
Tippe die Eishockey WM 2017 ganz einfach mitdeinen Freunden, Familie und Kollegen mit derEishockey-Tippspiel-App von Tippster und Hockeyweb.

Gründe deine eigene Tippgruppe – nach deinen Regeln und mit einerunbegrenzten Anzahl an Spielern. Hier musst du dich nicht mit Platz27.351 in einer Community, deren Mitglieder du nicht einmal kennst,zufrieden geben: Bei dieser Eishockey WM Tippspiel App läuft allesso, wie du es willst.

▶ Die Eishockey App von Hockeyweb und Tippster
Zur Eishockey WM im eigenen Land haben sich Hockeyweb, Deutschlandsgrößtes Eishockey-News-Portal, und Tippster zusammengeschlossen, umdir die beste Eishockey-WM-App zu liefern. Das sagen die Medienbisher zu den Tippster-Apps:
- "Tippster lässt wirklich keine Wünsche unterfüllt" – CHIPOnline
- "Der derzeit wohl schönste Vertreter unter den Tipp-Apps" –Hamburger Abendblatt
- "Tipprunden per App erledigen: Grafisch frisch und witziggestaltet" – Berliner Morgenpost

▶ Erstelle dein eigenes Tippspiel in nur 3 Schritten:
(1) Lege ein Profil an
Melde dich entweder mit deinem vorhandenen Tippster-Account an oderregistriere dich schnell: Lege deinen Spitznamen und deinProfilbild fest.

(2) Gründe deine Tippgruppe
Erstelle deine Tippgruppe, indem du den Namen und ein Iconfestlegst. Alle weiteren Einstellungen, wie die Regeln zurPunktevergabe und den Pott kannst du später in deiner Gruppe imMenüpunkt „Regeln und Einstellungen“ vornehmen.

(3) Lade deine Freunde ein
Nutze die in der App integrierte Einladungsfunktion und verschickeEinladungen zu deiner Tippgruppe per SMS, E-Mail, Whatsapp,Facebook und co. und teile deinen Freunden das „Codewort“ deinerGruppe mit. Wer sich über dieses Codewort anmeldet, ist direkt indeiner Tippspiel-Gruppe!

+++ Weitere Funktionen im Überblick +++

▶ Gewinne ein unterschriebenes Trikot der DeutschenMannschaft!
Unter allen Teilnehmern verlosen wir attraktive Sachpreise, wiez.B. ein Trikot der deutschen Nationalmannschaft, Eintrittskartenfür den Deutschlandcup und weitere Fan-Artikel.

▶ Gruppen-Ranking und Tabelle
Tippster wertet für dich voll-automatisch die Tipps von dir unddeinen Freunden aus, du musst nichts weiter tun – außer richtigtippen… ;)

▶ Aufwärmtipps
Bevor die Eishockey WM startet, kannst du dich mit 3 Fragenaufwärmen: Wer wird Weltmeister? Wie weit kommt das Deutsche Team?Und wie weit schaffen es die Schweizer? Diese Tipps können auch indein Tippspiel-Ranking einfliessen, wenn du das möchtest.

▶ Match Facts
Zu jedem Eishockey-WM-Spiel liefert dir die Redaktion 3 Match-Facts, damit du top-informiert auf jedes Spieltippen kannst.

▶ Tipp-Erinnerung
Die Tipps für die Eishockey-Spiele werden täglich freigeschalten,wir erinnern dich informieren dich, sobald neue Tipps abgegebenwerden können und erinnern dich nochmals kurz vor Spielbeginn, wenndu das möchtest!

▶ Gruppenregeln
Deine Tippspiel-Gruppe, deine Regeln! Lege das System zurPunkte-Vergabe selbst fest. Und wie wird der Gewinner eurerTipprunde belohnt oder der Verlierer bestraft? All das liegt indeiner Hand!

▶ Awards
Welche Rolle nimmst du in deiner Tippgruppe ein: Wirst du derTippster sein oder reicht es doch nur zum Bankwärmer?

