Top 21 Apps Similar to Godllywood

Universal Church 7.26.0
IURD: Receive the Word of God and the Power of Prayer for YouandYour Family
Eu Desafio Você 4.0
A compilation of random challenges.
Filhos Universal 1.0
Israel Silva
O Grupo Filhos Universal é formado porfilhosdepastores e bispos da Universal e todos aqueles queseconsideramparte da instituição.TheUniversalChildrenGroup is made up of children of pastors andbishops ofUniversaland all those who consider themselves partoftheinstitution.
Ahora será más fácil para ti, enterartedetodas las actividades del movimiento social juvenil en Colombiayen el mundo entero: Fuerza Joven Universal.Después de arduos meses de desarrollo, nuestro equipodecomunicaciones se dio a la tarea de crear esta aplicaciónparaestar más cerca de ti, informarte más rápido de nuestroseventos yde que tengas la oportunidad de estar conectadosconnosotros.#BuenoesSerdelaFJU• Tendrás acceso de primera mano a nuestro blog• Serás el primero en saber la fecha y el lugar de nuestrospróximoseventos• Constantemente verás semana a semana lo que acontece ennuestroseventos a través de la Galería de Fotos• Podrás escribirle directamente a nuestro Líder Juvenilcualquierinquietud o pedido de orientación• Podrás escuchar las canciones de la FJU en tu Smartphone• Dispondrás de una bandeja de entrada donde periódicamente,teinformaremos de nuestros eventos• Y ahora en cada evento que participes de la FJU, podrás enviaralinstante, tu #selfie compartiendo ese momento especialDescarga ahora mismo esta aplicación y únete a nuestromovimientoFJU en todo el país.
Universal USA 3.2.1
Bienvenido al app oficial Universal USA.Echaun vistazo a todos los tipos de contenido que te interesa.Despuésde haber descargado y disfrutado el contenido, puedescompartirlocon tus amigos a través de Twitter, Facebook o correoelectrónico.Para obtener más información acerca de la UniversalUSA, por favorvisite: Universal USA App was created with the SubsplashAppPlatform.App: © 2014 Subsplash, Content: © 2014 The Universal Church
Universal Ecuador 1.0.3
Con esta aplicación puedesmantenerteinformadode todos los acontecimientos que se da en laUniversal deEcuador,también puedes escuchar nuestra Radio Positiva,las 24horas deldía, mientras trabajas o navegas en internet.Hemoscreado una listade reproducción muy variada, con mensajesdefuerza, ánimo,convicción y energía positiva.With thisapplicationyoucan stay informed of all events occurring in theUniversalEcuador,you can also listen to our Positive Radio, 24hours a daywhile youwork or surf the internet. We have created alist ofvaried playwith messages of strength, courage, convictionandpositiveenergy.
Universal Orlando Resort™ 1.56.2
Explore Universal Orlando™ Resort park maps, ride waittimes,dining, and more!
Universal TV Remote Control 2.1.9
Control your TV with your Phone. Universal TV Remote App forSmartand IR TVs.
Tecladista Universal 1.0.8
JZ Creaciones
Pedidos de canciones a [email protected]ón 1.0.3 (Permite la reproducción por bluetooth)AAbraza a tu puebloAbre mis ojosAguas TranquilasAh que DiaAl vencedorAleluya pues la lucha continuaAlfa omegaAliento santoAlma afligidaAlza tus ojosAmo al señorAntes que el sol se vayaAntes y despuésAquí estoyAquí venimos para adorarteArmadura de DiosAtar la boca del LeónBBeber de tu fuenteBendito seréCCambia mi corazónCampeónCerca de tiCiego bartimeoCiudad santaComo la GarzaComo ofrenda en tu altarComprado con sangreCompromisoConocerte fue todo en mi vidaCuando Jesús extendió sus manosCuando llegue aquiDDependo de tiDios