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高中语文@酷学习 2.2.6
在你心中,语文是什么样子?总之,语文不该是传统课堂上逐字逐句呆板无谓的分析;不该是作文课堂上百无聊赖的神游天外;不该仅仅是课文内容的掌握与熟悉。腹有诗书气自华,这才是语文的样子;博古通今,了解文章的典故背景,这才是语文的样子;下笔如有神,滔滔不绝也,这才是语文作文的样子。语文,不同于其他学科,它的确是一个需要长期积累的科目。而酷学习的高中语文视频,则着眼于帮助学生,进行更多的文学积累。培养对语文的乐趣,找到语文的感觉。当您安装好app,您可以获得我们推送的当前最新最热的视频学习内容,也可以通过分类查找视频学习,同时,学习者“我”的设计为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。酷学习的高中语文,在每一个视频的开头、都介绍了文章的背景,作者其人,作品存在的年代特征。了解这些,才能更好地去把握文章的主旨,了解作者的思想,在考试中才能不跑偏题目。“学得开心,学得好玩,学得免费”,您的需求,就是我们的追求!还等什么,赶快打开酷学习,学起来吧!在文学的魅力中沉醉!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] your mind, what is thelanguage?   In short, the language should not beunnecessarily rigid verbatim analysis on traditional classroom;classroom should not be writing hundreds of bored iQue days; shouldnot only be mastered with the familiar text content.   Poetry and literature abdominal gas from China,this is the language the way; erudite, understand the backgroundstory article, this is the way the language; getting a God, endlessalso, this is the way the language composition.   Chinese, unlike other disciplines, it is indeed along-term accumulation of subjects required.   And the cool high school language learning video,then focus on helping students, more literary accumulation.Training of language fun, find the feeling languages.   When you install the app, you can get our currentpush hottest new video learning content, you can also find videosby category learning, at the same time, the learners 'I' isdesigned to provide you with a learning record, my favorites, theuser Feedback and many other personalized design.   Cool high school language learning, at thebeginning of each video, have introduced the background, the authorof its people, works feature article's existence. Understandingthese in order better to grasp the thrust of the article,understand the author's thoughts, to no deviation in the examsubject.   "Learning fun, learn better play, learn free ofcharge", your needs is our pursuit! So what, quickly cool openlearning, learn it now! Indulge in literary charm!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: providing massive outstanding video learning,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. Exclusive Subscriptions: free to add a subscription, create yourown personalized learning3. Offline Caching: In a network environment can also watch,anytime, anywhere learning.4. One key Share: micro letter to quickly share, microblogging,circle of friends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time Tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search show history, to support the results pagesecondary search, find precise video.contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us your thoughts, or e-mail [email protected]
高考语文@酷学习 2.2.6
在你心中,语文是什么样子?总之,语文不该是传统课堂上逐字逐句呆板无谓的分析;不该是作文课堂上百无聊赖的神游天外;不该仅仅是课文内容的掌握与熟悉。腹有诗书气自华,这才是语文的样子;博古通今,了解文章的典故背景,这才是语文的样子;下笔如有神,滔滔不绝也,这才是语文作文的样子。语文,不同于其他学科,它的确是一个需要长期积累的科目。而酷学习的高考语文视频,则针对高考,对历届考题精心选择,并着眼于帮助学生,进行更多的文学积累。培养对语文的乐趣,找到语文的感觉。当您安装好app,您可以获得我们推送的当前最新最热的视频学习内容,也可以通过分类查找视频学习,同时,学习者“我”的设计为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩,学得免费”,您的需求,就是我们的追求!还等什么,赶快打开酷学习,学起来吧!在文学的魅力中沉醉!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] your mind, what is thelanguage?   In short, the language should not beunnecessarily rigid verbatim analysis on traditional classroom;classroom should not be writing hundreds of bored iQue days; shouldnot only be mastered with the familiar text content.   Poetry and literature abdominal gas from China,this is the language the way; erudite, understand the backgroundstory article, this is the way the language; getting a God, endlessalso, this is the way the language composition.   Chinese, unlike other disciplines, it is indeed along-term accumulation of subjects required.   The College Entrance Examination learn coolvideo, is for the college entrance examination, carefully selectedfor the previous questions, and focus on helping students, moreliterary accumulation. Training of language fun, find the feelinglanguages.   When you install the app, you can get our currentpush hottest new video learning content, you can also find videosby category learning, at the same time, the learners 'I' isdesigned to provide you with a learning record, my favorites, theuser Feedback and many other personalized design.   "Learning fun, learn better play, learn free ofcharge", your needs is our pursuit! So what, quickly cool openlearning, learn it now! Indulge in literary charm!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: providing massive outstanding video learning,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. Exclusive Subscriptions: free to add a subscription, create yourown personalized learning3. Offline Caching: In a network environment can also watch,anytime, anywhere learning.4. One key Share: micro letter to quickly share, microblogging,circle of friends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time Tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search show history, to support the results pagesecondary search, find precise video.contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us your thoughts, or e-mail [email protected]
小学数学HD@酷学习 2.0
传统教育,教师为主,被动学习,孩子们不想,也不愿学习,让家长头疼。每个孩子学习的方式和接受能力不尽相同。如何让孩子寓教于乐,喜欢学习?智能移动终端给了我们答案,无论何时何地,只需轻轻一点,都可以温故而知新。酷学习是一个立足大数据时代的在线教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和连珠妙语来完美展示知识及引导孩子的思维,内容涵盖语文、数学、英语、物理、生物、化学、科普等,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了让人们能够更好发挥移动终端的学习优势,在推出“酷学习App”、“酷学习医学App”以后,再次推出“酷学习小学数学App”。秉承着学得开心、学得有趣的宗旨。酷学习小学数学通过微视频,将一年级到六年级的内容尽现眼前,让学生如与和蔼可亲的老师面对面交流一般畅通无碍。孩子一旦进入app,可通过推送视频可以选择当前最新、最热门知识视频学习,也可以通过分类快速找到自己需要学习的视频。而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录、我的收藏、用户反馈、设置等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩,学得免费”,您的需求,孩子们的快乐学习,就是酷学习的追求!你还等什么?去applestore下载吧!我们竭诚以待为您服务!Traditional education,teacher-based, passive learning, the children do not want, do notwant to learn, so that parents headache.    Every child learning styles andcapabilities vary. How to get kids entertaining, like tolearn?Smart mobile devices has given us the answer, no matter when andwhere, with just one click, you can Reviewing the Old.Cool based learning is a big data era of online education website,we are not simply teaching, but through graffiti and Pente wittypersonality to a perfect display of knowledge and guide theirchildren's thinking, covering language, mathematics, English,physics, biology, chemistry, science, etc., do now hai vastexpanse, to create wealth for all who thirst for knowledge. Today,in order to allow people to play better to learn the advantages ofmobile terminals, the introduction of the "cool learning App",after the "cool to study medicine App", re-launched the "coolschool learning mathematics App".Adhering to learn fun, learn interesting purpose. Cool elementaryschool mathematics learning through micro-video, the first grade tosixth grade, content to do is immediate, so that students as ateacher face to face with the amiable general no-brainer.Once children enter the app, you can choose to present the latestand most popular video learning knowledge through push video, youcan also find they need to learn quickly classify videos. Thelearner "I" of the management to provide you with a learningrecord, my favorite, user feedback, setting and many otherpersonalized design.    "Happy to learn, learn better play, learnfree", your needs, children's fun learning, the pursuit of learningis cool! What are you waiting for? Apple store to download it! Ourdedication to be at your service!
小学数学@酷学习 2.2.6
传统教育,教师为主,被动学习,孩子们不想,也不愿学习,让家长头疼。每个孩子学习的方式和接受能力不尽相同。如何让孩子寓教于乐,喜欢学习?智能移动终端给了我们答案,无论何时何地,只需轻轻一点,都可以温故而知新。酷学习是一个立足大数据时代的在线教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和连珠妙语来完美展示知识及引导孩子的思维,内容涵盖语文、数学、英语、物理、生物、化学、科普等,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了让人们能够更好发挥移动终端的学习优势,在推出“酷学习App”、“酷学习医学App”以后,再次推出“酷学习小学数学App”。秉承着学得开心、学得有趣的宗旨。酷学习小学数学通过微视频,将一年级到六年级的内容尽现眼前,让学生如与和蔼可亲的老师面对面交流一般畅通无碍。孩子一旦进入app,可通过推送视频可以选择当前最新、最热门知识视频学习,也可以通过分类快速找到自己需要学习的视频。而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录、我的收藏、用户反馈、设置等多项个性化设计。功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] education,teacher-based, passive learning, the children do not want, do notwant to learn, so that parents headache.Every child learning styles and capabilities vary. How to get kidsentertaining, like learning?Intelligent mobile terminal gives us the answer, no matter when andwhere, with just one click, you can Reviewing the Old.Cool based learning is a big data era of online education website,we are not simply teaching, but through graffiti and Pente wittypersonality to a perfect display of knowledge and guide children'sthinking, covering language, mathematics, English, physics,biology, chemistry, science, etc., do now Xuehai vast expanse, tocreate wealth for all who thirst for knowledge. Today, in order toallow people to better learn to play the advantages of mobileterminals, the introduction of "cool learning App", after the "coolto study medicine App", re-launched the "cool to learn elementarymathematics App".Uphold learn fun, learn interesting purpose. Cool learn elementarymathematics through micro-video, the first grade to sixth gradecontent to do is immediate, so that students as teachers andamiable face to face communication is generally a no-brainer.Once the child enters app, may be able to select the current latestand most popular video learning knowledge through push video, youcan also quickly find their classification need to learn video. Thelearner "I" of the management to provide you with a learningrecord, My Favorites, user feedback, set up a number ofpersonalized design.Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: providing massive outstanding video learning,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. Exclusive Subscriptions: free to add a subscription, create yourown personalized learning3. Offline Caching: In a network environment can also watch,anytime, anywhere learning.4. One key Share: micro letter to quickly share, microblogging,circle of friends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time Tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search show history, to support the results pagesecondary search, find precise video.contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us your thoughts, or e-mail [email protected]
初中奥数@酷学习 2.2.6
想开拓思维,打好数学基本功,从学习奥数开始。每个人学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家学得有兴趣呢?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,推出了“中学奥数@酷学习”app。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习一年级奥数立足课堂上所学数学知识点,通过有趣的奥数问题,让大家随时了解学习奥数,找到学习数学的兴趣所在,培养严谨而灵活的思维,不同专题的奥数教学视频给了大家无限学习的机会。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] want to developthinking, playing math basics, starting with learning MathematicalOlympiad.Everyone learning styles and ability to accept different, how toget everyone interested to learn it?Smart mobile terminals to provide you anytime, anywhere, gently,Reviewing the Old possible.    Cool learning is based on big data eraeducational websites, we are not simply teaching, but throughgraffiti and witty personality to a perfect display of knowledge toguide thinking, covering number of English language, physics andchemistry multiple sections, do now hai vast boundless wealth forall who thirst for knowledge. Today, in order to better play tolearn the advantages of intelligent terminals, launched the "HighSchool Mathematical Olympiad @ Cool learning" app.Adhering to learn fun, learn interesting purpose, cool to learn agrade based on classroom learning Olympiad mathematics knowledge,through fun Mathematical Olympiad problems, so that we keep abreastof learning Mathematical Olympiad, find learning mathematicsinterest, rigorous training and flexible thinking, different topicsOlympiad instructional video gives you unlimited opportunities tolearn.Once inside the app, we can push the video to select the currentlatest and hottest video learning, you can also find the systemclassification learning, and learner "I" of the management toprovide you with a learning record, my collection, and othermulti-user feedback Item personalized design."Happy to learn, learn better play", your needs is our pursuit, andso what? I hurry hurry me, our dedication to be at your service!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: provide excellent learning videos massive,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. exclusive subscription: free to add subscriptions, create yourown personalized learning3. offline cache: In a network environment can watch anytime,anywhere learning.4. Share: Share on letter quickly, microblogging, circle offriends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search Show History, support the results pagesecondary search, find accurate video.Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
高考数学@酷学习 2.2.6
传统教育课本学得初级浅显,高考考的复杂晦涩,该如何融会贯通呢?每个人学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家学得有兴趣呢?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习初中数学立足高考考纲考点,紧随课本内容,将高一到高三的数学内容尽现眼前,让学生如与高考名师面对面一般交流无障碍,广阔的题库更是给了大家无限学习的机会。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] traditionaleducation textbook junior plain, obscure complex entrance exam, howto digest it?    Everyone learning styles and ability toaccept different, how to get everyone interested to learn it?    Smart mobile terminals to provide youanytime, anywhere, gently, Reviewing the Old possible.    Cool learning is based on big data eraeducational websites, we are not simply teaching, but throughgraffiti and witty personality to a perfect display of knowledge toguide thinking, covering number of English language, physics andchemistry multiple sections, do now hai vast boundless wealth forall who thirst for knowledge.    Adhering to learn fun, learn interestingpurpose, cool junior high school mathematics learning syllabusbased on entrance test sites, followed by textbooks, the highschool mathematics content to do now in front of the high schoolsenior, college entrance examination for students as teacher faceto face with the general exchange of accessibility, more extensiveexam is to give everyone the opportunity to learn theinfinite.    Once inside the app, we can push the videoto select the current latest and hottest video learning, you canalso find the system classification learning, and learner "I" ofthe management to provide you with a learning record, mycollection, and other multi-user feedback Item personalizeddesign."Happy to learn, learn better play", your needs is our pursuit, andso what? I hurry hurry me, our dedication to be at your service!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: provide excellent learning videos massive,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. exclusive subscription: free to add subscriptions, create yourown personalized learning3. offline cache: In a network environment can watch anytime,anywhere learning.4. Share: Share on letter quickly, microblogging, circle offriends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search Show History, support the results pagesecondary search, find accurate video.Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
初中化学@酷学习 2.2.6
