Top 29 Apps Similar to HCG Diet Recipes

hCG Diet 2.3
Features such as calorie counting (ineachphase), reformatted interface, vegetarian meal options, firstandonly app to have hCG Cloud syncing between devices/online,mealplanning in Phase 3, 4 and life. The ability to do multipleroundsand print your shopping list.The hCG app's purpose is to easily allow you to keep track ofeverystep of your protocol.Check out our website for screenshots and a videodemonstrationat www.hcgapp.comhCG app features:- Daily tracking on Home Screen- hCG reminders set for sublingual, injection or drops (up to5times a day as set in preferences)- Notes with checkboxes to quickly find where and why you lostorgained weight.- Real–time start and end date tracking. Includes manual overrideondays- Ability to store photos in all stages- Tag and email photos from each stage- Progressive weight loss graph, editable- Progressive measurements graph, editable- Easy to follow reminders about each stage of the protocol++ Notification Reminders even when phone in sleep mode- Dr. Simeon's Pounds and Inches as a reference guide &AUDIOBOOK.- Ability to create custom meals every day from allowedfoods.- Menu Page; that list your daily proteins and fruits along withanhCG reminder box.- Ability to plan each weeks meals ahead of time- Automatic shopping list created from what meals you haveplannedorganized by week- A current and extensive food database created by people whohavebeen on the protocol.- includes vegetarian food allowances.- Password ProtectionThe hCG App will not only save you time but allows you tostayabreast with your status each day you are doing the protocol.Itserves as a support mechanism.The creators of this app believe highly in the protocolandestablished hCG app in order to help others reach their weightlossgoals.
HCG Diet Simplified 1.0
Welcome to the HCG Diet Simplified!Withthisprogram, you can find the key data to be successful on theHGCDiet- even when you are on the go - without wading throughtonsofextra information you don't need. Why do it the hard waywhenyoucan have the data you need right at your fingertips nomatterwhereyou are?Features:Have all of the key HGC Diet information right atyourfingertipsEasily plan your phases through the HGC Diet and see whatiscomingupSolve situations that arise while on the dietMakes the diet fun and easy instead of complicatedDistinguishes the concepts of the original HGC Dietfromthosecreated by othersExamples:What to buy before you startWhat to eat for lunch at workWhat to do if you stallAnd more...
hCG Diet Life 5.1
hCG Life is accurately based onSimeon’shCGweight-loss Diet where many have lost over 20 lbs. in 21Daysandmaintained their weight .hCG Life is amazing because it takes advantage of simpledraganddrop touch technology.Included in hCG Diet Life Pro:FEATURES:+ Phases 1 to 4 and Lifetime Meal Planning and TrackingSlideDaysRight to Left+ Setup the Recommend Protocol or Customization ofMultipleRoundswith Auto Calculation+ Phase duration customization+ Track multiple rounds without Reseting your app data (greatifyouare taking breaks in-between or holidays)+ Weight (chart with % to reach goal pie graph)+ Measurements Graph+ Calorie tracking: Burned, Eaten & Daily Total+ Blood Glucose (No daily limit) & Blood Pressure&HeartRate (no daily limit)+ Activities log/tracker+ Monthly Journal Calendar shows when you've lost,gainedormaintained. Allows Daily Notes+ Drag and Drop image Meal Planning w/ daily menu andTimerstoRemind you when to eat+ Massive Food Database that tells you what you can eatineachphase- updated weekly+ Grocery list created as you plan your meals- easy slidetocartcheckoff+ Create Personal Challenges and the app monitorsyoursuccess.+ The entire Dr. Simeons Oringinal Pounds & Inchesbookinchapters+ Audio book in chapters+ Automatic Notification Reminders activated by Phase+ How-to video guides explain everything 1 step at a time+ Water consumption calculated daily based on yourweight-autoupdates+ Vitamin/Supplement Tracking with Notifications+ Large variety of approved Phase 2 optional food items+ Photo Journal w/ Slide show+ Phase 3 Slide to Meal Planning and Favorites witheasytoggleamounts+ Tech FAQs and Tech Support in app
HCG Diet Guide 2.0.0
The HCG Diet can help you lose weight as well as fat inunwantedareas.
