4.2.36 / September 17, 2014
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Opportunités Digitales met le numérique auservice de la santé, de l'agroalimentaire et des industriesculturelles et créatives. Cette convention d'affaires s'adresse àtous les entrepreneurs de ces filières et à tous les acteurs del'économie numérique. Une occasion unique de faire des affaires etd'innover.
Pendant 2 jours, découvrez des solutions novatrices pour répondreaux problématiques que vous rencontres dans votre filière. Venezexprimer vos besoins et découvrir les solutions de demain.
Conférences, ateliers pratiques, show-room, espace dedémonstration, rendez-vous d'affaires... Des rencontres conçuespour vous permettre d'entrer en contact avec des offreurs desolutions et conforter le développement de vos activités... Grâceau numérique.
Pour cette première édition, 3 filières sont à l'honneur : lasanté, l'agroalimentaire et les industries culturelles etcréatives. L'enjeu ? Connaitre les besoins propres à chaque filièreet présenter des solutions innovantes adaptées.
Cet événement annuel est produit par Québec International et RennesMétropole, 2 territoires où la filière du numérique a unsavoir-faire reconnu à l'international. Il est le résultat d'unevolonté commune de favoriser les rencontres et les échangescommerciaux entre la France et le Québec et plus largement le mondefrancophone.

Vous pourrez aussi :
-Consulter le programme des ateliers et conférences en temps réelet la liste des exposants
-Retrouver les exposants et leurs coordonnées
-Créer un calendrier des évènements personnels
-Noter les ateliers et conférences
-Planifier votre visite de stands
-Recevoir les dernières actus de la convention d’affaires et lesalertes d’ateliers et conférences
-Développer votre réseau grâce à un outil de Networkingintégré
-Suivre le fil Twitter du salon
Et bien plus encore…

Digital Opportunitiesputs digital at the service of health, food and cultural andcreative industries. The convention business is open to allentrepreneurs in these sectors and all stakeholders in the digitaleconomy. A unique opportunity to do business and innovate.
For 2 days, discover innovative solutions to problems that you meetin your industry. Come express your needs and find solutions fortomorrow.
Lectures, practical workshops, showroom, demonstration area, go ...Business Meetings designed to allow you to get in contact withsolution providers and encourage the development of your business... Thanks to digital.
For this first edition, 3 channels are in the spotlight: health,food and cultural and creative industries. The challenge? Know theneeds of each sector and present innovative solutionsadapted.
This annual event is produced by Québec International and Rennes, 2territories where digital industry has internationally recognizedexpertise. It is the result of a common desire to encouragecommunication and trade between France and Quebec and the widerfrancophone world.

You can also:
-Consult Program workshops and conferences in real time and thelist of exhibitors
-Retrouver Exhibitors and their contact
-Create Schedule personal events
-Noter Workshops and conferences
-Plan Visit your booth
-Receive The latest news from the business convention and alertsworkshops and conferences
-develop Your network with an integrated tool Networking
-Follow Twitter feed of the show
And much more ...