  步入初三,又接触到新知识,可是课业压力中,老师教学太被动,怎么办?  每个人学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家学得有兴趣呢?  智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。  酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,推出了“酷学习初中化学app”。 秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习初中化学立足中考考纲考点,紧随课本内容,将新内容尽现眼前,学霸为你学习支招,妈妈再也不用担心我背不了元素周期表啦。 一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。  “学得开心,学得好玩”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] the third, andaccess to new knowledge, but academic pressure, the teacherteaching too passive, how to do?Everyone learning styles and capabilities are not the same, so thatwe learn how to be interested in it?Smart mobile terminals to provide you anytime, anywhere, gently,Reviewing the Old possible.Cool learning is based on big data era education website, we arenot simply teaching, but through graffiti and witty personality toa perfect display of knowledge, to guide thinking, covering numberof English language, physics and chemistry multiple sectors, do nowhai vast expanse, to create wealth for all who thirst forknowledge. Today, in order to better play to learn the advantagesof intelligent terminals, it launched the "Cool junior high schoolchemistry learning app".Uphold learn fun, learn interesting purpose, cool learning juniorhigh school chemistry syllabus based examination test sites,followed textbook content, new content to do is immediate, as youlearn to learn Pa Weapon, my mother no longer have to worry aboutme not back element Periodic Table friends.Once inside the app, we can push the video to select the currentlatest and hottest video learning, you can also find the systemclassification learning, and learner "I" of the management toprovide you with a learning record, my collection, and othermulti-user feedback Item personalized design."Learning fun, learn better play," your needs is our pursuit, andso what? I hurry hurry me, we wholeheartedly to be for you!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: providing massive outstanding video learning,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. Exclusive Subscriptions: free to add a subscription, create yourown personalized learning3. Offline Caching: In a network environment can also watch,anytime, anywhere learning.4. One key Share: micro letter to quickly share, microblogging,circle of friends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time Tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search show history, to support the results pagesecondary search, find precise video.contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us your thoughts, or e-mail [email protected]
初中数学@酷学习 2.2.6
传统教育,教师为主,被动学习,让人头疼。每个人学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家学得有兴趣呢?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,推出了“酷学习初中数学app”。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习初中数学立足中考考纲考点,紧随课本内容,将初一到初三的数学内容尽现眼前,让学生如与中考名师面对面一般交流无障碍,广阔的题库更是给了大家无限学习的机会。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] education,teacher-based, passive learning, headache.    Everyone learning styles and ability toaccept different, how to get everyone interested to learn it?    Smart mobile terminals to provide youanytime, anywhere, gently, Reviewing the Old possible.    Cool learning is based on big data eraeducational websites, we are not simply teaching, but throughgraffiti and witty personality to a perfect display of knowledge toguide thinking, covering number of English language, physics andchemistry multiple sections, do now hai vast boundless wealth forall who thirst for knowledge. Today, in order to better play tolearn the advantages of intelligent terminals, launched the "Cooljunior high school mathematics learning app".    Adhering to learn fun, learn interestingpurpose, cool learning based in junior high school mathematicssyllabus exam test sites, followed by the contents of textbooks,the first to the third day of the mathematics do is immediate, sothat students in the exam, such as teacher face to face with thegeneral exchange of accessibility vast exam is to give everyone theopportunity to learn the infinite.    Once inside the app, we can push the videoto select the current latest and hottest video learning, you canalso find the system classification learning, and learner "I" ofthe management to provide you with a learning record, mycollection, and other multi-user feedback Item personalizeddesign."Happy to learn, learn better play", your needs is our pursuit, andso what? I hurry hurry me, our dedication to be at your service!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: provide excellent learning videos massive,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. exclusive subscription: free to add subscriptions, create yourown personalized learning3. offline cache: In a network environment can watch anytime,anywhere learning.4. Share: Share on letter quickly, microblogging, circle offriends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search Show History, support the results pagesecondary search, find accurate video.Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
小学英语HD@酷学习 2.0
英语是一项能力,可不是一门学科那么简单。传统教育,课本为主,教材枯燥无味,陈年旧谈,一点也赶不上时代的潮流。只有和生活密切相关,并且随地随地想学就学,才能让人对英语产生持久的兴趣,并把英语这门学科变成自己的能力!智能移动终端就给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,贴近生活,引导思维,内容涵盖语数、英、理、化、生等多个板块,尽显学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,我们在推出“酷学习医学app”等app之后,终于推出了“酷学习小学英语app”。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习高中英语立足牛津英语教材,紧随课本主题,将高一到高三的英语话题尽现眼前。同时,延伸到生活中,强调如何运用英语的这一能力。让同学们在有趣的内容中获得最有用的知识,融会贯通,将英语变成自己的能力。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩,学得免费”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] is an ability,not a simple subject. Traditional education, textbook-based, boringtextbooks, vintage old talk, it can not keep up the trend of thetimes. Only and life are closely related, and anywhere anywherewant to learn, to make people have a lasting interest in theEnglish language and the English discipline into their ownabilities!    Intelligent mobile terminal gave youprovide anytime, gently, Reviewing the Old possible.    Cool learning is based on big data eraeducational websites, we are not simply teaching, but throughgraffiti and witty personality to a perfect display of knowledge,life, guiding thought, covering several languages, English,physics, chemistry, biology and other a plate, filling the vastexpanse hai, to create wealth for all who thirst for knowledge.After today, in order to better play to learn the advantages ofintelligent terminals, we launched the "cool to study medicine app"and other app, has finally launched the "cool school Englishlearning app".    Adhering to learn fun, learn interestingpurpose, cool learning based Oxford English teaching high schoolEnglish, followed by textbook theme, a high school senior Englishtopics to do is immediate. At the same time, extend to life,emphasizing how the ability to use English. So that students getthe most useful knowledge in interesting content, together, willbecome their English ability.    Once inside the app, we can push the videoto select the current latest and hottest video learning, you canalso find the system classification learning, and learner "I" ofthe management to provide you with a learning record, mycollection, and other multi-user feedback Item personalizeddesign.     "Happy to learn, learn better play,learn free", your needs is our pursuit, and so what? I hurry hurryme, our dedication to be at your service!Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
高中物理@酷学习 2.2.6
  高考兵临城下,学习压力山大,题目尚且不会,技巧也是瞎答,怎么办?  每个人的学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家各取所需,兴趣学习?  智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。 酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,推出了“酷学习高中物理app”。 秉承着学得开心,学的有趣的宗旨,酷学习高中物理立足高考考纲考点,海量真题,对答如流,让学生在技巧中提分,在快乐中进步,广阔的题库更是你机会,大展拳脚。 一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。  “学得开心,学得好玩”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] under siege,study pressure Alexander, yet it is not the subject, technique isalso blind to answer, how do?Everyone's learning style and ability to accept different, how toget everyone what they want, interest in learning?Smart mobile terminals to provide you anytime, anywhere, gently,Reviewing the Old possible.Cool learning is based on big data era educational websites, we arenot simply teaching, but through graffiti and witty personality toa perfect display of knowledge to guide thinking, covering numberof English language, physics and chemistry multiple sections, donow hai vast boundless wealth for all who thirst for knowledge.Today, in order to better play to learn the advantages ofintelligent terminals, launched the "cool to learn in high schoolphysics app".Adhering to learn fun and interesting learning purposes, coolphysics based learning in high school entrance examination syllabustest sites, massive Zhenti, fluent, so that students in thetechniques of lifting points, progress in happiness, more extensiveexam is your chance to flex its muscles .Once inside the app, we can push the video to select the currentlatest and hottest video learning, you can also find the systemclassification learning, and learner "I" of the management toprovide you with a learning record, my collection, and othermulti-user feedback Item personalized design."Happy to learn, learn better play", your needs is our pursuit, andso what? I hurry hurry me, our dedication to be at your service!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: provide excellent learning videos massive,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. exclusive subscription: free to add subscriptions, create yourown personalized learning3. offline cache: In a network environment can watch anytime,anywhere learning.4. Share: Share on letter quickly, microblogging, circle offriends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search Show History, support the results pagesecondary search, find accurate video.Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
初中物理@酷学习 2.2.6
 步入初中,除了语数外之外,又有新目标,物理难学,众所周知,学习被动,怎么办?  每个人学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家学得有兴趣呢?  智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。 酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,推出了“酷学习初中物理app”。 秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习初中物理立足中考考纲考点,紧随课本内容,将初一到初三的物理内容尽现眼前,电磁力速,晦涩难懂的概念再也不是障碍,妈妈再也不用担心我的学习! 一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。  “学得开心,学得好玩”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] junior highschool, in addition to Yushu Wai addition, there are new targets,physics difficult to learn, it is known passive learning, how todo?Everyone learning styles and ability to accept different, how toget everyone interested to learn it?Smart mobile terminals to provide you anytime, anywhere, gently,Reviewing the Old possible.Cool learning is based on big data era educational websites, we arenot simply teaching, but through graffiti and witty personality toa perfect display of knowledge to guide thinking, covering numberof English language, physics and chemistry multiple sections, donow hai vast boundless wealth for all who thirst for knowledge.Today, in order to better play to learn the advantages ofintelligent terminals, launched the "Cool junior high schoolphysics learning app".Adhering to the concept of fun to learn, learn interesting purpose,cool physics based learning in junior high school exam syllabustest sites, followed by the contents of textbooks, the first to thethird day of physical content to do is immediate, theelectromagnetic force speed, no longer obscure not an obstacle, mymother no longer have to worry about my learning!Once inside the app, we can push the video to select the currentlatest and hottest video learning, you can also find the systemclassification learning, and learner "I" of the management toprovide you with a learning record, my collection, and othermulti-user feedback Item personalized design."Happy to learn, learn better play", your needs is our pursuit, andso what? I hurry hurry me, our dedication to be at your service!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: provide excellent learning videos massive,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. exclusive subscription: free to add subscriptions, create yourown personalized learning3. offline cache: In a network environment can watch anytime,anywhere learning.4. Share: Share on letter quickly, microblogging, circle offriends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search Show History, support the results pagesecondary search, find accurate video.Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
高数@酷学习 2.2.6
大学教育方式,松散另类,感觉难以接受,无法适应怎么办?老师说话像天书,刀塔把妹影响学习,积极性没有肿么办?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,推出了“酷学习大学数学app”。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习立足大学高等数学得课本内容,将一系列高等数学内容尽现眼前,让学生如与丁建教授面对面一般交流无障碍,广阔的题库更是给了大家无限学习的机会。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] education,alternative loose feeling is difficult to accept, unable to adaptto how to do?    Teacher talk like hieroglyphics, the sisterturret affect learning, motivation does not swollen do?    Smart mobile terminals to provide youanytime, anywhere, gently, Reviewing the Old possible.    Cool learning is based on big data eraeducational websites, we are not simply teaching, but throughgraffiti and witty personality to a perfect display of knowledge toguide thinking, covering number of English language, physics andchemistry multiple sections, do now hai vast boundless wealth forall who thirst for knowledge. Today, in order to better play tolearn the advantages of intelligent terminals, launched the "coolcollege mathematics learning app".    Adhering to learn fun, learn interestingpurpose, cool study was based on the University of mathematicstextbooks, a series of advanced mathematics content to do isimmediate, so that students as Professor Ding Jian face to facewith the general exchange of accessibility, the vast exam isunlimited opportunities for everyone to learn.    Once inside the app, we can push the videoto select the current latest and hottest video learning, you canalso find the system classification learning, and learner "I" ofthe management to provide you with a learning record, mycollection, and other multi-user feedback Item personalizeddesign."Happy to learn, learn better play", your needs is our pursuit, andso what? I hurry hurry me, our dedication to be at your service!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: provide excellent learning videos massive,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. exclusive subscription: free to add subscriptions, create yourown personalized learning3. offline cache: In a network environment can watch anytime,anywhere learning.4. Share: Share on letter quickly, microblogging, circle offriends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search Show History, support the results pagesecondary search, find accurate video.Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
小学奥数@酷学习 2.2.6