de alianzaDios de maravillasDios fuerteDoy gracias al SeñorDulce EspirituEEl altar es para esoEl gran amor del señorEl hombre prudenteEl mensaje de la cruzEl Rey y el LadrónEl Señor es mi PastorEncontrarteEnséñame a adorarEntrega totalEspiritu de vidaEspíritu Santo consoladorEspíritu Santo ven hacia miFFue en la cruzFuente de vidaFuente del SeñorFuente rebosanteFutura oscuridadHHabla conmigo SeñorHalle a JesúsHay un ríoHaz la diferenciaHaz la diferencia bateríaHaz un milagro en miHeredero del ReyHermosos eresHoja secaJJerusalénJerusalén de oroJesus mi alma siente fríoJoven GalileoJunto a tiLLa cruz del salvadorLa luz de salvaciónLanza tu redLava SeñorMMas cercaMe escudriñasMejor decisiónMi glorioso reyMi Jesús mi amadoMi JesúsMirarte solo a tiMonte CarmeloNNacer de tiNaturaleza humanaNo moriréNuestra fe es poderosaOOración del almaPPensando bienPentecostésPerfume universalPreludioPurifícameQQuien soy yoQuiero llenar tus granerosQuiero llenarme de tiQuiero Señor adorarteRRarezaRazón de vivirSSal tristezaSalmo 19Salmo 51Salmo 84Salmo 86Señor tuvimos un sueñoSolamente tu presenciaSoledadSolo Dios sabeTTe quiero mas que todoTiempo de la inocenciaToca JesúsTu lugarTu me amas asíTu me levantasTu palabraUUn siervoVVale la pena lucharVen a cenarVen a miVerdadero encuentroVine a entregarYYo no puedo vivir sin tiYo quiero un compromisoYo te agradezcoYo te amoYo te amo si30 fondos de oraciónOffer songs [email protected] 1.0.3 (Allows playback via Bluetooth)AHug your townOpen my eyesCalm WatersAh that DiaThe victorHallelujah for the continuing struggleAlfa OmegaHoly breathAfflictedLift up your eyesI Love The LordBefore the sun goes downBefore and afterHere I amHere we come to worshipArmor of GodTie the mouth of the lionBDrink your sourceI will be blessedCChange my heartChampionClose to youBlind BartimaeusHoly CityAs GarzaOffering on your altarBought with bloodCommitmentConocerte was everything in my lifeWhen Jesus reached out his handsWhen you arrive hereDDepend on youGod guildGod of WondersMighty GodI thank the LordSweet SpiritEThe altar is for thatThe great love of the LordThe wise manThe message of the crossThe King and the ThiefThe Lord is my ShepherdEncontrarteTeach me to worshipTotal DeliverySpirit of LifeHoly Spirit dildoHoly Spirit come into meFHe was on the crossSource of lifeSource of the LordOverflowing SourceFutura darknessHSpeak to me LordHalle JesusThere is a riverMake a differenceMake a difference BatteryMake a miracle in myKing's HeirBeautiful artDry leafJJerusalemJerusalem of GoldJesus my soul feels coldYoung GalileoClose to youLThe cross of the SaviorThe light of salvationThrow your networkLava LordMCloserI you provestBest decisionMy glorious kingMy Jesus, my belovedMy JesusMirarte only youMonte CarmeloNNacer youHuman natureI will not dieOur faith is powerfulOPrayer SoulPThinking wellPentecostUniversal PerfumePreludePurge meQWho am II want to fill your barnsI want to fill youLord I worship YouRRarityReason for livingSSal sadnessPsalm 19Psalm 51Psalm 84Psalm 86Lord had a dreamOnly your presenceLonelinessGod only knowsTI love you more than anythingTime of InnocenceToca JesusYour placeYour you love me soYou raise me upYour wordUA servantVWorth fightingCome dineCome to meTrue encounterI came to deliverAndI can not live without youI want a commitmentI thankI love youI love you if30 funds sentence
Universal Remote 7.1.0
UniversalRemote can easily put your cell phone (tablet) toSuperUniversalRemote
Universal TV Remote 2.4
Pinnacle Labs
Enjoy Universal TV Remote Application.
