Top 19 Apps Similar to El Gallo Pata - sin internet

La granja Zenón - sin internet 1.0
- La mejor cuenta de español para niños- Definición de mensajes positivos de difusión y alta moraldelosniños a través de nuestras aplicaciones- Videos clips maravillosos, incluyendo educaciónyentretenimientopara niños y padres- Usted puede animar a sus niños en los comportamientos ylamoralusando estas aplicaciones- Los programas y las canciones infantiles ayudan al niñoalacomprensión y al aprendizaje en poco tiempo- El niño aprende mucha ética y mensajes positivos enlascancionespara niños y canciones- Canciones ritmo y ritmo sin alguna forma de mp3- Después de descargar la aplicación no requiere Internet- Usted puede animar a sus niños en los comportamientos ylamoralusando estas aplicaciones- Una de las mejores aplicaciones de video - imagen de voz yvideodealta calidadCanciones:Canciones infantilesCanciones infantilesMúsica niños pequeñosCanciones sin músicaLas canciones más bellasCanciones para niñosLas canciones más hermosas de los niñosMúsica niños sin redEcuador, Ecuador, Guinea Ecuatorial, ElSalvador,Guatemala,Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay,Perú,Puerto Rico,España, Uruguay, Venezuela y Venezuela.- Estamos esperando sus propuestas y sus opiniones, y noseolvidede votar por la aplicación de un 5 estrellas, gracias.- Best Spanish Apps account for children- Defined broadcast positive messages and high moralsofchildrenthrough our applications- Videos wonderful clips, including educational andentertainmentforchildren and parents- You can encourage your children on the behaviors andmoralsusingthese applications- Programs and children's songs help the child tocomprehensionandlearning in a short time- Child learns a lot of ethics and positive messages in thesongsforchildren and songs- Songs pace and rhythm without some form of mp3- After downloading the application does not require Internet- You can encourage your children on the behaviors andmoralsusingthese applications- One of the best video applications - voice and video imageofhighqualitySong (s):Children's songsChildren's songsMusic young childrenSongs without musicThe most beautiful songskids songsThe most beautiful songs the kidsMusic kids without NetArgentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica,Cuba,DominicanRepublic, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, ElSalvador,Guatemala,Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay,Peru,Puerto Rico,Spain, Uruguay, and Venezuela.- We are waiting for your proposals and your opinions, anddonotforget to vote for the application of a 5-star, thank you.
El Pollito Pío - sin internet 1.0
- La mejor cuenta de español para niños- Definición de mensajes positivos de difusión y alta moraldelosniños a través de nuestras aplicaciones- Videos clips maravillosos, incluyendo educaciónyentretenimientopara niños y padres- Usted puede animar a sus niños en los comportamientos ylamoralusando estas aplicaciones- Los programas y las canciones infantiles ayudan al niñoalacomprensión y al aprendizaje en poco tiempo- El niño aprende mucha ética y mensajes positivos enlascancionespara niños y canciones- Canciones ritmo y ritmo sin alguna forma de mp3- Después de descargar la aplicación no requiere Internet- Usted puede animar a sus niños en los comportamientos ylamoralusando estas aplicaciones- Una de las mejores aplicaciones de video - imagen de voz yvideodealta calidadCanciones:Canciones infantilesCanciones infantilesMúsica niños pequeñosCanciones sin músicaLas canciones más bellasCanciones para niñosLas canciones más hermosas de los niñosMúsica niños sin redEcuador, Ecuador, Guinea Ecuatorial, ElSalvador,Guatemala,Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay,Perú,Puerto Rico,España, Uruguay, Venezuela y Venezuela.- Estamos esperando sus propuestas y sus opiniones, y noseolvidede votar por la aplicación de un 5 estrellas, gracias.- Best Spanish Apps account for children- Defined broadcast positive messages and high moralsofchildrenthrough our applications- Videos wonderful clips, including educational andentertainmentforchildren and parents- You can encourage your children on the behaviors andmoralsusingthese applications- Programs and children's songs help the child tocomprehensionandlearning in a short time- Child learns a lot of ethics and positive messages in thesongsforchildren and songs- Songs pace and rhythm without some form of mp3- After downloading the application does not require Internet- You can encourage your children on the behaviors andmoralsusingthese applications- One of the best video applications - voice and video imageofhighqualitySong (s):Children's songsChildren's songsMusic young childrenSongs without musicThe most beautiful songskids songsThe most beautiful songs the kidsMusic kids without NetArgentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica,Cuba,DominicanRepublic, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, ElSalvador,Guatemala,Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay,Peru,Puerto Rico,Spain, Uruguay, and Venezuela.- We are waiting for your proposals and your opinions, anddonotforget to vote for the application of a 5-star, thank you.