想开拓思维,打好数学基本功,从学习奥数开始。每个人学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家学得有兴趣呢?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,推出了“小学奥数@酷学习”app。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习一年级奥数立足课堂上所学数学知识点,通过有趣的奥数问题,让大家随时了解学习奥数,找到学习数学的兴趣所在,培养严谨而灵活的思维,不同专题的奥数教学视频给了大家无限学习的机会。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] want to developthinking, lay mathematics basics, starting with learningMathematical Olympiad.Everyone learning styles and capabilities are not the same, so thatwe learn how to be interested in it?Smart mobile terminals to provide you anytime, anywhere, gently,Reviewing the Old possible.    Cool learning is based on big data eraeducation website, we are not simply teaching, but through graffitiand witty personality to a perfect display of knowledge, to guidethinking, covering number of English language, physics andchemistry multiple sectors, do now hai vast expanse, to createwealth for all who thirst for knowledge. Today, in order to betterplay to learn the advantages of intelligent terminals, launched the"Primary Mathematics Olympiad @ Cool learn" app.Uphold learn fun, learn interesting purpose, cool learning based onfirst-year Olympiad mathematics classroom knowledge, through funMathematical Olympiad problems, so that we keep abreast of learningMathematical Olympiad, find learning mathematics interest, rigorousand flexible culture thinking, instructional videos on varioustopics Olympiad gave us unlimited opportunities to learn.Once inside the app, we can push the video to select the currentlatest and hottest video learning, you can also find the systemclassification learning, and learner "I" of the management toprovide you with a learning record, my collection, and othermulti-user feedback Item personalized design."Learning fun, learn better play," your needs is our pursuit, andso what? I hurry hurry me, we wholeheartedly to be for you!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: providing massive outstanding video learning,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. Exclusive Subscriptions: free to add a subscription, create yourown personalized learning3. Offline Caching: In a network environment can also watch,anytime, anywhere learning.4. One key Share: micro letter to quickly share, microblogging,circle of friends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time Tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search show history, to support the results pagesecondary search, find precise video.contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us your thoughts, or e-mail [email protected]
投资入门培训@酷学习 2.2.6
这一段时间来我对投资和金融有着无比高的热情,然后我发现我们竟然有一门十分好的投资类课程叫投资入门培训,其实学不学经济学是然并卵的事儿,但最起码了解了经济学不会病急乱投医,我通过对经济学的学习,自己在看投资这块的感觉也一点点培养出来了,我相信很多人跟我一样在学习了经济学以后至少在做很多投资决策时会更有理论基础,这就好比我们在懂得医学以后更能正确地面对自己身上因疾病所产生的这样那样的问题,然后可以选择正确的处理手段。P.S.《投资入门培训》,原名《酷学习大学经济学》功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected]隐私条款:http://kuxuexi.com/privacy_policy.htmlThis time to me has avery high investment and finance enthusiasm, then I found out thatwe actually have a very good investment introductory trainingcourses called investment, actually learn not to learn economics isnatural and egg thing, but at least Understanding the economics donot styled, I passed on the economics of learning, they look atinvestment in this sense is also a little train came out, I believea lot of people like me after studying economics at least do Manytheoretical basis for investment decisions will be more time, whichis like us more correctly face such problems himself due to illnessarising in the future to understand medicine, then you can selectthe correct processing means.PS "Investment introductory training", formerly known as "coollearning university economics"Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: providing massive outstanding video learning,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. Exclusive Subscriptions: free to add a subscription, create yourown personalized learning3. Offline Caching: In a network environment can also watch,anytime, anywhere learning.4. One key Share: micro letter to quickly share, microblogging,circle of friends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time Tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search show history, to support the results pagesecondary search, find precise video.contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us your thoughts, or e-mail [email protected] Policy: http: //kuxuexi.com/privacy_policy.html
大学经济学HD@酷学习 2.0
什么是经济学?我们每天都在和货币打交道,似乎也能对政府制定的货币政策和财政政策头头是道,但是我们真的了解经济学吗?经济学是经济学家提供给社会大众的一门改进生活、认识世界的社会科学,它从人的本性出发,研究人如何满足自己的效用,如何进行高效的资源配置,社会财富生产该遵循怎样的规律,怎样才能促使经济顺利发展,等等。经济学可谓和我们的生活息息相关。我们每个人都应该懂得一点经济学,因为学习经济学能够帮助我们做出更好的个人决策,能有助于我们了解生活于期间的世界是如何运转的,能有助于我们理解政府政策的优劣,能改进我们的思考方式。为此,我们酷学习的辅导员们细致钻研,在内容选择上贴近实用,在讲授方法上追求轻松有趣,在遵循思维缜密的现代西方经济学理论框架的同时也会结合身边有趣的经济学例子,深入浅出地将经济学这门妙趣横生的社会科学系统地介绍给大家,让大家在学习的同时能够培养独特的经济学思维,学着做出更好的决策,让自身的效用更大化。相信我们为大家奉上的这道经济学“大餐”不仅仅是够分量的,更是可口的。此外,为了方便大家的检索,我们还对视频内容做了细致的分类,微观经济学能让我们对消费者和生产者的决策行为有更好的理解,宏观经济学能帮助我们更好了解国家经济政策制定的原因,博弈论能让我们在制定决策时能更理性高效,投资学能让我们在了解投资相关概念的基础上对如何理财有更好的理解……这些课程都有着严谨的知识理论,能同时满足大家或是拓宽知识面或是深入学习研究的不同需求。请您相信,“酷学习”所讲授的经济学,不仅是酷的,好玩的,更是能听懂的,实用的。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] is economics? Everyday we deal with money, seems to be able to monetary and fiscalpolicies formulated by the government scheme of things, but do wereally understand economics?Economics economist available to the public life of an improvedunderstanding of the world of social science, it is human naturefrom paper studies how people meet their effectiveness, howefficient allocation of resources, how to follow the production ofthe social wealth the law, how can we promote the smoothdevelopment of the economy, and so on. Economics and indeed ourlives. Each of us should understand that economics as the study ofeconomics can help us make better personal decisions that can helpus understand life in the period of how the world works, and canhelp us to understand the government policy the pros and cons, toimprove our way of thinking.To this end, we learn cool counselors careful study, close to thepractical content of choice, the pursuit of fun on the teachingmethod, follow the thinking of modern Western economics carefultheoretical framework will also combine interesting examples aroundeconomics in layman's language of economics that door fun socialsciences systematically introduced to everyone, so that we candevelop while studying economics unique thinking, learn to makebetter decisions, make more of their own effectiveness. We believethat we offer in this way economics "feast" just enough weight, itis delicious.In addition, in order to facilitate the retrieval of video content,we also made a detailed classification, microeconomics allow us tohave a better understanding of the decision-making behavior ofconsumers and producers, macroeconomics can help us betterunderstand the nation The reason of economic policy making, gametheory allows us to make decisions more rational and efficient,investment allows us to invest in understanding the concepts on thebasis of a better understanding of how to manage money ...... Thesecourses have a rigorous knowledge theory, we can meet or broadentheir knowledge or depth study of the different needs ofresearch.Please believe, "cool study" taught economics is not only cool,fun, and is able to understand and practical.Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
高考化学@酷学习 2.2.6
  面临高考,课业压力繁重,面对考题,千头万绪难以下手怎么办?  每个人学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家学得有兴趣呢?  智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。 酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。 秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习高中化学立足于高考大纲,用技巧面对考试,让学生如与中考名师面对面一般交流无障碍,广阔的题库更是给了大家无限学习复习大展拳脚的机会。 一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。  “学得开心,学得好玩”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] the entrance,heavy academic pressure, the face of questions, how to do amultitude of things difficult to start?Everyone learning styles and ability to accept different, how toget everyone interested to learn it?Smart mobile terminals to provide you anytime, anywhere, gently,Reviewing the Old possible.Cool learning is based on big data era educational websites, we arenot simply teaching, but through graffiti and witty personality toa perfect display of knowledge to guide thinking, covering numberof English language, physics and chemistry multiple sections, donow hai vast boundless wealth for all who thirst forknowledge.Adhering to learn fun, learn interesting purpose, cool learninghigh school chemistry syllabus based on the college entranceexamination, with the skills to face the exam, so that students inthe exam, such as teacher face to face with the general exchange ofaccessibility, more extensive exam is to give everyone unlimitedlearning review opportunity to flex its muscles.Once inside the app, we can push the video to select the currentlatest and hottest video learning, you can also find the systemclassification learning, and learner "I" of the management toprovide you with a learning record, my collection, and othermulti-user feedback Item personalized design."Happy to learn, learn better play", your needs is our pursuit, andso what? I hurry hurry me, our dedication to be at your service!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: provide excellent learning videos massive,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. exclusive subscription: free to add subscriptions, create yourown personalized learning3. offline cache: In a network environment can watch anytime,anywhere learning.4. Share: Share on letter quickly, microblogging, circle offriends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search Show History, support the results pagesecondary search, find accurate video.Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
初中语文@酷学习 2.2.6
可能面对语文,大家都有说不出的感觉在传统的课堂上,或许大家会觉得严谨分析每一段大意的老师是枯燥的;或许大家会觉得一片文章没有办法分析得支离破碎。酷学习,给你改变对语文课堂看法的机会。短短十分钟,包含普通课堂45分钟的重点;着眼于整体,注重讲解文章结构和思路的把握;在每一个视频的开始,都有一些关于文章作者的小简介,欲学其文,必先了解其人。这里的语文,不单纯是文章的支离破碎的分析;更看重的是,语文思维的养成。这里的语文,不仅是为了知识的掌握;还想要给大家一片更广袤的文学天地,毕竟,相对于其它科目而言,语文是一个更需要“感觉”的学科。在酷学习初中语文的视频中,希望大家找到对语文的爱,对文字的激情,对世界更深的认识。这样的学习,对将来都会大有裨益。功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] face language, wehave a strange feelingIn the traditional classroom, maybe you will feel the effect ofrigorous analysis of each section of the teacher is boring;Perhaps we will find a way to analyze the article does not getfragmented.Cool to learn, to change your perception of opportunity forlanguage classroom.Short ten minutes, including 45 minutes of ordinary classroomfocus;Focus on the whole, the article focused on the structure andexplain ideas to grasp;At the beginning of each video, there are some small briefintroduction about the author of the article, I want to learn theirculture, we must first understand its people.The language here is not a simple analysis of the fragmentation ofthe article;More important is, to develop a language of thinking.The language here, not only to acquire knowledge;Would like to give you a broader expanse of literary world, afterall, compared to other subjects, theLanguage is a more "feel" of the discipline.In junior high school language learning cool video, I hope you findthe love of language, passion for writing, and a deeperunderstanding of the world.Such a study will be of great benefit for the future.Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: provide excellent learning videos massive,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. exclusive subscription: free to add subscriptions, create yourown personalized learning3. offline cache: In a network environment can watch anytime,anywhere learning.4. Share: Share on letter quickly, microblogging, circle offriends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search Show History, support the results pagesecondary search, find accurate video.Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
高考数学HD@酷学习 2.0
传统教育课本学得初级浅显,高考考的复杂晦涩,该如何融会贯通呢?每个人学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家学得有兴趣呢?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习初中数学立足高考考纲考点,紧随课本内容,将高一到高三的数学内容尽现眼前,让学生如与高考名师面对面一般交流无障碍,广阔的题库更是给了大家无限学习的机会。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] traditionaleducation textbook junior plain, obscure complex entrance exam, howto digest it?    Everyone learning styles and ability toaccept different, how to get everyone interested to learn it?    Smart mobile terminals to provide youanytime, anywhere, gently, Reviewing the Old possible.    Cool learning is based on big data eraeducational websites, we are not simply teaching, but throughgraffiti and witty personality to a perfect display of knowledge toguide thinking, covering number of English language, physics andchemistry multiple sections, do now hai vast boundless wealth forall who thirst for knowledge.    Adhering to learn fun, learn interestingpurpose, cool junior high school mathematics learning syllabusbased on entrance test sites, followed by textbooks, the highschool mathematics content to do now in front of the high schoolsenior, college entrance examination for students as teacher faceto face with the general exchange of accessibility, more extensiveexam is to give everyone the opportunity to learn theinfinite.    Once inside the app, we can push the videoto select the current latest and hottest video learning, you canalso find the system classification learning, and learner "I" ofthe management to provide you with a learning record, mycollection, and other multi-user feedback Item personalizeddesign.Your needs is our pursuit, so what? I hurry hurry me, ourdedication to be at your service!Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
小学奥数HD@酷学习 2.0
传统教育,教师为主,被动学习,让人头疼。每个人学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家学得有兴趣呢?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,我没在推出“小学数学app”、“初中数学”“高中数学”“高数app”等app之后,终于推出了“酷学习小学奥数app”。秉承着学得开心、学得有趣的宗旨。酷学习小学奥数通过微视频,将一年级到六年级的奥数内容尽现眼前,让学生如与和蔼可亲的老师面对面交流一般畅通无碍。孩子一旦进入app,可通过推送视频可以选择当前最新、最热门知识视频学习,也可以通过分类快速找到自己需要学习的视频。而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录、我的收藏、用户反馈、设置等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩,学得免费”,您的需求,孩子们的快乐学习,就是酷学习的追求!你还等什么?去applestore下载吧!我们竭诚以待为您服务!Traditional education,teacher-based, passive learning, headache.Everyone learning styles and ability to accept different, how toget everyone interested to learn it?Smart mobile terminals to provide you anytime, anywhere, gently,Reviewing the Old possible.Cool learning is based on big data era educational websites, we arenot simply teaching, but through graffiti and witty personality toa perfect display of knowledge to guide thinking, covering numberof English language, physics and chemistry multiple sections, donow hai vast boundless wealth for all who thirst for knowledge.After today, in order to better play to learn the advantages ofintelligent terminals, I was not launched the "Primary Mathematicsapp", "junior high school mathematics", "high school mathematics,""the high number of app" and other app, has finally launched the"cool school Olympiad learning app" .Adhering to learn fun, learn interesting purpose. Cool LearningElementary Mathematical Olympiad through micro-video, the firstgrade to sixth grade Olympiad contents do is immediate, so thatstudents as a teacher face to face with the amiable generalno-brainer.Once children enter the app, you can choose to present the latestand most popular video learning knowledge through push video, youcan also find they need to learn quickly classify videos. Thelearner "I" of the management to provide you with a learningrecord, my favorite, user feedback, setting and many otherpersonalized design."Happy to learn, learn better play, learn free", your needs,children's fun learning, the pursuit of learning is cool! What areyou waiting for? Apple store to download it! Our dedication to beat your service!
