2.1.6 / November 5, 2015
("touch and drag" locator to see maps of key locations like Paul Revere’s House, Boston Tea Party site, Town of Concord and much more<br>Mini-games explain concepts such as Boston Tea Party and No Taxation without Representation; 13 colonies jigsaw and “Help Samuel Prescott Escape” maze provide additional context<br>Art, poetry, music and puzzles incorporated in a thematic and contextual manner<br>Licensed historical artwork of Paul Revere and others from museums<br>Rendition of “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” by H.W. Longfellow<br>Rebus puzzles popular at the time of the American Revolution<br>World-class music with period appropriate American tunes<p>Accolades Received: <br>2013 Creative Child Media of the Year Award<br>2012 Mom's Choice Award<br>12 Best Children’s Educational iPad Apps Released In 2012– Teachers with Apps<br>Top 35 Must-Have Educational iPhone and iPad Apps Used by Real Teachers in the Classroom – Appolicious<br>Best Kids iPads Learning Apps Winter 2013 – Imagination Soup<p>What Critics are saying about Ansel & Clair: Paul Revere’s Ride:<br>“I highly recommend Ansel and Clair’s Ride with Paul Revere. Cognitive Kid has done it again.” - Fun Educational Apps<p>“We endorse Ansel and Clair as one of the best app series available on the market today.” – Yogiplay<p>“Part video game, part history lesson, the app does a great job of integrating the engaging elements of a game with historically accurate information...The game seems like a perfect fit for upper elementary / middle level US history teachers.”- History Tech<p>“5 Stars - It is an animated, immersive, interactive, history lesson and an innovative and engaging way to make history come alive – highly recommended.” – iMums<p>“Really great way of learning History. Great app to get and I highly recommend it!” - Apps for Children with Special Needs<p>“5 Stars - Ansel & Clair: Paul Revere's Ride is that rarity in the iTunes store - an app that works equally well for grades K-5. It's too bad Cognitive Kid is so painstaking in its research and innovative in its app design as kids really need all 236 years of American History presented in this fashion.” – Smart Apps for Kids</p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></div> <div class="show-more-end" jsaction="click:vhaaFf"></div> </div> </div> <div> <button class="play-button show-more small" jsaction="KoToPc"> Read more </button> <button class="play-button expand-close" jsaction="vhaaFf"> <div class="close-image"> </div> </button> </div> </div> <div class="details-section-divider"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="details-wrapper"> <div class="details-section metadata"> <div class="details-section-heading"> <h1 class="heading"> Additional information </h1> </div> <div class="details-section-contents"> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Updated</div> <div class="content" itemprop="datePublished">November 5, 2015</div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Size</div> <div class="content" itemprop="fileSize"> 124M </div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Installs</div> <div class="content" itemprop="numDownloads"> 50 - 100 </div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Current Version</div> <div class="content" itemprop="softwareVersion"> 2.1.6 </div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Requires Android</div> <div class="content" itemprop="operatingSystems"> 4.0 and up </div> </div> <div class="meta-info contains-text-link"> <div class="title">Content Rating</div> <div class="content" itemprop="contentRating">Everyone</div> <a class="content" href="https://support.google.com/googleplay?p=appgame_ratings" target="_blank">Learn more</a> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title"> Interactive Elements </div> <div class="content">Users Interact, Digital Purchases</div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">In-app Products</div> <div class="content">$4.99 per item</div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div 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is-price-tag buy-button-container is_not_aquired_or_preordered" data-doc-fetch-skip-cache="0" data-doc-fetch-vouchers="0" data-docid="com.fingerprintplay.goog.paulrevere"> <div class="pon" style="display:none">1</div> <button class="price buy id-track-click" data-server-cookie="CAIaLworEikKI2NvbS5maW5nZXJwcmludHBsYXkuZ29vZy5wYXVscmV2ZXJlEAEYA0IA" data-uitype="200"> <span class="display-price">$4.99</span> </button> </span> </span> </div> <div class="description"> Travel along with Paul Revere on his historic midnight ride! <span class="paragraph-end"></span> <a class="card-click-target" href="/store/apps/details?id=com.fingerprintplay.goog.paulrevere" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"></a> </div> </div> <div class="reason-set"> <span class="stars-container"> <a href="/store/apps/details?id=com.fingerprintplay.goog.paulrevere"> </a> <span class="price-container"> <span class="paragraph-end"></span> <span class="apps is-price-tag buy-button-container is_not_aquired_or_preordered" 