Top 39 Games Similar to 麻將 多樂米娛樂城 德撲 紙牌 多款機台SLOT任你玩!

明星3缺1-麻將、撲克、拉霸機 6.9.97
This is the world-leading Taiwan Mahjonggameand all the stars' voices are performed by themselves. Now oneofthe popular entertainers in Taiwan, KID, is coming as a newgamecharacter! Taiwan Glove Puppetry characters including Su YoungMan,Man in the mirror, Hey Bye Long June and Chain Wu Chi alsoplayroles in this game! You can see other famous entertainers suchasButterfly Chien and Show Luo in addition.Winning records:1. Top 1 of "Top Free in Android Apps" in Google Play for1week.2. Top 1 of "Popular Apps" in App Store for 2 weeks, over amilliondownloads on the first week.3. Top 1 of "New Games" and "Hot Games" in Google Play andAppStore.4. Top 1 downloads of game apps in App Store BEST of 2012.5. Best Mahjong game of Yahoo Games Review 2014.Features:1. Free to play, free money for the first-time registered playeranddaily refilled money.2. Easy to start a match with over 30 millionregisteredplayers.3. Easy to start a new match with Automatic Matching Mode.4. Easy to play for only 3 minutes in particular game mode.5. Easy to win a variety of rewards in Contest Mode everyday.6. Famous stars like Show Luo and Kai-Le play with you allthetime.7. Famous stars' voices are performed by themselves, playwithfun!8. Playing with friends in the new friend table!Functions:1. Join without registration, Facebook and Yahoo accountaresupported.2. All kinds of screen resolutions are supported.3. Please use in-game 【系統】>【問題回報】to contact CostumerServiceDepartment.4. The games are intended for an adult audience (21+).5. The games do not offer "real money gambling" or an opportunitytowin real money or prizes.6. Practice or success at social casino gaming does not implyfuturesuccess at "real money gambling."Welcome to world-leading Taiwan Mahjong game, easy win! havefun!join right now!*The games are intended for an adult audience (21+).*The games do not offer "real money gambling" or an opportunitytowin real money or prizes.*Practice or success at social casino gaming does not implyfuturesuccess at "real money gambling."
麻將 神來也16張麻將(Taiwan Mahjong) 15.2
Gamesofa Inc.
【Rated Five Stars by Our Users】The number one mahjong game。With 32 million users online, never wait for a game again。Register for free and get 1200 bonus game chips。Super bonus simply for daily login!= Features =。Classic Taiwanese 16-tile Mahjong。Improved connection links you to over 32 million users。Larger, brighter displays for better control。New reconnect function lets you answer the phonewithoutworries。Draw reminder – never miss any of your draws!。Scheduled tournaments for more fun and competitionsallaround。Easy to use controls you can use with just one finger。Play a hand in three minutes, no more getting distracted。Free coins to all certified members (up to 888 limit)= Game Details =。A set consists of 144 tiles which includecharacters,circles,bamboo, honors and bonus tiles.。How to win in Taiwanese Mahjong: get 5 melds (“pong” and/or“chow”) and a pair (“eyes”)。See our guide for detailed rules: Additional Notes =。Users can use their existing GodGame, Facebook, or Yahooaccountsto play。If you want to use an MSN, Google, or other accounts tologin,please see our “Account Conversion” page for moredetails:。This product is intended for use by those 18 or older.。Coins in this game can never be redeemed for real money, goods,orany other item of monetary value.。User performance in this app is no indication of userperformanceor skill in genuine gambling.=============================Gamesofa- Fun in five easy minutes=============================Want to play more?Gamesofa Website: http://www.gamesofa.comMore Games:【玩家評鑑五顆星,台灣線上麻將No.1遊戲品牌】全球3,200萬真實玩家,牌咖最多,3秒就湊桌!正宗台灣16張麻將,免註冊立刻玩!想上桌,口袋就有麻將桌。★ 免費遊戲:立刻下載可得1200神幣(限新註冊),三缺一也不怕★ 獨創神娃系統:打造你的專屬麻將角色★ 贈幣超多:連續登入玩麻將遊戲,免錢玩到爽★ 全新好友桌:親朋好友摸一圈,打牌免驚找無咖★ 首創各種底台、秒數麻將局:打多大打多快任你選★ 獨家娛樂城:21點、骰寶,1個APP,3種享受-Android 台灣麻將 遊戲特色-☆ 正宗台灣16張麻將遊戲☆ 全球3,200萬真實玩家,按兩下就開桌!☆ 牌面大!更清楚、操作更容易!☆ 斷線重連系統,網路斷線也不怕!☆ 貼心聽牌功能,再多洞也不漏聽,還可以多一台!☆ 每日定時線上麻將神戒賽,隨時拚牌技、爭排名!☆ 一指出牌,操作直覺流暢,手感真實,爽度破表!☆ 首創一手局(1/4圈),3分鐘胡一把,臨時有事也能快打一下!☆ 認證會員免費補幣至神幣888,每天都能免費玩線上麻將遊戲!-Android 16張麻將 改版內容-★ 幸運轉金樂,神幣最高送十倍!★ 賭神黃金骰,勝場神幣加倍送!★ 財源滾滾來,每日寶箱領神幣!★ 語音自由選,清楚簡單不干擾!★ 十六張至尊,閃亮位階等你拿!★ 全新刮刮卡,中獎機率百分百!-其他說明-☆ 原「神來也會員」或「Facebook」、「Yahoo」帳號直接玩☆若您之前使用MSN,Google等帳號登入神來也遊戲,想在手機上繼續使用該帳號,請參考「帳號轉換及登入教學說明」☆ 本遊戲以成年人為訴求對象☆ 本遊戲不提供「現金交易賭博」,也沒有機會贏得現金或實體獎品☆ 玩社交類賭博遊戲時的玩法或成績不錯,不代表日後以「金錢賭博」時會獲得相同的成果=============================Gamesofa 5分鐘.想樂最輕鬆=============================想玩更多?Gamesofa官網 http://www.gamesofa.com更多神來也遊戲
麻雀 神來也13張麻將(Hong Kong Mahjong) 7.8
Gamesofa Inc.
