1.0.0 / February 26, 2015
(4.6/5) (10)


Por fin para dispositivos Android y deformagratuita, las enseñanzas de los entrenadores personales de masfamaen todo el mundo, para que puedas entrenar donde quieras,comoquieras y cuando quieras, tu decides!

Mas de 10 añod de experiencia en el mundo del fitness (algunodenuestros entrenadores lleva mas de 30) cada uno denuestrosmaestros te dan las claves y ejercicios queconsideranimprescindibles para desarrollar tus abdominales almáximo, paraque selecciones tu rutina favorita y la que mejor seadapta a tusnecesidades.

No podemos prometer que adelgazarás después de descargarnuestraAPP, ni que tendrás un abdomen perfecto, glúteosesculpidos,pectorales de acero, biceps desarrollado etc.. Nunca tefíes dequien te prometa resultados al 100% en el mundo delentrenamientofísico, porqué solamente tu mismo puedes hacerteresponsable de queestos resultados lleguen. Los elementos básicospara el éxito decualquier programa de entrenamiento son: voluntad yconstancia, elresto lo ponemos nosotros!

Todos nuestros contenidos garantizan profesionalidad ypasiónmáximas por nuestra parte. Hemos ideado y desarrolladounosentrenamientos que sean funcionales, desafiantes y divertidos,enbase, siempre, a nuestra experiencia dentro de este mundillo.

Tienes a tu disposición un método alternativo y divertido,ademásde gratuito, para poderte entrenar donde quieras, comoquieras ycuando quieras, desciendo de una vez la monotonía típicade losmétodos de entrenamiento tradicionales, manteniendo de igualmodo unelevado grado de profesionalidad.

En esta aplicación encontrarás:

- Programas de entrenamiento optimizados para el mejordesarrollode tus abdominales, sean cuales sean tusnecesidades.

- Entrenamientos de distinta intensidad y duración.

- Consejos nutricionales para eliminar el exceso de grasaquepuedas tener, imprescindible para lucir abdominales.

- Acceso directo a nuestros entrenamientos en vídeo.

- Actualizaciones periódicas con nuevo contenido

- Y todo gratis!

IMPORTANTE: Para poder acceder a nuestros contenidos en vídeoesnecesario tener conexión a Internet de forma continuada en tumóvilo celular.

Por último queremos aconsejarte que descarguestambién,completamente gratis, el resto de nuestras aplicaciones,condietas, ejercicios para las distintas partes del cuerpo etc,yapoyar así nuestro proyecto, con la intención de quepodamosdesarrollar nuevo contenido de forma constante.

Comparte esta aplicación con todo aquél que pueda necesitarla,yMUCHAS GRACIAS POR DESCARGARLA.

Finally forAndroiddevices and free, the teachings of the most famouspersonaltrainers worldwide, so you can exercise where, as youwant,anytime, you decide!

Over 10 Anod of experience in the fitness world (one ofourcoaches has over 30) each of our teachers give you the keysandexercises that considered essential to develop your abs tothemaximum, so you can select your favorite routine and that bestfitsyour needs.

We can not promise to become slim after downloading our APP,orthat have a perfect abdomen, buttocks sculpted pecs ofsteel,biceps developed etc .. Never trust who promises you 100%resultsin the world of fitness, why only you yourself can makeyouresponsible for these results arrive. The basic elements forthesuccess of any training program are: willpower and perseverance,weput the rest of us!

All our content ensures maximum professionalism and passionforus. We have designed and developed a training that arefunctional,challenging and fun, based, always, our experience inthisworld.

At your disposal are an alternative and fun method, and free,soyou can exercise where, as you want, anytime, descend oncethetypical monotony of traditional training methods,maintainingequally high degree of professionalism.

In this application you will find:

- Training programs optimized for the best development ofyourabs, you whatever your needs.

- Training of varying intensity and duration.

- Nutritional Tips to remove excess fat you have, essentialtolook abs.

- Direct access to our training video.

- Regular updates with new content

- And all for free!

IMPORTANT: To access our content in video requiresInternetconnection continuously or on your mobile phone.

