Top 28 Apps Similar to Salmos - Bible Psalms

Psalms 1.7.40-gp
The Holy Apps
Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comesfromGod.
Salmo e Versículo do Dia 1.0.7
CL Developer
Com esse app você terá o salmo dodia,versículo do dia prontos para para enviar como mensagemnasprincipais redes sociais e apps de comunicação, comoFacebook,WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, etc.O App também tem o lembrete diário, que você pode se programarparaque todos os dias em uma determinada hora, você possa receberumamensagem de um versículo para te alegrar nos momentos maisdifíceisou te motivar ainda mais nos momentos de alegria.Características:- Este aplicativo contém todos os 150 salmos da Bíblia- Salmo do Dia.- Significado dos Salmos.- Versículo do Dia.- Lembrete Diário do Salmo do Dia.- App pequeno e download rápido.- Botão de compartilhamento rápido.- Interface simples e fácil de usar.Instale agora mesmo e aproveite!- SALMOS- VERSÍCULOSBaixe já o App e que Deus venha abençoar a vida de cada umdevocês!With this app youwillhave the psalm of the day, verse of the day to ready to send asamessage in the main social networks and communication apps,likeFacebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, etc.The App also has the daily reminder, you can be programmed sothatevery day at a certain time, you can receive a message from averseto you rejoice in difficult times or you even more motivatedintimes of joy.Characteristics:- This application contains all the 150 psalms of the Bible- Day Ps.- Meaning of Psalms.- Verse of the Day.- Daily Reminder of Psalm Day.- Small App and fast download.- Quick Share Button.- Simple and easy to use interface.Install now and enjoy!- Psalms- VERSESDownload the App already and that God will bless the lives ofeachof you!
Book of Psalms 1.2.9
The Psalms are a set of five books of religious poetry.
Salmo do Dia 1.1
Este aplicativo contém todos os 150SalmosdaBíblia Sagrada para você ler e ainda terá a opção decompartilharapalavra de Deus com seus familiares e amigos, viaredessociais,emails, SMS, entre outros.Características:- Interface simples e leve.- Você tem a opção de abrir o App estando online ouatémesmooffline.- Fácil de usar.Instale agora mesmo e aproveite!Baixe já o App e que Deus venha abençoar a vida de cadaumdevocês!This app containsall150Psalms of the Bible to read and you will still have theoptiontoshare the word of God with family and friends viasocialnetworks,email, SMS, among others.Characteristics:- Simple, lightweight interface.- You have the option to open the App being onlineorevenoffline.- Easy to use.Install now and enjoy!Download the App now and that God will bless the lives ofeachofyou!
Psalms 1.0.34
All 150 Psalms of the Bible arranged in a small, fast and easytouse app
Salmo do dia feminino 1
RDB Mobile
Todos nós precisamos tirar pelomenosalgunsminutos do nosso dia, para buscar a palavra de Deus. Ecom o"Salmodo Dia Feminino" você pode fazer isso, onde quer queesteja.Recebadiariamente um Salmo especial, selecionado da BíbliaSagradaeedificando a sua vida. Aplicativo moderno efeitoespecialmentepara a vida de cada mulher.O objetivo desse app é fazer com que as pessoas venham buscarmaiseter um bom relacionamento com Deus, por meio da palavra.E é através das meditações diárias que podemosseredificados,fortalecidos e capacitados, promovendo umcrescimentoespiritual.Pois até podemos pensar que temos muitoconhecimento,mas averdadeira sabedoria vem somente de Deus.Descrição:- Este aplicativo contém todos os 150 Salmos da BíbliaSagradaparavocê ler e ainda terá a opção de compartilhar a palavrade Deuscomseus familiares e amigos, via redes sociais, emails,SMS,entreoutros.- Você pode baixar o aplicativo gratuito.- Interface simples e leve.- Terá a opção de aumentar e diminuir a fonte para o tamanhoquelheagradar.- Adicionar os Salmos que mais gosta aos favoritos.- Você tem a opção de abrir o App estando online ouatémesmooffline.- É muito fácil de usar.- Instale agora mesmo e aproveite!Baixe já o App e que Deus venha abençoar a vida de cadaumdevocês!"Faz com que a mulher estéril habite em casa, e seja alegremãedefilhos. Louvai ao Senhor."Salmos 113:9"O que tu queres é um coração sincero; enche o meu coraçãocomatua sabedoria."Salmos 51:6We all need totakeatleast a few minutes of our day, to seek the word of God.Andwiththe "Psalm of the Day Women" you can do it wherever youare.Get adaily special Psalm, selected from the Holy Bible andbuildingyourlife. Modern application and made especially for thelife ofeverywoman.The purpose of this app is to get people to come look more andhaveagood relationship with God through the word.And it is through daily meditations that can bebuiltup,strengthened and empowered, promoting spiritual growth. Forevenwethink we have a lot of knowledge, but true wisdom comesonlyfromGod.  