【Everyone's favorite classic HK Mahjonggetsan upgrade】★ Play as guest, no registration needed★ Scheduled tournaments now available! Play anytime andearnrewards!★ Improved connection links you to over 32 million users★ Upgraded animations make for an even better experience=Features=☆ Easy to use controls that you can use with just one finger☆ Play one hand in 3 minutes, no more getting distracted!☆ Cantonese voices and HD graphics for the ultimate VIP game☆ Free coins to all certified members (up to 888 limit)=Additional Notes=★ Users can use their existing GodGame, Facebook, or Yahooaccountsto play★ If you want to use an MSN, Google, or other accounts tologin,please see our “Account Conversion” page for moredetails:★ This product is intended for use by those 18 or older.★ Coins in this game can never be redeemed for real money, goods,orany other item of monetary value.★ User performance in this app is no indication of userperformanceor skill in genuine gambling.=============================Gamesofa- Fun in five easy minutes=============================Want to play more?Gamesofa Website: http://www.gamesofa.comMore Games:【牌友最多嘅香港麻雀—華麗登場】★ 最正宗香港麻雀遊戲免費玩★ 香港人最愛:最多玩家評鑑5顆星★ 免費玩到爽:立刻下載可得1200神幣(限新註冊)★ 各種底台麻雀局,想打多大就大打多大─ 神來也13張麻雀(Hong Kong Mahjong Game)遊戲特色 ─☆ 香港麻雀、廣東麻雀,玩法多樣!☆ 連線品質升級,3,200萬註冊玩家,打麻雀開檯最快!☆ 一指出牌,操作直覺流暢,手感真實,爽度UP!☆ 首創一手局(1/4圈),3分鐘打一舖,臨時有事也不怕!☆ 粵語配音、高清畫面,VIP級體驗!☆ 認證會員每日免費補幣至888!☆ 免註冊,遊客帳號直接玩!─ 神來也十三張麻雀(Hong Kong Mahjong Game)改版內容 ─★ 幸運轉金樂,神幣最高送十倍!★ 戰力位階,牌局最強就是你!★ 每週排行,連莊王、勝場王等你挑戰!★ 牌技分析,跟其他玩家比勝率!★ 牌型紀錄,快來和各種特殊牌型!─ 其他說明 ─☆ 原「神來也會員」或「Facebook」、「Yahoo」帳號直接玩☆若您之前使用MSN,Google等帳號登入神來也遊戲,想在手機上繼續使用該帳號,請參考「帳號轉換及登入教學說明」☆ 本遊戲以成年人為訴求對象☆ 本遊戲不提供「現金交易賭博」,也沒有機會贏得現金或實體獎品☆ 玩社交類賭博遊戲時的玩法或成績不錯,不代表日後以「金錢賭博」時會獲得相同的成果=======================Gamesofa 五分鐘,想樂最輕鬆=======================想玩更多?Gamesofa 官網 http://www.gamesofa.com更多神來也遊戲
兩人麻將 神來也二人麻將 6.7.5
Gamesofa Inc.