Finally we also advise that you download, for free, the restofour applications, diets, exercises for different body partsetc,and thus support our project, with the intention that wecandevelop new content constantly.

Share this application with anyone who may need it, andTHANKSFOR DOWNLOAD IT.

App Information Ejercicios Abdominales

  • App Name
    Ejercicios Abdominales
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    February 26, 2015
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    SN Aplicaciones
  • Installs
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

SN Aplicaciones Show More...

Stop Smoking Method 1.0.0 APK
" Stop Smoking Method " is a free APPandSpanish , aimed at all those people, regardless of ageorcondition, which aim to stop smoking as soon as possible,eliminating anxiety in the way of what possible and avoid relapse.When we try to overcome a vice or addiction , in thiscasesmoking , any help , albeit in the form of application forandroid,we will come great to quit gradually and eliminate anxiety.Here you will find a specific method and detailed step bystepthat will lead to success, as well as tips and tricks toovercomedifficult moments .We can promise that your will to quit and our advice , youhavesuccess in your hand.Also, if you scare the possible side effects when youstopsmoking , as can be fat and gain weight, have otherapplications,completely free , that will help you get fit , eatinga balanceddiet and be in a state of optimal health so be sure tocheck outthe new applications that will giving users GooglePlay.This application will help you :-Stop Smoking all kinds of substances .-Have Succeed where other methods such as hypnosis oracupuncturefail.-Stop Smoking or little bit away, whatever you want-Let The snuff without gaining weight, with our other APPs-Enjoy The benefits of a life without snuffAnd enjoy it , it's free.
Ejercicios Gluteos Perfectos 2.0.0 APK
Aplicación gratuita para Android querecopilalos mejores ejercicios para desarrollar y mejorar elaspecto de tusglúteos.Entrenamientos muy eficaces para realizar en pocos minutosqueconsiguen endurecer y tonificar los glúteos. No necesitarasningúntipo de equipo o de maquinas de gimnasio.Podrás realizar todos los ejercicios en la comodidad de tuhogar.Ideal para todas las mujeres que quieran mejorar su formaantes delverano, o cualquier época del año.Entrenamientos muy divertidos que te sacarán delamonotonía.¡Con esta aplicación, podrás entrenarte dónde quieras, cómoquierasy cuándo quieras!Podrás seleccionar la rutina que mas te guste y la quemejoresresultados te ofrezca.VERSIÓN COMPLETA Y GRATUITAUna nueva categoría se ha añadido para mejorar la experienciaconla aplicación. Se trata de una sección con rutinas en vídeopara queno te pierdas y puedas replicar de forma sencilla losmovimientosque se muestran en nuestra aplicación.¡Nuestra aplicación es gratuita porque estamos convencidos dequela mejor forma de convencerte es haciendo que la pruebes yladisfrutes sin ningún coste!Tienes que saber antes de empezar:No vamos a prometerte que adelgazarás y conseguirás el cuerpo10después de descargar nuestras aplicaciones con entrenamientos,nique conseguirás un abdomen perfecto, unos super glúteosesculpidosni unos pectorales de infarto.Jamás te fíes de los programas que te garantizanresultadosseguros en lo que respecta a la puesta en forma, ya quenadie puederesponder por ti, sino tú mismo; los elementos básicospara eléxito de cualquier programa de entrenamiento son: voluntadyperseverancia.Nuestras aplicaciones te garantizarán la profesionalidad ylapasión con las que hemos diseñado y desarrollado losentrenamientosy todo nuestro nuevo proyecto.Tienes ante ti un método alternativo y muydivertido,completamente gratuito, para poder entrenar donde tuquieras, comoquieras y cuando te apetezca, reduciendo la monotoníade losmétodos tradicionales de entrenamiento y manteniendo un altogradode profesionalismo en todo momento.