Top 50 Apps Similar to CAG in Images

CAG Lite 1.5.3
Study God's work in the last days and follow the footsteps oftheLamb.
Pray Daily 3.5.6
Manage your faith through "Pray Daily"
Church of God, Intro Video
This app provides the World Mission Society Church ofGodintroduction video.
The Church of Almighty God 5.5
Study God's work in the last days and follow the footsteps oftheLamb.
Christ Life Ministries 6.1
Listen to the full gospel via this app
Morning Dew 1.4
Your Daily Companion for Spiritual Growth
CAG Hymns 1.7.2
Listen to New Songs of the Kingdom to Follow the Footsteps oftheLamb
WATV MyPage 1.202303290
The members of the Church of God website ( can usethisapplication
電子聖經(恢復本) 5.1
『電子聖經(新舊約聖經恢復本)』收錄台灣福音書房發行之繁簡中文新舊約聖經恢復本主題、綱目、經文、註解、串珠、圖表,並可參讀繁簡體國語和合本新舊約聖經、英文新舊約聖經恢復本經文、欽定英文譯本新舊約聖經、及英文達祕新譯本新舊約聖經。本軟體針對Android智慧型手機、平板電腦設計,有閱讀、書籤、搜尋、資源、設定等功能(明細請參考功能簡述),但願藉此微小工具之輔助,使我們有更多機會被神聖的真理構成。◎數位內容:一、內含繁簡中文新舊約聖經恢復本主題、綱目、經文、註解、串珠、圖表。二、每一節經文超連結至相關註解(一萬五千餘條)、串珠(二萬六千餘項)。三、可參讀英文新舊約聖經恢復本經文(該經文為水流職事站LivingStreamMinistry版權所有)。四、可參讀英文達祕新譯本新舊約聖經。五、可參讀欽定英文譯本。六、可參讀繁簡體國語和合本新舊約聖經。七、整合有聲聖經1,189章經文、66卷綱目、28個註解朗讀。八、整合檢索辭庫5,263個、重要註解28個。九、整合「讀經指引」讀經一年一遍進度表。十、整合「新舊約恢復本及註解讀經」兩年一遍進度表。◎功能簡述:電子聖經(恢復本)APP支援多種螢幕觸控手勢,包含以下七種:「點選」、「上下滑動」、「左右滑動」、「長按」、「長按左滑」、「長按拖曳」、「雙指縮放」等動作。「點選」可選擇書卷、註解、串珠、閱讀記錄按鈕,或播放有聲聖經。「上下滑動」可閱讀整章經文、註解、串珠等內容,或控制右方快速索引至指定經文。「左右滑動」可切換經文閱讀上下章、譯本對照上下節、前後註解、前後串珠。「長按」可開啟控制面板相關的功能,如:分享內容、圖片生成、譯本對照、標記書籤、複製文字等功能。「長按左滑」可刪除單筆書籤、記錄、對照譯本。「長按拖曳」可調整對照譯本的順序。「雙指縮放」可直接在螢幕上調整字體顯示大小(螢幕中間會顯示放大比例,如:1.2表示放大字體比預設大小大一點二倍)。一 閱讀:1 圖表顯示(9張圖表)2 譯本選擇(7種譯本)3 快速索引(閱讀經文右側浮動顯示)4 經文分享(Line、WeChat等)5 圖片生成(單一經文搭配12種圖片)6 譯本對照(可中英對照;可編輯增減對照譯本、左右滑動切換上下節)★操作步驟:用手指長按某節經文,再選擇「對照」,便可以顯示多個譯本的經文。按下「編輯」可進一步左滑取消指定的譯本、或長按上拉、長按下拉來排序譯本之間的順序。左右滑動可以切換不同的經文(本APP會幫你保存個人化的設定)。