Top 50 Apps Similar to Calc+Free

Calculator ++ 2.2.7
Free scientific calculator with sleek interface andpowerfulcapabilities
Calculator with many digit (Lo 1.9.19
Simple and colorful calculator with many (unlimited longnumber)digits.
Calculator app 2.4.20
The best calculator software, simple and stylish. Ideal fordailyuse.
One Scientific Calculator 3.0.22
Calculator, Graphing calculator, Converter and Matrixcalculator:all in one app
King Calculator 2.2.5
Simple to use calculator, with all the functionality you need.
Simple Calculator+ 1.7.3
Simple calculator. No Advertisements
Champ Scientific Calculator 6.32
Bens Apps
High-performance and arbitrary precision scientific calculator
Multi Calculator
Multi Calculator is the best applicationofmathematical and financial calculation that contains severalusefulcalculators and converters.Try these powerful computing capabilities and intuitive andelegantapplication designed.You can use Multi Calculator on Android Wear.List of calculators are included:✓ Standard Calculator• Keeps the function of a pocket calculator and adds parenthesesandsome math operators.• Remembers the last calculation condition and checksthecalculation history records any time you want.• Use the calculator on your home screen✓ Currency Converter• Provides real-time currency exchange rates• Once the currency exchange rates are updated, you can usethecurrency converter in the offline.✓ Interest Calculator• Provides various options for calculating interest:Installmentsavings, Regular savings, Simple Interest, CompoundInterest,etc.• Enhanced compound interest calculations. Monthly,Quarterly,Half-Yearly and Yearly are available.• If you wonder how to gather 100 million dollar in 5 years, trythefuture value function.✓ Anniversary Calculator• Keep track of your anniversaries - with a photo!• View as D-Day or Day count• Add photo widgets on your home screen✓ Discount Calculator• Calculate Discount price / Discount %• Calculate with Additional discount✓ Loan Calculator• Supports Level payment / Fixed principal payment /Balloonpayment• Set interest only period• Calculate any type of loan such as Mortgage, Auto loan.✓ Unit Converter• Supports Length, Area, Weight, Volume, Temperature, Time,Speed,Pressure, Force, Work, Angle, Data and Fuel✓ Health Calculator• Use Health Calculator for your healthy body• Calculate BMI(Body Mass Index), BFP(Body Fat Percentage) andIdealWeight in one screen• Easy to switch between metric and imperial systems✓ Tip Calculator• Calculate tip and split the bill• Separate your bill from Sales Tax and calculate tip✓ VAT Calculator• Calculate VAT easy and fast✓ Fuel economy Calculator• You can calculate Fuel economy, Distance, Expected fuelamount& cost✓ Shopping Calculator• Make a shopping list and calculate them right away while youareshopping.✓ Size Converter• Helps you to convert clothing / shoe / pants / shirt / bra / hat/ring sizes for most countries• Don't forget your size with memos✓ Time Calculator• Helps you to calculate time in Year / Week / Day / Hour / Minute/Second. (2 hours 5 minutes + 79 minutes = ?)Purchasing the premium version, you get an ad-free and support ustomake better apps.• If you encounter any problem with this App or incorrectwording,please contact us via:- [email protected]
Simple Calculator (no ads) 1.5
Anton Rybin
Calculator is an application which must beinall devices, because no one knows when and where you needtocalculate something. This calculator is very easy to use, itdoesnot have any scary and complicated functions, only those thatarein the usual everyday pocket calculator. In addition, youcanalways change the color of this calculator, if you're tiredofeveryday gray colors... You can for example choose thepink:)The main advantages of this calculator is:- Simplicity and ease of use.- Stylish design.- Ability to change skins (colors), you just need to click themenuand go to the settings.- Support of multi window modeNo ads!
