1.0 / January 21, 2014
(4.3/5) (75)


101 Tips Diet

Adalah kumpulan tips diet ringan yang dapat anda baca kapanpundimanapun dengan gadget android anda untuk membantu anda yangsedang menjalani program diet. semoga dengan panduan tips ini dapatmemberikan informasi yang bermanfaat untuk anda maupun siapa sajayang membacanya.

Fitur :

1. Aplikasi ini dapat berjalan tanpa ada koneksi internet, cukupsekali unduh dan instal, isi buku ini sudah tersedia di gadgetandroid anda.

2. Ukuran aplikasi yang kecil sehingga tidak banyak memakanruang memory gadget anda.

3. Ukuran tulisan dapat di sesuaikan dengan gadget anda,sehingga mudah untuk di baca dan tidak membuat mata anda cepatlelah.

4. Latar belakang tulisan dapat di sesuaikan dengan kondisisiang atau malam.

5. Halaman dapat di bookmark sesuai keinginan anda.

6. List katalog untuk mempermudah anda untuk memilih halamanyang tersedia.

7. Cari kata yang anda inginkan "kata kunci" untuk mencari tipsyang anda inginkan.

101 Diet Tips

Is a collection of light diet tips that you can read anytimeanywhere with your android gadget to help you who are undergoing adiet program. hopefully with these tips guide can provide usefulinformation to you or anyone who read it.


1. This application can be run without an internet connection,just download and install once, the contents of this book areavailable on your android gadget.

2. Size small applications that do not consume a lot of memoryspace of your gadget.

3. Text size can be adjusted to your gadget, making it easy toread and does not make your eyes tired.

4. Background paper can be adjusted to the conditions of the dayor night.

5. Pages can be in your own bookmarks.

6. List your catalog to make it easier to select the pages thatare available.

7. Find the word you want "keyword" to find tips that youwant.

App Information 101 Tips Diet Untuk Kesehatan

  • App Name
    101 Tips Diet Untuk Kesehatan
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    January 21, 2014
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.1 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Rubys Mediatama
  • Installs
    5,000 - 10,000
  • Price
  • Category
    Health & Fitness
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

Rubys Mediatama Show More...

