/ April 12, 2017
(4.6/5) (555)


★ Pour vous aider à apprendre l’anglais desaffaires et à vous plonger rapidement dans le monde du travail,notre méthode a été conçue pour tous ceux qui ont peu de temps àconsacrer à l’apprentissage. ★

MosaLingua est une méthode qui vous permet de mémoriser levocabulaire et les expressions-clés qui sont en lien direct avecvotre spécialité professionnelle. Grâce aux dialogues intégrés,vous améliorerez très rapidement votre compréhension ainsi quevotre prononciation tout en progressant en anglais.

► S’exprimer aisément au téléphone
► Rédiger des e-mails
► Socialiser avec des collègues, clients et partenaires
► Participer et/ou animer une réunion
► Rédiger un CV et réussir un entretien d’embauche
► Négocier
► Participer à une manifestation publique : salon, conférence,…
► Motiver une équipe
► Gérer un projet

► Service Clients
► Ressources Humaines
► Vente/Achat
► Finance, Comptabilité
► Publicité, Marketing
► Informatique
► Logistique, Production
► Gestion, Management

Notre méthode de l’anglais Business est basée sur le système derépétition espacée (Spaced Repetition System - voir lesexplications sur la vidéo : http://mosalingua.com ). Sesspécificités :

► pour apprendre l’anglais des affaires de façon efficace etdurable, notre méthode calcule chaque carte du planning de révisionen fonction de vos difficultés personnalisées
► pas de perte de temps : passez votre précieux temps sur ce quivous est utile et laissez de côté ce qui vous paraît facile
► s'adapte en permanence à votre rythme et à vos difficultés, commesi vous aviez votre professeur d’anglais dans votre Smartphone!
► vous fait utiliser votre mémoire visuelle et auditive
► renforce la mémoire à long terme et l’apprentissage durable

► des sessions d'apprentissage de l’anglais pro à durée variable(2mn ou plus de 30mn, selon votre temps libre)
► s'adapte constamment à votre rythme et à toutes vosdifficultés
► vous pouvez arrêter puis reprendre la leçon d’anglais pro àn'importe quel moment
► nul besoin d’une connexion internet : tout est offline

► plus de 2500 cartes de mots et de phrases en anglais, énoncés pardes natifs
► de nombreux conseils prodigués par des experts afin de vous aiderdans votre vie professionnelle ; astuces de langage,…
► 18 catégories principales : emails, trouver un emploi, autéléphone, réunions, présentations, vente, marketing,finance,...
► plus de 100 catégories secondaires : entrer en communication,écrire un ordre du jour ou le compte-rendu d'une réunion, faire lasynthèse d’un dîner de travail,...
► 10 niveaux : des compétences clefs au vocabulaire anglais pro devotre spécialité
► 7 dialogues de mise en scène des situations professionnelles lesplus courantes
► plus de 100 bonus à gagner au cours de votre progression
► dictionnaire d’anglais en ligne
► possibilité exclusive d’ajouter vos propres cartes

MosaLingua Anglais Business est adapté à ceux qui possèdent desbases et/ou qui veulent cibler l'anglais pro, utilisé dans le mondedu travail. Mais pour les vrais débutants, nous conseillonsd’utiliser d’abord MosaLingua Anglais.

L’app évolue sans cesse: de mises à jour gratuites sont prévuesrégulièrement.

NB.: L'application nécessite d'un certain nombre d'autorisationspour fonctionner correctement. Si vous avez des doutes à ce sujet,contactez-nous pour plus de détails. Merci de votrecompréhension.
★ To help you learnbusiness English and to immerse yourself quickly in the world ofwork, our method is designed for those who have little time todevote to learning. ★

MosaLingua is a method that allows you to memorize vocabulary andkey phrases that are directly related to your professionalspecialty. With built-dialogues, you'll improve quickly yourunderstanding and your pronunciation while progressing inEnglish.