¡Vuestro reto consiste en buscar lo mejor de vosotros mismos,elnuestro es mostraros la manera correcta de conseguirlo!No olvides descargar el resto de nuestras aplicaciones,todasgratuitas, para poder trabajar las distintas partes del cuerpoquenecesites y encontrar los mejores consejos de alimentaciónydietética para estar sanos y en forma.Free Androidapplicationthat collects the best exercises to develop and improvetheappearance of your buttocks.Very effective for a few minutes getting tighten and tonethebuttocks workouts. You will not need any equipment orgymmachines.You can perform all the exercises in the comfort of yourhome.Ideal for all women who want to improve their shape beforethesummer, or any time of year.Fun workouts that will get you from monotony. With this application, you can train where you want, how youwant,when you want!You may select the routine that you like and that works bestforyou.FULL VERSION AND FREEA new category has been added to enhance the experience withtheapplication. This is a section with video routines so you donotmiss and can easily replicate the movements shown inourapplication.Our application is free because we are convinced that thebestway to convince you is making you try it and enjoy at nocost!You have to know before you begin:We will not promise you become slim and get the body 10afterdownloading our applications with training, or you'll get aperfectabdomen, buttocks or a super-sculpted pecs a heartattack.Never not trust programs that guarantee reliable resultswithregard to fitness, since no one can answer for you, butyourself;the basic elements for the success of any training programare:willpower and perseverance.Our applications will ensure the professionalism and passionwithwhich we have designed and developed training and our wholenewproject.Have before you an alternative and completely free, totrainwhere you want, how you want and whenever you want, reducingthemonotony of traditional methods of training and maintaining ahighdegree of professionalism at all times fun method.Your challenge is to find the best of yourselves, ours is toshowyou the right way to get it!Do not forget to download the rest of our applications, allfree,to work different body parts that you need and find the bestadviceon food and diet to be healthy and fit.
Anti Acne Treatment 1.0.0 APK
Put an end to acne once and for allandforever! All professional tips and tricks to eliminate thisproblemin your life ." Anti Acne Treatment " is a free Android application thatwillhelp you fight pimples all over your body and make you lookbetterand increase your confidence.It is valid for acne of all ages , from teenagers to adults.Fitall.For acne during pregnancy or hormonal disorders , severeacne,our tips are also very useful .Take advantage , which is totally free, and do not forgettocheck the rest of our APP and improve your life.Eliminates acne free " Anti Acne Treatment "
Personal Trainer 2.0.0 APK
"Personal Trainer " is a free applicationforandroid with the best workout routines and exercises for bothgymto make at home.Exercises for muscle and define your entire body in asimplemanner with easy to follow and routines that are aconstantchallenge to not get bored and always poses achallenge.At last you can have on your mobile device all the mostfamousworkouts in the world ,so you can exercise anywhere , as youwantwith whoever you want, whenever you want!More than 50 million visitors from all over the world toourvideos on Youtube , the training that we offer have been usefulforits simplicity, innovation and effectiveness beyond doubt .We'll not promise to become slim after the first day tocontinueour training, or that you will have a magazine abdomen ,buttockssculpted pecs of steel etc ...Never trust alkylene you secure guaranteed in the world offitnessresults , because no one can guarantee 100% , only yourself;elements that form the basis for the success of anytrainingprogram are: willpower and perseverance , and that you puton yourpart at any fitness routine.Our routines guarantee professionalism and passion for us.We'vedesigned and developed with the best will to help , and wegive youfree.We offer an alternative to practice fun sport, plus free ,totrain where you want, how you want, anytime , eliminatingthemonotony of the usual methods and training tables , butalsomaintaining an incredible degree of professionalism in thegym.This application includes:-other Than routines as your goals for both muscle and toloseweight and fat , as well as routines for men and women .-Training Specific for each muscle group , providedgreaterprofessionalism.-Lists Of exercises for each workout. Each exercise willbeexplained through a video by clicking on it..Free to always have new workouts to your regular -Updatesalcance.Essay , you can download variations workout by simplyupdating theapplication , in less than a minute.
Slimming Diets 4.0.0 APK