Scientific Calculator Pro 6.9.1
Quick and easy scientific calculator with graphs - PRO version
Prime Calc 0.6
PrimeCalc - free scientific symbolic calculator - 70functions,20mathematical constants and up to six variables - Newfunctionsandconstants can be defined by the user - Supports complexnumbers-Matrices, vectors, sets and calculations on them -Solvesthemathematical equations - Calculate the integrals andderivatives-Step-by-step calculations - And many moreSupportedfunctions,operators, and mathematical constants:Arithmetic:Operators +, -,×, ÷, % x^n - nth power of x √(x) -Square root of x√(n, x) - nthroot of x ln(x) - Natural logarithm ofx log(x) -Logarithm of x tobase 10 log(n, x) - Logarithm of x tobase n∑(f(x), imin, imax) -Summation of f(x) from imin to imax∏(f(x),imin, imax) - Productof f(x) from imin to imaxMathematicalanalysis: ∫(f(x)) -Indefinite integral of f(x) ∫(f(x),xmin, xmax)- Definite integralof f(x) from xmin to xmax ∂(f(x)) -Derivativeof f(x) lim(f(x), c)- Limit of f(x) when x approaches cEquationsolving:Representation of polynomial - x^2+3x-2=0 = -Polynomialequationoperator Numerical Functions: m mod n - Remainderof m ÷ ngcd(m,n) - Greatest common divisor of m and n lcm(m, n) -Leastcommonmultiple of m and n abs(n) - Absolute value of nround(n) -Integerclosest to n frac(n) - Fractional part of nfloor(n) - Floorvalueof n ceil(n) - Ceiling value of n Complexnumbers:Representation -5+2i re(c) - Real part of complex number cim(c) -Imaginary partof complex number c Statistics: median([a]) -Medianof [a]gmean([a]) - Geometric mean of [a] amean([a]) -Arithmeticmean of[a] randi(n) - Random integer from 0 to n randr -Randomreal from0 to 1 Number theory: harmonicN(n) - nthharmonicnumberCombinatorics: n! - Factorial of n binomial(n, k)-Binomialcoefficient multinomial(n1, n2, ...) -MultinomialcoefficientcatalanN(n) - nth Catalan number fibonacci(n)- nthFibonaccinumber Trigonometric functions: sin(x), cos(x),tan(x)sec(x),csc(x), cot(x) asin(x), acos(x), atan(x),acot(x)Hyperbolicfunctions: sinh(x), cosh(x), tanh(x)arsinh(x),arcosh(x),artanh(x) Matrixes: Representation -[[1,2],[3,4]][m1]⋅[m2] -Product of [m1] and [m2] tran([m]) -Transpose [m]ctran([m]) -Conjugate and transpose [m] inverse([m]) -Invert [m]det([m]) -Determinant of [m] tr([m]) - Trace of [m]mpow([m], n) -nth matrixpower of [m] Number sets: Representation -[1,2]union([a1], [a2])- Union of two sets intersec([a1], [a2])-Intersection of two setsmax([a]) - Largest element of [a]min([a])- Smallest element of[a] Constants: π - Number Pi e -Euler'snumber i - Imaginary unit∞ - Infinity γ - Euler–MascheroniconstantG - Catalan's constant A- Glaisher–Kinkelin constant φ -Goldenratio κ - Khinchin'sconstant C₂ - Twin prime constant ζ₃ -Apéry'sconstant B₄ - Brun'sconstant for prime quadruplets B₂ -Brun'sconstant for twin primesEB - Erdős–Borwein constant δ -Feigenbaumfirst constant α -Feigenbaum second constants BL -Legendre'sconstant M₁ -Meissel–Mertens constant
Scalar Pro — Most Advanced Scientific Calculator 1.1.22
Scalar Math
📗📙📘 Click and see the user guide in PDF 🥇 Extremely Flexible&Very Advanced Scientific Calculator with User ArgumentsDefinition,User Functions Definition, Functions Graphs, ScriptsProgrammingand many other features. Scalar is much more than acalculator.Scalar is a powerful math engine and math scriptinglanguage, thatcombines the simplicity of standard calculators withtheflexibility of scripting. Thanks to Scalar, defining argumentsandfunctions, as well as using them in subsequentcalculations,expressions and functions graphs, has never beeneasier. You willsee it shortly after getting familiar withavailable screens andoptions. 