► If the phone easily express
► Write emails
► Socialize with colleagues, customers and partners
► Participate in and / or facilitate a meeting
► Write a CV and pass a job interview
► negotiate
► Participating in a public event: show, conference, ...
► Motivating a team
► Manage project

► Customer Service
► Human Resources
► Sale / Purchase
► Finance, Accounting
► Advertising, Marketing
► Computer
► Logistics, Production
► Management, Management

We use English Business is based on the spaced repetition system(Spaced Repetition System - see explanation on video:http://mosalingua.com). Its characteristics:

► to learn business English effectively and sustainably, our methodcalculates each revision schedule map based on your customchallenges
► no loss of time: spend your valuable time on what is helpful andleave out what you think is easy
► constantly adapts to your pace and your difficulties, as if youhad your English teacher in your Smartphone!
► makes you use your visual and auditory memory
► enhances long-term memory and sustainable learning

► learning sessions of English pro variable duration (2 minutes ormore than 30 minutes, depending on your free time)
► constantly adapts to your pace and all your difficulties
► You can stop and resume the pro English lesson at any time
► no need for an internet connection: all is offline

► over 2,500 cards of words and phrases in English, statements bynative
► many tips provided by experts to help you in your professionallife; language tips, ...
► 18 main categories: emails, find a job on the phone, meetings,presentations, sales, marketing, finance, ...
► over 100 subcategories: to communicate, write an agenda or theminutes of a meeting, to synthesize a working dinner ...
► 10 levels of key skills English vocabulary pro yourspecialty
► 7 staging dialogues of the most common business situations
► over 100 bonuses to win during your progression
► English Dictionary online
► exclusive ability to add your own maps

MosaLingua Business English is suitable for those with bases and /or who want to target the English pro, used in the workplace. Butfor true beginners, we recommend using first MosaLinguaEnglish.

The app is constantly evolving: free updates are providedregularly.

NB .: The application requires a number of permits to operateproperly. If you have doubts about this, contact us for details.Thank you for your understanding.

App Information Apprendre l'Anglais Business

  • App Name
    Apprendre l'Anglais Business
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    April 12, 2017
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android Varies with device
  • Version
  • Developer
    MosaLingua Crea
  • Installs
    5,000 - 10,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Visit website Email [email protected] Privacy Policy
    MosaCrea Ltd La Cordée 61 cours de la Liberté 69003 Lyon
  • Google Play Link

Apprendre l'Anglais Business Version History

Select Apprendre l'Anglais Business Version :
  • 10.12 (151)

MosaLingua Crea Show More...

Aprender inglés gratis 10.74 APK
¿Quieres aprender inglés rápidamente?MosaLingua es el método que necesitas.Innovadora y eficaz, nuestra aplicación ha ayudado a más de2.000.000 de personas en todo el mundo a aprender inglés dedicandosolo 10 minutos de revisiones al día y con resultados tangibles enpoco tiempo.Es una herramienta ideal para quienes desean hablar rápidamente ysin perder tiempo con cursos de inglés largos y aburridos. Laaplicación te servirá para para practicar inglés cualquier ocasión,ya que nuestro método te acompañará durante tus viajes, trabajo ydurante la vida cotidiana.LO MÁS DE DESTACADO DE MOSALINGUA:1) Contenido útil y práctico:No pierdas el tiempo con nociones que no te darán resultados.¡Aprende el 20% del vocabulario inglés necesario en el 80% de lassituaciones! Además, tú decidirás qué contenido quieres aprender ydescartar el que no te interese.2) Método innovador y basado en estudios científicos:Nuestro equipo internacional está compuesto por políglotas expertosque han probado las técnicas de aprendizaje y memorización másmodernas (sistema de repetición por espacios, active recall,metacognición, etc) para tu curso de inglés.3) Acompañamiento asegurado durante tu aprendizaje:Para ayudarte a tener éxito en tu aprendizaje, te proporcionaremosconsejos que contienen pequeñas lecciones de inglés para aprendervocabulario inglés de manera eficaz.4) Aprende mientras te diviertes:Obtén resultados rápidos estudiando inglés y de manera lúdica. Cadauno de tus progresos, aumentará tu MOTIVACIÓN, elemento esencial entodo aprendizaje.Si quieres aprender inglés gratis, descarga ahora MosaLinguainglés: ¡No te arrepentirás!Si necesitas ayuda o si tienes alguna sugerencia sobre la app deMosaLingua, no dudes en visitar nuestra web:http://mosalingua.com/es o escribirnos a [email protected]¡Nos encantará ayudarte!You want to learn Englishquickly? MosaLingua is the method you need.Innovative and effective, our application has helped more than2,000,000 people around the world learn English devoting 10 minutesservice history and tangible results soon.It is ideal for those wishing to speak quickly and without wastingtime with long boring courses English tool. The application willhelp you to practice English for any occasion, as our method willaccompany you on your travels, work and in everyday life.MOST OF HIGHLIGHTS MosaLingua:1) useful and practical content:Do not waste time with notions you will not get results. Learn 20%of English vocabulary needed in 80% of situations! In addition, youwill decide what content you want to learn and not rule out thatinterests you.2) Innovative method and based on scientific studies:Our international team is composed of experts polyglot who havetried learning techniques and modern storage (space-replay system,active recall, metacognition, etc.) for your English course.3) secured Accompaniment during your learning:To help you succeed in your learning, we will provide tipscontaining small English lessons to learn English vocabularyeffectively.4) Learn while having fun:Get quick results studying English and playful way. Each of yourprogress will increase your motivation, an essential element in alllearning.If you want to learn English for free, download now MosaLinguaEnglish: You will not regret it!If you need help or if you have any suggestions about the appMosaLingua, please visit our website: http://mosalingua.com/es orwrite to [email protected] We will be happy to helpyou!
Learn Spanish Free 11.0 APK
So, you want to learn Spanish in no time? Youneed MosaLingua! Innovative and effective, our application hashelped more than 1,500,000 people all over the world learn Spanishvocabulary in only 10 minutes per day - with actual results!Popular on app stores, MosaLingua comes highly recommended by themedia and many specialized blogs:--- one of the best applications ------ It really works ------ MosaLingua isn't just a success, it's a revolution ---Learn more about MosaLingua by watching the demonstration video onhttp://mosalingua.com.Feel free to try our smartphone application for free: you'll seefor yourself how well it works!It's a powerful and effective tool - ideal for people who want tospeak Spanish in no time, without taking long, boring languagecourses or using a Spanish dictionary or a Spanishtranslator.It's useful in any situation: our SRS-based method can help youwhile you travel to Spain or Mexico, in the workplace, and ineveryday life with Spanish lessons that suit your language andconversation needs.THE BENEFITS OF MOSALINGUA:1) Useful, practical Spanish lessons onlineDon't waste your time with notions, courses or a Spanish dictionarythat won't help you. Instead, learn the 20% Spanish words thatyou'll use 80% of the time in Spain or Mexico. Better than aSpanish translator!2) An innovative method based on scientific researchOur international team is made up of expert polyglots who've usedthe most modern and proven learning, memorization and consolidationtechniques (SRS, active recall, metacognition, etc.).3) Coaching throughout the online learning processTo succeed, you can count on our review sessions that consolidatewhat you've learned, our mini Spanish lessons, and our advice forbetter understanding Spanish vocabulary and improve yourconversation.4) Learning Spanish words and having fun at the same timeAchieve great results and have fun doing so: your progress willboost your MOTIVATION, which is key to any learning plan.To learn Spanish vocabulary, download MosaLingua now - you won'tregret it!
Learn French Free 10.90 APK
So, you want to learn French in no time? Youneed MosaLingua! Innovative, easy and effective, our SRS-basedapplication has helped more than 1,500,000 people all over theworld learn French in only 10 minutes per day - with actualresults!Popular on app stores, MosaLingua also comes highly recommended bythe media and many specialized blogs:--- one of the best applications ------ It really works ------ MosaLingua isn't just a success, it's a revolution ---Learn more about MosaLingua and its effective SRS system bywatching the demonstration video on http://mosalingua.com.Feel free to try our smartphone application for free: you'll seefor yourself how well it works!It's a powerful, easy and effective tool - ideal for people whowant to speak French in no time, without taking long, boringlanguage courses or a French translator.It's useful in any situation: our method can help you learningFrench quickly while you travel in France or Paris, in theworkplace, and in everyday life with our courses that suit yourlanguage needs.THE BENEFITS OF MOSALINGUA:1) Useful, practical content to learn French word, French verbs,and French pronunciationDon't waste your time with notions, courses, or a French dictionarythat won't help you learning French. Instead, learn the 20% of thelanguage that you'll use 80% of the time in France or Paris. Betterthan using a French translator!2) An innovative method based on scientific researchOur international team is made up of expert polyglots who've usedthe most modern and proven learning, memorization and consolidationtechniques (SRS, active recall, metacognition, etc.).3) Coaching throughout the learning processTo succeed, you can count on our review sessions that consolidatewhat you've learned, our mini French lessons, and our advice forbetter understanding French vocabulary, French verbs, and Frenchpronunciation.4) Learn French words quickly and have fun at the same time!Achieve great results and have fun doing so: your progress willboost your MOTIVATION, which is key to any learning plan.To learn French, download MosaLingua now - you won't regretit!
Learn Italian APK
So, you want to learn Italian in no time? Youneed MosaLingua! Innovative and effective, our application hashelped more than 600,000 people all over the world learn Italian inonly 10 minutes per day - with actual results!Popular on app stores, MosaLingua also comes highly recommended bythe media and many specialized blogs:--- selected among the 5 best languages apps ------ It really works ------ MosaLingua isn't just a success, it's a revolution ---Learn more about MosaLingua by watching the demonstration video onhttp://mosalingua.com.Feel free to try our smartphone application for free: you'll seefor yourself how well it works!It's a powerful and effective tool - ideal for people who want tospeak Italian in no time, without taking long, boring languagecourses.It's useful in any situation: our method can help you while youtravel, in the workplace, and in everyday life with our coursesthat suit your language needs.THE BENEFITS OF MOSALINGUA:1) Useful, practical contentDon't waste your time with notions and courses that won't help you.Instead, learn the 20% that you'll use 80% of the time.2) An innovative method based on scientific researchOur international team is made up of expert polyglots who've usedthe most modern and proven learning, memorization and consolidationtechniques (SRS, active recall, metacognition, etc.).3) Coaching throughout the learning processTo succeed, you can count on our review sessions that consolidatewhat you've learned, our mini lessons, and our advice for betterunderstanding Italian vocabulary.4) Learning and having fun at the same timeAchieve great results and have fun doing so: your progress willboost your MOTIVATION, which is key to any learning plan.To learn Italian, download MosaLingua now - you won't regretit!
Learn German Free 10.81 APK
So, you want to learn German in no time? Youneed MosaLingua! Innovative and effective, our application hashelped more than 1.500,000 people all over the world learn Germanin only 10 minutes per day - with actual results!Popular on app stores, MosaLingua also comes highly recommended bythe media and many specialized blogs:--- selected among the 5 best languages apps ------ It really works ------ MosaLingua isn't just a success, it's a revolution ---Learn more about MosaLingua by watching the demonstration video onhttp://mosalingua.com.Feel free to try our smartphone application for free: you'll seefor yourself how well it works!It's a powerful and effective tool - ideal for people who want tospeak German in no time, without taking long, boring languagecourses.It's useful in any situation: our method can help you while youtravel, in the workplace, and in everyday life with our coursesthat suit your language needs.THE BENEFITS OF MOSALINGUA:1) Useful, practical contentDon't waste your time with notions and courses that won't help you.Instead, learn the 20% that you'll use 80% of the time.2) An innovative method based on scientific researchOur international team is made up of expert polyglots who've usedthe most modern and proven learning, memorization and consolidationtechniques (SRS, active recall, metacognition, etc.).3) Coaching throughout the learning processTo succeed, you can count on our review sessions that consolidatewhat you've learned, our mini German lessons, and our advice forbetter understanding vocabulary.4) Learning and having fun at the same timeAchieve great results and have fun doing so: your progress willboost your MOTIVATION, which is key to any learning plan.To learn German, download MosaLingua now - you won't regretit!
MosaLingua – TOEFL® Test Prep APK
★Do you want the best score possible on theTOEFL® exam?★Take advantage of the effectiveness offered by the MosaLinguamethod! Quickly learn the correct vocabulary required to pass thisEnglish exam! And with our tips and advice, arrive calmer and moreprepared on D-Day, approaching the test with confidence.Mastering advanced English vocabulary is one of the keys to successon the exam. MosaLingua's TOEFL® app will allow you to quicklymemorize the words which appear most frequently on the reading,writing and listening sections. They even help you on the speakingsection so you can get the best score possible on the test!TOTAL IMMERSION WITH AN APPLICATION ENTIRELY IN ENGLISHLearn the words by their synonyms and definitions, and thenunderstand how to use them thanks to the example sentences.It's useful even if you don't need to take the exam; you can boostyour level of English in order to reach your best level of Englishyet!Made by the MosaLingua team, this language skills application willhelp you learn vocabulary quickly and effectively. Read the app'snumerous testimonies and comments on our site, mosalingua.com. Andcheck out what people think of our other applications on the appstore in order to understand our RESULTS and ATTAINABLEPROGRESS.You can test our app for FREE! If you are convinced by our method,you can upgrade it by purchasing the Premium pack. Thisincludes:- More than 2,000 advanced-level words (carefully chosen after ananalysis of the exam's official corpus and the frequency with whichwords occurred on past exams)- Each word comes with synonyms or a definition, plus an examplesentence to show you how its proper written and spoken usage- Listen to the correct pronunciation recorded by nativespeakers- Tips and advice straight from the MosaLingua team to help youpass the exam stress free!- A monolingual mode allowing for the best immersionpossible!SPECIFIC LEARNING METHODS TO HELP YOU PASS EACH SECTION ON THEEXAM- LISTENING:Improve your oral comprehension to respond to each andevery question with certainty- PRACTICE: Learn the correct meanings and pronunciations to useduring the READING and SPEAKING sections- WRITING: Naturally learn correct spelling to be calmer during thetest- SELF-EVALUATION and REVIEW : Memorize vocabulary targeted for theTOEFL and never forget them thanks to periodically offered reviewsessions.ADD YOUR OWN CONTENT TO THE APPWe aren't finished yet! If you come across words of phrases thatseem useful, you can easily add them into the app and then memorizethem with MosaLingua's ultra-effective spaced repetitionsystem.AN ALWAYS-AVAILABLE, ECONOMICAL SOLUTIONFor the posted price, you receive an application that you willalways be able to use (no subscriptions or hidden fees afterobtaining the Premium Pack)Team up with a powerful ally to help you prepare for the exam.Download MosaLingua TOEFL® Test Trainer now!TRADEMARK DISCLAIMERTOEFL® is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service(ETS) in the United States and other countries. This app is notendorsed or approved by ETS.
Learn French with MosaLingua APK
MosaLingua Crea
★ Learn French in no time! MosaLingua'seffective and addictive teaching method will help you memorizeloads of vocabulary, key phrases and conjugations in record time.★By using the dialogue exercises, you'll be able to improve bothyour French comprehension and your speaking skills at the sametime.MosaLingua was designed by a professor and 2 developers whoactually uses MosaLingua on a daily basis.Learn the essential 20% that will apply 80% of the time. Afterwardsyou can choose an area of focus that is relevant for you (travel,sports, business, technology...). Spending just 5 minutes per dayfor two months will allow you to memorize 600 words and keyphrases!Whether you are starting French from scratch or you already knowthe basics, MosaLingua is adapted to suit your language needs. It'slike having your own private tutor in your pocket!Whether your motivation for learning French is for school (diploma,class, course, DELF, SAT, GCSE), vacation, business purposes orsimply for the joy of learning, MosaLingua will have you speakingFrench in no time:MOSALINGUA CONSISTS OF:- 3000+ flash cards of vocabulary and phrases, including audiopronunciations by native speakers- 14 diverse categories (e.g. Accommodation, transportation,shopping, tourism, social, emergencies...)-more than 100 sub-categories (e.g. At the restaurant, at thehotel, buying and negotiating, sports, partying, flirting...)