Love Mahjong? Then GetReadyforTwo-PlayerMahjong!。Play one-on-one games that can finish in two minutes。No limits in rewards! Wipe out your opponentandenjoythevictory!。Play as a guest, no registration needed。Invite your friends on LINE or FB and get free coins!※How to Play:。Only character tiles are used (2 sets, 64tiles);noflowertiles。No restrictions in Chows, Pongs, or Gongs。Double earnings when you pass on calling mahjong。Complete missions and double your winnings again(rewarddependantonmission)=Features=。Only character tiles are used。Eye-catching graphics and stimulating sound effects makeforanevenbetter gaming experience。Free daily coins (up to a certain limit)=Additional Notes=‧ Users can use their existing GodGame, Facebook, orYahooaccountstoplay‧ If you want to use an MSN, Google, or otheraccountstologin,please see our “Account Conversion” pageformoredetails: Fun in five easy minutes=============================Want to play more?Gamesofa Website: http://www.gamesofa.comMore Games:【免費麻將遊戲,兩人麻將新體驗!】愛打麻將,又嫌16張麻將一局太久嗎?二人線上麻將新玩法!更快、更刺激!★ 二人對戰PK、1局2分鐘,節奏快、隨時玩★ 免費麻將遊戲,立刻下載領取1200神幣★ 獎金X倍無上限,清空對手更爽快!★ 免註冊,遊客帳號直接玩★ Line、FB邀請好友一同玩,免費遊戲幣送給你─ Android 二人麻將遊戲特色 ─☆ 只用萬子、字牌,打牌超爽快☆ 華麗動畫、震撼音效,胡牌爽度再升級☆ 認證會員每日免費補幣至888,每天都能免費玩☆ 免註冊,遊客帳號直接玩─Android 兩人麻將 改版內容─★ 財源滾滾,天天登入領紅包!★ 新增牌桌,除舊佈新財神到!★ 麻將至尊,閃亮稱號等你拿!─ Android 二人麻將遊戲規則 ─☆ 只使用萬子、字牌共64張,無花牌☆ 可直接吃碰槓,吃碰槓後仍可打出同一張牌☆ 過水不胡,獎金X2☆ 完成胡牌任務,獎金再Double (多種任務、倍率不同)☆ 詳細規則請參考:─ 兩人麻將其他說明 ─。原「神來也會員」或「Facebook」、「Yahoo」帳號直接玩。若您之前使用MSN, Google等帳號登入神來也遊戲,想在手機上繼續使用該帳號,請參考「帳號轉換及登入教學說明」
Evocative mahjong game, enjoy the taste of a Grand Slam.
愛玩咖麻將 1.04
愛玩咖麻將採用最正統台灣16張麻將規則,No. 1 麻將遊戲!特色、好康一次都給你!★【登入送】每天登入送您獎勵點數!★【分享送】FB分享訊息天天送!★ 立即上桌,找牌咖不用等,電腦陪打、輕鬆練等級!★ 最具臨場感的胡牌大手,瞇牌自己來!★ 簡化介面,螢幕再小也能輕鬆點選★ 提升等級,點數立即回饋送!永久保留帳號等級頭銜!============比 賽 系 統============獨創排名賽系統,不定期舉辦各種賽事!挑戰送大獎,兌獎中心輕鬆領取!無須繁瑣程序,獎項週週帶回家!想了解更多?愛玩咖麻將官網如有任何疑問?1.可透過遊戲內客服系統回報、留言2.來電客服電話:04-22965817週一至週五 10:00~19:00) 3.來信客服信箱:[email protected]※ 每週三例行維護時間 09:00(am)~11:00(am)
i.Game 16張麻將 2.2
Webineti Apps
16張麻將又稱台灣麻將,i.Game16張麻將採用台灣16張麻將計台規則,多了花牌使得玩法更多變化,台數計算也更豐富有趣。i.Game 超強遊戲人工智慧,可隨著玩家程度自動調整,讓喜歡麻將的你可以隨時對地磨練牌技。專為觸控手機設計的操作介面,可動態放大點選的牌,方便打牌,隨時繼續未完成的牌局,新增打牌人聲及詳細台型圖文說明,還有許多好玩的小創意,讓您愛不釋手,絕對是一款手機必備遊戲!對產品有任何疑問或指教,敬請來信至客服信箱:[email protected]※同時也提供英文語系版本,請至此下載:, also known asTaiwanMahjong Mahjong, i.Game 16 from Taiwan 16 Mahjong Mahjongmetersets the rules, much more varied gameplay wreath making,calculatethe number of units and more rich and interesting.i.Game super game artificial intelligence, canautomaticallyadjust the degree with the players, so you can alwayslike mahjonglicensing technology honed on the ground.Designed specifically for touch phone user interface, clickonthe card can be dynamically zoom, easy to play cards, readytocontinue the unfinished hand, the new cards vocals anddetailedgraphic description of platform type, there are many funlittlecreativity, let You put it down, the phone is definitelyamust-play!The products have any questions or advice, please write to usatCustomer Service: [email protected]※ It also provides English language version, please downloadthispoint: https:? // Id=com.webineti.Mj16ENG
象棋麻將 1.0
象棋麻將的玩法類似麻將,但是用象棋的棋子來玩,從將到卒、帥到兵每種各四張,一共是56張。對子:任兩張一樣的牌組成。順子:將士象、車馬包..等。刻子:任三張一樣的牌組成。槓子:任四張一樣的牌組成。以上四種只要配成兩組加一對或四對就可以胡牌,順子刻子槓子都算一組。Mahjong Mahjong isplayedsimilar to chess, but chess pieces to play with, from thewill todeath, handsome to each of four soldiers each, a total of56.Pair: Any two cards the same composition.Junko: like soldiers, traveling bag .. and so on.Pung: Any three cards the same composition.Thick stick: Any four consisting of the same brand.As long as the above four groups dubbed or four pairs plusonepair can be a winning hand, straight pung taping are consideredagroup.
