PNHdeveloper Apps

Tilawati 1-6 1.0
assalamualaikumTilawati application aims to be easier for us all to learn to readthe Koran with pitched ros.Hopefully with this application can be used as a means of speedingup learning to read the Koran.features:- offline- easy to use
Simpul & Tali-temali Pramuka 1.0
Dalam tali temali kita sering mencampuradukanantara tali, simpul dan ikatan. Hal ini sebenarnya berbeda samasekali. Tali adalah bendanya, Simpul adalah hubungan antara talidengan tali sementara Ikatan adalah hubungan anatara tali denganbenda lainnya, misal kayu, balok, bambu dsb-nya.Berikut beberapa simpul yang banyak digunakan oleh seorangPramuka.1. Simpul Ujung Tali2. Simpul Mati3. Simpul Anyam Tunggal4. Simpul Anyam Berganda5. Simpul Erat6. Simpul Kembar7. Simpul Kursi8. Simpul Pangkal9. Simpul Tiang Tunggal10. Simpul Tambat11. Simpul Penarik12. Simpul Tarik13. Simpul Hidup14. Simpul Laso15. Simpul Gulung16. Simpul Tiang Berganda17. Simpul TurkiIn ropes we often confusebetween the ropes, knots and ties. It is actually totallydifferent. Tali is the object, the node is a connection between therope with rope while the bond is a relationship with a ropesanatara other objects, such as wood, beams, etc. His bamboo.Here are some of the node that is widely used by a Scout.1. Edge Node Ropes2. Node Dead3. Single Node Anyam4. Multiple Node Anyam5. Node Closely6. Node Twins7. Node Chair8. Node Base9. Node Pole Single10. Node Mooring11. Node Towing12. Pull the knot13. Node Life14. Node Laso15. Knots Roll16. Node Pole Double17. Node Turkey
Yasin Tahlil & Istighosah 1.0
Aplikasi ini berisi bacaan Surah Yasin Tahlildan IstighosahSangat mudah digunakan- Lengkap dengan teks latin dan terjemahan Indonesia- Terdapat 3 bacaan yang sering digunakan- doa doa setelah membaca Yasin dan Tahlil- offline / tidak memerlukan akses internet- ukuran file dibawah 2MbSemoga bermanfaatTerimakasihThis application containsthe reading of Surah Yasin, Tahlil and IstighosahVery easy to use- Complete with Latin text and translation Indonesia- There are three readings are often used- Prayer prayer after reading the Yasin and Tahlil- Offline / do not need internet access- The file size under 2MbMay be usefulThank you
Qurratul Uyun 1.0
Aplikasi Kitab Qurrotul ‘Uyun merupakan kitabyang membahas tentang sebuah panduan untuk mengarungi bahtera rumahtangga“pada hakekatnya pernikahan itu bukan karena harta benda .jugabukan karena ketampanan atau kecantikan.sesekali terlepas sesekalimendapat.jika mudah teramat mudah jika sulit teramat sulit dantidak bisa di gantikan dengan harta”Fitur :- offline- ringan digunakan- tampilan menarikApplications BookQurrotul 'Uyun is a book that talks about a guide for the shipsailed home"Intrinsically wedding was not as property .Also not as handsomeor kecantikan.sesekali despite occasional easy mendapat.jika veryeasy if difficult very difficult and can not be replaced by atreasure"Features:- Offline- Lightly used- Attractive appearance
Terjemah Fathul Qorib 1.0
Aplikasi ini berisikan terjemahan kitabfathulqorib- lengkap dengan teks latin (arab) dan terjemahan Indonesia- offline / tidak memerlukan akses internet- ukuran file dibawah 2mbSemoga bermanfaatTerimakasihThis applicationcontainstranslations fathul book Qorib- Complete with latin text (Arabic) and theIndonesiantranslation- Offline / do not need internet access- The size of the file under 2mbMay be usefulThank you
Maulid Al-Barzanji 1.0
