1.0 / January 16, 2016
(3.8/5) (31)


This application contains a translationbookNashoihul Ibad. Nashoihul Ibad is a book of guidance forthecondition of the faithful servant in relation to God andman,especially in terms of worship and bertaqarub him.

Thank God, and at the end of each students and ordinarypeoplecan examine a very popular book written by Al Alim Al NawawiAlamahSyaikhina Bantany. Hopefully premises serving Nashoihul IbadYellowBook Version This translation can be felt all circles,EspeciallyMuslims. Amin Yaa Robbal the worlds.

App Information Nashaihul Ibad

  • App Name
    Nashaihul Ibad
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    January 16, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
  • Category
    Books & Reference
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Shalawat Nabi Lengkap 1.0 APK
Dari Anas bin malik radhiallahu ‘anhu,beliauberkata bahwa Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallambersabda:“Barangsiapa yang mengucapkan shalawat kepadaku satu kalimakaAllah akan bershalawat baginya sepuluh kali, dan digugurkansepuluhkesalahan (dosa)nya, serta ditinggikan baginyasepuluhderajat/tingkatan (di surga kelak)”[SHAHIH. Hadits Riwayat An-Nasa’i (no. 1297), Ahmad (3/102dan261), Ibnu Hibban (no. 904) dan al-Hakim (no. 2018),dishahihkanoleh Ibnu Hibban rahimahullah, al-Hakim rahimahullah dandisepakatioleh adz-Dzahabi, rahimahullah juga oleh Ibnu hajarrahimahullahdalam “Fathul Baari” (11/167) dan al-Albanirahimahullah dalam“Shahihul adabil mufrad” (no. 643). ].Hadits yang agung ini menunjukkan keutamaan bershalawatkepadaNabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam dan anjuranmemperbanyakshalawat tersebut[Lihat “Sunan an-Nasa’i” (3/50) dan “Shahiihut targiibwattarhiib” (2/134)], karena ini merupakan sebab turunnyarahmat,pengampunan dan pahala yang berlipatganda dari Allah Ta’ala[Lihatkitab “Faidhul Qadiir” (6/169)].- 250++ Shalawat Nabi- tidak perlu akses internet- aplikasi gratis- ukuran file dibawah 3MbSemoga BermanfaatAnas bin Malik ofAllaah'anhu, he said that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallamsaid:"Those who pronounce blessings on me one then Godwillbershalawat him ten times, and aborted ten mistakes (sins) it,aswell as elevated him ten degrees / levels (in heaven)"[Saheeh. Hadith An-Nasa'i history (no. 1297), Ahmad (3/102and261), Ibn Hibban (no. 904) and al-Hakim (no. 2018), classedassaheeh by Ibn Hibban Rahimahullah, al-Hakim Rahimahullah andagreedby adh-Dhahabi rahimahullah rahimahullah also by Ibn Hajar in"Fathal-Bari" (11/167) and al-Albani rahimahullah in "Shahihuladabilmufrad" (no. 643). ].This noble hadith indicates the primacy bershalawat totheProphet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and the suggestiontoreproduce shalawat[See "Sunan an-Nasa'i" (3/50) and "Shahiihut targiib tarhiibwat"(2/134)], because this is the cause of the decline ofgrace,forgiveness and reward doubled from Allah Ta'ala [See thebook "Faidhul Qadiir "(6/169)].- 250 ++ Shalawat Nabi- Do not need internet access- Free application- The size of the file under 3MBMay be useful
Simpul & Tali-temali Pramuka 1.0 APK
Dalam tali temali kita sering mencampuradukanantara tali, simpul dan ikatan. Hal ini sebenarnya berbeda samasekali. Tali adalah bendanya, Simpul adalah hubungan antara talidengan tali sementara Ikatan adalah hubungan anatara tali denganbenda lainnya, misal kayu, balok, bambu dsb-nya.Berikut beberapa simpul yang banyak digunakan oleh seorangPramuka.1. Simpul Ujung Tali2. Simpul Mati3. Simpul Anyam Tunggal4. Simpul Anyam Berganda5. Simpul Erat6. Simpul Kembar7. Simpul Kursi8. Simpul Pangkal9. Simpul Tiang Tunggal10. Simpul Tambat11. Simpul Penarik12. Simpul Tarik13. Simpul Hidup14. Simpul Laso15. Simpul Gulung16. Simpul Tiang Berganda17. Simpul TurkiIn ropes we often confusebetween the ropes, knots and ties. It is actually totallydifferent. Tali is the object, the node is a connection between therope with rope while the bond is a relationship with a ropesanatara other objects, such as wood, beams, etc. His bamboo.Here are some of the node that is widely used by a Scout.1. Edge Node Ropes2. Node Dead3. Single Node Anyam4. Multiple Node Anyam5. Node Closely6. Node Twins7. Node Chair8. Node Base9. Node Pole Single10. Node Mooring11. Node Towing12. Pull the knot13. Node Life14. Node Laso15. Knots Roll16. Node Pole Double17. Node Turkey