Nursery rhymes songs 3.0
Eleki Mt
Nursery rhymes songs and music videos isanapplication of children's music for children where will be abletohear new songs in spanish or english with songs farm, kiddymusicwith children's songs to dance and best children's songsmoviessung their favorite movie characters.The new children's music app for children to listen to thebestonline songs with a selection of children's music videos toeducatechildren and the best in free music child to learn. One ofthe besteducational apps including the best children's music, topsongs tosing and dance, music videos for children and a compilationofmusic videos for children with educational children's songsforyoung children. An application for children with which theycanlisten to music from which will have access to the bestchildren'seducation with online music, all from your cell phoneandstreaming.Can play karaoke with new songs sung as it includes currentbestchildren's music with new children's music videos, thebestchildren's educational games at parties ballet dancer as wellas amix of children's songs in spanish or english. An applicationwitha list of good music for young children that also includesoldlullabies for babies to sleep, popular songs, christian songsforchildren and music for dancing.Discover the new children's music of the top children'sradiostations with youtube videos and new sounds of farm animalswithyoutube videos you can hear on your cell android. Anapplicationwith videos to learn to read the lyrics of the songsthat alsoincludes christian music for children with children'schristianvideos. You can now download the app of educational videosonlineyoutube with music to learn the vowels, numbers, animals orcolorsand listen to musical instruments with videos clownstv.From this application a list of links to content where allvideosand audios are provided by media services is generated.Theinformation in this app is public domain on the internet andsiteslike youtube.
Rooster Sounds 3.8
Rooster soundboard and funny
Canciones Infantiles Gallina 4.0
Divertidas y educativas canciones envideosparalos niños de tu hogar, con las que se podrandivertir,aprender,bailar y ver las canciones animadas para todos,disfrutade estaaplicacion y sus videos educativos con cancionesmuy buenasque tienecomo Galinna Pitadita e dela granja :1.El gallo pinto2.El pavo y la pava3. Incy Wincy Aranna4. La señora cucaracha5. La vaca lechera6. Croki croki7. Señora Vaca8. gallina Turuleca9. El Pollito Amarillito10. El pollito pio11. gallo y la pata12. Mamama Papapa13. MARTINILLO14. Mariposita Peppa15. El Sapo16. BRILLA ESTRELLITA17. PIN PÓN18. MI CARITA REDONDITA19. Johny Johny Sí, papá?20. Diez autobuses Claroy mucho másPitadita dela granja tiene un montón de amigosparacantarcanciones de estos niños :- toy cantando- El Payaso Plim Plim- El Reino Infantil a Jugar- Las Canciones de la Familia- Rondas 3D- Canta Como Violetta- Little BabyBum Español- Familia Telerín- PINKFONG- pocoyo Jamendo- patati patata- xuxa xuxinha- soy luna- Adexe & Nau- Santa Grifa- Christian Nodal- ozuna y marama- daddy yankee- Romeo Santos- martina stoessel- lali esposito- oddbods Play Doh- Los Juguetes de Titi- Vaca Lola- Galinha PitadinhaEste comportamiento de aplicación :** una colección de canciones y letras niños pequeños.** reproductor de música mp3 con efectos de bajos.