This app is about the HCG Diet, directions, food ideas,trackingdiet progress
Hcg Diet 1.0
This app is about the HCG,directions,foodideas, tracking food progress, and support. It isahealthcareapplication designed to help keep my clientsontrack.HCG Diet App strategy can help you learn about HCG(humanchorionicgonadotrophin) program and a diet guide related tothisweight lossprogramThe HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) diet is a fastweightlossprotocol that can burn up to 1 lbs a day.Human chorionic gonadotrophin is a hormone that is producedinlargeamounts in early pregnancy. It ensures that thedevelopmentof thefetus receives the calories and nutrients it needstogrow.Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone producedbytheplacenta after implantation. The presence of hCG isdetectedinsome pregnancy tests (HCG pregnancy strip tests).Somecanceroustumors produce this hormone; Therefore, highlevels,paraneoplasticsyndromes.However, it is not known whether this production isacontributingcause or an effect of carcinogenesis. Thepituitaryanalog of hCG,known as the luteinizing hormone (LH), isproduced inthe pituitarygland of males and females of allages.C-terminal total peptide hCG, intact hCG, free ك-subunithCG,ك-corefragment hCG, hyperglycosylated hCG, nicked hCG, alphahCG ,Andpituitary hCG.Pharmaceutical preparations of hCG from animal orsyntheticsources,there are many gonadotropin preparations, some ofwhicharemedically justified and others of which are of a quacknature.As ofDecember 6, 2011, the United States Food andDrugAdministration hasprohibited the sale of "homeopathic"andover-the-counter hCG dietproducts and declared them fraudulentandillegal.Human chorionic gonadotropin interacts with the LHCG receptoroftheovary and promotes the maintenance of the corpus luteumduringthebeginning of pregnancy. This allows the corpus luteumtosecrete thehormone progesterone during the firsttrimester.Progesteroneenriched in the uterus with a thick lining ofbloodvessels andcapillariesThis HCG plan is involved with remarkable body weight loss,nearlyapound a day. However, the problem, until now, finally, wasthatnohealth professional could specify how he worked, andcriticsunderthe caloric constraints are responsible for reducingexcessweightand never losing it. HCG.Critics on the diet also argued that the fat just dropped cannotbekept off. The HCG program has also experienced someoddprocedures.For example, a single vegetable is expected tobeconsumed for eachfood, the use of oil, body lotions andallhygiene items isforbidden, and the use of Of the HCG hormoneatodd cycles of 23 and46 days.The plan regime also did not allow the exercise. Inaddition,therehave been no known rules on how to dose the HCGhormone; Asaresult, most diet plan providers are usuallyusingrandomizedprescription hormone dosage. This is what is calledtheSimeonProtocol, and, for my part, it was inappropriate.Contents:Overview -Basic of HCG DietAdvantages -AllegedProof-Research and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin andWeightLoss-Dangers And Side Effects-How To Get Started With HCG-List of Food-Recipes linksDownload Hcg Diet App It's FREE!!if you like our app rate and share with your friends and takealookin our amazing others apps!
HCG 2.0- A Smarter HCG Diet 1.17.0402
The official app of HCG 2.0 – A SmarterHCGDiet. Medicine is called a practice for a reason. As newtechnologyand research becomes available, treatment protocolsevolve.Shouldn't the HCG diet be the same. HCG 2.0 uses advancedresearchinto low-carb, ketosis dieting; caloric ratios and basicfoodchemistry to create a smarter and more sustainable HCG protocolforthe average working adult. Lose 20-30 pounds in just 30 to40days.Features-BMR Calculator to determine the amount of protein calories onYOURdiet-Easy Access to protein and veggie charts-Discounts on HCG diet products-Rewards so you can earn cash by sharing your success
HCG Diet 1.1
Syed Wasty
HCG Diet Strategy App can assist youtolearnabout HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) Diet programandguidebookrelating to this weight loss programAbout hCG Diet regime :By now you have likely heard over it: the HCG Eatingplan,anserious eating plan that consists of injections ofHCG(humanchorionic gonadotropin). HCG is the hormone women of allagesmakewhen they are pregnant. Previously, the HCG Eatingplanwasoutlined by a 500-calorie eating plan paired witheachdayinjections of HCG.This HCG Diet plan is involved with remarkable bodyweightloss,nearly a pound daily. However the problem, up untilfinallynow,was that no medical professional could clarify how itworked,andcritics claimed the caloric constraints are liable totheexcessweight reduction and never the HCG hormone. Critics onthedietregime have also maintained that the fat dropped justcan'tberetained off. The HCG Diet program has also experiencedsomeoddprocedures. As an example, it expected the consumption ofjustonevegetable for every food, prohibited using oil,overallbodylotions and hygiene items, and constrained usage of theHCGhormoneto odd cycles of 23 and 46 days. The Diet regime alsodidn'tenableexercising. Moreover, there experienced been norevealedrules onhow to dose the HCG hormone; as a result, mostsuppliers ofthefood plan are generally employing random dosingfromtheprescription hormone. This was called the SimeonsProtocol,and,for my part, it was improper.The HCG Diet app's objective will be to effortlessly allowforyouto continue to keep keep track of every stage ofyourrespectiveprotocol.HCG Diet application functions:- Every day monitoring on Home Monitor- hCG reminders set for sublingual, injection ordrops(approximatelyfive occasions daily as set inpreferences)- Notes with checkboxes to promptly obtain where and whyyoudroppedor acquired bodyweight.- Real-time start out and finish day monitoring.Includesguideoverride on times- Ability to retail outlet images in all phases- Tag and electronic mail photographs from every stage- Progressive pounds decline graph, editable- Progressive measurements graph, editable- Straightforward to comply with reminders about each phaseontheprotocol- Ability to create custom meals each day fromallowedfooditems.- Menu Page; that list your every day proteins and fruitsalongwithan hCG reminder box.- Power to approach just about every weeks meals ahead oftime- Automatic shopping list created from what meals youhaveplannedorganized by week- A current and extensive meals database created by peoplewhohavebeen on the protocol.- involves vegetarian foods allowances.- Password ProtectionThe HCG Diet Application will not only save you timebutallowsyou to stay abreast with your status each and every dayyouaredoing the protocol. It serves for a support mechanism.The creators of the application believe highly in theprotocolandestablished hCG app in order to assist others reachtheirweightloss goals.The HCG Diet program App has become a “Must Have” foranyoneonthis diet regime.
HCG-Rezepte 2.5.3
Sascha Weyh
Mit der HCG-Rezepte App erhälst du Zugriffaufviele Rezepte für die immer beliebter werdende hCG/StoffwechseldiätZur Zeit stehen folgende Funktionen zur Verfügung- Push-Mitteilungen für neue Rezepte und Informationen- Rezepte offline betrachten- Rezepte auf Facebook, WhatsApp oder Twitter teilen- Andere News, Blogs und Podcasts Anbieter hinzufügen- Foren hinzufügen bearbeiten und lesen- Rezepte in der App übersetzenWith the HCG Recipesappyou will gain access to many recipes for the increasinglypopularhCG / Metabolic DietCurrently, the following features are available- Push notifications for new recipes and information- Consider recipes offlineshare recipes on Facebook, WhatsApp or Twitter -- Add Other News, blogs and podcasts provider- Edit forums add and read- Translating recipes in the app
21 Tage hCG Stoffwechseldiät+ 1.1.1