Disitu Kadang Saya MerasaSedih 1.0 APK
Mainkan jarimu mengikuti goyangan lagu dangdutiMeyMey - Disitu Kadang Saya Merasa Sedih, pilih tingakatankesulitan memainkannya, tersedia 3 tingkatan : mudah, sedang, &sulit.Play your fingers followthe wobble dangdut iMeyMey - There, Sometimes I Feel Sad, selecttingakatan difficulty playing, available in 3 levels: easy, medium,and hard.
101 Tips Diet Untuk Kesehatan 1.0 APK
101 Tips DietAdalah kumpulan tips diet ringan yang dapat anda baca kapanpundimanapun dengan gadget android anda untuk membantu anda yangsedang menjalani program diet. semoga dengan panduan tips ini dapatmemberikan informasi yang bermanfaat untuk anda maupun siapa sajayang membacanya.Fitur :1. Aplikasi ini dapat berjalan tanpa ada koneksi internet, cukupsekali unduh dan instal, isi buku ini sudah tersedia di gadgetandroid anda.2. Ukuran aplikasi yang kecil sehingga tidak banyak memakanruang memory gadget anda.3. Ukuran tulisan dapat di sesuaikan dengan gadget anda,sehingga mudah untuk di baca dan tidak membuat mata anda cepatlelah.4. Latar belakang tulisan dapat di sesuaikan dengan kondisisiang atau malam.5. Halaman dapat di bookmark sesuai keinginan anda.6. List katalog untuk mempermudah anda untuk memilih halamanyang tersedia.7. Cari kata yang anda inginkan "kata kunci" untuk mencari tipsyang anda inginkan.101 Diet TipsIs a collection of light diet tips that you can read anytimeanywhere with your android gadget to help you who are undergoing adiet program. hopefully with these tips guide can provide usefulinformation to you or anyone who read it.Features:1. This application can be run without an internet connection,just download and install once, the contents of this book areavailable on your android gadget.2. Size small applications that do not consume a lot of memoryspace of your gadget.3. Text size can be adjusted to your gadget, making it easy toread and does not make your eyes tired.4. Background paper can be adjusted to the conditions of the dayor night.5. Pages can be in your own bookmarks.6. List your catalog to make it easier to select the pages thatare available.7. Find the word you want "keyword" to find tips that youwant.
Cerita Kocak 1.0 APK
Tertawalah sebelum tertawa itu dilarang...!!!adalah kutipan yang layak untuk kita gunakan di jaman edan ini,apa-apa mahal, BBM naik-turun, macet ga habis-habis, sembako naikdll membuat kepala kita pusing 7 keliling..##@%&!!#Ya sudahlah dari pada loe manyun mending baca CECAK (CeritaKocak) dapat melonggarkan pikiran, nafas jadi panjang, otak biartidak strees & awet muda wkwkwk...Terdapat 50 cerita kocak yang siap mengocok perut anda di waktusenggang untuk anda baca, dimanapun, kapanpun, CECAk siap menemanianda di mana saja... ck..ck..ck...Semoga terhibur dengan Cecak & Selamat menikmati.Fitur :1. Aplikasi ini dapat berjalan tanpa ada koneksi internet, cukupsekali instal isi buku ini sudah tersedia di gadget androidanda.2. Ukuran aplikasi yang tidak besar sehingga tidak banyakmemakan ruang memory gadget anda.3. Ukuran tulisan dapat di sesuaikan dengan gadget anda,sehingga mudah untuk di baca dan tidak membuat mata anda cepatlelah.4. Latar belakang tulisan dapat di sesuaikan dengan kondisisiang atau malam.5. Halaman dapat di bookmark sesuai keinginan anda.6. List katalog untuk mempermudah anda untuk memilih halamanyang tersedia.7. Cari kata yang anda inginkan "kata kunci" untuk mencari tipsyang anda inginkan.Laugh before laughing itbanned ... !!!is a decent quote for our use in these crazy times, nothingexpensive, fuel up and down, jam ga endless, groceries rose etcmake your head dizzy 7 roving .. ## @% & !! #Oh well from the manyun mending loe read geckos (Stories Laugh)can loosen the mind, breath so long, do not let the brain of stressand youthful wkwkwk ...There are 50 hilarious story ready your stomach churning in yourspare time to read, anywhere, anytime, geckos ready to accompanyyou anywhere ... ck..ck..ck ...Hopefully entertained with geckos and Enjoy.Features:1. This application can be run without an internet connection,just once installed the contents of this book are available on yourandroid gadget.2. The size of the application which is not great so it does notconsume a lot of memory space of your gadget.3. The size of the writing can be adjusted to your gadget,making it easy to read and does not make your eyes tired.4. The background paper can be adjusted to the conditions of theday or night.5. The page can bookmark your liking.6. List the catalog to facilitate you to select the availablepages.7. Find the word that you want "keywords" to find the tips youwant.
The Dieting Mind Set Tips 2.0 APK
The Dieting Mind SetWhen it comes to dieting, far too many people set themselves upfor failure before they even begin the process. They literallydread going on their diets and before they start the process areplanning their mishaps along the way. Sad to say but true, far toomany would be dieters are planning their first Rocky Road mishapwhile eating their last bowl of Rocky Road before the bigevent.I have no idea why we tend to do this to ourselves but it issomething I see in dieters everywhere. The far too popular notionis that one must binge on the foods most loved and enjoyed beforebeginning the dieting process because these things must becompletely eliminated in order to shed those unwanted pounds. Ifyou are honest with yourself, nothing could be further from thetruth. Moderation is simply a concept that many of us are loathe toembrace.You must change your way of thinking about food and yourpersonal enjoyment of food in order for any diet you embrace to besuccessful. Food isn't the enemy. And that is something that notenough people really understand. Even the 'tasty' foods aren't theenemy. The enemy is your personal inability to properly portion thefoods you eat. The problem is that the vast majority of us eat thewrong foods far more often than we eat the right foods. This iswhere the problems lie.Our bodies need the nutrients we are lacking by not eating thefive servings of vegetables and three servings of fruit each daythat we should consume. Our bodies know that something is missingand we feel hungry or deprived. If we were actually consuming theproper balance of fruits and veggies each day we would find that wewere far less likely to feel hungry and desire those foods thataren't as healthy. This means we would be much more likely to enjoythem in moderation as they should be enjoyed.Portion control is another problem that we have. We live in asociety of "up selling". Super sized fries and empty calories bythe gallon of your favorite cola are offered with almost every fastfood meal that can be bought. You must learn to say no to thesethings and avoid situations in which you may feel tempted topartake in these up sized orders.To be truly successful when dieting you need to embrace theprocess as building a healthier you rather than depriving yourselfof something. Do not think of your weigh loss plan as somethingnegative but rather a positive force in your life to make changesfor the better. When you have negative thoughts do not direct themat your diet. When you feel deprived remind yourself that you aredepriving your bones of carrying around that excess weight. Remindyourself that you are depriving your wardrobe of those bulkyclothes that are designed to hide the bulges. Remind yourself thatyou are depriving your body of years of bulges and bringing backthe body of your youth.Do not get so caught up in the dieting process that you forgetto enjoy some of the goodies that life has to offer. Watching yourweight and counting your calories does not mean that you can nevergo over your allotment. The goal however is to find balance. If youlearn to portion your food correctly, indulge in moderation, andincorporate enjoyable calorie burning activities into your dailyroutine you may be amazed at the results.Dieting for weight loss and health is only depriving if youallow it to be. If you cannot control yourself when it comes toindulging then by all means avoid indulging. However, if you canlearn to incorporate those small treats into your routine inmoderation and burn those extra calories as well, then you shouldfind yourself a much happier and more successful 'dieter' than youhave ever managed to be in the past.
Your Simple Guide To Gardening 1.0 APK
Do you enjoy gardening ..?Enjoy your garden with a variety of tips that you can read everyday, there are a hundred tips that you can have for free now. makeyour garden a perfect and beautiful view.Feature :1.More small size application2.Page and Menu3.Bookmark Page4.Bookmark List5.List of Content6.Search words7.Night vision reading8.Config for reading
Bisnis Online Via HP 6.0 APK
APA ITU BISNIS PIN KONVEKSI ? Database Pin konveksi adalahsekumpulan pin bbm pabrik konveksi yg dikumpulkan jadi satu.Diantaranya ada pabrik baju, tas, sepatu, boneka, matras, gamis,jilbab, celana, wedges, jeans & masih byk yg lainnya. DatabasePin konveksi ini banyak yg nyari loh.. Terutama buat para onlineshop dan yg suka belanja yg pengen dapet tangan pertama. Aku yakin,kamu para Online Shop dan yg suka belanja pengennya dapat tanganpertama kan karna lebih murah ;) Ada banyak keuntungan jika kamupunya Database pin bbm konveksi : 1. Kumpulan Database pin-pin bbmkonveksi ini bisa dijadikan bisnis. Dalam arti bisa kamu jual lgberulang2 tanpa batas. 2. Utk yg punya olshop ataupun yg maumemulai bisnis olshop, kamu bisa langsung jadi supplier. Karnabarang langsung ambil dari pabrik / 1st hand dengan menghubungikontak pin yg tersedia. 3. Buat yg suka belanja, kamu bisa belibarang langsung dari pabriknya dgn harga eceran dan jauh lebihmurah ketimbang olshop. Misal olshop jual 150rb, di pabrik nyahanya 50rb. Kenapa? Karna olshop ngambil brg dari pabrik konveksi.Oke itulah sekilas tentang Pin Konveksi silahkan anda memulaiinvite para konveksi dengan meng-klick link di setiap pin konveksiyang ingin anda invite. ============================> File yangdapat anda pergunakan dari aplikaai ini : List 196 Pin KonveksiList 198 Pin Suplier & Agen Extra 117 Pin Konveksi Extra 230Pin Premium Extra 480 Pin Konveksi & Suplier 100+ Pin BBM JasaPromosi Extra 2400 Pin Customer 5000+ Pin OL Shop Bonus 1000 Pin OLShop Data Profile 20 LINE@ PAID PROMOT MANJUR 32 LINE@ PAID PROMOT42 PP , FASHION , CASING , KECANTIKAN 300+ LINE@ PRODUSEN DANKONVEKSI 1ST SUPPLIER 600 ID Line Customer Apa Itu Mobile ProfileApa itu Bisnis Pin Konveksi Apa itu Bisnis Line Proyeksi Apa ituLogo OL Shop Apa Itu Tema Line Apa Itu Sticker Line Apasih Jual AppAndroid IOS Jual Online (OLS=OnLine Shop) Jual Accessories HP OLS(OnLine Shop) Jual Pulsa Online ============================>Fitur : 1. Aplikasi ini dapat berjalan tanpa ada koneksi internet,cukup sekali instal isi buku ini sudah tersedia di gadget androidanda. 2. Ukuran aplikasi yang tidak besar sehingga tidak banyakmemakan ruang memory gadget anda. 3. Latar belakang tulisan dapatdi sesuaikan dengan kondisi siang atau malam. 4. Halaman dapat dibookmark sesuai keinginan anda. 5. List katalog untuk mempermudahanda untuk memilih halaman yang tersedia pada sisi kiri. Note :Silahkan memberikan kritik atau saran untuk kami, agar daparmemperbaiki apabila ada konten yang kurang berkenan, dan apabilaaplikasi ini bermanfaat untuk anda Jangan lupa Share aplikasi inikepada teman, saudara, kerabat, broadcast juga boleh & Ratingaplikasi kami. Terima Kasih
Tips Berkendara Aman 1.0 APK
" Tips Berkendara Aman "Hidup di kota-kota besar memang terkadang harus memaksa kitauntuk berpacu dalam waktu, kemacetan di mana-mana tidak bisa dihindari, terlebih lagi fenomena yang menjangkit masyarakat umumyaitu " Buta Warna" bukan dalam artian yang sesungguhnya, akantetapi kebiasaan orang yang menerobos lampu merah, mereka butawarna karena di kejar waktu dan tidak dapat membedakan warna lampulalu-lintas Merah-Kuning-Hijau. dampaknya pun sangant serius ,lebih dari 50% kecelakaan di jalan di sebabkan oleh Human Erroratau kesalahan pada manusia itu sendiri. Berapa banyak yangmeninggal sia-sia akibat kecelakaan di jalan.Kambali lagi kepada diri kita masing-masing , Ngebut = Benjut ,atau Berkendara Aman = Selamat di Jalan.Berikut ini beberapa tips untuk anda pengendara sepeda motoragar lebih berhati-hati saat berkendara,Semoga aplikasi ini dapat merubah pemikiran anda betapa pentingnyakeselamatan saat berkendara.INGAT..!!!! KELUARGA ANDA MENANTI DI RUMAH MENUNGGU ADA KEMBALIKE RUMAH."Safe Driving Tips"Living in big cities is sometimes have to force us to race intime, congestion everywhere can not be avoided, especially thegeneral public spread phenomenon of "color blindness" is not in avery real sense, but the habits of people who break through redlight, they are color blind because in the chase time and can notdistinguish the color of traffic lights Red-Yellow-Green. sangantimpact is serious, more than 50% of road accidents are caused byhuman error or an error in the man himself. How many died in vainas a result of road accidents.Kambali again to ourselves each, Speeding = livid, or DrivingSafe = Congratulations on the road.Here are some tips for motorcyclists to be more careful whendriving,Hopefully this application can change your thinking how importantsafety when driving.REMEMBER .. !!!! YOUR FAMILY AT HOME WAITING WAITING THERE BACKTO HOME.
Raw Foods 1.0 APK
Have you started hearing about the RawFoodDiet? It’s gaining popularity and buzz, not just as a diet toloseweight, but a diet for a long and healthy life. We eat so muchinthe way of processed food that we don’t even stop to thinkaboutwhat we’re putting into our bodies, and how far we’vecomenutritionally from our ancestral, agrarian roots.A raw food diet means consuming food in its natural,unprocessedform. There are several common-sense rationales for whythis is agood idea. Processing and cooking food can take so much ofthebasic nutritional value away. Think of some of theconventionalwisdom you’ve heard about for years, such as: If youcook pastajust to the al dente (or medium) stage, it will have morecalories,yes, but it will have more the nutritional value in itthan if youcooked it to a well-done stage. Or you probably rememberhearingnot to peel carrots or potatoes too deeply, because most ofthenutrients and values are just under the surface.Features:1. These applications can run without an internetconnection,Simply install the application once it is available inyour androidgadget.2. The size of application is not great so it does not consumealot of memory space of your gadget.3. The size of the writing can be customized with yourgadget,making it easy to read and does not make your eyestired.4. The background paper can be adjusted to the conditions oftheday or night.5. You can bookmark pages according to your wishes.6. There is a list of catalogs to facilitate you to selectpagesavailable.7. Find the words you want "Keywords" to find the articleyouwant.Note:Please give criticisms or suggestions for us, in order toimprovethe buffer if there is content less pleasing, and ifthisapplication is useful to you, Do not forget to Shareapplication tofriends, relatives, may also broadcast and rating ourapp.Thank you