** vídeo de educar a los niños y bebés que contienenmúsicareggaeton, cumbia , bachata , Banda Ms.Para usar la aplicación solo tienes que darle al play yempezaraescuchar todos los éxitos encadenados. Puedes ademásusarloscomotono de llamada, de mensaje o de alarma.Nota:* Todos los medios / imagen / canción es propiedadintelectualdelpropietario del copyrightFun andeducationalsongsinto videos for children in your home, with whichcan havefun,learn, dance and watch the animated for all songs,enjoythisapplication and educational videos with great songswhoseGalinnaPitadita and dela farm :1.The gallo pinto2. The turkey and turkey3. Incy Wincy Aranna4. The cockroach lady5. The dairy cow6. Croki Croki7. Lady cow8. hen Turuleca9. The Chicken amarillito10. The pollito pio11. gallo and leg12. Mamama Papapa13. Martinillo14. Mariposita Peppa15. El Sapo16. SHINES ESTRELLITA17. Pin Pon18. MI CARITA redondita19. Johny Johny Yes, Dad?20. Ten Sure busesand much morePitadita dela farm has a lot of friends to sing songsofthesechildren:- Toy singing- The Clown Plim Plim- The United Children Playing- The Songs of the Family- 3D Rounds- Violetta Canta Como- Little BabyBum Spanish- Family Telerín- PINKFONG- Pocoyo Jamendo- Patati potato- Xuxa Xuxinha- I'm Moon- Adexe & Nau- Holy Grifa- Christian Nodal- Ozuna and Marama- Daddy Yankee- Romeo Santos- Martina Stoessel- Lali esposito- Play Doh oddbods- Toys Titi- Cow Lola- Galinha PitadinhaThis application behavior:** A collection of songs and lyrics small children.** MP3 Player music with bass effects.** Video to educate children and babies containmusicreggaeton,cumbia, bachata, Banda Ms.To use the application you only have to give the playandstartlistening all the hits chained. You can also use themasringtone,alarm or message.Note:* All media / image / song is the intellectual propertyofthecopyright owner
Canciones de la Granja 1.3
Clarken Inc
La aplicación móvil ‘Canciones delaGranja’ cuenta con la más alta y entretenida tecnología quetepermitirá facilitar tu estilo de vida y el de tus hijos paraqueellos puedan divertirse en casa y en cualquier momento quedeseen.Ella te permite contar con muchos beneficios: facilidaddemanejo, excelente calidad en los vídeos y reproducción delascanciones, además de una alta diversidad de canciones yvídeos,puesto que posee más de 50 canciones infantiles quepodráselegir según tu quieras; no hay que dejar de lado quetambiénpodrás disfrutar de más de 50 vídeos que a tus hijoslesencantaran. Toda esta variedad hará que tus hijos no se aburranenningún momento, ya que podrán escuchar las canciones que quieranyelegir la que más les gusten sin importar cuántas hayan.Cada una de las canciones de la granja que seencuentranen esta aplicación son tan reconocidas por los máspequeños que noesperaras mucho tiempo para descargarla. Entre ellaspodrásencontrar videos infantiles clásicos y populares como:- 🐔 La Gallina Turuleca- 🐸 El Sapo Pepe- 🐣 El Pollito Pio- 🐄 La vaca Lola- 🌊 Seis Patitos se fueron a nadar- 🌎Animales de la granja- Entre muchas otras másLos vídeos infantiles que puedas encontrar enestaaplicación se encargaran de mostrarle a los más pequeños de lacasacómo lucen los animales y qué hacen; esto se convierte enunamanera muy proactiva de despertar su imaginación y el respetohacialos animales.Es por esa razón que todas estas canciones infantilesnosolo son ideales para que tus hijos logren entretenerse dealgunamanera, sino porque ellos podrán identificar los diferentestiposde animales que hay en el mundo a medida que se diviertencantando.Por ello, el contenido educativo que posee está aplicaciónesinigualable, puesto que, además de divertida, se convierte enunaherramienta muy útil para ir forjando en la mente de tus hijoselinterés por los animales, la naturaleza y el respeto alaconvivencia con los distintos animales que se presentanengeneral.Es proactiva, divertida y educativa. Cuando la descarguespodrásencontrar una lista bastante entretenida que hará que tushijos seemocionen muchísimo con solo reproducir una de lascanciones ovídeos que se encuentran en la aplicación.Esta App es ideal para divertirte con tus hijos encualquiermomento ya que podrás escuchar las canciones y ver losvídeos enlos distintos lugares donde te encuentres, sin importar lahora oel sitio.