1.8.1 / November 20, 2014
(4.0/5) (25)


This is new version of Qabala FortuneTellerapp. Recoded in native Android [TM] SDK for smaller code (nowjustless than 130 KB ~ 30 times less than before), better securityandoverall usability. Now installs in external memory and workingwellboth portrait or landscape mode. No permissions needed, andappworking offline. Still no ads inside yay!

Additional language versions soon. Now available versionsareEnglish and Polish, depending on your device settings.

Freeware, simply and handy qabala numerology tool, basedonLouisa Lawford book "The fortune-teller or Peeps intofuturity"published in 1861.

This is Must-Have app for all numerologists, researchersandabove all for all those who want to know more. It working? Youwillsee, for free.

Calculations in Qabala Fortune Teller are based on chapter"Howto tell person's character, by means of cabalisticcalculations".Our app correctly recognizes letters and detects allpossiblecombinations of numbers, however this is version 1 andyourfeedback is highly appreciated!

How to use?
• enter full name
• use only latin, English letters from A to Z (upper orlowercase)and space.
• for non latin English letters use their English equivalents.Forexample, for Ł use L etc.
• tap button [Ask]
• read oracle

You can also use company name, product name or evenwebsiteaddress! For deeper analysis you should check out the fullname andthe names separately. Full help on Qabala FortuneTellerwebsite.


This is said to have been the invention of the sagePythagoras,whose doctrine was that everything in the universe wasrepresentedand governed by certain figures or numbers, to which heascribedmysterious properties and virtues. According to him,everything,from the Supreme Being himself, down to the minutestatom, wasdistinguished by its own proper number; and his belief wassharedby numberless other philosophers. Without entering into anydetailof this system, we will proceed to describe how thesecalculationsare made.