高中数学@酷学习 2.2.6
传统教育课本学得初级浅显,高考考的复杂晦涩,该如何融会贯通呢?每个人学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家学得有兴趣呢?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,推出了“酷学习高中数学app”。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习初中数学立足高考考纲考点,紧随课本内容,将高一到高三的数学内容尽现眼前,让学生如与高考名师面对面一般交流无障碍,广阔的题库更是给了大家无限学习的机会。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] traditionaleducation textbook junior plain, obscure complex entrance exam, howto digest it?    Everyone learning styles and ability toaccept different, how to get everyone interested to learn it?    Smart mobile terminals to provide youanytime, anywhere, gently, Reviewing the Old possible.    Cool learning is based on big data eraeducational websites, we are not simply teaching, but throughgraffiti and witty personality to a perfect display of knowledge toguide thinking, covering number of English language, physics andchemistry multiple sections, do now hai vast boundless wealth forall who thirst for knowledge. Today, in order to better play tolearn the advantages of intelligent terminals, launched the "coolhigh school math learning app".    Adhering to learn fun, learn interestingpurpose, cool junior high school mathematics learning syllabusbased on entrance test sites, followed by textbooks, the highschool mathematics content to do now in front of the high schoolsenior, college entrance examination for students as teacher faceto face with the general exchange of accessibility, more extensiveexam is to give everyone the opportunity to learn theinfinite.    Once inside the app, we can push the videoto select the current latest and hottest video learning, you canalso find the system classification learning, and learner "I" ofthe management to provide you with a learning record, mycollection, and other multi-user feedback Item personalizeddesign."Happy to learn, learn better play", your needs is our pursuit, andso what? I hurry hurry me, our dedication to be at your service!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: provide excellent learning videos massive,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. exclusive subscription: free to add subscriptions, create yourown personalized learning3. offline cache: In a network environment can watch anytime,anywhere learning.4. Share: Share on letter quickly, microblogging, circle offriends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search Show History, support the results pagesecondary search, find accurate video.Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
大学法律HD@酷学习 2.0
首先请允许我给您讲一个故事,我上初中的时候,有一次政治老师问我们:“如果你被别人欺负了怎么办?”有位同学拍案而起,先声夺人:“去法院告他!”这么多年过去了,我还记得这位同学当年斩钉截铁的回答,从他的回答中我至少总结出了两点:一是“依法治国”的理念真的已经深入人心,连小孩子都知道只有法律才是解决社会矛盾的最终手段;二是普通民众对于如何使用法律还存在误区,依法维权远不只是“告他”这么简单。我们这个应用,是一个普法的应用,让老百姓明白法理,熟悉法理,目的在让老百姓可以在遇到问题的时候拿起法理的武器维护自己的权益。但是,法理玄妙精深,怎么说才能让老百姓听得懂?法律纷繁复杂,哪些是对老百姓最常用的?为此,我们的辅导员们认真准备,细致钻研,在内容选择上贴近实用,在讲授方法上追求轻松有趣,相信我们为您奉上的这道法学“大餐”不仅仅是够分量的,更是可口的。此外,为了方便您的检索,我们还对视频内容做了细致的分类,包括诉讼法、婚姻家庭法、行政法、经济法……您在观看的时候可以直接选择自己想要了解的内容。请您相信,“酷学习”所讲授的法律,不仅是酷的,好玩的,更是能听懂的,实用的。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected], please allow me togive you a story, my junior high school when there is a politicalteacher asked us: "If you were being bullied how to do?" Onestudent outraged, head start: "! Go to court to sue him."        So many yearslater, I still remember the year the students a clear-cut answer,from his answer, I summed up at least two points: First, the "ruleof law" concept really has gained even a child knows that onlylegal is the ultimate means to resolve social conflicts; the secondis the general public on how to use the law there are errors,according to activists more than just "told him" that simple.Our application is an application of the Franco-Prussian, so thatpeople understand the legal, familiar jurisprudence aimed at sothat people can pick up the legal weapons to protect theirinterests in the face of problems. However, the legal mysteriousdeep, how to say in order to let people understand? Legal complex,which is the most common people? To this end, our counselors arecarefully prepared, meticulous research, close practical choice incontent, the pursuit of fun on teaching methods, we believe thatyou will be served this way law "feast" just enough components, itis delicious.In addition, in order to facilitate your search, we also made adetailed video content classification, including procedural law,family law, administrative law, economic law ...... when you candirectly select the content they watch want to know.Please believe, "cool study" taught the law, not only is cool andfun, it is able to understand and practical.Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
高考物理@酷学习 2.2.6
  高考兵临城下,学习压力山大,题目尚且不会,技巧也是瞎答,怎么办?  每个人的学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家各取所需,兴趣学习?  智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。 酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。 秉承着学得开心,学的有趣的宗旨,酷学习高中物理立足高考考纲考点,海量真题,对答如流,让学生在技巧中提分,在快乐中进步,广阔的题库更是你机会,大展拳脚。 一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。  “学得开心,学得好玩”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] under siege,study pressure Alexander, yet it is not the subject, technique isalso blind to answer, how do?Everyone's learning style and ability to accept different, how toget everyone what they want, interest in learning?Smart mobile terminals to provide you anytime, anywhere, gently,Reviewing the Old possible.Cool learning is based on big data era educational websites, we arenot simply teaching, but through graffiti and witty personality toa perfect display of knowledge to guide thinking, covering numberof English language, physics and chemistry multiple sections, donow hai vast boundless wealth for all who thirst forknowledge.Adhering to learn fun and interesting learning purposes, coolphysics based learning in high school entrance examination syllabustest sites, massive Zhenti, fluent, so that students in thetechniques of lifting points, progress in happiness, more extensiveexam is your chance to flex its muscles .Once inside the app, we can push the video to select the currentlatest and hottest video learning, you can also find the systemclassification learning, and learner "I" of the management toprovide you with a learning record, my collection, and othermulti-user feedback Item personalized design."Happy to learn, learn better play", your needs is our pursuit, andso what? I hurry hurry me, our dedication to be at your service!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: provide excellent learning videos massive,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. exclusive subscription: free to add subscriptions, create yourown personalized learning3. offline cache: In a network environment can watch anytime,anywhere learning.4. Share: Share on letter quickly, microblogging, circle offriends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search Show History, support the results pagesecondary search, find accurate video.Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
初中奥数HD@酷学习 2.0
想开拓思维,打好数学基本功,从学习奥数开始。每个人学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家学得有兴趣呢?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习一年级奥数立足课堂上所学数学知识点,通过有趣的奥数问题,让大家随时了解学习奥数,找到学习数学的兴趣所在,培养严谨而灵活的思维,不同专题的奥数教学视频给了大家无限学习的机会。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩,学得免费”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] want to developthinking, playing math basics, starting with learning MathematicalOlympiad.Everyone learning styles and ability to accept different, how toget everyone interested to learn it?Smart mobile terminals to provide you anytime, anywhere, gently,Reviewing the Old possible.Cool learning is based on big data era educational websites, we arenot simply teaching, but through graffiti and witty personality toa perfect display of knowledge to guide thinking, covering numberof English language, physics and chemistry multiple sections, donow hai vast boundless wealth for all who thirst forknowledge.Adhering to learn fun, learn interesting purpose, cool to learn agrade based on classroom learning Olympiad mathematics knowledge,through fun Mathematical Olympiad problems, so that we keep abreastof learning Mathematical Olympiad, find learning mathematicsinterest, rigorous training and flexible thinking, different topicsOlympiad instructional video gives you unlimited opportunities tolearn.Once inside the app, we can push the video to select the currentlatest and hottest video learning, you can also find the systemclassification learning, and learner "I" of the management toprovide you with a learning record, my collection, and othermulti-user feedback Item personalized design."Happy to learn, learn better play, learn free", your needs is ourpursuit, and so what? I hurry hurry me, our dedication to be atyour service!Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
高中语文HD@酷学习 2.0
在你心中,语文是什么样子?总之,语文不该是传统课堂上逐字逐句呆板无谓的分析;不该是作文课堂上百无聊赖的神游天外;不该仅仅是课文内容的掌握与熟悉。腹有诗书气自华,这才是语文的样子;博古通今,了解文章的典故背景,这才是语文的样子;下笔如有神,滔滔不绝也,这才是语文作文的样子。语文,不同于其他学科,它的确是一个需要长期积累的科目。当您安装好app,您可以获得我们推送的当前最新最热的视频学习内容,也可以通过分类查找视频学习,同时,学习者“我”的设计为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩,学得免费”,您的需求,就是我们的追求!还等什么,赶快打开酷学习,学起来吧!在文学的魅力中沉醉!联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] your mind, what is thelanguage?   In short, the language should not beunnecessarily rigid analysis of verbatim traditional classroom;classroom should not be writing hundreds of bored iQue days; shouldnot only be mastered with the familiar text content.   Abdominal poetry and gas from China, this is theway the language; erudite, understand the background story of thearticle, this is the way the language; getting a God, forever too,this is the way language writing.   Language, unlike other disciplines, it is indeeda need for long-term accumulation of subjects. When you install the app, you can get our latest push thecurrent hottest video learning content, you can also find videoclassification learning, while learners 'I' is designed to provideyou with a learning record, my favorite, the user Feedback and manyother personalized design.   "Happy to learn, learn better play, learn free",your needs is our pursuit! So what, quickly cool open learning,learn it! Indulge in literary charm!Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
酷学习 2.2.6
酷学习网站全内容全覆盖,其涵盖面包括了从小学到大学庞大的知识群,内容主要包括数学、物理、化学、英语、生物、语文、历史、地理、政治的教学视频,包括小升初,中考,高考等精彩有趣的微课教学视频。我们的目标是:轻松地学,炫酷地学,全面地学!对于你未知各领域知识和科学,各方酷学习高手会为您答疑解惑。请关注www.kuxuexi.com了解更多信息。功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] Learning websitefull content full coverage, their coverage includes the primaryschool to a large university knowledge base, mainly includingmathematics, physics, chemistry, English, biology, language,history, geography, politics, teaching videos, including small riseearly, the test college entrance and other exciting fun microteaching video.Our goal is: Easy to learn, cool earth science, comprehensiveschool! Unknown to you in all areas of knowledge and science, coolparties learning experts will answer your questions.Please pay attention www.kuxuexi.com for more information.Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: providing massive outstanding video learning,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. Exclusive Subscriptions: free to add a subscription, create yourown personalized learning3. Offline Caching: In a network environment can also watch,anytime, anywhere learning.4. One key Share: micro letter to quickly share, microblogging,circle of friends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time Tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search show history, to support the results pagesecondary search, find precise video.contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us your thoughts, or e-mail [email protected]
小学英语@酷学习 2.2.6
