Top 15 Games Similar to 소환전쟁EX

소환전쟁 1.3.2
★천상계,암흑계,인간계,자연계의 종족상성에 따른 전투!☆계열별 4명의 영웅! 12종의 유닛! 최고의 전략가는 누구?★총 50여종의 광역,치유,버프,발동,지속 스킬 사용!☆최강의 길드를 만들고 다양한 전쟁을 통해 최고의 대마법사가 되자!고대 마법의 대륙 테르.인간과 자연이 공존하는 그곳에서중간계를 차지하려는 악마와 이를 지키려는 천사와의 대전쟁이 시작된다!천상-암흑-인간-자연의 강력한 영웅과 다양한 몬스터 부대를 이끌고테르 대륙을 지배하는 대마법사가 되자.천상, 암흑, 인간, 자연계열 고유의 강력한 히어로들과 50여 종의 스킬, 그리고 48종의 유닛을전략적으로조합하여전투를 승리로 이끌자!당신은 최고의 마법사가 되기 위해서 최고의 전투조합과 전략에 대해 고민해야 할 것 입니다.반격, 보복, 도전의 다양한 전쟁방식과 1시간동안 펼쳐지는 길드 대 길드의 전쟁은 당신을 소환전쟁만의박진감넘치는전장으로 안내할 것입니다.화려한 전투 애니메이션과 리플레이 기능, 강력한 전설의 영웅들과 유닛들은 당신을 소환전쟁만의 매력에빠지게할것입니다.길드에 가입하여 동료에게 연금술 연구를 요청하고 소원을 빌어 주세요.동료들의 힘은 길드전의 승리와 개인의 성장에 큰 도움이 됩니다.+ 게임의 특징> 최고의 판타지 전략게임!영웅과 유닛 그리고 스킬을 조합하여 전쟁을 벌이는 최고의 전략 시뮬레이션 게임!- 계열 : 천상계, 암흑계, 인간계, 자연계 순서별로 각각의 상성이 존재!- 영웅 : 각 계열별로 4명의 히어로 고용가능!- 유닛 : 계열별 12종의 유닛, 총 48종의 유닛이 랭크별로 존재!(소환 마법연구만이 유닛을 업그레이드 시킬 수 있는 방법!)- 스킬 : 50여종의 광역, 치유, 버프, 발동, 지속 스킬!(영웅레벨별 사용스킬 수 제한!)> 다양한 전투방식 그리고 길드전공격, 반격, 보복, 도전 등 다양한 형태로 1 vs 1 전쟁을 할 수 있습니다.그리고 20 vs 20의 숨막히는 길드전!게임 초기 튜토리얼을 통해 당신은 최고의 마법사가 될 수 있는 방법을 익힐 수 있습니다.퀘스트 탭에 있는 ‘스킬북’과 ‘가이드’를 활용하시면 더욱더 강한 마법사가 될 수 있습니다.★몬스터워즈를 뛰어넘는 전략싸움과 박진감 그리고 긴장감!☆이제는 지겨운 카드 게임은 저리가라! 우리에겐 '소원'과 '고대소환마법'이 있다!★반지의 제왕을 떠올리게 하는 휴먼, 엘프, 언데드, 네이쳐 종족간의 대 혈투!☆삼국지게임에서 즐길 수 있는 지략들과 다양한 전술! 그것만이 소환전쟁의 세계에서 살아남을 수 있는 방법니다!+ 소환전쟁 공식카페 게임관련 문의게임에 대한 문의사항 혹은 건의사항은 소환전쟁 공식카페의 해당 게시판 혹은 [email protected]로문의해주시기바랍니다.----개발자 연락처 :서울특별시 종로구 청계천로 137 (장사동, 3층 7호)02-549-6800★heavenly,DarkRevelation, the human world, according to the natureof thespeciespolymorphism battle!☆ family of four heroes! The addition of 12 units! Thebeststrategyto go anyone?★ A total of 50 species of wide-area, healing,buff,proc,sustainable skills to use!☆ strongest guild and became Archmage best through a variety ofwar!Became heroes hired by Archmage, according to theDepartmentofsupraventricular <>The ancient magic of the continent Termini.Where humans and nature coexist in theThe Great War of angels and the devil, and you want tooccupyaMiddle-earth to defend it begins!Heavenly - dark - the human nature of a variety ofpowerfulheroesand monsters led troopsTermini to dominate the continent became Archmage.Ethereal, dark, and strategic combination ofhuman,nature'sunique family of powerful heroes and skill of 50species,and 48species of units to win the battle!You will have to worry about the best battlestrategiesandcombinations in order to be the best wizard.Counterattack Guild vs. Guild, retaliation, and avarietyofchallenging war and one hour unfolding of warsummonedthrillingwar battlefield will guide you.Colorful combat animations and replay feature, legendaryheroesandpowerful unit is only attractive to summon the waryouwillfall.To Alchemy Research colleagues to join the Guild Please,makeawish and request.Strength of victory before the guild and personalgrowthofcolleagues is a big help. + Game> Best fantasy strategy game!The best combination of heroes and units and skill fightingawarstrategy simulation game!Affiliations: heavenly, Dark Revelation, and the humanworld,thenatural order of each polymorphism exists!Heroes: for each series of four possible employment Hero!-Unit, unit, unit: family of 12 species of a total of48speciesranked by the presence!  (Summoning magic figuring out how you canupgradetheunit!)- Skill: 50 species of wide-area, healing, buff,proc,lastingskills!  (Hero level using the skill limit!)> A variety of combat methods and Guild1 vs 1 war in various forms, such asattack,counterattack,retaliation, and challenges canAnd a breathtaking 20 vs 20 Guild War!Game through the initial tutorial you can learn how to bethebestwizard.Skill Book 'and' Guide 'in the quest tab, if you canbecomeastronger wizard.★ Monster Wars strategy to fight beyond thethrillandsuspense!☆ tedious card game now go away! Is 'for us' wish'and'ancientsummoning magic!★ The Lord of the Rings reminds me of a race betweenHuman,Elf,Dwarf, Nature vs. Dire!Resourcefulness ☆ Romance of the Three Kingdoms in the gamethatcanbe enjoyed with a variety of tactics! Is it only a waytosurvive inthe world of war summoned!+ Summoning war official cafe Game-related inquiriesGame on this bulletin, or summon the war'[email protected] to any questions or suggestions,please feelfreeto contact us.
그림자전쟁 1.0
▶ 게임 소개 ◀기존의 디펜스 게임은 잊어라!전략의 향기를 느낄 수 있는 정통 디펜스 게임그림자 전쟁이 당신을 초대합니다.최고의 전략 디펜스 게임! 그림자전쟁!▷ 게임 특징 ◁1. 전략적 플레이- 유닛 별 상성으로 인해 물량공세 디펜스 게임은 이제 그만 !!- 치열한 두뇌 싸움이 필요한 전투를 경험하세요!!2. 스킬 사용- 적절한 스킬 사용으로 역전의 발판을 !!3. 더 높은 난이도- Easy / Normal / Hard 로 나누어지는 난이도 !!- 더 강한 적을 클리어했을 때의 쾌감 !!4. 자유로운 스킬 시스템- 스킬트리 형태로 인한 개성 넘치는 전략을 보여주마 !!----개발자 연락처 :[email protected]▶ Game Description ◀Forget traditional defense game!I can feel the smell of authentic strategy defense gameWe invite you to shadow war.The best strategy defense game! Shadow War!Game Features ▷ ◁One. Strategic Play- Resistance per unit volume due to the aggressivedefensegamestop now!- You need to fight a fierce battle for brains Experience!Two. Using the skills- Use of appropriate skills to scaffolding in frontofthestation!Three. A higher degree of difficulty- Easy / Normal / Hard difficulty divided by!- Less clear when the stronger pleasure!Four. Free Skill System- Due to the skill tree of strategies to show youfullofpersonality!
냥코 대전쟁 12.4.1
The Jingle Cute Nyanko Corps dreams of conquering the world!!!
LightSaber Battle 2.9
Stunning laser sword on your mobile with image editor!
Stickman Warriors 3.0
Stickman Warriors - fun and addictive beat'em'up gamewithrealisticphysics and hardcore gameplay. With simple controlsyoucan performamazing stunts and blows to defeat youropponents.Features: -amazing stuns - realistic ragdoll physics -severalcampaigns -exclusive soundtrack - hardcore gameplay formaturegamers Facebook:
Dino Robot Battle Field: War 4.3.6
It is an Action game in which various Dinosaurs Robots matchagainsteach other.
PC연동 - 삼국야망 3.0319
Daum Games
PC와 스마트폰에서 동시에 즐기는 전략 삼국지!삼국지의 명장들을 직접 조종한다!★ 34개의 병종, 9개의 진법을 활용한 다양한 전략! ★★ 간편한 위임전투, 정교한 수동 전투 모두 지원! ★- NPC와 대결하면서 장수를 성장시키고, 국가전, 군단전을 통해 다른 플레이어와 대결할 수 있습니다.협동 및 개인 던전에서 다양한 보상 획득!군단으로 뭉치면 자원을 획득하고, 강력한 아이템도 제작 가능!이제 당신의 야망으로 삼국의 패권을 거머쥐세요!※ 본 앱은 PC버전 서버와 연동됩니다. (지원 서버 : 일기당천, 적벽대전, 괄목상대, 초지일관)※ 삼국야망 홈페이지 :개발자 연락처 :Phone+82 2 15668834Address19, Pangyo-ro 256beon-gil, Bundang-gu,Seongnam-si,Gyeonggi-do,Korea
2Moons 1.0
Dmitriy K
Космическая стратегия в реальномвремени.Ищешь игру, где можешь завоевать вселенную? Ты по адресу-2Moons,лучший космический симулятор. Сражайся с тысячами игроковвовсёммире одновременно, завоевывай, нападай, строй, разрушай -всетебеподвластно!Создай экономическую и военную инфраструктуру.Исследуй новейшие технологии.Веди войны против других империй.Создавай альянс и веди переговоры с другими императорами.Построй непобедимый флот или планетарную оборону.Space strategyinrealtime.Looking for a game where you can conquer the universe? You areat-2Moons, the best space simulator. Fight againstthousandsofplayers around the world at the same time, win,thoseattackingsystem, destroy - all of you is subject!Create an economic and military infrastructure.Explore the latest technology.Lead war against other empires.Build alliances and lead negotiations with other emperors.Build invincible navy or planetary defense.
Paper Hero for Kakao 1.6.2
Paper Hero for Kakao“We can say that Paper Hero is the most perfect shoot &rungame.”Paper Hero for Kakao: The Birth of a HeroThe paper land in crisis is waiting for your salvation!Dark Dragon and Bloody Road suddenly appeared in the town,destroyedit, and kidnapped Peter's best friend, Rhea.After watching it, Peter is heading to the place where theruthlessvillain, Bloody Road lives to rescue Rhea.Cute Little Box Peter's Exciting & EndlessRunningGame!Game Features① The best shoot and run game with emotional sketches inthebackground among current mobile gamesYou can feel analog aesthetic from the sketch-likebackground.Now indulge in a fairy-tale sensibility from the background ofthegame.② Very attractive and distinctive cute paper box charactersthatstimulates your desire to collect themAre those paper dolls or characters in the game?Cute characters that you cannot help owning, once you see themarewaiting for you.Do you have all the characters!? Oh, you are greedy!③ The first step toward high scores. The unpredictablefeversystem!Did you get bored of repetitive Fever?Here are various fevers you can choose. When you acquirethreeconsecutive fever boxes with the same shape, the fever modeisactivated!!Now you can choose fever boxes that you want to have~④ Powerful weapon systemHave fun attacking traps and enemies with various weaponswithdifferent characteristics.You can enhance your weapons with enhancement stones thatyougathered after killing bosses, in order to significantlyadvancethe striking power.⑤ Emergence of a boss!! Stay alert, everybody!!Emergence of the Boss of Hell who you have to stay alertfor!!Concentrate on playing the game since bosses have tremendouspowerand stamina~⑥ Korean famous singer, 015B’s Emotional SoundJang Ho Il of 015B, participating in the amazing OST of ‘PaperHerofor Kakao’!!Game sound boasts a fantastic harmony, meeting analogsketch-likegraphics.
Peju 2
"O" Game
Bumi itu datar atau bulat?""menurut ane yang bulat itu lebih enak dari pada yang datarhehehe"Game keren yang asik dan terbaru 2016.Yuk juragan, kita bantu PEJU-nya melewati rintangan hidupsusahkayak di jakarta.Ayo para PEJU-Wang kita sudah merdeka 71 tahun pada 17agustuskemarin, mainkanlah game gratis peju 2 Terserah dimana punandaberada.FITUR GAME:+ Main Peju 2 selalu bikin ketagihan+ Menghilangkan risau galau yang ada+ Ketangkasan simple sederhana dalam gawai+ Mematikan rasa bosan campur jemu dan kesepian jomblo+ Mainkan Bermacam macam Peju Peju yang imut kayak JKT 48+ Sambung ke Facebook dan tantang teman ataupun family+ Pakai variasi Peju Lainnya yak.+ Kepuasan hati berhasil melewati rintangan susahSuka main game endless kaya flappy bird, atau game-gamenyaKETCHAPP,BOOMBIT?Lagi bosen dengan pacar atau belum move on dari mantan?Daripada bengong, cengo, melamun, melongo, galau, resah,menyesalinasib sambil denger lagu Raisa, Afgan, Kahitna, Marcell,Dewa atauSyahriniMainkan saja PEJU 2 sekarang juga! bebas tinggal angkat henponatautablet sambil nongkrong di halte, bus, angkot, juraganterminal,warteg, warung kopi, cuma chain, Ceban.Terserah anda. TERSERAH.Testimonial / Kesan Pesan / Kata mutiara:+ Dear Kawan aku sudah move on dari jomblo karna bermain peju 2-Rizky fans BigoLive Indonesia+ “Tertawalah sebelum tertawa itu dilarang, jangkrik boss” -WarkopDKI.+ “Game favorit Mukidi 2016! Mukidi jago ngeles dance karenamaengim ini,lho” - Mukidi, 42thn.+ "Jenuh susun kartu capsah, bisa goyang-goyang peju di HP"Budipenggemar bola+ "males nonton TV, isinya sianida Jessica lawan Mirna melulu"Citrapendukung Ahok+ Bermain game ini di tempat umum karena dapat membuat kamusepertiorang gila+ Jangan coba bertanya Bumi itu datar atau bulat karnajawabannyahanya ada di ujung langit kita kesana dengan seoranganak, anakyang pandai dan juga pemberani ini Lagu Dragon Ball bukanUPIN IPINatau BOBOIBOY apalagi JKT 48.+ Jangan pernah minum kopi sianida karna tidakmengandungpeju.+ Kira kira kiswinar ario teguh anaknya mario teguh bukan ya?entetau nggak coeg ? yang pasti semua manusia berasal daripeju.+ mau nonton train to busan ? beli tiketnya bukan mainpejucoeg.+ hihiii AFAID sudah mulai pada ngeliat Ying Tze gak?+ Asik Peju 2 menang di chalenge IWIC 10 dari DICODING lhohehehe,kira kira chalenge TIZEN masuk game keren ini masuk nggakya?.terima kasih mas narenda wicaksono, kevin kurniawan dkk.+ Mau main game dapat uang mainkan game CUMACEBAN, gameseru2016.The earth is flatorround? ""According to the unanimous ane is more comfortable than on aflathehehe"Cool cool games and the latest in 2016.Yuk skipper, we help her get through the obstacles cum-kayakhardlife in Jakarta.Let the cum-Wang we have been independent for 71 years on August17yesterday, play games free cum 2 is up wherever you are.GAME FEATURES:+ Main Peju 2 always addictive+ Eliminate worry upset the existing+ Dexterity simple simple device+ Turn off boredom mixed bored and lonely singles+ Play Various kinds of cute Peju Peju kayak JKT 48+ Connect to Facebook and challenge your friends or family+ Wear Other Peju variation yak.+ Satisfaction hearts successfully passed the difficulthurdleLike endless game play rich flappy bird, or game-gameKETCHAPP,BOOMBIT?Again I'm bored with a girlfriend or not to move on fromtheformer?Instead of staring, cengo, dreamy, open-mouthed, confusion,worry,regret the fate he heard songs Raisa, Afgan, Kahitna,Marcell, godsor SyahriniPlay alone Peju 2 now! henpon stay free lift or tablet whilehangingout at the bus stop, bus, public transportation, skipperterminal,warteg, coffee shop, just a chain, Ceban.Up to you. UP.Testimonials / impression PM / Kata pearls:+ Dear Comrade I move on from singles because playing cum 2 -Rizkyfans BigoLive Indonesia+ "Laugh before laughing it banned, cricket boss" -WarkopDKI.+ "Mukidi Favorite Games 2016! Mukidi ngeles dance champion formaenthese games, you know "- Mukidi, 42thn.+ "Card stacking Saturated capsah, could shake cum in HP"Budifootball fans+ "Lazy watching TV, cyanide contents Jessica opponent miRNAmerely"supporting Citra Ahok+ Play this game in public places because it can make youlikecrazy+ Do not try to ask the Earth is flat or round because the answerisjust on the tip of our sky there with a child, the child iscleverand brave Songs Dragon Ball not Upin ipin or BoBoiBoyespecially JKT48.+ Never drink coffee cyanide because it does notcontainsperm.+ Approximately kiswinar ario his steadfast steadfast Mario isnotya? ente kicker coeg? certainly all humans comes fromthesperm.+ Want to watch the train to busan? buy tickets not playingcumcoeg.+ Hihiii afaid already started on ngeliat Tze Ying gak?+ Asik Peju 2 wins in chalenge IWIC 10 of DICODING knowhehehe,approximately chalenge Tizen enter this cool game enterednot ya ?.Narenda mas wicaksono thanks, kevin Kurniawan et al.+ Want to play games can play games CUMACEBAN money, excitinggamein 2016.
명장전기 1.12.1
RenRen Games
◆천성파•각성◆ 버전 업데이트!!!게임을 하시는데 있어 콘텐츠가 너무 적어 게임진행과 재미에 영향을 끼쳤나요?《천성파•각성》최강업데이트버전이오늘번쩍번쩍 올라간답니다, 6대 시스템뿐만 아니라, 먼저 다운로드받아체험하시면,엄청나게많은 보상들을 획득할수있으니,절대놓지지마세요! 어서 빨리 유저분의 예전 버전을 새로운 버전으로업데이트하시기 바랄게요!《천성파•각성》6대시스템1、새롭게 추가된 왕게임 기능;2、새롭게 추가된 마법방 기능;3、새롭게 추가된 신불보우 시스템;4、새롭게 추가된 12영령 기능;5、새롭게 추가된 천명신속탐색기능;6、새롭게 추가된 무술 시스템;=====================================================================◆게임 소개◆생생한 삼국시대의 현장 속으로!더욱더 풍부해진 여러 시스템들과 인터페이스을 겸비한 명장전기와 함께 패권을 장악하여천하의주인이되어보세요!기나긴 역사속의 유명한 무장들과 한시대를 풍미하던 절세미녀들과 같이 천하제패의 꿈을 ‘명장전기’에서 이뤄보세요 !★기존 시스템과 신규 콘텐츠의 조화!★천명 시스템, 진법 시스템, 강화 시스템, 열전 그리고 던전등등 여러 방면의 참신함을 느끼실 수 있으며새로추가된시스템들을 친구들과 문파원들과 함께 즐겨보세요.★초보자도 쉽게 즐겨요!★이제 새로 게임을 접하시는 모든 분들도 어렵지 않게 게임에 적응하실 수 있게 가이드 시스템을 도입했습니다.최적화된초보자가이드 시스템으로 초보자들도 어려움 없이 게임을 즐기고 빠져보세요!★방대한 규모의 신규 콘텐츠 추가★1. 입마자에게 도전 “입마자” 대리인형2. 편리한 조작을 위한 로그인,가입,홈 인터페이스 화면의 최적화!!3. 게임 내 캐릭터 이미지 최적화!!4. 초보자 가이드 최적화!!5. 미인 스킬 시스템 도입!!6. 상점 시스템 도입!!7. 보석 시스템 신설 !!8. 신병 시스템 신설 !!9. 의상 시스템 추가, 상점에서 구매할수 있습니다.!!10. 누적 충전 보상 시스템 신설!!이렇게 멋진 명장전기를 주변 친구들이랑 빨리 즐기러 오세요~!◆명장전기 공식 사이트◆더 많은 게임 정보와 이벤트 내용은 명장전기 공식 사이트를 통해 확인해 주시기 바랍니다.◆명장전기 공식 카페◆◆명장전기 고객센터 메일◆[email protected] Update ◆◆naturewave • awakening!      Does he playitinterestingcontent is too low to affect game play and do"Naturewave •awakening" an updated version of the ultimate climbtodaylaid downglare, six systems, as well as download andexperiencebefore you,so you can acquire them enormous rewards, Donot everlet go! Comeearly users of the old version to the newversion ofone of yourhope I'll update!"Nature wave • Awakening" 6 system1, the newly added game features a king;2, the newly added features magic room;3, the newly added system gods bow;4, the newly added features 12 Remembrance;Five, one thousand people quickly browse thenewlyaddedfeatures;6, the newly added martial arts system;=====================================================================Game Introduction ◆ ◆Three Kingdoms era in the field of live!Richer and more multiple systems with electricalinterface:Scenesthat had secured the supremacy of the master ofthe earthnow!Armed with a long hansidae famous in history for the earth,astheflavor was matchless beauty and dreams ofconquest'Sceneselectricity' to come true now!★ harmony with existing systems and new content! ★One thousand people systems, binary systems, andstrengthenthesystem, thermal and dungeons make you feel so manyways, andthenovelty of the system to new friends and enjoywithmunpawon.★ Enjoy easy for beginners! ★Now, all those who touch the new game is not difficult toadaptthegame to be able to guide the system was introduced.Optimizedforbeginners beginners guide system is out to enjoy thegamewithoutany difficulty now!Add new content ★ ★ large scale1 As soon as I challenged "as soon as I" fill-doll2 Login for convenient operation, join, home interface,optimizedforthe screen!3 in-game character image optimization!4 Optimization Beginners Guide!May Belle skill system introduced!6 STORE system introduced!7 new gem system!8 new boot system!9 more clothes system, you can buy in stores.!!10 cumulative charge compensation system established!This great masters jeulgireo electricity come aroundwithmyfriends soon!◆ ◆ Scenes electrical Official Site information and event information, game masters,pleasecheckthe official site of electricity.Electricity official cafe ◆ ◆ Scenes electrical Customer Service Mail ◆ ◆[email protected]
Fashion Daily - Meet the Ex 1.2
Beauty Girls
Your ex-boyfriend broke your heart 3 monthsagoin a breakup stunner. You were devastated, but you knew thathewould be back. Now, he’s asking you to go out with him. Isitfriendship or romance?You feel like it’s past time to makeup, and know exactly whatyouneed to make you feel great before your first date afterthebreakup: a makeover. There’s nothing like feeling a brand newyouto knock his socks off. He’s not going to know what hit him.You’regoing to look gorgeous and let him that that you’ve beendoinggreat without him. He’s going to have to be completelywonderful towin you back.How to Play:• You were devastated after the breakup with yourex-boyfriend• It was rough, but you’re making it through• He calls you up out of the blue to ask you out• You agree and know that it’s time to look your best• Start with a relaxing spa to help with the nerves of yourupcomingdate• Put on a trendy makeup to help accent your features• Dress up in an amazing outfit• You’re going to make him wish he never broke your heartDate night with your ex-boyfriend is coming up fast. Does he wanttobe your boyfriend again or does he just want to be friends?Eitherway, make sure that you make him do a double take with yournewlook. Start playing today!Come visit our:Website:
우파루마운틴 조합법 15.4
Ufa and Ufa Lu Lu Mountain Information Act
Magic Crystal Legend 1.3
1WHZ Studio
Chaos era, many unknown forcesdominatethehuman world, these mysterious forces have been dormantformanyyears,was sealed in a magic crystal ball. fire magiccrystalball,lightning magic crystal ball, soil magic crystal ball,stormmagiccrystal ball, stardust magic crystal ball, chaos magiccrystalballand unknown power Magic 8 crystal ball. Thesemysteriouscrystalball is hidden in the magic matrix, in order toget theirownpower, must break these magical crystal ball You needtobreakthrough the difficulties and unlock every levelofchallenge.Release your power and courage to breakthem,crushthem,blast them.To get the supreme power.Game features1.exciting magic crystal crush game,release theirmagic,becomealegend.2.the mysterious challenge more than 120 levels, eachlevelrequiresfast.3.a variety of magical crystal ball, gorgeousblastingeffect,crushthem, get high scores.4.Full of magic sound effects, such as immersive.5.the different crush game, you will love this game.
Minions Paradise™ 11.0.3403
Create the vacation of a lifetime for youandthe Minions!When a lovable yet bumbling Minion named Phil sinks the cruiseshipcarrying his Minion buddies, he must turn a desertedtropicalisland into the perfect paradise! Join IlluminationEntertainment –the creators of the MINIONS movie – and EA as youtake yourfavorite Minions on an incredible journey.GET TROPICALLY CREATIVEBuild the perfect Minions Paradise! Customize your island withhottubs, hammocks, and beach volleyball courts. Decorate withfireflytrees and flower beds, harness power from electric eels, andgrowbushels of bananas to create an island paradise for yourMinionbuddies.EXPLORE PARADISEThe more land you uncover, the more fun your Minions willhave!Become an expert at alligator waterskiing, throw mangoes fromhotair balloons, and dive off waterslides as you travel overyourgiant island packed with foliage, fun, and an ocean fullofwaves.PARTY WITH YOUR FAVORITE MINIONSShare your paradise with Kevin, Stuart, and Bob from theMINIONSmovie! Make your—and their—vacation dreams come true and bejoinedby all your favorite Minion buddies.COMPLETE VILLAINOUS MASTER PLANSWhere there are Minions, there must be a villain to serve! AidtheMinions as they work to finish Professor Flux’s master plans.HelpFlux put his dastardly schemes into motion and earn specialMinionLevel-Up Tokens to upgrade the abilities of yourfavoriteMinions!User Agreement: terms.ea.comVisit for assistance or inquiries.EA may retire online features and services after 30 days’noticeposted on Consumer Information: requires a persistentInternetconnection (network fees may apply);Requires acceptance ofEA’sPrivacy & Cookie Policy and User Agreement.includes in-game advertising; collects data through thirdpartyanalytics technology (see Privacy & Cookie Policy fordetails);contains direct links to the Internet and socialnetworking sitesintended for an audience over 13.