App Information Qabala Fortune numerology

  • App Name
    Qabala Fortune numerology
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    November 20, 2014
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 4.0.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Word Geek Arcade 1.0 APK
Game rules:• Build words by tapping letters in any order.• The longer the word, the more points.• Timer automatically checks current word.• Tap "Check Word" when satisfied.• Double points for unique palindromes!• Bonus word are 4X points.• Each level timer gets shorter and higher points forlongerwords.• Each incorrect word substracts a life.• 10 correct words = 1 extra life!Full free game demo for PC and help on game homepage.Challenge yourself! Have Fun!• word game with arcade style gameplay;• excellent for smartphones - just tap letter;• funny and challenging local achievements;• no ads, never;• no in app purchases - pay once;• free updates;
Qabala Fortune numerology 1.8.1 APK
This is new version of Qabala FortuneTellerapp. Recoded in native Android [TM] SDK for smaller code (nowjustless than 130 KB ~ 30 times less than before), better securityandoverall usability. Now installs in external memory and workingwellboth portrait or landscape mode. No permissions needed, andappworking offline. Still no ads inside yay!Additional language versions soon. Now available versionsareEnglish and Polish, depending on your device settings.Freeware, simply and handy qabala numerology tool, basedonLouisa Lawford book "The fortune-teller or Peeps intofuturity"published in 1861.This is Must-Have app for all numerologists, researchersandabove all for all those who want to know more. It working? Youwillsee, for free.Calculations in Qabala Fortune Teller are based on chapter"Howto tell person's character, by means of cabalisticcalculations".Our app correctly recognizes letters and detects allpossiblecombinations of numbers, however this is version 1 andyourfeedback is highly appreciated!How to use?• enter full name• use only latin, English letters from A to Z (upper orlowercase)and space.• for non latin English letters use their English equivalents.Forexample, for Ł use L etc.• tap button [Ask]• read oracleYou can also use company name, product name or evenwebsiteaddress! For deeper analysis you should check out the fullname andthe names separately. Full help on Qabala FortuneTellerwebsite.From the introduction to the chapter: HOW TO TELL APERSON'SCHARACTER, BY MEANS OF CABALISTIC CALCULATIONS.This is said to have been the invention of the sagePythagoras,whose doctrine was that everything in the universe wasrepresentedand governed by certain figures or numbers, to which heascribedmysterious properties and virtues. According to him,everything,from the Supreme Being himself, down to the minutestatom, wasdistinguished by its own proper number; and his belief wassharedby numberless other philosophers. Without entering into anydetailof this system, we will proceed to describe how thesecalculationsare made.
Horoskop urodzeniowy 1.1.1 APK
Program „Horoskop Urodzeniowy” opracowałemnapodstawie wydanej w 1938 roku książki PanaJanaStarży-Dzierżbickiego „Pod jaką gwiazdą urodziłeś się –horoskopyna każdy dzień roku” w serii wydawniczej „Księgi tajemnic,proroctwi wróżb”.W celu odczytania horoskopu na wybrany dzień, wybierzmiesiącoraz dzień urodzenia. Horoskop pokaże się automatycznie powybraniudnia.Na stronie ustawień możesz wybrać odpowiadającą Tobiewielkośćczcionki tekstu głównego. Wybór zostanie zapisanyautomatycznie,nie musisz niczego potwierdzać.Wyświetlony tekst przesuwaj palcem. Podwójne uderzenie wtekstprzewinie go to początku.W tekstach zastosowałem zarówno we wstępie jak i wtreściachhoroskopów pisownię oryginału, nie zawsze zgodną zobecnymistandardami pisowni. Można uznać, że jest to elektronicznyreprintoryginalnego wydania z 1938 roku.WSTĘPOd czasów niepamiętnych ludzkość zwraca uwagę swą nakołoekliptyki, t. j. na pozorną drogę słońca na niebie. Nicdziwnego —wszak jest to miejsce, na którym styka się życie ziemi zżyciemnaszego organizmu słonecznego, obejmującego razem z planetamii ichksiężycami nie mniej jak 37 globów.Już sumero-akkadyjczycy przed sześciu tysiącami lat zauważyli,żeten pas życia kosmicznego otaczający nas dookoła składa sięzdwunastu równych części nazwanych znakami zodiaku.Doświadczeniezbierane przez ludzkość w przeciągu wielu tysięcy latwykazało, żekażdy poszczególny stopień ekliptyki ma swe całkiemspecjalnewłaściwości, odrębne od innych.Charakterystyki niniejsze oparte są na tychodrębnychwłaściwościach każdego stopnia zodjaku wedle pozycjisłońca.Określenia te mają jednakże znaczenie dość ogólne — bowiemsłońcenie zawsze ściśle tego samego dnia znajduje się corocznie wtymsamym stopniu zodiaku n. p. w roku przestępnym, mimo tojednaksprawdzają się w życiu zadziwiająco.Aby określić dzięki tym charakterystykom główne cechyzasadniczeswoje i swoich bliskich oraz możliwości rozwojowe —musimy znać nietylko predyspozycje ze względu na ścisły dzieńurodzenia, alerównież wiedzieć o istnieniu trwalszych cech,uzależnionych odtego, w którym ze znaków zodjaku urodziliśmy się,musimy więc dlatrafnego stawiania horoskopów – przestudiowaćwszystkie 12 znakówzodjaku, zawartych w 12 Księgach Tajemnic, abyposługując się nimi– zdumiewać bliskich i znajomych trafnościąswych przepowiedni.Jan Starża DzierżbickiPrezes Tow. AstrologicznegoThe"HoroscopeUrodzeniowy" developed on the basis of published in 1938a book ofMr. John Old-Dzierzbicki "Under what star you were born-Horoscopes for each day of the year" in the series "Bookofsecrets, prophecies and predictions."To read the horoscope for the day, select the month and dayofbirth. Horoscope will be shown automatically when you selectthedate.On the settings page, you can choose what the font size ofthemain text. The choice will be saved automatically, you do notneedanything to confirm.Displayed text swipe. Double blow to the text scrolls it isabeginning.In the texts I used both in the introduction and in thecontentof the original spelling horoscopes are not alwayscompatible withcurrent standards of spelling. It can be consideredthat this is anelectronic reprint of the original edition from1938.INTRODUCTIONSince time immemorial mankind draws attention to its wheel oftheecliptic, ie, on the apparent path of the sun in the sky. Nowonder- after all, this is the place where the land meets the lifeof thelife of our solar body, embracing together with the planetsandtheir moons, no less than 37 globes.Already Sumer-Akkadian before six thousand years ago noticedthatthe belt life around the space around us is composed of twelveequalparts called signs of the zodiac. The experience gatheredbyhumanity over the many thousands of years has shown thateachindividual degree of the ecliptic has its specialcharacteristicsquite distinct from the others.The characteristics of these are based on thedistinctcharacteristics of each stage zodjaku according to thesun'sposition. These terms are, however, quite general importance-because the sun does not close on the same date each year is onthesame level sign such a leap year, but still well inliferemarkably.To determine due to the characteristics of the mainfeaturesessential your and your loved ones as well as growthopportunities- we need to know not only the predisposition becauseof the closedate of birth, but also know about the existence ofmore solidqualities, dependent on where the characters zodjakuborn, so wemust for placing accurate horoscopes - study all 12characterszodjaku contained in the 12 Books of Secrets to usingthem - amazefriends and relatives accuracy of theirpredictions.John Starz DzierżbickiPresident Tow. Astrological
Qabala Fortune Teller 1.1.0 APK
Freeware, simply and handy qabalanumerologytool, based on Louisa Lawford book "The fortune-teller orPeepsinto futurity" published in 1861.This is Must-Have app for all numerologists, researchersandabove all for all those who want to know more. It working? Youwillsee, for free.Calculations in Qabala Fortune Teller are based on chapter"Howto tell person's character, by means of cabalisticcalculations".Our app correctly recognizes letters and detects allpossiblecombinations of numbers, however this is version 1 andyourfeedback is highly appreciated!How to use?• enter full name• use only latin, English letters from A to Z (upper orlowercase)and space.• for non latin English letters use their English equivalents.Forexample, for Ł use L etc.• tap button [Check Fortune]• read oracleYou can also use company name, product name or evenwebsiteaddress! For deeper analysis you should check out the fullname andthe names separately. Full help on Qabala FortuneTellerwebsite.From the introduction to the chapter: HOW TO TELL APERSON'SCHARACTER, BY MEANS OF CABALISTIC CALCULATIONS.This is said to have been the invention of the sagePythagoras,whose doctrine was that everything in the universe wasrepresentedand governed by certain figures or numbers, to which heascribedmysterious properties and virtues. According to him,everything,from the Supreme Being himself, down to the minutestatom, wasdistinguished by its own proper number; and his belief wassharedby numberless other philosophers. Without entering into anydetailof this system, we will proceed to describe how thesecalculationsare made.