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<div class="card no-rationale square-cover apps small" data-docid="com.sylvanplay.goog.bbdark" data-original-classes="card no-rationale square-cover apps small" data-short-classes="card no-rationale square-cover apps tiny" data-thin-classes="card no-rationale square-cover apps small"> <div class="card-content id-track-click id-track-impression" data-docid="com.sylvanplay.goog.bbdark" data-server-cookie="CAIaJgoiEiAKGmNvbS5zeWx2YW5wbGF5Lmdvb2cuYmJkYXJrEAEYA0IA" data-uitype="500"> <a class="card-click-target" data-server-cookie="CAIaJgoiEiAKGmNvbS5zeWx2YW5wbGF5Lmdvb2cuYmJkYXJrEAEYA0IA" data-uitype="500" href="/store/apps/details?id=com.sylvanplay.goog.bbdark" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"></a> <div class="cover"> <div class="cover-image-container"> <div class="cover-outer-align"> <div class="cover-inner-align"> <img alt="Berenstain Bears in the Dark" class="cover-image" data-cover-large="//lh3.ggpht.com/a5uNw2U44T15Xi4S3P0mD9iV8L4EXyiZ_cMIULD-8TBOPlK2Ie6qnwm4ZXN8waLWDHg=w340" 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<div class="subtitle-container"> <a class="subtitle" href="/store/apps/developer?id=Sylvan+Learning+Inc." title="Sylvan Learning Inc.">Sylvan Learning Inc.</a> <span class="price-container"> <span class="paragraph-end"></span> <span class="apps is-price-tag buy-button-container is_not_aquired_or_preordered" data-doc-fetch-skip-cache="0" data-doc-fetch-vouchers="0" data-docid="com.sylvanplay.goog.bbdark"> <div class="pon" style="display:none">1</div> <button class="price buy id-track-click" data-server-cookie="CAIaJgoiEiAKGmNvbS5zeWx2YW5wbGF5Lmdvb2cuYmJkYXJrEAEYA0IA" data-uitype="223"> <span class="display-price">Free</span> </button> </span> </span> </div> <div class="description"> After Brother Bear shares a scary story with Sister, their imaginations run wild <span class="paragraph-end"></span> <a class="card-click-target" href="/store/apps/details?id=com.sylvanplay.goog.bbdark" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"></a> </div> </div> <div class="reason-set"> <span 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Join Ansel, the friendly intergalacticphotographer from the exotic planet Virtoos, and Clair, a brilliantVirtoosian robot as they travel back to 1775 to learn about theAmerican Revolution as they travel along with Paul Revere in hishistoric midnight ride through the Massachusetts country-side.

Ansel & Clair: Paul Revere’s Ride features:
Who’s Who Photo booth that reinforces learning with short & funbiographies
Pop-up quiz tests knowledge gained
Type your own notes in the Travel Log pages
Touch and drag camera to take 15 spectacular photos of key events,places and people such as the Boston Tea Party, Old North Church,John Hancock
Collect and arrange photos in the Travel Log
Spectacular interactions & animations, stunning visuals,puzzles & games bring History to life
Integrated "touch and drag" locator to see maps of key locationslike Paul Revere’s House, Boston Tea Party site, Town of Concordand much more
Mini-games explain concepts such as Boston Tea Party and NoTaxation without Representation; 13 colonies jigsaw and “HelpSamuel Prescott Escape” maze provide additional context
Art, poetry, music and puzzles incorporated in a thematic andcontextual manner
Licensed historical artwork of Paul Revere and others frommuseums
Rendition of “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” by H.W.Longfellow
Rebus puzzles popular at the time of the American Revolution
World-class music with period appropriate American tunes

Accolades Received:
2013 Creative Child Media of the Year Award
2012 Mom's Choice Award
12 Best Children’s Educational iPad Apps Released In 2012– Teacherswith Apps
Top 35 Must-Have Educational iPhone and iPad Apps Used by RealTeachers in the Classroom – Appolicious
Best Kids iPads Learning Apps Winter 2013 – Imagination Soup

What Critics are saying about Ansel & Clair: Paul Revere’sRide:
“I highly recommend Ansel and Clair’s Ride with Paul Revere.Cognitive Kid has done it again.” - Fun Educational Apps

“We endorse Ansel and Clair as one of the best app seriesavailable on the market today.” – Yogiplay

“Part video game, part history lesson, the app does a great jobof integrating the engaging elements of a game with historicallyaccurate information...The game seems like a perfect fit for upperelementary / middle level US history teachers.”- History Tech

“5 Stars - It is an animated, immersive, interactive, historylesson and an innovative and engaging way to make history comealive – highly recommended.” – iMums

“Really great way of learning History. Great app to get and Ihighly recommend it!” - Apps for Children with Special Needs

“5 Stars - Ansel & Clair: Paul Revere's Ride is that rarityin the iTunes store - an app that works equally well for gradesK-5. It's too bad Cognitive Kid is so painstaking in its researchand innovative in its app design as kids really need all 236 yearsof American History presented in this fashion.” – Smart Apps forKids

App Information A&C: Paul Revere's Ride

Sylvan Learning Inc. Show More...