Andy Wen
This is a Taiwanese 16 Mahjong, independently developed by Andy Wen
競技麻將【內含拉霸、骰寶等遊藝場熱門遊戲】 2.6.5
全國首創競技式麻將遊戲,獨特晉級式玩法、大型賽事身臨其境。 免費定時賽金幣無限補充,免費快速賽三秒開一桌! 即將開賽、請選手準備入場!
Lotto Scratch – Las Vegas LV2 11.6
Las Vegas Lotto Scratchers. Enjoy lots of lottery scratchcardsgames.
戲谷麻將跑馬仔 (單機版 麻雀/麻將) 1.4.6
線上麻將遊戲鼻祖《戲谷麻將館》首度登陸手機世界!為大家帶來極速麻將新玩法!《戲谷跑馬仔》1. 一款以無視任何牌形,四家鬥快食糊的新派麻將玩法2. 在跑馬仔玩法中不設「上」牌3. 遊戲過程中每槓一次牌馬上有金幣收4. 遊戲中「自摸」,其餘三家各輸兩底,同時自摸者可獲得「獎馬」機會香港製作!百份百香港團體打造!一齊體驗新派麻將新衝擊!《戲谷跑馬仔》官網:《戲谷跑馬仔》粉絲頁:
欢乐玩麻将 2.5
正宗四川血战到底,打缺门、刮风下雨,让您充分体验四川麻将的趣味。四川麻将高手?四川麻将菜鸟?不管你是谁,只要喜爱四川麻将,《欢乐玩麻将》就能带给你快乐!金币输光啦?别抓狂,大量金币轻松拿,不花1分钱耍得很开心,想想都有点小激动哟。更多游戏乐趣等着您来,还等啥子哟?一起打四川麻将吧!Authentic Sichuanbloodybattle in the end, playing a shortage, wind and rain,allowing youto fully experience the Sichuan Mahjong fun. SichuanMahjongTitans? Sichuan Mahjong rookie? No matter who you are, aslongloved Sichuan Mahjong, "Happy mahjongg" can bringyouhappiness!Gold gambled now? Do not crazy, easy to get a lot of gold, donotspend a penny playing very happy, I think are a littleexcitedyo.More games fun waiting for you to, and so wisdom yo? SichuanMahjongplay with it!
Fun Big 2 Taiwan: Card Craze 1.1.10
Popular Big 2 card game, Taiwanese twist, offline play&rewards!
大老二大亨 17.05.22
十三支 神來也13支(Chinese Poker) 7.8
Gamesofa Inc.
Everyone’s Favorite ChinesePoker!♠ Over 32 million players worldwide, join tables in no time♠ Play as guest, no registration required♠ New Card Exchange function lets you draw up to 3 new cards♠ Rated 5 stars by our players= Features =♥ Authentic Chinese Poker, also known as Pusoy or 13Poker♥ Over 32 million players - tap twice and you're in♥ “Scoop” opponents for increased wins♥ Smarter gameplay ensures you’ll be the best of them all♥ Bonus card hands to make things interesting♥ Loads of gifts, daily bonuses♥ New reconnect function - bet with confidence♥ Easy-to-use controls you can use with just one finger♥ Use Interactives (emoticons) to talk to friends♥ Daily tournaments now available! Compete anywhere, anytimeusingyour phone♥ Verified members gain 888 daily chips= Newest Android Version =♣ Completely new table design= Additional Notes =♦ Users can use their existing Gamesofa, Facebook, or Yahooaccountsto play♦ If you want to use an MSN, Google, or other accounts tologin,please see our “Account Conversion” page for moredetails:♦ This product is intended for use by those 18 or older.