▶ Gruppenchat
Chatte in Echtzeit mit deiner Gruppe und diskutiert die Spiele,Ergebnisse und eure Tipps.

▶ Spielplan
Wann war nochmal das WM-Eröffnungsspiel? Und wann spielen dieDeutschen gegen die USA? Diese Fragen - und noch viele mehr -beantwortet dir der integrierte Eishockey-Spielplan!

▶ Statistik
Eine Auswertung deiner Tipps gibt’s natürlich auch: Wie vieleProzent der Spiele hast du genau richtig getippt? Wie viele fast?Hier gibt’s den Überblick.

Also, schnapp' dir jetzt die App um die Eishockey WM zutippen!

PS: Falls du Feedback, Ideen oder Kritik hast, freuen wir uns übereine kurze Nachricht (zB über die Hilfe-Funktion in der App):)

Die Gewinnspiele stehen in keinerlei Verbindung zu Apple. Apple istweder Sponsor noch in irgendeiner Form an dem Gewinnspielbeteiligt.
Tap the Hockey World Cup2017 easily with your friends, family and colleagues with theHockey Predictor App typos Ster and Hockeyweb.

Found your own group to do - by your rules and with an unlimitednumber of players. Here not you have to accommodate 27,351 in acommunity whose members do not even know, satisfied: In this HockeyWorld Cup Predictor App everything goes the way you want it.

▶ The Hockey app Hockeyweb and Tips Rochester
For Hockey World Cup at home to Hockeyweb, Germany's largest icehockey news portal, and Tips Rochester have partnered to provideyou the best Ice Hockey World Championships App. This is what themedia so far to do in Ster-Apps:
- "Tip Ster really leaves no wish underfilled" - CHIP Online
- "The currently most beautiful representatives among the tip-Apps"- Hamburger Abendblatt
- "Tip rounds per app do: Visualize fresh and funny designed" -Berliner Morgenpost

▶ Create your own prediction game in only 3 steps:
(1) Put a profile
Login with either your existing tip Ster account or join quickly:Put your nickname and your profile picture firmly.

(2) reasons your tip group
Build your tip group by you commit the name and an icon. All othersettings, such as the rules for awarding points and the pot you canin your group in the menu to make "rules and settings" later.

(3) Invite your Friends
Use the built-in App invitation function and send out invitationsto your group to do by SMS, Email, Whatsapp, Facebook and co. andshare your friends with the "code word" your group. Thoseregistering on this codeword is directly in your Predictorgroup!

+++ More Features Overview +++

▶ Win a signed jersey of the German team!
Among all participants we are giving away attractive prizes such asa jersey of the German national team, tickets for the German Cupand other fan items.

▶ groups ranking and table
Tip Ster evaluates for you fully automatically advice from you andyour friends from, you need do nothing - except tap right...;)

▶ Warm Tips
Before the Hockey World Cup starts, you can easily warm up to 3questions: Who will champion? How far will the German team? And howfar is create the Swiss? These tips can be incorporated in yourprediction game ranking, if you would like that.

▶ MatchFacts
Each hockey championship game you provides the editors 3 Match Facts which allows top-informed can tap eachgame.

▶ Tip reminder
The tips for hockey games will be unlocked every day, we rememberwill contact you when new tips will be issued and remember againshortly before the game, if you would like that!

▶ Leaderboard Rules
Your Predictor group, your rules! Decide the system topoints-awarding itself. And how is the winner of your bettingcommunity rewarded or punished the losers? All this is in yourhands!

▶ Awards
What role do you take in your group Tip: Will you be the tip Steror is it but only to Bank warmer?

▶ Group Chat
Chat in real time with your group and discuss the games results andyour tips.

▶ Schedule
When was the World Cup opening match again? And when the Germansplay against the United States? These questions - and many more -you answered the integrated Hockey Schedule!

▶ Statistics
An evaluation of your hints are of course: How many percent of thegames you have typed right? How many almost? Here's anoverview.

So, grab 'you now the app to the Hockey World Cup to tap!

PS: If you have feedback, ideas or criticism, we would appreciate ashort message (eg via the Help function in the app) :)

The competitions are not affiliated with Apple. Apple does notsponsor or involved in any way in the competition.

