App Information Bus Stop Alarm
- App NameBus Stop Alarm
- Package Namecom.trinidadg.geoalarm
- UpdatedSeptember 21, 2016
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 4.1 and up
- Version2.5
- DeveloperTrinidadG
- Installs100 - 500
- PriceFree
- CategoryMaps & Navigation
- Developer
- Google Play Link
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Bus Stop Alarm 2.5 APK
Muy fácil de usar y efectiva. No vuelvasapasarte de la parada donde deberías bajarte. Diferentesusos,simplemente, una alarma por GPS.Gracias por descargarla!Very easy to useandeffective. You do not ever happen to you stop where youshoulddownload. Different uses simply a GPS alarm.Thanks for downloading!
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GPS Location Alarm - Notify Me 1.010 APK
New to the city? or Are you the one whotravelsoften alone?..Afraid to miss your destination or a location you don'tknowabout?Never worry again, this app lets you set an alarm basedondestination.While traveling add your location and enable alarm, GPSLocationAlarm will alert you, in this way you would be relax andnot to beworry about your bus stop/ destination in public transportsuch asTrain/Bus etc.Everyone feels tired and exhausted at the end of the day.The long travel back home, through public transport adds can also find your current location in the app.Use this app to your advantage. Indulge in a nap, withouthavingto worry about missing your stop.Yes, this app lets you set-up an alarm that wakes you up whenyourdestination is approaching.Radius of Location coordinates for your alarm.√ USER GUIDE::1. when you start app first thing you should do isenablelocation for better performance, our team is also managinguse oflocation for battery drain solution.2. In this app there is only one way to pick a location usingplacepicker on the above left corner search icon. it provide you awidelist of near by place facility3. In navigation drawer item list there is first item islocationhistory list, In this we can provide you a select locationlistthat you manage this list, right now we are providing onlydeletefacility because you can only select 100 location to storeafterthat you should delete unused location for addingmorelocation.√ Features ::*You can easily search all the places.*Our algorithm uses less GPS so that it will not drain thephonesbattery.*Just in a single click you can see your current position inthemap.*Depending on your input of places the Location alert willsuggestsome places.*You can easily manage all the locations you marked inthemap.*Pop up text about the location will appear when thealarmrings.This Android app will helps everyone in their journey to newplaceswithout the drainage of your phones battery.
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ta3lim siya9a maroc belvideo 1.4.2 APK
امتحان رخصة السياقة بالمغرب 2015 هوتطبيقمغربيوبالدارجة المغربية خاص بمساعدة كل المقدمين علىاجتيازامتحانرخصةالسياقة بالمغرب كلهذا باللهجة التب يعرفها الجميع في المغرب وهي الدارجةالمتداولةأهم مايميز تطبيق امتحان رخصة السياقة بالمغرب انهنفسأسئلةالامتحاناتالموجودة في مدارس تعليم السياقة بالمغربكل الأسئلة المحتملة للامتحانات الموجودة في مدارس تعليمالسياقةأسؤلة صوتية أي مسموعة ومقروءة في نفس الوقتوغيرها من الميزات الكثير الكثيروشكرااta3lim siya9a belmagherib application jadidafihal3adidminalvideouhatta3lim wa ta3lam kayfa tata3lam salasil rokhesa siya9asiya9a ta3lim maroc fih jadid kol mayakhos rokhesat siya9afih majmo3a mina doross 3la chakli video salihalikolisanasawa2an2015 wella 2016 ila ghayeri thalik minal2a3wamامتحانرخصةالسياقةبالمغرب2015 هو تطبيق مغربي و بالدارجة المغربية خاصبمساعدةكلالمقدمين علىاجتياز امتحان رخصة السياقة بالمغرب كلهذا باللهجة التب يعرفها الجميع في المغرب وهي الدارجةالمتداولةأهم مايميز تطبيق امتحان رخصة السياقة بالمغرب انهنفسأسئلةالامتحاناتالموجودة في مدارس تعليم السياقة بالمغربكل الأسئلة المحتملة للامتحانات الموجودة في مدارس تعليمالسياقةأسؤلة صوتية أي مسموعة ومقروءة في نفس الوقتوغيرها من الميزات الكثير الكثيروشكرااta3lim siya9a belmagherib implementation Jadidafihal3adidminalvideouhatta3lim wa ta3lam kayfa tata3lam Salasil rokhesa siya9asiya9a ta3lim Morocco fih jadid kol mayakhos rokhesat siya9afih majmo3a mina doross 3la chakli video salihalikolisanasawa2an2015 wella 2016 ila ghayeri thalik minal2a3wam
Map of China 1.24 APK
This is an application that turnsyourAndroiddevice into a GPS navigator with offline maps. Youcansearcheasily locations in China and you can add them toyourroute.Discover interesting places near you:accommodation,parking,restaurants, bars, clubs, cinemas, theatres,auto services,shops,parks, schools, hospitals, sport areas.It includes detailed maps of the biggest cities inChina:Shanghai,Beijing, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Tianjin,Wuhan,Dongguan,Foshan, Chengdu, Nanjing, Shenyang, Xi'an,Hangzhou,Harbin,Suzhou, Qingdao, Dalian, Zhengzhou, Shantou,Jinan,Changchun,Kunming, Hong Kong, Changsha, Taiyuan, Xiamen,Hefei,Ürümqi,Fuzhou and others.This application is based on Osmand project under theGNUGPLv3license and uses high quality data from OSM.
