1.0.0 / September 21, 2015
(5.0/5) (1)


Mental Coach 4 Golf Lite (any full version) isan application created specially for ALL golfers to enjoy the gameof golf, to improve mental skills and to learn to use own internalstrength as a psychological advantage even in difficult situations.It's designed to be used instantly in critical situations.

Mental Coach 4 Golf (any full version) is application based onthe Pocketbook for the mental game of golf / professional editionby author Mario Beky (ISBN 978-80-971985-9-6).

Pocketbook for the mental game of golf/professional edition –Active Guide for Active Golfer.
You will be a better golfer.

This book is designed to help you to rise in the mental game ofgolf. It will always be by your side and it is up to you when andhow you decide to discover the uniqueness in yourself as aplayer.

I.A.M. Golf – Instant Anger Management Golf is a brand newsystem which supports your abilities and takes your game to thenext level. You will learn how to control your emotions and haveadvantage ahead of the competition. I.A.M Golf means that you canuse it immediately, whenever you need.

The Pocketbook / professional is created for a player who lovesto win.

Customize your game & determine your results by controllinginternal balance in an easy and incredibly efficient way.
Advanced mental coaching is specially crafted to be fitted for yourskills. It is you who determines your game, your effort, your way,your results. It is you who has control over your freedom.

All you have to do is put this book into your pocket and ENJOYTHE NEXT BEST SWING!

