Top 19 Apps Similar to Inglês SA

Xeropan: Learn languages 4.0.101
It's time to learn a new language on a time-travel adventurewithXeropan!
Learn English Grammar 3.4.0
Learn English grammar :Best step by step English Grammar tutorial. Learn Englishgrammarina few days. You will be able to teach grammarafterlearning.English grammar is the best application to learnEnglishgrammar athome, school, tuition, on the move, anywhere! grabit andmasterit. English grammar is the application that help youtoimproveyour English language. You can also practice fromtheEnglishgrammar application. To speak in a clearer andmosteffectivemanner we study grammar.Dictionary in English is alsoagreat toolto increase your vocabulary. Download the dictionaryandimproveyour English language in a more efficient way.Learn GrammarDo you have a question about the correct usage of thesemicolonorhow to place adverbs in a sentence? If so, you've cometo therightplace.English grammar guide filled with the rules ofEnglishusage.Each grammatical rule is explained in plain Englishwithseveralexamples, and when needed, counter-examples. Thegrammaticalrulescovered by this guide are categorized below.English grammaris notalways easy to understand, but by using thisguide you shouldbeable to remind yourself of the rules of Englishusage and speakorwrite English with confidence.DictionaryLearnEnglishGrammarNouns:Nouns are people, places, or things, They tell us what wearetalkingabout. The words cat, Jack, rock, Africa, & itarenouns.Adjectives:Adjectives modify, or describe, nouns. The wordstall,beautiful,irresponsible, & boringare adjectives.Adverbs:Adverbs modify adjectives, verbs, or other adverbs. They tellushow,when, and where things happen. They expressquantity,intensity,frequency, and opinions.Punctuation:Punctuation is not part of oral grammar, but it isessentialtomaster in written English.Verbs & verb tenses:Verbs are action words. They tell us what is happeningandwhen(past, present, future). Verbs can also expresspossibilitiesandconditions.Speech:When we report what someone says, we can cite the persondirectlyorindirectly. Indirect speech rules are an importantareaofgrammar.Learn EnglishThe basic keyword of English grammar:Active Or Passive VoiceAdjectivesAdverbsArticlesAuxiliary VerbsConditionalsConjunctionsDeterminersIdiomsInterjectionsIntroductionNounsPhrasesPrepositionsPronounsQuantifiersQuestion TagsReported SpeechTensesVerbsEnglish Grammar - Learn GrammarIn this fast moving world, time acts as aconstraintforpeople.People don't have enough time to skim throughvastmodulesof English Grammar lessons.Grammar in English.English Grammar provides a crash course on grammar coveringonlythemost important aspects thus saving your valuable time. Getintouchwith us on facebook, Google plus and other social media.
Learn English with Phrases PRO 1.13
App that allows you to learn English with common phrases used inthelanguage
Como Dizer Tudo em Inglês 2.0
O aplicativo “Como dizer tudo em Inglês” éumguia de conversação indispensável para executivos,profissionais,estudantes e viajantes, funcionando com um excelentemecanismo debusca que facilitará localizar recursos que o ajudarãonas diversassituações em que precisar de tradução do português parao inglês.Neste app de tradução do português para inglês, vocêencontraráfrases prontas para a conversação nas diversas situaçõesdodia-a-dia, como inglês para viagens, inglês para negócios emuitomais:• Inglês Geral 1 – Expressões comuns emcontextosespecíficos• Inglês Geral 2 – A linguagem da conversação• Inglês Comercial e Profissional• Inglês para Palestras e Reuniões• Inglês para Viagens e Turismo• Morando no Exterior• Inglês para Correspondência Escrita• Expressões Comuns em Português• Notas LinguísticasEste App possui mais de 3.500 frases e cerca de 400 áudiosqueauxiliarão na pronuncia correta das palavras na língua inglesaecontém todo o livro “Como dizer tudo em inglês”, da EditoraCampusElsevier, escrito por Ron Martinez.Você vai se surpreender com este app de tradução da línguainglesapara língua portuguesa e poderá utilizar este guia deconversaçãoinglês/português em viagens, palestras, reuniões, cursosepossibilitando a um estudante de Idioma, utilizar expressõesmaispopulares no inglês de uso mundial, dentro do modeloinglêsamericano.The application "Howtosay it in English" is a conversation guide indispensableforexecutives, professionals, students and travelers, working withanexcellent search engine that will facilitate locating resourcestohelp in various situations where you need the translationintoPortuguese English. In this translation from PortugueseintoEnglish app, you will find ready-made phrases for conversationinvarious situations of day-to-day, such as English fortravel,business English and much more:• General English 1 - Common expressions inspecificcontexts• General English 2 - The language of conversation• Commercial and Professional English• English for Conferences and Meetings• English for Travel and Tourism• Living Abroad• English for correspondence Writing• Regular Expressions in Portuguese• Linguistic NotesThis App has more than 3,500 phrases and around 400 audiosthatwill assist in the correct pronunciation of words in theEnglishlanguage and contains all the book "How to say it inEnglish,"Editora Campus Elsevier, written by Ron Martinez.You will be amazed with this English language translation appforPortuguese and you can use this conversation guide English/Portuguese travel, lectures, meetings, courses and enablingaLanguage student, using most popular expressions inEnglishworldwide use within American English model.
FARM. English in photos HD 1.0.7
Vocaboo Ltd
- English with bright HD photos forchildrenandbeginners.- 100 words, 150 phrases, 15 lessons voiced by Britishactors!- 4 types of vocabulary memorizationtests:recognition,pronunciation, spelling.- Prizes: 30 short cartoons and songs in English.Vocaboo FARM:The joys of farm life. The life of people and animalsinthecountryside. You will see how fruit, vegetables, nutsandberriesgrow, which plants are grown in fields and whatproductspeoplemake from them.Vocaboo apps are interesting for adults as well, buttheywerecreated especially for children. The text part isadaptedforelementary level learners, and the pictures areselectedkeepingstrict parental ethics in mind. English is acquiredthroughanimmersion into the language environment, which is themostnaturalway for children to learn. All English words arelinkedthroughphrases that provide examples of their usage. Wecallthisprinciple of navigation "Endless surfing."Learning English begins with memorizing vocabularythroughvividimages and recordings made by native speakers.Phrasesillustratingthe usage of the word create a complete picturein thechild’smind.In this application you can find:- Interesting facts and vivid HD pictures.- 100 words to study (nouns, adjectives and verbs).- 15 playful vocabulary lessons.- 150 phrases illustrating usage.- 4 types of tests to check knowledge (a new test startsafterevery5-7 words)- Prizes: 30 entertaining cartoons and songs in English.- Help from Vocaboo, a funny animated character.Both children and adults love to look at beautifulpictures,soour app features colorful pictures from ShutterstockwithEnglishcaptions and recordings. It has been proven that whenthesethreeelements (picture, sound, and spelling) come togetherinone'shead, new words are saved in long-term memory.Suitable as an early development game for preschoolersolderthan3 to learn English from scratch, and for primaryschoolstudentscontinuing to study English. Lessons contain themostuseful andsimple words: fruits, berries, vegetables,animals,children'sgames, transportation, seasons, days of the weekandcalendarmonths. Vocaboo, our educational game’scheerfulspokesperson, helpslearn new words while users playgames.Give your children the opportunity to learn the right way—andhave fun doing it!
Apprendre l'Anglais Business
MosaLingua Crea
★ Pour vous aider à apprendre l’anglaisdesaffaires et à vous plonger rapidement dans le monde dutravail,notre méthode a été conçue pour tous ceux qui ont peu detemps àconsacrer à l’apprentissage. ★MosaLingua est une méthode qui vous permet de mémoriserlevocabulaire et les expressions-clés qui sont en lien directavecvotre spécialité professionnelle. Grâce aux dialoguesintégrés,vous améliorerez très rapidement votre compréhension ainsiquevotre prononciation tout en progressant en anglais.APPROCHE EFFICACE, PRAGMATIQUE ET UTILE QUI VOUS PREPAREAUXPRINCIPALES SITUATIONS PROFESSIONNELLES► S’exprimer aisément au téléphone► Rédiger des e-mails► Socialiser avec des collègues, clients et partenaires► Participer et/ou animer une réunion► Rédiger un CV et réussir un entretien d’embauche► Négocier► Participer à une manifestation publique : salon,conférence,…► Motiver une équipe► Gérer un projetCONTENU QUI CIBLE LE VOCABULAIRE SPECIALISE DE VOTRE METIER► Service Clients► Ressources Humaines► Vente/Achat► Finance, Comptabilité► Publicité, Marketing► Informatique► Logistique, Production► Gestion, ManagementMÉTHODE D'APPRENTISSAGE ISSUE DE LA RECHERCHE DE POINTE :Notre méthode de l’anglais Business est basée sur le systèmederépétition espacée (Spaced Repetition System - voirlesexplications sur la vidéo : ).Sesspécificités :► pour apprendre l’anglais des affaires de façon efficaceetdurable, notre méthode calcule chaque carte du planning derévisionen fonction de vos difficultés personnalisées► pas de perte de temps : passez votre précieux temps sur cequivous est utile et laissez de côté ce qui vous paraîtfacile► s'adapte en permanence à votre rythme et à vos difficultés,commesi vous aviez votre professeur d’anglais dans votreSmartphone!