- Up to 10 levels to complete, from the basics to more specializedvocabulary- 17 dialogues presenting common situations that come up onvacation (or when traveling)- Study lessons and language tips that will aid yourprogression- More than 100 bonus materials to unlock as you progress- Online dictionnary- Possibility to create your own cardsLEARN THE ESSENTIAL 20% THAT WILL TAKE YOU 80% OF THE WAY:- Learn the most useful/most used vocab (and the most simple)first- Learn only the most useful phrases for your studies, for yourtravel, or for French SAT or GCSEHIGHLY EFFICIENT AND PROVEN LEARNING METHOD:MosaLingua uses the Spaced Repetition System (SRS), the product ofseveral years of scientific research- Calculates review dates for the flash cards according to howdifficult you find each one, to encourage efficient and long termmemorization- Spend time learning what you find useful, not what you alreadyknow- MosaLingua constantly adapts to your needs and pace (like aprivate teacher)- Use both audio and visual memory- Sustained learning (long-term memory)LEARN FRENCH ON THE GO- You get to decide how long each lesson will be (it doesn't matterwhether you have only 2 minutes or more than 30 minutes tospend)- Automatically adapts to your needs and pace- You can stop a lesson and then pick up where you left offwhenever you want- You don't need an internet connection, all the lesson and contentis available OFFLINEFUN AND ADDICTIVE- Unlock bonuses as you progress (dialogues, jokes, fun facts,sayings, tips)- Learn from dialogues based on realistic situations that you mayencounter on vacation- You'll be amazed at how quickly you will learn new words and howaddictive it becomes- the App keeps track of your progress giving you the motivationyou need to succeedTry MosaLingua, the best way to study French. We're positive youwon't regret the download!If you have a suggestion or need assistance, please click on thecustomer support link or http://mosalingua.com-- you are guaranteeda reply!Note: All the content listed in this description is alreadyincluded in the application at no extra cost (in-app purchases areavailable should you wish to purchase optional content).
MosaLingua – TOEIC® Test Prep 11.0 APK
★Do you want the best score possible on theTOEIC® exam?★Take advantage of the effectiveness offered by the MosaLinguamethod! Quickly learn the correct vocabulary required to pass thisEnglish exam! And with our tips and advice, arrive calmer and moreprepared on D-Day, approaching the exam with confidence.Mastering advanced English vocabulary is one of the keys to successon the exam. MosaLingua's TOEIC® app will allow you to quicklymemorize the words which appear most frequently on the reading,writing and listening sections. They even help you on the speakingsection so you can get the best score possible!TOTAL IMMERSION WITH AN APPLICATION ENTIRELY IN ENGLISHLearn the words by their synonyms and definitions, and thenunderstand how to use them thanks to the example sentences.It's useful even if you don't need to take the test; you can boostyour level of English in order to reach your best level of Englishyet!Made by the MosaLingua team, this language skills application willhelp you learn vocabulary quickly and effectively. Read the app'snumerous testimonies and comments on our site, mosalingua.com. Andcheck out what people think of our other applications on the appstore in order to understand our RESULTS and ATTAINABLEPROGRESS.You can test our app for FREE! If you are convinced by our method,you can upgrade it by purchasing the Premium pack. Thisincludes:- More than 2,000 advanced-level words (carefully chosen after ananalysis of the exam's official corpus and the frequency with whichwords occurred on past exams)- Each word comes with synonyms or a definition, plus an examplesentence to show you how its proper written and spoken usage- Listen to the correct pronunciation recorded by nativespeakers- Tips and advice straight from the MosaLingua team to help youpass the TOEIC® stress free!- A monolingual mode allowing for the best immersionpossible!SPECIFIC LEARNING METHODS TO HELP YOU PASS EACH SECTION ON THEEXAM- LISTENING:Improve your oral comprehension to respond to each andevery question with certainty- PRACTICE: Learn the correct meanings and pronunciations to useduring the READING and SPEAKING sections- WRITING: Naturally learn correct spelling to be calmer during thetest- SELF-EVALUATION and REVIEW : Memorize vocabulary targeted for thetest and never forget them thanks to periodically offered reviewsessions.ADD YOUR OWN CONTENT TO THE APPWe aren't finished yet! If you come across words of phrases thatseem useful, you can easily add them into the app and then memorizethem with MosaLingua's ultra-effective spaced repetitionsystem.AN ALWAYS-AVAILABLE, ECONOMICAL SOLUTIONFor the posted price, you receive an application that you willalways be able to use (no subscriptions or hidden fees afterobtaining the Premium Pack)Team up with a powerful ally to help you prepare for the exam.Download the MosaLingua TOEIC® Test Trainer now!TRADEMARK DISCLAIMERTOEIC® is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service(ETS) in the United States and other countries. This app is notendorsed or approved by ETS.