App Information Eishockey WM 2017 Tippspiel

  • App Name
    Eishockey WM 2017 Tippspiel
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    April 9, 2017
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 4.0.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Tippster Media Production UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
  • Installs
    500 - 1,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Visit website Email [email protected] Privacy Policy
    Tippster Media Production UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Hellenstr. 58 76337 Waldbronn
  • Google Play Link

Tippster Media Production UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Show More...

Tippster: Sports Predictor APK
With Tippster you can easily create your EUROprediction game for you, your friends, colleagues and family. Buildyour own betting community according to your rules and with anunlimited number of participants. On Tippster you don’t need tocontent yourself with place 5.827 in a community, whose members youdon’t even know - because things will go just as you wantthem.Create your EURO prediction game in 3 easy steps:Create profileFirst off you’ll have to create a Tippster profile so that we canlater match your tips. All we need from you is a nickname andprofile picture: either choose one of our designs or take a photoof yourself.(2) Create betting communityIn order to be able to play with your friends, you’ll need tocreate a group. At first you simply set a group name and icon. Allother settings, like the wager or points system for the tips, canbe changed in the group settings until 10th June, i.e. the start ofthe European Football Championship (EFC).(3) Invite friendsWhat would your EURO prediction game be without your friends,colleagues or family? Right, pretty boring. We therefore developedan invitation feature, whereby we sent invitations to your futuregroup members via SMS or email. Alternatively you can simply tellthem the code word of your group so that they can directly joinyour group upon signing up.What else is there to know? A lot, because with Tippster you can domore than just predict the outcome of EFC matches. To introduce youto the broad functionality, we’ve listed and explained all relevantfeatures below.– Warm-up tips –Before the start of the EURO Cup, you can warm up with three tipsregarding the outcome of the tournament: Who will win the trophy?Who will be the top scorer? How far will Germany get in thetournament? It’s entirely up to you: if you want, players can earnpoints with these tips.– Match Facts –For each EURO match we provide 3 match facts, so that you’re alwayswell informed before submitting your tips on the EURO matches. Ifyou cannot wait, you can check out all facts in the match plannerat any stage.– Bonus questions –Besides tips on match scores we offer the opportunity to rake inadditional points through bonus questions. How many yellow cardswill the ref show in the course of the match? How many goals willthe goalgetter of the team score? How many corners will there be?This is only an extract of our repertory of bonus questions.– Group rules –Your EURO prediction game, your rules! Shall bonus question beanswered? What’s the points system? What’s the wager? It’s all inyour hands!– Live Ticker –Tippster will always keep you up to date. Be engrossed in the matchand keep an eye on how your tip performs in the real world.– Awards –Which role will you take within your groups? Are you the captain orwill you only be the bench warmer?– News Feed –Here you’ll find out everything related to your personal EUROprediction game, including group invitations and important changesin the group ranking. Also, you’ll be able to post messagestofellow group members.– Planner –When was the EURO opening match? When will your team play? Thesequestions and many more will be answered by the match planner withan overview of all 51 EURO matches.That’s not all though! We’ll successively unlock more features suchas statistics and a duel mode.So what are you waiting for? Get the app to start your very ownEURO prediction game!By the way, drop us a line if you you have feedback, ideas orcriticism!
Tippster: NFL Prediction Games APK