► vous fait utiliser votre mémoire visuelle et auditive► renforce la mémoire à long terme et l’apprentissage durableUN APPRENTISSAGE MOBILE (LORS D'UN DEPLACEMENT, EN VACANCES)► des sessions d'apprentissage de l’anglais pro à duréevariable(2mn ou plus de 30mn, selon votre temps libre)► s'adapte constamment à votre rythme et à toutesvosdifficultés► vous pouvez arrêter puis reprendre la leçon d’anglais proàn'importe quel moment► nul besoin d’une connexion internet : tout est offlineCONTENU► plus de 2500 cartes de mots et de phrases en anglais, énoncéspardes natifs► de nombreux conseils prodigués par des experts afin de vousaiderdans votre vie professionnelle ; astuces de langage,…► 18 catégories principales : emails, trouver un emploi,autéléphone, réunions, présentations, vente,marketing,finance,...► plus de 100 catégories secondaires : entrer encommunication,écrire un ordre du jour ou le compte-rendu d'uneréunion, faire lasynthèse d’un dîner de travail,...► 10 niveaux : des compétences clefs au vocabulaire anglais prodevotre spécialité► 7 dialogues de mise en scène des situations professionnelleslesplus courantes► plus de 100 bonus à gagner au cours de votre progression► dictionnaire d’anglais en ligne► possibilité exclusive d’ajouter vos propres cartesMosaLingua Anglais Business est adapté à ceux qui possèdentdesbases et/ou qui veulent cibler l'anglais pro, utilisé dans lemondedu travail. Mais pour les vrais débutants, nousconseillonsd’utiliser d’abord MosaLingua Anglais.L’app évolue sans cesse: de mises à jour gratuites sontprévuesrégulièrement.NB.: L'application nécessite d'un certain nombred'autorisationspour fonctionner correctement. Si vous avez desdoutes à ce sujet,contactez-nous pour plus de détails. Merci devotrecompréhension.★ To help youlearnbusiness English and to immerse yourself quickly in the worldofwork, our method is designed for those who have little timetodevote to learning. ★MosaLingua is a method that allows you to memorize vocabularyandkey phrases that are directly related to yourprofessionalspecialty. With built-dialogues, you'll improve quicklyyourunderstanding and your pronunciation while progressinginEnglish.APPROACH EFFECTIVE, PRAGMATIC AND HELPFUL TO YOU PREPARE FORMAJORPROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS► If the phone easily express► Write emails► Socialize with colleagues, customers and partners► Participate in and / or facilitate a meeting► Write a CV and pass a job interview► negotiate► Participating in a public event: show, conference, ...► Motivating a team► Manage projectCONTENT THAT TARGET THE SPECIALIZED VOCABULARY OFYOURBUSINESS► Customer Service► Human Resources► Sale / Purchase► Finance, Accounting► Advertising, Marketing► Computer► Logistics, Production► Management, ManagementLEARNING METHOD OF ISSUE OF ADVANCED SEARCH:We use English Business is based on the spaced repetitionsystem(Spaced Repetition System - see explanation onvideo: Its characteristics:► to learn business English effectively and sustainably, ourmethodcalculates each revision schedule map based on yourcustomchallenges► no loss of time: spend your valuable time on what is helpfulandleave out what you think is easy► constantly adapts to your pace and your difficulties, as ifyouhad your English teacher in your Smartphone!► makes you use your visual and auditory memory► enhances long-term memory and sustainable learningMOBILE LEARNING (DURING MOVEMENT IN HOLIDAY)► learning sessions of English pro variable duration (2 minutesormore than 30 minutes, depending on your free time)► constantly adapts to your pace and all your difficulties► You can stop and resume the pro English lesson at any time► no need for an internet connection: all is offlineCONTENT► over 2,500 cards of words and phrases in English, statementsbynative► many tips provided by experts to help you in yourprofessionallife; language tips, ...► 18 main categories: emails, find a job on the phone,meetings,presentations, sales, marketing, finance, ...► over 100 subcategories: to communicate, write an agenda ortheminutes of a meeting, to synthesize a working dinner ...► 10 levels of key skills English vocabulary proyourspecialty► 7 staging dialogues of the most common business situations► over 100 bonuses to win during your progression► English Dictionary online► exclusive ability to add your own mapsMosaLingua Business English is suitable for those with bases and/or who want to target the English pro, used in the workplace.Butfor true beginners, we recommend using firstMosaLinguaEnglish.The app is constantly evolving: free updates areprovidedregularly.NB .: The application requires a number of permits tooperateproperly. If you have doubts about this, contact us fordetails.Thank you for your understanding.