Kata Al-Barzanji asalnya adalah nama orangyangmengarang kitab prosa dan puisi tentang Nabi Muhammad SAW.Kitab itusesungguhnya lebih merupakan karya sastra ketimbang karyasejarah,karena lebih menonjolkan aspek keindahan bahasa (sastra).Kitab iniada dua macam, yang satu disusun dalam bentuk prosa danlainnyadalam bentuk puisi. Isinya sama-sama menceritakan riwayathidup nabiMuhammad SAW terutama peristiwa kelahirannya.Aplikasi ini dibuat bertujuan untuk memudahkan penggunadalammengamalkan diba'iyah Al Berzanji.Fitur :- lengkap disertai arab dan terjemahan Indonesia- offline / tidak memerlukan akses internet- file dibawah 2Mb- unduhan gratis- user friendlyApabila ada kesalahan tulisan mohon berikan kritis dan saranSemoga BermanfaatTerimakasihSaid Al-Barzanji originisthe name of the person who authored the book of prose andpoetryabout the Prophet Muhammad. Book is actually more of a workofliterature rather than history, because further highlightthebeauty aspect of language (literature). The book is there aretwokinds, one composed in prose and others in the form of poetry.Itscontents are equally telling biography of Prophet MuhammadSAWespecially the events of his birth.This application was made aiming to facilitate the users inthepractice diba'iyah Al Mawlid al-Barzanjī.features:- Complete with Arabic and Indonesian translation- Offline / do not need internet access- File under 2Mb- Free download- User friendlyIf there is an error please provide critical writingsandsuggestionsMay be usefulThank you
Complete Tajwid Science 1.0
Lafadz Tajwid according to smarten meaning oflanguage. Meanwhile, according to the term is: "Take out eachletter of a discharge by giving rights and mustahaknya."What is meant by the right of the letter is genuine nature thatis always with letters, such as AI Jahr, Isti'la ', istifal and soforth. While that is a crucial trait letter is visible at any time,such as tafkhim, tarqiq, ikhfa 'and so forth.Tajweed Sciences studied law in theory is fardhu kifayah, whilereading the Koran law in accordance with the rules of tajwid isfard 'ain. So, it may happen a Qori 'reading is good and true, buthe did not know terms such as science Tajwid Izh-har, mad and soforth. For him it was enough that other Muslims have much to learnTajweed science theory, because -once again- just fardhu kifayahlearn theory. Another would be the case with people who are notable to read the Koran in accordance with the rules of Tajweedscience. Becomes mandatory for him to attempt to smarten recitationso as to achieve the standards set by the Prophet Sholallohu'alaihiwasallam.Features:- Offline- easy to use- With examples
Riyadhus Shalihin 1.0
Aplikasi ini berisikan Arab danterjemahRiyadhus ShalihinKitab Riyadhush Shalihin ini memiliki keistimewaan yangtidakdimiliki kitab selainnya dari kitab-kitab Sunnah dandiabenar-benar bekal bagi penasihat, permata bagi yangmenerimanasihat, pelita bagi orang yang mengambil petunjuk dantamanorang-orang sholih. Hal inilah yang menjadi sebabmendapatkankedudukan yang tinggi di kalangan ulama sehingga merekamemberikansyarah, komentar dan mengajarkannya di halaqoh-halaqohmereka.- dilengkapi tulisan Arab dan terjemahan Indonesia- tanpa menggunakan akses internet / offline- menyesuaikan layar- ukuran file dibawah 2MbSemoga bermanfaatTerimakasihThis applicationcontainstranslations of Arabic and Riyadhus ShalihinBook Shalihin Riyadhush has a privilege that no other kindofbooks the books of Sunnah and he is really a provisionforadvisers, a gem for those who take advice, and the lamp fortheperson who took the hint and parks people Salih. This is thereasonto get a high position among scholars so they give Sharh,commentsand taught in halaqoh-halaqoh them.- Arabic writings and translations include Indonesia- Without the use of internet access / offline- Adjust the screen- The file size under 2MbMay be usefulThank you
Nashaihul Ibad 1.0
This application contains a translationbookNashoihul Ibad. Nashoihul Ibad is a book of guidance forthecondition of the faithful servant in relation to God andman,especially in terms of worship and bertaqarub him.Thank God, and at the end of each students and ordinarypeoplecan examine a very popular book written by Al Alim Al NawawiAlamahSyaikhina Bantany. Hopefully premises serving Nashoihul IbadYellowBook Version This translation can be felt all circles,EspeciallyMuslims. Amin Yaa Robbal the worlds.