🎯 Main features: 🔹 Standard &Advanced ScientificCalculator 🔹 Extremely convenient calculatorkeyboard 🔹 Re-usage ofprevious calculations, just reference aconstant that was createdfor your convenience 🔹 User definedarguments, as simple as x = 2 🔹User defined functions, as simple asf(x) = x^2, f(x,y,…)=2*x+y 🔹User defined random variables, assimple as rand X = rNor(0,1)+1 🔹Beautiful function graphs, setvariables, range, expression,interact with the chart! 🔹 Scriptswriting, personalize andautomate you work! 🔹 Rich set of examplesbuilt-in in the app! 🔹Work saving and results sharing 👌 Thedefinition of user elementshas never been easier! Using Scalar youcan easily create userelements, below are examples of the naturalmathematical syntax: ▶scalar > x = 2 ▶ scalar > y = 2 * x ▶scalar > y ➥ e1 =4.0 ▶ scalar > x = 3 ▶ scalar > y ➥ e2 =6.0 👌 There is noneed to save the results! In Scalar, each resultis assigned to anautomatically created constant, see example: ▶scalar > 2 + 3 ➥e1 = 5.0 ▶ scalar > 4 + 6 ➥ e2 = 10.0 ▶scalar > e1 + e2 ✪ ➥e3 = 15.0 👌 User functions give hugepossibilities ofpersonalization! Defining user functions is just assimple aswriting a formula ▶ scalar > f (x, y) = sqrt (x ^ 2 + y^ 2) ▶scalar > f (3,4) ➥ e1 = 5.0 👩‍🏫 Scalar was created byamathematician, therefore it has built-in summation andproductoperators! Scalar also supports summation and productoperators,for example the number of prime numbers in the range of 2to 1000 ▶scalar > sum ( i, 2, 10000, ispr (i) ) ➥ e1 = 1229.0 ⚡️This isonly a tiny part of available options! It is only apresentation ofa small part of the available mathematicalfunctions. Allimplemented math elements exceeds several hundred.👩🏻‍💻 At Scalar,you can write scripts! 🔹 The ability to writescripts is a uniquefeature among scientific calculators. 🔹 We allknow how scriptssignificantly accelerate work. 🔹 Scalar provides anice scripteditor with syntax highlighting & syntax hints. 🔹Scripts canbe saved and/or shared (pro version). 🔹 Start-up scriptis alsosupported (pro version). 📈 At Scalar you can createbeautifulfunction graphs! 🔹 Visualization is important - no doubts!🔹 Scalarprovides the ability to create highly personalized functioncharts.🔹 Functions graphs are fully interactive: values reading,scaling,zooming. 🔹 Function charts can be saved or shared (proversion). 📳 More details on: 👌 Enjoyusing ScalarScientific Calculator!
Scientific Calculator 3 1.8
Scientific Calculator 3 is an easy to useuniversalscientificcalculator app for smartphones, tablets orotherAndroidtouchscreen devices. It evaluates mathematicalexpressionsunderconsideration of the algebraic convention "bracketsbeforepowerbefore point before line calculation". The rounding ofresultsisadjustable between 5 and 15 digits. Available notationsarenormalnotation (NORM), scientific notation (SCI) andengineeringnotation(ENG). Trigonometric calculations optionally inDegrees(DEG:1°=PI/180) or Radians (RAD: 1rad=180°/PI).ScientificCalculator 3provides a large history display, where allinputs andresults canbe checked easily. This calculation history iskeptuntil explicitdeletion. For devices without menu button:pleasetouch the screenlonger than 3sec to invoke the setup/optionsmenu!Functions onmain display: * calc operators: + - × ÷ *parentheses:( ) * squareroot and power of 2: sqrt x² * permutation:n! (inlandscape formatonly or on tablets) * reciprocal: 1/x *percentage:% * plus minussign: ± * memory: MR MS M+ * exponent(optional): ExpScientificfunctions via "sci" button and on largedisplays: * poweroperator:^ 2^ e^ 10^ * square and cube root: sqrtcbrt * naturallogarithmand logarithms of 10: ln lg * constants: pi2pi e 1/e*trigonometric, inverse trigonometric and hyperbolicfunctions:sinasin sinh asinh, cos...., tan.... **Notice:ScientificCalculator 3is based on the Open Source SoftwareArity-2.1.6"Arithmetic Enginefor Java" (Copyright © 2007-2009 MihaiPreda),which is licensedunder the Apache license 2.0.
