Top 37 Apps Similar to Numerology Psychic Reading

Нумерология 1.8
VRG soft
Нумероло́гия — система эзотерических верований о мистическихсвязяхчисел с физическими объектами, процессами и жизнью людей иихсознанием, которые взаимосвязаны и влияют друг надруга.Нумерология имеет достаточно древнее происхождение.Возможно,появление нумерологии связано с тем, что, в древнихалфавитах(например, в древнееврейском) буквы использовались длязаписичисел, имея поэтому числовые значения. Сейчас невозможноточноустановить, когда именно зародилась нумерология, по тойпричине,что в древности (в Вавилоне, Индии, Египте, Греции и Риме)такойотдельной области знания не выделялось. Одни и те же учёныеизучаличисла с точки зрения и философии, и математики. -Нумерологиясудьбы по дате рождения - Нумерология квадрат Пифагора-Нумерология совместимости - Значение имени - Значение букв имени-Число имени - Число дня рождения - Число судьбы - МатрицаПифагора- Матрица Александрова - Зодиакальный гороскоп - Китайскийгороскоп- Японский гороскоп - Славянский гороскоп - Гороскоп Майя-Зороастрийский гороскоп - Гороскоп Друидов - Цветочный гороскоп-Египетский гороскоп - Тюрский гороскоп - Гороскоп викингов-Индийский гороскоп - Нартский гороскоп - Греческий гороскоп-Индейский гороскоп
Секреты судьбы. Нумерология 1.9.2
Numerology - the most ancient knowledge, which reveal thedeepestmysteries of existence.
Квадрат Пифагора 1.0.01
VRT one
Date of birth makes the calculation of the strengths andweaknessesof the person.
Эзотерика. Йога. Психология 8.1.0
Raraka Apps
All of the body and soul for the development of wisdom,theknowledge of ourselves and the world
Нумерология Михаила Декана
Нумерология - система эзотерических верованийомистических связях чисел с физическими объектами, процессамиижизнью людей и их сознанием, которые взаимосвязаны и влияют другнадруга.Прогноз на день, значение номера телефона, проверканомерадокумента, моментальная проверка значения личности,номераводительского удостоверения, зачетной книжки и т.д. с точкизрениянумерологии.Numerology - the systemofesoteric mystical beliefs about the relationships of numberswithphysical objects, processes, and people's lives andconsciousness,which are interconnected and influence eachother.Forecast for the day, the value of the phone number, checkthedocument number, instant verification of the value of theperson,driver's license numbers, record-books, etc. from the pointof viewof numerology.
Indian Numerology: calculator 8.5.2
Numerology calculator, the daily moon calendar, yantra,biorhythmand so on
Индийская нумерология
What are your numbers Name, Soul, Destiny? Who fit together?Theanswer! Swing!
Horoscope of Birth 4.431
➕Daily information update ➕Types of horoscopes: general,love,career and horoscope health ➕Quote of the Day ➕Compatibilitycheckon the zodiac sign ➕Biorhythms and widget to themwithnotifications ➕Fast, easy and pleasant interface / design foruse➕Available horoscope for yesterday, today, tomorrow and for aweek➕All information in the application by birth date only ➕PageofNumerology ➕Themes for every taste ➕Customize the applicationforyourself ➕Smooth animation ➕Share button ➕A reminder of readingahoroscope ➕Widget showing the remaining time before the birthday+button for reading the horoscope────────────────────────────────"Horoscope of Birth" - a new uniqueapplication, which has noanalogues! 📣All in the application isavailable (free of charge) by100%, in it you can easily get thenecessary information about whenand in what area of life you needto pay attention, how to keepattractiveness for the opposite sex,to save health, good relationswith relatives and close people, tomake the right decision forevery day. 🎂 This application will letyou know how many days areleft before the birthday, and how manydays of your wonderful lifeyou have already lived. 💕 Love horoscope- will display the maintrends of the day and help build yourrelationship with a partner.And also allows you to look further anddevelop the plot of yourlove story. 💰 Horoscope career - willreveal to you many secretsthat you would like to know about theprospects at work, be able toplan your activities, relying onsuccessful and dangerous for youperiods. Money, experience andknowledge, relationships withcolleagues, career growth, the threatof fine or firing ... Buildyour future yourself! 🍏 Horoscope ofHealth - will giverecommendations on how best to monitor thehealth, what to look forfirst and for what to take care ofyourself. 💘 You can also checkthe compatibility of your zodiac signwith any other, and choosethe key to interact with it. 🔢 Thanks tonumerology you can findout your future, and also get a clue whenmaking importantdecisions. Allows you to determine the nature, lifeexperience andultimate goal. Astro forecast for all signs of thezodiac: ♈ Aries♉ Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer ♌ Leo ♍ Virgo ♎ Libra ♏Scorpio ♐Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Pisces
Numerology Calculator
Easy to calculate digital summation of your alpha-numeric input.