¿Qué más podías pedir? ¿Te ha gustado todo lo que contieneestaútil aplicación? ¿crees que le haría falta algo más? Si es sí,noolvides comentar qué le haría falta o cuál de todos los vídeosqueella presenta es tu vídeo favorito.Esta aplicación está absolutamente pensada para ellos, puesnohay nada mejor para los más chicos que aprender mientras jueganyse divierten de una manera entretenida. Es por ello quelaaplicación Canciones de la Granja es esencialparaellos.The mobileapplication'Songs Farm' has the highest and entertainingtechnology thatlets you make your lifestyle and your children sothey can have funat home and anytime they want .She allows you to have many benefits: ease of use,excellentquality videos and playing songs, along with a highdiversity ofsongs and videos, since it has more than 50 children'ssongs youcan choose as you want; You should not shelve you can alsoenjoymore than 50 videos that your kids will love. All this varietywillmake your children do not get bored at any time as they canlistento the songs they want and choose which ones they like nomatterhow many have.Each of the songs farm found in this application aresorecognized by the smaller you not to wait too long todownload.Among them you can find videos and popular children'sclassicsas:- 🐔 La Gallina Turuleca- 🐸 El Sapo Pepe- 🐣 El Pollito Pio- Cow Lola 🐄- Six ducklings 🌊 went swimming- 🌎Animales farm- Among many otherschildren's videos you can find in this application willtakecare of showing the smallest of the house animals how they lookandwhat they do; this becomes a very proactive way to sparkyourimagination and respect for animals.It is for this reason that all these children's songs arenotonly ideal for your children to achieve entertained in someway,but because they can identify different types of animals intheworld as fun singing. Therefore, the educational content thathasthis application is unique, since, besides funny, becomes averyuseful tool to forge in the minds of your children's interestinanimals, nature and respect for coexistence with thedifferentanimals presented in general.It is proactive, fun and educational. When you downloadcanfind a pretty entertaining list that will make your childrenverymuch excited just play one of the songs or videos that are intheapplication.This App is ideal for fun with your children at any timeyoucan listen to songs and watch videos in different places whereyouare, no matter the time or place.What else could you ask for? Did you likedeverythingcontained in this useful application? Do you think youwould needsomething else? If yes, do not forget to comment on whatit wouldtake or which of all videos she presents is yourfavoritevideo.This application is absolutely designed for them,becausethere is nothing better for the kids to learn while theyplay andhave fun in an entertaining way. That is why the Songs Farmisessential for them.
Pepa Videos Gratis 1.1
Los mejores y mas divertidos vídeos depepaparaque los disfrutes en todo momento.Podrás ver vídeos infantiles educativos, divertidos yquesiempredejaran una buena enseñanza para tus hijos.Ademas encontraras excelentes canciones infantilesparaniñosgratis, en una alta calidad y siempre actualizados.The bestandfunniestvideos nugget for you to enjoy at all times.You will see educational, fun children's videos and alwaysleaveagood education for your children.You will find excellent free nursery rhymes forchildren,highquality and always updated.