Tippster: NFL prediction gameYou think soccer is too soft and boring? You associatePantherswith a team, not the animal? You don’t want to predictgoals, buttouchdowns and field goals?If so, Tippster is exactly the right app for you: create yourownprediction game to predict all NFL games with yourfriends,colleagues and family. On Tippster you don’t need tocontentyourself with place 7.834 in a random community - becausethingswill go just as you want them.Create your very own prediction game for the NFL season2016-17in 3 easy steps:(1) Create profileFirst off you’ll have to create a Tippster profile so that wecanlater match your NFL tips. All we need from you is a nicknameandprofile picture. Of course the created profile will allow youtolog into other Tippster apps.(2) Create prediction gameIn order to be able to predict NFL games with your friends,you’llneed to create a group. At first you simply set a group nameandicon. All other settings, like the wager or points system forthetips, can be changed in the group settings until the start oftheNFL season on September 8th and even beyond.(3) Invite friendsWhat would your NFL prediction game be without yourfriends,colleagues or family? Right, pretty boring! You cantherefore sendinvitations to your future group members via SMS oremail.Alternatively you can simply tell them the code word of yourgroupso that they can directly join your American Football groupuponsigning up.Those were the basics, but obviously that’s not all: OnTippsteryou can do more than just predict the outcome of NFLregular seasonor playoff games! To introduce you to the broadfunctionality,we’ve listed and explained all relevant featuresbelow.– Points system –You define how many points players will earn for predictingthecorrect game result, goal difference and tendency(correctwinner).– Warm-up tips –Before the start of the season you can warm up by answeringthefollowing questions: Which team will win the Super Bowl?Whichteam’s offense will score most points? And who willparticipate inthe Super Bowl? It’s entirely up to you: if that’swhat you want,players can earn points with these tips.– Match facts –For each NFL match we provide 3 match facts, so that you’realwayswell informed before submitting your tips on the NFLmatches.– Bonus questions –Besides tips on game scores you are given the opportunity to rakeinadditional points through bonus questions. How many touchdownswillbe scored in the 1st quarter? Which team will score first?Will thequarterback throw an interception? This is only an extractof ourrepertory of bonus questions, of which one will be asked foreachgame.– Further group settings –Your prediction game, your rules! Shall bonus questionsactivated?What’s the points system? What’s the wager? It’s all inyourhands!– Awards –Which role will you take within your groups? Will you betheTippster or the bench warmer?– Group chat –Tips and NFL games leave plenty of room for discussion. You canusethe group chat to exchange your thoughts or make plans fortheSuper Bowl night.– Planner –When was the Super Bowl again? And when will your team play?Thesequestions and many more will be answered by the planner withanoverview of all NFL games.So what are you waiting for? Get the app to start your very ownNFLprediction game!By the way, drop us a line if you you have feedback, ideasorcriticism! In the course of the season we’ll successivelyintroducenew features like statistics or a duel mode and we’llprioritizeaccording to your feedback.
Tippster Bundesliga Tippspiel APK
With Tippster you can easily createyourBundesliga prediction game for you, your friends, colleaguesandfamily. Build your own prediction game according to your rulesandwith an unlimited number of participants. On Tippster youdon’tneed to content yourself with place 5.827 in a community,whosemembers you don’t even know - because things will go just asyouwant them.Create your prediction game for the Bundesliga season 2016-17in3 easy steps:(1) Create profileFirst off you’ll have to create a Tippster profile so that wecanlater match your Bundesliga tips. All we need from you isanickname and profile picture: either choose one of our designsortake a photo of yourself.(2) Create prediction gameIn order to be able to predict Bundesliga matches with yourfriends,you’ll need to create a group. At first you simply set agroup nameand icon. All other settings, like the wager or pointssystem forthe tips, can be changed in the group settings until thestart ofthe Bundesliga 2016-17 season on 26th August and evenbeyond.