App Information Guia da Gravidez
- App NameGuia da Gravidez
- Package Namecom.alteregoapps.guiadagravidez
- UpdatedDecember 1, 2015
- File Size2.4M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 4.0.3 and up
- Version1.0
- DeveloperAlterEgo Apps
- Installs500 - 1,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryLifestyle
- Developer
- Google Play Link
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Cómo Dibujar Graffitis 1.0 APK
Esta aplicación te llevará paso a paso en lacreación de Graffiti desde la realización del boceto y todos losdetalles que tienes que saber para Dibujar Graffitis.El graffiti es un estilo popular de arte que ha sido símbolo demuchas culturas.Detalles:- Instrucciones para saber Cómo hacer graffitis fáciles.- El Paso a paso en detalles de como hacer un Gaffiti.- Cómo dibujar letras de graffiti.- Te brindamos un tutorial de como Dibujar Graffitis.- Cómo escribir tu nombre estilo Graffitis.- Cómo escribir letras de Bubble.- Cómo dibujar un Graffiti tren.- Cómo hacer letras 3D.- Cómo hacer graffitis vivos con musgo.Esta aplicación es ideal para que cualquiera aprendan a dibujardivirtiéndose.This application willtake you step by step through the creation of Graffiti from therealization of the sketch and all the details you need to know todraw graffiti.Graffiti is a popular style of art that has been a symbol of manycultures.Details:- Instructions on how to make easy graffiti.- The Step-by-step details on how to make a Gaffiti.- How to draw graffiti letters.- We give a tutorial on how to draw graffiti.- How to write your name graffiti style.- How to write letters Bubble.- How to Draw a Graffiti train.- Making 3D letters.- How to live with moss graffiti.This application is ideal for anyone having fun learning todraw.
Dietas Para Adelgazar 1.0 APK
Las más efectivas de las dietas para adelgazary perder peso rápido en una semana y lucir genial.Existen muchas dietas para bajar de peso rápido aqui te mostramoslas 12 Dietas mas famosas y eficaces del mundo.Detalles:- Los pasos reales para hacerla bien la Dieta Dukan.- ¿Qué es la dieta Mediterránea y como me ayuda a adelgazar?- ¿Cómo funciona la dieta de la alcachofa para perder peso en tresdías?- ¿Cómo se puede adelgazar con la dieta alcalina?- ¿Qué es la dieta Atkins y cuales son sus alimentospermitidos?- Dieta disociada paso a paso.- La dieta japonesa. Adelgazar sin esfuerzo.- Limpiar el organismo y perder peso con una dieta Detox.- Dieta paleolítica: ¿En qué consiste?- Dieta proteica: ¡Adelgaza sin perder masa muscular!- Dieta Scardale: pierde 7 kilos en solo 14 días.- Dieta depurativa para cuidar tu cuerpo.Encontrarás explicaciones exhaustivas de todas las dietas sanasexistentes del momento y en el mundo.Todo lo que debes saber sobre adelgazar de la forma más sana!The most effective dietsto lose weight fast and lose weight in a week and look great.There are many diets to lose weight fast here we show the 12 mostfamous and effective diets in the world.Details:- The actual steps to make good the Dukan Diet.- What is the Mediterranean diet to help me lose weight?- How does the diet of the artichoke to lose weight in threedays?- How can you lose weight with the alkaline diet?- What is the Atkins diet and what are the allowed foods?- Diet dissociated step by step.- The Japanese diet. Lose weight effortlessly.- Clean the body and lose weight on a detox diet.- Paleolithic Diet: What is it?- Protein Diet: Lose weight without losing muscle mass!- Scarsdale Diet: lost 7 kilos in just 14 days.- Diet cleansing to protect your body.You'll find thorough explanations of all existing time and healthydiets in the world.All you need to know about weight loss in the healthiest way!