Wonder Bunny Math Race Grade K 1.3.0_34 APK
Wonder Bunny Math Race Kindergarten - ASylvanPlay Network AppBrave little Wonder Bunny needs your help! The mean Bunnisherhas stolen the carrots and wacky vehicles from the Wonder Village.Can you help Wonder Bunny to get them back? Join Wonder Bunny andhis cute friends in a fun race for carrots and wacky vehicles!Following Common Core learning standards, Wonder Bunny Math Racefor Kindergarteners combines math with fun gameplay. The game alsoprovides a learning analytics tool to monitor child’s progress –with detailed information of mastered math skills and skills toimprove.What professionals are saying:“Let Bunny and his friends help your children practice math withcute,colorful, rabbity racing fun.”~ Smart Apps for Kids“Different levels of difficulty make it fun for both younger andolder kids.”~ Real Mom ReviewsFeatures:-Customize your favorite Bunny and ride wacky vehicles like theFast Rocket and Mighty Dragon-30 visually impressive levels: beautiful Candyland and magicalPolar World race tracks-Thousands of math exercises following Common Core learningstandards for 1st graders-Helps kids to learn numbers and basic math operations: additionand subtraction with numbers 0-100-Several operators with mixed questions-Child-friendly and easy to play: just tap on the screen-Comprehensive progress report with skill summary-Free to play; more levels with In-App PurchasesGame trailer:http://fantastec.fi/wonder_bunny_math_race_trailer/Follow Wonder Bunny on Facebook and Twitter:https://www.facebook.com/wonderbunnygamehttps://twitter.com/WonderBunnyGameAbout the developer:Fantastec ltd. is an award-winning developer of kids’ educationalgames based in Finland. Our mission & passion is to boost kids’happiness and create great value for parents with visuallyimpressive and fun learning games. For more fun learning gamesvisit www.fantastec.com/games.php______________________Play anywhere, learn everywhere with SylvanPlay™______________________Wonder Bunny Math: Kindergarten is part of Sylvan Learning’sSylvanPlay™ mobile games network for grades 1-4. SylvanPlay is alibrary of fun, Sylvan-approved educational apps all packagedtogether in one place, so parents don’t have to spin their wheelslooking for high-quality apps for their kids. We’ve gathered thebest educational apps — and we’re creating mobile games of our own— in math, language arts, science, geography and so much more. Yourfamily can enjoy great learning moments, anytime, anywhere. Let thelearning fun begin!
Berenstain Bears in the Dark 1.4 APK
The Berenstain Bears in the Dark - ASylvanPlay Network App• Winner of a 2013 PARENTS’ CHOICE Gold Honor Award• An interactive animated storybook originally published by theaward-winning Living Books• A tale of taking charge of one’s imagination, especially when itmakes you afraid of the darkReview:"Parents for two generations are familiar with the late Stan andJan Berenstain's Bears and their over 200 books. Wanderful enlivensthose classic stories, creating a rich resource for developingreading skills in an animated interactive app. Kids from 2 to 8will identify with Sister Bear's battle with her fear of the darkin The Berenstain Bears in the Dark.Wanderful offers a superb level of interaction with awell-designed app loaded with varying levels of skill developmentand simple fun appropriate for eager 2 year olds up to age 8."- Parents' Choice ©2013 Parents' ChoiceHave you ever wished you could play inside a story and reallyinteract with all the characters and words? Now you can! TheBerenstain Bears In the Dark is an imaginative interactive readingexperience with fully animated content featuring the popular BearFamily – Mama Bear, Papa Bear, Brother Bear, and Sister Bear.This timeless Stan and Jan Berenstain story springs to life onevery page. Read and play along as a spooky story Brother Bearreads to Sister Bear keeps her – and eventually the entire family –up all night long. The next day Papa shows Sister how to takecharge of her imagination and in the end it’s Brother who is alittle afraid in the dark.KEY FEATURES:• Twelve fully animated pages• Virtually every item on each page comes to life when tapped• All words are “active” for extended word play and languagelearning – tap on any word to hear it spoken• A hidden surprise is on each page – can you find all thelightning bugs?• Move between pages with swipe or with scrolling pagenavigation• Two modes: “Read to Me” and the fully interactive “Let MePlay”• Virtually every item on each page comes to life whenclicked• Multiple settings to further customize the App for your child’sreading experience• Parental tips to help you get the most out of this Wanderfulinteractive storybookWanderful’s goal is to help children discover a lasting love oflanguage through story exploration. We hope The Berenstain Bears InThe Dark provides your family, children and students with hours ofdelightful story play.The Berenstain Bears In The Dark is by Stan and Jan Berenstain,authors of over 200 books starring the Bear family: Mama, Papa,Brother and Sister.______________________Play anywhere, learn everywhere with SylvanPlay™______________________Berenstain Bears in the Dark is part of Sylvan Learning’sSylvanPlay™ mobile games network for grades 1-4. SylvanPlay is alibrary of fun, Sylvan-approved educational apps all packagedtogether in one place, so parents don’t have to spin their wheelslooking for high-quality apps for their kids. We’ve gathered thebest educational apps — and we’re creating mobile games of our own— in math, language arts, science, geography and so much more. Yourfamily can enjoy great learning moments, anytime, anywhere. Let thelearning fun begin!
Arthur's Birthday 1.4 APK
Arthur's Birthday - A SylvanPlay Network App• Winner of a 2013 PARENTS’ CHOICE Gold Honor Award• PBS-favorite Arthur stars in this interactive story originallypublished by Living Books• A fun tale for children about resolving conflicts and choosingbetween friendsReviews:"I am excited to see these engaging interactive versions of mybooks available to kids everywhere once again. Thanks Wanderful!”-Marc Brown, Author of the Arthur series of booksThe app includes the original story, which you can have read toyou, or which you can explore via extensive interactivity. Nearlyevery object on every page is interactive in some way, and eachreacts to touch in a thoughtfully-designed manner. These elementscome alive, interact with other on-screen elements, and interactwith the story itself in a logical and appropriate way.Words are interactive, too. Readers can touch any word to hearwhat it sounds like. Aside from the obvious reading and wordlearning that can occur, we also had fun pressing different wordsto create completely different sentences than those actuallywritten on the screen. And then laugh hysterically at the fun wewere having.Also included are both English and Spanish versions, parentaltips, and rich teacher resources for use in the classroom setting.This is another world-class interactive storybook fromWanderful."- Tim Leverett ©2013 Parents' ChoiceArthur’s Birthday is an enchanting interactive readingexperience with fully animated content featuring Arthur, star ofthe longest running children’s animated show in history. Wanderfulbrings every page of this heart-warming Marc Brown story to life.Arthur and Muffy are each planning their birthday parties for nextSaturday afternoon. How will their friends decide which toattend?Read and play inside each of the fully animated pages, whereeverything comes to life for hours of delightful story fun asArthur creates a solution that includes everyone. In English andSpanish with French story content available as an in-appupgrade.KEY FEATURES:• Story is in both English and Spanish - change language from anypage• Each page is fully animated and interactive and virtually everyitem comes to life when tapped• All words are recorded twice and are fully “active” for extendedword play and language learning• A hidden surprise is on each page – see if you can find all theconfetti• Move between pages with swipe or with scrolling pagenavigation• Two story modes: “Read to Me” and the fully interactive “Let MePlay”• Multiple settings further customize the App for your child’sreading experienceArthur’s Birthday is written by Marc Brown. Over 65 MillionArthur books are in print and the Arthur TV show is the longestrunning children’s animated show in history.______________________Play anywhere, learn everywhere with SylvanPlay™______________________Arthur's Birthday is part of Sylvan Learning’s SylvanPlay™mobile games network for grades 1-4. SylvanPlay is a library offun, Sylvan-approved educational apps all packaged together in oneplace, so parents don’t have to spin their wheels looking forhigh-quality apps for their kids. We’ve gathered the besteducational apps — and we’re creating mobile games of our own — inmath, language arts, science, geography and so much more. Yourfamily can enjoy great learning moments, anytime, anywhere. Let thelearning fun begin!