Description:- This app contains all 150 Psalms of the Bible to read andyouwillstill have the option to share the word of God withfamilyandfriends via social networks, email, SMS, amongothers.- You can download the free application.- Simple, lightweight interface.- You will have the option to increase and decrease the fonttosizeyou please.- Add the Psalms you like most to your favorites.- You have the option to open the App being onlineorevenoffline.- It is very easy to use.- Install now and enjoy!Download the App now and that God will bless the lives ofeachofyou!"It makes the barren woman to keep house, and to beajoyfulmother of children. Praise the Lord."Psalms 113: 9"What you want is a sincere heart, fill my heartwithyourwisdom."Psalm 51: 6
Salmo do dia 4
RDB Mobile
Free application. Psalms of the Bible to build your life every day.
Psalms 91 - Psalm Bible App 0.0.1
Rill Mobility
An App that has Psalm 91 fromtheNewInternational Version (NIV) Holy Bible to facilitateeasyreadingfor daily. Daily Psalms 91 readers can use this appforquickoffline Psalm 91 reading.Catholic Bible offline app, Roman Catholic Bible, psalms91,wordof the Lord, Bible word, Bible quotes, holy Bible, NIVbible,Bibledaily, daily words, NIV Bible app, best Bible app
Salmos 1.0
O aplicatio conta com os 150 capítulosdolivrode salmos e seus respectivos versículos.Com ele você pode programar para que todos os diasemumadeterminada hora, você possa receber uma mensagem deumversículopara te alegrar nos momentos mais difíceis ou temotivarainda maisnos momentos de alegria.Além disso o aplicativo conta com uma opção decompartilhamentoeassim você poderá também compartilhar o seuversículo comseusamigos, parentes, família entre outros.Baixe agora gratuitamente o seu aplicativo .The aplicatiohas150chapters in the book of Psalms and their respective verses.With it you can program so that every day at a certaintime,youcan get a message from a verse to you rejoice in difficulttimesormotivate you even more in times of joy.In addition the application has a sharing option and soyoucanalso share your verse with your friends, relatives,familyandothers.Download now your free application.
Bible - Psalms 4.10
Psalms The Book of Psalms (Hebrew: תְּהִלִּים or תהיליםTehillimmeaning "Praises"), commonly referred to simply as Psalmsor "thePsalms", is the first book of the Ketuvim ("Writings"), thethirdsection of the Hebrew Bible. The English title is from theGreektranslation, ψαλμοί psalmoi, meaning "instrumental music" and,byextension, "the words accompanying the music." There are 150psalmsin the Jewish and Western Christian tradition (more in theEasternChristian churches), many of them linked to the name of KingDavid,but his authorship is not accepted by most modern Biblescholars.Benedictions and superscriptions The Book of Psalms isdivided intofive sections, each closing with a doxology (i.e., abenediction) –these divisions were probably introduced by the finaleditors toimitate the five-fold division of the Torah: Book 1(Psalms 1–41)Book 2 (Psalms 42–72) Book 3 (Psalms 73–89) Book 4(Psalms 90–106)Book 5 (Psalms 107–150) Many psalms (116 of the 150)haveindividual superscriptions (titles), ranging from lengthycommentsto a single word. Over a third appear to be musicaldirections,addressed to the "leader" or "choirmaster," includingsuchstatements as "with stringed instruments" and "accordingtolilies." Others appear to be references to types ofmusicalcomposition, such as "A psalm" and "Song," or directionsregardingthe occasion for using the psalm ("On the dedication ofthetemple," "For the memorial offering," etc.). Some carry thenamesof individuals, the most common being David, and thirteen oftheserelate explicitly to incidents in the king's life.OverviewIndividual psalms were originally hymns, to be used onvariousoccasions and at various sacred sites; later, somewereanthologised, and might have been understood within thevariousanthologies (e.g., ps.123 as one of the Psalms of Ascent);finally,individual psalms might be understood within the Psalter asawhole, either narrating the life of David or providinginstructionlike the Torah. In later Jewish and Christian tradition,the psalmshave come to be used as prayers, either individual orcommunal, astraditional expressions of religious feeling.
Bible Promise Box
❤️ Start your day with a bible verseandsend it to family and friends! You can share it viaWhatsApp,Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and others.Thanks everyone for the more than 500,000downloads!😍😍😍Bible Promise Box is an app that displays a bible verseeveryaccess. The ideal application to bring you relief and comforttakenfrom the Holy Bible.Some of the reasons that will make you love this app:✡ Works offlineYou do not need to be connected to the Internet. The BiblePromiseBox has an offline database with 1400 stored bibleverses,eliminating the need for connection.✡ Bookmark your favorite versesWith the app Bible Promise Box you can mark a verse as yourfavoriteso you can easily have access to it later.✡ WidgetsAdd widgets to your device home screen to read the sacred textsmoreeasily. Every two hours, the widget is updated and a new bibleverseis displayed.✡ Receive notificationsConfigure the desired time interval for the Bible Promise Boxtogive you a new bible promise.✡ Share verses with friends and familyShare the word of God on your social networks. You can share itasimage or text in a simple and quick way. How about sending adailybible verse for your friends and family right now?✡ Read entire chaptersDid you like a verse and would like to read the whole chapter ofit?Thanks to the option 'Read chapter' this is possible with justa fewtouches.✡ CustomizeThe Bible Promise Box has 14 themes very well polished andwithsuper vivid colors as well as 7 text font options for you toselectthe one that will suit you.✡ Dynamic appearanceSimilar to the physical promises box, the Bible Promise Box appcandisplay verses using dynamic colors. A new color is displayedeachyou open a new bible verse.No matter where you are, touch on the Box and read a promisefromGod!Available in English and Portuguese.
Los Salmos ▶Para Leer◀ 8.0
It contains 150 chapters in Spanish language simple, easytounderstand.
Psalms 8.0.0
App in SpanishApplication that contains the 150 psalms of theSacredCatholicBible, is in Spanish and is free and available in asmall,quickand easy to use application.The word "psalm" comes from a Greek verb meaning "to playastringinstrument", and was originally used to designatethesongsaccompanied by that instrument. The latter wascalled"Psalter",but later the name lost its original meaning andbegan tobe usedas a synonym for BOOK OF THE PSALMS.The Old Testament contains numerous poetic textswithsimilarcharacteristics to those of the Psalms. But thetreasuryofIsrael's cult and religious lyric is found primarilyinthePsalter.Every time a friend or family member needs wordsofwisdom,encouragement, meditation, you can turn to it, and youwillalwayshave it handy on your cell phone, or any other devicewithAndroidoperating system, for the Study or reflection of thedailylife, orsimply to make a prayer.Use the Psalms:-For Difficult Moments-In simple, easy-to-understand language-Easy search for those meditation moments-The Psalms are Poetry and SongsWe offer you for free more interesting theme applicationsinthesection "More Apps" such as:- Spurgeon Sermons- Biblical studies- Biblical Themes to Preach- Biblical Dictionary- Hebrew Dictionary- Greek Dictionary- Gospel of the day- Biblical Theology- Theological Dictionary- Study Bible- Catholic Bible in English- Psalms- Christian Marriage- Liturgy of the hoursDo not hesitate and download Psalms in Spanish, you will haveinyourhand a great tool to pray daily and feel closer toourLord.To comply with the regulations of the data protectionauthoritieswecommunicate:On this site, device identifiers are used to customizethecontentand advertisements, to provide media ads and toanalyzetraffic. Wealso share those identifiers and otherdeviceinformation withsocial media advertising and webanalyticspartners. More detailsin:Http://
Libro de los Salmos en Español 1.1.3
El Libro de Tehilim, compilado proféticamente y conInspiracióndivina por el Rey David, es expresión de las emociones ylossentimientos más nobles del ser humano.