Gallina Videos Infantiles 1.1
Colección con los mejores vídeos ycancionesdela gallina en español. Podrán disfrutar todos enfamiliacantando,bailando, aprendiendo letras de canciones y muchomas.Les encantara a los más pequeñines, y los no tan pequeños,lamúsicainfantil es muy importante para el desarrollo de losniñosen losprimeros años.Vídeos infantiles sin internet para poder verloscuandoquieras,les gustara a tus bebes te lo aseguro.Collection withthebestvideos and songs in Spanish hen. They all family canenjoysinging,dancing, learning lyrics and more.Les delight the little ones, and the not so young, childmusicisvery important for the development of children intheearlyyears.Children without internet videos to watch them wheneveryouwant,they liked your babies I assure you.
Toy cantando música infantil 4.1.35-googleApi
Enjoy the best children's songs, learn by singing with videos!
Señora Vaca Lechera Canciones 2.1
¿Quién no recuerda las clásicas canciones "Tengo una VacaLechera"y"Señora Vaca"? En esta aplicación encontrarán ambascancionesenvideos para que todos la disfruten!
Rooster Sounds 2.0.0
eBook Apps
Who says good morning to the farm? The rooster, of course!
Momo Music Player 1.5
MOMO Music Player is a great musicplayerapplication for audio, mp3, flac with 3d sound mp3 playertoexperience a new musical style completely. It has a beautifulUserInterface and awesome User Experience with advanced features.MOMOMusic Player is the best music player applicationforAndroid.Music is a part of life. We listen to music when take abus,running, relax while working or everywhere. You want to findthebest music player application with lyric, so, MOMO Music Playeristhe best choice for you. With beautiful design and havingcoolfeatures as: Edit MP3 Tag, display lyric while playing(musicplayer with lyrics on screen), customize music playerequalizer,play music volume booster, flac audio player lyricsenglish,etc...MOMO Music Player brings you really greate music when it isLosslessMusic Application as well as MP3 Player with displayslyric, giveusers exciting experience. MOMO Music Player is a highquality musicplayer shows lyrics.KEY FEATURES- Awesome User Interface- Allow you to create playlist with your own styleforAnBroid.- Allow you to customize equalizer in MP3 Player Offline.- Allow you to edit song information.- Allow you delete duplicate songs on your phone.- A Music player with high bass booster, mp3 player withvisualeffect no wifi, music player equalizer amplifier.- The best Android Music Player Application with Animated Lyricin2016.- Listen to music without internet connection, without Wifi.(musicvideo player doesn't need wifi)- Supports all audio formats: mp3, m4a, flac, wav, ogg songswithlyric, ...- The best offline music player for Android.- Swipe to switch between songs.- Organize the songs on your phone easily.- Download MP3 application easily with small file size.GET STARTEDGet started exploring your endless musical passion with MOMOMusicPlayer.Try exploring to experience modern music style trends in2016.WhiBe listening / o music, tap the heart to 'like' and saveyourfavorite songs for playback later.Search Page allows you find the songs, favorite artists, albumsorgenres on your phone.COMMUNITYLike what you hear? Let us know and share your discoveries withtheworld.HomePage: http://magicmage.mobiYoutube: TranslateApp: Music Player will be better if you let us know more.Support Center: [email protected] privacy is really important to us. We only ask forthepermissions we need for the app to be atBits best.If you have any questions, please contact us - see 'thehelpsection'.MOMO Music Player is not only listen to music but also showingyourstyle!Please rate us 5 stars if you having a good time with ourMusicPlayer Offline having lyrics.