Universal Prayer Times & Qibla 1.5
“Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deedsandestablishprayer and give zakah will have their reward withtheirLord, andthere will be no fear concerning them, nor willtheygrieve.”Al-Quran (2:277) Prayer (Salat, Namaz) is a duty ofeveryMuslim toperform 5 times in a day. And, also to perform theprayeron time.So, to facilitate a Muslim to pray on time, he needaprayer timewith azan reminder before the next prayer timestarts.So, here youhave free android app Universal Prayer times andQiblaDirection.“Recite, [O Muhammad], what has been revealed to youofthe Bookand establish prayer. Indeed, prayer prohibitsimmoralityandwrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater.AndAllahknows that which you do.” Al-Quran (29:45) Whiletravelingtodifferent countries and locations, a Muslim also has tofindtheaccurate direction of Qibla (Makkah). Because itscompulsorytopray facing to Qibla (Kaaba). In our Universal Prayertime&Qibla Direction Android App we have given the digitalcompasstoauto locate the direction of Qibla when you choose a cityfromthelist. There are hundreds of thousands cities in morethan250Countries of the world given in the list of this app.Getprayertimings for your local city, along with Qibladirection.TheMessenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny)said:“Theexample of the five (daily) prayers is like that ofaclear-waterriver flowing in front of your houses in which apersonwasheshimself five times a day – cleansing him fromalldirt.”(Kanzul`Ummal, Volume 7, Tradition 18931) The basicpurposeof theUniversal Prayer Times & Qibla Direction app is tomakethehabit of prayers for Muslims all over the world as it isorderedinQuran: “And establish Salah and give Zakah, and bowdown(inworship) along with those who bow down (inworship)”(Al-Quran2:43) Compulsory Prayers: • Fajer (morningPrayer) • Zuhur(NoonPrayer) • Aser (After Noon Prayer) • Maghrib,(Sun Set Prayer)•Isha, (Early Night Prayer) Juristic: Shafii,Hanafi, MalakiandHanbali. Prayer time Methods: • Muslim WorldLeague (MWL) •IslamicSociety of North America, USA. (ISNA) •Egyption GeneralAuthorityof Survey, Egypt. (Egypt) • Umm al-QuraUniversity,Makkah, SaudiArabia. (Makkah) • University of IslamicSciences,Karachi,Pakistan. (karachi) • Institute of Geophysics,UniversityofTehran, Iran (Tehran) Features: • Daily prayer timesfor yourlocalcity. • Qibla (Kaaba) direction with digital compass.• EasyandUser friendly User Interface. • Azan Feature at prayertimestartfor 5 prayers. • Option to mute/un-mute azan soundforspecificprayer time. • Highly customizable settings .DownloadUniversalPrayer Times & Qibla Direction on your androiddeviceor tabletfor free and don’t forget to rate us. Provide uswith yourvaluablefeedback. Your suggestion would be our greatpleasure fortheimprovement of the apps features time to time.Follow usat;
Igreja Mundial 5.0.5
The official app of the Worldwide Church of the Power of God
Proverbs 31 1.2
Proverbs 31 is a Christian themed appfocusingon the book of Proverbs, chapter 31 and its encouragementto women,mothers and wives.The chapter details the attributes of a virtuous wife orwoman,and directs them to be industrious and fear the Lord. Theexampledescribed in the chapter is the topic of numerous Biblestudies andChristian ministries around the world. This app was madein honorof all those women aspiring and steady striving to live outthatexample daily.How it Works:The app displays a daily verse and enables the user to recordtheirfavorite Bible verses and listen to them on playbackmodethroughout the day. The app also includes audio that userscanlisten to in their time of reflection with the Lord. Thebasictheme of this app is Christian and it is developed to offermaximummeditation of the Word of God.Features:Comment section that connects all app usersSocial media friendlyShare your verses, SMS or Facebook & Twitter.Please don't forget to Pray for us and to Rate This App!Blessings!
Pregações e Estudos Bíblicos
Sketches of Sermons, Bible messages and videos.
Bíblia Diária da Mulher 1.5
Get the best carefully selected verses for today's woman
Diary with lock 4.96
Create your own personal DIARY with lock.
Galaxy Universal Remote 4.2
Turn your phone into a universal remote control!
Biblia Diaria de la Mujer 1.6
Get the best carefully selected for today's woman verses.
Greetz - kaarten en cadeaus 5.0.1
Greetz B.V.