Numerology of Syncronia 1.0
This application is aimed to help youintheprocess of knowing yourself as well as the people you loveandyouwant to help. It is based on the research andsynthesisperformedby Sergio Melnick, along with the research,structuringand editingwork of the team of the Academy of HolisticStudiesSyncronia( foundations are in Jungian psychologyandPythagoreannumerology, where the qualitative aspect ofnumbersrepresent theelementary vibrations on which our realityisconstructed.This numerology application builds a "life experience" mapofeachperson and includes unprecedented formulas and meaningsthathavenever been disclosed massively so far. The map isorganizedonquadrants, which assemble several numbers andtheirmeaningsabout:I. Who Am I?: The "essential being" that allows you toknowwhoyou really are in depth, both consciously andunconsciously,tobehave accordingly in your environment.II. How do I behave?: The "personality" that reveals how youliveinyour environment along with others, with society and withtheworldin order to achieve learning that suits you.III. What do I experience and when?: To learn the mystery ofyourownlife through earthly experiences, which will allow youtofulfilltasks and resolve the conflicts that arise.IV. What are my main conflicts and tasks?: Theunconsciousshadowthat keeps you from acknowledging the conflictsand tasksthat willlet you discover who you are.Additionally, the application provides informationaboutthe"Current numbers", i.e. the numbers of the year, month anddaythatinfluence you and get updated daily according to thecurrentdate,and the "balance" numbers, that reflect the corepersonalstructureand make you prone to certain actions,illnesses,relationships,etc.
Numerologia de Pitágoras 1.0
Segundo Pitágoras cada letradoalfabetocorresponde a um número.A esta tabela se dá o nome de tabela pitagórica e é combasenessatabela que se produz a numerologia pitagórica. ParaPitágoras,cadanúmero tem um significado próprio, representando umadiferenteáreada vivência humana. Assim, na numerologia pitagórica,cadaletrapossui um número e recebe dele toda a suavibraçãoecaracterísticas.AccordingtoPythagoraseach letter of the alphabet corresponds toanumber.At this table is given the name of Pythagorean table and isbasedonthat table that produces the Pythagorean numerology.ForPythagoras,each number has its own meaning, representingadifferent area of​​human experience. Thus, inPythagoreannumerology, each letter hasa number and get it all itsvibrancyand features.
Qabala Fortune numerology 1.8.1
This is new version of QabalaFortuneTellerapp. Recoded in native Android [TM] SDK for smallercode (nowjustless than 130 KB ~ 30 times less than before), bettersecurityandoverall usability. Now installs in external memory andworkingwellboth portrait or landscape mode. No permissions needed,andappworking offline. Still no ads inside yay!Additional language versions soon. Now availableversionsareEnglish and Polish, depending on your devicesettings.Freeware, simply and handy qabala numerology tool, basedonLouisaLawford book "The fortune-teller or Peeps intofuturity"published in1861.This is Must-Have app for all numerologists, researchersandaboveall for all those who want to know more. It working? Youwillsee,for free.Calculations in Qabala Fortune Teller are based on chapter"Howtotell person's character, by means of cabalisticcalculations".Ourapp correctly recognizes letters and detectsallpossiblecombinations of numbers, however this is version 1andyourfeedback is highly appreciated!How to use?• enter full name• use only latin, English letters from A to Z (upperorlowercase)and space.• for non latin English letters use their Englishequivalents.Forexample, for Ł use L etc.• tap button [Ask]• read oracleYou can also use company name, product name orevenwebsiteaddress! For deeper analysis you should check out thefullname andthe names separately. Full help on QabalaFortuneTellerwebsite.From the introduction to the chapter: HOW TO TELLAPERSON'SCHARACTER, BY MEANS OF CABALISTIC CALCULATIONS.This is said to have been the invention of thesagePythagoras,whose doctrine was that everything in the universewasrepresentedand governed by certain figures or numbers, to whichheascribedmysterious properties and virtues. According tohim,everything,from the Supreme Being himself, down to theminutestatom, wasdistinguished by its own proper number; and hisbelief wassharedby numberless other philosophers. Without enteringinto anydetailof this system, we will proceed to describe howthesecalculationsare made.