 英语是一项能力,可不是一门学科那么简单。传统教育,课本为主,教材枯燥无味,陈年旧谈,一点也赶不上时代的潮流。只有和生活密切相关,并且随地随地想学就学,才能让人对英语产生持久的兴趣,并把英语这门学科变成自己的能力!智能移动终端就给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,贴近生活,引导思维,内容涵盖语数、英、理、化、生等多个板块,尽显学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,推出了“酷学习小学英语app”。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习高中英语立足牛津英语教材,紧随课本主题,将高一到高三的英语话题尽现眼前。同时,延伸到生活中,强调如何运用英语的这一能力。让同学们在有趣的内容中获得最有用的知识,融会贯通,将英语变成自己的能力。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] is an ability,not a simple subject. Traditional education, textbook-based, boringtextbooks, vintage old talk, it can not keep up the trend of thetimes. Only and life are closely related, and anywhere anywherewant to learn, to make people have a lasting interest in theEnglish language and the English discipline into their ownabilities!    Intelligent mobile terminal gave youprovide anytime, gently, Reviewing the Old possible.    Cool learning is based on big data eraeducational websites, we are not simply teaching, but throughgraffiti and witty personality to a perfect display of knowledge,life, guiding thought, covering several languages, English,physics, chemistry, biology and other a plate, filling the vastexpanse hai, to create wealth for all who thirst for knowledge.Today, in order to better play to learn the advantages ofintelligent terminals, launched the "cool school English learningapp".    Adhering to learn fun, learn interestingpurpose, cool learning based Oxford English teaching high schoolEnglish, followed by textbook theme, a high school senior Englishtopics to do is immediate. At the same time, extend to life,emphasizing how the ability to use English. So that students getthe most useful knowledge in interesting content, together, willbecome their English ability.    Once inside the app, we can push the videoto select the current latest and hottest video learning, you canalso find the system classification learning, and learner "I" ofthe management to provide you with a learning record, mycollection, and other multi-user feedback Item personalizeddesign.     "Happy to learn, learn better play",your needs is our pursuit, and so what? I hurry hurry me, ourdedication to be at your service!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: provide excellent learning videos massive,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. exclusive subscription: free to add subscriptions, create yourown personalized learning3. offline cache: In a network environment can watch anytime,anywhere learning.4. Share: Share on letter quickly, microblogging, circle offriends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search Show History, support the results pagesecondary search, find accurate video.Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
初中英语HD@酷学习 2.0
英语是一项能力,可不是一门学科那么简单。传统教育,课本为主,教材枯燥无味,陈年旧谈,一点也赶不上时代的潮流。只有和生活密切相关,并且随地随地想学就学,才能让人对英语产生持久的兴趣,并把英语这门学科变成自己的能力!智能移动终端就给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,贴近生活,引导思维,内容涵盖语数、英、理、化、生等多个板块,尽显学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习高中英语立足牛津英语教材,紧随课本主题,将高一到高三的英语话题尽现眼前。同时,延伸到生活中,强调如何运用英语的这一能力。让同学们在有趣的内容中获得最有用的知识,融会贯通,将英语变成自己的能力。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] is an ability,not a simple subject. Traditional education, textbook-based, boringtextbooks, vintage old talk, it can not keep up the trend of thetimes. Only and life are closely related, and anywhere anywherewant to learn, to make people have a lasting interest in theEnglish language and the English discipline into their ownabilities!    Intelligent mobile terminal gave youprovide anytime, gently, Reviewing the Old possible.    Cool learning is based on big data eraeducational websites, we are not simply teaching, but throughgraffiti and witty personality to a perfect display of knowledge,life, guiding thought, covering several languages, English,physics, chemistry, biology and other a plate, filling the vastexpanse hai, to create wealth for all who thirst for knowledge.Today, in order to better play the advantages of intelligentterminals learning.    Adhering to learn fun, learn interestingpurpose, cool learning based Oxford English teaching high schoolEnglish, followed by textbook theme, a high school senior Englishtopics to do is immediate. At the same time, extend to life,emphasizing how the ability to use English. So that students getthe most useful knowledge in interesting content, together, willbecome their English ability.    Once inside the app, we can push the videoto select the current latest and hottest video learning, you canalso find the system classification learning, and learner "I" ofthe management to provide you with a learning record, mycollection, and other multi-user feedback Item personalizeddesign.     Your needs is our pursuit, so what? Ihurry hurry me, our dedication to be at your service!Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
初中英语@酷学习 2.2.6
 英语是一项能力,可不是一门学科那么简单。传统教育,课本为主,教材枯燥无味,陈年旧谈,一点也赶不上时代的潮流。只有和生活密切相关,并且随地随地想学就学,才能让人对英语产生持久的兴趣,并把英语这门学科变成自己的能力!智能移动终端就给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,贴近生活,引导思维,内容涵盖语数、英、理、化、生等多个板块,尽显学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,推出了“酷学习初中英语app”。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习高中英语立足牛津英语教材,紧随课本主题,将高一到高三的英语话题尽现眼前。同时,延伸到生活中,强调如何运用英语的这一能力。让同学们在有趣的内容中获得最有用的知识,融会贯通,将英语变成自己的能力。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] is an ability,not a simple subject. Traditional education, textbook-based, boringtextbooks, vintage old talk, it can not keep up the trend of thetimes. Only and life are closely related, and anywhere anywherewant to learn, to make people have a lasting interest in theEnglish language and the English discipline into their ownabilities!    Intelligent mobile terminal gave youprovide anytime, gently, Reviewing the Old possible.    Cool learning is based on big data eraeducational websites, we are not simply teaching, but throughgraffiti and witty personality to a perfect display of knowledge,life, guiding thought, covering several languages, English,physics, chemistry, biology and other a plate, filling the vastexpanse hai, to create wealth for all who thirst for knowledge.Today, in order to better play to learn the advantages ofintelligent terminals, launched the "Cool junior high schoolEnglish learning app".    Adhering to learn fun, learn interestingpurpose, cool learning based Oxford English teaching high schoolEnglish, followed by textbook theme, a high school senior Englishtopics to do is immediate. At the same time, extend to life,emphasizing how the ability to use English. So that students getthe most useful knowledge in interesting content, together, willbecome their English ability.    Once inside the app, we can push the videoto select the current latest and hottest video learning, you canalso find the system classification learning, and learner "I" ofthe management to provide you with a learning record, mycollection, and other multi-user feedback Item personalizeddesign.     "Happy to learn, learn better play",your needs is our pursuit, and so what? I hurry hurry me, ourdedication to be at your service!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: provide excellent learning videos massive,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. exclusive subscription: free to add subscriptions, create yourown personalized learning3. offline cache: In a network environment can watch anytime,anywhere learning.4. Share: Share on letter quickly, microblogging, circle offriends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search Show History, support the results pagesecondary search, find accurate video.Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
高考物理HD@酷学习 2.0
高考兵临城下,学习压力山大,题目尚且不会,技巧也是瞎答,怎么办?每个人的学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家各取所需,兴趣学习?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。秉承着学得开心,学的有趣的宗旨,酷学习高中物理立足高考考纲考点,海量真题,对答如流,让学生在技巧中提分,在快乐中进步,广阔的题库更是你机会,大展拳脚。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] under siege,study pressure Alexander, yet it is not the subject, technique isalso blind to answer, how do?   Everyone's learning style and ability to acceptdifferent, how to get everyone what they want, interest inlearning?   Smart mobile terminals to provide you anytime,anywhere, gently, Reviewing the Old possible.   Cool learning is based on big data eraeducational websites, we are not simply teaching, but throughgraffiti and witty personality to a perfect display of knowledge toguide thinking, covering number of English language, physics andchemistry multiple sections, do now hai vast boundless wealth forall who thirst for knowledge.   Adhering to learn fun and interesting learningpurposes, cool physics based learning in high school entranceexamination syllabus test sites, massive Zhenti, fluent, so thatstudents in the techniques of lifting points, progress inhappiness, more extensive exam is your chance to flex its muscles.   Once inside the app, we can push the video toselect the current latest and hottest video learning, you can alsofind the system classification learning, and learner "I" of themanagement to provide you with a learning record, my collection,and other multi-user feedback Item personalized design.  Your needs is our pursuit, so what? I hurry hurry me,our dedication to be at your service!Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
初中化学HD@酷学习 2.0
步入初三,又接触到新知识,可是课业压力中,老师教学太被动,怎么办?每个人学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家学得有兴趣呢?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,,终于推出了“酷学习初中化学HD”app。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习初中化学立足中考考纲考点,紧随课本内容,将新内容尽现眼前,学霸为你学习支招,妈妈再也不用担心我背不了元素周期表啦。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] the third, but alsoaccess to new knowledge, but academic pressure, the teacherteaching too passive, how to do?   Everyone learning styles and ability to acceptdifferent, how to get everyone interested to learn it?   Smart mobile terminals to provide you anytime,anywhere, gently, Reviewing the Old possible.   Cool learning is based on big data eraeducational websites, we are not simply teaching, but throughgraffiti and witty personality to a perfect display of knowledge toguide thinking, covering number of English language, physics andchemistry multiple sections, do now hai vast boundless wealth forall who thirst for knowledge. Today, in order to better play tolearn the advantages of intelligent terminals ,, finally launchedthe "Cool junior studying chemistry HD" app.   Adhering to learn fun, learn interesting purpose,cool learning junior high school chemistry exam syllabus based testsites, followed by textbooks, new content to do is immediate, asyou learn to learn Pa Weapon, my mother no longer have to worryabout my back not elements Periodic Table friends.   Once inside the app, we can push the video toselect the current latest and hottest video learning, you can alsofind the system classification learning, and learner "I" of themanagement to provide you with a learning record, my collection,and other multi-user feedback Item personalized design. What are you waiting for? I hurry hurry me, our dedication tobe at your service!Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
高中英语@酷学习 2.2.6
英语是一项能力,可不是一门学科那么简单。传统教育,课本为主,教材枯燥无味,陈年旧谈,一点也赶不上时代的潮流。只有和生活密切相关,并且随地随地想学就学,才能让人对英语产生持久的兴趣,并把英语这门学科变成自己的能力!智能移动终端就给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,贴近生活,引导思维,内容涵盖语数、英、理、化、生等多个板块,尽显学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,推出了“酷学习高中英语app”。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习高中英语立足牛津英语教材,紧随课本主题,将高一到高三的英语话题尽现眼前。同时,延伸到生活中,强调如何运用英语的这一能力。让同学们在有趣的内容中获得最有用的知识,融会贯通,将英语变成自己的能力。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] is an ability,not a subject so simple. Traditional education, textbook-based,dull textbooks, vintage old talk, they can not keep up the trend ofthe times. Only and life are closely related, and anywhere anywherewant to learn, to make people have a lasting interest in theEnglish language, and the English discipline into their ownability!    Intelligent mobile terminal gave youprovide anytime, anywhere, gently, Reviewing the Oldpossible.    Cool learning is based on big data eraeducation website, we are not simply teaching, but through graffitiand witty personality to a perfect display of knowledge, life,guiding thought, covering several languages, English, physics,chemistry, biology and other a plate, filling the vast expanse hai,to create wealth for all who thirst for knowledge. Today, in orderto better play to learn the advantages of intelligent terminals,launched the "cool school English learning app".    Uphold learn fun, learn interestingpurpose, cool high school English learning based Oxford Englishtextbooks, followed by textbook topic, a high school senior Englishtopic to do is immediate. At the same time, extend to life,emphasizing how the ability to use English. So that students getthe most useful information in interesting content, together, theywill become their English ability.    Once inside the app, we can push the videoto select the current latest and hottest video learning, you canalso find the system classification learning, and learner "I" ofthe management to provide you with a learning record, mycollection, and other multi-user feedback Item personalizeddesign.     "Learning fun, learn better play,"your needs is our pursuit, and so what? I hurry hurry me, wewholeheartedly to be for you!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: providing massive outstanding video learning,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. Exclusive Subscriptions: free to add a subscription, create yourown personalized learning3. Offline Caching: In a network environment can also watch,anytime, anywhere learning.4. One key Share: micro letter to quickly share, microblogging,circle of friends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time Tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search show history, to support the results pagesecondary search, find precise video.contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us your thoughts, or e-mail [email protected]
