Top 19 Apps Similar to Ideal Weight Calculator

Calcolo peso ideale BMI 1.0.2
Bit Robotics
Dimagrisci calcolando il tuo imc ed il tuo peso ideale. Conquestaapplicazione puoi calcolare il tuo indice di massa corporea(imc obmi) ed il tuo peso ideale e tenere traccia dei tuoiprogressitramite il registro personale: oltre al BMI ed il pesoidealeinserire nel tuo registro personale la circonferenza delgirovita,la circonferenza del torace, la circonferenza delle coscee quelladelle braccia. In breve tempo avrai un resoconto chiaro ecompletosia nel caso in cui vuoi dimagrire ma anche nel caso in cuivolessiprendere peso. Uno strumento utile, funzionale e preciso,dedicatoa tutti coloro che sono intenzionati a dimagrire o prenderepeso.Il calcolo del peso ideale viene eseguito delle formulematematicheutilizzate anche dai nutrizionisti: Il tuo peso idealesecondo laformula di Lorenz, peso forma con la formula di Wan derVael e laformula di Broca.
Daily Weight - Diary & BMI 1.5.1
Reach your ideal weight!
Ideal weight - MasterDiet 1.5
MasterDiet is an application that will help you lose weight.
Ideal Weight 3.0
Application to perform BMI calculations and ideal range ofyourweight
Ideal weight 1.5
Nooh Hakami
In this application you can calculate your ideal weightenteryourcurrent weight and your height
Meu Peso Ideal 1.3.0
M. Vieira
O cálculo de peso ideal é apenas uma estimativa baseada na médiadapopulação. Você deve usar o resultado acima apenas como basedecomparação de seu peso atual com a média. Cada indivíduo é únicoe,por isso, você deve consultar seu médico ou nutricionistaparasaber qual o peso ideal certo para você.
MyDieta 1.0.9
Vuoi dimagrire? Vuoi mantenere il pesoforma?Oppure hai bisogno di riprendere peso?Elaborata da un team di dietisti e nutrizionistispecializzati,MyDieta ti offre oltre 1000 piani alimentari ed è ladieta chegiorno dopo giorno si adatta ai tuoi obiettivi.MyDieta è l'app che fa per te, perché:- Si basa su tuoi dati biometrici e sulle tue attività percalcolareil tuo peso forma- Ti permette di scegliere il tuo obiettivo- Ti aiuta a migliorare ed equilibrare il tuo modo dimangiare- Puoi modificare gli alimenti che non ti piacciono- Puoi sostituire i pasti quando mangi fuori casa o quando seidifretta- Troverai diete adatte a vegetariani e vegani- Offre piani specifici per i celiaci, le persone intollerantiallattosio e alle uova- Ogni volta che aggiorni il peso MyDieta verifica che la dietasiacorretta e la ricalcola quando necessario- Puoi seguire i tuoi progressi grazie al grafico dell'andamentoetenere traccia dei tuoi risultati- Ti dà preziosi consigli per raggiungere e mantenere il tuopesoformaScarica gratuitamente MyDieta e raggiungi il benessere grazieaun'alimentazione sana ed equilibrata!Dopo la prima settimana alcune funzionalità diventanoapagamento, in particolare:- Consultazione della dieta per i 7 giorni seguenti econsecutivi.Potrai invece sempre consultare gratuitamente il giornocorrente equello successivo- Cambio ingrediente- Cambio pasto- Modifica di tutti i dati personali. Potrai invecesempremodificare gratuitamente il peso per poter aggiornare ladieta.Per usufruire in maniera completa di tutte le funzionalitàpotraiscegliere un abbonamento settimanale al costo di € 0,99,mensile alcosto di € 2,99 oppure annuale a € 9,99.Una volta attivato dall'utente, l'abbonamento sirinnovaautomaticamente fino a quando non si decide diinterromperlo.Want to lose weight?Doyou want to maintain a healthy weight? Or you need togainweight?Prepared by a team of dieticians and nutritionistsspecialized,MyDieta offers over 1000 eating plans and the diet thatday afterday will fit your goals.MyDieta is the app for you, because:- It is based on your biometric data and about your activitiestocalculate your ideal weight- Allows you to choose your goal- Helps you improve and balance your way of eating- You can change the foods you do not like- You can replace meals when eating out or when you're inahurry- You'll find diets suitable for vegetarians and vegans- Provides specific plans for coeliacs, people who arelactoseintolerant and eggs- Each time you update the weight MyDieta verify that the dietiscorrect and recalculate when needed- You can track your progress thanks to the trend display andtrackyour results- It gives you valuable tips to achieve and maintain youridealweightDownload free MyDieta and achieve well-being through ahealthybalanced diet!After the first week some features become paid,inparticular:- Consultation of the diet for seven days following andconsecutive.Instead, you can always consult free this and the nextday- Currency ingredient- Currency meal- Modification of all personal data. Instead, you can always freetochange the weight to be able to update the diet.For use in a complete manner of all the features you can chooseaweekly ticket at a cost of € 0.99, the monthly cost of € 2.99,oryearly for € 9.99.Once activated by the user, the subscription isautomaticallyrenewed until you decide to stop it.
Peso Ideale 1.0
L'app Peso Ideale Calcola il peso in baseatreparametri : Altezza, età e sesso.Parametri non accettabili : Altezza maggiore o uguale a220cm,età maggiore o uguale a 110 anni.The appIdealWeightcalculates the weight based on three parameters: height,ageandsex.Parameters not acceptable: height greater than or equal to220cm,age greater than or equal to 110 years.
Ideal Weight For Health 1.2
Ideal Weight For HealthThe features of this program:Find out your ideal weight,Learn the amount of calories you need to take daily,Learn the caloric value of the food,To calculate the amount of calories you eat the food,A healthy way to learn the amount of calories you should takeindaily to gain weight,A healthy way to learn the amount of calories you should takedailyto lose weight,A healthy way to learn the amount of calories you should takedailyto maintain your weight,Find out your basal metabolism.
BMI Ideal weight and calories 1.4.7
With BMI Plus you'll know your BMI, energy expenditure,caloriefood, diets ...
BMI Calculator 2.5
BMI Calculator, a complete tool to calculate body mass index.
Fitness Calculator 3.4.8
Health Calculator is used to measureandknowyour health fitness related information which includesBodyMassIndex (BMI), Calories for Weight gain or loss, TargetHeartRate,Ideal Weight, etc.Health Calculator uses your personal information andworksbasedon the input you provides. Fitness Calculator usesthisinformationand calculate according to your inputs. Thealgorithmthatcalculates your health data is based on the standardtextbookandreferenced from a legitimate literatures.You can calculate following categories or attributes:- Body Mass Index (BMI)- Calories Required For Weight Gain or Loss- Ideal Pulse Rate or Heart Rate for aerobic exercise- Volume of Blood for an individual based on gender,heightandweight- Percentage of alcohol in blood- How much water should you drink each day?- Ideal weight for an individual based on gender,heightandweight- Percentage of body fat of an individual based on Gender,Age,Waistsize, Neck size- Know your next eligible blood donation dateBelow two categories is for Female gender:- Calculate your pregnancy due date of your baby- Calculate your Ovulation Period or most fertile day/**************************************Disclaimer:**********************************************/Please notice that Fitness Calculator or HealthCalculatordoesnot store any personal data of users in any formwhatsoever.Thisapplication is made for spreading awareness relatedtohealth.If you have liked our efforts please take a moment torateHealthCalculator and help us grow.Thank-You and Have Fun.
BMI and Ideal Weight Pro 1.0
This application offersdifferentinterfacechoices and can perform the following functions:- Calculate ideal weight and BMI (body mass index)usingbasicdata such as sex, weight, height and age.- Calculate ideal weight with more detail usingtheadvancedoption, where you can add your physique, numberofchildren(women), number of years of overweight andwaistcircumference.These data adjust the classification.Furthermore,the ideal weightresults present details by differentauthors, whichis useful forprofessionals or to makecomparisons.- Calculate the energy requirement (or caloric)estimate(REE):where you can, based on the input data, have notionof theamountof calories required per day and how much to eat orstopeating tolose weight, with the possibility of indicate theweightyou wantto lose per week.- Get results about: your weight, your possibleweight,yourcardiometabolic risk according to waistcircumference,aclassification of your status, overweight andfatpercentageestimated by BMI.- Select a background according to your taste,from7possibilities.- Measure skinfold: it offers an alternative tomeasuretheexisting body fat and lean mass. Here is necessary tohaveaplicometer, so it is more oriented to professionals ofthearea.Remember that in any case the overall results show anestimateofthe percentage of fat.It is important to note that the percentages of body fattendtobe, on average, about 10% for athletes and about 15%forthinpeople. Therefore having fat is normal does notnecessarilymeanoverweight, unless that exceeds a certain limit,which ingeneralwill be greater than 20%.This application is developed to make calculations forpeopleover18 years. Not recommended for children, pregnantwomenorbodybuilders.
iWeight PRO - Weight control 1.1
Bleny App
iWeight PRO Before buying this App, download and testthefreeversion iWeight FREE! You can find it below or usethislink:*Noads!*2 in 1! iWeight Pro is the perfect way to control yourweight.Youcan calculate your body mass index (BMI) and also yourwaisttoheight Ratio (WHtR). With this app you can calculate yourbodymassindex (BMI). Your BMI and the related category willbedisplayed. Soyou get to know whether you haveunderweight,normalweight oroverweight or if you have a disease(obese). In thedetail overviewyou get more information about yourBMI. There youcan choose yourage and gender and in the tabels belowthe relatedcategory and rowwill be highlighted in differentcolors.Criss-cross calculating!You can calculate your BMI indifferentmeasuring units (inch, lbs;cm, kg). You can also calculateyourwaist to height ratio (WHtR).Your WHtR and the relatedcategorywill be displayed. So you get toknow whether you haveunderweight,normalweight or overweight or ifyou have a disease(obese). In thedetail overview you get moreinformation about yourWHtR. There youcan choose your age and inthe tabels below therelated categoryand row will be highlighted indifferent colors.More informationyou´ll get inside the app under"Setting ->Info". Morefeatures: * No ads * 2 in 1 * Save yourlast inputs(height,weight, age, gender, waist circumference) *Save your lastchosenmeasure units (cm, kg, inch, lbs) * Detailoverview *Hapticfeedback (switch on and off) * Changing thebackgroundcolor ofthecalculator * All called features until thispoint, can besettedfor each calculator! * changing and savinglanguages *Supportedlanguages: - German - English - Russian Anyquestions?Contact meat the e-mail adress below! Not interested inbuying? Thentry anduse the free apps. Just see the other apps ofBlenyAppDevelopmentbelow. Permissions:*android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION: - tochangebackgroundcolor and language * android.permission.VIBRATE:- to usethe hapticfeedback
BMI Calculator 11.0
BMI Calculator is best Body Mass Index calculator to calculateBMIScore.
Calories Calc-Weight loss 1.0
A must have application. With this app youcankeep a check on your daily calorie's consumption.You can gain, lose, or maintain your weight with thisapplication.Fill in a few fields and get instant results,Feature:* Multiple metrics* Total daily calories (losing , gaining ormaintainingweight)* Daily caloric changes* Calculate your TDEE* Calculate your BMR● Your TDEE is the amount of calories your body burns in a24hour period, sleeping, working, exercising, playing andevendigesting food!● Your BMR represents the number of calories your body burnsatrest. The BMR calculator will calculate the precise amountofcalories your individual body requires to keep you alive.It also helps you to figure out the amount of calories youneedto increase or decrease your body weight.Please provide your valuable feedback :)
BMI Calculator
For Tablets and Phones: BMI, and other popular body mass indexes!
NIH BMI Calculator 2.0.1
The NHLBI’s BMI calculator is a useful tool to screen forweightcategories.
BMI Calculator 8.0
BMI Calculator, Waist-to-Height Ratio, Body Fat Percentage,CalorieConsumption.