the search for a fund basedondifferent search criteria, e.g. by Fund House or by AssetClass,easy and fast!★ HoldingsSimply log in with your Fundsupermart account details to viewyourmutual funds / unit trusts holdings, based on the latestdailyprice / NAV data.★Chart Center:Chart the performance of funds over different time frames, fromasshort-term as 1 month to as long-term as 10 yearsBy using this application, you are deemed to have read andacceptedour legal information.
US Stock Market, Nasdaq, Tradingview,Invest, NYSE 1.1.0
Invest in US stocks, World Stock , Global Stocks ,ETFs&portfolio , Forex Market. Easy US stock marketinvesting,Bloomberg, CNBC , Global Market , World Stocks , WorldIndexes,WSJ , Yahoo Finance All In One Financial Solution App -Usetopfinancial portals including - Robbinhood Investment , MsnMoney,Yahoo Finance, Olymp Trade , Bitcoin Trading , Tradingview,Crypto, Kraken , Coinbase , Cyrpto News , Forex Market ,Currency,Binance , Etoro , Buy Cyrpto , Bitcoin , ETFmatic ,Venguard ,WallStreet Journal , Metatrader 4 , IM Steady , CurrencyTrading,iforex , Expertoption , World Stock Market , Tradingview,CryptoMarket Cap , Tradiny , Crpto Chart , Webull , FinvizFeatures: -Real time Prices of US Stocks. - Stocks News and Chart.-StreamingPrice on Watchlist and Stock Detail Page. - Tracktheprofits fromthe list of your portfolios. - Support DowJonesIndustrialAverage, NASDAQ Composite and S&P 500 stockindices.-Financial websites are provided for user to browsethestockinformation. Easy-to-Use Interface - Extremelylight&User-friendly interface and easy-to-use stock app tobecompatiblewith all mobile devices. You Track DOW JONES , INX ,NYSE, NASDAQ, S&P 500 , World Stock Market TOP Gainer,TopLooser& MostActive. the best stock market app to track NASDAQStocksand stayon top of the global stock markets. Watch Market Live, WSJ,Bloomberg , CNBC , Yahoo Finance - Easy to manage andtrackyourmoney and stocks anytime and anywhere.
Forex Signals - Free Forex Live Signal Buy / Sell 3.1.2
We developed the application "Forex signals" in order tohelpourclients to conduct effective trading in the Forexmarket.Signalsare delivered absolutely free of charge and in realtime!Theapplication will be useful to both beginners andcurrenttraderstrading in the Forex market. In the application youcanreceivetrading signals and graphic patterns in real time.Thisinformationwill help you make the right decisions and possiblypushyou to newprofitable trades. We implemented a wide range oftradingtools andprovided the necessary settings for yourconvenience. Wehope thatInstaForex signals will help you to openthe best deals!Mainfunctions: - trading signals in real time -history of signals-graphic patterns in real time - pushnotifications of newgraphicpatterns - short theory on graphicpatterns - choosing thedesiredcurrencies for signals Trade withInstaForeх!
Tifia Forex Analytics 2.1.3
Tifia Forex Analytics is an essential tool for any traderorfinancial analyst. You get free access to all the toolsrequiredfor successful Forex trading – all the most popular typesofanalysis, latest reviews and forecasts, expert opinions andmanyother analytical materials. All of this is available in TifiaForexAnalytics app from the leading specialists of Claws &Horns.With Tifia Forex Analytics, you will always be able to keeptrackof all the latest analytical studies: • Latest analyticalforecasts- the latest forecasts for currency pairs based on marketanalysis• All kinds of analysis: technical, wave, fundamentalanalyses, andreviews of macroeconomic indicators • Indicators:readings of 10indicators on 4 timeframes for 10 instruments •Trading Forexsignals - professional advice for opening trades withentry/exitpoints • Video reviews - long-term video forecasts formajorcurrency pairs • High-precision trading signals with anaveragemonthly profit of 600 pips • Economic calendar that allowsyou toadjust your trading strategy based on the key indicators oftheglobal economy • Currency Converter • Simple, intuitiveandlightning fast user interface The application is available intheIndonesian, Spanish, Portuguese, Thai, English andRussianlanguages. The materials are provided for thefollowinginstruments: EUR, USD, GBR, JPY, CHF, CAD, NZD, AUD,Silver, Gold,Brent, Stocks. Tifia Forex Analytics free app willkeep youinformed of the latest analytical studies, economic news,Forexmarket trends and trading signals. Thanks to theflexibleconfiguration system it is most convenient and easy toenjoy allthe app’s benefits. In addition, the application providesintuitiveand visual trading guidelines based on the analysis ofpopularForex indicators. A market review is available that showsareal-time percentage of buying and selling traders. Get allthepowerful professional trader's tools in one convenientandfunctional platform!