MingCalc Calculator - history 7.2
Easy Calculator,Better than built-in calculator
Graphing Calculator + Math PRO 2023.07.165
Graphing calculator with algebra. Essential tool for schoolandcollege.
MyScript Calculator 2 2.1.4
MyScript© Calculator 2 makes daily math fun and easy!
Calculator Pro - All-in-one 3.1.2
Gigantic Apps
The Perfect Scientific Calculator with Currency, UnitConverter& Math tools.
Calculator 6.4.0
A feature-rich, easy-to-use calculator that solves lifecomputingchallenges
Scientific Calculator Plus 7.0.1
Programmer and Scientific Calculator with Fractions andComplexNumbers
Calculator 3.3.7
The best colorful calculator! Choose your style!
BitCalculator 1.372
Hex, Decimal, Octal and Binary calculator with bit operations
TechCalc+ Calculator 5.0.9
Scientific calculator with graphs, equations, calculus,formulas,finance, etc.
handyCalc Calculator 0.63
Simple yet powerful
Simple Calculator 5.11.3
A beautiful calculator for quick simple calculations withsmoothuser interface
CalcNote - Notepad Calculator
This calculator allows you to make calculations while taking notes
Simple Calculator Pro 1.0.6
Simple and Easy Regular Calculator
Calc: Smart Calculator 2.2.5
A new kind of calculator, it is the smartest and the most powerful.
Calculator 3.3.6
The best colorful calculator! Choose your style!
Simple Calculator 1.14
Very simple calculator for daily use. Completely free andwithoutads.
Multi Calculator 2.9.12
Blue Group
A easy-to-use calculator, can also help you inscientificcalculations
cute calculator 1.2.43
Calculator app for woman. 『Cute Calculator』
Scientific Calculator 7.0.1
Scientific Calculator with Fractions, Complex Numbers andRPNSupport
Battery Widget Pro 3.3.3
JH Jeong
Display battery information, status, and estimation time
RubikCalc Ultra Calculator 2.2.5
Programmable calculator like no other !
Calculator - Floating Widget 2.3.7
One use of this app, and you’ll never want to be without it.
Discount Sales Tax Calculator 2.14.17
Calculator App for percentage discount price and Sales taxincludedprice.
Percentage Calculator 34.3
Alex Oliinyk
Mathematical and accounting calculator
Champ Calc Pro 6.26
Bens Apps
High-performance and arbitrary precision scientific calculator
NT Calculator - Extensive Calc 3.9
More Functions And Better Than Built-in Calculator
Graphing Calculator Plus (X84) 2.3.1
Designed for Calculator 84 users
RpnCalc - Rpn Calculator
Edward Falk
RpnCalc is the best RPN calculator ontheAndroid Market.It has an interface that users of the HP calculator line willbecompletely at home with, including these features:Scientific modeBasic (large key) mode20 MemoriesKey click (haptic feedback)Continouous memory16-level stack (configurable)Front four stack elements displayedRpnCalc has a sixteen-level stack to hold more data. The frontfourelements on the stack are visible at all times, making itmucheasier to keep track of where you are in yourcalculations."Calculator tape" records your calculations and can be sharedviaemail, bluetooth, etc.See for manualOh, and here's the privacy policy: RpnCalc never collectsanyprivate data of any sort. It never connects to the internet.Itdoesn't even run ads.
Fraction Calculator PRO 1.3
I'm Katrechko
Operating with fractions and display of solution algorithm
Graphing Calculator Pro 3.4.1
A powerful graphing calculator and scientific calculator.
Scientific Calculator Pro 2.7.5
RealMax LK
Scientific Calculator for your mathematics. EspeciallyforEngineering students.
Numeral Systems Calculator PRO 2.0
I'm Katrechko
Converting of integers and decimal fractions to base-36numeralsystems
Time Calculator 1.3.4
Time Elapsed / Time Countdown. Live time calculator. Timebetweentwo dates
Mobi Calculator PRO
Simple and scientific modes. Calculate percentage and time andmuchmore.
Calculator 1.3.1
Perform basic operations and calculate the percentage of a number.
Calculator 1.4.46
Multi-screen calculator with voice input for everyday use!