1.0 / December 29, 2015
(4.7/5) (13)


recorder telephone conversation is a wonderfulprogram with which you can record incoming and outgoing phone callsvia a telephone line that you plug
To your phone without the caller know that the audio recording wasmade, and on top of that you can record the call on your deviceautomatically.


the recorder program is to arabic release.
You can read the conversation through the music player in time youwant.
the application excuste automatically in the background.
keep all conversations automatically in your files.
The program works without internet, do not hesitate to download it.it's very cool.

App Information PRO تسجيل المكالمات الهاتفية

  • App Name
    PRO تسجيل المكالمات الهاتفية
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    December 29, 2015
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 4.0 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Developer apps
  • Installs
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Amtal cha3biya maghribiya 1.0 APK
application vous offre toute une collectiondes proverbes marocains darija sur :Voisin, Hommes, Femmes, Beauté,savoir-faire...apprenez un proverbe chaque jour... il y en a des proverbe quevous voulez ! l'application fonctionne de façonautomatique pendant la navigation téléphone.Que ce soit un proverbe sur l'amour, un proverbe sur la vie , lesproverbes sont trop estimés. dont lesqules vous retrouvez laculture populaire marocaine.Ce sont des proverbe contient une morale ou un conseil, fruitd'une sagesse ou d'une expérience. Les proverbes sont anciens, etleur popularité font qu'on les écoute.vous auriez chaque mise à jours des nouveau proverbes si vousappreciez l'application.Application offers anentire collection of Moroccan proverbs Darija on:Neighbor, Women, Beauty, know-how ...learn a proverb each day ... there's the proverb you want! theapplication works so Automatic phone during navigation. Whether it is a proverb about love, a proverb about life,proverbs are too understated. lesqules which you find Moroccanpopular culture.These are proverb contains a moral or advice, fruit of wisdom orexperience. Proverbs are old, and their popularity are to beheard.you would have to put each new day proverbs if you valueapplication.
حكم ثمينة ستغير حياتك 1.0 APK
غيّر نظرتك للحياة واستمتع بالسعادة بكلمات عنالثقة .. والرقة .. والمثابرة ..والنجاح..تطبيق يحتوي على حكم من عظماء التاريخ وعبر الفلاسفة.و أقوال المشاهيروالرواد والشعراء.Is your outlook on lifeand enjoy happy words for confidence and tenderness .. .. .. andperseverance ..onagahApplication that contains a history of the great judgment andacross Filasefh.o sayings of celebrities and pioneers andpoets.
ثقف نفسك كل يوم 1.0 APK
تطبيق ثقف نفسك كل يوم يحتوي على مجموعة منالمعارف حول العلوم والسياسة والدين والطب والأدب، والتاريخ،والمجالات الفكرية المختلفة.ثقف نفسك دينيا وطبيا...أهم المعلومات التمتع والاستمتاع في أي وقت تريد.معلومات مفيدة تجعلك تشعر بالحاجة إلى زراعة، واكتشاف العالم وتوسيعالثقافة الشخصية.Application Educateyourself every day has a set of knowledge about science, politics,religion, medicine, literature, history, and intellectual fieldsAlmokhtlvh.thagaf yourself religiously and medically ...The most important information to enjoy and enjoy anytime youwant.Useful information make you feel the need to cultivate, anddiscover the world and expand the personal culture.
أدعية - يعمل تلقائيا 1.0 APK
لقد ورد في فصل الدعاء وأهميته آيات كريمةوأحاديث نبوية كثيرة، با فيها من فضائل عظيمة التي دلَّ عليها الكتابوالسنة:شأنه عظيم، ونفْعَهُ عميم، ومكانتَه عاليةٌ في الدين .وإن شهرَ رمضانَلفرصةٌ سانحة، ومناسبة كريمة مباركة يتقرب فيها العبد إلى ربه بسائرالقربات، وعلى رأسها الدعاء.ولعل هذا هو السر في ختم آيات الصيام بالحثّ عليه، حيث يقول ربنا ـعزوجلـ: (وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ أُجِيبُدَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ فَلْيَسْتَجِيبُواْ لِيوَلْيُؤْمِنُواْ بِي لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْشُدُونَ ).فالدعاءُ طاعةٌ لله، وامتثال لأمره، قال الله ـعز وجلـ: (وقال ربكمادعوني أستجب لكم).وهو دليلٌ على الإيمان بالله، والإقرار له بالربوبية، والألوهية،والأسماء والصفات؛ فدعاءُ الإنسان لربه متضمنٌ إيمانهَ بوجوده، وأنهغنيٌّ، سميعٌ بصيرٌ، رحيمٌ، قادرٌ، جوادٌ، مستحقٌ للعبادة دون منسواهIt is mentioned inseparate prayer and its importance dignified many verses andprophetic sayings, Ba of the great virtues of that indicated by theQuran and Sunnah:Great would, and utility Amim, a high position in the religion .oanmonth of Ramadan as an opportunity, dignified and blessed occasionto draw near where the slave to his Lord all other acts of worship,and on her head to pray. Perhaps this is the secret in the verses of fasting inductivelyseal it, where our Lord Almighty says: (And if slaves asked me, Ianswer to the supplicant When my Felictjibwa me and believe in methat they may tutor).Du'aa obedience to God, and to comply with his order, God Almightysaid: (The Lord call me Respond to you).It is evidence of faith in God, and acknowledge him Balraboubih,and divinity, and the names and attributes; Vdaa rights to his Lordincluded his belief in his presence, and he goes, Hearing, Seeing,compassionate, capable, Jawad, worthy of worship without thanothers
phrase philosophique 1.0 APK
Application contient une sélection des plusbelles phrases philosophiques et citation philosophique sur lebonheur, amour, Introspection, Méditation …La sagesse est relative à l’intelligence, au jugement, au bonsens,et meme la prudence. elle peut etre considéré comme une sourcevivante de calme et de discernement et d'ouverture d’esprit.Cette sagesse populaire peut etre appelée bon sens ou toutsimplement expérience. elle demande de mettre des préjugés de côtépour considérer les choses pour ce qu’elles sont vraiment.Elle est utilisée pour résoudre les problèmes où l'intelligencene suffit pas et désigner les caractères de ceux qui sontraisonnable. elle est attribuée à celui ou celle qui prend desdécisions raisonnables, au prix de ses propres intérêtsparfois.Application contains aselection of the finest philosophical phrases and philosophicalquote about happiness, love, Introspection, Meditation ...Wisdom is related to intelligence, judgment, common sense, and evencaution. it can be seen as a living source of calm and discernmentand openness.This wisdom can be called common sense or just experience. sheasks to put prejudices aside to look at things for what they reallyare.It is used to solve problems where intelligence is not enoughand describe the characters of those who are reasonable. it isattributed to the person who takes reasonable decisions at the costof its own interests sometimes.
Islamic religious questions 2.3 APK
Test your intelligence and Quranic culturethrough a series of questions Islamist choices.Renewed faith and gained new information about your religion andthe book of God Almighty.Very useful application contains hundreds of questions on a varietyof companions, Koranic verses, the Prophet's biography ...
call blacklist free 1.0 APK
App call blacklist free blocks unwanted calls,and helps to make a blacklist to add the numbers phone on.you can make blocking of any private number.app contains :- Blocking incoming calls.- Block outgoing international calls.- blacklist number.depending on your choice. no one will to bother you with too manycalls.
كل يوم حديث نبوي 1.0 APK
الحمد لله تم انشاء تطبيق يقوم بإظهار حديث شريفقصير كل يوم بطريقة اتوماتيكية. التطبيق يحتوي على احاديث الرسول التيتتحدث عن حياة الرسول وكل ما ورد عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في بعضأبواب مثل الصبر، الصدقة ، احاديث عن الزواج ، و اتقان العمل يقول صلىالله عليه وسلم " إن الله يحب إذا عمل أحد كم عملاً أن يتقنه " .احاديث نبوية تشمل أحاديث الرسول عن آلأخلاق حيت قال صلى الله عليهوسلم: ((ما من شيء في الميزان أثقل من حسن الخلق)) رواه الترمذي).سيرة الرسول محمد تشمل أحاديث نبوية عن الرزق قال رسول الله : ((منأحب أن يبسط له في رزقه ويُنْسَأ له في أثره ، فليصل رحمه)).Thankfully it has beenset up to demonstrate the application of the modern short-Sharifevery day automatic manner. Application contains the sayings of theProphet, which talks about the life of the Prophet and all that wasnarrated from the Prophet, peace be upon him in some sections, suchas patience, charity, talk about marriage, and a good job sayspeace be upon him "that God loves If the work of a sleeve to do itwell ".Sayings of the Prophet include the sayings of the Prophet aboutethics saluting said peace be upon him: ((nothing heavier in thebalance of good manners)) Narrated by Tirmidhi).Biography of the Prophet Muhammad include sayings of the Prophetlivelihood for the Messenger of Allah said: ((I like thatsimplifies him in his living and his Anso in effect, kinship)).