(3) Invite friendsWhat would your Bundesliga prediction game be without yourfriends,colleagues or family? Right, pretty boring! We thereforedevelopedan invitation system, whereby we sent invitations to yourfuturegroup members via SMS or email. Alternatively you can simplytellthem the code word of your group so that they can directlyjoinyour group upon signing up.What else is there to know? A lot, because with Tippster youcando more than just predict the outcome of Bundesliga matches!– Warm-up tips –Before the start of the Bundesliga, you can warm up with threetipsregarding the outcome of the Bundesliga 2016-17 season: Whichteamwill become German Champion? Which team will end the season atthebottom of the table? And how many goals will the top scorerscore?It’s entirely up to you: depending on your points system,playerscan earn points with these tips.– Match Facts –For each Bundesliga match we provide 3 match facts, so thatyou’realways well informed before submitting your tips on theBundesligamatches. The match facts are prepared for each Bundesligamatch dayso that recent developments and respective teamperformances can beconsidered.– Statistics –How many matches did you miss? And how well did you predicttheoutcome of the Bundesliga matches? You will find the answertothese questions - and a whole lot more - in thestatisticssection.– Bonus questions –Besides tips on match scores you are given the opportunity torakein additional points through bonus questions. How many yellowcardswill the ref show in the course of the match? How many goalswillthe goalgetter of the team score? How many corners will therebe?This is only an extract of our repertory of bonus questions.– Group rules –Your Bundesliga prediction game, your rules! Shall bonus questionbeanswered? What’s the points system? What’s the wager? It’s allinyour hands!– Awards –Which role will you take within your groups? Will you be theTopScorer or will you only be the Bench Warmer?– Planner –When was the Bundesliga opening match again? And when will yourteamplay? These questions and many more will be answered by thematchplanner with an overview of all 306 matches of the2016-17Bundesliga season.That’s not all though! We’ll successively unlock morefeaturessuch as a live ticker, a news feed and a push reminder.So what are you waiting for? Get the app to start your veryownBundesliga prediction game for you, your friends, colleaguesandfamily!By the way, drop us a line at [email protected] if youyouhave feedback, ideas or criticism!
Tippster for Champions League APK
With Tippster you can easily createyourChampions League prediction game for you, your friends,colleaguesand family. Build your own betting community according toyourrules and with an unlimited number of participants. On Tippsteryoudon’t need to content yourself with place 12.632 in acommunity,whose members you don’t even know - because things willgo just asyou want them.Create your Champions League 2016/17 prediction game in 3easysteps:Create profileFirst off you’ll have to create a Tippster profile so that wecanlater match your tips. All we need from you is a nicknameandprofile picture: either choose one of our designs or take aphotoof yourself.(2) Create betting communityIn order to be able to play with your friends, you’ll need tocreatea group. At first you simply set a group name and icon. Allothersettings, like the wager or points system for the tips, canbechanged in the group settings until 10th June, i.e. the start oftheChampions League Finals.(3) Invite friendsWhat would your Champions League prediction game be withoutyourfriends, colleagues or family? Right, pretty boring. Wethereforedeveloped an invitation feature, whereby we sentinvitations toyour future group members via SMS or email.Alternatively you cansimply tell them the code word of your groupso that they candirectly join your group upon signing up.What else is there to know? A lot, because with Tippster you candomore than just predict the outcome of Champions League matches.Tointroduce you to the broad functionality, we’ve listedandexplained all relevant features below.– Warm-up tips –Before the start of the Champions League Finals, you can warmupwith three tips regarding the outcome of the tournament: Whowillwin the trophy? Which team will participate in the final?It’sentirely up to you: if you want, players can earn points withthesetips.– Match Facts –For each Champions League match we provide match facts, sothatyou’re always well informed before tipping on the ChampionsLeague2016 matches. If you cannot wait, you can check out all factsinthe match planner at any stage.