♦ Coins in this game can never be redeemed for real money, goods,orany other item of monetary value.♦ User performance in this app is no indication of userperformanceor skill in genuine gambling.=============================Gamesofa- Fun in five easy minutes=============================Want to play more?Gamesofa Website: http://www.gamesofa.comMore Games:【最多玩家評鑑5顆星,台灣線上十三支No.1遊戲品牌】3,200萬真實玩家,牌咖最多,3秒就湊桌!正宗13支玩法,免註冊立刻刁牌!♠ 台灣人最愛:最多玩家評鑑5顆星♠ 首創換牌局:手牌換3張,一對變鐵支♠ 獨家娛樂城:21點、骰寶,1個APP,3種享受♠ 免費玩到爽:立刻下載可得1200神幣(限新註冊)-Android十三支 遊戲特色-♥ 正統13支遊戲(又稱十三張、中國撲克、Chinese poker、Pusoy)♥ 全球3,200萬真實玩家,按兩下就入桌♥ 經典打槍玩法,神槍手最愛!♥ 智慧墩牌提示+手動選牌,輕鬆成為墩牌王!♥ 首創特殊牌型:三同花、三順子、湊一色,獎金UP!♥ 贈幣超多:步步高升連續登入,天天領獎勵♥ 斷線重連系統,網路斷線也不怕♥ 一指叼牌,操作直覺流暢,手感真實,爽度破表!♥ 互動道具表心意,跟朋友打Pusoy更有趣!♥ 每日中國撲克神槍賽登場!手機隨時拚排名、贏獎金!♥ 認證會員免費補幣至888,每天都能免費玩線上Chinese Poker-Android 十三張 改版內容-♣ 幸運轉金樂,神幣最高送十倍!♣ 全新戰力位階,牌局最強就是你!♣ 全新Chinese Poker牌桌,除舊佈新財神到!-其他說明-♦ 原「神來也會員」或「Facebook」、「Yahoo」帳號直接玩♦若您之前使用MSN,Google等帳號登入神來也遊戲,想在手機上繼續使用該帳號,請參考「帳號轉換及登入教學說明」♦ 本遊戲以成年人為訴求對象♦ 本遊戲不提供「現金交易賭博」,也沒有機會贏得現金或實體獎品♦ 玩社交類賭博遊戲時的玩法或成績不錯,不代表日後以「金錢賭博」時會獲得相同的成果=============================Gamesofa 5分鐘.想樂最輕鬆=============================想玩更多?Gamesofa官網 http://www.gamesofa.com更多神來也遊戲
錢隆大亨娛樂城 - 老虎機,百家樂,21點 1.3
錢龍大亨娛樂城-包含「老虎機」,「百家樂」,「21點」,模擬拉斯維加斯和澳門電玩城線下遊戲。如親臨博弈現場!牌桌萬人同押注,玩家自由作莊,瘋狂拉霸角子機,贏籌碼百家共樂。老虎機 — slots,又稱角子機/拉霸機/投幣機/水果機特色拉斯維加斯博弈遊戲。押注比大小,拉霸享贏不停,得籌碼爭彩金,赢得累积大奖。百家樂 — baccarat,撲克遊戲經典澳門娛樂城撲克遊戲.澳門百家樂,自由做莊家,贏各種線上獎勵和福利,大殺四方,開桌博弈,百家共樂.21點 — blackjack,撲克遊戲經典拉斯維加斯娛樂城撲克棋牌遊戲。智慧比拼二十一點點數,看誰是下一個賭神。錢隆大亨娛樂城遊戲特色介紹:自由上莊:全台唯一!由我做莊與萬民對賭!親身體驗經營娛樂場的感覺。玩法多樣:長期開放當前熱門撲克遊戲,致力打造掌上拉斯维加斯娛樂城。至尊VIP :永久會員,專屬服務,享受尊貴特權。免費金幣:每日簽到、在線好禮、專頁獎勵,上線就送免費籌碼,天天也賺錢,各種福利金,不贏也難。輕鬆上手:免註冊直接玩,Facebook一鍵登入。金幣在手,老子有錢不愁啦。道具商城:各種趣味掛件,酷炫相框,任挑任選。*遊戲仅供娱乐,免費下載安裝,出現任何問題,請隨時聯繫我們客服郵箱[email protected]*錢隆大亨娛樂城遊戲只提供給21歲或以上玩家,不提供有跟金錢掛勾的活動或獎勵。(Our game is intended for an adult audience forentertainmentpurposes only. Success at social casino gambling doesnot rewardreal money prizes, nor does it guarantee success at realmoneygambling.)