Tilawati 1-6 1.0 APK
assalamualaikumTilawati application aims to be easier for us all to learn to readthe Koran with pitched ros.Hopefully with this application can be used as a means of speedingup learning to read the Koran.features:- offline- easy to use
Yasin Tahlil & Istighosah 1.0 APK
Aplikasi ini berisi bacaan Surah Yasin Tahlildan IstighosahSangat mudah digunakan- Lengkap dengan teks latin dan terjemahan Indonesia- Terdapat 3 bacaan yang sering digunakan- doa doa setelah membaca Yasin dan Tahlil- offline / tidak memerlukan akses internet- ukuran file dibawah 2MbSemoga bermanfaatTerimakasihThis application containsthe reading of Surah Yasin, Tahlil and IstighosahVery easy to use- Complete with Latin text and translation Indonesia- There are three readings are often used- Prayer prayer after reading the Yasin and Tahlil- Offline / do not need internet access- The file size under 2MbMay be usefulThank you
Nashaihul Ibad 1.0 APK
This application contains a translationbookNashoihul Ibad. Nashoihul Ibad is a book of guidance forthecondition of the faithful servant in relation to God andman,especially in terms of worship and bertaqarub him.Thank God, and at the end of each students and ordinarypeoplecan examine a very popular book written by Al Alim Al NawawiAlamahSyaikhina Bantany. Hopefully premises serving Nashoihul IbadYellowBook Version This translation can be felt all circles,EspeciallyMuslims. Amin Yaa Robbal the worlds.
Maulid Al-Barzanji 1.0 APK
Kata Al-Barzanji asalnya adalah nama orangyangmengarang kitab prosa dan puisi tentang Nabi Muhammad SAW.Kitab itusesungguhnya lebih merupakan karya sastra ketimbang karyasejarah,karena lebih menonjolkan aspek keindahan bahasa (sastra).Kitab iniada dua macam, yang satu disusun dalam bentuk prosa danlainnyadalam bentuk puisi. Isinya sama-sama menceritakan riwayathidup nabiMuhammad SAW terutama peristiwa kelahirannya.Aplikasi ini dibuat bertujuan untuk memudahkan penggunadalammengamalkan diba'iyah Al Berzanji.Fitur :- lengkap disertai arab dan terjemahan Indonesia- offline / tidak memerlukan akses internet- file dibawah 2Mb- unduhan gratis- user friendlyApabila ada kesalahan tulisan mohon berikan kritis dan saranSemoga BermanfaatTerimakasihSaid Al-Barzanji originisthe name of the person who authored the book of prose andpoetryabout the Prophet Muhammad. Book is actually more of a workofliterature rather than history, because further highlightthebeauty aspect of language (literature). The book is there aretwokinds, one composed in prose and others in the form of poetry.Itscontents are equally telling biography of Prophet MuhammadSAWespecially the events of his birth.This application was made aiming to facilitate the users inthepractice diba'iyah Al Mawlid al-Barzanjī.features:- Complete with Arabic and Indonesian translation- Offline / do not need internet access- File under 2Mb- Free download- User friendlyIf there is an error please provide critical writingsandsuggestionsMay be usefulThank you
Terjemah Fathul Qorib 1.0 APK
Aplikasi ini berisikan terjemahan kitabfathulqorib- lengkap dengan teks latin (arab) dan terjemahan Indonesia- offline / tidak memerlukan akses internet- ukuran file dibawah 2mbSemoga bermanfaatTerimakasihThis applicationcontainstranslations fathul book Qorib- Complete with latin text (Arabic) and theIndonesiantranslation- Offline / do not need internet access- The size of the file under 2mbMay be usefulThank you
Qurratul Uyun 1.0 APK
Aplikasi Kitab Qurrotul ‘Uyun merupakan kitabyang membahas tentang sebuah panduan untuk mengarungi bahtera rumahtangga“pada hakekatnya pernikahan itu bukan karena harta benda .jugabukan karena ketampanan atau kecantikan.sesekali terlepas sesekalimendapat.jika mudah teramat mudah jika sulit teramat sulit dantidak bisa di gantikan dengan harta”Fitur :- offline- ringan digunakan- tampilan menarikApplications BookQurrotul 'Uyun is a book that talks about a guide for the shipsailed home"Intrinsically wedding was not as property .Also not as handsomeor kecantikan.sesekali despite occasional easy mendapat.jika veryeasy if difficult very difficult and can not be replaced by atreasure"Features:- Offline- Lightly used- Attractive appearance