Bible francais gratuit 3.0
Bible app
Maintenant vous pouvez utiliser cette application pourappliquerlaParole de Dieu dans votre quotidien La Bible est laparole deDieurévélée aux hommes, elle contient de nombreuxenseignements.LaParole de Dieu répond toutes nos questionsspirituelles. LaBibleest fiable car la parole de Dieu est vivanteet efficace. LirelaBible est l’une des meilleures habitudes quenous pouvonsavoir.Téléchargez l'application gratuite et accédez àla BibleLouisSegond, la Bible française la plus répandue danslesmilieuxévangelique, protestant et catholique. La Bible laplusimportanteet la plus largement diffusée. Originalement traduiteenfrançaispar Louis Segond, pastor protestant et théologien néenSuisse,elle a eu une révision faite par un groupe d'expertsen1910.Profitez de la beauté, la clarté et l'exactitude de laBibleLouisSegond, tout cela à partir de votre appareil mobile. LaBibleLouisSegond est une compilation de 66 livres, divisée endeuxsectionsprincipales, l’Ancien et le Nouveau Testament.L’AncienTestamentcomporte 46 livres: Les livres de la Genèse, del’Exode,duLévitique, des Nombres, le Deutéronome, le livre deJosué,desJuges, les deux livres de Samuel, les deux livres deRois,lesChroniques, d’Esdras et de Néhémie, d’Esther, le livre deJob,desProverbes, l'Ecclésiaste, le Cantique des Cantiques,leslivresd’Isaïe, de Jérémie, le livre des Lamentations,d’Ezéchiel,deDaniel, d’Osée, de Joël, d’Amos, d’Abdias, de Jonas,de Michée,deNahoum, d’Habaquq, de Sophonie, d’Aggée, de ZacharieetdeMalachie, les Psaumes, le livre de Judith, de TobieetdesMaccabées. Le Nouveau Testament comprend 27 livres:LesquatreÉvangiles (Matthieu, Marc, Luc, et Jean), les ActesdesApôtres,les lettres aux Romains, aux Corinthiens, auxGalates,auxÉphésiens, aux Philippiens, aux Colossiens, auxThessaloniciens,àTimothée, àTite, à Philémon, aux Hébreux, leslettres deJacques,de Pierre, de Jean, de Jude etl’Apocalypse).Réveillez-vousinspiré chaque jour: Téléchargez laBiblegratuitement sur votreportable! Que la Parole de Dieuvousaccompagne partout!
Os 10 Mandamentos da Bíblia 2.0.0
Esse aplicativo é para elevar asbênçãosdeDeus, quando estiver em dificuldades, sem soluçãoparaosproblemas, leia os Mandamentos da Bíblia e siga-os quesuavidaserá muito abençoada. E de bônus o aplicativo traz o Salmos91paraseu elevo espiritualThis applicationistoelevate God's blessings, when you are in trouble, nosolutiontothe problems, read the Commandments of the Bible andfollowthemthat your life will be blessed. And bonus the app bringsPsalm91for his spiritual lift
Biblia João Ferreira Almeida 5.7.0
Igor Apps
Bible Ave Maria (Portuguese) King James Bible
Biblia Sagrada NVI Emanuel 1.39
A Bíblia Sagrada NVI Emanuel disponibilizadanoseu dispositivo móvel permite de um modo simples e prático oacessoa palavra de Deus em qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento semaconexão com a internet.O aplicativo foi desenvolvido com a Nova Versão Internacional- Não há publicidade durante a leitura da palavra de Deus.- Não tem propaganda durante a leitura da palavra de Deus.- Permite fazer anotações de versículos.- Funções de menu avançadas de compartilhamento- Copia de textos para área de transferência- Envia para WhatsApp- Funciona sem conexão com a Internet.- Versão: Nova Versão Internacional- Permite configurar o tamanho da fonte para umamelhorleitura.- Permite pesquisar textos em toda bíblia.- Permite continuar a leitura de onde parou- Função Acesso a Salmos e Provérbios.- Função para retirar os anúnciosSOBRE A NOVA VERSÃO INTERNACIONAL ( NVI )Essa tradução foi feita a partir das línguas em que ostextosbíblicos foram originalmente escritos (hebraico, aramaico egrego).A NVI foi produzida com os seguintes objetivosfundamentais:Clareza — o texto foi traduzido de forma que pudesse ser lidopelapopulação em geral sem maiores dificuldades, porém semserdemasiadamente informal. Arcaísmos, por exemplo, foram banidos,eregionalismos, evitados.Fidelidade — a tradução deve ser fiel ao significadopretendidopelos autores originais.Beleza de estilo — o resultado deve permitir uma leituraagradável,e uma boa sonoridade ao ser falado em público.O projeto de tradução para a