App Information Mental Coach 4 Golf Lite

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Mental Coach 4 Golf Lite 1.0.0 APK
Mental Coach 4 Golf Lite (any full version) isan application created specially for ALL golfers to enjoy the gameof golf, to improve mental skills and to learn to use own internalstrength as a psychological advantage even in difficult situations.It's designed to be used instantly in critical situations.Mental Coach 4 Golf (any full version) is application based onthe Pocketbook for the mental game of golf / professional editionby author Mario Beky (ISBN 978-80-971985-9-6).Pocketbook for the mental game of golf/professional edition –Active Guide for Active Golfer.You will be a better golfer.This book is designed to help you to rise in the mental game ofgolf. It will always be by your side and it is up to you when andhow you decide to discover the uniqueness in yourself as aplayer.I.A.M. Golf – Instant Anger Management Golf is a brand newsystem which supports your abilities and takes your game to thenext level. You will learn how to control your emotions and haveadvantage ahead of the competition. I.A.M Golf means that you canuse it immediately, whenever you need.The Pocketbook / professional is created for a player who lovesto win.Customize your game & determine your results by controllinginternal balance in an easy and incredibly efficient way.Advanced mental coaching is specially crafted to be fitted for yourskills. It is you who determines your game, your effort, your way,your results. It is you who has control over your freedom.All you have to do is put this book into your pocket and ENJOYTHE NEXT BEST SWING!
Advanced Coaching Golf Free 1.1.0 APK
Advanced Coaching Golf (any full version) isan application created specially for amateur golfers to enjoy thegame of golf, to improve mental skills and to learn to use owninternal strength as a psychological advantage even in difficultsituations. It's designed to be used instantly in criticalsituations.Advanced Mental Coaching for Amateur Golfers (any full version)is application based on the Pocketbook for the mental game of golfby author Mario Beky (ISBN 978-80-971879-9-6).Pocketbook for the mental game of golf, created specifically forpractical use in the game, is offering guidance on how tostrengthen the psychological profile of the player. You can quicklyfind - motivational phrases, advanced training methods, reasoningexercises, strategies of the approach to the game and a variety ofother topics for diverse situations.This practical guide shows how to easily and effectively gaincontrol over stressful situations (even when your opponents willusually fail). It contains examples of relaxation techniquesapplicable during practice, before the game, during the game, butalso after playing the unwanted shot. These topics teach on how toincrease your gaming performance to letting your opponents defeatthemselves and even to enjoy the most important shots of your life.Practical exercises can be adjusted for own game level.To run the application you need device with Android operatingsystem from the version 2.3.3 and screen resolution from 480x800pixels.To use the application swipe with your finger through the content -from left to right, from right to left. To close the applicationuse "the menu key"/ "the recent key".Original resolution of the application is 480x800 pixels.
Pokročilý trénink Golf ČESKY 1.1.1 APK
Pokročilý trénink Golf ČESKY jeaplikacevytvořena speciálně pro amatérské golfisty, pro vychutnánísigolfové hry, pro posilňování psychologické hry a pro naučenísevyužívat vnitřní sílu jako psychologickou výhodu. Je navrhnutaprookamžité využití v nečekaných zátěžových situacích.Aplikace Pokročilý trénink Golf ČESKY, vytvořená speciálněprovyužití v praktické hře,nabízí návody jak posílit psychologický profil hráče a tedyizlepšit jeho celkovéskóre. Prostřednictvím ní umíte rychle najít - motivačnífráze,pokročilé tréninkovépostupy, zdůvodňovací cvičení, strategie přístupů ke hře arůznájiná tématapro rozmanité situace.Tenhle praktický rádce ukazuje jak jednoduše a efektivnězískatkontrolu nadzátěžovými situacemi (i tehdy, když budou vaši soupeřiobvykleselhávat). Obsahujepříklady relaxačních technik aplikovatelných v tréninku, předhrou,během hry, ale i poodehrání nežádoucí rány. Přehledným způsobem poodhaluje"tajemství",jak budovánímzdravé herní sebedůvěry lze ovlivňovat svůj herní výkon, jaknechatprotihráčů porazitsebe samých a jak vychutnat i nejdůležitější ránu svéhoživota.Brožurka je navrhnutapro golfisty – amatéry a určena jak pro začínající, tak ipropokročilé hráče.Chcete-li spustit aplikaci, potřebujete zařízení soperačnímsystémem Android od verze 2.3.3 a s obrazovkou odrozlišení 480x800pixelů a více.Obsluha aplikace funguje nasledovně - přejeďte prstem přes obsah-zleva doprava, zprava doleva. Chcete-li zavřít aplikacipoužijte"tlačítko Menu".Aplikace Pokročilý trénink Golf ČESKY is založena na knizeMysleta hrát snadným způsobem - Příručka pro mentální hru v golfuodautora - Mario Beky (ISBN 978-80-971742-3-1).Advanced trainingCZECHGolf is an application created especially for amateur golferstoenjoy a golf game, for EkoConnect psychological games andlearningto use internal strength as a psychological advantage. Itisdesigned for immediate use in unexpected stressful situations.Applications Advanced Training Golf CZECH, designedspecificallyfor use in the practice gameoffers guidance about how to strengthen the psychological profileofplayers and thus improve its overallscore. Through her, you know how quickly - motivationalphrases,advanced trainingprocedures zdůvodňovací workout strategy approaches to the gameandvarious other topicsfor a variety of situations.This practical guide shows you how to simply and effectivelygaincontrol overstressful situations (even when your opponents will usuallyfail).ContainsExamples of relaxation techniques applicable in training beforethegame, during the game, but afterplayed undesirable wounds. -Glance reveals the "secret"tobuildingGaming healthy self-esteem can affect your gaming performance toletthe opponent beatourselves and enjoyed most important blow of his life. Thebookletis designedfor golfers - amateurs and designed for both beginners andadvancedplayers.To run the application, you need a device running Androidversion2.3.3 with screen resolution of 480x800 pixels ormore.Operation app works the following way - swipe through content -fromleft to right, right to left. To close an application, use the"Menubutton".Applications Advanced Training Golf CZECH is based on thebookThink and play the easy way - Manual mental game of golf fromtheauthor - Mario Beka (ISBN 978-80-971742-3-1).