Password Scouts 1.0
Password is derived from Sanskrit, whichmeansa secret. Therefore, the secret writing is called password,orwritings secret. Letters or password difficult to understandunlesswe know the key or how to solve it.The origin of this password is derived from the ancient herowholove traveling and like moving residence, for that they musthave apassword and can use it various forms passwords to outwit /trickopponents or enemies. Around the year 3000 BC, in the kingdomofBabylon has been found cuneiform writing. To send a secretmessagebetween cities, they compose a message in the slave's newheadshaved, then wait until the hair grows. The slave then sent tothedestination. At the destination, the slave shaved head back tofindthe hidden message.
Handbook P3K 1.0
First aid (P3K) is a matter that needs tobestudied both by pupils, students and the general public. Seentoomany accidents, then we feel moved to make the application ofFirstAid in accidents (P3K) is.Hopefully with this application the reader can add insightsonthe handling of accident victims.In this application we present some sub material of firstaid(P3K) is devinisi P3K, objective P3K, Principles - principlesthatmust be embedded in the soul P3K, priority aid to accidentvictims,first action upon finding victims of accidents, complaintsorsymptoms illness suffered by the victim, action and follow-upcareto victims of accidents, Relief and treatment of accidentvictims,ways of evacuating victims of accidents, equipment ormaterialsshall be in the box P3K and the names of drugs that areoften usedand are easily in the can shop - shop or pharmacynearby.May be useful
Kitab Maulid 1.0
Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah Nabi terakhirdarinabi-nabi sebelumnya.Sesungguhnya Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah utusan Allah SWT danjugarahmat bagi seluruh alam.Allahumma Sholli A'la Muhammad....- Maulid Adiya’U Lami- Maulid Simthudurror- Maulid Al Barzanji (Nazhom)- Maulid Al Barzanji (Natshar)- Maulid Ad Diba’i- Maulid BurdahFitur :- offline / tidak memerlukan akses internet- aplikasi gratis dan mudah digunakan- ukuran file dibawah 2MbSemoga BermanfaatProphet Muhammad wasthelast prophet of prophets beforehand.Indeed, the Prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah and mercytoall the worlds.Allahumma Sholli A'la Muhammad ....- Maulid Adiya'U Lami- Maulid Simthudurror- Mawlid Al Barzanji (Nazhom)- Mawlid Al Barzanji (Natshar)- Maulid Ad Diba'i- Maulid BurdahFeatures:- Offline / do not need internet access- Free application and easy to use- The file size under 2MbMay be useful
Learning Arabic 1.0
This application contains the kinds oflearningmaterials that are beneficial Arabic course forbeginners.With this application, we aim that all of us can easilylearnArabic, ranging from letters, pronouns, etc.features:- offline- easy to useHave a good study
Bulughul Maram 1.0
Book Bulugh al-Maram is one of the mostpopularclassical books in the Islamic world, especially among walJamaatAhl.This book does contain a collection of hadith about thelaw(jurisprudence), which covers all aspects of the life ofeveryMuslim. From about the 'purification' until about the'marriage','business transactions' and 'jihad'.Book very complete theme of language that wouldgreatlyfacilitate the Muslims practice the legal rules such asthose runby the Prophet. and his companions.Hopefully this app can be beneficial to us allameen
Doa Nabi & Rasul 1.0
Banyak sekali doa-doa para nabi dan rasulyangpatut kita amalkan atau panjatkan setiap hari. Salahsatudiantaranya yaitu Doa Nabi Muhammad memohon keselamatan DuniadanAkhirat. Dimana doa mohon keselamatan dunia akhirat inihampirsetiap saat dipanjatkan oleh semua muslim ketika berdoadan/ataushalat.Doa mohon keselamatan dunia akhirat tersebut merupakan salahsatuDoa Nabi Muhammad SAW yang diabadikan dalam Al-Qur'an,tepatnyaQur'an Surat Al Baqarah ayat 201.Dan masih banyak doa-doa nabi yang lain yang dapat kitaamalkantentunya sebagai permohonan kepada Allah dan perlindunganuntukdiri kita sendiri.Lots of prayers oftheprophets and apostles that we should resume practicing orprayevery day. One of them is prayer of the Prophet Mohammed forsafetyWorld and the Hereafter. Where prayer for salvation of theworld isvirtually at any time hereafter being said by all Muslimswhenpraying and / or prayer.Prayer for the safety of the afterlife is one of the prayerofthe Prophet Muhammad enshrined in the Koran, precisely Qur'anSuratAl Baqarah verse 201.And many prayers prophet else can we resume practicing courseasa request to God and protection for ourselves.