Meet our " Slimming Diets " application :This app teaches you to eat healthy and follow a diet dayeveryweek day during necessary , showing you the 5 meals diet havetocook and eat at all times. It also shows you the shopping listwiththe foods that you need to follow each of the diets , as wellasall the advice you need to not get out of the way and loseweightin an orderly way that does not harm your health and meetsyourgoal to lose weight.You can also adjust your diet with our advice to suit yourneedsand schedule your day..This application contains several diestas different diets toloseweight, and all for free. You can select the one you like asyourtime , willpower , food tastes etc .." Herbal " , helped countless people in many countries,Hispanic, lose weight and lose weight . And if you still havedoubts aboutdownloading this APP , it also complements updatedabout preparingmeals and workouts to help you continue to decreasebody fat inyour body videos.Thanks to " Herbal " , you can choose from a variety of freedietsperfect Spanish , features and different durations. Dietsandvideos professionally designed nutrition and physical care,dietstested and guaranteed if followed correctly . Anindispensableapplication.Advantages of " Herbal " application :- It's Free for Android Devices- Contains a wide variety of diets of different lengthsandcharacteristics, you can choose that best adpte to you .- It is designed for the Hispanic market , everything isinperfect Spanish .- It is updated with new videos , do not miss them .- Description of diets : When you're choosing which diet youwantto follow, you will see a description of each of them , theweightyou 'll lose them and all their menus.-The Diets are explained very simply that you can not fail-The Design professionals with years of experience.With this application you achieve your goals in no time.-Provides Many food tips and tricks to help you seigasmotivatedand not costing you follow the diet .You will learn to eat healthy , improve your health, improveyouraesthetics and feel better about yourself .You -Causarás admiration , change your life .
Ejercicios Abdominales 1.0.0 APK
Por fin para dispositivos Android y deformagratuita, las enseñanzas de los entrenadores personales de masfamaen todo el mundo, para que puedas entrenar donde quieras,comoquieras y cuando quieras, tu decides!Mas de 10 añod de experiencia en el mundo del fitness (algunodenuestros entrenadores lleva mas de 30) cada uno denuestrosmaestros te dan las claves y ejercicios queconsideranimprescindibles para desarrollar tus abdominales almáximo, paraque selecciones tu rutina favorita y la que mejor seadapta a tusnecesidades.No podemos prometer que adelgazarás después de descargarnuestraAPP, ni que tendrás un abdomen perfecto, glúteosesculpidos,pectorales de acero, biceps desarrollado etc.. Nunca tefíes dequien te prometa resultados al 100% en el mundo delentrenamientofísico, porqué solamente tu mismo puedes hacerteresponsable de queestos resultados lleguen. Los elementos básicospara el éxito decualquier programa de entrenamiento son: voluntad yconstancia, elresto lo ponemos nosotros!Todos nuestros contenidos garantizan profesionalidad ypasiónmáximas por nuestra parte. Hemos ideado y desarrolladounosentrenamientos que sean funcionales, desafiantes y divertidos,enbase, siempre, a nuestra experiencia dentro de este mundillo.Tienes a tu disposición un método alternativo y divertido,ademásde gratuito, para poderte entrenar donde quieras, comoquieras ycuando quieras, desciendo de una vez la monotonía típicade losmétodos de entrenamiento tradicionales, manteniendo de igualmodo unelevado grado de profesionalidad.En esta aplicación encontrarás:- Programas de entrenamiento optimizados para el mejordesarrollode tus abdominales, sean cuales sean tusnecesidades.- Entrenamientos de distinta intensidad y duración.- Consejos nutricionales para eliminar el exceso de grasaquepuedas tener, imprescindible para lucir abdominales.- Acceso directo a nuestros entrenamientos en vídeo.- Actualizaciones periódicas con nuevo contenido- Y todo gratis!IMPORTANTE: Para poder acceder a nuestros contenidos en vídeoesnecesario tener conexión a Internet de forma continuada en tumóvilo celular.Por último queremos aconsejarte que descarguestambién,completamente gratis, el resto de nuestras aplicaciones,condietas, ejercicios para las distintas partes del cuerpo etc,yapoyar así nuestro proyecto, con la intención de quepodamosdesarrollar nuevo contenido de forma constante.Comparte esta aplicación con todo aquél que pueda necesitarla,yMUCHAS GRACIAS POR DESCARGARLA.Finally forAndroiddevices and free, the teachings of the most famouspersonaltrainers worldwide, so you can exercise where, as youwant,anytime, you decide!Over 10 Anod of experience in the fitness world (one ofourcoaches has over 30) each of our