7 標記書籤(長按選擇經文、再標記書籤)8 經文複製(可搭配T2S複製內容朗讀註解)9 經文朗讀  a 1189章經文 b 66卷書綱目  c 28個重要註解10 讀經記錄(記錄在雲端)11 引經功能(左右滑動切換上下註解、串珠)12 字體縮放(兩指分開或靠攏可放大縮小字體)13 最上方可使用LINE@虛擬助理(機器人)14 最下方可聯絡LINE@真人客服(真人)二 書籤: 1 書籤列表 2 書籤搜尋3 閱讀記錄統計 4 記錄瀏覽 5 記錄搜尋三 搜尋:(支援多字串搜尋,以半形空白分隔)1 字串搜尋  a 主題  b 綱目 c 經文(預設)  d 註解  e 全部2 範圍設定  a 全部聖經  b 舊約  c 歷史書 d 詩歌書  e 申言者書 f 新約  g 歷史書  h 書信 i 豫言書  3 指定譯本 四 資源:1 讀經進度: a 一年讀經一遍(從1/1、或當天算起) b 兩年讀經一遍(從1/1、或當天算起) c 四個月讀經一遍(從1/1、或當天算起) d 六個月讀經一遍(從1/1、或當天算起)2 重要註解(28個)3 檢索辭庫(5,263個) 4 視頻直播 五 設定:1 帳號登出(記錄讀經進度) a 支援Facebook登入 b 支援Google登入  c 支援電子郵件登入  d 支援手機門號登入2 佈景切換 a 米黃色(棕色)  b 水藍色  c 粉紅色 d 報紙灰  e 夜間黑(預設)  3 字體選擇  a 預設字體 b 新細明體 c 標楷體  d 細黑體  e 中明體注音 f 仿宋標準體  g 細心宋簡體 4 顯示設定 a 綱目顯示(預設開啟) b 註號顯示(預設開啟)  c 串珠顯示(預設開啟)5 橫向閱讀(預設開啟)6 字體大小(使用系統大小)7 每日通知(預設開啟) 8 通知時間(預設6:00) 9 關於說明(介言、簡說)10 評價軟體11 聯絡我們 12 讀書會13 分享軟體 14 自由付費($US1.99~$US99.99) 15 推播通知
Bible in Basic English (BBE) 2.3.2
Bible BBE is an amazing electronic version of Bible.
WMC Academy
The members of the Church of God website ( can usethisapplication
每日靈修-每日與主同行 3.8.0
Lecco Studio
讓靈修更方便,讓心意更誠實!每日靈修,每日與主同行! ★每日靈修,包含一切你想要的★☆每日天糧:將生活的實踐與主靈交的甘甜,所得的勸勉、應許、警戒等,逐日列出,可供全年讀經參考☆荒漠甘泉:一本令近一個世紀的人在生活的荒漠中尋求綠洲的書☆生命雋語:每篇均有令人回味的人生小故事,用清新的語言闡述屬靈生命真諦,讓信仰化成每日生活☆曠野的筵席:幫助了無數人在困境中獲得了精神力量☆活水:取意於活水的江河與主所賜的活水。正如同是從活水的江河中所取出的活水,為要使聖徒的心靈從主得著滋潤、灌溉,釋放、安慰和能力,在患難中可以剛強壯膽,在試煉中能有喜樂:帶領聖徒追尋基督裡的豐富,使他們在生命中因真理而豐盛:能以勝過自己、勝過世界、勝過那惡者★每日靈修主要功能★☆ 精選的靈修讀物,讓你的靈修更加方便 ☆ 支援字體自訂 ☆ 支持查看更多功能☆支持一鍵分享,可以通過Line,郵件,微信等將精彩的靈修心得一鍵分享
每日灵修 - 荒漠甘湶 1.0
每日灵修-荒漠甘泉 簡繁切換 (support simplified andtraditionalChinese)字體大小自訂(customizable font size) 每日提醒(customizabledailyalarm) 朗读荒漠甘泉(Text-To-Speech) 一鍵分享,郵件,臉書,微信等APP一鍵分享 (oneclickshare tosocial network/email/Facebook/sms)
聖經行事曆 :金句、比喻、地圖、教導、靈修筆記、神蹟、小工具 3.3.44
WMC 바인더 2.0 2.202307050
This app can be used by the Church of God website(
我要讀聖經 1.2.6
華語讀經、台語讀經 之聖經有聲書這是一款聖經閱讀軟體,及華語、台語聖經有聲書。您可以利用此APP來快速翻閱聖經,於喜歡的章節加上書籤、畫上重點標示、甚至做筆記。並有多個譯本可提供下載。歡迎大家多多利用此聖經APP來閱讀並聆聽神的話語。