Berenstain Bears in a Fight 1.4 APK
The Berenstain Bears Get in a Fight - ASylvanPlay Network App• Winner of a 2013 PARENTS’ CHOICE Gold Honor Award• An interactive animated storybook originally published as theaward-winning Living Books• A tale of how sibling arguments can sometimes escalate, and howthey can be resolvedReview:“The original Living Books Software Series of interactivestorybooks are the gold standard of interactive books. These wereoriginally developed many years ago for desktop computers yet theystill hold up on the iPad, as though they were new apps designedjust for the tablet.The thought and creativity that was put into the interactivityin Berenstain Bears Get Into a Fight is largely unmatched in anyother interactive book. When you combine that with a classicBerenstain Bears children's book you have a complete winner.This is one of the best eBook apps available for young children,and there are few people of any age that would not enjoy it. LikeWanderful's other apps, Berenstain Bears Get Into a Fight offersgreat creativity with a wonderful sense of humanity and heart thattranscends age. Multi-lingual families can enjoy the story ineither Spanish or Portuguese, the latter of which is available viaan in-app purchase.”- Tim Leverett ©2013 Parents' ChoiceHave you ever wished you could play inside a story and reallyinteract with all the characters and words? Now you can! TheBerenstain Bears Get In A Fight is an imaginative interactivereading experience with fully animated content featuring thepopular Bear Family – Mama Bear, Papa Bear, Brother Bear, andSister Bear.Wanderful brings every page of this Stan and Jan Berenstainstory to life. Read and play along with Brother and Sister as alittle morning grumpiness turns into an all-day fight. Even a noisystorm can’t stop them from arguing and fighting. Do they evenremember why they are fighting? Can anything make them stop? Usefulfor children of all ages, this story teaches lessons on avoidingarguments and disagreements.KEY FEATURES:• Story is in both English and Spanish - change language from anypage• Portuguese story content unlocks with in-app upgrade• Each page is fully animated, including two pages with extendedmulti-scene animations• Virtually every item on each page comes to life when tapped• All words are “active” for extended word play and languagelearning – tap on any word to hear it spoken• A hidden surprise is on each page – can you find “Buzzy” thebee?• Move between pages with swipe or with scrolling pagenavigation• Two modes: “Read to Me” and the fully interactive “Let MePlay”• All words are "active" for extended word play and languagelearning – click on any word to hear it• Multiple settings to further customize the App for your child’sreading experienceWanderful’s goal is to help children discover a lasting love oflanguage through story exploration. We hope The Berenstain BearsGet In A Fight provides your family, children and students withhours of delightful story play.The Berenstain Bears Get In A Fight by Stan and Jan Berenstain,authors of over 200 books starring the Bear family: Mama, Papa,Brother and Sister.______________________Play anywhere, learn everywhere with SylvanPlay™______________________Berenstain Bears Get in a Fight is part of Sylvan Learning’sSylvanPlay™ mobile games network for grades 1-4. SylvanPlay is alibrary of fun, Sylvan-approved educational apps all packagedtogether in one place, so parents don’t have to spin their wheelslooking for high-quality apps for their kids. We’ve gathered thebest educational apps — and we’re creating mobile games of our own— in math, language arts, science, geography and so much more. Yourfamily can enjoy great learning moments, anytime, anywhere. Let thelearning fun begin!
Little Monster at School 1.4 APK
Little Monster at School - A SylvanPlayNetwork App• A fully interactive storybook for early readers featuring thebeloved Little Monster• Based on the award winning titles originally published by LivingBooksReview:"This is a really cute and relatable story, with some greatinteractive features. Kids can really take part in the "lessons" atschool with Little Monster. When they work with numbers and letterson the chalkboard, kids can tap on the numbers and letters to hearthem labeled and practice right along with the class.The story actually covers a lot here - routines, school lessons,helping friends out, being different, etc.This is an award winning story for reason - it really is a goodstory!"- A Matter of AppHave you ever wished you could play inside a story and reallyinteract with all the characters and words? Now you can! LittleMonster at School is an imaginative and interactive readingexperience with fully animated content loved by children, parentsand teachers alike.Wanderful brings every page of this timeless Mercer Mayer storyto life. Read and play along with Little Monster on a fun-filledday at school as he explores different subjects with his classmatesand makes friends with Yally, an often difficult fellowstudent.KEY FEATURES:• Includes both English and Spanish with dynamic switching betweenthe languages• 18 animated pages, plus a special “story within the story”• Two pages of alphabet and counting lessons – say your lessonsalong with the class• Virtually every item on each page comes to life when tapped• A hidden animated surprise on each page – see if you can find the“zipperumpazoo”• Move between pages with swipe or with scrolling pagenavigation• Multiple settings to customize the App for your child’s readingexperience• Two modes: “Read to Me” and the fully interactive “Let MePlay”• Parental tips to help you get the most out of this Wanderfulinteractive storybookWanderful’s goal is to bring outstanding interactive storybooks toa new generation of children. We hope Little Monster at Schoolprovides your family, children and students with hours of storyplay.Little Monster at School is written and illustrated by MercerMayer, who has published over 300 books in a variety ofillustrative styles.______________________Play anywhere, learn everywhere with SylvanPlay™______________________Little Monster at School is part of Sylvan Learning’sSylvanPlay™ mobile games network for grades 1-4. SylvanPlay is alibrary of fun, Sylvan-approved educational apps all packagedtogether in one place, so parents don’t have to spin their wheelslooking for high-quality apps for their kids. We’ve gathered thebest educational apps — and we’re creating mobile games of our own— in math, language arts, science, geography and so much more. Yourfamily can enjoy great learning moments, anytime, anywhere. Let thelearning fun begin!
Harry and the Haunted House 1.4 APK
Harry and the Haunted House - A SylvanPlayNetwork App• Winner of a PARENTS’ CHOICE Silver Honor Award• Winner of the Editor's Choice Award from Children's TechnologyReview• An interactive animated storybook by the creator of theaward-winning Living Books• A “spooky” tale of how imagination can make things seem scarierthan they areReviews:"This is one of the best designed interactive children's books I'veever seen" - Mac Observer"Harry and the Haunted House is a twelve page interactivestorybook that blends a well-told story written by Mark Schlichtingwith thoughtful animation by developer Wanderful. The app offersRead to Me or Let Me Play modes. The former is especiallydelightful. Animations play automatically, which encourageschildren to listen up, watch, and take a break from tapping theirscreen. The story's words are highlighted as expressive voiceactors read them so that early readers can follow along.Though in a sense a ghost story, Harry and the Haunted Housewill inspire more giggles than scares. After Harry hits hisbaseball a little too far, he and his friends decide to look for itin the abandoned house where it lands. Children will enjoy seeinghow Harry and his friends' imaginations create spooky situations.They see ghosts that turn out to be their own reflection, forexample, and hear strange noises that are actually Harry's dogplaying with the found ball. In the end, children learn that scarythings (like old houses, dark closets, or the space under a bed)are not so terrible once one learns more about them."- Parents' Choice ©2013 Parents' ChoiceHave you ever wished you could play inside a story and reallyinteract with all the characters and words? Now you can! Harry andthe Haunted House is an imaginative, interactive and slightlyspooky reading experience with fully animated content loved bychildren, parents and teachers alike.Wanderful brings every page of this Mark Schlichting story tolife. Read and play along with Harry and his friends as theyretrieve their baseball lost in the “haunted” house across thefield. “W-W-What’s that noise?” “We froze in our steps…”KEY FEATURES:• Story is in both English and Spanish - change language from anypage• 12 fully animated pages• French story content unlocks with upgrade• Virtually every item on each page comes to life when tapped• All words are “active” for extended word play and languagelearning• Animated surprises on each page – can you find all the performingbugs?• Move between pages with swipe or with scrolling pagenavigation• Multiple settings to customize the App for your child’s readingexperience• Two modes: “Read to Me” and the fully interactive “Let MePlay”• Parental tips to help you get the most out of this Wanderfulinteractive storybookWanderful’s goal is to bring outstanding interactive storybooks toa new generation of children. We hope Harry and the Haunted Houseprovides your family, children and students with hours ofdelightful story play.Harry and the Haunted House is written by Mark Schlichting,creator of the Living Books series.______________________Play anywhere, learn everywhere with SylvanPlay™______________________Harry and the Haunted House is part of Sylvan Learning’sSylvanPlay™ mobile games network for grades 1-4. SylvanPlay is alibrary of fun, Sylvan-approved educational apps all packagedtogether in one place, so parents don’t have to spin their wheelslooking for high-quality apps for their kids. We’ve gathered thebest educational apps — and we’re creating mobile games of our own— in math, language arts, science, geography and so much more. Yourfamily can enjoy great learning moments, anytime, anywhere. Let thelearning fun begin!
Matchsticks Math - SylvanPlay 1.1 APK
Solve puzzling math equations by moving onlyone matchstick! Works as a great brain teasing casual game for allages, and can be used to help kids learn arithmetic (addition andsubtraction) in a fun way!If you are looking for more puzzle games, try Word Link - ourgreat new word search app: it's a bit like boggle with a changingboard.Matchstick Math Features:- 60 great equations to solve- Play with your children- Equations are skippable if you get stuck- A choice of 2 backgrounds- Brain-busting fun for all ages!______________________Play anywhere, learn everywhere with SylvanPlay™______________________Frosby Matchsticks Math Puzzle is part of Sylvan Learning’sSylvanPlay™ mobile games network for grades 1-4. SylvanPlay is alibrary of fun, Sylvan-approved educational apps all packagedtogether in one place, so parents don’t have to spin their wheelslooking for high-quality apps for their kids. We’ve gathered thebest educational apps — and we’re creating mobile games of our own— in math, language arts, science, geography and so much more. Yourfamily can enjoy great learning moments, anytime, anywhere. Let thelearning fun begin!
Wonder Bunny Math Race Grade 2 1.3.0_8 APK
Wonder Bunny Math Race Grade 2 - A SylvanPlayNetwork AppBrave little Wonder Bunny needs your help! The mean Bunnisherhas stolen the carrots and wacky vehicles from the Wonder Village.Can you help Wonder Bunny to get them back? Join Wonder Bunny andhis cute friends in a fun race for carrots and wacky vehicles!Following Common Core learning standards, Wonder Bunny Math Racefor 2nd graders combines math with fun gameplay. The game alsoprovides a learning analytics tool to monitor child’s progress –with detailed information of mastered math skills and skills toimprove.What professionals are saying:“Let Bunny and his friends help your children practice math withcute,colorful, rabbity racing fun.”~ Smart Apps for Kids“Different levels of difficulty make it fun for both younger andolder kids.”~ Real Mom ReviewsFeatures:-Customize your favorite Bunny and ride wacky vehicles like theFast Rocket and Mighty Dragon-30 visually impressive levels: beautiful Candyland and magicalPolar World race tracks-Thousands of math exercises following Common Core learningstandards for 1st graders-Helps kids to learn numbers and basic math operations: additionand subtraction with numbers 0-100-Several operators with mixed questions-Child-friendly and easy to play: just tap on the screen-Comprehensive progress report with skill summary-Free to play; more levels with In-App PurchasesGame trailer:http://fantastec.fi/wonder_bunny_math_race_trailer/Follow Wonder Bunny on Facebook and Twitter:https://www.facebook.com/wonderbunnygamehttps://twitter.com/WonderBunnyGameAbout the developer:Fantastec ltd. is an award-winning developer of kids’ educationalgames based in Finland. Our mission & passion is to boost kids’happiness and create great value for parents with visuallyimpressive and fun learning games. For more fun learning gamesvisit www.fantastec.com/games.php______________________Play anywhere, learn everywhere with SylvanPlay™______________________Wonder Bunny Math: 2nd Grade is part of Sylvan Learning’sSylvanPlay™ mobile games network for grades 1-4. SylvanPlay is alibrary of fun, Sylvan-approved educational apps all packagedtogether in one place, so parents don’t have to spin their wheelslooking for high-quality apps for their kids. We’ve gathered thebest educational apps — and we’re creating mobile games of our own— in math, language arts, science, geography and so much more. Yourfamily can enjoy great learning moments, anytime, anywhere. Let thelearning fun begin!