8th grade math english 8 eight 1
This is our app title # 14 out of a totalof42apps released till date.If you practice hard, you can excel !! QVprep for grade8providesyou hundreds of math and english problems withdetailedanswerexplanations so that you can create a stronglearningfoundation.QVprep 8th grade Quantitative Maths VerbalEnglishAbilityPractice Test prep for eighth grade 8 math vocab quizcommoncorestandardQVprep 8 for eighth grade helps students to practice,learnandimprove their knowledge in maths and english. The apphashundredsof multiple choice questions with answers in 20practicetests onquantitative (maths) and verbal (english) ability.This appisideal to not only improve grades in school but also topreparefortests conducted by schools for admission into theirhighcapability(high cap) and gifted programs.Verbal (english) ability practice tests are on eighthgradelevelverbal analogy and analogies, antonyms,synonyms,readingcomprehension, vocabulary and word meanings.Quantitative (maths) ability practice tests are on grade8levelmaths covering integers, decimals, exponents, squareroots,wordproblem on money, time and measurements,problemsolving,scientific notation, algebra, equations,geometry,pythagoreantheorem, number sequence, inequalities,linearfunctions, nonlinear functions, variables and equations,monomialsandpolynomials, statistics, probability, mental maths,puzzles,logicand reasoning.The QVprep grade 8 app has ten practice tests eachinquantitativeand verbal ability. Each practice test has around50multiple choicequestions. If you answer a question wrong,thecorrect answer withdetailed explanation is displayed so thatyoucan learn where youwent wrong. App displays your score whenyoucomplete a practicetest. App allows you to post score onyourFacebook page or Twitteraccount so that parents can monitoryourperformance.By using QVprep for grade 8, you can practice and learnatyourown pace. Developed with a tenet that “practice makesamanperfect”, QVprep for grade 8 is an app that willpreparethestudent for SATs and future college admission, right whentheyarein middle school.This app is for kids in eighth grade or grade 8. Theappenablesyou to perfect your maths and english skills on the goonyourandroid smart phone and tablets.PJP Consulting LLC* Our mission is to develop educational apps for everysubject,everycountry, every school and college so that today'smoderntechnologylike smart phones and tablets is used foreducation andlearning ofschool, college and academiccurriculum.* This app is ideal for accelerated learning* Improve your verbal reasoning and math fundamentals* Attempt questions and quiz that pose challenge in atestprepenvironment* With no games, this tutor on mathematics andenglishreadingpresents challenging questions in a workbook/worksheetformat* Ideal for testing, learning, training, and tutoring for kids
Aprenda inglês 1.2
Oferta especial limitada. Preço é 2,00 BRLemvez de 6,00 BRLÉ com prazer que apresentamos um produto diferenciado,Aprendainglês, especialmente desenvolvido para ajudar a memorizarpalavrasatravés do método de treinamento flashcard.O aplicativo contém mais de 4.600 palavras, cada umaapresentadano formato escrito com uma gravação da pronúncia porfalantesnativos do idioma.São 30 dicionários divididos em tópicos para facilitarseuaprendizado (Alimentos e culinária, Medicina, Negócios,Animais,etc.). Você também pode criar seu próprio dicionário,acrescentandopalavras selecionadas do dicionário geral.O método de aprendizado é bastante conveniente (baseadonoSistema Leitner de Flashcards) e permite a memorização rápidadosvocábulos. O programa dispõe de quatro exercíciosdiferentes:Tradução ao português, Tradução ao inglês, Ditado eAdivinhar apalavra.★ O programa foi elaborado especificamente parausuáriosbrasileiros.★ O vocabulário conta com mais de 4.600 palavras.★ São 30 dicionários divididos em tópicos: Transporte eveículos,No restaurante, Terminologia militar, Hora, Geografia,Gramática,Empresas, Alimentos e culinária, Animais, Fazenda, Arte,Pedras eminerais, Medicina, Música, Países, Ciência e tecnologia,Frutas elegumes, Roupas, Clima, Viagem e férias, Plantas, Família,Esporte,Construção, Casa, Cores, Palavras comuns, Sentimentos eemoções,Escola, Idiomas.★ Uma seleção crescente de dicionários. O aplicativo éatualizadoà medida que novos dicionários são lançados.★ Cada palavra contém uma gravação da pronúncia por umfalantenativo e a transcrição da palavra em inglês.★ Todo o conteúdo está armazenado no dispositivo, nãoénecessária uma conexão internet para usá-lo. Você só precisarosdados necessários (cerca de 55 MB) somente uma vez.★ Opção de criar e editar seus próprios dicionários.★ Quatro exercícios diferentes à sua escolha: Traduçãoaoportuguês, Tradução ao inglês, Ditado e Adivinhar a palavra.Special offerlimited.Price is instead of 2.00 BRL 6.00 BRLIt is our pleasure to present a differentiated product,LearnEnglish, specially developed to help you memorize wordsthroughtraining method flashcard.The app contains more than 4,600 words, each presented inwrittenformat with a recording of the pronunciation by nativespeakers.Dictionaries are divided into 30 topics for easy learning(Foodand Cooking, Medicine, Business, Pets, etc..). You can alsocreateyour own dictionary, adding selected words from thedictionarygeneral.The learning method is quite convenient (based on theLeitnerSystem Flashcards) and allows rapid memorization of words.Theprogram offers four different exercises: TranslationintoPortuguese, Translation into English, Dictation and guesstheword.★ The program is designed specifically for Brazilian users.★ The vocabulary includes more than 4,600 words.★ dictionaries are divided into 30 topics: TransportandVehicles, In the restaurant, Military terminology, Time,Geography,Grammar, Business, Food and Cooking, Pets, Property, Art,Stonesand minerals, Medicine, Music, Countries, Science andTechnology,Fruits and vegetables, Clothing, Weather, Travel andVacation,Plants, Family, Sports, Construction, Home, Colors, CommonWords,Feelings and emotions, School, Languages.★ A growing selection of dictionaries. The application isupdatedas new dictionaries are posted.★ Each word contains a recording of pronunciation by anativespeaker and transcription of the word in English.★ All content is stored on the device, no internet connectionisrequired to use it. You only need the necessary data (about 55MB)only once.★ Option to create and edit your own dictionaries.★ Four different exercises to choose from: TranslationintoPortuguese, Translation into English, Dictation and guesstheword.
Curso Inglês Winner 1.0.0
Aprenda Inglês Gratuitamente com omaiorcanalde vídeos do Brasil. Já são quase 500 Mil Inscritos emais de35Milhões de visualizações.Neste App você vai receber diretamente no seu celulartodasasnovas aulas gratuitas que forem postas bem como ficarsabendodeaulas ao vivo que acontecem no canal. Se você queraprenderouafiar o seu inglês você não pode ficar de foradessacomunidade.Dentro do App também serão disponibilizadosdiversosmateriaisgratuitos para download como: E-Books, áudios,podcasts emuitomais.Não fique parado no tempo. Se você quer aprenderinglêsparaviagens, trabalho ou mesmo desenvolvimento pessoal, esteé oapppara você.Nós contamos com uma acervo de mais de 300 vídeosgratuitoscomaulas práticas que já te colocam para falar desde oprimeirodia.Experimente.Learn English forFreewithmost video channel in Brazil. It's almost 500 thousandMembersandover 35 million views.In this App you will receive directly on your mobile allnewfreeclasses that are put and stay aware of live classes thattakeplacein the channel. If you want to learn or sharpen yourEnglishyou cannot stay out of this community. Within the App willalsobeavailable several free downloadable materials suchasE-Books,audios, podcasts and more.Do not be stopped in time. If you want to learnEnglishfortravel, work or personal development, this is the appforyou.We rely on a collection of over 300 free videoswithpracticallessons that have put you to speak from the first day.Tryit.
Hola Ingles 0.0.2
“Hola Ingles!” es una aplicacióndehablainglesa que ofrece la forma más fácil y rápida d aprenderahablaringlés de manera fluida. Para aprender a hablar inglés delamaneratradicional y académica debes invertir tu tiempo ydinero,mientrasque “Hola Ingles!” es una aplicación gratuita que teayudaa hablaringlés fluidamente en poco tiempo, proporcionándoteunavariedad deoraciones y frases de uso común que puedes usarenconversacionesen la vida diaria.“Hola Ingles!” también ayuda a los usuarios apronunciarlaspalabras, oraciones y frases de forma correctamediante el usodemiles de grabaciones de alta calidad.La aplicación posee tres niveles de conversación:1- Nivel principiante:Este nivel tiene 14 lecciones diferentes que teenseñanelvocabulario inglés básico que ayudará a los usuariosadesarrollarun conocimiento completo de las palabras máscomunesusadas enconversaciones diarias.A continuación podrás ver una lista de las 14leccionesqueestudiarás en el nivel principiante:1. Pronombres || 2. Calendario || 3. Colores y formas ||4.Amigosy familia || 5. Partes del cuerpo || 6. Comida ||7.Animales || 8.En casa || 9. Moda || 10. Lugares || 11. Salud||12. Adjetivoscomunes || 13. Verbos comunes || 14.Palabrascomunes2- Nivel intermedio:El nivel intermedio tiene 32 lecciones en las que mostramosmásde2500 oraciones y frases de uso común en lasconversacionesdiarias endiferentes contextos:1. Hablar sobre ti || 2. Saludos || 3. Describir a personas||4.Agradecer a personas || 5. Invitar a personas || 6.Cómointerrumpira otros || 7. Hablar sobre tu familia || 8. Tiempoycalendario ||9. Clima || 10. Expresar sentimientos || 11.Cómodisculparse || 12.Hablar por teléfono || 13. Relaciones ||14.Aficiones || 15. Cine ytelevisión || 16. Profesiones y empleos||17. Direcciones y lugares|| 18. Transporte público || 19.Tráfico|| 20. Hablar de dinero ||21. Alquilar un apartamento ||22.Comprar ropa || 23. En elrestaurante || 24. En el hotel || 25.Enel aeropuerto || 26. En elgimnasio || 27. En la peluquería ||28.Visitar al médico || 29.Tomar decisiones || 30. Hablarsobrecrímenes || 31. Preguntascomunes || 32. Frases comunes3- Nivel avanzado:Este nivel aún está desarrollándose. Estamostrabajandoparaproporcionar diferentes lecciones para mejorar lashabilidadesdellenguaje de los usuarios y ayudarlos a convertirseenhablantesavanzados de inglés.
English Verbs Reference 1.59
Free English Verbs Reference application!
Lee en inglés: Damn cat 2.5.1
Lee un relato actual en el inglés de hoy y disfruta de suhumorácido y sus delirantes escenas. El argumento gira sobreladivertida y surrealista confesión de un jardinero que se enfrentaala desaparición de Billy Joe, el gato de un jubilado inglés. Sinoentiendes una frase, tócala y la ves en español. ‘eBBiBooks’presenta un relato con el que puedes disfrutar, estudiarypracticar importantes aspectos del inglés. El relato, ‘Damncat’está en formato Dubbuk. Se trata de un material único. Sinsalir dela app tienes: - Texto en inglés y traducción profesionalalespañol de cada frase con solo pulsar encima. - Audio degrancalidad en inglés británico. - Totalmente ilustrado - Todaslascaracterísticas del formato Dubbuk: · Diccionario bilingüeWordReference en cada palabra. · Posibilidad de leer en doscolumnasinglés-español. · Escuchar cada frase por separado cuantasvecesquieras. Practica aspectos clave del inglés para nivelavanzado.Refrescar y enriquece tu inglés de forma cómoda con untextodivertido. Avanzar y practicarlistening.------------------------------------------------- Autor:GemaMartínez Traducción: María Jiménez Ilustraciones: EnriqueBernalVoz: Andrew Birch Texto y audio: Inglés Traducción:InglésDiccionario: +2500 palabras +20 min deaudioNivel avanzado - Texto original Voz en inglés británico ----‘Damncat / Maldito gato’ ---- Un jardinero contratado en un hotelruralse queda al cuidado de los animales de los propietariosdelestablecimiento, “un viejo inglés y su chiquita rubia”.Ladesaparición del gato Billy Joe activa una trama vertiginosaysurrealista cuyas trágicas consecuencias se escapan a lamiradaparanoica del protagonista. Damn cat fue ganador delconcursoFuentetaja 2009 y está publicado en el librocolectivo‘Asentamientos’. --------- ¿Que es el eBBi Book? ---------Es unlibro en formato Dubbuk, una tecnología innovadora que tepermiteleer en inglés de forma cómoda y fluida, al integrartexto,traducción profesional, audio y diccionario. Es como unlibrosubtitulado. --------- Ebbi Books --------- Publicamos enformatoDubbuk tanto textos íntegros como textos graduados, paradiferentesniveles. Además, todos nuestros libros están ilustrados ypresentanuna edición muy cuidada.
Inglés Podcast 1.0
English Podcast - The audio podcasts La Mansion del Inglés.