Dieta Dukan A Melhor 1.0 APK
Nesta app você encontra todo o conteúdo sobreDieta Dukan, promete emagrecer rápido e acabar com o efeito ioiô.Detalhes:- Primeira fase da dieta.- Fase 2: transição.- Fase 3: consolidação.- Fases de Consolidação e Estabilização Definitiva.- Por que saber o peso certo?- Descubra quais são os perigos e efeitos colaterais da dietaDukan.- Escada Nutricional Dukan: conheça versão mais fácil da dietafamosa.- Receitas Dukan: aprenda pratos da dieta.- Seja para perder peso ou para ter uma alimentação saudável.Aprenda a preparar receitas fáceis e saborosas para todas as fasesda dieta dukan!Sucesso na Europa!In this app you will findall content on Dukan Diet promises fast weight loss and end theyo-yo effect.Details:- First phase of the diet.- Phase 2: transition.- Stage 3: consolidation.- Consolidation and Stabilization Phase Final.- Why know the right weight?- Find out what are the dangers and side effects of Dukandiet.- Ladder Nutrition Dukan: Know easier version of the famousdiet.- Dukan Recipes: Learn diet dishes.- Whether to lose weight or to have a healthy diet.Learn how to prepare easy and tasty recipes for every stage ofdukan diet!Success in Europe!
Cuisine Algérienne 1.0 APK
Découvrez tous nos Sélection de recettesalgériennes faciles, rapides et souvent économiques.La cuisine Algérienne est très riche de part la production de laterre et mer.Détails des recettes:Menu 1: Berkoukes algérien à la viande; Khobz eddar - Pain maison;Chorba Beida – Soupe algérienne et plus.Menu 2: Hmiss, salade de poivrons algérienne; Kesra, Galettealgérienne de semoule; Batata Kbab aux pommes de terre et sauceblanche et plus.Menu 3: Les crêpes mille trous ou baghrir; Galette algérienne;Briouates à la viande hachée et plus.Menu 4: Petites brioches algériennes; Tlitli; Karantika etplus.Menu 5: Soupe traditionnelle du Maghreb (Algérie et Maroc);Maaqouda de pommes de terre; Bourak et plus.Menu 6: Makroud; Chorba algérienne; Côtelettes d'agneau à la vapeuret plus.Menu 7: Cigares-gâteau algérien; Boules au chocolat et à la noix decoco; Baklawa-gâteau algérien et plus.Menu 8: Tajine de topinambour à la viande; Filets de sardines à lapoêle (façon maman); Riz au poivron et à la tomate et plus.Menu 9: Aich; Cornets aux amandes 'makrout el louz'- recettealgérienne; Chermoula et plus.La cuisine algérienne possède un patrimoine culinaire très riche àla hauteur du pays.Recettes avec photos à découvrir au plus vite !Discover all our Algerianselection of easy recipes, quick and often economic.Algerian cuisine is very rich from the production of land and sea.Details of Revenue:Menu 1: Algerian Berkoukes meat; Khobz eddar - Homemade bread;Chorba Beida - Algerian Soup and more.Menu 2: Hmiss, Algerian pepper salad; Kesra, Algerian Galettesemolina; Batata Kbab with potatoes and white sauce and more.Menu 3: The pancakes thousand holes or baghrir; Algerian Galette;Briouates with minced meat and more.Menu 4: Small Algerian buns; Tlitli; Karantika and more.Menu 5: Traditional soup of the Maghreb (Algeria and Morocco);Potato Maaqouda; Bourak and more.Menu 6: Makroud; Algerian chorba; Lamb chops with steam andmore.Menu 7: Cigars Algerian-cake; Chocolate balls and coconut;Algerian-cake and baklava.Menu 8: Jerusalem artichoke tajine with meat; Sardine fillets inthe pan (so mom); Rice with pepper and tomato and more.Menu 9: Aich; Almond Cornets' el Makrout louz'- Algerian recipe;Chermoula and more.The Algerian Cuisine has a very rich culinary heritage at theheight of the country.Recipes with photos to discover more quickly!