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全民打妞妞 1.0
撲克牌遊戲妞妞中國式撲克牌玩法“妞妞”正夯,輸贏相當大中國傳入的撲克牌“妞妞”遊戲,已經取代梭哈、十三張與天九,成為玩家的最愛,取代天九 變遊戲主流撲克牌遊戲有多種,臺灣年輕人鍾情大老二,婦人則喜歡撿紅點,成年人梭哈、十三張與天九來者不拒,其中又以梭哈與天九輸贏較大,是遊戲主流,不過近年來,號稱一翻兩瞪眼的天九,已逐漸被妞妞取而代之,不管是販夫走卒、士農工商,還是白領階級,都樂此不疲,4個人一副撲克牌找張桌子或茶几就可開戰。玩家指出,妞妞比梭哈、十三張來得快,變化則比天九多,七點以上賠率就有2倍,拿到妞妞則是3倍,如果5張都是大牌的“五公”更是5倍之多,比天九還來得刺激,因而臺灣人跟著中國新娘玩過幾次之後,就對妞妞情有所鐘。撲克牌妞妞的玩法由中國傳入的撲克牌遊戲“妞妞”,J、Q、K“尪仔”與10都算0點,其餘依牌面點數計算,4個人開打,分莊家與3位閑家,每個人分5張牌,其中3張加起來點數必須是0、10、20,才能計算另2張加起來的點數,如果無法湊到3張加總尾數是0,則不算點數。2張點數加起來超過7點賠2倍;3張加總尾數是0,另2張都是J、Q、K的“尪仔”,就是俗稱的“妞妞”,賠率是3倍;如果5張都是J、Q、K的“尪仔”,那麼就是賠5倍的“五公”至尊了。Poker games niuChinese-style poker games are played, "niu" being rammed, winorlose considerableChina passed poker "niu" game, has replaced Stud, thirteen andninedays, a player favorite,Replace nine days become mainstream gameThere are a variety of poker games, Taiwanese young people lovebigdick, woman is like picking up a red dot, adults Stud, thirteenandnine days generosity, which went Stud and nine days of winningorlosing a large, mainstream game ,But in recent years, known as the two stare doubled nine days,hasgradually been replaced by niu, whether it is man in thestreetsegment of society, or white-collar workers, areenthusiastic, fourpersonal deck of cards to find a table or coffeetable can go towar.Players noted niu than Stud, thirteen comes and changes theratioover nine days, seven had more than twice the odds, get niuisthree times that if five are big "five public" more five times,butalso more exciting than nine days, which followed the Chinesebrideafter Taiwanese played a few times, you have to loveniuminutes.Niu play pokerChina passed by the poker game "niu", J, Q, K "costumesearners"0:00 and 10 are considered, and the rest is calculatedaccording tothe cards count, four individuals broke out, and threesub-dealerPlayer everyone 5 points cards, which add up to threepoints mustbe 0,10,20, the other two combined to calculate thenumber ofpoints, if you can not conspire three sum mantissa is 0,notpoints.2 points add up to over pay twice 7:00; 3 0 plus totalending,another two are J, Q, K's "costumes earners" is called"niu", oddsare 3 times; If 5 is J, Q, K's "costumes earners", thenit is tolose five times "five public" Extreme up.
播霸德州撲克遊戲 1.0.0
3秒入局,公平公正,玩法多元,SNG、老虎機、百人大戰金幣贏不停!♠ 登入即免費送您$25,000金幣♠ 正統德州撲克,超擬真,輕輕鬆鬆贏大錢♠ 每日獎勵、計時獎勵、粉絲團免費籌碼,金幣天天大放送遊戲特色介紹♠ 真人美女主播視訊直播德州撲克新玩法,真人美女主播線上開局,讓您一邊享受遊戲樂趣,一邊與心儀的主播娛樂互動,還能豪擲千金打賞主播,誰的愛更多,馬上秀出來!♠ 私密組局隨心開免打擾,隨心所欲創建私密房間,和親朋好友小聚怡情!♠ 排行榜全球玩家,同桌競技;全新比賽系統,挑戰更高排名。拼手氣,比技術,贏的不僅是金幣,更是至尊榮耀!♠ 精緻界面遊戲簡單上手,精緻典雅的UI設計,帶來超擬真的德州撲克感受;單手一鍵操作的豎版體驗,單手就能玩!♠ 多種賽場任君挑選遊戲含有SNG錦標賽、多桌錦標賽、百人大戰、老虎機等多元玩法,不用到拉斯維加斯,就能輕鬆體驗最正統的德州撲克、最經典的老虎機!官方FACEBOOK粉絲團:官方LINE粉絲群:播霸娛樂城特別聲明:*本遊戲以成年人為訴求對象。*本遊戲僅供娛樂,遊戲內不提供任何現金交易,亦不會以任何形式返還現金。
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惡魔塔推幣機 (宅神爺娛樂館) 3.0.2
【惡魔塔推幣機】全新線上推幣機,多種玩法,千變萬化。【SPIN模式】推幣集氣拉拉霸。封牆、全推、各種特殊模式等你來。【狩獵模式】全線射擊!一個都別想逃!擊殺怪物領賞金。【音樂模式】音樂節奏遊戲多首曲目,玩的越好賞金越高。【JP屠龍】勝者為王,獎金獨拿。無限連擊屠龍奪JP![Devils Tower pushcoinmachine]The new online push coin machine,A variety of play, ever-changing.[SPIN mode]Push credits gas gathering Lara Pa.Closure walls, the whole push, waiting for you to variousspecialmodes.[Hunting Mode]Shooting across the board! A are not bailing!Kill monsters collar bounty.[Music Mode]Multiple tracks of music rhythm game,Play the higher the better reward.Dragon [JP]Winner takes all, bonuses alone to take.Unlimited batter Dragon wins JP!