Numerology 1.02
Numerology calculator Find the meaning of your name Good Appforchoosing a baby name Created by Androcalc More freeandroidapplications on
Daily Horoscope 2023 Astrology
Daily horoscope 2023 Antares. App works offline (without Internet)
Sky Raptor: Space Shooter 2.4.2
Alien shooters are invading. Join Sky Raptor to save the Galaxy!
Tarot Card Readings-Astrospeak 1.0
Tarot card readings provide solution to specific queries using4card spreads
Free Tarot Reading 1.3.0
The New Updated Version Of Free Tarot Reading App byappz360degreeDownload Now!
Chaldean Numerology Calculator 1.1.1
Numerology Calculator is a simple and précised app which dealswithtwo different types of numerology. 1) Chaldean Numerology2)Pythagorean Numerology Here, you needs to give your name asinputand in turns our app gives you the numerological number of thenameentered. And, important feature is that you can get thenumbercalculated for your name in both types by just switchingbetweenthem. Chaldean Numerology: Chaldean numerology is one of thethreemain methods of numerology used today, along withKabbalahnumerology and Pythagorean numerology. The Chaldeannumerologymethod is perhaps the oldest form of numerology known,with itsorigin in ancient Babylon. At that time, Babylon wasinhabited bythe Chaldeans. Today very few people realize that theChaldeanswere a group of people, not just a numerology term. WhiletheKabbalah and Pythagorean methods base their formulas on thenumbersone through nine, Chaldean numerology aims on one througheight. Inthis method, the number nine is a holy number and isseparated fromother numerical vibrations, except for when it is thesum of allvibrations in question. In addition, this particularnumerologymethod bases numerical values on vibrations rather thanwhere aletter falls within the alphabet. PythagoreanNumerology:Pythagorean numerology is by far the best known andgenerally usedby modern numerologists. Many numerologists todaycontend thatwhile Chaldean numerology is much more accurate, theywill agreethat the Pythagorean system is much easier to learn,understand,and practice. The Pythagorean system of numerology takesits namefrom Pythagoras who was an ancient Greek philosopher. Thebasisbehind Pythagoras’ numerology is that there is arelationshipbetween everything and numbers. He believed that theuniverse couldbe explained through numbers going as far as to claimthat throughthe use of numbers, order can be created withoutconfusion.Pythagoras studied under the ancient Jewish mystics aswell as theGurus in India both cultures are also known to have usedforms ofnumerology. Pythagorean numerology is often referred to asWesternnumerology as well as Modern numerology. As mentioned, itisgenerally used system of numerology, most likely as it is easytomaster. Finally, Most people in current world, much liketheirancient counterparts, use the science of numerology to gaininsightinto their lives, their pasts, and their upcomingfutures.Numerology is also an outstanding way to increase insightintoother people. Pythagorean numerology can help you achievethesegoals in addition to helping you understand what types ofpeopleare most compatible with you and why. Numerology is somethinggoodto learn about relationships, friendships, family, lovers, andevenco-workers. And with our app installed, you can enjoy betweennamesand numbers... App Developed by Hashprompt Softwares-
Galaxy Tarot
Galaxy Tarot is a FREE app for your Droid.Butit's so much more than that: it is a divine map ofyourspirit.Using the power of the 78 Tarot cards take a cosmic journeyintoyour heart and psyche to bring back the spectacular treasuresthatare already within you.Start looking at your life in all new ways and get crystalclearabout what you want.Learn to be your own fortune teller, or rather DESTINY MAKER,withGalaxy Tarot.*** Tarot Card Reader & Tarot Card Encyclopedia ***Pull Tarot Cards, Cast Tarot Spreads and learn all about TarotCardsfor free! Whether you're brand new to Tarot cards or anexperiencedprofessional, Galaxy Tarot is made to guide and delightyou!~ Start your day with intention and guidance using the Card oftheDay: a tarot card just for you, with a loving, supportivemessagefor your day ~~ Gain insight and clarity on any issue. Focus on what concernsyou.Shuffle, cut the deck, and then select the cards you're drawnto.You will receive a wise message that will help you get clearaboutyour issue, find peace, and be guided forward. Whetheryou'rewondering about love, money, career, family, or just aboutliving amore fulfilling life, Galaxy Tarot can help you! ~For quick support, write Shonna: [email protected]:- Gorgeous tarot card images from the classic 1909 deck byA.E.Waite and P.C. Smith like you've never seen them before.Looksbeautiful on phones and tablets.