The properties of Allah 1.0
God's attributes is the perfect nature oftheinfinite God. God's attributes obligatory for every Muslimtobelieve that there are some properties of the infiniteperfectionof God.So, shall also believed to be the nature of God are twenty andneedto know well the nature is impossible with God. Natureisimpossible for God is opposed to the mandatory nature.20 Nature of Compulsory For God:There's a form of meaningQidam means AccomplishedBaqa means EternalMukhalafatuhu lilhawadits means Unlike CreaturesQiyamuhu Binafsihi means not intend to His creaturesWahdaniyah means Esa, SingleQudrat means AuthorizationIradat means willsKnowing the meaning of scienceLife means LifeSama 'means HearBashar means ViewingKalam means SpeechlessThe situation means that Qodirun Kaunuhu AuthorizationKaunuhu Muridun The situation means that willsKaunuhu 'Alimun The situation means that KnowThe situation means Kaunuhu Hayyun LivingThe situation means that Sami'un Kaunuhu HearingThe situation means that Bashirun Kaunuhu ViewingThe situation means that Muttakallimun Kaunuhu Speechless.20 properties Impossible For God:'Adam means NothingHuduts new meaning (there have starters)Fana means Perish (no possessed denouement)Muamasyalatuhu lilhawadits means Simultaneously God forallnewAl-layakuna Qaiman Binafsihi God means Nothing stands byitself(intend to creatures)At-Ta'addut means berbilang-said / lot (two, three and soon.)Al-Ajzazu means WeakAl-Karahatu means Tertegah (can not specify)Al-Jahlu means Stupid / Do not knowAl-Mautu means DeadAsh-shamamu means DeafAl-'Amaa means ButaAl-Bakamu means DumbKaunuhu 'Aajizun means the situation is WeakKaunuhu Mukhrohun The situation means that ForcedKaunuhu Jaahilun means the situation is StupidKaunuhu Mayitun The situation means that the DeadKaunuhu Ash-shamun means the condition that the DeafKaunuhu 'Amaa means the situation is BlindKaunuhu Abkamun The situation means that Mute.
Terjemah Matan Jurumiyah 1.0
Segala Puji Bagi Allah YangMenurunkanAl-Qur'an dengan Bahasa Arab. Shalawat serta SalamsemogaTercurah-limpahkan kepada junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad Sawpalingutamanya makhluq yang berbicara dan berbahasa. Dan jugakepadakeluarganya, para shahabatnya dan para tabi'in dantaabi'ittaabi'iin bi ihsaanin ilaa yaumiddin…. Dan semoga Allahmengangkatkita bersama-sama mereka didalam rumah akhirat yangtentram tanpabelenggu rasa kesah dan kelu. Aamiiin.Berkata Kyai Mushannif Ibnu Aajurruumi Muhammad bin MuhammadbinDawud As-Shanhaji Alfaasiy (627-723 H. / 1273-1323 M.) semogaAllahMerahmatinya dan semoga kami mendatapkan Ilmu yang Manfa'atberkatIlmu-ilmunya. Aamiin.Fitur :- lengkap dengan teks arab dan terjemahan- offline / tidak memerlukan koneksi internet- aplikasi tidak berbayar- ukuran file dibawah 2MbSemoga BermanfaatPraise be to AllahWhoLose Qur'an with Arabic. Prayers and greetings mayshed-bestowedupon our master the Prophet Muhammad creature is themost primaryspeech and language. And also to his family, hiscompanions and thetabi'in and taabi'it taabi'iin ila bi ihsaaninyaumiddin .... Andmay God raised us with them in the afterlifeserene home withoutshackles sense of mourning and tied. Aamiiin.Kyai said Mushannif Aajurruumi Ibn Muhammad bin MuhammadbinDawud As-Shanhaji Alfaasiy (627-723 AH / 1273-1323 AD) mayAllahhave mercy on him and hopefully we mendatapkan sciencethatbenefits which thanks to its sciences. Aamiin.features:- Complete with Arabic text and translation- Offline / do not need an internet connection- The application is not paid- The file size under 2MbMay be useful
Shalawat Nabi Lengkap 1.0
