Top 16 Apps Similar to Arduino Bluetooth Controller

RC Bluetooth Control 1.0
RC Bluetooth Control enables between Arduino, PIC and Rasberry PI.
Arduino Bluetooth Control 1.0
In this project we will control a LED light with a smartphoneviabluetooth.
Arduprofe Bluetooth Terminal 1.0
Send data via Bluetooth to Arduino
Bluetooth RC Joystick Controll 1.4
Control your micro controller and Bluetooth fitted RC caroverBluetooth.
Arduino Bluetooth Led Control 2.0
Yusuf Elosman
Arduino - Android LED Controller
EV3 Bluetooth Control 1.1
This application control EV3 in your android smart phone
AS Bluetooth control 1.0
Amol Rokade
We use Hex value of R for Right turn LforLeftC for Stop F for Forward and B for Backward.
Arduino bluetooth Accel 1.0
L'application transmet les informations x,y,et z captées par le détecteur 3 axes du téléphone cellulaireversle module ARduino.La communication se fait par un récepteur Bluetooth JY-MCUconfiguréà un baud rate de 38400.La reprogrammation du bluetooth à 38400 assure la compatibilitéavecle logiciel Scratch.Les codes sont fournis:- bluetooth_accel.aia- bluetooth_accel.pdf- Arduino_MIT_38400_ACL.ino- config_baudrate_bluetooth.inoAdresse de téléchargement: l'ordre, vous devez,1. raccorder le récepteur bluetooth à arduino aux broches 10,11,+5V, GND2. programmer arduino à l'aide dufichierconfig_baudrate_bluetooth.ino Ensuite modifier son nom etsonbaudrate3. débrancher le module bluetooth4. reprogrammer le module arduinoavec:Arduino_MIT_38400_ACL.ino5. débrancher le câble USB et relier le récepteur bluetoothaumodule arduino en utilisant les broches 0, 1, +5V, GND6. ajouter l'écran ACL et l'alimentation7. effectuer le pairage du bluetooth avec l'appareil(code1234)8. lancer l'application androidThe applicationtransmitsinformation x, y, z and sensed by the detector 3 to theaxes of thecell phone Arduino module.Communication is via a Bluetooth receiver JY-MCU set to a baudrateof 38400.Reprogramming bluetooth 38400 ensures compatibility with theScratchsoftware.The codes are provided:- Bluetooth_accel.aia- Bluetooth_accel.pdf- Arduino_MIT_38400_ACL.ino- Config_baudrate_bluetooth.inoDownload address: order, you must1 connect the Arduino Bluetooth receiver to pins 10, 11, +5V,GND2 Arduino programming using the fileconfig_baudrate_bluetooth.inothen change its name andbaudrate3 disconnect the Bluetooth Module4 reprogram the module with Arduino:Arduino_MIT_38400_ACL.ino5 Disconnect the USB cable and connect the Bluetooth receivermoduleArduino using pins 0, 1, +5 V, GND6, add the monitor and power supply7 perform pairing with bluetooth device (1234)8 start android application
arduino bluetooth control 1.0
Raymond Kwok
arduino bluetooth control
MJRoBot BT Digi/Ana/voice Ctrl 1.0
App developed for Arduino I/O controlusingBluetooth.4 digital buttons and 4 analog sliders are available. Alsovoicecommands are converted to text and send to BT module forIoTapplications.a) Digital Devices Commands:dev1ondev1offdev2ondev2offdev3ondev3offdev4ondev4offb) Analog Devices commands:r/ 0-255y/ 0-255g/ 0-255b/ 0-255c) Text converted from SpeechFor more informations, source code for Arduino, tutorial,etc.,please visit:
Boarduino 1.2
In this application, there are variousmethodsthat you can choose to control your Arduino via androidsmartphoneMETHODS AVAILABLE :1.) Recontooth (Relay Control Bluetooth)2.) Voicetooth (Voice Command Bluetooth)3.) Textduino (Text Command Bluetooth)4.) Resertooth (Remote Servo Bluetooth)5.) Mobiduino (Arduino Bluetooth RC Car)6.) Keyduintooth (Keypad Password Bluetooth)7.) Reconnet (Relay Control Ethernet)8.) PWMduino (Arduino PWM Controller)9.) GSM Security (For Home Security System)And other methods will get an update!For more info visit
Robot Arduino avec Bluetooth 1.0
Cette application offre la possibilitédecontrôler deux moteurs en fonction des valeurs x et y captéesparle téléphone.Aussi, une commande à glissière permet de régler l'angle d'unservomoteur sur la broche pwm3Finalement, l'application commande deux sorties numériques D12etD13.Remarques:Le code .ino doit être téléversé dans le module Arduino avantdelancer l'application.Si vous éprouvez des difficultés avec le module bluetooth,débutezavec l'application suivante: MIT_bluetooth_accelFichiers:robot_bluetooth_arduino.aia : code source de l'applicationAndroid(crée avec MIT app inventor 2)robot_bluetooth_arduino.apk : Application Androidrobot_bluetooth_arduino_MIT.ino : Code sourceArduino(firmware) : Code source LABVIEWAdresse de téléchargement: codes source vous permettent de personnaliser le projet.This applicationoffersthe possibility of controlling the two motors as a functionof xand y values ​​captured by the phone.Also, a slide control to adjust the angle of a servo motor tothespindle PWM3Finally, the application controls two D12 and D13 digital outputs.Notes:The code .ino be uploaded to the Arduino module before startingtheapplication.If you are having trouble with the bluetooth module start withthefollowing application: MIT_bluetooth_accelFiles:robot_bluetooth_arduino.aia: source code of the Androidapplication(app created with MIT inventor 2)robot_bluetooth_arduino.apk: Android Applicationrobot_bluetooth_arduino_MIT.ino: Arduino sourcecode(firmware) Source Code LABVIEWDownload address: source codes allow you to customize the project.