Map of Hungary 1.24 APK
This app turns your Android device intoaGPSnavigator with offline maps.You can search easily locations in Hungary and you can addthemtoyour route.Discover interesting places near you:accommodation,parking,restaurants, bars, clubs, cinemas, theatres,auto services,shops,parks, schools, hospitals, sport areas.It includes detailed maps of the biggest cities inHungary:Budapest,Debrecen, Szeged, Miskolc, Pecs, Gyor,Nyiregyhaza,Kecskemet,Szekesfehervar and others.This application is based on Osmand project under theGNUGPLv3license and uses high quality data from OSM.
Map of Germany 1.25 APK
Install this app on your device andyou'llgetan GPS navigator with offlline maps.You'll get access to the interesting points that can be foundonyourway: accommodation, parking, restaurants, bars,clubs,cinemas,theaters, auto services, shops, parks, schools,hospitals,sportareas.Audio and visual guidance will help you reachyourdestination.The application has detailed maps of major cities inGermany:Berlin,Hamburg, Munich, Koln, Frankfurt am Main,Stuttgart,Dortmund, Essen,Dusseldorf, Bremen, Hannover, Leipzig,Duisburg,Nurnberg, Dresden ,Bochum, Wuppertal, Bielefeld, Bonn,Mannheimand others.This application is based on Osmand project under theGNUGPLv3license and uses high quality data from OSM.
MAROC Plaques Immatriculation 1.1 APK
Vous vous ennuyez en route ?Vous êtes en vacances et vous regardez plein de voituresd'oùvousvoulez connaitre la provenance ?Ou bien peut être vous êtes tenté de défier un ami delaprovenanced'une voiture ?Cette application " MAROC Plaques d'immatriculation"Vavouspermettre de faire ça." MAROC Plaques d'immatriculation" est uneapplicationpermettantl'identification des véhicules enregistrésauroyaume.Bored on the way?You're on vacation and you look full of cars where you wanttoknowthe source?Or may be you are tempted to challenge a friend to the originofacar?This application "MOROCCO License Plates" Go you to do that."MOROCCO License Plates" is an applicationallowingtheidentification of vehicles registered in theKingdom.
АВТОтема. Всё для Вашего авто. 1.0.7 APK
Загружайте и пользуйтесь самой полнойбазойместдля ремонта и техобслуживания автомобиля. Приложениедоступноболеечем в 300 городах России, Украины, Киргизии иКазахстана.Установите приложение, и оно покажет на картеближайшиеСТО,автомойки, автозаправки и магазины автозапчастей врадиусе2хкилометров от Вас.В приложении есть адреса и телефоны автосервисов,времяработы,ссылки на сайты и отзывы клиентов. Звоните вавтосервисыпрямо изприложения, и здесь же смотрите схему проезда –приложениепокажетудобный маршрут до нужного местатехобслуживания.АВТОтема поможет найти компанию для тюнинга автомобиляилисервис,которому можно доверить ремонт двигателя, кузоваилиходовойчасти!• Если нужен поиск в другой части города, используйте«долгийтап»(прикоснитесь и удерживайте) в нужной точке накарте• Пользуйтесь тематическим разделами (автосервис,автомойка,АЗС,шиномонтаж, автозапчасти, тюнинг, автостоянка)• Чтобы увидеть автосервисы в других городах, выберете нужныйгородвменюАВТОтема – бесплатное приложение без рекламы!Краткий список городов: Москва,Санкт-Петербург,Новосибирск,Абакан (Минусинск), Алматы,Альметьевск, Армавир,Архангельск,Астана, Астрахань, Барнаул,Белгород, Бийск, Бишкек,Благовещенск,Братск, Брянск, ВеликийНовгород, Владивосток,Владимир, Волгоград,Вологда, Воронеж,Горно-Алтайск,Днепропетровск, Донецк,Екатеринбург, Иваново, Ижевск,Иркутск,Йошкар-Ола, Казань,Калининград, Калуга,Каменск-Уральский,Караганда, Кемерово, Киев,Киров,Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Кострома,Краснодар, Красноярск,Курган, Курск,Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Липецк,Магнитогорск, Махачкала,Миасс, Мурманск,Набережные Челны, Находка,Нижневартовск, НижнийНовгород, НижнийТагил, Новокузнецк,Новороссийск, Норильск,Ноябрьск, Одесса, Омск,Орёл, Оренбург,Павлодар, Пенза, Пермь,Петрозаводск,Петропавловск-Камчатский,Псков, Пятигорск (КМВ),Ростов-на-Дону,Рязань, Самара, Саранск,Саратов, Смоленск, Сочи,Ставрополь, СтарыйОскол, Стерлитамак,Сургут, Сыктывкар, Тамбов,Тверь, Тобольск,Тольятти, Томск, Тула,Тюмень, Улан-Удэ,Ульяновск, Уссурийск,Усть-Каменогорск, Уфа,Хабаровск, Харьков,Чебоксары, Челябинск,Чита, Южно-Сахалинск,Якутск, Ярославль.Download and usethemostcomprehensive database of places for vehiclerepairandmaintenance. The application is available in more than300citiesin Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.Install the app and it will show on the map thenearestservicestations, car washes, gas stations and auto partsshops arewithina radius of 2 kilometers from you.The application has addresses and telephone numbersofservicestations, working hours, links to websites, andcustomerreviews.Call garages directly from the application, andhere seelocationmap - it shows a convenient route to thenecessarymaintenancespace.Avtotema help to find a company for tuning a car or aservicethatcan be trusted to repair the engine, body andrunninggear!•, use the "long tap" (touch and hold) at the desired pointonthemap If you want to search in a different part of thecity• Use thematic sections (auto repair, car wash, gasstation,tire,spare parts, tuning, car park)• To see the garages in other cities, select the city you wantonthemenuAvtotema - free application without ads!A short list of cities: Moscow, SaintPetersburg,Novosibirsk,Abakan (Minusinsk), Almaty, Almetyevsk,Armavir,Arkhangelsk,Astana, Astrakhan, Barnaul, Belgorod,Biysk,Bishkek,Blagoveshchensk, Bratsk, Bryansk, Novgorod,Vladivostok,Vladimir,Volgograd, Vologda, Voronezh,Gorno-Altaisk,Dnepropetrovsk,Donetsk, Ekaterinburg, Ivanovo,Izhevsk, Irkutsk,Yoshkar-Ola,Kazan, Kaliningrad, Kaluga,Kamensk-Uralsky, Karaganda,Kemerovo,Kiev, Kirov,Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Kostroma, Krasnodar,Krasnoyarsk,Kurgan, Kursk,Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Lipetsk,Magnitogorsk,Makhachkala, Miass,Murmansk, Naberezhnye Chelny,Nakhodka,Nizhnevartovsk, NizhnyNovgorod, Nizhniy Tagil,Novokuznetsk,Novorossiysk, Norilsk,Noyabrsk, Odessa, Omsk, Orel ,Orenburg,Pavlodar, Penza, Perm,Petrozavodsk,Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky,Pskov, Pyatigorsk (CMS),Rostov-on-Don,Ryazan, Samara, Saransk,Saratov, Smolensk, Sochi,Stavropol, StaryOskol, Sterlitamak,Surgut, Syktyvkar , Tambov,Tver, Tobolsk,Tolyatti, Tomsk, Tula,Tyumen, Chelyabinsk, Ulyanovsk,Ussuriysk,Ust-Kamenogorsk, Ufa,Khabarovsk, Kharkov, Cheboksary,Chelyabinsk,Chita,Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Yakutsk, Yaroslavl.
广州地铁 Guangzhou Metro 7.0.1 APK
广州地铁-rGuide 全新登场新增站点周边丰富的消费信息!出行指引、消费信息一站解决!【主要功能】◆操作最简便:无论是查询车程还是车站资料,最快只需点击2次即可完成!◆选站最快速:独创的GPS自动定位、线路图直接点击、站名地标搜索,总让您以最快速度选到车站!◆离线车站交互式地图,信息最完整:除了调用标准地图服务外,提供独家出口地标及街道离线地图!◆多种语言选择:两种语言界面,通行两岸三地:简体、繁体!◆站点攻略:不仅仅提供线路查询,更多消费指南供你参考!rGuide,助您畅享地铁生活!任何反馈请提交至:微博:@rGuide (群:233911718微信:1690775453邮箱:[email protected]网站:www.rguide.infoGuangzhouMetro-rGuidenewdebutAdd a wealth of consumer information around the site!Travel guide, consumer information a stop solution![Main features]◆ Operation easiest: either drive or station dataquery,simplyclick two times the fastest to complete!◆ choose the fastest station: original automaticGPSpositioning,wiring diagrams directly click on the stationnamelandmark search,the total allows you to choose the fastestspeed tothestation!◆ Offline Station interactive maps, most completeinformation:Inaddition to calling the standard map service,providingexclusiveexport landmarks and street offline map!◆ choice of languages: two languages interface, accessthethreeplaces: Simplified and Traditional!◆ site Raiders: not only provide line queries, moreconsumerguidefor your reference!rGuide, to help you enjoy life subway!Please submit any feedback to:Twitter: @ rGuide ( / rguide)QQ group: 233 911 718Micro letter: 1690775453E-mail: [email protected]: