1.0 / July 1, 2015
(4.4/5) (15)


Rangkaian Nama Bayi Perempuan Modern, Unik,Keren dan Artinya
Kompilasi lengkap rangkaian nama bayi perempuan modern dan artinyaserta nama bayi perempuan yang keren, unik, dan terpopuler yangcocok menjadi pilihan rangkaian nama lengkap bagi colon buah hatitercinta yang sedang ditunggu kehadirannya sebentar lagi. Kata katadalam rangkaian nama bayi berikut ini diambil dari berbagai bahasaterbaik seperti bahasa inggris, spanyol, latin, yunani, sansekerta,dan bahasa arab yang kemudian dikombinasikan menjadi rangkaian nama2 dan 3 suku kata dan membentuk kalimat yang memiliki arti yangindah dan cantik.

Ayo segera unduh aplikasi ini sebagai referensi untuk memberikannama Anak

The series of Modern GirlBaby Names, Unique, Cool and Meaning
Detailed compilation series of modern female baby names and theirmeanings and names baby girl cool, unique, and most popular optionthat fits into a series of full names for colon beloved baby who isawaited shortly. Words in the series following the baby's name istaken from a variety of the best language such as English, Spanish,Latin, Greek, Sanskrit, and Arabic which are then combined into aseries of name 2 and 3 syllables and form sentences that havemeaning beautiful and gorgeous.

Come immediately download this application as a reference toprovide the name of the Son