Arduino Bluetooth Controller 5.0
Sushil Shetty
App for the controls of Arduino Bluetooth Enabled anti collisionCar
Rayana Bluetooth Arduino 1.0
The aim of this app is to control a robotfromsmart phones and web service.Note: Bluetooth module name should be "HC-06"You need to name your device "HC-06" to be found by Androidapp.The phone and robot will be connected using Bluetooth. Thecellphone’s android application will send direction to the robot.Therewill be a C language program in the Arduino component of therobotwaiting to get direction from the phone. Bluetooth module oftherobot will receive the data from the phone and send it toArduino.Arduino then gives the received directions to robot andcontrolsits movement. Android application installed in the smartdevicewill also be used as an intermediary between robot and cloudwebservice. User will be able to control the robot remotelythroughweb UI connected to cloud web service.In addition, there will be sensors placed in the robot tosensethe environment and gather data. The data will be either senttophone or used to control the robot motions. For instance,detectingobjects in front of the robot to avoid accident.
Logger Multisensor 1.2.5
The cheapest and free solution to makeAndroiddevices as server node sensor,No need to buy expensive sensor nodes !You can connect with 2 Arduino devices simultanously,usingbluetooth network,or you can modify the source code to enable connect max 8devices(max Bluetooth piconet limit),This app usage is for monitoring multiple locations nodesensor(Arduino based), with theoretical bluetooth coverage approx30 m(line of sight).For example, using LM35 sensor module as Ambienttemperaturesensing and light sense using LDR based sensormodule.This App is one of many project in our released Book (releasedinIndonesian only)used as one of example content of my published books :Pengantar Elektronika dan InstrumentasiISBN-9789792945461Jazi Eko Istiyanto, M.Sofiyan.M © ANDI Publisher, 2014for online purcase visit Beo 38-40 DI Yogyakarta 55281Phones +62-274-561881 Fax +62-274-588282or you can buy at Gramedia online store : the App included schematic diagram, Arduino connectionandlink to the source code (Android and for Arduino).Minimum Android & Software specifications :- Android OS Gingerbread (API 9) or the latest- Standard Bluetooth connection- Internet connection, (only for access the advertisingcontent,applications can still be used by offline)- Android Application-Service Provider Amarino_2_v0_55Amarino.apk(for bluetooth connection to the Arduino)can be directly downloaded bylink: Arduino software for uploading the program.Hardware requirements :- Two Arduino Uno or compatible, with two bluetooth shield(withadjustable baudrate control), or you can use twoArduinoBluetooth- LM35 sensor and other electronics part such as CA3140,resistors,capacitors etc (see schematic on App) for each arduino(as sensornodes)those parts are quite popular. You can buy in any radio shack/electronic parts store near your region.- A LED connect to pin digital 13, or just use on board LED(wereattached in pin 13) for each Arduino/sensor nodes- power source (can taken from USB port, or you can use 7-15VDCAdaptor)- small Alumunium heatsink (attached on LM35 sensor), toincreaseambient temperature sense accuracy- USB cable for uploading program to Arduino- Amarino library (required for arduino codes).BEFORE USING THIS APP, PLEASE PREPARE 2 ARDUINO WITHUPLOADEDSPECIFIC CODES (AND BE READY TO CONNECT). OR THIS APP CANWOULDCRASH.Happy Experiments with Android and Arduino !
Bluetooth Pi Arduino PC etc. 8
BTInterface free trial BETAIT's FUN! Control your phone or tablet, and then to controlyourelectronics projects with it?Let's see, how do I convince you to install BTInterface?Well, without controlling anything if you justinstallBTInterface on your phone and tell your friends the SMSpasswordwhich by default is the three letter word 'bti' then theycan sendtexts to your phone that begin with bti to make it speak,playsound effects, display things etc. :) It might be interestingtosee what they come up with!Come join my forum athttp://www.BTInterface.comfor more secrets!BTInterface acts as the ‘buttons’ and the 'display' to yourdevice!but it's so much more!Now also works with PCs and Laptops! See this forumthread: using a wireless bluetooth module, dongle orbuilt-inbluetooth you get wireless working plus a controller withgreatfeatures that is simple and easy to use and to program.Developers can sell their devices and tell the user todownloadBTInterface to control them!They can also add wireless Bluetooth control to theirsoftwareprojects!All the control functions including screen, sound,send/receivesms text messages etc. are already catered for so thedeveloper cankeep the cost and complexity down.Also great for education!Features such as send SMS Text messages? How hard would thatbedo you think? Well, from your micro controller device you sendthistext string over the bluetooth connection:sms 01234567 this is a message from my micro controller!Another command is 'say' and it will cause the android devicetospeak.say Hello, thank you for trying bee tee interface.BTInterface can act on incoming SMS text messages too! Iftheybegin with the password BTInterface will take the message(itdoesn't get to your normal messaging app) and act on anycommandsin it so in this way you can remotely control your devicefrom anymobile phone that can send texts from anywhere in theworld!Other commands configure the screen so its just as you wantit,play sound effects, hide BTInterface to the background, bringitback again, even if you put the android device in to sleepmode(screen is black) BTInterface is still working and if yourmicrocontroller sends the command:say I'm still here you causes your android device to speak even though you thoughtitwas turned off :)If you load up BTInterface onto a device that hasphonefunctions, ie: it can receive SMS Texts then you can try itoutwithout needing any micro controller because BTInterface canworkon commands that you send it in a text message!Tremendous fun, easy to use. Try it out the beta trialisfree!