初中物理HD@酷学习 2.0
步入初中,除了语数外之外,又有新目标,物理难学,众所周知,学习被动,怎么办?每个人学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家学得有兴趣呢?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,终于推出了“酷学习初中物理HD”app。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习初中物理立足中考考纲考点,紧随课本内容,将初一到初三的物理内容尽现眼前,电磁力速,晦涩难懂的概念再也不是障碍,妈妈再也不用担心我的学习!一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩,学得免费”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] junior highschool, in addition to Yushu Wai addition, there are new targets,physics difficult to learn, it is known passive learning, how todo?   Everyone learning styles and ability to acceptdifferent, how to get everyone interested to learn it?   Smart mobile terminals to provide you anytime,anywhere, gently, Reviewing the Old possible.   Cool learning is based on big data eraeducational websites, we are not simply teaching, but throughgraffiti and witty personality to a perfect display of knowledge toguide thinking, covering number of English language, physics andchemistry multiple sections, do now hai vast boundless wealth forall who thirst for knowledge. Today, in order to better play tolearn the advantages of intelligent terminals, and finally launchedthe "Cool junior studying physics HD" app.   Adhering to the concept of fun to learn, learninteresting purpose, cool physics based learning in junior highschool exam syllabus test sites, followed by the contents oftextbooks, the first to the third day of physical content to do isimmediate, the electromagnetic force speed, no longer obscure notan obstacle, my mother no longer have to worry about mylearning!   Once inside the app, we can push the video toselect the current latest and hottest video learning, you can alsofind the system classification learning, and learner "I" of themanagement to provide you with a learning record, my collection,and other multi-user feedback Item personalized design.   "Happy to learn, learn better play, learn free",your needs is our pursuit, and so what? I hurry hurry me, ourdedication to be at your service!Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
英语四级@酷学习 2.2.6
马上就要考CET-4了,可是又无从下手,不知道从哪里开始复习。抱着书去图书馆,却又忍不住玩起了手机。酷学习现在推出英语四级啦,专为考证的同学量身订制,英语达人亲身授课,为你详解四级攻略,我们关注你最关注的,你也可以订阅你想要的。考证,不再是枯燥无味,我们希望能让每一位学习者能回归到学习本身,从中感受到学习的趣味,酷学习英语四级,以趣味涂鸦的形式,详细讲解了英语四级考试的要点和难点,我们不仅做考证达人,更要做一个学习达人。功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] test soon, but theycan not start, do not know where to begin to review. Holding thebook to the library, but could not help playing the phone.Cool learn English now launched four friends, specifically tailoredfor the research of the students, teach English up in person, asyou explain the four Raiders, we are concerned you are mostconcerned about, you can also subscribe to what you want.Research is no longer boring, we want to make every learner canreturn to the learning process itself, learning from experiencefun, cool learning English four, graffiti in the form of interest,a detailed explanation of the main points CET and difficulties, wenot only do research of people, but to do a study of people.Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: providing mass excellent learning videos, editcarefully selected, regularly updated2. Exclusive Subscriptions: free to add subscriptions, create yourown personalized learning3. Offline Caching: In a network environment can watch anytime,anywhere learning4. Share: micro letter to quickly share, microblogging, circle offriends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time Tucao, joy interaction.6.: Search Show History, supports the results page secondarysearch, find accurate videoContact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
高中历史@酷学习 2.2.6
步入高中之后,原有的知识模式已经改变,历史也不仅仅局限于了解哪些历史事件发生在哪些年,转换不过来,老师讲的内容也不如以往有趣,怎么办?每个人的学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,统一的填鸭式教学方式无法适应,如何突破瓶颈?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新,个性学习的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识内容,引导大家的思维,更好地看到历史长河中除了时间的流逝,除了一个个历史人物的登场退去,还有怎样的内在联系。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习高中历史立足于历史长轴,紧随课本内容,将学习内容和课外知识完美展现,再也不用怕东突西破找不到合适自己的学习方法了。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者"我"的管理为你提供了学习记录、我的收藏、用户反馈等多项个性化设计。"学得开心,学得好玩",您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我啊!我们竭诚以待!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] entering highschool, original knowledge model has changed, history is notlimited to the understanding of historical events which occurred inwhat year conversion, however, the teacher's content is notinteresting as in the past, how do?    Everyone's learning style and ability toaccept different, unified cramming teaching methods can not adapt,how to break the bottleneck?    Smart mobile terminals to provide youanytime, anywhere, gently point, Reviewing the Old, personalizedlearning possible.    Cool learning is based on big data eraeducation website, we are not simply teaching, but through graffitiand witty personality to a perfect display of the contents ofknowledge, and guide everyone's thinking, the better to see historyin addition to the passage of time, in addition to a historicalfigure debut receded, and how the internal relations.    Uphold learn fun, learn interestingpurpose, cool learning high school history based on historical longaxis, followed by the contents of textbooks, learning content andextra-curricular knowledge perfectly, no longer afraid to breakWest Turkistan find suitable for their own learning way togo.Once inside the app, we can push the video to select the currentlatest and hottest video learning, you can also find the systemclassification learning, and learner "I" of the management toprovide you with a learning record, my collection, and othermulti-user feedback Item personalized design."Learning fun, learn better play," your needs is our pursuit, andso what? Come to me ah! We want to be!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: providing massive outstanding video learning,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. Exclusive Subscriptions: free to add a subscription, create yourown personalized learning3. Offline Caching: In a network environment can also watch,anytime, anywhere learning.4. One key Share: micro letter to quickly share, microblogging,circle of friends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time Tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search show history, to support the results pagesecondary search, find precise video.contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us your thoughts, or e-mail [email protected]
英语六级@酷学习 2.2.6
马上就要考CET-6了,可是又无从下手,不知道从哪里开始复习。抱着书去图书馆,却又忍不住玩起了手机。酷学习现在推出英语六级啦,专为考证的同学量身订制,英语达人亲身授课,为你详解六级攻略,我们关注你最关注的,你也可以订阅你想要的。考证,不再是枯燥无味,我们希望能让每一位学习者能回归到学习本身,从中感受到学习的趣味,酷学习英语六级,以趣味涂鸦的形式,详细讲解了英语六级考试的要点和难点,我们不仅要做考证达人,更要做一个学习达人。功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] test soon, but theycan not start, do not know where to begin to review. Holding thebook to the library, but could not help playing the phone.Cool learn English now launched six friends, specifically tailoredfor the research of the students, teach English up in person, asyou explain six Raiders, we are concerned you are most concernedabout, you can also subscribe to what you want.Research is no longer boring, we want to make every learner canreturn to the learning process itself, learning from experiencefun, cool learning CET, graffiti in the form of interest, adetailed account of the main points CET and difficulties, we notonly do research of people, but to do a study of people.Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: providing mass excellent learning videos, editcarefully selected, regularly updated2. Exclusive Subscriptions: free to add subscriptions, create yourown personalized learning3. Offline Caching: In a network environment can watch anytime,anywhere learning.4. Share: micro letter to quickly share, microblogging, circle offriends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time Tucao, fun interactive6.: Search Show History, supports the results page secondarysearch, find accurate videoContact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
高考生物@酷学习 2.2.6
传统的教育课本浅显易懂,文字极少。但是高考却晦涩难懂,考得极细。如何把菲薄的生物书读得细致读得有趣读得过目难忘?如何将高考玩弄于股掌?智能的移动终端为大家提供了随时随地,掏出手机,轻轻一点,温故知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们的生物,绝对不像传统的生物教学那样枯燥乏味,也不像传统的生物教学那样浪费时间。我们的目的是,用最少的时间,让大家获得最多的知识,让大家把考点掌握得最牢。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣,学得有用的宗旨,酷学习高中生物立足于考纲,紧随课本内容,将高一到高三的生物内容完整呈现。让学生在看视频觉得有意思的过程中,获得最多的必要知识考点。当您安装好app,您可以获得我们推送的当前最新最热的视频学习内容,也可以通过分类查找视频学习,同时,学习者“我”的设计为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩”,您的需求,就是我的追求!还等什么,赶快打开酷学习,学起来吧!高分生物不是梦想!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] educationtextbook easy to understand, the text is minimal. But the collegeentrance examination, but obscure, test was fine.   How to read too meager biological interestingread carefully read memorable?   How will the college entrance examinationjuggling?   Intelligent mobile terminals as we provideanytime, anywhere, pulling out the phone, gently point, learn newthings possible.   Cool learning is based on big data era educationwebsite, our biological, definitely not as boring traditionalteaching of biology, unlike the traditional teaching of biology asa waste of time. Our aim is to use the least time, so that we getthe most of knowledge, so that we get the most firmly grasp thetest sites.   Uphold learn fun, learn interesting to learnuseful purpose, cool learning based on high school biologysyllabus, followed textbook content, a high school senior completebiological content rendering. Let students watch the video that isinteresting in the process, to get the most necessary knowledgetest sites.   When you install the app, you can get our currentpush hottest new video learning content, you can also find videosby category learning, at the same time, the learners 'I' isdesigned to provide you with a learning record, my favorites, theuser Feedback and many other personalized design.   "Learning fun, learn better play," your needs ismy pursuit! So what, quickly cool open learning, learn it now!Biological score is not a dream!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: providing massive outstanding video learning,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. Exclusive Subscriptions: free to add a subscription, create yourown personalized learning3. Offline Caching: In a network environment can also watch,anytime, anywhere learning.4. One key Share: micro letter to quickly share, microblogging,circle of friends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time Tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search show history, to support the results pagesecondary search, find precise video.contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us your thoughts, or e-mail [email protected]
高中化学@酷学习 2.2.6
面临高考,课业压力繁重,面对考题,千头万绪难以下手怎么办?每个人学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家学得有兴趣呢?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,推出了“酷学习高中化学app”。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习高中化学立足于高考大纲,用技巧面对考试,让学生如与中考名师面对面一般交流无障碍,广阔的题库更是给了大家无限学习复习大展拳脚的机会。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] the entrance, aheavy academic pressure, the face of questions, how to do amultitude of things difficult to start?   Everyone learning styles and capabilities are notthe same, so that we learn how to be interested in it?   Smart mobile terminals to provide you anytime,anywhere, gently, Reviewing the Old possible.   Cool learning is based on big data era educationwebsite, we are not simply teaching, but through graffiti and wittypersonality to a perfect display of knowledge, to guide thinking,covering number of English language, physics and chemistry multiplesectors, do now hai vast expanse, to create wealth for all whothirst for knowledge. Today, in order to better play to learn theadvantages of intelligent terminals, launched the "cool schoolchemistry learning app".   Uphold learn fun, learn interesting purpose, coollearning high school chemistry syllabus based on the collegeentrance examination, with skills to face the exam, and the examfor students as teacher face to face general AC accessibility, vastexam is learning gave us unlimited review opportunity to flex itsmuscles.   Once inside the app, we can push the video toselect the current latest and hottest video learning, you can alsofind the system classification learning, and learner "I" of themanagement to provide you with a learning record, my collection,and other multi-user feedback Item personalized design.   "Learning fun, learn better play," your needs isour pursuit, and so what? I hurry hurry me, we wholeheartedly to befor you!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: providing massive outstanding video learning,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. Exclusive Subscriptions: free to add a subscription, create yourown personalized learning3. Offline Caching: In a network environment can also watch,anytime, anywhere learning.4. One key Share: micro letter to quickly share, microblogging,circle of friends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time Tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search show history, to support the results pagesecondary search, find precise video.contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us your thoughts, or e-mail [email protected]