- Five Tarot Reading Spreads to choose from. Option to addmorespreads to your collection with in-app purchases.- Interpretations from Galaxy Tone as well as A.E.Waite's"Pictorial Key to the Tarot", and easy access to Wikipediaentrieson each Tarot card.- Reversed card option including keywords and uniqueinterpretationsfor every card.- Tarot Card Encyclopedia linking each card to its symbols,suit,and number.- Resizable Card of the Day widget and optional Card of theDaynotification- Two stunning application backgrounds, and three card backstochoose from.- Fully customizable Tarot card deck; choose whether you wanttoshuffle the cards, cut the deck, or go straight to yourTarotreading.- A unique spread analyzer that helps you understand the trendsinyour readings.- Ability to share spreads and cards using email,Facebook,Instagram and many other applications.- Ability to turn reversed cards, use major arcana only,turnanimations and sounds on or off, receive a notification ofyourCard of the Day, and many more ways to customize the app.Included spreads:- One Card- Past, Present, Future- Two Card- Four Card General Spread- Relationship Spread- Celtic Cross✷✷ For Tarot tips, contests, announcements and more join usonFacebook ✷✷
Tarot Card Reading 4.8
Tarot Reading along with trusted tarot card and yearlyhoroscope2023 prediction
Angel Tarot Cards & Astrology 23.04.18
Mobio Ltd
Daily Card & Palm Reading with Zodiac & LoveCompatibility.Enjoy our Horoscope.
Tarot Card Spreads Reading 8.0.0
Free Psychic Reading Tarot
Answer Me Tarot Card Reading 7.0.1
Free tarot card reading for your love life. Enjoy a variety oftarotspread.
Angel Energy Cards 4.2
Move closer to the Angelic realm and understand their messagesforyou.
Horoscopes & Tarot 5.7
Get your Daily Horoscopes,LoveCompatibility and Tarot Card Readings. Astrolisoffers awide selection of horoscopes covering everything from loveandromance to career and money issues.The best selection of free horoscopes and tarotcardreadings!This app uses planetary positions to provide relevant andtimelyhoroscopes.★★★★★ Sheila B.“I have not found any horoscope or tarot reasons that wasthisright on. I love having the combo of horoscope and tarot inonereading. It is very accurate and follows the things going on inmylife.”★★★★★ Doreen M.“This app was so accurate i began reading it art the end offmyday just to too make sure i wasn't influencing it. I also lovethemany areas of life that it covers and that some of the areasareshown a week at a time. Can recommend it forserioususers.”WIDE VARIETY OF HOROSCOPES: Reading your daily horoscope is agreatway to start the day, but it doesn't give you all theinformationyou need. That's why we provide many different types ofhoroscopes,covering everything from love and romance to career andmoneyissues. Check them all out:Daily, Love, Weekly, Monthly, Romance, Style, Career, Money,2017AnnualThis app uses planetary positions to provide relevant andtimelyhoroscopes. All of the zodiac signs are included: aries,taurus,gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius,capricorn,aquarius and pisces.TAROT CARD READINGS: Looking for insight into a particularquestionor issue in your life? Tarot cards can help to explain yourcurrentsituation and anticipate future events. In this app you geta freedaily three card tarot reading. This is a personal tarotreading,not one for everyone sharing your zodiac sign. It allowsyou toselect three cards, one for your Recent Past, one for yourCurrentSituation and one for your Future Influences.DAILY OUTLOOK: Looking for a quick summary of some key issuesinyour life? With our simple 5 star system, you getindividualratings for your Money, Energy, Love and Moodoutlook.LOVE COMPATIBILITY: Wondering who you are most compatiblewithtoday? Your daily forecast tells you which zodiac sign youarebeing drawn towards. Check the compatibility ratings for eachsignsevery day.CUSTOMIZATION: Once you install the app, you can set yourzodiacsign and choose a stylish sun sign icon. Once set, yourcustomizedforecasts will be available every time you open the app.No need tonavigate around trying to find your zodiac sign.VIEW ALL SIGNS: Interested in reading someone else's outlook fortheday? You can quickly and easily view any of the 12 zodiac signsfromwithin the app. Plus, you have the option to send your friendtheirforecast by email.SHARE YOUR OUTLOOK: Is there a forecast that resonates with youoris relevant to a situation you are currently in? You havetheoption to share it on Facebook and Twitter or send it tosomeoneprivately by email.★★★★★ John M.“A rare horoscope app that is both accurate and applicabletoboth the trivial and consequential issues of daily life.Attractiveand easy to use.”Please contact us with any questions or concerns using thefeedbackbutton within the app or by visiting: us on Twitter:
Guiding Light Oracle Cards
The Guiding Light Oracle will take you deep into the hidden areasofyour psyche
Numerology Reading 2016 1.1
Numerology Calculator and Reading gives youafree reading and a look at your numbers and helps you learnwhatthey forecast about your future.This Free Numerology Calculator generates numerology chartsforindividuals based on the name and the date of Birth Provided bytheuser.The app also provides your accurate reading on thefollowing:Your Lifepath Number and explainationYour Destiny / Expression NumberYour BirthDay NumberYour Soul Urge / Heart's Desire NumberYour Inner Dreams / Personality NumberYour Challenge Numbers areYour Attitude NumberYour Karmic Lessons NumberYour Karmic Debt NumberYour Personal YearYour Personal DayYour Personal MonthYour Balance NumberYour Realization / Maturity NumberYour Hidden Passion Number.Your Rational Thought NumberYour Subconscious Self NumberYour Personal AspectYour Personal Aspect is towards EmotionalYour Current LifePath Period NumberYour Capstone NumberYour Cornerstone NumberYour First Vowel NumberYour L / E Bridge NumberYour H / P Bridge NumberMinor Heart Desire NumberMinor Personality NumberMinor Personality Number
Tarot7: Free Tarot Reading As 2.2.3
Never Worry About Love, Work and Such Again. Tarot7 Right inYourPocket.
Numerology Rediscover Yourself 3.4.1
Get your free numerology chart, horoscope, affirmations&crystals guide
Numerología Tántrica 1.1.0
Tantric numerology is a tool to know you better.
Tarot Cards 3.2.0-26
Get multiple 3-card Tarot Cards based on Major Arcana cards.AndHoroscope
Tarot Cards Reading 23.01.04
Mobio Ltd
What awaits you in 2023? What is your karma in 2023? Revealyourfuture!
Tarot of Love - Cards Reading
Your personnalized love tarot reading and fortune telling app
Tarot Reading - Fortune Teller 1.0.5
Welcome to the Psychic, Tarot Q - theFREEtarotcards reading app to know your destiny! Get a glimpse ofyourcareer,relationships, destiny, love, fortune, health, businessandmore withoracle card reading. HAPPINESS is just a downloadaway.Give your life a U-Turn!• Are you confused about your relationships?• Need to read someone's mind?• Looking for career insights?• Interested in bringing a fortune?• Would you like to become your own oracle?The toughest adventure in life is the search foranswers.Whenyou’re at a crossroads or find yourself faced withthose toughfatedecisions, what you need the most is help totransformyourdestiny. There are times in life when we all needhelpwithromance, taking that next step in our career or eventhedailystruggles that seem overwhelming. Believe that therearesolutionsfor all of that and more if you know where tolook.Anyone can offer you occult advice, but in thischaoticworld,honest, effective guidance is preciously rare. Whatyou needis tobelieve that you are not alone and help is obtainablewithPsychicTarot Q – the exceptional tarot reading app to becomeyourownoracle! Choose from a variety of prophecy that bestfitsyourneeds. Enter into an esoteric world!Take that step and ask your questions.INSIGHTFUL TAROT SPREADS:• Single Card• Past, Present, Future• Celtic Cross• Love Match• Mind Reader• True Love Finder• Two Choices A or B• Love & Heartache• Opportunities & ObstaclesKEY FEATURES:• All new content written by real psychics.• Redesigned tarot deck of the original 78 cards.• Save your readings to get insights later.• Share your reading with your loved ones.• Invite friends through social media to join in.