Adexe Nau Es Para Mi Señorita 3.0
Escuchar toda la canción de Adexe YNaudurantela lectura de la carta en esta aplicación. Si songrandesseguidoresde musica Para Nino, absolutamente le muyencantará estaaplicación.Puede usted ser bendecido mientrasdisfruta, aprender ycantar juntocon esta aplicación.Lista de canciones:- Es Para Mí Señorita- Tú Y Yo- CUMPLEAÑOS FELIZ- Hasta El Amanecer- Por Fin Te Encontré- Soy El Único- Tu Libertad- Si Tú No Estás- El Perdón- Duele El Corazon- I´ll Show You- Obsesionado- Tu Ilusión- What Do You Mean?- Sorry (Lo Siento)las características de esta solicitud :- Reproductor de música mp3 con la pista completaSuaAresvagalume- Tocando la canción y adivinar qué canción se reproducirá- Biografías de los jugadores- No debe ser Descargar Musica Gratis MP3¿a qué estás esperando pronto disfrutar de una variedaddemúsicatales como cumbia , Reggaeton Mix , bachata ymuschomas.Adexe y Nau tiene mucho que ver con :- Ozuna- Marama- Farruko y Maluma- El Villano- CNCO y CD9- BangTan Boys- Ruggero Pasquarelli- Valentina Zenere- Michael Ronda- agustin bernasconi- daddy yankee- Maxi Espindola- Ruggelaria- Soy Luna Karaoke- Lionel Ferro- Chino & Nacho Andas En Mi Cabeza- Violetta- oddbods- Tini martina Stoessel- Dove Cameron- Liv y Maddie- Carrossel Adivinhe jogo- LOS SIMPSON- JR INN- Dread Mar I Hoja en Blanco- Giselle Torres- Pica - Pica- El reino infantil- canciones de la granja- Ariann- Justin Bieber- Allesia cara- Moana the Trolls- naudexerNota:* Si usted lee solamente no es necesaria la conexióncartasaInternet.* Si desea leer la letra mientras se reproduce una cancióndebeteneruna conexión relativamente rápida a Internet (al menos3G,WiFirecomendado)Play the entiresongAdexeAnd Nau during the reading of the letter in thisapplication.Ifthey are big fans of music to Nino, you willabsolutely lovethisapp too. May you be blessed as you enjoy, learnand sing alongwiththis application.Songs list:- It Is For Me Miss- You and I- HAPPY BIRTHDAY- Until sunrise- Finally I found you- I'm the only one- Your Freedom- If You Are not- The forgiveness- The heart hurts- I'll Show You- Obsessed- Your Illusion- What Do You Mean?- Sorry (sorry)the features of this application:- MP3 music player with full track Sua Ares vagalume- Tapping the song and guess what song will play- Biographies of players- There should be MP3 Download Free MusicWhat are you waiting soon enjoy a variety of music suchascumbia,Mix Reggaeton, bachata and muscho more.Adexe and Nau has a lot to do with:- Ozuna- Marama- Farruko and Maluma- The Villain- CNCO and CD9- Bangtan Boys- Ruggero Pasquarelli- Valentina Zenere- Michael Round- Agustin bernasconi- Daddy Yankee- Maxi Espindola- Ruggelaria- I'm Moon Karaoke- Lionel Ferro- Chino & Nacho Andas In My Head- Violetta- oddbods- Martina Stoessel Tini- Dove Cameron- Liv and Maddie- Carrossel Adivinhe jogo- THE SIMPSON- JR INN- Dread Mar I Hoja en Blanco- Giselle Torres- Pica pica- Child kingdom- Farm songs- Ariann- Justin Bieber- Allesia face- Moana the Trolls- naudexerNote:* The letters Internet connection If you only readisnotnecessary.* If you read the lyrics while playing a song must havearelativelyfast Internet connection (at least 3G,WiFirecommended)
baby songs - lullaby 1.8
Babies wake up many times at night?Yourbabycries a lot? don't know how to put your baby to sleep?Want to make your baby a good night's sleep? Here isanexcellentoption to put your child to sleep. You can put anicesound to calmyour baby and sleep like an angel. Beautifulsongsthat will reallycalm your baby, and you will see how easy itis tohush a baby injust a few minutes! It is specially designedtosoothe an infantinto a dream with the help of “lullaby songsforkids” and beautifulnursery rhymes. The collection of relaxing,and you won't havetroubles with putting children tosleepagain!This free app contains “best music for children” andthevarietyof nursery rhymes which all kids simply adore,newborns,toddlersand preschoolers! They will listen to free music,and thebest partis that you can play the list of “baby songs” overandover again!When bedtime comes, just play the “children'ssleepingmusic”constantly, or set a timer, and you will have yourchilddreamingprofoundly for the whole night. Relaxing sounds ofthelullabiesand educative lyrics for children make this app aperfectchoicefor your mobile phone.lullaby (infant songs) is a soothing song (sounds torelax),usuallysung to young children before they go to sleep, withtheintentionof speeding that process. As a result they areoftensimple andrepetitive. Lullabies can be found in every cultureandsince theancient period..Lullabies (sounds to sleep, baby sleep sounds) are oftensungbyparents in calming children, putting them to sleep .The lullaby is a soothing song, usually sung toyoungchildrenbefore They go to sleep, with the intention ofspeedingThatprocess.Lullabies are sung by mothers around the world forTheirchildrenfall asleep.Features:- This app will help your child sleep like an angel!- Help your kid fall asleep in no time!- meditation lullaby music run in background- You can choose a time that will leave the music playing, orsetatimer at five, fifteen or thirty minutes, or one, twoorthreehours!- deep relaxation with children songs- Infants and children fall asleep immediately.- Sleeping music for babies, toddlers and preschoolers!- Collection of best lullabies for children and nurseryrhymesforkids!- Deep Relaxation with children's songs.- only good quality nature sleep sounds for kids- relaxation for children brains- best lullabies for kids, babies, children, infants, newborn- High quality music that soothes.- baby sounds to sleep- Wonderful songs for babies.- baby music instrumental lullabies- beautiful wallpaper for bedtime sounds and children songs- Your baby will really relax.- relax and sleep meditation sounds!- Music for babies sleep.- high-quality soothing music- Sound to children sleep.- The best relaxing sound!- Music to sleep.- Sounds for babies.- Soft music.- Beautiful sounds.
Bedtime Stories 1.15
Bedside stories and lullabies to sleep for children and babies
Nursery Rhymes For Kids: Preschool Learning Songs 4.1.3-googleApi
Enjoy free our playlist with the best songs of Toy Cantandoforkids, accompanied with funny videos where you will see... Enjoyourplaylist for free with the best nursery rhymes, accompaniedwithfunny videos where you will see cow Lola, pin pon andothersfavorite characters singing for you. This app is designed foryourlittle ones to sing, dance, entertain and let the imaginationflywith the stories that going to find in this nursery rhymes,Wichmostly are starring by the characters of our farm. Toycantando, isa record label and publisher for childrens, specializedin didacticand educational material. We have nursery rhymes, musicand videosfor children and babies, children's tales and stories tolearn,sing and play. Become part of this great family and accompanyyourchildren in the best learning process. Children like this appsomuch, today is a perfect day for download it, to have fun andstartto enjoy the videos and music from Toy cantando. Next, we giveyouto know the playlist of the best nursery rhymes included inourapplication. Install it in your mobile or tablet and enjoy thebestnursery rhymes thought about the education, values and funofchildren, who learn singing. ➝ Lola The Cow ➝ Wheels On The Bus➝Johny Johny Yes Papa ➝ Rain, Rain, Go Away ➝ Baa Baa Black Sheep➝Finger Family ➝ Five Little Ducks ➝ Humpty Dumpty ➝ TwinkleTwinkleLittle Star ➝ Head Shoulders Knees and Toes ➝ Old MacDonaldHad aFarm ➝ Ten in the bed ➝ Rock A Bye Baby ➝ If You’re Happy andYouKnow It ➝ Bingo ➝ Miss Polly Had a Dolly ➝ Row Row Row Your Boat➝Pat a Cake ➝ The Farmer in The Dell ➝ Mary had. Little Lamb➝Hickory Dickory Dock ➝ ABC Song ➝ My Little Face ➝ Sun Little Sun➝Ten Little Indians
