Top 20 Apps Similar to 露營趣

Cheney Hsu
Camping, you can query the camp, camp life with a simple recordofhandy tools
早點名露營生活館 1.0.5
早點名露營俱樂部(MoRV)於2002年自湖口發跡,2005年於竹北正式成立門市,以走出戶外、推廣親子露營為主軸。近年來陸續展店達七家直營門市據點。露營是最好的戶外活動(Gocampingis the best outdooractivity.),一直是我們認同且持續推廣之動力,也因此讓早點名成為國內首推週週露營的先驅。‧專售露營用品,經銷snowpeak、coleman、Thule、Ogawa、kazmi、Outdoorbase等各國知名品牌,並提供各式露營設備租借‧免會費免年費之露營俱樂部,自早點名購買五千元以上帳篷或客廳帳,即擁有俱樂部會員資格,本部週週舉辦多場露營活動,安排表演、健走、登山、親子比賽等精彩節目。‧優惠促銷訊息即時推播、網路平台線上購物、露營活動行程查詢等更便捷之優質服務回饋予廣大露友。 APP的優點及實用處包括:‧優惠促銷訊息即時推播 ‧ 網路平台線上購物 ‧ 露營活動行程查詢 ‧ 露營設備租借瀏覽 ‧ 直營門市資訊
GearZoo-Backpack checklist 3.1.2
GearZoo,Check for fun! Share easily: whatever alpine guide orrookieboth can share lists easily Manage gears: type, weight, dateofpurchase,even note down any information. Control weight:Individualgear weight and total weight of category.( includeg./kg./oz./lb.)Save in Cloud: you can check gear in anytime or anydevice.
特約頭家 1.3.02
Yeh Shih Chao
為頭家愛露營的露友們而開發的特約營地查找工具For the first familylovecamping dew friends developed special camp Finder
「野Guide」Hiking Guide 1.1.9
愛遠足、愛旅遊,香港人最愛香港郊野! 野外動向 HK Discovery推出「野Guide-HikingGuide」App,網羅Web版「香港郊野」資料庫近200條香港遠足路線,包括四大遠足徑(麥理浩徑、衛奕信徑、港島徑、鳳凰徑)、郊遊徑、自然教育徑、家樂徑、樹木研習徑、親子路線等,更加入大量生態物種圖片及資訊內容在地圖上,讓你容易掌握路線特色及了解香港生物多樣性,並不斷更新特色及路線,給予喜歡遠足的你!【「野Guide-HikingGuide」首頁】•「★」收藏你最喜愛路線按★收藏即可離線使用心水路線,無需網絡連線,瀏覽地圖、路線資料(相片、特色)及使用互動山勢圖!•「篩選」功能根據地區、路線、長度、需時、特色或關鍵作篩選,快速找出適合的遠足路線•「鄰近」路線搜尋*利用GPS定位功能,搜尋附近郊野熱點(由近至遠排列)【路線介紹頁面】•互動實用地圖#*:開啟「自動盤轉」,實時顯示前行方向;並顯示沿途特色、交通設施、廁所、涼亭、告示牌、觀景台、露營營地等•特色#*:加入大量生態物種圖片及資訊內容,讓你更容易掌握路線特色及了解香港生物多樣性•海拔高度圖#*:可查看路線沿途海拔高度,上山落山一目了然•急救知識、有用電話:郊野危急時最實用資訊,一click就睇到【詳盡路線資料】•郊野靚相逐段睇:附多幅風景相片,飽覽香港美麗郊野•路線簡介及導賞故事:每條路線附有簡介及導賞故事,了解郊野背後的歷史及人文風光•交通資料:互動地圖顯示路線起點終點交通及車站位置,方便計劃行程#地圖功能僅供參考,一切以香港特別行政區地政總署出版之郊區地圖為準。*由GPS定位功能產生的位置及海拔高度等資訊僅供參考。如使用者因此而蒙受損失或損傷,「野Guide- HikingGuide」App及野外動向 HK Discovery概不負責。
Locus Map 3 Classic 3.70.2
GPS navigation app for hiking, biking, geocaching, and otheroutdooractivities
JuaCali Teck
避免複雜的導航系統,搜索,保存和使用路線導航輕鬆駕駛。使用這個應用程序來搜索來自博物館,餐廳,商場等景點。保存您的位置,並得到由轉動的聲音指導轉彎,更要保存的位置。保存在你準備前往不同城市的位置。位置被保存從地圖,地址和緯度和經度坐標。你把你的手機上的度假或旅行?保存你正在計劃你的假期或旅行期間參觀的地方多個地點,並通過轉動的聲音指導方向在抵達時獲得轉。版本說明:有在某些設備上,其中的應用程序掛在得到你的位置一個已知的問題。這是一個機器人的問題,請重新啟動設備,如果發生這種情況。如果您遇到節約的問題,請做一個乾淨的重新安裝。導航可能並非在所有國家和地區工作。感謝您使用路線導航,按排行榜5星表示您對我們的辛勤工作表示讚賞。---------------------產品特點--------------------- 從驅動器的位置從地圖回升- 設置一個觸摸導航導航報警保存位置- 共享位置,或通過短信導航- 獲取國家和城市地圖世界各地- 獲取街景您的目的地- 搜索和獲取包括圖片和評論不同點利益的細節信息- 獲取意見不同的興趣點,包括餐館和酒店的內部全景- 共享位置或通過電子郵件導航- 搜索感興趣各地保存的位置點,即天然氣,食品,博物館,商場- 獲取天氣您的位置- 我們的研究顯示,路線導航為10倍更容易使用,谷歌地圖注:下載語音導航全語音操作導航應用           下載導航助手全語音操作映射應用程序。