高中生物@酷学习 2.2.6
  传统的教育课本浅显易懂,文字极少。但是高考却晦涩难懂,考得极细。  如何把菲薄的生物书读得细致读得有趣读得过目难忘?  如何将生物的高考玩弄于股掌?  智能的移动终端为大家提供了随时随地,掏出手机,轻轻一点,温故知新的可能。 酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们的生物,绝对不像传统的生物教学那样枯燥乏味,也不像传统的生物教学那样浪费时间。我们的目的是,用最少的时间,让大家获得最多的知识,让大家把考点掌握得最牢。 秉承着学得开心,学得有趣,学得有用的宗旨,酷学习高中生物立足于考纲,紧随课本内容,将高一到高三的生物内容完整呈现。让学生在看视频觉得有意思的过程中,获得最多的必要知识考点。 当您安装好app,您可以获得我们推送的当前最新最热的视频学习内容,也可以通过分类查找视频学习,同时,学习者“我”的设计为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。  “学得开心,学得好玩”,您的需求,就是我的追求!还等什么,赶快打开酷学习,学起来吧!高分生物不是梦想!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] educationaltextbooks easy to understand, very little text. But the entrancewas obscure, the test was fine.How to read too meager biological interesting read carefully readmemorable?How to biological entrance juggling?Intelligent mobile terminals as we provide anytime, pulling out thephone, gently, and learn new things possible.Cool learning is based on big data era education website, ourbiological, definitely not as boring traditional teaching ofbiology, unlike the traditional teaching of biology as a waste oftime. Our aim is to use the least amount of time, so that we getthe most knowledge, so that we get the most firmly grasp the testsites.Adhering to learn fun, learn interesting to learn a useful purpose,cool learning high school biology based on the syllabus, textbooksfollowed the high school to the third year of full biologicalcontent rendering. Allow students to watch the video that isinteresting in the process, to get the most essential knowledgetest sites.When you install the app, you can get our latest push the currenthottest video learning content, you can also find videoclassification learning, while learners 'I' is designed to provideyou with a learning record, my favorite, the user Feedback and manyother personalized design."Happy to learn, learn better play", your needs, is my pursuit! Sowhat, quickly cool open learning, learn it! Biological score is nota dream!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: provide excellent learning videos massive,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. exclusive subscription: free to add subscriptions, create yourown personalized learning3. offline cache: In a network environment can watch anytime,anywhere learning.4. Share: Share on letter quickly, microblogging, circle offriends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search Show History, support the results pagesecondary search, find accurate video.Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or e-mail [email protected]
高中地理@酷学习 2.2.6
面临高考,父母殷切期许,老师谆谆教诲,课业堆积如山怎么办?面对考题,似曾相识但却千头万绪,剪不断理还乱怎么办?每个人的学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家都能体验到学习的乐趣呢?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生和政史地多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,推出了“酷学习高中地理app”。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习高中地理立足于高考大纲,用技巧面对考试,让学生如与高考名师面对面一般交流无障碍,广阔的题库更是给了大家学习复习大展拳脚的机会。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] the entrance,parents ardent expectations, teachers inculcate, homework piling uphow to do?   Faced with questions, but a multitude of deja vu,cut constantly tangled how to do?   Everyone's learning style and ability to acceptdifferent, how so that everyone can experience the joy of learningit?   Smart mobile terminals to provide you anytime,anywhere, gently, Reviewing the Old possible.   Cool learning is based on big data era educationwebsite, we are not simply teaching, but through graffiti and wittypersonality to a perfect display, guiding thought, covering numberof English language, physics and chemistry and political history ofa plurality of sections, learning to do now The vast expanse of thesea to create wealth for all who thirst for knowledge. Today, inorder to better play to learn the advantages of intelligentterminals, launched the "cool school geography learning app".   Uphold learn fun, learn interesting purpose, coolhigh school geography learning based on college entranceexamination syllabus, with skills to face the exam, so thatstudents as teachers and college entrance examination face to facegeneral exchange of accessibility, the vast exam is to everyone biglearning review development opportunities fist.   Once inside the app, we can push the video toselect the current latest and hottest video learning, you can alsofind the system classification learning, and learner "I" of themanagement to provide you with a learning record, my collection,and other multi-user feedback Item personalized design.   "Learning fun, learn better play," your needs isour pursuit, and so what? I hurry hurry me, we wholeheartedly to befor you!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: providing massive outstanding video learning,covering primary school to university, edit carefully selected,regularly updated2. Exclusive Subscriptions: free to add a subscription, create yourown personalized learning3. Offline Caching: In a network environment can also watch,anytime, anywhere learning.4. One key Share: micro letter to quickly share, microblogging,circle of friends, great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and comment atany time Tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search show history, to support the results pagesecondary search, find precise video.contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us your thoughts, or e-mail [email protected]
初中生物@酷学习 2.2.6
  是不是常常觉得书上少少的文字不能满足你的求知欲?  是不是常常感到,书上的内容太过言简意赅,让你觉得模棱两可?  如果你有这样的感觉,酷学习初中生物课程简直是为你量身定做。  拓展课堂内容,满足学生求知欲,突出课本学习重点。  这,就是酷学习初中生物视频的特点。  并且,酷学习推出的移动客户端app,为大家提供了掏出手机,无时无地,想学就学的良好条件。 当您安装好app,您可以获得我们推送的当前最新最热的视频学习内容,也可以通过分类查找视频学习,同时,学习者“我”的设计为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。 秉承着让大家学得开心,学得有趣,学得有用的宗旨,酷学习初中生物视频用大量与教材息息相关的各种图片,搭配有趣精彩的解说,让您在短短十分中内,复习并掌握课堂上的学习内容。  “学得开心,学得好玩”,您的需求,就是我的追求!还等什么,赶快打开酷学习,学起来吧!遨游于奇特的大千世界!功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] not often feel a bitoftext books can not satisfy your curiosity?Is not often feel, on the contents of the book are too concise,tomake you feel ambiguous?If you feel that way, cool learning junior high schoolbiologycurriculum tailored just for you.Expand classroom content, meet the students curiosity,prominenttextbook learning focus.This is the cool video learning juniorbiologicalcharacteristics.And, learn cool launch mobile client app, as we provide apullingout the phone, without the absence, the school wanted tolearn goodcondition.When you install the app, you can get our latest push thecurrenthottest video learning content, you can also findvideoclassification learning, while learners 'I' is designed toprovideyou with a learning record, my favorite, the user Feedbackand manyother personalized design.Adhering to let everyone be happy to learn, fun to learn,learnuseful purpose, learning cool video with plenty of juniorhighschool biology textbook closely with a variety of images,withinteresting commentary wonderful, allowing you to within averyshort period in review and master the learning content intheclassroom."Happy to learn, learn better play", your needs, is my pursuit!Sowhat, quickly cool open learning, learn it! Travel tostrangeworlds!Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: provide excellent learning videosmassive,covering primary school to university, edit carefullyselected,regularly updated2. exclusive subscription: free to add subscriptions, createyourown personalized learning3. offline cache: In a network environment can watchanytime,anywhere learning.4. Share: Share on letter quickly, microblogging, circle offriends,great content to share with your friends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and commentatany time tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search Show History, support the resultspagesecondary search, find accurate video.Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or [email protected]
大学法律@酷学习 2.2.6
首先请允许我给您讲一个故事,我上初中的时候,有一次政治老师问我们:“如果你被别人欺负了怎么办?”有位同学拍案而起,先声夺人:“去法院告他!”这么多年过去了,我还记得这位同学当年斩钉截铁的回答,从他的回答中我至少总结出了两点:一是“依法治国”的理念真的已经深入人心,连小孩子都知道只有法律才是解决社会矛盾的最终手段;二是普通民众对于如何使用法律还存在误区,依法维权远不只是“告他”这么简单。我们这个应用,是一个普法的应用,让老百姓明白法理,熟悉法理,目的在让老百姓可以在遇到问题的时候拿起法理的武器维护自己的权益。但是,法理玄妙精深,怎么说才能让老百姓听得懂?法律纷繁复杂,哪些是对老百姓最常用的?为此,我们的辅导员们认真准备,细致钻研,在内容选择上贴近实用,在讲授方法上追求轻松有趣,相信我们为您奉上的这道法学“大餐”不仅仅是够分量的,更是可口的。此外,为了方便您的检索,我们还对视频内容做了细致的分类,包括诉讼法、婚姻家庭法、行政法、经济法……您在观看的时候可以直接选择自己想要了解的内容。请您相信,“酷学习”所讲授的法律,不仅是酷的,好玩的,更是能听懂的,实用的。功能亮点:1. 强大片源:提供海量优秀学习视频,内容覆盖从小学到大学,编辑精挑细选,定时更新2.专属订阅:自由添加订阅,打造属于你的个性学习3.离线缓存:非网络环境下也能观看,随时随地都能学习。4.一键分享:快速分享到微信、微博、朋友圈,精彩内容与好友分享5.评论互动:观看视频,且看且评,随时吐槽,欢乐互动。6.快速搜索:搜索显示历史记录,支持结果页中二次检索,精准找视频。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] of all, pleaseallowme to give you a story, when I was in junior high school,there is apolitical teacher asked us: "If you were being bulliedhow to do?"There was a classmate outraged, head start: "! Go tocourt againsthim."        So many yearshavepassed, I still remember the students then clear-cut answer,fromhis answer at least I summed up the points: First, the "ruleoflaw" concept really has gained even a child knows that onlylegalIt is the ultimate means to solve social conflicts; the secondishow to use the law for ordinary people there are errors,accordingto activists more than just "tell him" that simple.Our application, is the application of a legal literacy, sothatpeople understand the legal, familiar jurisprudence aimed atsothat people can pick up the legal weapons to protecttheirinterests in the face of problems. However, legal mysteriousdeep,how to say to make people understand? Legal complex, which isthemost common people? To this end, our counselors arecarefulpreparation, meticulous study, close to practical choiceincontent, the pursuit of fun on teaching methods, I believe thatweoffer you this road law "feast" just enough components, itisdelicious.In addition, in order to facilitate your search, we also madeadetailed video content categories, including procedural law,familylaw, administrative law, economic law at the time ...... Youcandirectly select the content they watch want to know.Please believe, "cool study" taught law, not only is cool andfun,it is able to understand and practical.Feature Highlights:1. Powerful sources: providing massive outstanding videolearning,covering primary school to university, edit carefullyselected,regularly updated2. Exclusive Subscriptions: free to add a subscription, createyourown personalized learning3. Offline Caching: In a network environment can alsowatch,anytime, anywhere learning.4. One key Share: micro letter to quickly share,microblogging,circle of friends, great content to share with yourfriends5. Comments Interactive: Watch the video, let me see and commentatany time Tucao, fun interaction.6. Quick Search: Search show history, to support the resultspagesecondary search, find precise video.contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us your thoughts, or [email protected]
高考语文HD@酷学习 2.0
在你心中,语文是什么样子?总之,语文不该是传统课堂上逐字逐句呆板无谓的分析;不该是作文课堂上百无聊赖的神游天外;不该仅仅是课文内容的掌握与熟悉。腹有诗书气自华,这才是语文的样子;博古通今,了解文章的典故背景,这才是语文的样子;下笔如有神,滔滔不绝也,这才是语文作文的样子。语文,不同于其他学科,它的确是一个需要长期积累的科目。而酷学习的高考语文视频,则针对高考,对历届考题精心选择,并着眼于帮助学生,进行更多的文学积累。培养对语文的乐趣,找到语文的感觉。当您安装好app,您可以获得我们推送的当前最新最热的视频学习内容,也可以通过分类查找视频学习,同时,学习者“我”的设计为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。您的需求,就是我们的追求!还等什么,赶快打开酷学习,学起来吧!在文学的魅力中沉醉!联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] your mind, what isthelanguage?   In short, the language should not beunnecessarilyrigid analysis of verbatim traditional classroom;classroom shouldnot be writing hundreds of bored iQue days; shouldnot only bemastered with the familiar text content.   Abdominal poetry and gas from China, this istheway the language; erudite, understand the background story ofthearticle, this is the way the language; getting a God, forevertoo,this is the way language writing.   Language, unlike other disciplines, it is indeedaneed for long-term accumulation of subjects.   Cool to learn the language and entrance video,istargeted at the entrance of the previous questionscarefullyselected and focused on helping students, moreliteraryaccumulation. Fun for language training, find thefeelinglanguages.   When you install the app, you can get ourlatestpush the current hottest video learning content, you can alsofindvideo classification learning, while learners 'I' is designedtoprovide you with a learning record, my favorite, the userFeedbackand many other personalized design.   Your needs is our pursuit! So what, quicklycoolopen learning, learn it! Indulge in literary charm!Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or [email protected]
