Top 3 Apps Similar to Olympian Mathematics

Olympic Math Practice 1.1
Parents, teachers and students, dear!First we would like to thank most sincerely to the parentsofstudents and the students were interested in educational appsonsmart phones prep and smart mobile devices!Competition is competition solving Annual Internet bytheMinistry of Education in collaboration with FPTUniversityorganization is playing very rewarding and exciting forstudentsacross the country to practice and compete with the examformatarrangement, the pair are equal, test, .... In addition tothemathematical knowledge of students are acquainted withcomputersand modern technologies applied to learning. Currently thesocietyis growing stronger bulky computers no longer useful asbefore andinstead of smart mobile devices compact and very suitableforpocket money parents guide the need to use the mobile devicetocram Violympic wherever is very high. Captures the aspirationsthatour group has focused Vinagamemath study and work seriouslytolaunch applications Exam for students from grades 1 to 9 withthestructure 4 version of the test arrangement, the pair areequal,test and essay questions filled the restaurant qua.Ngan richwithvivid than 10000 questions are constantly being updatedmatchingprogram Ministry of Education and Training.With the assistance of skilled teachers have long experienceandstanding on the podium we designed the application with threetestarrangement, pairs of equal and tested with the aim of helpingthechildren practice thinking computer accounting and responsivewithall forms from easy to difficult since they can better solvetheexercises in class and confidence with the rounds ontheinternet.We hope that with this application we want to add 1 parttheirbest to the cause of education technology of BGDT and helpthemlearn better performance, better every day. We are continuingtowork and hopefully one day we will develop applications withallthe subjects of Mathematics, English Vietnamese, English,History,... serve all parents, teachers teachers and studentsacross thecountry.We hope to get the attention of all the students, parentsandyour teachers, all comments should be sent to the [email protected]
小学奥数@酷学习 2.2.6
想开拓思维,打好数学基本功,从学习奥数开始。每个人学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家学得有兴趣呢?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,推出了“小学奥数@酷学习”app。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习一年级奥数立足课堂上所学数学知识点,通过有趣的奥数问题,让大家随时了解学习奥数,找到学习数学的兴趣所在,培养严谨而灵活的思维,不同专题的奥数教学视频给了大家无限学习的机会。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] want todevelopthinking, lay mathematics basics, starting withlearningMathematical Olympiad.Everyone learning styles and capabilities are not the same, sothatwe learn how to be interested in it?Smart mobile terminals to provide you anytime, anywhere,gently,Reviewing the Old possible.    Cool learning is based on big dataeraeducation website, we are not simply teaching, but throughgraffitiand witty personality to a perfect display of knowledge, toguidethinking, covering number of English language, physicsandchemistry multiple sectors, do now hai vast expanse, tocreatewealth for all who thirst for knowledge. Today, in order tobetterplay to learn the advantages of intelligent terminals,launched the"Primary Mathematics Olympiad @ Cool learn" app.Uphold learn fun, learn interesting purpose, cool learning basedonfirst-year Olympiad mathematics classroom knowledge, throughfunMathematical Olympiad problems, so that we keep abreast oflearningMathematical Olympiad, find learning mathematics interest,rigorousand flexible culture thinking, instructional videos onvarioustopics Olympiad gave us unlimited opportunities tolearn.Once inside the app, we can push the video to select thecurrentlatest and hottest video learning, you can also find thesystemclassification learning, and learner "I" of the managementtoprovide you with a learning record, my collection, andothermulti-user feedback Item personalized design."Learning fun, learn better play," your needs is our pursuit, andsowhat? I hurry hurry me, we wholeheartedly to be for you!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: providing massive outstanding videolearning,covering primary school to university, edit carefullyselected,regularly updated2. Exclusive Subscriptions: free to add a subscription, createyourown personalized learning3. Offline Caching: In a network environment can alsowatch,anytime, anywhere learning.4. One key Share: micro letter to quickly share,microblogging,circle of friends, great content to share with yourfriends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and commentatany time Tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search show history, to support the resultspagesecondary search, find precise usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us your thoughts, or [email protected]
小学奥数HD@酷学习 2.0
传统教育,教师为主,被动学习,让人头疼。每个人学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家学得有兴趣呢?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,我没在推出“小学数学app”、“初中数学”“高中数学”“高数app”等app之后,终于推出了“酷学习小学奥数app”。秉承着学得开心、学得有趣的宗旨。酷学习小学奥数通过微视频,将一年级到六年级的奥数内容尽现眼前,让学生如与和蔼可亲的老师面对面交流一般畅通无碍。孩子一旦进入app,可通过推送视频可以选择当前最新、最热门知识视频学习,也可以通过分类快速找到自己需要学习的视频。而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录、我的收藏、用户反馈、设置等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩,学得免费”,您的需求,孩子们的快乐学习,就是酷学习的追求!你还等什么?去applestore下载吧!我们竭诚以待为您服务!Traditionaleducation,teacher-based, passive learning, headache.Everyone learning styles and ability to accept different, how togeteveryone interested to learn it?Smart mobile terminals to provide you anytime, anywhere,gently,Reviewing the Old possible.Cool learning is based on big data era educational websites, wearenot simply teaching, but through graffiti and witty personalitytoa perfect display of knowledge to guide thinking, coveringnumberof English language, physics and chemistry multiple sections,donow hai vast boundless wealth for all who thirst forknowledge.After today, in order to better play to learn theadvantages ofintelligent terminals, I was not launched the "PrimaryMathematicsapp", "junior high school mathematics", "high schoolmathematics,""the high number of app" and other app, has finallylaunched the"cool school Olympiad learning app" .Adhering to learn fun, learn interesting purpose. CoolLearningElementary Mathematical Olympiad through micro-video, thefirstgrade to sixth grade Olympiad contents do is immediate, sothatstudents as a teacher face to face with the amiablegeneralno-brainer.Once children enter the app, you can choose to present thelatestand most popular video learning knowledge through push video,youcan also find they need to learn quickly classify videos.Thelearner "I" of the management to provide you with alearningrecord, my favorite, user feedback, setting and manyotherpersonalized design."Happy to learn, learn better play, learn free", yourneeds,children's fun learning, the pursuit of learning is cool!What areyou waiting for? Apple store to download it! Our dedicationto beat your service!