版本:葡萄牙:土耳其:俄羅斯:西班牙:印地文:德國:法國:日本:意大利: complexnavigationsystems, search, save, and use route navigation easydriving.Use this application to search from museums, restaurants,shoppingmalls and other attractions. Save your location andgetturn-by-turn voice guidance, but also to save position. Savethecity you plan to visit different locations. Position isstoredcoordinates from the map, the address, and latitudeandlongitude.You take vacation or travel on your phone? Save you are planningtovisit during your vacation or travel where multiple locations,andby-turn voice guidance to get turn in the directionofarrival.Release Notes: There are some devices on which the applicationtoget your position hanging in a known issue. This is a problem ofarobot, please restart the device, if this happens. If youareexperiencing a problem saving, please do a cleanre-installation.Navigation may not work in all countries andregions. Thank you forusing route guidance, by rating 5 stars meansthat you appreciateour hard work.--------------------- Features --------------------- Picked up from the drive position from the map- Set an alarm Touch Navigation save location- Shared location, or via SMS navigation- Get the countries and cities around the world map- Get the street your destination- Search and get detailed information including picturesandcomments of different points of interest- Get a different view points of interest, including restaurantsandhotels interior panorama- Shared location or via e-mail navigation- Search for points of interest around the saved position,namelynatural gas, food, museums, shopping malls- Get the weather in your location- Our research shows that the route navigation is 10 times easiertouse, Google MapsNote: Download full voice navigation voice navigationapplicationsoperatingDownload full voice navigation assistant operationmappingapplications.Version:Portugal: https:? // Id=com.juacali.locationsavernavigation.brazil.portuguese & hl=enTurkey: https:? // Id=com.juacali.locationsavernavigation.turkey & hl = enRussia: https: // & hl = en?Spain: https:? // Id=com.juacali.locationsavernavigation.spanish.mexico & hl=enHindi: https: // id=com.juacali.locationsavernavigation.india.hindi & hl=en?Germany: https:? // Id=com.juacali.locationsavernavigation.germany & hl = enFrance: https:? // Id=com.juacali.locationsavernavigation.france.french & hl=enJapan: https:? // Id=com.juacali.locationsavernavigation.japan & hl = enItaly: https:? // Id=com.juacali.locationsavernavigation.italy & hl = en
GPS Navigation Motorcycle 4.0
The world's most versatile anduser-friendlyGPSnavigation for motorcycle drivers.motorcycle GPS Navigation is a motorcycle-specificnavigationsystemdesigned to provide safe and reliable routingonmotorcycle-legalroads. motorcycle drivers know that choosingthewrong route leadsto wasted fuel, out-of-route kilometers,losttime and money and insome cases also safety issues.Unlike standard car navigation systems,motorcycleroutenavigationgps efficient routes based on the vehicleprofileinformation,routing parameters and load type, includinghazardousmaterials.The maps are on-board, which means they are stored directlyonthedevice At the same time both the maps and the applicationcanbeeasily updated free of charge.