Aprender Verbos Inglés 1.3
Aprende la traducción, el pasado,elparticipiopasado y pronunciación de los verbos mas comunesenInglés, así comosus formas compuestas, sin necesidad de usardatosmóviles.- Recorre de forma lineal o aleatoria las listas de verbos- Verifica la traducción, pasado y pasado participiodelosverbos- Escucha la pronunciación correcta- Oculta o muestra los verbos regularesLearn thetranslation,thepast, the past participle and pronunciation of themostcommonEnglish verbs and their composite forms, without usingmobiledata.- Browse linearly or random lists of verbs- Check the translation, past and past participle of the verb- Listen to the correct pronunciation- Hide or show regular verbs
Aprender Inglês BRASZIL 1.8
O aplicativo representa a transformação do ensino dalínguainglesano Brasil. Um aplicativo que chega paraquebrarparadigmas,revolucionando a própria sistemática daindústria. TheApprepresents the transformation of English languageteachinginBrazil. The advent of an application that challengesthestatusquo, revolutionising the very system itself used bythemarket. Éimprescindível dominar o inglês, mas atualmente oBrasilocupa o38o lugar no ranking internacional de países comfluêncianalíngua, algo que precisa ser corrigido para que essagrandenaçãopossa prosperar mais. Everyone needs to masterEnglish,yetcurrently Brazil ranks 38th in the international listofcountrylanguage fluency, something that needs to be rectifiedifthisgreat nation intends to prosper. O aplicativofoicuidadosamentedesenhado e desenvolvido para atender àssuasnecessidades comobrasileiro interessado em dominar o inglês.TheApp has beenpainstakingly designed and developed to serveyourneeds as aBrazilian interested in mastering English. Oaplicativo,portanto,não trata de mera versão de algo produzido noexterior,mas todauma sistemática foi criada visando o aprendizado,dousuáriobrasileiro. Nevertheless, the Application is not merelyaversionof one produced overseas but an entire system createdwiththeBrazilian User learning experience in mind. O“interface”emformato de jogo facilita a compreensão e também tornaoaprendizadodivertido, além de ser um desafio contra o relógiocompontos aserem ganhos, ou perdidos, em cada módulo. The interfaceasa gameformat facilitates understanding, making learning fun aswellasagainst the clock scoring and forfeiting points in eachmodule.Asdicas (Tips), sistema (System) e ajuda (Help) fornecemopçõesparaguiar seu aprendizado, utilizando nosso sistema de ensino–LógicaEmpírica Comparativa®. Ao finalizar cada exemplo, vocêpodeaindatreinar a sua pronúncia através do Pronounce botão.TheTips,System and Help provide options to help guideyourlearningprocess, employing our teaching system –EmpiricalComparativeLogic®. As you finish an example, you can evenpracticeyourpronunciation using the Pronounce button. Conformeseuprogresso,módulos mais avançados serão apresentados no formatodemódulospagos (In-App Purchases), com exemplos cada vezmaisdifíceis,introduzindo novas áreas de estudo, e novosmódulosoferecidos acada semana. As you progress, more advancedmodules arepresentedas In-App Purchases, with increasinglychallengingexamples,opening up new study areas, with new modules onoffer eachweek.Além de seus dados, seu perfil contém todos osmódulos pagosjábaixados e você poderá treinar com esses módulosquantasvezesdesejar. In addition to your details, your profilecontainsall theIn-App Purchase modules already downloaded and youare freetopractice on these modules as often as you want. Alémdepontuardurante os módulos, seus pontos valem na troca de brindes,eaindapodem subir de nível e desafiar seus amigos aentraremnoAplicativo e tentarem pontuar melhor que você. As wellaspointscoring during the modules, these points can be exchangedforourfree gifts, and you can go up through the levels andchallengeyourfriends and coworkers to also download the App andattempt topointscore higher than you.
Ingles 1º Primaria Trimestre 1 1.6
Juegos y actividades para afianzarlosconocimientos de la asignatura de inglés primer curso deprimariaprimer trimestre. Incluye actividades de todas lashabilidades queconfiguran el idioma: lectura, escritura, gramática,escucha yvocabulario (reading, writing, grammar, speaking andvocabulary),así como el temario completo y material adicional paralos máscuriosos. Ayúdales a subir subir sus notasdivirtiéndose.Aprovecha el verano y diviértete repasando.Los contenidos son los siguientes:Tema 1:- Colors and shapes and numbers 1-10Tema 2:- School suppliesTema 3:- Human body.Voice: Loredana Muresan, English TeacherIcons: thenounproject.comGames and activitiestoreinforce the knowledge of the subject of first grade Englishfirsttrimester. It includes all activities that make up thelanguageskills: reading, writing, grammar, listening andvocabulary(reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary and speaking) aswell as thecomplete agenda and additional material for the curious.Help themto climb up your notes fun.Enjoy the summer and enjoy reviewed.The contents are:Topic 1:- Colors and shapes and numbers 1-10Item 2:- School suppliesItem 3:- Human body.Voice: Loredana Muresan, Inglés TeacherIcons:
English conversation daily 1.1.7
English Conversation is helpful appforlearning to speak daily English. The program contains lessonsthatgive special attention to English pronunciation andeverydaylanguage. With 100 lessons based on a realworldconversation.FEATURES• 100 English conversation• Commonly-used English phrases & vocabularies• Easy to store and manage your favorite items• Pretty UI, simple and user-friendly,support multi language• Huge amount of audio content, video content• Remind learn words or phrases• Speaking English• Voice recording*Easy to use, easy to understand, easy to practice!*Improve quickly listening skills, gain more useful andpracticalEnglish*No internet connection requiredDeveloped by Awabe.
