Optomatica Apps

Kaching Money Manager 1.1.0
Kaching is a free, smart, personal finance managementmobileapplication designed to help you better manage your incomeand planyour spendings to reach your saving targets & financialgoals!🎯 Kaching is easy to use and will help you record, track,organize,and plan your expenses, income, debts, bills, payments,andeverything in between. Whether you are trying to plan yourpersonalspending or the whole family, Kaching has you covered. 😉 👍Scanyour receipts or enter them by voice, it is your choice.Whetheryou wish to only track your spending or to plan and save,Kachingis the tool for you. Kaching keeps all your data safelystored inyour personal google drive to ensure your privacy!Download forFREE and get visuals of your spending habits to startoptimizingyour savings today! 📈 What you will find in Kaching: 1.Smart andeasy-to-use user interface. 2. All data safely secured onyourpersonal cloud. 3. Ability to see your spending habits &howthey are distributed in visually informative charts &reports.4. Unlimited creation of different accounts. 5. Severalsmart inputmethods: Smart Scanning, Voice Recording, & ManualInput. 6.Daily transaction log of income & expenses.7.Subcategorization of spending to know where to save. 8.EnvelopeBudget Technique & limit alerts. 9. Planning of events,moneycircles, and payments. 10. Reminders to pay due bills toavoidinterest and fees charged for late payments. 11. Ability tofreezesfixed and planned spending amounts from balance to alwaysstay ontrack. 12. Available in Arabic & English Language!
Racemate 1.5.8
Your digital running companion helping you achieve your running& race goals!