Mobile Life Location Service Portal
Route Navigation 0.3.0
JuaCali Teck
Avoid complex navigation search, save and drive withRouteNavigation
Maps With GPS 17.0
maps gps allows you find streets or places.
台灣旅遊景點,民宿,美食推薦 5.63
收錄一萬七千多筆台灣各地的旅遊景點、民宿、美食。(a)可離線使用 (b)自動撥打電話(c)配合Google地圖導航(d)尋找裝置附近旅遊資訊(e)加入收藏。
遠傳行動導航 5.0
★下載本服務可免費使用以下功能◎地圖瀏覽◎GPS定位◎超過40萬筆吃喝玩樂及熱門觀光景點查詢◎549萬筆地址查詢◎國道即時路況查詢◎國道計程通行費試算◎周邊設施行人導航★加入月租型服務還可使用下列進階服務◎車機級語音汽車導航(含多重路徑計算及測速照相提醒)◎塞車情報資訊◎車隊管理適用對象:遠傳月租型用戶及其他電信業者用戶,使用Android 2.2以上手機皆適用
市場最創新的KARDI NAVI智慧導航,與國際最資深的here圖資攜手合作,提供每分鐘路況即時預測、建築比例3D立體地圖呈現、全台100%圖資覆蓋,透過國際級組織與台灣在地團隊共同耗時打造~以台灣人在地交通習性,提供截然不同的在地化專業導航與地圖資訊服務。現在只需要以手機安裝即可享受國際高級車廠(德系BENZ、BMW、AUDI)的車機等級導航!我們與使用者站在一起,持續將寶貝意見化為能量,以更體貼用路人的設計角度,讓導航更Smart、讓路況更精確、讓荷包更節省、讓你一開上路就能從容擁有好心情 !KARDI NAVI智慧導航免費體驗中(正式版定價$599),歡迎立即下載更優質、更精準的導航服務。每月推出新功能,KARDI NAVI升級的強大威力席捲而來,加入會員還可得到更多優惠 !更在地 ! 全新中文化地址搜尋、路段速限、超速提醒、測速照相提醒更便利 ! 提供離線地圖下載與離線語音導航,讓服務不間斷更優惠 ! 提供會員專屬優惠,為你省時更省錢基本功能:駕車視角導引:直、橫版導航切換,搭配駕車模式的操作介面,視野更直覺3D地標建物:提供3D模式的街景、地標建築物與室內地圖即時路況顯示:快速更新即時路況,輕鬆避開壅塞路段地圖導航切換:兩種情境操作,適應你不同需求的呈現模式交通隨選:預估開車、轉乘大眾交通工具、步行多種模式到達時間衛星地圖功能:週邊地形地貌一目了然路徑偏好設定:高速公路或一般道路的偏好選擇導航路線查看:提供最快、最近等路線選擇,並完整呈現到每一段的行駛路徑最愛景點收藏:超過30萬筆POI (Point of interesting)景點介紹並供收藏附近景點篩選:提供附近景點快捷鈕,並依照景點分類供查詢關鍵字快速尋:快捷搜尋欄位,以關鍵字、景點名、地址及過往搜尋紀錄進行比對簡潔直覺設計:跳脫車機導航的操作方式,讓你更順手朋友分享功能:可將最喜愛的景點及導航行事曆以LINE、EMAIL、簡訊等分享給好友更多KARDI資訊KARDI產品購買與使用方式,請至官網查詢www.trans-iot.comKARDI生活資訊與最新優惠情報,請至KARDI Facebook粉絲專頁當然,更歡迎您有任何寶貴的建議回饋給我們[email protected] the mostinnovativeKARDI NAVI navigation wisdom, work together with themostexperienced here map data,Per minute to provide instant traffic forecast, the proportion of3Darchitectural rendering three-dimensional map, Taiwan map data100%coverage,Through Taiwan in international organizations and to build a teamtoconsuming ~To the people of Taiwan in the ground transportation habits,offerdistinct ground of professional navigation map andinformationservices.Now only needs to be installed on the phone you can enjoytheinternational advanced depot (Ashkenazi BENZ, BMW, AUDI)carnavigation unit level!We stand together with the user continuously views the babyintoenergy,In order to design more thoughtful angle with passers-by,makenavigation more Smart, make traffic more precisely, so thatmoreeconomical purse, let you drive on the road will be abletocomfortably have a good mood!KARDI NAVI wisdom free navigation experience (full version priced$599), please immediately download better quality, moreaccuratenavigation services.Monthly new features, KARDI NAVI upgrade