– Bonus questions –Besides tips on match scores we offer the opportunity to rakeinadditional points through bonus questions. How many yellowcardswill the ref show in the course of the match? How many goalswillthe goalgetter of the team score? How many corners will therebe?This is only an extract of our repertory of bonusquestions.– Group rules –Your Champions League prediction game, your rules! Shallbonusquestion be answered? What’s the points system? What’s thewager?It’s all in your hands!– Live Ticker –Tippster will always keep you up to date. Be engrossed in thematchand keep an eye on how your tip performs in the realworld.– Awards –Which role will you take within your groups? Are you the captainorwill you only be the bench warmer?– News Feed –Here you’ll find out everything related to your personalChampionsLeague prediction game, including group invitations andimportantchanges in the group ranking. Also, you’ll be able to postmessagestofellow group members.– Planner –When was the Champions League opening match? When will yourteamplay? These questions and many more will be answered by thematchplanner with an overview of all 51 Champions League2016matches.That’s not all though! We’ll successively unlock more featuressuchas statistics and a duel mode.So what are you waiting for? Get the app to start your veryownChampions League 2016 prediction game!By the way, drop us a line if you you have feedback, ideasorcriticism!
Eishockey WM 2017 Tippspiel APK
Tippe die Eishockey WM 2017 ganz einfach mitdeinen Freunden, Familie und Kollegen mit derEishockey-Tippspiel-App von Tippster und Hockeyweb.Gründe deine eigene Tippgruppe – nach deinen Regeln und mit einerunbegrenzten Anzahl an Spielern. Hier musst du dich nicht mit Platz27.351 in einer Community, deren Mitglieder du nicht einmal kennst,zufrieden geben: Bei dieser Eishockey WM Tippspiel App läuft allesso, wie du es willst.▶ Die Eishockey App von Hockeyweb und TippsterZur Eishockey WM im eigenen Land haben sich Hockeyweb, Deutschlandsgrößtes Eishockey-News-Portal, und Tippster zusammengeschlossen, umdir die beste Eishockey-WM-App zu liefern. Das sagen die Medienbisher zu den Tippster-Apps:- "Tippster lässt wirklich keine Wünsche unterfüllt" – CHIPOnline- "Der derzeit wohl schönste Vertreter unter den Tipp-Apps" –Hamburger Abendblatt- "Tipprunden per App erledigen: Grafisch frisch und witziggestaltet" – Berliner Morgenpost▶ Erstelle dein eigenes Tippspiel in nur 3 Schritten:(1) Lege ein Profil anMelde dich entweder mit deinem vorhandenen Tippster-Account an oderregistriere dich schnell: Lege deinen Spitznamen und deinProfilbild fest.(2) Gründe deine TippgruppeErstelle deine Tippgruppe, indem du den Namen und ein Iconfestlegst. Alle weiteren Einstellungen, wie die Regeln zurPunktevergabe und den Pott kannst du später in deiner Gruppe imMenüpunkt „Regeln und Einstellungen“ vornehmen.(3) Lade deine Freunde einNutze die in der App integrierte Einladungsfunktion und verschickeEinladungen zu deiner Tippgruppe per SMS, E-Mail, Whatsapp,Facebook und co. und teile deinen Freunden das „Codewort“ deinerGruppe mit. Wer sich über dieses Codewort anmeldet, ist direkt indeiner Tippspiel-Gruppe!+++ Weitere Funktionen im Überblick +++▶ Gewinne ein unterschriebenes Trikot der DeutschenMannschaft!Unter allen Teilnehmern verlosen wir attraktive Sachpreise, wiez.B. ein Trikot der deutschen Nationalmannschaft, Eintrittskartenfür den Deutschlandcup und weitere Fan-Artikel.▶ Gruppen-Ranking und TabelleTippster wertet für dich voll-automatisch die Tipps von dir unddeinen Freunden aus, du musst nichts weiter tun – außer richtigtippen… ;)▶ AufwärmtippsBevor die Eishockey WM startet, kannst du dich mit 3 Fragenaufwärmen: Wer wird Weltmeister? Wie weit kommt das Deutsche Team?Und wie weit schaffen es die Schweizer? Diese Tipps können auch indein Tippspiel-Ranking einfliessen, wenn du das möchtest.▶ Match FactsZu jedem Eishockey-WM-Spiel liefert dir die Redaktion 3 Match-Facts, damit du top-informiert auf jedes Spieltippen kannst.▶ Tipp-ErinnerungDie Tipps für die Eishockey-Spiele werden täglich freigeschalten,wir erinnern dich informieren dich, sobald neue Tipps abgegebenwerden können und erinnern dich nochmals kurz vor Spielbeginn, wenndu das möchtest!▶ GruppenregelnDeine Tippspiel-Gruppe, deine Regeln! Lege das System zurPunkte-Vergabe selbst fest. Und wie wird der Gewinner eurerTipprunde belohnt oder der Verlierer bestraft? All das liegt indeiner Hand!