Mensajes Biblicos 1.0 APK
A continuación usted encontrará citas bíblicasy Mensajes Biblicos alentadores.Te recomendamos leer la santa biblia y poder comprender cadamensaje que tiene para ti.La aplicación contiene una coleccion de versiculos y textosbiblicos en imágenes y en textos segun las sagradas escrituras.Detalles:- Muchas imágenes de Citas Biblicas y Frases Biblicas oreligiosas de amor, paz y fé.- Imágenes de Frases de Dios Inspiradas en la voluntad de nuestrocreador.- Aprende sobre la fe con estos textos bíblicos en imágenesreligiosas.- La Biblia es la verdadera fuente de ayuda, te damos frases dealiento en imágenes.- Pensamientos con imágenes que contienen Citas Bíblicas para quetu espíritu sea lleno de la Palabra de Dios.- Pensamientos biblicos en imágenes cortos para reflexionar ymeditar.- Textos santos para leer.- Mensajes bíblicos en textos.- Comparte el mensaje de Dios.Mensajes Biblicos para predicar completamente gratis.Here you will findbiblical quotations and messages encouraging Bible.We recommend you read the Holy Bible and to understand each messageit has for you.The application contains a collection of verses and texts in imagesand texts according to the scriptures.Details:- Many images of biblical quotations and biblical or religiousphrases of love, peace and faith.- Images phrases God Inspired by the will of our creator.- Learn about faith with these biblical texts in religiousimages.- The Bible is the true source of help, we give words ofencouragement in images.- Thoughts for images that contain biblical quotations so that yourspirit is filled with the Word of God.- Thoughts on short Bible to reflect and meditate images.- Holy texts to read.- Posts in Biblical texts.- Share God's message.Biblical messages to preach free.
Piropos Gratis 1.0 APK
Hemos recogido una gran variedad de piropos enesta recopilación de piropos gratis de amor organizados porcategorias segun el estado de animo que estes.Detalles de la app:- Piropos en versos de amor.- Románticos: Anímate, escoge uno y dedícaselo a esa personaespecial que sin lugar a dudas está esperando que le digas al oídopalabras románticas.- Piropos que son ¡flechazos de amor!- Para Seducir: En esta ocasión encontrarás varias frases de amor,para toda clase de situaciones.- Piropos irresistibles.- Bonitos frases para enamorar.- Piropos cortos para enamorar.- Tiernos y romanticos para dedicar.- Para Chicas.- Para Conquistar.- Piropos romanticos para enamorar a hombres y mujeres.- De Amor puro.Dedica una frase de amor romántica y original para sorprender yenamorar a tu pareja!Declara tu amor para seducir y conquistar a tu pareja!We have collected manycompliments on this collection of free love compliments organizedby categories according to the mood you are.Details of the app:- Fives in love poems.- Romantic, Be, choose one and dedicate it to that special personwho undoubtedly is waiting to hear you say the romanticwords.- Compliments are arrows of love!- To Seduce: This time you'll find several phrases of love, for allkinds of situations.- Fives irresistible.- Pretty phrases to woo.- Short Fives for love.- Tender and romantic to spend.- Girls.- To conquer.- Romantic love Fives for men and women.- Pure Love.He dedicates a romantic phrase and original love to surprise andseduce your partner!Declare your love to seduce and conquer your partner!
