Top 1 Games Similar to hitz Heroes

Solo Hero 1.1
How long can you survive in a crowd ofalienzombies and other assorted nasties? Can you become a hero bysavingthe stranded civilians? Anyone can apply to be a SoloHero;everyone has the potential but the odds are always againstyou.Solo Hero is a top-down arcade shooter game with a dashofstategy thrown in for good measure. It's easy to pick up andplaybut difficult to put down and has limitless variation. Rack upabig score to get your name etched in the Hall of Heroes andthenchallenge your family and friends to beat it. It's the only waytoprove yourself as the undisputed local hero. The level youmanageto reach and the duration of your survival are also shown onthehigh-score table for extra bragging rights. Don't getcomplacentthough; there are still medals to be earned forexceptional play.First, the "Saviour" medal is awarded for saving10 or morestranded civilians. Second, the "Excelsior" medal isgiven to thosebrave enough to start in "Expert" mode. Finally, the"Warrior"medal is given to those who deliver a coup de grace on 5or morerivals. Medals are shown next to your name in the HallofHeroes.Early game play lets you get used to the controls butthedifficulty ramps up quickly. As you progress through theeightfeatured levels new elements are introduced which all combineandbuild to a final frenzy of action where even the mosthardenedgamer will be surviving second-by-second on reflexesalone.Solo Hero departs from the classic two-joystick aracadeactionand instead uses a simple point-to-command interfacereminiscent ofReat-Time Strategy (RTS) games to produce a differentgame dynamic.This creates a unique gameplay experience within thegenre; openingit up to a wider audience while still supplyingaficionados with anew and interesting challenge to enjoy.Players must balance their survival against trying to saveasmany civilians as possible. The civilians can be herded andwillalso gather for you; but they can behave temperamentally socaremust be taken to keep them follwing you. To maximise yourrescuebonuses you must have as many followers as possible at theend ofeach level. Followers will drain your health to recuperatetheirsbut will automatically gather extra health and heal you ifthey areat maximum health and you are not. Try to keep them healthytoincrease your end-of-level bonus. Civilians, whether they areyourfollowers or not, are vunerable to your actions as well asthevarious marauding nasties. So be careful who gets hit inthecrossfire; and that goes for you too!The cartoon style and emphasis on fun play ensuressuitabilityfor most audiences though don't be fooled into thinkingit won'traise your pulse rate. Imagine you've just set off a chainreactionof explosions in the only area free of nasties! or perhapsyou'rerunning straight for the main horde of alien zombies onlytorealise you've run out of ammo! or... well, we're sure you'vegotthe picture.Features...In Solo Hero you can play as Arthur - the single-minded21st-centuryman-about-town ready to become the saviour of themasses or asMartha - the independant modern woman; capable andwilling to putherself in harm's way to save others, it's up toyou. N.B. In theinterests of equality it's just a different spriteimage [Sssh!]The game comes with in-game instructions and the "AttractMode"play demonstration to give new players a thorough introductiontothe control system and dynamics of Solo Hero.Choose between a left or right-handed game interface. Wevaluethe comfort of everyone.Play Solo Hero in either vertical or horizontal orientation.Thegame allows you to swap orientation mid-game and continueplayingfrom the same point.If you'd like to try Solo Hero before you buy you candownloadthe free trial version. It has fewer features and only thefirstthree levels but offers a good understanding of earlygameplay.So why not give Solo Hero a try today; it's a blast!