Mobile Network Quality Test
Give you the best Quality Scoring of your Cellular Network
InvestingNote - Stock Community, Portfolio, Charts 3.0.0
InvestingNote is Singapore’s first and largest social networkthatempowers investors and traders to share, learn and connectwithbetter investors. This works similar to a traditional stockforum –presented in modern, engaging and Facebook-style live feed.Soyou'd know exactly what's Hot and what's not in the market asaninvestor! Especially in Singapore(SG)! Harness the powerofthousands of investors and experience first-hand how it can helpaninvestor like yourself - whether you’re a veteran with yearsofinvesting experience or total newbie. Tap on the wisdom ofthecrowd for better investing and trading outcomes. Theirknowledge,Your gain! Join InvestingNote to keep yourself updatedwith themarket and stay connected to a very welcoming communityofinvestors! A Strong & Vibrant Community for Both InvestorsandTraders • The platform with the largest community of investorsandtraders in Singapore. Thousands of investors are givingtheirinvesting ideas about the latest trends in the stock marketdaily.See what’s the next big investing idea other investors arelookingat today and act on it fast! • Users gain reputation andrankingthrough the contribution of quality content and engagement.Seewhat other investors are saying and learn from the best!•Professional investors & verified institutions are part ofthecommunity. Never worry about credibility again - identify thembytheir verified badges! • Know the social sentiments of astock’sprice by looking at estimations – see whether otherinvestors arebullish or bearish on your favourite stock! ActualStock Data •Real-time Stock Prices • Key Fundamental ratios such asEPS, P/E,P/B • Corporate calendar for every listed stock – use thisto knowwhen earnings results/dividends are released • Multiplemarkets:SG, US, HK, Thailand, Australia, Indonesia AdvancedTechnicalCharting • Advanced technical charting are free, withallindicators and drawing tools • Do your own charting and shareitwith other community members Live News, Announcements andResearch• The most updated news and information to keep you intouch withthe market. The latest research reports are shared forevery stock.Get news on what’s happening in the world, its impacton the stockmarket and see how other investors are reacting. Beamongst thefirst to anticipate changes. Marketplace • Accesspremium andexclusive analysis and insights from veteran andprofessionalinvestors. Follow and learn the way they pick theirstocks! Virtualportfolio and watchlist • Create your own watchlistand track themseamlessly • Track your own virtual portfolio thatdoes not requireany funds. Say goodbye to troublesome ibankingOTPs! • Followstocks news and monitor price actions closely • WatchSGX stockslike Capitaland(C31), SIA(C6L), Singtel(Z74), DBS(D05),etc. •S&P 500 stocks like Facebook Inc. (FB), Apple Inc.(AAPL),Tesla (TSLA), Nike (NKE), Netflix (NFLX), etc.