Como Dibujar Anime 1.0 APK
El primer tutorial Premium para aprender deforma sencilla y rapida a Dibujar Anime y Manga.Esta aplicación es un punto de partida para empezar a aprender adibujar anime.Detalles:- Te enseñamos a Dibujar un torso masculino de anime- Paso a paso te mostramos como Dibujar una cabeza humana- PUNTOS A TENER EN CUENTA AL DIBUJAR UNA FIGURA FEMENINA- Pasos a seguir para Dibujar Manos y dedos- Como Dibujar Rostros y Cabezas anime- El paso a paso adecuado para dibujar ojos- Como dibujar una ciudad de fondo con perspectiva perfecta- El lenguaje corporal del Manga- Como Dibujar el Cuerpo, pies etcCómo dibujar anime es la manera más cómoda de conocer todos losconsejos para poder ser un profesional del Anime.La aplicación es gratis y de libre acceso!The first Premiumtutorial to learn quickly and easily to Draw Anime and Manga.This application is a starting point to begin to learn to drawanime.Details:- We teach you to draw a male torso anime- Step by step show you how to draw a human head- POINTS TO CONSIDER TO DRAW A female figure- Steps to Draw Hands and fingers- How to Draw Faces and Heads anime- The move to right step to draw eyes- How to create a city background with perfect perspective- Body language Manga- How to Draw Body, feet etc.How to draw anime it is the most comfortable way to meet all thetips to be a professional Anime.The application is free and open access!
диета дюкана бесплатно 1.0 APK
диета Дюкана бесплатно построена такимобразом,что худеть вам будет приятно и совсем несложно.подробности:- Атака: План потери веса или что собой представляетфранцузскаядиета- Чередование: Вторая фаза. Чередование (Круиз) - ДиетаДюкана- Стабилизация: Четвертая фаза. Стабилизация - Диета Дюкана- Соусы: Категория: "Соусы" | Все о диете Дюкана- десерты | Рецепты диеты Дюкан- Супы (первые блюда)" | Все о диете Дюкана- Напитки: Диетические напитки - Диета Дюкан- Рецепты для этапа Атака диеты Дюкана: мясные- Рецепты блюд из овощейНи для кого не секрет, что любая женщина хочет выглядетькрасиво,эффектно и привлекательно.Мы предоставляем вам эту возможность бесплатно.Загрузите на Андроид телефон.Ducane free diet isbuiltin such a way that you will be pleased to lose weight and isasnap.details:- Attack: weight loss plan, or what the French diet- Alternating: The second phase. Alternation (Cruise) -DukanDiet- Stabilization: The fourth phase. Stabilization - Dukan Diet- Sauces: Category "Sauces" | All about diet Ducane- Desserts | Dukan Diet Recipes- Soups (first courses) "| All about diet Ducane- Drinks: Diet drinks - Dukan Diet- Recipes for diet Attack Phase Ducane: meat- Recipes vegetable dishesIt's no secret that every woman wants to lookbeautiful,impressive and attractive.We give you this opportunity.Download the Android phone.
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Pregnancy Test Checker Prank 2.0 APK
Finger scan pregnancy test is an applicationthat scans your fingerprint and gives you if you are pregnant ornot, this home pregnancy test is a funny way to prank yourgirlfriend or your wife that she is actually pregnant and she willhave a baby (this is not a real pregnancy test).This digital pregnancy test cheaker (Joke) works by putting yourfinger on the middle of the application and after 5 second it givesyou the result that gives you if you are pregnant or not, and shockyour friends or wife or girlfriend.This beautiful apps Best pregnancy test for detecting earliestpregnancy test (Fake),With pregnancy test calculator you can tell easily scare yourfemale friends and show them that they might be pregnant and willhave a baby and make theme believe that this is the most accuratepregnancy test online, and have a good laugh with them yourfriends.Are you pregnant or not be sure with the Best pregnancy detector onthe google play store andPS: this Pregnancy Test Scanner works on all Android phones.Next applications: pregnancy symptoms, pregnancy apps boy orgirl, first response pregnancy test
Pregnancy Exercises 0.0.1 APK
Regular aerobic exercise during pregnancyappears to improve (or maintain) physical fitness. Physicalexercise during pregnancy does appear to decrease the risk ofC-section.The Clinical Practice Obstetrics Committee of Canada recommendsthat "All women without contraindications should be encouraged toparticipate in aerobic and strength-conditioning exercises as partof a healthy lifestyle during their pregnancy". Although an upperlevel of safe exercise intensity has not been established, womenwho were regular exercisers before pregnancy and who haveuncomplicated pregnancies should be able to engage in highintensity exercise programs. In general, participation in a widerange of recreational activities appears to be safe, with theavoidance of those with a high risk of falling such as horsebackriding or skiing or those that carry a risk of abdominal trauma,such as soccer or hockey.Many women’s main concern when they become pregnant is theweight gain. Numerous expecting mothers are dissatisfied becausethey put on significant amount of weight during their pregnancy andfear that they will be unable to loose it post delivery. A studywas conducted to learn about seventy one pregnant women’s bodyimage satisfaction. Forty of these women were high exercisers andthirty one were low exercisers. In the end, the high exercisersdemonstrated significantly higher levels of body imagesatisfaction. This is because women who exercise during pregnancymay respond in a favorable manner to changes in their body duringearly pregnancy in comparison to woman who remains sedentary(Boscaglia, Skouteris, Wertheim, 2003).