• Powered by The *RealDeck™ algorithm.Highly effective and easy to use, Psychic TarotQprovidestheguidance as a clairvoyance to take control of yourfateanddestiny, and meet those questions head on with anhonestapproach.From your first reading, you will know thedivination,focus andstrength it takes to sharpen your resolve andtheapprehensions oflife will start to disappear.You are an amazing person, deserving of ahealthyrelationship,fortune and a life brimming with happinessandsuccess. You alreadyknow the questions, so take that first stepandlet our oracletarot reading help you in ways you didn’t thinkwerepossible! Makeyour decisions with clarity and confidence.Your change begins today!When you experience the shift from sadness to joy,tearstolaughter and worry to excitement, your outlook onlifebecomesbrighter. When you have the confidence to face thetoughdecisions,you will become your oracle and begin to see newandlimitlesspotential to know your destiny. Life is too short towakeup everyday with confusion, but after your first reading,thewonderfulpossibilities that are out there will dissolve thecloudsand letthe light of realization transform you into the personyoudeserveto be.*Realistic card behavior by RealDeck™ has revolutionizedthetarotworld with built-in custom layering and in-depthalgorithmsdesignedto resonate with you, offering powerful insightsto boostthe qualityof your life.It’s time to reinvigorate yourself today!Download FREE NowHomepage:
Numeroscope - Daily Horoscope 2.1
Numeroscope – Daily Horoscope givesyoupersonalized readings for daily, monthly, and yearlyNumerologicalHoroscopes about your personality all based on theprinciples ofNumerology.Numerology is a traditional system of beliefs in a mysticaloresoteric relationship between numbers and physical objectsandliving things. Numbers are the essence of all life and delvingintoa Numerology reading reveals our inner selves, deepest desiresanduncovers what will most likely happen today, this month or yearinthe future. No other esoteric art or science can examine theverycore of our nature the way Numerology can.Numerology has connections with many other esotericarts,spirituality and religion. Every card in a Tarot deckhasnumerological association. These numbers are based ontheprinciples of numerology and represent a material andspiritualevolutionary process that begins with the number 1 andends withthe number 9. Numerologists greatly attribute theirfindings andknowledge of numbers to the Bible. This biblicalconnotationattached with numerology, happens to be inseparable.That's whyBiblical numerology holds an important place in thismysterious aswell as mystic world of numbers.Unlike astrology where horoscopes are based on your zodiacsign(Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo,Virgo,Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn) in numerologyyourpersonality reading will be based mainly on your Life Pathnumber(one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine oreleven).The life path number is the most important number inyourNumerology chart, as it acts as an outline defining how yourlifecan play out. Opportunities and challenges arising in thecourse ofyour life can be influenced by your life path number. Italsodefines your general character and personality.This app is not a name numerology calculator. The dailyhoroscopeand the characteristic numerologist readings it producesare basedon the principles of numerology and thenumerologicalrepresentation of your birth date and not onastrological signs /zodiac signs. According to numerology your fateis in your handsand all the events, your influence and wealth aswell as yourbelief ultimately decide what happened yesterday orwhat willhappen tomorrow in your life. Your personal numerologicalhoroscopeis calculated on the basis of the current date and yourdate ofbirth. The daily horoscopes are calculated for the currentdate;similarly the monthly horoscopes are calculated for thecurrentmonth and the yearly horoscopes - based on the numbers infor thecurrent year.This app has been developed with the help of theprofessionalnumerologist Kristina Sungarska.
Numerology 2015 1.3
The ancient science of NumbersknownasNumerology, as the name suggests, places excess faithinnumericalpatterns. Since every number is said to emit apersonalvibration,people with different Birth numbers havedifferentcharacteristics.Here the important question is 'how to determine'onesnumber.The most important number in Numerology are day of themonthonwhich you're born and number derived from your name.Thisnumberdetermines your basic nature, your character,personalityandindividuality.This app includes:1. Vedic Numerology2.Chinese Numerology3. Love Compatibility4. Business Compatibility.Try this Numerology Calculator to know what Numbers aresayingforyou.
Palm Reader, Tarot Reading: AB 4.3.1
Fortune teller on tarot cards, birth chart, palmistryandhoroscopes.