teachers give you the keysandexercises that considered essential to develop your abs tothemaximum, so you can select your favorite routine and that bestfitsyour needs.We can not promise to become slim after downloading our APP,orthat have a perfect abdomen, buttocks sculpted pecs ofsteel,biceps developed etc .. Never trust who promises you 100%resultsin the world of fitness, why only you yourself can makeyouresponsible for these results arrive. The basic elements forthesuccess of any training program are: willpower and perseverance,weput the rest of us!All our content ensures maximum professionalism and passionforus. We have designed and developed a training that arefunctional,challenging and fun, based, always, our experience inthisworld.At your disposal are an alternative and fun method, and free,soyou can exercise where, as you want, anytime, descend oncethetypical monotony of traditional training methods,maintainingequally high degree of professionalism.In this application you will find:- Training programs optimized for the best development ofyourabs, you whatever your needs.- Training of varying intensity and duration.- Nutritional Tips to remove excess fat you have, essentialtolook abs.- Direct access to our training video.- Regular updates with new content- And all for free!IMPORTANT: To access our content in video requiresInternetconnection continuously or on your mobile phone.Finally we also advise that you download, for free, the restofour applications, diets, exercises for different body partsetc,and thus support our project, with the intention that wecandevelop new content constantly.Share this application with anyone who may need it, andTHANKSFOR DOWNLOAD IT.
Cintura fina y delgada 1.0.0 APK
Olvídate de ejercicios demoledores que solounprofesional del fitness puede realizar. Olvídate de usarlacalculadora para contar calorías como fórmula para bajar de peso.Yolvídate de llevar un diario personal con datos sobre el imc,bmr,%de grasa corporal, relación cintura cadera...Nosotros te mostramos una camino diferente para conseguirunacintura fina, delgada y hermosa, justo como tu quieres.Nuestro método de ejercicio de cintura es el que usanlosprofesionales de la belleza y no tiene nada que ver conlosejercicios de culturista que suelen recomendar. No esnuestrocamino.Para empezar nuestro sistema es GRATUITO y exclusivoparaAndroid.Todos los ejercicios trabajan de forma excelente tu cintura,ytodos los puedes practicar sin problema en la comodidad detuhogar.Repito, son ejercicios para cintura y abdominales sencillosperaMUY EFICACES y no necesitarás de nada mas para tener la cinturaquedeseas.Podrás elegir la rutina que mas te guste o mas se adapte a tienfunción de tus necesidades, todas funcionan, si las realizascomose explica, sin excepción.Para obtener resultados lo antes posible, añadimos una seriedeconsejos nutricionales básicos que te ayudarán a acelerarelproceso así como mejorar tu salud y estar en un estado óptimoquees, a fin de cuentas, lo que todos buscamos.No olvides descargar también, de forma totalmente gratis,elresto de nuestras aplicaciones, para glúteos, entrenadorpersonal,dietas... y las que iremos subiendo en las próximassemanas.Y no olvides recomendar esta APP a todas tus amigas quelonecesite. Disfrútala.Forgetdemolitionexercises than just a fitness professional can perform.Forgetabout using the calculator to count calories as a way toloseweight. And forget about keeping a journal with informationaboutthe imc, bmr,% body fat, waist hip ...We will show you a different way to achieve a thin, slimandbeautiful, just waist as you want.Our method of exercise belt is used by beauty professionalsandhas nothing to do with bodybuilding exercises builds. It is notourway.To begin our system is FREE and exclusive to Android.All exercises work excellently your waist, and all canpracticewithout problem in the comfort of your home.I repeat, are exercises for abdominal waist and simpleVERYEFFECTIVE pear and will not need anything else to have thewaistyou want.You can choose the routine that you like or more suitsyoudepending on your needs, all work, if you perform asdescribed,without exception.To get results as quickly as possible, we added a number ofbasicnutritional tips to help speed up the process and improveyourhealth and be in optimum condition which is, after all, whatwe allseek.Do not forget to download, completely free, the rest ofourapplications, buttocks, personal trainer, diets ... and it willgoup in the coming weeks.And do not forget APP recommend this to all your friends inneed.Enjoy It.