**Disclaimer: Of course, your doctor’s permission for exerciseis essential as there can be contraindications to exercise duringpregnancy. Additionally, the most important thing you can do istune in to your body and give yourself some grace. Be aware of whatyour body is telling you – does that exercise feel good? Keep itup. Doesn’t feel so good? Probably best to stop and adjust.
Pregnancy Calculator 1.5 APK
"Pregnancy Calculator" helps you calculatewhatdays you're more likely to get pregnant.This app is very easy to use, you just have to enter whichwasthe first day of your last period and the average length ofyourmenstrual cycles. Only with these two data This applicationwilltell you that some days you are a bit fertile, fertile orveryfertile.Also you points which will be the day of your ovulation and ifyouget pregnant the day of your embryo implantation andconceptionoccurs, from that day can get a pregnancy test and whatwould bethe approximate delivery date provided .
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mCent - Free Mobile Recharge 2.0 APK
Use mCent and get free recharge to top-updata, talktime, and SMS.How it works: Discover. Earn. Recharge.1. Discover new apps we picked just for you2. Earn credit for each of the free apps you try3. Use the credit to recharge your phone for free!Earn free recharge money on mCent your first day and everyday afterthat. You can use your free data recharges anyway you want. Visitwhatever website you want, download any app, or give your rechargeto friends.Never worry about data charges again.Mobile recharges are supported on all major operators.
Cool Browser - Fast Download 3.1 APK
Download the best mobile browser -Cool Browser for android. Cool Browser provides you Breaking News,in-built HD video player, share center, multi tab browsing,incognito browsing and amazing speed to watch and download yourfavorite movies.Unique Features✓ Lightweight Browser✓ Personalized Search✓ Download & Share Videos✓ Download Manager✓ Inbuilt HD Video Player✓ Multi Tab Browsing✓ Suggestive Search✓ Image off mode✓ Incognito Browsing✓ Zoom In/Out✓ Offline Videos------------------------------------------------------------❖ Lightweight Browser- Very lightweight application provides you great browsingexperience. Enjoy superfast speed for watching your favorite movies& TV shows online❖ Personalized Search- Provides search suggestions based on intuitive algorithm. Selectyour preferred search engines conveniently for best result.❖ Download & Share Video- Now you can download & share videos to your Whatsapp &Facebook with a single click.❖ Download Manager- Now download your favorite files, videos with a single click.In-built download manager helps to enhance the download speed forany desired file.❖ Inbuilt HD Video Player- Enjoy HD viewing experience for your favorite movies within-built HD video player.❖ Multi Tab Browsing- It is allowing you to open multiple tabs while browsing. You canswipe & switch desired page according to your need.❖ Suggestive Search- Provides search suggestions based on intuitive algorithm.❖ Image off mode- Filters out photos for a faster browsing experience. Also savesdata cost for downloading photos & images.❖ Incognito Browsing- Surf your favorite websites in private browsing (incognito) modeand secure your privacy.❖ Zoom In/Out- Watch screening with zoom mode to enjoy enhanced visualexperience.❖ Password Protection- Password protection for your personal login information.❖ Offline Videos- Plays videos offline without internet. Get your favorite videosoffline.❖ Customizable Skin- Make your browser more personal with customizable features andattractive skins.❖ Share Center- Share your favorite videos with your friends and groupseasily.❖ Breaking News- Get top trending results daily with easy navigation. Watch &download them is not supported due to their terms of service.facebook:
Discover 1.0 APK
“Discover App” is a concept for global servicein which people can make friends and provide communication servicewhich enables smooth photo sharing and communication with globalfriends. Share your photo’s to enjoy and get new Inspirations fromothers by looking through photos. Also share your profile to newfriends and see others profile. Share your interesting photos andstories with global friends.Features• To meet new surrounding friends.• Sharing Photos with Global Friends.• Share interesting stories with global friends.• Like, share and comment in friend’s posts.• To communicate with new friends.
Double Tap: Screen Wake Up 1.2 APK
Stop the traditional way of waking up you mobile screen. This appwill enhance your mobile screen and double tapping on the screenwill wake up your mobile screen.Forget patterns, pin codes, or sliders to unlock your screen. Forthose who uses their mobile a lot, to them even a second counts.Using patten or pin passwords are time consuming. Using this lockscreen makes it easy for your to unlock your mobile. You need todouble tap on the customized lock screen of this app and the mobilewill unlock. Speed and security are integral part of thisapp.Lock Features :- Double Tap to unlock anywhere on your lock screen to openit.- Customize your lock screen page.- Add name, photo, date and time to your lock screen- Customize fonts, size and color of name, date and time.This feature is provided in all the latest phones of LG G serieslike the LG G3.So download this app and upgrade your mobile with the latestfeature of double tap.
Gigato: Free Data Recharge 3.14 APK
With Gigato, you’ll never have to wait forWiFi again! Gigato provides free unrestricted Internet data foryour Android.Use the apps you love and get megabytes recharged to your prepaidaccount, or store in your Gigato Data Wallet and give yourself aneasy recharge whenever you need one. No need to try for an onlinerecharge, we store them right on your mobile!Gigato users, please upgrade to v2.05 or newer to keep earningdata packs.Step 1: After you download and register with Gigato, all theapps that partner with us are able to refund you for the dataconsumed on their apps with unrestricted mobile recharge credit on2G/3G/4G.Step 2: Use apps you already have installed or install newones, either way you start earning data credits instantly!Share Gigato with your friends and you each earn bonus data!Step 3: Once you reach 150MB you can receive a recharge foruse on anything anywhere!We believe in giving users options when it comes to paying for dataand using their apps whenever and wherever they please. Our freerecharge offers are always changing too!Download Gigato Today! Visit our website at tolearn more.Please note:Gigato only works on prepaid accounts. Postpaid accounts will notwork.We support all mobile recharges across alll operators in Indiaincluding but not limited to:• Aircel mobile data packs• Airtel mobile data packs• Idea mobile data packs• MTNL mobile data packs• Reliance CDMA mobile data packs• Reliance GSM mobile data packs• UNINOR mobile data packs• Vodafone mobile data packsWe are always here to help you. If you have any issuesinstalling or receiving your data recharge, please email us:[email protected] allows users to access online connected computer,electronic, and mobile networks
Playboy For Android (Old App) 1.1.1 APK
The Playboy App brings Playboy’s reverence oftruth, beauty and a better life into readers’ lives through theirmobile devices. Get instant access to photos of sexy Playmates andother world-class beauties, high-quality photo galleries andinsightful articles. Playmates, models and gorgeous amateurs arefeatured in our free, Safe for Work (SFW), NON-NUDE Playmate Redux,God Given Gorgeous, Miss Social and Exclusives galleries. Galleriesalso are available for purchase.Yes, some people do actually download the app for the articles.The Playboy App offers select reporting from the world-renownedprint edition of Playboy as well as original writing on Sex andCulture and The Good Life. You can rely on Playboy writers to serveup thoughtful journalism and opinion on sex, politics, travel,culture, music, style, cars, gear, food and drink.Added bonus: The World of Playboy feature gives users abehind-the-scenes look at Playboy’s Playmates, parties, events andpersonalities.The Playboy App is the purveyor of the bespoke Playboy lifestylefor the ultimate urbane guy, a must-have for the moderngentleman.For complete access choose between two subscription models: a30-day subscription and a 1-year subscription, which will save youmore than 40 percent compared to the monthly subscription.Free sample galleries and articles are available available whenyou download the app.
Kris+ by Singapore Airlines 5.0.0 APK
Meet Kris+, your lifestyle rewards app that lets you enjoyexclusive deals and privileges every day at over 1,000 dining andretail partner outlets in Singapore. Enjoy up to 6% rebates and getthe BEST miles rate in town of up to 9 miles per SGD spent, bysimply making payments through the app as you shop and dine! WithKris+, everything adds up: DEALS, PRIVILEGES, REWARDS & REBATES- Privileges with minimum of 10% off, 1-for-1 deals andcomplimentary treats. - Exclusive birthday privileges during yourbirthday month. - Earn rebates in miles for every payment madethrough the app, with no minimum spend or cap in the maximum numberof miles you can get. As good as cashback! - Your spend on Kris+lets you earn both rewards from Kris+ and your credit card, easilydoubling your rewards! - Convert reward points from your Citibank,CapitaStar, DBS or UOB account to miles. - Redeem your earned milesto offset your future purchases or transfer them to your KrisFlyeraccount to accumulate for your next Singapore Airlines flight.PARTNER MERCHANTS - In Singapore, there are 300+ partnering brandsand over 1,000 outlets across dining, retail, wellness, leisureactivities and services categories. - Local partners include –award winning restaurants like Braci, Amò, atout and Alma by JuanAmador; casual dining restaurants like Aburi-EN, Enjoy EatingHouse, Mrs Pho, The Coffee Academics and Nuodle; cafes and bistroslike Paris Baguette, Gong Cha, Cedele, Mellower Coffee and 25Degrees Burger; retail brands like Harvey Norman, Challenger,Simmons, In Good Company, PUMA, Bottles&Bottles and FairPriceFinest; services like Esso, Shunji Matsuo and PHS HAIRSCIENCE;attractions like Holey Moley Golf Club, Ola Beach Club and iFly;wellness salons like House of Traditional Javanese Massage LifeSpa,and Kenko Wellness. - Use Kris+ and enjoy privileges at countrieswith partnering merchants, including South Korea, India, Australia,Indonesia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and more.FEATURE HIGHLIGHTS - Monthly flash deals for vouchers and promocodes. - Complete in-app challenges and get rewarded instantly. -Frequent bonus miles and miles-back promotions. - Transfer miles toand from your KrisFlyer account to your Kris+ app. - Discoverpartner outlets nearby where you can use Kris+. - Shop directly onKrisShop and earn miles for every transaction made. - Personalisedpush notification and recommendations. - Retrieve your SingaporeAirlines pass within 24 hours. before arriving in Singapore, orduring your stay in Singapore. SEAMLESS PAYMENT - Set up Google Payon your mobile phone with your desired debit / credit card; Kris+will automatically detect this as a payment option - Simply scanthe QR code at our partner outlets with your Kris+ app and proceedwith payment using Kris+. REFERRAL REWARDS - Earn SGD 5 worth ofmiles for both you and your friend for every successful Kris+referral. For more information, visit