Abnehmen einfach gemacht - MitdererfolgreichenStoffwechselkur / 21 Tage hCG Diät Plus kannstduinnerhalb von 21Tagen bis zu 12 Kilo abnehmen. Die Appunterstütztdich dabei die Kurnoch einfacher umzusetzen Dasbekommst dugratis:+ Diätplan & Kalender für die verschiedenenPhasenderStoffwechselkur+ Große hCG Diät Rezeptdatenbank+ Großer Infobereich+ Körperdaten wie Gewicht, Körperfett, Bauchumfangspeichernundgrafisch ausgebenZusätzlich steht dir mit der erweiterten PLUS AccountnochdieseFunktionen zur Verfügung:+ Ernährungsplan als E-Book mit vielen Rezepten undSchrittfürSchritt Anleitung zur erfolgreicheren UmsetzungderhCGStoffwechselkur+ Großer Infobereich für die verschiedenen PhasenderhCGStoffwechseldiät+ 24h Expertensupport+ Änderung von Starttag und Verlängerung der Diät+ Noch mehr Körperdaten speichern wie z.B. Poumfang+ Mehr Komfort bei der Nutzung+ WerbefreiDas PLUS bei der hCG Stoffwechseldiät steht füreineErweiterungder Kur. Viele Anwender reduzieren mit dieserDiätinsensationeller Weise ihr Körperfett. Jedoch bestehtdieGefahr,dass der Anwender nach der Diät wieder durch denJoJoEffektzunehmen kann.Hier setzt unser eatSimply Konzept an und unterstütztdenAnwendermit einem einfachen Ernährungskonzept was sichkinderleichtin denAlltag integrieren lässt.Durch die Kombination der 21 Tage Stoffwechselkur mitdemeatSimplyKonzept kannst auch du leicht und lecker PfundeverlierenohneHungern zu müssen.Loosing weight madeeasy-With the successful Stoffwechselkur / 21 days hCG Diet Plusyoucanlose up to 12 kilos within 21 days. The app supportsyouwhileimplementing the treatment more easily That yougetfree:+ Diet plan & Calendar for the variousphasesofStoffwechselkur+ Large hCG diet recipe database+ Large notification areasave + body data such as weight, body fat, waistcircumferenceandspend graphicallyAdditionally you is comfortable with advanced PLUSaccountyetthese functions:+ Diet e-book with many recipes and step by step guidetosuccessfulimplementation of hCG Stoffwechselkur+ Large notification area for the various phases of thehCGmetabolicdiet+ 24 Expert Support+ Change of start date and extension of the Diet+ Even more body data store such as Poumfang+ More comfortable use+ AdFreeThe PLUS in hCG metabolic diet is an extension of thecure.Manyusers reduce with this diet in a sensational way theirbodyfat.However, there is a risk that the user after the dietcanincreaseby JoJo Effect again.This is where our eatSimply concept and supports the userwithasimple nutrition concept which can be easilyintegratedintoeveryday life.By combining the 21 days Stoffwechselkur the eatSimplyconceptcanalso you light and delicious lose pounds withouthavingtostarve.
The Fast Metabolism Diet 1.31
All the planning tools needed to lose weight on the 28-dayFastMetabolism Diet
Rebalance your Metabolism 1.2.7
This is a guideline that will accompany you through the 21DaysMetabolic Diet
HCG Diet Miracle Plan 1.1
Metatron Inc
This is the ultimate guide to the diet everyone is talkingabout:Lose weight fast and in a healthy natural way... The HCGDietMiracle. Why? Because it actually works! HCG or HumanChorionicGonadotropin is a natural hormone/protein substance thatwhen usedfor weight loss can burn off all excess stored fat in thehumanbody. Its the one celebrities have been using for years buthavetried to keep it under wraps, now its available to everyone.Youlose weight easily and effortlessly and you keep it off! Thisappcontains a 50% discount coupon! Lose 1 to 2lbs a day up to40lbsper Phase. A true alternative to surgery. This app haveeverythingyou need to succeed at HCG and is the most comprehensiveresourceavailable today. Including: The origins and history of HCGHow andWhy it works. Dr. Seimens Full Protocal Research Paper onHCG RealWorld Testimonials. Frequently asked Questions RecipesTipsTracking Sheets Where to get real HCG at a discount. And muchmore!
HCG Diet For Your Blood Type 1.1
Metatron Inc
This is the ultimate guide to the diet everyone is talkingabout:Lose weight fast in a healthy and natural way... The HCGDietMiracle. Why? Because it actually works! Now tailored toyourspecific blood type for maximum results. HCG or HumanChorionicGonadotropin is a natural hormone/protein substance thatwhen usedfor weight loss can burn off all excess stored fat in thehumanbody. Now with Weight Loss Hypnosis plus bonus tracks! Its theonecelebrities have been using for years but have tried to keepitunder wraps, now its available to everyone. You lose weighteasilyand effortlessly and you keep it off! Lose 1 to 2lbs a day upto40lbs per Phase. A true alternative to surgery. This apphaveeverything you need to succeed at HCG and is the mostcomprehensiveresource available today. Including: The origins andhistory of HCGHow and Why it works. Dr. Seimens Full ProtocalResearch Paper onHCG Real World Testimonials. Frequently askedQuestions RecipesTips Tracking Sheets Where to get real HCG at adiscount. And muchmore! Be sure to consult your doctor beforetrying any diet.