IDX 1.8.5
Awards and Recognition * Rated Excellent by PC Magazine *2021Fortress Cyber Security Award Winner * 2021 Cyber DefenseMagazineGlobal InfoSec Award Winner * 2021 Fast Company WorldChangingIdeas Award Winner * 2021 American Business Stevie GoldAwardWinner *This app requires a valid IDX Identity subscriptioninorder to use. IDX subscriptions are offeredthrough *For MyIDCaremembersreceiving services through the OPM cyber incident.Unfortunately,this mobile application is not available for youruse. Please visit to access your account.Your identityprotection is our mission. We protect you from thestart with ourmonitoring technology and alert notifications. Iffraud occurs, wework on your behalf to restore your identity,saving you time andfrustration. Rest easy with up to $1 million ofinsurancereimbursement coverage and the confidence that IDX is theonlyprotection with a 100% Recovery Guarantee or your money back*IDXworks around the clock to monitor your personal informationandwith the IDX mobile app you’ll have access to youridentityprotection wherever you go. The IDX mobile app allows youto: •Receive alerts and notifications • Report suspicious activity•Lock and unlock your credit report with the push of a button**•Get your monthly credit score** *Recovery Guarantee We willrefundup to one year of fees that you have paid us for the Servicesif wefail to have removed all adverse matters posted to yourrecordresulting from an identity theft evert within one year afteryourreported the event to us, provided you follow the proceduresthatwe provide for addressing adverse matters, and provided youhaveenrolled in the Services prior to the identity theft event.*$1Million Insurance Provides reimbursement for out-of-pocketexpensesrelated to addressing the restoration of your identity.Expensesmust be reported within 90 days. Stolen Funds coverprincipalamount incurred by the insured and caused by anunauthorizedelectronic fund transfer excluding any amount for whichthe insuredreceived reimbursement from another source. **RequiresPremiersubscription
Kaching Money Manager 1.1.0
Kaching is a free, smart, personal financemanagementmobileapplication designed to help you better manage yourincomeand planyour spendings to reach your saving targets &financialgoals!🎯 Kaching is easy to use and will help you record,track,organize,and plan your expenses, income, debts, bills,payments,andeverything in between. Whether you are trying to planyourpersonalspending or the whole family, Kaching has you covered.😉 👍Scanyour receipts or enter them by voice, it is yourchoice.Whetheryou wish to only track your spending or to plan andsave,Kachingis the tool for you. Kaching keeps all your datasafelystored inyour personal google drive to ensure yourprivacy!Download forFREE and get visuals of your spending habits tostartoptimizingyour savings today! 📈 What you will find in Kaching:1.Smart andeasy-to-use user interface. 2. All data safely securedonyourpersonal cloud. 3. Ability to see your spending habits&howthey are distributed in visually informative charts&reports.4. Unlimited creation of different accounts. 5.Severalsmart inputmethods: Smart Scanning, Voice Recording, &ManualInput. 6.Daily transaction log of income &expenses.7.Subcategorization of spending to know where to save.8.EnvelopeBudget Technique & limit alerts. 9. Planning ofevents,moneycircles, and payments. 10. Reminders to pay due billstoavoidinterest and fees charged for late payments. 11. Abilitytofreezesfixed and planned spending amounts from balance toalwaysstay ontrack. 12. Available in Arabic & English Language!
Canada Chinese Radio 加拿大中文電台 2.16.10
EC App Studio
Most popular Chinese radio stations from Canada and othercountries.
FVB Mobile Banking 4.6.0
FVB Mobile Banking by First Volunteer Bank allows you to bank onthego. It’s free to download and offers quick access for managingyourbank accounts. Check your balances, pay bills, transfer money,andlocate ATMs and banking centers with just a touch. Our nativeapp isfast, secure and free. Use your current Internet Bankinglogininformation to start banking today. Features: •CheckAccountBalances •Transfer funds between accounts •Pay Bills** •FindourATMs and Banking Centers using the GPS system provided byyourdevice.*** *Must be an Online Banking Customer **Onlinecustomersmust first setup transfer and bill pay accounts prior tousingthese features. ***This is limited to locating our bankingcentersand ATMs. Please refer to your carrier for any fees that mayapply.