língua portuguesa começou em 1990,coma reunião da comissão da Sociedade Bíblica Internacional,sobcoordenação do lingüista e hebraista, Rev. Luiz Sayão.Inicialmentefoi publicado uma versão do Novo Testamento, em 1991. Oprojeto foitotalmente patrocinado pela International Bible Society,ainda quedifundida e vendida por outras editoras. A editoraZondervan,tradicional casa publicadora de linha reformadanorte-americana deorigem holandesa, conhecida publicadora deBíblias por décadas,como a King James Version, a Berkeley Version,a Amplified Bible ea NIV, teve participação divulgação edistribuição da NVI, aindaque não em sua elaboração.A tradução definitiva e completa em português foi publicada em2000,a partir das línguas originais, com base na mesmafilosofiatradutológica da New International Version (NIV).Os membros da comissão de tradução foram, conforme o livro NVI:aBíblia do Século 21, publicado por Sociedade BíblicaInternacionale Editora Vida:Abraão de AlmeidaBetty BaconCarl J. BosmaCarlos Osvaldo Cardoso PintoEstevan F. KirschnerLuiz Alberto Teixeira Sayão (coordenador)Martin WeingaertnerOdayr OlivettiPaulo MendesRandall K. CookRubens C. DamiãoRussell SheddValdemar KrokerWilliam LaneHumberto Gomes de FreitasA NVI tem um perfil Protestante, e procura não favorecernenhumadenominação em particular. É teologicamente equilibrada eprocurausar a linguagem do português atual. O processo de traduçãoda NVIcontou com a participação de renomados estudiososprotestantes comoRussell Shedd, Estevan Kirschner, Luiz Sayão,Carlos Osvaldo Pintoe Randall Cook (arqueólogo em Israel).Apesar das semelhanças entre a Nova Versão Internacional e aNewInternational Version, a versão brasileira não é uma traduçãodalíngua inglesa, mas sim dos idiomas originais.Notas de rodapé são freqüentes na NVI. Elas trazem explicaçõesdetodo tipo e em alguns casos apresentam traduçõesalternativas(inclusive qual seria a tradução literal).Pacto de LausanneTodos os tradutores da NVI são aderentes ao Pacto deLausanne:"Afirmo a divina inspiração, fidelidade e autoridade de todasasEscrituras do Antigo e do Novo Testamento como a únicaPalavraescrita de Deus, sem erro em tudo o que afirma, sendo aregrainfalível de fé e prática."ReferênciasLigações externasSite da NVIBiblica BrasilBiblica InternacionalCríticas à NVI do ponto de vista dos defensores dotextomajoritário.The Holy Bible KJVEmanuelavailable on your mobile device allows a simple andpractical way toaccess the word of God anywhere and at any timewithout connectingto the internet.The application was developed with the NewInternationalVersion- No advertising during reading the word of God.- Do not have advertisements for reading the word of God.- Allows you to make notes of verses.- Advanced sharing menu functions- Copy text to clipboard- Send to WhatsApp- Works without Internet connection.- Version: New International Version- Allows you to set the font size for better reading.- Allows you to search for text in the whole Bible.- Allows you to continue reading where you left off- Function Access the Psalms and Proverbs.- Function to remove adsON THE NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (NIV)This translation was made from the languages ​​in whichtheScriptures were originally written (Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek).TheNIV was produced with the following key objectives:Clarity - the text was translated so that it could be read bythegeneral population without difficulty, but without beingtooinformal. Archaic, for example, have been banned andregionalismsavoided.Loyalty - the translation must be faithful to the meaningintendedby the original beauty - the result should enable an enjoyable read, andagood sound to be spoken in public.The translation project into Portuguese began in 1990 withthemeeting of the committee of the International BibleSociety,coordinated by the linguist and Hebraist, Rev. LuizSayão.Initially a version of the New Testament was published in1991. Theproject was fully sponsored by the International BibleSociety,although widespread and sold by other publishers. TheZondervanpublishing, traditional publishing house of AmericanReformed lineof Dutch origin, known publisher of Bibles fordecades, such as theKing James Version, the Berkeley Version, theAmplified Bible andthe NIV, was attended dissemination anddistribution of NIV, yetnot in their preparation.The final and complete Portuguese translation was published in2000,from the original languages, based on the same philosophyoftranslation-New International Version (NIV).Members of the committee were translation, as the NIV book:theBible Century 21, published by the International Bible SocietyandPublisher Life:Abraão de AlmeidaBetty BaconCarl J. BosmaOsvaldo Carlos Cardoso PintoEstevan F. KirschnerLouis Albert Tan Sayão (coordinator)Martin WeingaertnerOdayr OlivettiPaulo MendesRandall K. CookRubens C. DamiãoRussell SheddValdemar KrokerWilliam LaneHumberto Gomes de FreitasThe NIV has a Protestant profile, and he does not favoranyparticular denomination. It is theologically balanced and seekstouse the language of the current Portuguese. The NIVtranslationprocess with the participation of renowned Protestantscholars likeRussell Shedd, Estevan Kirschner, Luiz Sayão CarlosOsvaldo Pintoand Randall Cook (archaeologist in Israel).Despite the similarities between the New International Versionandthe New International Version, the Brazilian version is notatranslation of the English language, but theoriginallanguages.Footnotes are frequent in NIV. They bring all sorts ofexplanationsand in some cases have alternative translations(including whatwould be the literal translation).Lausanne CovenantAll NIV translators are adherent to the Lausanne Covenant:"I affirm the divine inspiration, fidelity and authority of allofthe Old and New Testament Scriptures as the only written WordofGod, without error in all that it affirms, and the infallibleruleof faith and practice."Referencesexternal linksNIV siteBiblica BrazilBiblica InternationalCriticism of the NIV from the point of view of the majoritytextadvocates.
Bíblia para Compartilhar 152.0
Edson Deda
Read the Holy Bible Old and New Testament, by sharing Share
Share Psalms 12
The application Psalms Share allows youtoreadPsalms providing a moment of reflection and peace in yourdayandeven share with your friends and family the messages ofloveandhope present in the Psalms of the Bible.The application contains:★ All 150 Psalms;★ Sharing to Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram and others;★ Function Save Psalms Favorites*;★ Psalms Search function *;Share you also that peace)).* Present only in versions plus and premium.
Biblia: Los Salmos 6.0.0
Biblia: Los SalmosDisfruta de esta aplicación gratis de los Salmos de laSantaBiblia.* Letras de buen tamaño.* Fondo blanco con letras negras para una mejor lectura.* Disponible para todos tus dispositivos Android.* Bonitas ilustraciones.Si te ha gustado esta aplicación de Biblia: Los Salmos,porfavor, valórala y agrega un comentario apropiado.Bible: The PsalmsEnjoy this free application from the Psalms in theHolyBible.* Letters of good size.* White background with black lettering for easy reading.* Available for all your Android devices.* Beautiful artwork.If you liked this application Bible: Psalms, please value itandadd an appropriate comment.
AndBible: Bible Study 4.0.684
Read the Bible, study commentaries or dictionaries, or readbooksoffline.
La Bible Louis Segond Français 5.8.0
Igor Apps
Bible French Louis Segond. Verse and Play Day, the Audio Bible!
French Bible, Français Bible, 5.0
French Bible, Bible in English Louis Segond, French Bible withAudio
Bíblia para Zap 49
Zavarise Apps
Bible app for Zap, complete: Daily food, sharing, radio and more.
Salmos do dia: Frases biblícas 2.0
App para que a palavra do Senhor chegueatitodo o dia.O app escolhe uma passagem do livro dos Salmos, todososdias,para que a sabedoria do Senhor te ajude durante o seudia.Você também pode ver mais passagens além dasescolhidaspeloapp.As melhores passagens desse maravilhoso livro da Bíblia.App so that the wordoftheLord come to you all day.The app chooses a passage from the book of Psalms, everyday,tothe Lord's wisdom help you during your day.You can also see more passes beyond chosen by the app.The best passages of this wonderful book of the Bible.