HCG 2.0 BMR Calculator 1.0.0
HCG 2.0 uses food chemistry and aBMRcalculatorto determine exactly how much food you can have perday.So based onYOU, you get a set amount of calories you can eatperday. It’s anamount that will keep you in ketosis(fat-meltingmode), but alsokeep you satisfied.Complete the BMR Calculation to find your dailycalorieconsumptionon your individualized HCG 2.0 diet protocol.
GM Weight Loss Diet Plan & BMI 1.3
Lose ~17lbs in just 7 day! GM diet weight loss plan & BMIcheckfor healthy you!
Atkins Diet 3.0
Gato Apps
Learn what you can eat on the Atkins diet and weight loss fast...
Diet Atkins Malaysia Terbaru 1.0
Aplikasi ini adalah percuma dan mempunyai kandungan yangberkaitandengan diet Atkins.Antaranya ialah cara makan , menu diet, piramidmakanan ,resipi diet atkins dan sebagainya. Aplikasi iniadalahpercuma..silakan muat turun
90 Day Diet Free - Lose Weight 1.3
Improve your metabolism, lose weight effectively and smart withthe90 day diet
Health, Nutrition & Diet Guide 1.4
Organic Facts
This app is your guide to fitness, good health, weightloss,diet-plan, nutrition, and remedies for diseases suchashypertension, anxiety, allergy, insomnia and many more. Goodhealthis quintessential for happy living and with this app you canaccessthe info anywhere you go. The app has several sections onhealththat address different queries you may have. SectionsincludeHealth Boosters, Health Benefits, Home Remedies, Health TipsandNutrition News. Health Boosters helps you discover remedies foraparticular disorder. You can search for any disease andfindvarious food items, oils and herbs that aid in relievingthedisease symptoms and help in curing it. Health Benefitssectionhelps you in finding benefits of various herbs, cereals,essentialoils, other foods and exercises. Home Remedies sectiongives youaccess to simple and effective remedies that help to fighthealthconditions. Health Tips section provides quick tips aboutgoodhealth and well-being. And keep yourself updated with thelatest inthe field of health with our section on Nutrition News.
101 Tips Diet Untuk Kesehatan 1.0
101 Tips DietAdalah kumpulan tips diet ringan yang dapat anda bacakapanpundimanapun dengan gadget android anda untuk membantu andayangsedang menjalani program diet. semoga dengan panduan tips inidapatmemberikan informasi yang bermanfaat untuk anda maupun siapasajayang membacanya.Fitur :1. Aplikasi ini dapat berjalan tanpa ada koneksi internet,cukupsekali unduh dan instal, isi buku ini sudah tersedia digadgetandroid anda.2. Ukuran aplikasi yang kecil sehingga tidak banyak memakanruangmemory gadget anda.3. Ukuran tulisan dapat di sesuaikan dengan gadget anda,sehinggamudah untuk di baca dan tidak membuat mata anda cepatlelah.4. Latar belakang tulisan dapat di sesuaikan dengan kondisisiangatau malam.5. Halaman dapat di bookmark sesuai keinginan anda.6. List katalog untuk mempermudah anda untuk memilih halamanyangtersedia.7. Cari kata yang anda inginkan "kata kunci" untuk mencaritipsyang anda inginkan.101 Diet TipsIs a collection of light diet tips that you can readanytimeanywhere with your android gadget to help you who areundergoing adiet program. hopefully with these tips guide canprovide usefulinformation to you or anyone who read it.Features:1. This application can be run without an internetconnection,just download and install once, the contents of thisbook areavailable on your android gadget.2. Size small applications that do not consume a lot ofmemoryspace of your gadget.3. Text size can be adjusted to your gadget, making it easytoread and does not make your eyes tired.4. Background paper can be adjusted to the conditions of thedayor night.5. Pages can be in your own bookmarks.6. List your catalog to make it easier to select the pagesthatare available.7. Find the word you want "keyword" to find tips thatyouwant.
Newlife Diet & Fitness 1.0.7
Aplikasi untuk Menghitung Kalori Serta Konsultasi Diet dan Fitness
Military Diet 1.0
Military Diet is a simple appthathelpsin weight loss using low calorie military diet plan.Burn belly fat, slim down and stay healthy with these 3daymilitarydiet plan.Features of this app:- 3 Day military diet plan: What meal to eat, drinks, menusforeachday.- How it works: Details how this diet can burn your fat,loseweightfast.- Military diet tips: How to get optimum result usingthisdietplan.Motivation is what gets you started!The diet may make you feel hungry, tired, and grumpy becauseit'salow calorie plan, but it is claimed to help you loseweightveryquickly.Don't forget to rate and review us.Thanks :)
Weight Loss 7 Day Diet Plan 4.0.6
Ideal tips that will help you to easily lose weight in a week’stime
عرب دايت | Arab Diet 1.0.6
حملة عرب دايت هدفها الأول – التحفيز – عن طريق التنافسوالمشاركةوالنقاش والتفاعل ، وتوفير بيئة إيجابية محفزة وداعمة لكلشخص يرغببإنقاص وزنه وتحويل نمط حياته إلى نمط صحي ورياضي ، حيث تعملالحملةعلى جمع العضو بأشخاص يشاركونه الهدف ويسعون لتحقيق ذات الحلم،يكونون بمثابة القدوة لبعضهم البعض ويحفزون بعضهم البعض ، ففيبعضالأحيان لا يستطيع الأهل أو الأصدقاء توفير الدعم النفسيوالمعرفيللشخص لذلك يكون بحاجة لمن يدعمه ويحفزه ليستمر بتحقيق أهدافهفجاءتحملة عرب دايت لتكون الداعم والمحفز عن طريق الأونلاين . يخدممشروععرب دايت المجتمع بشكل عام ، ومن يعانون من السمنة بشكل خاص .ليقينناالتام بأن انتشار ثقافة الغذاء الصحي والرياضة وتصحيحالعاداتالغذائية ونمط الحياة هو الحل لمشاكل السمنة وللكثير منالأمراض ،و أنانتشار ثقافة الغذاء الصحي وتغيير العادات الخاطئة عاملوقاية من شأنهأن ينشئ لنا جيلا سليما بعيدا عن الأمراض ،ولأن الوقايةخير من العلاج، جاءت #حملة_عرب_دايت - فكرة الحملة : حملة عرب دايت هيأحد أهمفعاليات موقع عرب دايت ، ونسعى عن طريق الموقع إلى إثراءالمحتوىالعربي في مجال الصحة والتغذية والمساهمة في رفع الوعيالغذائي، وعنطريق – نظام المتابعة والمجموعات – إلى التحفيز والتشجيعبالاستعانهبنظام الكتروني متكامل يساعد كل من يرغب بتخفيف وزنه ويسيرمعه حتىالنهاية يرتبط بهذا النظام الذي لازال في مراحله الأولى وتحتالتحديثحملة عرب دايت في تويتر ، إن كنت ترغب بتخفيف وزنك وتحتاج لمنيحفزكشاركهم في هاشتاق #حملة_عرب_دايت ، فالمشاركين بالحملة يحفزونبعضهمالبعض ، حيث أن مجرد تواصلك مع من يشاركك الاهتمام عامل دعمقوييساعدك في الاستمرار والمواصلة ، إضافة إلى الاستفاده المعرفيةبوجودالمهتمين في هذا المجال في تويتر والمتفاعلين مع الحملة منالمغردينالساعين لتخفيف أوزانهم وأيضا من الأطباء والأخصائيينوالمهتمين الذينلم يبخلوا بتوجيه نصائحهم وتغريداتهم المفيده والمحفزة،، وأيضا الردعلى استفسارات المشتركين ومساهمتهم في رفع مستوى الوعيالغذائي ، فنحنفي عرب دايت لا نقدم النصيحه بل نقوم بايصال الباحثعنها بالمختصونقدم المعلومة الموثوقة مع الاشارة لمصدرها . أما طريقةالمنافسة فيالحملة فهي شهريه ، حيث يسجل المشترك وزنه بداية كل شهر ثميشاركيومياته ويتواصل مع المشتركين الآخرين في الهاشتاق المخصص ثم فينهايةالشهر تعلن النتائج وتقدم الجوائز بناء على تقييم المشاركةوالتفاعللا معدل النقص ، حيث لا يهمنا النقص السريع للوزن بقدر مايهمناالانتظام والالتزام وتحول نمط حياة المشترك إلى نمط صحي رياضي .-الأهداف : - تحفيز من يرغب بتخفيف وزنه - إثراء المحتوى الصحيالعربيعلى الانترنت - زيادة الوعي الصحي في المجتمع - تغيير عاداتالمجتمعالغذائية إلى عادات صحية - بث روح التفاؤل والعزيمة والإيجابية-المحتويات : * موقع عرب دايت ، يضم مقالات غذائية ورياضيةيكتبهاأطباء وأخصائي تغذية وخبراء رياضيين ، إضافة إلى ترجمةالمقالاتوالدراسات الانجليزية المميزة والمفيدة و يتاح للجميعالمشاركة فيالتدوين في الموقع عبر قسم “خواطر صحية ” بشرط سلامة اللغةوالمصادرالموثوقة للمعلومات إضافة إلى استعراض قصص النجاح في تخفيفالوزن ،ومساحة لاستقبال الاستشارات يجيب عليها المختصين ، المجالمفتوح فيالموقع لانضمام كل من يرى في نفسه المقدرة على الإفادة .*نظامالمتابعة : نظام الكتروني يتابع فيه المشترك وزنه وتفاصيلنظامهالغذائي والرياضي ، ويحتوي على نظام لتكوين قروبات ومجموعاتتحفيزيةشخصية ( لا زال في مرحلته الأولى وتحت التطوير ) *هاشتاق#حملة_عرب_دايت و #عرب_دايت في تويتر ينثر فيهما يومياالمشتركينيومياتهم ويتبادلون النقاش والخبرات ، ويشارك فيهما أيضانخبة منالأطباء والمختصين والمهتمين بهذا المجال مساهمة منهم في نشرالوعيالغذائي ومساعدة المشتركين لإكمال مشوارهم - أرقام: * بدأتالحملة قبلعام ونصف بـ 189 مشترك لأول شهر ،بينما عدد المسجلين فينظام متابعةالوزن والمنتظمين الآن يتجاوز الـ 27 ألف مشترك ، يتابعونأوزانهمويحدثونها من فترة إلى أخرى . * يتابع حساب @arabdiet علىتويتر مايزيد عن 100 ألف متابع * هاشتاق #حملة_عرب_دايت و #عرب_دايتنشطة منذبدء المشروع وحوت آلاف التغريدات بمعدل يزيد عن 1300 تغريدةيوميا *يفخر عرب دايت بأنه ساهم بتخليص المجتمع من أكثر 30 ألف كيلوحتىإعداد هذا التقرير * يضم الموقع أكثر من 250 مقال متخصص فيمجالاتالتغذية والرياضة
30-Day Diet Makeover Challenge 1.0.3
This is the official SparkPeople 30-DayDietMakeover App! Get a full month of daily tips and challenges tohelpyou stick to a diet plan full of healthy food.If you want to lose weight without signing up forexpensivedieting programs or buying packaged “diet” foods to reachyourgoals, our 30-Day Diet Makeover app is perfect for you. This30-daychallenge features hand-picked diet advice from ournutritioniststo get you eating better in less than a month. Let ushelp you makesmall, impactful changes to your relationship withfood to help youlose weight without feeling deprived!Each daily diet challenge can be completed in less than5minutes. You can learn and improve at your own pace, when youhavethe time.Features Include:•A FREE healthy-eating plan, including 30 days’ worth ofrecipesfor breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even snacks•Tips for keeping your food fresher, longer•Kitchen organization advice for healthier cooking•Easy-to-read tables to help you better understandportioncontrol•Smart options for satisfying your sweet tooth without bustingyourdiet•Tips for what to eat after a workout (and what to avoid)•Guides to help you get more vegetables, fruits andantioxidantsinto your dietJust a few minutes each day can lead to wonderfulchanges.Download our app and start taking time for you.
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