App Information Opportunités Digitales

  • App Name
    Opportunités Digitales
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    September 17, 2014
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    50 - 100
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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SN-SFD 2015 4.10.2 APK
L’application gratuite de la 17ème réunioncommune de la Société de Néphrologie et de la Société Francophonede Dialyse, qui se tiendra du 29 septembre au 2 octobre au Centrede Congrès de Lyon.Quelques bonnes raisons de la télécharger :- Planifiez et optimisez votre visite : enregistrez les évènementsqui vous intéressent dans votre agenda, sélectionnez des exposantset ajoutez les à vos contacts.- Consultez les résumés des communications.- Retrouvez toutes les informations pratiques : transports,horaires, tarifs, accès...- Découvrez les temps fort du congrès- Recevez toutes les actualités du congrès- Redécouvrez les photos des précédents congrès et les vidéos del’Assemblée générale de la Société de Néphrologie àSaint-Etienne.- Après l’évènement, envoyez-nous un rapport de visite avec lesnotes que vous avez prises et vos exposants ou évènementsfavoris- Et bien plus encore !The free app of the 17thjoint meeting of the Society of Nephrology and Dialysis FrancophoneSociety, to be held from 29 September to 2 October at the CongressCentre of Lyon.Some good reasons to download it:- Plan and optimize your visit: save the events you are interestedin your calendar, select exhibitors and add them to yourcontacts.- Consult the abstracts.- Find all the practical information: transport, schedules, rates,access ...- Discover the highlight of the convention- Receive all the news conference- Rediscover photos from previous congresses and videos of theGeneral Assembly of the Society of Nephrology in St. Etienne.- After the event, send us a visit report with the notes you havetaken and your favorite exhibitors and events- And much more!
Comic Con Paris 4.10.7 APK
Reed Exhibitions France, organizer of manytrade and consumers events, in collaboration with ReedPop, creatorof Star Wars Celebration and many Comic Con around the world (NewYork Comic Con, C2E2…) and JTS Group (creator of Japan Expo),launch Comic Con Paris, the 2015 festival dedicated to pop culture,and bring to French and Europeans fans the best of entertainment intheir territory.Under the leadership of our prestigious patron Louis Leterrier, theonly French director of a Marvel Studios movie “The IncredibleHulk”, Comic Con Paris promise to be the biggest 2015 event. Manyinternational artists already have confirmed their venue! Thefestival will be an opportunity for fans to meet creators, artistsand actors while discovering innovations and exclusivecontent.Our 2015 Guest of honour : Frank Miller, the creator fo "Sin City"and "Dark Knight". After New York Comic Con and C2E2 in Chicago,the most famous pop culture event in the world arrives in France.Comic Con Paris will take place at La Grande Halle de la Villettefrom October 23rd to October 25th 2015.
Japan Expo 5.4.5 APK
Japan Expo, the official app!• Follow all the festival news• Plan your visit and discover the program, the guests andexhibitors list and don’t miss anything of the event.• Download the app and make your own program: Guests, Exhibitors,Activities and more• Find your way in the festival with the 3D map• Get your tickets online• Find all the official photos and videos• Try your luck with contests and get exclusive contents• Make selfies!You must create an account on the app. The account of thewebsite is not compatible.
SIMI 4.10.10 APK
Le rendez-vous d’affaires des décisionnairesde l’industrie immobilière, 430 exposants – 3 niveauxd’expositionPendant 3 jours, les spécialistes du marché vous présenteront uneanalyse conjoncturelle, un état des lieux réglementaire et dessolutions de services et techniques pour le secteur de l’immobilierlors de 2 conférences plénières, plus de 70 conférences répartiessur 10 cycles.The appointment ofbusiness decision makers the real estate industry, 430 exhibitors -3 levels of exposureDuring three days, market specialists will present an economicanalysis, a regulatory status of sites and services and technicalsolutions for the real estate sector during two plenary sessions,over 70 lectures spread over 10 cycles.
Salon de la Photo 5.5.10 APK
DO YOU KNOW THE SALON DE LA PHOTO?The Salon de la Photo brings together the world’s top photographybrands, equipment manufacturers, importers, schools, andprofessional groups. It showcases the art of photography and thephotography profession with the "Grandes Rencontres", the ZOOMSAwards for emerging photographers, special photography exhibitions,portfolio sessions, and technical presentations organized andpresented by top professionals from the photography press.TRY OUT AND BUY CAMERAS AND EQUIPMENTReflex cameras, compact cameras, digital cameras, bridgecameras…try out the latest innovations from top camera brands.Lenses, optics, zoom lenses, flashguns, tripods, reflectors,filters, lighting, storage solutions… get just the right equipmentfor your way of taking photos: from studio shoots to travellingreportage work. Post-editing software, graphic tablets, developingand printing equipment, photo kiosks and mini labs… to bring outthe best in all your photos.Come and buy new equipment at the "Retail Village" where theSalon’s partner brands will all be represented.LEARN MORE ABOUT PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUESThe Salon de la Photo is the ideal opportunity to learn about (orlearn more about) photography techniques: shooting, composition,lighting, post-editing, printing… landscape photography, weddingphotography, wildlife photography, portraits… Meet representativesfrom schools, training organizations, and professionalassociations. Take part in technical workshops and learn to usephoto editing software. Choose from a range of books on photographytechniques.SHARE YOUR PASSION FOR PHOTOGRAPHYFind out the latest techniques for organizing, saving, retouching,printing and sharing your photos. Meet top names in photography andtalk to professionals and fellow enthusiasts: every year the Salonde la Photo is where the world of photography meets.SUPERB PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITIONSExclusive exhibitions and photo galleries provide an idealopportunity to discover (or rediscover) the work of top names inphotography and promising upcoming talents.
L'info expoprotection.com 4.4.2 APK
Expoprotection is the only event in Francethat brings together top international specialists and the mostinnovative equipment and solutions, combining conferences andmeeting areas.Protecting employees, premises, data and the working environment ofcompanies, local authorities and administrations: these are theobjectives that bring suppliers and contractors together every twoyears at the Expoprotection show in Paris.Expoprotection covers the two complementary universes dedicated toRisk Prevention and Management :- Prevention - Health and safety- Security - FireWhen: 3 days of Networking, from 4th to 6th November 2014Where: Paris, Porte de Versailles, Pavilion1Who: 700 exhibiting companies, 24,000 unique visitors,Free badge with the invitation code: APP
iMedia Brand Summit FR 2016 5.2.11 APK
iMedia Brand Summit is the up-market eventdedicated to marketing decision makers. During 2 days, on June 1and 2, 2016, plunge into marketing and digital trends and surfbetween inspiration, business and networking.Created in 2014, those business meetings and conferences organisedby ComExposium became in 2 years, the major annual meeting formarketing leaders and digital marketers.Everything is done to facilitate your navigation: easy access toyour personal space, to conferences, meetings and instantnetworking!The iMedia Brand Summit mobile app is your best tool to plan yourparticipation and organize your meetings.Remember to upload or update the application when you accost toBiarritz!
Congrès SFO 2017 5.5.17 APK
L’application officielle du congrès SFO 2017(06-09 mai 2017).Cette application est l’outil indispensable pour tout congressiste.Vous y trouverez :- Toutes les informations pratiques (accès, horaires,…)- Le programme scientifique du congrès de la SFO- Les conférenciers présents- La liste des associations et leur réunion- La liste des exposants et leurs coordonnées- Les plans des salles et de l’exposition- Votre planning du congrès à construireThe official applicationof the SFO Congress 2017 (06-09 May 2017).This application is the essential tool for any congressman. Youwill find :- All practical information (access, schedules, ...)- The scientific program of the SFO- These speakers- The list of associations and meeting- The list of exhibitors and their contact- The plans of the halls and exhibition- Your planning of the congress building