powerful sweptjoinedmembers can also get more concessions!More to the ground! New cultural address search, link speedlimit,speed alerts, speed camera reminderMore convenient! Download offline maps provide voice navigationandoffline, allowing uninterrupted serviceMore promotions! Offers members exclusive benefits, when yousavemore moneyBasic functions:Driving Perspective guide: straight, horizontal version ofthenavigation switch, with a driving mode user interface,moreintuitive visual field3D landmark was built: to provide 3D models of the street,landmarkbuildings and indoor mapsReal-time traffic display: real-time traffic updates quicklyandeasily avoid road congestionMap navigation switch: two kinds of operation scenarios, youadaptto the different needs of rendering modesTraffic demand: Estimated driving, ride publicJiaotonggongjuwalking multiple modes TimeSatellite map function: the surrounding terrain at a glancePath Preferences: General highway or road preferenceNavigation route View: provides the fastest, and other recentrouteselection, and a complete view of each segment to thetravelpathFavorite attractions collections: over 300,000 pen POI (Pointofinteresting) and attractions for collectionAttractions Filter: Provides quick button nearby attractionsandpoints of interest in accordance with classificationforinquiriesKeywords Quick search: quick search field, keyword,attractionsname, address and previous searches for comparisonSimple intuitive design: escape vehicle computer navigation modeofoperation, make you more comfortableFriends Sharing: You can favorite spots and navigation calendartoLINE, EMAIL, SMS, etc. to share with friendsMore information KARDIKARDI product purchase and use, please go to the officialwebsitewww.trans-iot.comKARDI lifestyle information with the latest promotionsinformation,please go to KARDI Facebook fan page course, we welcome any suggestions you have to give back [email protected]
Army Tank Lion Robot Car Games 10.7.1
Challenge evil aliens n enjoy lion robot shooting in flyingtanktransform game.
Taiwan food, attractions, camping camps and promotions all inthehands! Download music off play: D
國道路況即時影像 - 高速公路塞車狀況與車速查詢 12.9
Jie App
Instant image of expressway, traffic jam status and speed query.
CamperMate: Au & NZ Road Trip 4.21.09
Find and book campsites, caravan parks, activities & trailswithour map
行車動態導航 1.2
cs2 team
Locus Map 4 Outdoor Navigation 4.17.2
GPS navigation app for hiking, biking, geocaching and otheroutdooractivities