Dari Anas bin malik radhiallahu ‘anhu,beliauberkata bahwa Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallambersabda:“Barangsiapa yang mengucapkan shalawat kepadaku satu kalimakaAllah akan bershalawat baginya sepuluh kali, dan digugurkansepuluhkesalahan (dosa)nya, serta ditinggikan baginyasepuluhderajat/tingkatan (di surga kelak)”[SHAHIH. Hadits Riwayat An-Nasa’i (no. 1297), Ahmad (3/102dan261), Ibnu Hibban (no. 904) dan al-Hakim (no. 2018),dishahihkanoleh Ibnu Hibban rahimahullah, al-Hakim rahimahullah dandisepakatioleh adz-Dzahabi, rahimahullah juga oleh Ibnu hajarrahimahullahdalam “Fathul Baari” (11/167) dan al-Albanirahimahullah dalam“Shahihul adabil mufrad” (no. 643). ].Hadits yang agung ini menunjukkan keutamaan bershalawatkepadaNabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam dan anjuranmemperbanyakshalawat tersebut[Lihat “Sunan an-Nasa’i” (3/50) dan “Shahiihut targiibwattarhiib” (2/134)], karena ini merupakan sebab turunnyarahmat,pengampunan dan pahala yang berlipatganda dari Allah Ta’ala[Lihatkitab “Faidhul Qadiir” (6/169)].- 250++ Shalawat Nabi- tidak perlu akses internet- aplikasi gratis- ukuran file dibawah 3MbSemoga BermanfaatAnas bin Malik ofAllaah'anhu, he said that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallamsaid:"Those who pronounce blessings on me one then Godwillbershalawat him ten times, and aborted ten mistakes (sins) it,aswell as elevated him ten degrees / levels (in heaven)"[Saheeh. Hadith An-Nasa'i history (no. 1297), Ahmad (3/102and261), Ibn Hibban (no. 904) and al-Hakim (no. 2018), classedassaheeh by Ibn Hibban Rahimahullah, al-Hakim Rahimahullah andagreedby adh-Dhahabi rahimahullah rahimahullah also by Ibn Hajar in"Fathal-Bari" (11/167) and al-Albani rahimahullah in "Shahihuladabilmufrad" (no. 643). ].This noble hadith indicates the primacy bershalawat totheProphet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and the suggestiontoreproduce shalawat[See "Sunan an-Nasa'i" (3/50) and "Shahiihut targiib tarhiibwat"(2/134)], because this is the cause of the decline ofgrace,forgiveness and reward doubled from Allah Ta'ala [See thebook "Faidhul Qadiir "(6/169)].- 250 ++ Shalawat Nabi- Do not need internet access- Free application- The size of the file under 3MBMay be useful
Panduan Sholat Lengkap 1.0
إِنَّنِي أَنَا اللَّهُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّاأَنَافَاعْبُدْنِي وَأَقِمِ الصَّلَاةَ لِذِكْرِيSesungguhnya Aku ini adalah Allah, tidak ada Tuhan (yanghak)selain Aku, maka sembahlah Aku dan dirikanlah shalatuntukmengingat Aku. (thaaha: 14)وَأَقِمِ الصَّلَاةَ إِنَّ الصَّلَاةَ تَنْهَى عَنِالْفَحْشَاءوَالْمُنكَرِ وَلَذِكْرُ اللَّهِ أَكْبَرُ وَاللَّهُيَعْلَمُ مَاتَصْنَعُونَDan dirikanlah shalat. Sesungguhnya shalat itu mencegahdari(perbuatan- perbuatan) keji dan mungkar. Dan sesungguhnyamengingatAllah (shalat) adalah lebih besar (keutamaannya dariibadat-ibadatyang lain). Dan Allah mengetahui apa yang kamukerjakan. (Alankabut: 45)وَعَنْ عِمْرَانَ بْنِ حُصَيْنٍ -رَضِيَ اَللَّهُ عَنْهُمَا-قَالَ: ( قَالَ لِيَ اَلنَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم " صَلِّقَائِمًافَإِنْ لَمْ تَسْتَطِعْ فَقَاعِدًا فَإِنْ لَمْ تَسْتَطِعْفَعَلَىجَنْبٍ ) رَوَاهُ اَلْبُخَارِيُّDari Imran Ibnu Hushoin Radliyallaahu 'anhu bahwaNabiShallallaahu 'alaihi wa Sallam bersabda: "Sholatlah denganberdirijika tidak mampu maka dengan duduk jika tidak mampu makadenganberbaring dan jika tidak mampu juga maka denganisyarat."Diriwayatkan oleh Bukhari.Hadis riwayat Abdullah bin Umar Radhiyallahu 'anhu , iaberkata:Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda: Akudiperintahuntuk memerangi manusia sampai mereka bersaksi bahwatiada Tuhanselain Allah dan Muhammad Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallamadalahutusan Allah, mendirikan salat dan mengeluarkan zakat. Barangsiapamelaksanakannya berarti ia telah melindungi diri danhartanyadariku kecuali dengan sebab syara, sedang perhitungannya(terserah)pada Allah Taala. (HR. Bukhori no.25 Muslim no.22)إنني أنا الله لا إلهإلاأنا فاعبدني وأقم الصلاة لذكريVerily, I am Allah, there is no god (the right) but Me,soworship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance.(Thaaha:14)وأقم الصلاة إن الصلاة تنهى عن الفحشاء والمنكر ولذكر اللهأكبروالله يعلم ما تصنعونAnd in Prayer. Indeed prayer restrains from (deeds) cruelandunjust. And remembrance of God (prayer) is greater (primacy oftheother cults). And Allah knows what you do. (Al-Ankabut: 45)وعن عمران بن حصين -رضي الله عنهما- قال: (قال لي النبي صلىاللهعليه وسلم "صل قائما فإن لم تستطع فقاعدا فإن لم تستطع فعلى جنب)رواهالبخاريRadliyallaahu Hushoin of Imran Ibn 'anhu that theProphetShallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said: "Sholatlah to stand ifit isnot able then to sit down if it is not able then to lie downand,if not able to also then with a gesture." Narrated byBukhari.Hadith Abdullah bin Umar radi 'anhu, he said: theProphetsallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said: I am commanded to fightagainstpeople until they testify that there is no god but AllahandMuhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is the Messenger ofAllah,establish prayer and expend charity. Whoever do it means hehas toprotect himself and his property from me except by reasonofPersonality, was the calculation (up) to Allah Ta'ala.(HR.Bukhari, Muslim no.25 no.22)
Bidayatul Hidayah 1.0
Aku mendengar dari orang yang kupercayatentangsejarah perjalanan hidup Syaikh al-Imam az-Zahid. Se­mogaAllahsenantiasa memberikan taufik pada beliau dan memeliharanyadalammenjalankan risalah agama­Nya. Sejarah perjalanan hidupbeliaumemperkuat keinginanku untuk menjadi saudaranya di jalanAllah Swt.karena mengharapkan janji yang diberikan Allah kepadapara hamba-Nyayang saling mencinta.Persaudaraan tidak harus dengan bertemu muka dan berdekatansecarafisik, tapi yang dibutuhkan adalah adanya kedekatan hatidanperkenalan jiwa. Jiwa-jiwa merupakan para prajurit yangtunduk;jika telah saling mengenal, jiwa-jiwa itu pun jinak danmenyatu.Oleh karenanya, aku ikatkan tali persaudaraan dengannya dijalanAllah Swt.. Selain itu, aku harap beliau tidak mengabaikankudalamdoa-doanya ketika sedang berkhal­wat serta semoga beliaumemintakankepada Allah agar diperlihatkan kepadaku bahwa yang benaritu benardan aku diberi kemampuan untuk mengikutinya, dan yangsalah itusalah serta aku diberi kemampuan untuk meng­hindarinya.Kemudianaku dengar beliau memintaku untuk memberikan keteranganberisipetuah dan nasihat serta uraian singkat seputarlandasan-landasanakidah yang wajib diyakini oleh seorangmukalaf.I heard from peopleItrust about the history of the life of Shaykh al-Imam az-Zahid.MayGod always give taufik on him and keep it in running theirreligiontreatise. The history of his life journey strengthen hisdesire tobe in the way of Allah. because they expect the promisethat Godgave to His servants who love each other.Brotherhood does not have to meet face to face and in closephysicalproximity, but what is needed is the introduction of theclosenessof the heart and soul. The souls of the soldiers who aresubject; ifit had known each other, the souls it was benign andfused.Therefore, I tie a rope fraternity him on the way of Allah.. Inaddition, I hope he does not ignore the prayers while onretreat,and hopefully he ask Allah to shown to me that the rightwas rightand I was given the ability to follow it, and wrong iswrong, and Iwas given the ability to avoid it. Then I heard himask me to givetestimony unbiased advice and counsel as well as abrief descriptionabout the foundations of faith that must bebelieved by amukalaf.