Met de Greetz app kan je altijd attentzijn,óók onderweg. Met het grootste gemak stuur je iemandeenverrassing. Van een gave fotokaart tot een prachtig boeket,vanheerlijke chocolade tot een vrolijke ballon. Alle verrassingenzijnbeschikbaar en ze kunnen niet wachten om iemand blijtemaken!Met Greetz zeg je het op jouw manier. Voor elke ontvanger is ereenpassende kaart of cadeau. We hebben ontwerpen van onzeeigendesigners, maar ook van veel bekende merken. Woezel &Pip,Blond Amsterdam of Loesje: we hebben ze allemaal inonsassortiment. En voor 14.00u besteld = dezelfde dagnogbezorgd.★ De voordelen van de Greetz app ★- Altijd bij de hand = altijd attent- 100% tevredenheidsgarantie: we garanderen een glimlach bijdeontvanger én bij jou- Uniek & persoonlijk: maak je verrassing extra bijzondermeteigen foto, tekst of stickers- 7 dagen per week bezorgd: zelfs vandaag & voor 22.00ubesteld= morgen bezorgd- Als lid van Greetz heb je een eigen account (MyGreetz) en spaarjevoor korting- Gebruik je eigen fotoalbum, favoriete producten, kalenderofadresboek- Keuze uit ruim 9.000 kaarten en meer dan 1.000 cadeaus diejemakkelijk kan filteren- Veilig & eenvoudig betalen met eenmalige machtiging,iDeal,PayPal of Credit CardGreetz heeft meer dan 1 miljoen blije gebruikers en nog veelmeerblije ontvangers per jaar. We zijn Nederlands marktleider inonlineechte wenskaarten en uitgegroeid tot hét platform voorpersoonlijkeverrassingen. In 2016 wonnen we voor de vierde keereenpublieksprijs bij de Thuiswinkel Awards.Download nu de App!With the Greetz Appyoucan always be attentive, even on the go. With ease you sendsomeonea surprise. A cool photo card into a beautiful bouquet ofdeliciouschocolate to a cheerful balloon. All surprises areavailable andthey can not wait to make someone happy!Greetz you say it your way. Each receiver has a matching cardorgift. We design our own designers, but also of many famousbrands.Woezel & Pip, Blond Amsterdam or Loesje: we all have inourcatalog. And ordered before 14.00 = still delivered thesameday.★ The advantages of the Greetz App ★- Always at hand = always attentive- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee: we guarantee a smile to therecipientand to you- Unique & Personal: make surprise extra special with yourownphoto, text or stickers- 7 days per week concerned: even ordered today and for tomorrow=22.00 worried- As a member of Greetz you have an account (MyGreetz) andsavingfor your discount- Use your own photo album, favorite products, calendar oraddressbook- Choose from over 9,000 cards and more than 1,000 gifts thatyoucan easily filter- Secure and simple payment with debit, iDeal, PayPal orCreditCard                                                                                    Greetz has over 1 million happy users and more happy recipientsperyear. We are Dutch market leader in online real greeting cardsandbecome the platform for personal surprises. In 2016 we wonanaudience award at the Home Shopping Awards for thefourthtime.Download the App
Coisas de Diva - Moda e beleza 1.2
Tenha no seu celular o app oficial doBlogCoisas de Diva e fique por dentro das novidades do mundo dabelezafeminina.Baixe já!O Coisas de Diva é um blog de beleza e moda escrito porSabrinaOlivetti, Marina Fabri e Thais Marques, três amigas quemoram emCuritiba e resolveram fazer dele um local para falar sobretudo quegostam de forma divertida e despretensiosa.Esse é o app perfeito para você ver os looks do dia, aprenderafazer maquiagem, dicas de cosméticos, roupas da moda, tendênciasemuito mais.Com o app Coisas de Diva você poderá:- Receber notificações de novas postagens e ser a primeiraasaber das novidades do mundo da moda;- Ler todo o conteúdo do blog de maneira otimizada para oseucelular;- Baixar as fotos dos look favoritos pro seu celular;- Compartilhar com suas amigas os seus posts favoritos;- Ter sempre perto de você as últimas tendências e melhoresdicasdo mundo da moda.Baixe já!Mais informações: on your mobileofficialapp Blog Stuff Diva and stay on top of news from thefeminine beautyworld.Download now!The Things Diva is a beauty and fashion blog written bySabrinaOlivetti, Marina Fabri and Thais Marques three friends wholive inCuritiba and decided to make it a place to talk about allwho lovefun and unpretentious way.This is the perfect app for you to see the looks of theday,learning how to do makeup, cosmetics tips, fashion clothing,trendsand more.With the Diva Things app you can:- Receive notifications of new posts and be the first to knowthenews of the fashion world;- Read full blog content optimally for your cell phone;- Download photos favorite pro look your cell phone;- Share with your friends your favorite posts;- Always have near you the latest trends and best tips ofthefashion world.Download now!More information: