1.0 / March 23, 2017
(4.1/5) ()


Pétanque (French pronunciation:;Occitan:petanca [peˈtaŋkɔ]) is a form of boules where the goal isto tossor roll hollow steel balls as close as possible to a smallwoodenball called a cochonnet (literally "piglet") or jack,whilestanding inside a circle with both feet on the ground.

The game is normally played on hard dirt or gravel. It can beplayedin public areas in parks, or in dedicated facilitiescalledboulodromes. Similar games are bocce, bowls and (adapted toice)curling.

The current form of the game originated in 1907 or 1910 inLaCiotat, in Provence, France. The French name pétanque(borrowedinto English, with or without the acute accent) comes frompetancain the Provençal dialect of the Occitan language, derivingfrom theexpression pès tancats, meaning 'feet fixed' or 'feetplanted' (onthe ground).

As early as the 6th century BC the ancient Greeks are recordedtohave played a game of tossing coins, then flat stones, andlaterstone balls, called spheristics, trying to have them go as faraspossible. The ancient Romans modified the game by adding atargetthat had to be approached as closely as possible. ThisRomanvariation was brought to Provence by Roman soldiers andsailors. ARoman sepulchre in Florence shows people playing thisgame,stooping down to measure the points.

Pétanque is played by two teams, where each team consists ofone,two, or three players.

In the singles and doubles games each player plays with threemetalboules. In triples each player uses only two.

The area where a pétanque game is played is called a terrain. Agamecan be played in an open area like a public park, wheretheboundaries of the terrain are not marked, or on a "markedterrain"where the terrain boundaries are marked (traditionally, bystringstightly strung between nails driven into the ground).
Pétanque player throwing from a prefabricated circle

In pétanque, players throw while standing in acircle.Traditionally, the circle was simply scratched in thedirt.Starting around 2005, red plastic "prefabricated" circleswereintroduced and are now widely used. A circle drawn on thegroundmust be 35–50 cm in diameter, while a plastic circle musthave aninside diameter of 50 cm.

A game begins with a coin toss to determine which teamplaysfirst.

The team that wins the toss begins the game by placing thecircleand throwing the jack. The jack must be thrown to a distanceof6-10m from the circle — a jack that is thrown too short or toolongmust be re-thrown.

A player from the team that threw the jack, throws the firstboule.Then a player from the opposing team throws a boule.

From that point on, the team with the boule that is closest tothejack is said to "have the point". The team that does not havethepoint, throws the next boule. That team continues to throwboulesuntil it either gains the point, or runs out of boules.

If at any point the closest boules from each team areequidistantfrom the jack, then the team that threw the last boulethrowsagain. If the boules are still equidistant then the teamsplayalternately until the tie is broken. If the boules arestillequidistant at the end of the mène then neither team scoresanypoints.

The team that won the end, starts the next end. A player fromthewinning team places (or draws) a circle around the jack.He/shethen picks up the jack, stands in the circle, and throws thejackto start the next end.

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App Information Petanque

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  • Updated
    March 23, 2017
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  • Requires Android
    Android 4.0.3 and up
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  • Installs
    100 - 500
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  • Google Play Link

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Birth 1.0 APK
Birth app is the your best choice if youwantto know everything about Birth!!Birth, also known as parturition, is the act or process ofbearingor bringing forth offspring. In mammals, the process isinitiatedby hormones which cause the muscular walls of the uterustocontract, expelling the fetus at a developmental stage when itisready to feed and breathe.In some species the offspring is precocial and can movearoundalmost immediately after birth but in others it is altricialandcompletely dependent on parenting. In marsupials, the fetus isbornat a very immature stage after a short gestational periodanddevelops further in its mother's pouch.It is not only mammals that give birth. Some reptiles,amphibians,fish and invertebrates carry their developing younginside them.Some of these are ovoviviparous, with the eggs beinghatched insidethe mother's body, and others are viviparous, withthe embryodeveloping inside her body, as in mammals.Humans usually produce a single offspring at a time. Themother'sbody is prepared for birth by hormones produced by thepituitarygland, the ovary and the placenta. The total gestationperiod fromfertilization to birth is normally about 38 weeks (birthusuallyoccurring 40 weeks after the last menstrual period). Thenormalprocess of childbirth takes several hours and hasthreestages.The first stage starts with a series of involuntary contractionsofthe muscular walls of the uterus and gradual dilation ofthecervix. The active phase of the first stage starts when thecervixis dilated more than about 4 cm in diameter and is whenthecontractions become stronger and regular.The head (or the buttocks in a breech birth) of the baby ispushedagainst the cervix, which gradually dilates until is fullydilatedat 10 cm diameter. At some time, the amniotic sac bursts andtheamniotic fluid escapes (also known as rupture of membranesorbreaking the water).In stage two, starting when the cervix is fully dilated,strongcontractions of the uterus and active pushing by the motherexpelsthe baby out through the vagina, which during this stage oflabouris called a birth canal as this passage contains a baby, andthebaby is born with umbilical cord attached.In stage three, which begins after the birth of the baby,furthercontractions expel the placenta, amniotic sac, and theremainingportion of the umbilical cord usually within a fewminutes.This app has following topics with page name as follows:• Effectiveness• Hormonal Methods of Birth Control• Birth Control Pill• Transdermal Patch• Contraceptive Ring• Injection Method• Intrauterine Device (IUD)z Emergency Contraceptive Pill (ECP)z Barrier Methods of Birth Control• Male Condom• Female Condom• Diaphragm• Sponge• SpermicidesIf you have any issue regarding the app, you can contact usviaemail.Download Birth app now for FREE !!
Literature 1.0 APK
Literature, in its broadest sense, isanysingle body of written works. More restrictively, it iswritingconsidered as an art form, or any single writing deemed tohaveartistic or intellectual value, often due to deploying languageinways that differ from ordinary usage.Its Latin root literatura/litteratura (derived itself fromlittera:letter or handwriting) was used to refer to all writtenaccounts,though contemporary definitions extend the term to includetextsthat are spoken or sung (oral literature).Literature can be classified according to whether it is fictionornon-fiction and whether it is poetry or prose; it can befurtherdistinguished according to major forms such as the novel,shortstory or drama; and works are often categorized accordingtohistorical periods or their adherence to certain aestheticfeaturesor expectations (genre).There have been various attempts to define "literature". SimonandDelyse Ryan begin their attempt to answer the question "WhatisLiterature?" with the observation:The quest to discover a definition for "literature" is a roadthatis much travelled, though the point of arrival, if everreached, isseldom satisfactory. Most attempted definitions arebroad andvague, and they inevitably change over time. In fact, theonlything that is certain about defining literature is thatthedefinition will change. Concepts of what is literature changeovertime as well.Definitions of literature have varied over time; it is a"culturallyrelative definition". In Western Europe prior to theeighteenthcentury, literature as a term indicated all books andwriting. Amore restricted sense of the term emerged during theRomanticperiod, in which it began to demarcate"imaginative"literature.Contemporary debates over what constitutes literature can be seenasreturning to the older, more inclusive notion of whatconstitutesliterature. Cultural studies, for instance, takes asits subject ofanalysis both popular and minority genres, inaddition to canonicalworks.Literary genre is a mode of categorising literature. Thetermoriginates from French, designating a proposed type orclass.However, such classes are subject to change, and have beenused indifferent ways in different periods and traditions.Download Literature app now for FREE!!
Potty Training 1.0 APK
Potty Training app is the best applicationifyou want to know all about Potty TrainingHow to approach the LEARNING of CLEANNESS with her baby? Whatarethe GOOD GESTES?This important period in the development of BABY can be a sourceofstress because it conditions the return to school inMATERNELLE.YOU MUST TRUST TO HIS CHILD and let him LEARN AT HISRHYTHM. In anutshell, the key is to CHOOSE THE RIGHT TIME to removethe LAYER(for example, the summer holidays) and to respect thebaby'srhythm!From hugs and high five years in stickers and Snickers, therearemany ways to encourage potty training. With the new PottyTrainingapp, you have eight new ways to celebrate your child'spottytraining success:Potty Training app features:- MAKES THE LINK BETWEEN DRINKING AND EATING AND MAKING PIPIANDCACA- TEACHS THE BASIC HYGIENE RULES (wash your hands after going tothetoilet)- SENSITIZED CHILDREN TO ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSES (do not wastepaperor water turn off the light)Cultural factors play a wide part in what age is deemedappropriate,with the expectation for being potty trained rangingfrom 12 monthsfor some tribes in Africa to 36 months in the modernUnited States.Most children can control their bowel before theirbladder, boystypically start and finish later than girls, and itusually takesboys to learn to stay dry throughout the night,however it dependson the maturity and consistency of theparticular child.Most people advise that the training is a mutual task,requiringcooperation, agreement and understanding between the childand thecaregiver, and the best potty training techniquesemphasizeconsistency and positive reinforcement over punishment -making itenjoyable for the child.The vast majority of studies concentrate on children 18 monthsoldand older. In this age range, research suggests that childrenover24 months train faster and girls train slightly fasterthanboys.We have done this kind of application to help people know abouthowto start pot boy training or a girl. Hopefully thisapplicationwill help you a lot. Give your valuable feedback toupdate ourapplication. Thank you.Download Potty Training now for FREE !!
Hcg Diet 1.0 APK
This app is about the HCG, directions,foodideas, tracking food progress, and support. It is ahealthcareapplication designed to help keep my clients ontrack.HCG Diet App strategy can help you learn about HCG (humanchorionicgonadotrophin) program and a diet guide related to thisweight lossprogramThe HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) diet is a fast weightlossprotocol that can burn up to 1 lbs a day.Human chorionic gonadotrophin is a hormone that is produced inlargeamounts in early pregnancy. It ensures that the developmentof thefetus receives the calories and nutrients it needs togrow.Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone produced bytheplacenta after implantation. The presence of hCG is detectedinsome pregnancy tests (HCG pregnancy strip tests). Somecanceroustumors produce this hormone; Therefore, high levels,paraneoplasticsyndromes.However, it is not known whether this production is acontributingcause or an effect of carcinogenesis. The pituitaryanalog of hCG,known as the luteinizing hormone (LH), is produced inthe pituitarygland of males and females of all ages.C-terminal total peptide hCG, intact hCG, free ك-subunit hCG,ك-corefragment hCG, hyperglycosylated hCG, nicked hCG, alpha hCG ,Andpituitary hCG.Pharmaceutical preparations of hCG from animal or syntheticsources,there are many gonadotropin preparations, some of whicharemedically justified and others of which are of a quack nature.As ofDecember 6, 2011, the United States Food and DrugAdministration hasprohibited the sale of "homeopathic" andover-the-counter hCG dietproducts and declared them fraudulent andillegal.Human chorionic gonadotropin interacts with the LHCG receptor oftheovary and promotes the maintenance of the corpus luteum duringthebeginning of pregnancy. This allows the corpus luteum tosecrete thehormone progesterone during the first trimester.Progesteroneenriched in the uterus with a thick lining of bloodvessels andcapillariesThis HCG plan is involved with remarkable body weight loss, nearlyapound a day. However, the problem, until now, finally, was thatnohealth professional could specify how he worked, and criticsunderthe caloric constraints are responsible for reducing excessweightand never losing it. HCG.Critics on the diet also argued that the fat just dropped can notbekept off. The HCG program has also experienced some oddprocedures.For example, a single vegetable is expected to beconsumed for eachfood, the use of oil, body lotions and allhygiene items isforbidden, and the use of Of the HCG hormone atodd cycles of 23 and46 days.The plan regime also did not allow the exercise. In addition,therehave been no known rules on how to dose the HCG hormone; Asaresult, most diet plan providers are usually usingrandomizedprescription hormone dosage. This is what is called theSimeonProtocol, and, for my part, it was inappropriate.Contents:Overview -Basic of HCG DietAdvantages -AllegedProof-Research and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin andWeightLoss-Dangers And Side Effects-How To Get Started With HCG-List of Food-Recipes linksDownload Hcg Diet App It's FREE!!if you like our app rate and share with your friends and take alookin our amazing others apps!
Wushu 1.0 APK
Wushu.in is a great martial artscommunityonline.Wushu provides detailed information on martial arts styles,martialarts competitions, styles and forms, Martial Arts Legendsandpractitioners around the world.At Wushu.in Martial Arts fans around the world communicatewithother martial artists and share photos, videos and othermartialarts related information.The word Wushu comes from a combination of two Chinese words:Wumeans "war" and Shu means "arts". Wushu is derived fromChinesemartial arts. It is played in many styles; With weapons orwithbare hands. The weapons used in the game are sword, broadsword,short sword, right sword, spear, and gadget. Wushu is playedby twoor more people.This game is present since the dawn of civilization. Ithasdeveloped gradually over the passage of time. From thebeginningitself, Wushu is practiced all over the world, not only asa meansof self-defense, but also to realize the inner world ofanindividual. It is played for viewers to admire the body languageofthe players. It is believed that the fighting techniques betweenaman and an animal in those days have created the basis ofthisgame.Wushu PopularitySoon, the popularity of this game has been extended to Japan,Korea,and other Far Eastern counties. The original goal of thegame was toteach the person the real human mind, then thetechniques. Otherclothing like belts, uniforms were later added togive it a form ofan official sport.Wushu is played for a particular length of time in the presence ofateam of judges and referees. The judges observe the performanceforthe duration. They assign scores for an individual or teambased ontime, mistakes, gentleness of movement, timing andcoordinationbetween participants in case of team, keeping a goodbalance, rulesfollowed or broken , And other important markingmeasures.It is realized either individually as a player or a team ofplayers.The player or team that scores the most is declared awinner.Download Wushu app now for FREE !!
Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight 1.0 APK
Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight LossThe App Cider Vinegar for Pea Loss help you in the achievementofyour objectives!The advantages of utilizing cider vinegar for weight loss wereatfirst saw by the antiquated Egyptians who used to weight lossandas unfriendly to pit.The Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar Weightloss wasinitiallydetailed by the old Egyptians who utilized it for weightloss andhostile to septic.Apple Cider Vinegar Weightloss, for example,- Natural Detoxifier- Assists in balancing out blood glucose levels- Reduce disease- Makes you feel more full- May help treat elevated cholesterol and hypertension- Helps in ceasing gorging- Indigestion HelpsThe most difficult wellbeing condition confronting the worldtodayis corpulence. Coronary Heart Disease, Type 2 Diabetes andmanyforms of Cancer. Corpulence lessens profitability anddrasticallybuilds social insurance costs.Apple Cider Vinegar Weightloss can help you on your weight lossday.It is an all-common weight loss drink that you can get readyathome. Apple Cider Vinegar Weightloss is loaded with potassiumandcalcium and it's a cancer prevention agent that can help yourbodyto battle poison harm.General utilization of Apple Cider Vinegar Weightloss candecreasethe torment of joint pain and furthermore help the liverindetoxifying the body. Candida by rebalancing the pH level ofthebody.With all the medical advantages that accompany the utiliazationofcider vinegar, the choice to consolidate it into youreatingroutine every day is a brilliant objective. Apple CiderVinegarWeightloss is a long way from being another blend available.It hasbeen around for a great many years and, truth be told, youcan haveyour very own container sitting on a rack in yourkitchen.Apple Cider Vinegar Weightloss can help you on your weightlosstravel. It is a characteristic weight loss decrease drink thatyoucan get ready at home. Apple cider vinegar is loaded withpotassiumand calcium and it is a cancer prevention agent thatimplies it canhelp your body battle poison harm.Download Apple Cider Vinegar Weightloss application and Remembertorate this application !!Download apple cider vinegar for weight loss App It's FREE!!if you like our app rate and share with your friends and take alookin our others amazing apps!
Alternator 1.0 APK
Alternator app is the best choice if youwantto know all about AlternatorAn alternator is an electrical generator that convertsmechanicalenergy to electrical energy in the form of alternatingcurrent. Forreasons of cost and simplicity, most alternators use arotatingmagnetic field with a stationary armature. Occasionally, alinearalternator or a rotating armature with a stationary magneticfieldis used.In principle, any AC electrical generator can be calledanalternator, but usually the term refers to small rotatingmachinesdriven by automotive and other internal combustion engines.Analternator that uses a permanent magnet for its magnetic fieldiscalled a magneto. Alternators in power stations driven bysteamturbines are called turbo-alternators. Large 50 or 60 Hzthreephase alternators in power plants generate most of theworld'selectric power, which is distributed by electric powergrids.A conductor moving relative to a magnetic field developsanelectromotive force (EMF) in it (Faraday's Law). This emfreversesits polarity when it moves under magnetic poles ofoppositepolarity. Typically, a rotating magnet, called the rotorturnswithin a stationary set of conductors wound in coils on anironcore, called the stator. The field cuts across theconductors,generating an induced EMF (electromotive force), as themechanicalinput causes the rotor to turn.The rotating magnetic field induces an AC voltage in thestatorwindings. Since the currents in the stator windings vary instepwith the position of the rotor, an alternator is asynchronousgenerator.One cycle of alternating current is produced each time a pairoffield poles passes over a point on the stationary winding.Therelation between speed and frequency is N = 120 f /P{\displaystyle N=120f/P} N=120f/P, where f {\displaystyle f} fisthe frequency in Hz (cycles per second).P {\displaystyle P} P is the number of poles (2,4,6...) andN{\displaystyle N} N is the rotational speed in revolutionsperminute (RPM). Very old descriptions of alternating currentsystemssometimes give the frequency in terms of alternations perminute,counting each half-cycle as one alternation; so 12,000alternationsper minute corresponds to 100 Hz.There are two main ways to produce the magnetic field used inthealternators, by using permanent magnets which create theirownpersistent magnetic field or by using field coils. Thealternatorsthat use permanent magnets are specifically calledmagnetos. Inother alternators, wound field coils form anelectromagnet toproduce the rotating magnetic field.All devices that use permanent magnets and producealternatingcurrent are called PMA or permanent magnet alternator. A"permanentmagnet generator" (PMG) may produce either alternatingcurrent, ordirect current if it has a commutator. If the permanentmagnetdevice makes only AC current, it is correctly called aPMA.Download Alternator app now fo FREE!!
Auto Repair 1.0 APK
Auto Repair is the best application if youwantto know everything about Auto Repair.Do you want to know how to carry out car repairs by yourself? Doyouwant to learn what maintenance tasks are needed on your car?Withthe application "Auto Repair" you will have all theinformation youneed to repair your car, change wheels, repairwindscreen, partsreplacement, know its engine and maintenance.Youcan also write Yourquestions with your doubts about mechanic. Andall this forfree!With Auto Repair, you can manage the maintenance and automotivelifecycle of your cars, search certified, reliable localgaragemechanics, diagnose wagon maintenance problems, estimaterepaircosts, track your service history and Search car serviceschedulesfor free!In the event of a breakdown, Auto Repair is just like yourautorepair assistant - to help you estimate costs, diagnosecarproblems and track your auto repair needs. Auto Repair is alsotheperfect solution for DIY (Do-it-yourself) car enthusiastswithupcoming parts of used cars and body parts parts!An automotive mechanic is an automotive technician in NorthAmerica,and is a mechanic with a variety of automotive vehicles.Inrepairing cars, their main role is to diagnose theproblemaccurately and quickly.They have to quote prices for their customers before startingworkor after partial disassembly for inspection. Their job mayinvolvethe repair of a particular part or the replacement of one ormoreparts assembled.Basic vehicle maintenance is a fundamental part of a mechanic'sworkin modern industrialized countries. Preventative maintenanceis alsoa fundamental part of a mechanic's job, but this isnotpossible.One misunderstood aspect of preventative maintenance isscheduledreplacement of various parts. Because this expenseisnecessary.Pit crews for motor racing are a specialized form of workundertakenby some mechanics. It is sometimes portrayed asglamorous in moviesand television and is considered prestigious insome parts of theautomotive industry. This article is based on thework of the authorand the author of this article. / Stresslevels.Download Auto Repair app now for FREE !!