App Information Nama Bayi Perempuan Modern

  • App Name
    Nama Bayi Perempuan Modern
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    July 1, 2015
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Kunci Gitar Lagu Indonesia 1.0 APK
Di aplikasi ini dirangkum hampir 200 kuncigitar atau chord gitar dan lirik lagu Artis dan BandIndonesiaSemoga dengan hadirnya aplikasi " Kunci Gitar Lagu Indonesia " ini,dapat membantu anda dalam menemukanchord gitar artis atau band pilihan anda.kritik dan saran via email : [email protected] Kasih, jangan lupa rate-nya ya :)"AntMedia"In these applications aresummarized almost 200 key guitar or guitar chords and lyrics Artistand Band IndonesiaHopefully with the presence of the application "Key Guitar SongsIndonesia", can help you findguitar chords artist or band of your choice.criticisms and suggestions via e-mail: [email protected], do not forget to rate its ya :)"AntMedia"
Braid Hair Style Tutorial 1.3 APK
Braids are an easy and so pleasant way toforget about hair styling for months, give your hair some rest andprotect it from harsh environmental factors. Besides, with theawesome hairstyles listed below you will attract attention,admiring glances and sincere smiles. in this application there are100 models hair braid
Carbon Wallpapers HD 1.1 APK
find carbon black wallpaper in thisapplicationIf you're looking for colorful carbon wallpapers, click the backbutton immediately! In-your-face wallpapers aren't for everyone.Instead, some people prefer the subtle, sleekness of amonochromatic black carbon wallpaper. Now that we can do.Wallpaper Carbon amazing guide! This app is a super collectionof photos in HD quality.Personalize your homescreen with dark pictures and make yourAndroid device more interesting.Each photo is perfect and awesome!This application is the best choice, if you like dark!Features "Carbon Wallpapers HD" app:- Many wallpapers perfectly in HD Quality! For FREE!- Application works offline. No need to download wallpapers.- Dark Collection HD Photo is easy to see and easy to set aswallpaper.- Every photo wallpaper is awesome!- Easy to save every wallpaper to your SD card.- You can browse images in icon or full mode.- Supports pan and zoom! You can crop the photo and choose mostliked part of wallpaper. Cropping work very simple.- Supports screen rotation.- Supports all screen resolutions and devices (includingtablets).- Optimized for all devices.- You can share your photos via twitter dark, e-mail, facebook,twitter, MMS and other ways. Share best Wallpapers in HD quality toyour friends!- FREE and always will be.- Easy to use, easy to download.Just install the perfect "Carbon Wallpapers HD" Androidapplication on your mobile device. And enjoy!
Iqro Digital 1 - 6 1.2 APK
Aplikasi Belajar Iqro lengkap Jilid 1 Sampaidengan Jilid 6Iqra’, biasa diterjemahkan dengan “bacalah”, merupakan katapertama dari wahyu yang disampaikan Tuhan kepada Nabi Muhammad saw.Tentu saja hal ini mengherankan bagi Nabi, karena beliau adalahseorang buta huruf. Apa yang harus dibaca?, “Ma aqra?”, demikianpertanyaan balik Nabi setelah berulang-ulang Jibril menyampaikanperintah tersebut. Kita juga tidak menemukan penjelasan tentang apaobyek yang harus dibaca dari kata iqra’ ini, oleh sebab ituterdapat berbagai macam pendapat para ahli tafsir.Kata iqra’ berasal dari kata qara’a, dalam kamus-kamus, kata inimemiliki arti yang bermacam-macam, diantaranya adalah membaca,menganalisa, mendalami, merenungkan,menyampaikan,meneliti dan lainsebagainya. Dengan demikian perintah iqra’ atau “bacalah” ini tidakmengharuskan adanya suatu tulisan yang bisa dibaca, juga tidakmengharuskan adanya suatu ucapan yang bisa diperdengarkan.Pengertian ini sesuai dengan arti kata qara’a itu sendiri yang padaawalnya memang mempunyai arti “menghimpun”.Al Qur’an sering menggunakan kata qara’a dalam berbagai ayatnya.Terkadang hal itu menyangkut “bacaan” yang bersumber dari Tuhanatau kitab-kitab suci (misalnya :QS 17:45), namun kadang-kadangjuga menyangkut “bacaan” yang bersumber dari manusia atau bukandari Tuhan (misalnya :QS 17:14). Dengan melihat bukti-bukti iniditambah lagi dengan tidak adanya penjelasan tentang apa saja obyekyang menyertainya, maka bisa dipahami apabila kata iqra’ dianggapmemiliki arti yang luas dan bersifat umum.Dapat ditarik kesimpulan, bahwa iqra’ yang berarti membaca,menganalisa, mendalami, merenungkan,menyampaikan,meneliti danlain-lain , mencakup obyek apa saja yang dapat dijangkau oleh katatersebut. Baik itu “membaca” ayat ayat yang bersumber dari Tuhan(kitab suci) juga “membaca” hasil karya manusia seperti buku-bukudan koran. Termasuk disini adalah meneliti, menganalisa danmerenungkan alam semesta, dinamika masyarakat dan diri pribadi.Contoh seperti menikmati puisi atau membaca majalah, memecahkanmasalah kantor atau RT, mengajar atau mengerjakan PR adalahimplementasi dari pelaksanaan perintah iqra’ yang palingsederhana.Dengan begitu luasnya cakupan kata iqra’, apakah dengan demikiansetiap nafas kita bisa dianggap sebagai melaksanakan perintahiqra’?, tentu saja tidak!. Karena kata iqra’ dikaitkan dengankalimat “bi ismi Rabbika” (dengan nama Tuhanmu). Ini berarti bahwamakna iqra’ bukan hanya sekedar asal membaca, ,tapi sekaligus jugamenuntut pelakunya agar pandai-pandai memilih obyek yang dibaca,diteliti, dianalisa dan di renungkan tersebut dapat mengantarkannyakepada “nama Allah” itu. Dengan kata lain dapat dikatakan bahwakita juga diwajibkan memilih obyek dari perintah iqra’ secara tepatserta harus tentang kebaikan dan hal-hal yang bermanfaat, bukantentang keburukan.Iqra’ adalah tuntunan pertama yang diberikan Allah swt kepadamanusia, satu-satunya mahluk yang dianugerahiNya potensi keilmuan,potensi yang tidak dimiliki oleh malaikat sekalipun. Semakin tinggi“pembacaan”, semakin terbuka rahasia-rahasia alam dan semakinberkembang pula ilmu pengetahuan. Tidak berlebihan jika dikatakanbahwa iqra’ merupakan syarat utama guna membangun peradaban. Iqra’bukan hanya ditujukan kepada Nabi Muhammad saw, tetapi juga untukseluruh umat manusia sepanjang masa. Karena realisasi perintahiqra’ merupakan pintu gerbang menuju kepada kebahagiaan hidupdidunia dan akhirat.Application Learning Iqrocomplete Volume 1 Up to Volume 6Iqra ', usually translated as "read", the first word of therevelations of God to the Prophet Muhammad. Of course this is asurprise to the Prophet, because he was illiterate. What to read ?,"Ma Aqra?", So the question behind the Prophet after repeatedGabriel delivered the order. We also did not find an explanation ofwhat objects are to be read from the word iqra 'is, therefore,there are various opinions of the commentators.The word iqra 'comes from the word qara'a, in dictionaries, thisword has various meanings, which are read, analyze, explore,reflect, express, researching, and so forth. Thus command iqra 'or"read" this does not require the existence of an article that canbe read, nor does it require the existence of a speech that can beheard. This understanding is in accordance with the meaning of theword itself qara'a initially indeed have meaning "raise".Qur'an often uses the word qara'a in various verses. Sometimesit involves "reading" that comes from God or sacred books (eg: Sura17:45), but sometimes also involves "reading" which is derived fromhuman or not of God (eg: Sura 17:14) . By looking at this evidencecoupled with the absence of any explanation of the accompanyingobjects, it can be understood if the word iqra 'are considered tohave a broad meaning and a general nature.It can be concluded, that iqra 'which means to read, analyze,explore, reflect, express, researching and others, includes anyobject that can be reached by the word. Whether it is "read" versesthat comes from God (holy book) is also "read" man's work such asbooks and newspapers. Included here is to examine, analyze andcontemplate the universe, society and personal dynamics. Examplessuch as enjoying a poem or reading a magazine, troubleshoot officeor RT, teaching or doing homework is the implementation of thecommand execution iqra 'simplest.Given the breadth of coverage word iqra ', is thus every breathwe can be regarded as carrying out orders iqra' ?, of course not !.Because the word iqra 'associated with the phrase "bi Seismicrabbika" (the name of your Lord). This means that the meaning iqra'is not just home to read, but it also demands that theperpetrators be very clever to choose the object is read, studied,analyzed and in the reflection can be delivered to the "name ofGod" it. In other words it can be said that we are also required tochoose an object from the command iqra 'appropriately and should beof good and useful things, instead of evil.Iqra 'is first given guidance of Allah to man, the only creaturethat dianugerahiNya scientific potential, the potential of which isnot owned by an angel. The higher the "readings", the more open thesecrets of nature and science is growing too. No exaggeration tosay that iqra 'is a major requirement to build civilization. Iqra'is not only addressed to the Prophet Muhammad, but also for theentire human race of all time. Because realization iqra command 'isthe gateway to the joys of living in the world and thehereafter.
Tutorial Hijab 9.2 APK
In this application there is a collection of100 ways hijab tutorial 2016 that can be used as a reference in ahijab headscarf or hijab like pashmina and so on. This applicationcan be used when a data connection is dead alias offline.Hijab (in Arabic: حجاب hijab) is an Arabic word which means abarrier. In some Arabic-speaking countries as well as Westerncountries, the word "hijab" more often refers to the veil used byMuslim women. But in Islamic scholarship, hijab is more appropriateto refer to the appropriate dressing procedures in accordance withthe guidance of religion.This application Hopefully Helpful.ANTMEDIA
Kisah 25 Nabi dan Mukjizatnya 1.4 APK
Aplikasi ini berisi sejarah atau kisah 25 Nabiyang patuh di ketahuiAplikasi ini berisi tentang- Kisah 25 Nabi- Mukjizat Para Nabi- 10 Malaikat dan Tugasnya- Rukun Iman- Rukun Islam- Kisah Sahabat NabiSemoga BermanfaatTerima Kasih" AntMedia "This application containsa history or story of the Prophet 25-abiding in the knowThis application contains- Acts 25 Prophet- Miracles of the Prophets- 10 Angels and duties- Tenets- Pillars of Islam- The story of the Prophet's CompanionsHope It Is UsefulThank You"AntMedia"
Salwar Suit Neck Design 1.1 APK
Shalwar kameez is a traditional outfitoriginating in Central Asia and South Asia and is a generic termused to describe different styles of dress. The shalwar kameez canbe worn by both men and women, although styles differ by gender.The shalwar and the kameez are two garments which have beencombined to form the shalwar kameez outfit.★★★★★ Women Salwar Kameez Designs ★★★★★The shalwar are loose pajama-like trousers. The legs are wide atthe top, and narrow at the ankle. The kameez is a long shirt ortunic, often seen with a Western-style collar; however, for femaleapparel, the term is now loosely applied to collarless ormandarin-collared kurtas. The kameez might be worn with pajamas aswell, either for fashion or comfort. Some kameez styles have sideseams (known as the chaak), left open below the waist-line, givingthe wearer greater freedom of movement.Features: Anarkali Salwar Kameez, Cotton Salwar Kameez, PartyWear Salwar Kameez, Dress Materials, Pakistani, Wedding, PatialaSalwar, Punjabi Suits, Salwars & Churidars, Semi StitchedSalwar Suits, Bollywood Salwars, Salwar Combo, Collar Neck★★★★★ AntMedia ★★★★★
Mehndi Design 2017 1.5 APK
Indian henna designs, also referred to asMehndi, are especially significant for Indian women, althoughpeople of other cultures and nationalities incorporate theintricate designs of the tattoos into their celebrations as well.Henna is highly regarded in Ayurvedic medicine for its abilityeliminate infection and impurities and soothe the stomach. Thefragrant white blooms of the henna plant are even used to makeperfume. Henna tattoos are created in a number of shapes andsymbols, and many Indian women prefer henna flower designs for thefeminine, delicate look of the tattoos. Henna Designs 2016