Cerpen Cinta Romantis 1.0
lagi jatuh cinta, mau nembak gebetantakutditolak?yuk baca cerpen cinta romantis aja :)Cinta Sandal JepitI'll Waiting For YouMenungguLove is ForeverGadis AkasiaThe Beautiful FriendshipTrue LoveJalan CintakuHanya Sebuah Kado Titipan TuhanSatu MingguCinta Cokelat Hitam PutihDear My Love My EnemiesMalaikat Juga TahuKarunia Tidak TerkiraPejalanan CintakuShadow in LoveAda Pelangi di Balik Awan yang ItuMy Happy EndingSang Tulang RusukCinta di Ujung SenjaSelamat membaca yasemoga bermanfaat :)again fall in love,wantto shoot gebetan fear of rejection?yuk read stories of romantic love aja :)Love Flip-FlopsI'll Waiting For YouWaitLove is Forevergirl AkasiaThe Beautiful FriendshipTrue LoveJalan CintakuOnly A Gift Titipan GodOne weekLove Chocolate Black & WhiteDear My Love My EnemiesAngel also knowThe gift Not ProbableMy love PejalananShadow in LoveThere Pelangi Behind the Clouds ItMy Happy EndingThe Bone RibsLove at the End of TwilightHappy reading yesmay be useful :)
Obat Generik 1.0
Obat generik adalah obat yang telah habismasapatennya, sehingga dapat diproduksi oleh semua perusahaanfarmasitanpa perlu membayar royalti.Ada dua jenis obat generik, yaitu- obat generik bermerek dagang- obat generik berlogo yang dipasarkan dengan merek kandunganzataktifnya.Generic drugs aredrugsthat have expired patents, so that it can be produced by allthepharmaceutical companies without having to pay royalties.There are two types of generic drugs, namely- Generic drugs trademarked- Generic drugs are marketed under the brand logoactivesubstance.
Pantun Lucu 1.0
aplikasi ini berisikan kumpulan pantunlucu,salah satu diantaranya :Beli ketan,beli kain songket.Biar udah mantan,kita tetep lengket.Fitur :- aplikasi offline- mudah digunakan- dapat digunakan dimana sajaThis applicationcontainsa collection of humorous rhymes, one of them:Buy glutinous,buy songket.Let already former,we tetep sticky.features:- Application offline- easy to use- Can be used anywhere
Terjemah Kitab Washoya 1.0
Aplikasi ini membahas tentang masalahakhlaqyang mulia (yang diridhai Allah), yang didalamnyamengandungberbagai masalah akhlaq yang sangat dibutuhkan setiapmurid untukmewujudkan cita-citanya.Semoga Allah SWT memberkahi kita dengan akhlaqul karimah(akhlaqyang mulia) dan memberikan kesuksesan, serta memperolehkesuksesandari ilmu yang kita miliki, baik bagi diri sendiri maupunoranglain.Semoga BermanfaatThis application isaboutissues noble morality (which approves Allah), in which thevariousmoral issues that are needed each student to reach his goal.May Allah bless us with good moral (noble morality) andprovidesuccess, and success from the knowledge we have, eitherforthemselves or others.May be useful
Cara Ruqyah 1.0
Ruqyah atau Rukyah (Arab: رقية;Inggris:exorcism) adalah metode penyembuhan dengan cara membacakansesuatupada orang yang sakit akibat dari 'ain (mata hasad),sengatanhewan, bisa, sihir, rasa sakit, gila, kerasukan dangangguan jin.Fitur :- aplikasi ini offline dan bisa digunakan dimana saja- file hanya 1mbRuqyah or Rukyah(Arabic:رقية; English: exorcism) is a method of healing by meansreadsomething people are sick as a result of 'ayn (eye envy),stings ofanimals, may, magic, pain, mad, possessed by jinn anddisorders.features:- The application is offline and can be used anywhere- File only 1mb
Kata Kata Rindu Romantis 1.0
Ungkapkan kerinduan anda dengan kata katarinduromantis terhadap pasangan anda. Rindu yang melanda memangsangatmenyiksa hati.aplikasi ini bersifat offline, jadi dapat digunakandimanasajaExpress your longingwithlonging romantic words to your partner. That longing is sopainfulhit the heart.This application is offline, so it can be used anywhere
Resep Sambal 1.0
aplikasi ini berisikan kumpulan resepsambal,diantaranya :- sambal ampela- sambal andaliman- sambal ayam- sambal daging cincang- sambal goreng hati kambing- sambal goreng kering kentang- sambal kacang- sambal kecap- sambal kepala udang- dstfitur :- aplikasi offline- mudah digunakanThis applicationcontainsa collection of sauce recipes, including:- Sambal ampela- Sambal andaliman- Chilli chicken- Minced meat sauce- Sambal fried goat liver- Dried chilli fried potatoes- peanut sauce- Soy sauce- Sambal shrimp heads- fffeatures:- Application offline- easy to use
Kumpulan Hadits Nabi 1.0
Aplikasi ini berisikan hadits-hadits nabiyangdapat digunakan sebagai pedoman kita sehari-hari.Fitur :- aplikasi offline- mudah digunakan- dapat digunakan dimana sajaThis applicationcontainsprophetic narrations that can be used as guidelines foruseveryday.features:- Application offline- easy to use- Can be used anywhere
Resep Bubur 1.0
aplikasi ini berisikan kumpulan resepbubur,diantaranya :- bubur ayam- bubur ayam bakar- bubur ayam rempah jahe- bubur kacang hijau- bubur ketan hitam- bubur mutiara sagu- bubur pisang nangka- dstfitur :- aplikasi offline- mudah digunakanThis applicationcontainsa collection of recipes porridge, among others:- chicken porridge- Grilled chicken porridge- Ginger spice chicken porridge- green bean porridge- black sticky rice porridge- Pearl sago porridge- Pureed banana jackfruit- fffeatures:- Application offline- easy to use
Cerita Motivasi 1.0
aplikasi ini berisikan kumpulan ceritamotivasidari para pengusaha yang berawal dari hal yang sedikitsampai meraihmilyaran uang.Fitur :- aplikasi offline- mudah digunakan- dapat digunakan dimana sajaThis applicationcontainsa collection of motivational stories of entrepreneurs whostartedfrom the bit to reach billions.features:- Application offline- easy to use- Can be used anywhere
Kerajinan Daur Ulang Jeans 1.0
Di dalam aplikasi ini banyak sekaliide-idedari kerajinan daur ulang jeans membantu anda untukmembuatkerajinan dari jeans yang anda inginkan.fitur :- aplikasi offline- mudah digunakanWithin this applicationalot of ideas from craft recycled jeans help you to make thecraftof jeans you want.features:- Application offline- easy to use
Kerajinan Tangan 1.0
Kerajinan Tangan adalah menciptakansuatuproduk atau barang yang dilakukan oleh tangan dan memilikifungsipakai atau keindahan sehingga memiliki nilai jual.Di dalam aplikasi ini banyak sekali ide-ide kerajinantanganmembantu anda untuk menciptakan sesuatau yang terbaik yangandainginkan.fitur :- aplikasi offline- mudah digunakanCrafts are creatingaproduct or goods made by hand and has the function of wearorbeauty commercial value.Within this application a lot of craft ideas to help you tocreatethe best us something that you want.features:- Application offline- easy to use
DIY Tempat Penyimpanan 1.0
Desain merupakan perencanaan dalampembuatansebuah objek, sistem, komponen atau struktur. Kemudian,kata“desain” dapat digunakan sebagai kata benda maupun katakerja.Dalam artian yang lebih luas, desain merupakan seni terapandanrekayasa yang berintegrasi dengan teknologi.Di dalam aplikasi ini banyak sekali ide-ide tempatpenyimpananmembantu anda untuk membantu membuat tempat penyimananyang andainginkan.fitur :- aplikasi offline- mudah digunakanDesign is planningtomanufacture an object, system, component or structure. Then,theword "design" can be used as a noun or a verb. In a broadersense,the design is an applied art and engineering that integratewithtechnology.Within this application a lot of storage space ideas to help youtohelp make a penyimanan you want.features:- Application offline- easy to use
Trik Sulap Pilihan 1.0
Kumpulan trik sulap pilihan yang dapatmembantuanda dalam melakukan sulap.Fitur :- aplikasi offline- mudah digunakan- dapat digunakan dimana sajaChoice collection ofmagictricks that can help you in doing magic.features:- Application offline- easy to use- Can be used anywhere