▶ AwardsWelche Rolle nimmst du in deiner Tippgruppe ein: Wirst du derTippster sein oder reicht es doch nur zum Bankwärmer?▶ GruppenchatChatte in Echtzeit mit deiner Gruppe und diskutiert die Spiele,Ergebnisse und eure Tipps.▶ SpielplanWann war nochmal das WM-Eröffnungsspiel? Und wann spielen dieDeutschen gegen die USA? Diese Fragen - und noch viele mehr -beantwortet dir der integrierte Eishockey-Spielplan!▶ StatistikEine Auswertung deiner Tipps gibt’s natürlich auch: Wie vieleProzent der Spiele hast du genau richtig getippt? Wie viele fast?Hier gibt’s den Überblick.Also, schnapp' dir jetzt die App um die Eishockey WM zutippen!PS: Falls du Feedback, Ideen oder Kritik hast, freuen wir uns übereine kurze Nachricht (zB über die Hilfe-Funktion in der App):)Die Gewinnspiele stehen in keinerlei Verbindung zu Apple. Apple istweder Sponsor noch in irgendeiner Form an dem Gewinnspielbeteiligt.Tap the Hockey World Cup2017 easily with your friends, family and colleagues with theHockey Predictor App typos Ster and Hockeyweb.Found your own group to do - by your rules and with an unlimitednumber of players. Here not you have to accommodate 27,351 in acommunity whose members do not even know, satisfied: In this HockeyWorld Cup Predictor App everything goes the way you want it.▶ The Hockey app Hockeyweb and Tips RochesterFor Hockey World Cup at home to Hockeyweb, Germany's largest icehockey news portal, and Tips Rochester have partnered to provideyou the best Ice Hockey World Championships App. This is what themedia so far to do in Ster-Apps:- "Tip Ster really leaves no wish underfilled" - CHIP Online- "The currently most beautiful representatives among the tip-Apps"- Hamburger Abendblatt- "Tip rounds per app do: Visualize fresh and funny designed" -Berliner Morgenpost▶ Create your own prediction game in only 3 steps:(1) Put a profileLogin with either your existing tip Ster account or join quickly:Put your nickname and your profile picture firmly.(2) reasons your tip groupBuild your tip group by you commit the name and an icon. All othersettings, such as the rules for awarding points and the pot you canin your group in the menu to make "rules and settings" later.(3) Invite your FriendsUse the built-in App invitation function and send out invitationsto your group to do by SMS, Email, Whatsapp, Facebook and co. andshare your friends with the "code word" your group. Thoseregistering on this codeword is directly in your Predictorgroup!+++ More Features Overview +++▶ Win a signed jersey of the German team!Among all participants we are giving away attractive prizes such asa jersey of the German national team, tickets for the German Cupand other fan items.▶ groups ranking and tableTip Ster evaluates for you fully automatically advice from you andyour friends from, you need do nothing - except tap right...;)▶ Warm TipsBefore the Hockey World Cup starts, you can easily warm up to 3questions: Who will champion? How far will the German team? And howfar is create the Swiss? These tips can be incorporated in yourprediction game ranking, if you would like that.▶ MatchFactsEach hockey championship game you provides the editors 3 Match Facts which allows top-informed can tap eachgame.▶ Tip reminderThe tips for hockey games will be unlocked every day, we rememberwill contact you when new tips will be issued and remember againshortly before the game, if you would like that!▶ Leaderboard RulesYour Predictor group, your rules! Decide the system topoints-awarding itself. And how is the winner of your bettingcommunity rewarded or punished the losers? All this is in yourhands!▶ AwardsWhat role do you take in your group Tip: Will you be the tip Steror is it but only to Bank warmer?▶ Group ChatChat in real time with your group and discuss the games results andyour tips.▶ ScheduleWhen was the World Cup opening match again? And when the Germansplay against the United States? These questions - and many more -you answered the integrated Hockey Schedule!▶ StatisticsAn evaluation of your hints are of course: How many percent of thegames you have typed right? How many almost? Here's anoverview.So, grab 'you now the app to the Hockey World Cup to tap!PS: If you have feedback, ideas or criticism, we would appreciate ashort message (eg via the Help function in the app) :)The competitions are not affiliated with Apple. Apple does notsponsor or involved in any way in the competition.