i.Game 13 Mahjong
Webineti Apps
Play the i.Game 13 Mahjong (Hong KongMahjong)game exclusively designed for Android with dynamic BIGtiles foreasier touch, flicking tiles to discard, touch to magnifyand HongKong tile voice.Accumulate your score in the Score Race mode, or play with16characters of different playing strategies and defeat them alltowin the Champion Award. Rankboard will also keep thetilecombination of the highest winning hand.Players can choose to play the 3 Fans or 8 Fans minimum andchooseto have flower/seasons bonus tiles. Select a photo from youralbumas your own character.i.Game 13 Mahjong features an AI program that adjusts itslevelsaccording to your skills, and an user-friendly interfacedevelopedby i.Game multiplayer gamesite (running since 1998).Support for English and Traditional Chinese, with a detailedhelpwith all scoring combinations, options for tile voice, andaspecial tile hint for non-Chinese players.
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Blackjack, also known as twenty-one, isthemost widely played casino banking game in the world. It's themostfun simple and easy to learn.Blackjack Maniac is the best Social Casino game on Google Play.Thisis the most fun, smart and authentic card game on themarket.Beautiful graphics with wonderful animations andtransitions. Playwith your friends, compete with million of playersaround the worldand train yourself in Blackjack. Represent yourcounty and yourcity to win against others. You are wanted in thismaniac war ofBlackjack.Main Features:1. Great Game Play - Always BEST in mobile2. Daily and Endless Quests - Challenge yourself for extrafun3. Unlimited Money - Win as much as you can4. Leaderboards - Time to show off5. Friends - You are not aloneThis product is intended for an adult audience (21+) and doesnotoffer real money gambling or an opportunity to win real moneyorprizes.Playing Blackjack Maniac does not imply future success at realmoneygambling.
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Texas hold'em dan mini games seru.
接龍 王牌接龍 gametower 2.1.4
◎明星3缺1開發團隊全新力作,最受台灣玩家歡迎的接龍遊戲!◎與電腦版互通,每日補幣,即時萬人連線,走到哪玩到哪!◎精緻亮麗畫面,操作簡單好上手,完美支持Android系統!◎百萬粉絲強力推薦,完全免費、免註冊,FB帳號直接玩!☆☆☆遊戲特色☆☆☆★最有趣 — 牌型最多樣,鬥智又鬥趣!★★最輕鬆 — 1分鐘一場,隨時輕鬆打!★★最搞笑 — 個性化語音,玩法添趣味!★☆☆☆遊戲特徵☆☆☆★自動出牌,新手玩家也能輕鬆上手!在遊戲中設定了自動”代打”的按鈕,按下去電腦會自動依你手上牌型出適合的牌,對於接龍還不是很熟悉的玩家可以利用這個代打按鈕來幫你出牌~。★精緻亮麗的場面,有如置身在豪華賭場!承續王牌的風格打造的撲克牌遊戲桌面,以及賭場的音樂及氣氛,宛如置身拉斯維加斯般,享受獨贏彩金的滋味。更多精采遊戲及內容請至Gametower行動版官網:
多人捕魚_小小遊戲聯網版-深海機台小霸王掌上1000打魚達人 2.1
Judy Deng
【遊戲說明】1:電玩城機台版本的捕魚遊戲,輕鬆遊戲,毫無壓力 ;2:完美移植遊戲廳多人聯機捕魚,真實聯網,超流暢體驗;3:超刺激的單人闖關模式,探索神秘關卡,領取通關福利哦!4:100%還原街機捕魚,千炮捕魚,街機達人捕魚等捕魚版本,並且改進遊戲玩法;5:每天可以領取海量金幣哦,挑戰關卡,完成任務,擊殺BOSS都有大獎;6:“狂暴機能”,“加速機能”,“鎖定機能”,“冰封機能”,更大機會贏走大獎!7:完美的融合單人闖關遊戲與多人聯網遊戲,隨心體驗不一樣的玩法哦!【遊戲特色】1:自動配備掛機功能,讓你遊戲更加輕鬆快樂;2:召喚功能,讓你隨心呼喚想打的魚;3:各項技能搭配,火力全開,超高機會擊殺boss,無底線大獎High翻全場 ;4:聯網遊戲簡介:A:金蟾捕魚,李逵劈魚,大聖鬧海 ;B:真人聯網 , 萬人競技 ,超流暢體驗 ;C:鎖定技能 ,冰封技能讓你更容易擊殺BOSS,贏走大獎 ;D:更有豐富的獎金魚,超刺激的幸運大抽獎 ,超高的獎勵 ;5:單人遊戲簡介:A:總計20個神秘關卡,每一關都有不一樣的體驗 ;B:通過每關都有超高獎勵,每關都可以領取一次紅包哦!C:加速,狂暴,鎖定,冰封,完爆BOSS不是夢!D:神秘的潛艇,超簡單的任務,福利送不停。6:水滸傳遊戲簡介:A:來這裡體驗豪擲千金的感覺!B:來這裡體驗一夜暴富的驚喜!C:來這裡體驗捕魚之後的 閒暇!D:來這裡,更多驚喜等你來拿![Game Description]1: Video City game fishing machine version, easy game,nopressure;2: Perfect hall transplant multiplayer game fishing,realnetworking, ultra-smooth experience;3: super exciting single pass through mode, explore themysteriouslevel, receive welfare clearance Oh!4: 100% reduction of arcade fishing, thousands of gunfishing,fishing fishing Daren arcade version, and improvedgameplay;5: Every day can receive a massive gold Oh, challenge levels,tasks,kill BOSS award has;6: "violent function", "accelerated performance", "Lockfunction","ice performance", the greater chance to win prizesgo!7: The perfect fusion of single pass through the gamesandmultiplayer online