Forex Signals 1.23
Signal Start is a professional one stop shop forex signalservicefor signal followers and signal providers. Used by thousandsofforex traders, it provides a complete solution by automatingtheentire process of sending and receiving forex signals toyourtrading account. You do not need to run any software on your PCnorfollow complicated instructions, but simply use the web platformorour Android App to set up a signal and start copying it in afewminutes! Signal Start Features: - Fantastic and dedicatedsupport.- Account analysis with industry standard analytics. -Quick andeasy setup. - Fully hosted solution. - Superior technologywithdecreased server latency. - Mobile compatibility - Fullyfeaturedwhite label for your clients (for signal providers) -Multiplatform and multi broker technology. - Full transparencywithcomplete reports. The android application was carefullydesigned tohave a super slick and simple interface which willinclude theentire functionality of the web platform. If you haveany idea,suggestions or comments, please do not hesitate to contactus [email protected]
Montefiore FIRST Patient 2.7
Rather than waiting on hold and games of phone tag that delayyourhealthcare, use Montefiore FIRST Patient app to set up ascheduled,predictable video call so you get the help you need whenyou needit from the doctors who know you best. It’s like yourdoctor nowoffers virtual urgent healthcare when you need it fromyour doctor.If your doctor isn’t signed up with Montefiore FIRST(no cost tosign up for them!) let them know or let us know and wecan reachout to them ourselves! Avail the flexibility of seeingyour doctorfrom the comfort of your home or office. All that isneeded is abrowser on desktop/laptop or a mobile phone with a dataconnection.You can search for a provider and submit a request for avisit/joina scheduled visit by your provider and also request anad-hoc visitwithout prior appointments. Save yourfavorite/frequently visitingproviders for easy access at a laterdate.
Forex Strength Meter 1.8
QM4 Designs
Improve your Forex trading with this full featured CurrencyStrengthMeter. Features a fast, accurate currency strength datafeed, barcharting, line charting, currency strength alerts,multipletime-frames plus much more. 5-Day Free Trial This is apremium App,but we’re currently offering a 5-day free trial. Thefree trialgives you access to a full version of the App. There areno ads, orother limitations. You can cancel the trial at any timefrom yourGoogle Play account. There'll be no charge if you cancelbefore thetrial ends. What is Currency Strength? Currency strengthis apopular indicator used by Forex traders to make sense of pricemovesin the Forex market. It takes advantage of the pricecorrelationbetween various Forex pairs. Currency strength ismeasured for 8currencies (USD, JPY, EUR, GBP, AUD, NZD, CHF &CAD) and isreported on a scale of 0 (weakest) to 10 (strongest).Currencystrength data provides the trader with important insightsinto theforces at play causing a move on a particular Forex pair.Forexample, if GBP/USD suddenly trends upwards following aneconomicnews announcement (e.g. US Non-Farm Payroll), the currencystrengthvalues would immediately indicate whether the move was duetogeneralized GBP strength or USD weakness. Features:Qualitystreaming data feed: fast updates, low latency, accuratecurrencystrength data. 6 currency strength time-frames. BarCharting:multiple time-frames, history look-back feature, real-timemax/minhighlighting. Line Charting: multiple time-frames, pinch&zoom, pan gestures. Customisable. Alerts: trigger on anabsolutevalue or cross for any currency or time-frame. ExtensiveSettingse.g alerts sounds, colors, time-zone etc. Built-in Help /UserGuide. Priority Support: contact us directly from within theApp.Full portrait and landscape mode support. Optimizedforsplit-screen viewing. Works great on a wide range of screensizesi.e from 3.5” up to 10” tablet. FAQ’s 1. Does this App RequireaGoogle Play Subscription? Yes. We have multiplesubscriptionoptions with different durations. Each subscription hasa 5-dayFree Trial Period. The idea is to give you time to decidewhetherthe App will help you with your trading. You can easilycancel yoursubscription at any time directly from your Google Playaccount. 2.How do I cancel my subscription? Very easy. Login to youGooglePlay account you’ll see the subscription listed. Just clickcancel.Cancelling a subscription prevents all future payments, butyou canstill use the App for the remainder of the trial orsubscriptionperiod. 3. How do I start a Free Trial? When you runthe App forthe first time you’ll be asked whether you want to starta freetrial. Just follow the prompts. 4. If I cancel mysubscription canI re-subscribe latter on? Yes. When you start theApp again you’llbe asked if you want to re-subscribe. Just followthe prompts andthe App will automatically reactivate.
Golden Age of Radio 4.46
Listen to Old Time Radio programs from years gone by.