Inglés cotidiano
#1 aplicaciones para el aprendizaje delinglés– ¿cómo digerir el inglés de forma divertida? – ¿cómoaprender demanera natural sin tener que empollar?La aplicación es accecible GRATUITAMENTE en Google Play.Sucontenido textual en su extensión completa serádisponibleinmediatamente tras descargar y activar la aplicación ensudispositivo.¿Quiere DOMINAR CON SEGURIDAD LA LENGUA EXTRANJERA, esdecir,PENSAR en ella sin tener que traducir de su lenguamaterna,entender a los hablantes nativos y pronunciar con unacentocorrecto?Se trata de un aprendizaje del inglés a través de unmétodoúnico, basado en investigaciones científicas, y aprobadopornuestros clientes del mundo entero. ¡Este método de aprendizajedelenguas extranjeras es considerado como uno de los máseficientespara autodidactas! Aproveche hasta el 97 % de sussentidos y de sumemoria lógica, la más eficiente clase de memoria,en la que lasinformaciones se guardan en conjuntos lógicos (frasesenteras,historias). De una forma similar aprenden su lengua maternatambiénlos niños pequeños. Los niños primero escuchan, despuésimitan alos adultos y al final tratan de formar sus propias unionesdepalabras y oraciones.Aquí aprenderá ÚNICAMENTE la pronunciación correcta, yaqueescucha solamente a hablantes nativos.Vetanjas del método SmartLanguage:* no se aprende de memoria* usted subconscientemente también aprenderá la gramáticamediantela repetición de una gran cantidad de sentencias* no hay necesidad de un diccionario (hay traducciones palabraporpalabra)* fácil de entender cómo construir frases en inglésSmartLanguage es tan simple y fácil de usar. No haypequeñecesinnecesarias.Aplicación consta de:* 6,5 horas de grabaciones de voz* 4051 palabras únicas (vocabulario)* un total de 18 lecciones, 2728 oraciones, 35814 palabrasAdemás:* Cómo estudiar inglés: 8 minutos, 44 sentencias, 264palabrasúnicas (vocabulario)* Pronunciación y deletreo: 7 minutos, 18 oraciones, 158palabrasúnicas* Verbos irregulares: 42 minutos, 1 377 oraciones, 1 873palabrasúnicasPara obtener más información por favor no dude en visitarelsitio del producto en nosotros nos preocupa la calidad y su satisfacción. Siusteddesea expresar algo a nosotros, por favor, envíe un mensajeanuestro soporte técnico directamente desde la aplicación, eslaúnica manera en la que somos capaces de responder.# 1 uses forEnglishlearning - how to digest the English in a fun way? - Learnhownaturally without having to hatch?The application is FREE on Google Play accecible. Yourtextualcontent in its full length will be available immediatelyafterdownload and activate the application on your device.Want to DOMINATE SAFE FOREIGN LANGUAGE, ie THINK about itwithouthaving to translate your native language, understand nativespeakersand speak with the correct accent?This is an English learning through a unique method, basedonscientific research, and approved by our customers worldwide.Thismethod of learning foreign languages ​​is considered one ofthemost efficient self-taught! Take up to 97% of their sensesandtheir logical memory, the most efficient type of memory inwhichinformation is stored in logical sets (completesentences,stories). In a similar way also learn their mother tongueyoungchildren. Children first listen, then imitate adults andfinallytry to form their own unions words and sentences.ONLY Here you will learn the correct pronunciation, andlisteningonly to native speakers.Vetanjas SmartLanguage method:* Memory is not learned* You will also learn grammar subconsciously by repeating a lotofjudgments* No need for a dictionary (no translations word for word)* Easy to understand how to construct sentences in EnglishSmartLanguage is so simple and easy to use. Nounnecessarytrifles.Application comprises:* 6.5 hours of voice recordings* 4051 unique words (vocabulary)* A total of 18 lessons, 2728 sentences, 35814 wordsIn addition:* How to learn English: 8 minutes 44 sentences, 264 uniquewords(vocabulary)* Pronunciation and spelling: 7 minutes 18 sentences, 158uniquewords* Irregular verbs: 42 minutes 1 377 sentences, 1873 uniquewordsFor more information please feel free to visit the productsitein are worried about the quality and satisfaction. If you wanttosay something to us, please send a message to our supportdirectlyfrom the application, it is the only way we are able torespond.
1000 Palavras em Inglês 1.4
Contém as 1000 palavras mais usadas eminglêspara aprender sozinho com áudio. Aplicativo para treinarapronúncia em inglês, com tradução.Contains the 1,000mostcommonly used words in English to learn yourself withaudio.Application for training pronunciation in English,withtranslation.