高数HD@酷学习 2.0
大学教育方式,松散另类,感觉难以接受,无法适应怎么办?老师说话像天书,刀塔把妹影响学习,积极性没有肿么办?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,终于推出了“酷学习高数HD”app。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习立足大学高等数学得课本内容,将一系列高等数学内容尽现眼前,让学生如与丁建教授面对面一般交流无障碍,广阔的题库更是给了大家无限学习的机会。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩,学得免费”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected],alternative loose feeling is difficult to accept, unableto adaptto how to do?    Teacher talk like hieroglyphics, thesisterturret affect learning, motivation does not swollen do?    Smart mobile terminals to provideyouanytime, anywhere, gently, Reviewing the Old possible.    Cool learning is based on big dataeraeducational websites, we are not simply teaching, butthroughgraffiti and witty personality to a perfect display ofknowledge toguide thinking, covering number of English language,physics andchemistry multiple sections, do now hai vast boundlesswealth forall who thirst for knowledge. Today, in order to betterplay tolearn the advantages of intelligent terminals, has finallylaunchedthe "cool to learn the high number of HD" app.    Adhering to learn fun, learninterestingpurpose, cool study was based on the University ofmathematicstextbooks, a series of advanced mathematics content todo isimmediate, so that students as Professor Ding Jian face tofacewith the general exchange of accessibility, the vast examisunlimited opportunities for everyone to learn.    Once inside the app, we can push thevideoto select the current latest and hottest video learning, youcanalso find the system classification learning, and learner "I"ofthe management to provide you with a learning record,mycollection, and other multi-user feedback Itempersonalizeddesign."Happy to learn, learn better play, learn free", your needs isourpursuit, and so what? I hurry hurry me, our dedication to beatyour service!Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or [email protected]
高中地理HD 2.0
地理应该是高中最美的学科。春天,江南盛开的繁花姹紫嫣红,竹笋破土,春水初生,山河恢复了生机;夏日,东海生成的季风一路北上,温暖的海风,湿润的云雨,滋润干涸的土地;秋风起,果实累累,大江南北一片丰收的笑语;冬雪降,银装素裹,长成内外一片肃杀。这一切的一切,难道不美么?更不要说你还能在书本中走出国门,感受地中海的阳光,阿尔卑斯山的瑞雪,美洲牛仔的潇洒,非洲部落的神秘,阿尔卑斯、巴塞罗那、巴黎、罗马、纽约……这一切的一切,难道不美么?地理不像理科的数理化,你不用绞尽脑汁,地理也不像文科的文史思,你不用皓首穷经,在地理学科当中,即有需要你记忆的城市、国家名称,也有需要你理解的原理、规律,所以说,地理是个“磨人的小妖精”,在如切如磋,如琢如磨当中,带给你无穷的乐趣。来吧,跟酷学习一起走进美丽的地理世界。有些地方你一生可能都无法到达,但地理可以带你神游天下,有些人可能你一辈子都无缘见到,但地理可以带你阅遍人生。联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] should bethemost beautiful high school subjects.Spring flowers blooming southern Colorful, bambooshootsground-breaking, Spring newborn, mountains and rivers back tolife;the summer, all the way north to the East China Seamonsoongenerated, warm breezes, moist clouds and rain, moisture dryland;autumn onwards, with fruit, a major north-south harvestoflaughter; winter snow fall, snow, grow into a chill insideandoutside. All in all, do not the US Why?Not to say that you can go out in the book, feel theMediterraneansun, the Alps Snow, American cowboy chic, mysteriousAfricantribes, the Alps, Barcelona, ​​Paris, Rome, New York ......all inall, do not US Why?Unlike the science of geography physics and chemistry, you donothave brains, thinking of Arts History and geography are not, youdonot Haoshouqiongjing, in which geography, that you need torememberthe city, country name, you also need to understandprinciple, thelaw, so that the geography is a "weary goblin" incutting such asconsultations, such as cut, such as grinding them,to bring you alot of fun.Come learn with cool together into a beautiful world geography.Someplaces might not reach your life, but geography can take youwanderthe world, some people may have missed seeing you for alifetime,but geography can take you read over life.Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or [email protected]
高中数学HD@酷学习 2.0
传统教育课本学得初级浅显,高考考的复杂晦涩,该如何融会贯通呢?每个人学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家学得有兴趣呢?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,终于推出了“酷学习高中数学HD”app。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习初中数学立足高考考纲考点,紧随课本内容,将高一到高三的数学内容尽现眼前,让学生如与高考名师面对面一般交流无障碍,广阔的题库更是给了大家无限学习的机会。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩,学得免费”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] textbook junior plain, obscure complexentrance exam, howto digest it?    Everyone learning styles and abilitytoaccept different, how to get everyone interested to learnit?    Smart mobile terminals to provideyouanytime, anywhere, gently, Reviewing the Old possible.    Cool learning is based on big dataeraeducational websites, we are not simply teaching, butthroughgraffiti and witty personality to a perfect display ofknowledge toguide thinking, covering number of English language,physics andchemistry multiple sections, do now hai vast boundlesswealth forall who thirst for knowledge. Today, in order to betterplay tolearn the advantages of intelligent terminals, has finallylaunchedthe "cool learning high school math HD" app.    Adhering to learn fun, learninterestingpurpose, cool junior high school mathematics learningsyllabusbased on entrance test sites, followed by textbooks, thehighschool mathematics content to do now in front of the highschoolsenior, college entrance examination for students as teacherfaceto face with the general exchange of accessibility, moreextensiveexam is to give everyone the opportunity to learntheinfinite.    Once inside the app, we can push thevideoto select the current latest and hottest video learning, youcanalso find the system classification learning, and learner "I"ofthe management to provide you with a learning record,mycollection, and other multi-user feedback Itempersonalizeddesign."Happy to learn, learn better play, learn free", your needs isourpursuit, and so what? I hurry hurry me, our dedication to beatyour service!Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or [email protected]
高考化学HD@酷学习 2.0
面临高考,课业压力繁重,面对考题,千头万绪难以下手怎么办?每个人学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家学得有兴趣呢?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习高中化学立足于高考大纲,用技巧面对考试,让学生如与中考名师面对面一般交流无障碍,广阔的题库更是给了大家无限学习复习大展拳脚的机会。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] the entrance,heavyacademic pressure, the face of questions, how to do amultitude ofthings difficult to start?   Everyone learning styles and ability toacceptdifferent, how to get everyone interested to learn it?   Smart mobile terminals to provide youanytime,anywhere, gently, Reviewing the Old possible.   Cool learning is based on big data eraeducationalwebsites, we are not simply teaching, but throughgraffiti and wittypersonality to a perfect display of knowledge toguide thinking,covering number of English language, physics andchemistry multiplesections, do now hai vast boundless wealth forall who thirst forknowledge.   Adhering to learn fun, learn interestingpurpose,cool learning high school chemistry syllabus based on thecollegeentrance examination, with the skills to face the exam, sothatstudents in the exam, such as teacher face to face with thegeneralexchange of accessibility, more extensive exam is to giveeveryoneunlimited learning review opportunity to flex itsmuscles.   Once inside the app, we can push the videotoselect the current latest and hottest video learning, you canalsofind the system classification learning, and learner "I" ofthemanagement to provide you with a learning record, mycollection,and other multi-user feedback Item personalizeddesign.   Your needs is our pursuit, so what? I hurryhurryme, our dedication to be at your service!Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or [email protected]
高中历史HD@酷学习 2.0
步入高中之后,原有的知识模式已经改变,历史也不仅仅局限于了解哪些历史事件发生在哪些年,转换不过来,老师讲的内容也不如以往有趣,怎么办?每个人的学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,统一的填鸭式教学方式无法适应,如何突破瓶颈?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新,个性学习的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识内容,引导大家的思维,更好地看到历史长河中除了时间的流逝,除了一个个历史人物的登场退去,还有怎样的内在联系,为了达到这样的目标,在推出"酷学习数学"等一系列app之后我们终于推出了"酷学习高中历史"。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习高中历史立足于历史长轴,紧随课本内容,将学习内容和课外知识完美展现,再也不用怕找不到合适自己的学习方法了。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者"我"的管理为你提供了学习记录、我的收藏、用户反馈等多项个性化设计。您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我啊!我们竭诚以待!联系我们微信公众号:Kuxuexi1微博:@酷学习网欢迎大家通过意见反馈告诉我们你的想法,或邮件联系[email protected] enteringhighschool, original knowledge model has changed, history isnotlimited understanding of historical events which occurred inwhatyear, conversion, however, the teacher's content is notasinteresting in the past, how do?    Everyone's learning style and abilitytoaccept different, unified cramming can not adapt teachingmethods,how to break the bottleneck?    Smart mobile terminals to provideyouanytime, anywhere, gently, Reviewing the Old, personalizedlearningpossible.    Cool learning is based on big dataeraeducational websites, we are not simply teaching, butthroughgraffiti and witty personality to perfect display contentknowledgeto guide our thinking, better to see history in additionto thepassage of time, in addition to a historical figure debutreceded,how well internal relations, in order to achieve this goal,afterthe launch of the "cool learning mathematics," and a series ofappwe finally launched the "cool to learn high schoolhistory."    Adhering to learn fun, learninterestingpurpose, cool learning history based on the history ofthe longaxis of the high school, followed by the contents oftextbooks,learning content and extra-curricular knowledgeperfectly, nolonger have to be afraid to find a suitable method oftheir ownlearning.    Once inside the app, we can push thevideoto select the current latest and hottest video learning, youcanalso find the system classification learning, and learner "I"ofthe management to provide you with a learning record,mycollection, and other multi-user feedback Item personalizeddesign.Your needs is our pursuit, so what? Come on, I ah! Ourdedicationto be!Contact usMicro-channel public number: Kuxuexi1Microblogging: @ Cool Learning NetworkWelcome to the Feedback Tell us what you think, or [email protected]
高中化学HD@酷学习 2.0
面临高考,课业压力繁重,面对考题,千头万绪难以下手怎么办?每个人学习方式和接受能力不尽相同,如何让大家学得有兴趣呢?智能移动终端给大家提供了随时随地,轻轻一点,温故而知新的可能。酷学习是立足于大数据时代的教育网站,我们不是单纯教学,而是通过个性涂鸦和妙语连珠来完美展示知识,引导思维,内容涵盖语数英、理化生多个板块,尽现学海浩瀚无垠,为所有渴求知识的人创造财富。而今天,为了更好发挥智能终端的学习优势,我们在推出“酷学习医学app”等app之后,终于推出了“酷学习高中化学app”。秉承着学得开心,学得有趣的宗旨,酷学习高中化学立足于高考大纲,用技巧面对考试,让学生如与中考名师面对面一般交流无障碍,广阔的题库更是给了大家无限学习复习大展拳脚的机会。一旦进入app,我们可以通过推送视频选择当前最新、最热的视频学习,也可以通过分类查找系统学习,而学习者“我”的管理为你提供了学习记录,我的收藏,用户反馈等多项个性化设计。“学得开心,学得好玩,学得免费”,您的需求,就是我们的追求,还等什么?快点我快点我,我们竭诚以待为您服务!Facing the entrance,heavyacademic pressure, the face of questions, how to do amultitude ofthings difficult to start?   Everyone learning styles and ability toacceptdifferent, how to get everyone interested to learn it?   Smart mobile terminals to provide youanytime,anywhere, gently, Reviewing the Old possible.   Cool learning is based on big data eraeducationalwebsites, we are not simply teaching, but throughgraffiti and wittypersonality to a perfect display of knowledge toguide thinking,covering number of English language, physics andchemistry multiplesections, do now hai vast boundless wealth forall who thirst forknowledge. After today, in order to better playto learn theadvantages of intelligent terminals, we launched the"cool to studymedicine app" and other app, has finally launchedthe "cool highschool chemistry learning app".   Adhering to learn fun, learn interestingpurpose,cool learning high school chemistry syllabus based on thecollegeentrance examination, with the skills to face the exam, sothatstudents in the exam, such as teacher face to face with thegeneralexchange of accessibility, more extensive exam is to giveeveryoneunlimited learning review opportunity to flex itsmuscles.   Once inside the app, we can push the videotoselect the current latest and hottest video learning, you canalsofind the system classification learning, and learner "I" ofthemanagement to provide you with a learning record, mycollection,and other multi-user feedback Item personalizeddesign.   "Happy to learn, learn better play, learnfree",your needs is our pursuit, and so what? I hurry hurry me,ourdedication to be at your service!