Advanced Coaching Golf WORLD 1.1.4 APK
Advanced Coaching Golf WORLD is an applicationcreated specially for amateur golfers to enjoy the game of golf, toimprove mental skills and to learn to use own internal strength asa psychological advantage even in difficult situations. It'sdesigned to be used instantly in critical situations.Advanced Mental Coaching for golf (WORLD - metric units version)is application based on the Pocketbook for the mental game of golfby author Mario Beky (ISBN 978-80-971879-9-6).Pocketbook for the mental game of golf, created specifically forpractical use in the game, is offering guidance on how tostrengthen the psychological profile of the player. You can quicklyfind - motivational phrases, advanced training methods, reasoningexercises, strategies of the approach to the game and a variety ofother topics for diverse situations.This practical guide shows how to easily and effectively gaincontrol over stressful situations (even when your opponents willusually fail). It contains examples of relaxation techniquesapplicable during practice, before the game, during the game, butalso after playing the unwanted shot. These topics teach on how toincrease your gaming performance to letting your opponents defeatthemselves and even to enjoy the most important shots of your life.Practical exercises can be adjusted for own game level.To run the application you need device with Android operatingsystem from the version 2.3.3 and screen resolution from 480x800pixels.To use the application swipe with your finger through the content -from left to right, from right to left. To close the applicationuse "the menu key"/ "the recent key".Original resolution of the application is 480x800 pixels.
Advanced Coaching Golf USA 1.1.4 APK
Advanced Coaching Golf USA is anapplicationcreated specially for amateur golfers to enjoy the gameof golf, toimprove mental skills and to learn to use own internalstrength asa psychological advantage even in difficult situations.It'sdesigned to be used instantly in critical situations.Advanced Mental Coaching for golf (USA - imperial unitsversion)is application based on the Pocketbook for the mental gameof golfby author Mario Beky (ISBN 978-80-971879-9-6).Pocketbook for the mental game of golf, created specificallyforpractical use in the game, is offering guidance on howtostrengthen the psychological profile of the player. You canquicklyfind - motivational phrases, advanced training methods,reasoningexercises, strategies of the approach to the game and avariety ofother topics for diverse situations.This practical guide shows how to easily and effectivelygaincontrol over stressful situations (even when your opponentswillusually fail). It contains examples of relaxationtechniquesapplicable during practice, before the game, during thegame, butalso after playing the unwanted shot. These topics teachon how toincrease your gaming performance to letting your opponentsdefeatthemselves and even to enjoy the most important shots of yourlife.Practical exercises can be adjusted for own game level.To run the application you need device with Android operatingsystemfrom the version 2.3.3 and screen resolution from480x800pixels.To use the application swipe with your finger through the content-from left to right, from right to left. To close theapplicationuse "the menu key"/ "the recent key".Original resolution of the application is 480x800 pixels.
ActivEgo Motivation PRO 1.0.1 APK
Motivation App designed to prepare yourselffora challenge (sport, life, etc.). This application was createdtodeliver the Advanced System of Motivational Quotes forhighlyaspirated individual before a challenging activity. I.A.M.CHAMPION- Instant Anger Management for Champion is a brand newsystem whichsupports your abilities and takes your effort to thenext level. Itwill show you how to use your inner strength and gainadvantageahead of the competition. I.A.M Champion means that youcan use itimmediately, whenever you need. Use your full potentialand try tocontrol internal balance in an easy and incrediblyefficient way.It is you who determines your game, your effort, yourway, yourresults. It is you who has control over your freedom.Beforereading and applying hints from the application ACTIVEGO-MOTIVATION FOR CHAMPIONS, the reader should considereveryimplication for his / her physical and mental health. Authorofthis application does not take any responsibility over actionsofindividuals that use hints without anyreasonableconsideration.Every progress, every result in thecompetitionrelies on regular practice with a certified trainer. Touse theApplication swipe with your finger through the content.Anapplication ACTIVEGO - MOTIVATION FOR CHAMPIONS is based onanassistance program Advanced Mental Coaching created byMarioBeky.
ActivEgo Motivation FREE 1.0.0 APK
FREE edition of the ActivEgo MotivationPRO.Motivation App designed to prepare yourself for a challenge(sport,life, etc.). This application was created to deliver theAdvancedSystem of Motivational Quotes for highly aspiratedindividualbefore a challenging activity. I.A.M. CHAMPION - InstantAngerManagement for Champion is a brand new system which supportsyourabilities and takes your effort to the next level. It will showyouhow to use your inner strength and gain advantage ahead ofthecompetition. I.A.M Champion means that you can use itimmediately,whenever you need. Use your full potential and try tocontrolinternal balance in an easy and incredibly efficient way. Itis youwho determines your game, your effort, your way, yourresults. Itis you who has control over your freedom. Before readingandapplying hints from the application ACTIVEGO - MOTIVATIONFORCHAMPIONS, the reader should consider every implication for his/her physical and mental health. Author of this application doesnottake any responsibility over actions of individuals that usehintswithout any reasonable consideration.Every progress, everyresultin the competition relies on regular practice with acertifiedtrainer. To use the Application swipe with your fingerthrough thecontent. An application ACTIVEGO - MOTIVATION FORCHAMPIONS isbased on an assistance program Advanced Mental Coachingcreated byMario Beky.