Spanish Lullabies & Kids Songs 2.2.0
You have probably had troubles puttingyourlittle ones to sleep. You can finally relax, because we haveaperfect solution for you! With Spanish Lullabies &KidsSongs, you will enjoy the calm evenings together withyourbaby. Ever since you’ve got your precious being, you areworriedwhen it comes to bedtime and getting the baby to sleep.Considerthat problem solved. Once your baby or a child listens tothesebeautiful Spanish songs and nursery rhymes at bedtime, itwillimmediately enjoy them and peacefully drift to the land ofdreams.Its tender and soothing texts will help your baby fallasleep whilelistening to the rich Spanish rhymes. Both you and yourbaby willenjoy these calm Spanish melodies and lyrics, even if youhave torepeatedly play or sing them. These Spanish lyrics will givebothyou and your baby a possibility to enjoy the magic of bedtimewhichthis music creates. What these songs provide is thequickestpossible solution to the problems of a crying, sleepy babyor achild, and gives you, the tired parents, peaceful time after afullday’s work.Another great possibility that our app offers is learningbothSpanish lyrics and language just by listening to the songs.Whilelistening to the beautiful Spanish soothing songs, your kidswillalso learn all the words and sentences which our lullabiesandsongs contain. Just try to remember being sung to sleep withsomeof the most famous Spanish lullabies as a little kid,suchas La Nanita Nana (Nanita Lullaby), Cielito Lindo (BeautifulSky)and many others. Our Spanish Lullabies & Kids Songsthereforehave a twofold usage: they help in putting your baby orchildren tosleep and enable your child to learn all those richSpanish wordsand language. Spanish for kids is quick and easy tolearn, andthrough these songs, kids will learn it even quicker.Lullabies andsongs for kids are not easy to find, but we assure youthat yourdearest ones will adore our Spanish songs and rhymes.These Spanishmp3 songs and rhymes can be downloaded for free.What makes ourapp unique is that you have the text of Spanishsongs andlullabies which you can sing and not just play to yourchild.All you have to do is choose from our app your favoritesongs,calming music or lullabies perfect for sleeping. And don’tforgetto play some of the Spanish Lullabies & Kids Songs whichareamong the most beautiful ones.We can guarantee that your little beloved one will be satisfiedandsleep peacefully with songs and relaxing sounds from our app.Features of ‘Spanish Lullabies & KidsSongs’app:= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =- listen to the lullabies and songs instantly- set timer to stop the music after a while- lyrics for all the songs included- add to favorites- high quality audio recordings- a collection of the best, handpicked lullabiesSpanish Lullaby and Song for Kids in the app:= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =- A la nanita nana- Drume negrita- Pajarito que cantas- Estrellita donde estas and many moreLEGAL INFO:Sounds used in Spanish Lullabies & Kids Songs areunderPublic Domain or Creative Commons license, credited in theapp,where appropriate. For any questions or concerns regardinglicense,please contact us at [email protected]:Spanish Lullabies & Kids Songs has been tested on HTC OneM8,Samsung Galaxy S5, Google Nexus 5, Samsung Galaxy Note S3, LGG2 andSony Xperia Z1S, among other phones. Compatible withVerizon,AT&T and all other providers. Please report any [email protected].
La Vaca Lola Videos 1.0
Lujime Apps
La vaca Lola La vaca Lola tiene cabeza y tiene cola La vaca LolaLavaca Lola tiene cabeza y tiene cola y hace muuu
Children's Videos 1.0.3
To entertain children and someadults,thisapplication has a wide gamma of children's videos. Toentertainandamuse our children.The application is updated daily by adding videosofdifferentcategories. These can be sent via Whatsapp or sharedonsocialnetworks.