games, different gameplay experienceheartOh![Game Features]1: Auto with hook feature allows you to play more relaxedandhappy;2: Summon feature that lets you call heart want to playthefish;3: the mix of skills, firepower, high chance to kill boss, notthebottom line of award High turn the audience;4: Networking Game:   A: toad fishing, fish hack Li Kui, MonkeyKingdowntown sea;   B: real networking, people athletics,ultra-smoothexperience;   C: Locking skills, ice skills make it easierforyou to kill BOSS, win prizes go;   D: more rich prize fish, super excitingluckydraw, high reward;5: Single Game:   A: Total 20 mysterious levels, each level hasadifferent experience;   B: Through each level has ultra-high reward,eachlevel can receive a red envelope oh!   C: acceleration, violent, locked, frozen,afterblasting BOSS is not a dream!   D: the mysterious submarine, ultra easytask,welfare send non-stop.6: Water Margin Game:   A: ho throw daughter come here to experiencethefeeling!   B: come here to experience theflourishessurprise!   C: come here to experience the leisurefishingafter!   D: here, more surprises waiting for you tocomeand collect!
Texas Poker by Yihua 2.1.0
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No.1 online Mahjong game played by amillionusers in Japan!ABOUT THE GAME MODES- JanNavi Mahjong Online is Japanese style OnlineMahjongGame.- All matches are played online.Spring Wind rank match:Aim for the top in a 4-player rank match.Battle in earnest against the nation's strongest players inthe"Spring Wind rank match"!Work your way up from the Tenth Grade and save up experiencepointsso you can enter critical matches with your rank on theline!Clinch a decisive victory and go up a grade.Various titles awarded depending on the match results.Players with similar levels are matched up so even beginnerscanenjoy a fair fight.Sanma rank match:Aim for the top in a 3-player rank match.Basically, the rules are same as that of the 4-playermatch;however, minor differences provide a freshplayingexperience.Just like Spring Wind, you can play in rank matches wherethere'snever a dull moment!Single Game Match:Play one quick match.Pressed for time and Spring Wind Match not an option? This modeisfor you!The match ends after one game so you can squeeze some play timeintoyour day.Select Table and Play:Choose your favorite table and play against a friend."I'd prefer not to play with strangers...""Playing with friends would be great, but?"For you, we present "Lobby Function" where you can freelychooseyour table and opponents.Meet up with your buddies, face off against a rival team, nomatteryour ability or your mood there's fun everywhere.One Travel Match:Play a match as you travel throughout Japan.Tour the country of Japan as a travelling mahjong player.The road before you may split depending on your match resultssostay on your toes at all times!Collect every location's title and souvenir and let's deck outyouravatar!OTHER ELEMENTSMatch Replay:Watch your past matches.Member Profile:View player data such as number of rank ups and matchresults.JanNavi Shop:Purchase items to be used in rank matches.Ranking:Spring Wind rank matches and single games can be played withplayersall over the country.Title:Acquire titles depending on your play results and use them todefineyour JanNavi persona.* When you create the account to use the gmail account, it couldbeput in the spam mail box.If you cannot register the JanNavi, please check in the spammailbox.* Operation environment: Up to Android 2.3* Checking of operation at the following terminals.[GALAXY S、T-01C、IS03、IS04、003SH、X06HTⅡ、SO-01C、SO-01B]
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Coin Dozer: World Tour
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