YouDevotion Daily Devotionals
15 Classic One Year Daily Devotional Books In A Single App.
Bible+Diary 1.8.0
Yoshi Soft
The app offers offline Bible and 1 year reading plan for user touseeverywhere!
Chinese - English Audio Bible 3.8
Holy Bible Audio Book in Chinese and English
Bible Chinese 1.0.3
The Chinese Bible on Android for free.
Dokodemo Bible
Read Bible Anywhere!
Time to Pray 2.0.3
Aimer Media
Day and Night Prayer services
Latter-day Apostles 1.4.2
UI-topia Labs
See the 1st Presidency & Quorum of Twelve anytime from 1832tothe present day!
Bible: Audio Prayer & Devotion 1.11.02
Daily Bread
Bible Lite is designed for people who need a quick access toBible,with more than 800+ versions of Bible offline in 40+languages, andDaily Devotions to study Christian Bible, as well asselectedPrayers with Holy Word which help you pray to God at anymoment.ALL FREE. RESOURCES AND FEATURES OF BIBLE LITE • UsingOffline:Download Bible versions that you need and read them evenwithoutnetwork/ wifi. New and Old Testaments are all available. •AUDIOprayers + sermons: Listen while walking, no need to focus onthescreen. • BEST Reading Experience: Customize graphics byadjustingfont or text size. • Process-Keeping: Leave your notes,bookmarksor add colored labels to verses, add articles to Favoritesand readthem anytime. • One-tap to Share: Share verses withfriends: socialmedia, email, or SMS/text. • Daily Devotion: Readand study Bibleby reading TOP daily devotional articles, dailytimely reminderpresent. • Daily Verses: Read different versesregularly withdetailed explanation. • Selected Prayers: Stay intouch with God byregular praying. Pray together with your brothersand sisters allaround the world. Download the free Bible Lite andtake your Biblewith you wherever, whenever, and share with whomeveryou want!Study more about Bible Anywhere.
Ligonier Ministries 5.19.0
Daily discipleship resources for Christian growth
Sgaw Karen Bible (CL) 23.11.27
The Holy Bible in Sgaw Karen (Common Language)
Wordproject Plus Audio Bible 1.4.1
Audio Bible in many languages with synchronized scrolling text
信望愛聖經工具 7.13
Provides Chinese Bible version comparison, original textnumber,original text dictionary, vocabulary analysis, audioBible,commentary and other Bible study tools, which can be usedoffline,and the content is often updated
Catholic Exorcism 1.3.8
The definitive Catholic exorcism app.
Falam Bible 2.4
We have made all-in-one app which includesalllanguages in Myanamar in one app.Downloadhere: Bible is a mobile Bible app for the purpose meeting theneedof today, making the Word of GOD accessible at devicesexclusive toAndroid OS.Features are:- Search- Customizable font size and theme- Customizable paragraph line by verseThe app and its content are copyrighted by The Bible SocietyofMyanmar.Tags: Falam Bible, Falam Chin Bible, Chin Bible, Falam
Daily Spurgeon Devotional 7.1.2
Contains both Faith's Checkbook and Morning and Evening byCharlesSpurgeon.
Watch your favourite GOD TV series, broadcasts and LIVE events!
聖 經 繁體中文和合本 China Bible 4.7.5b
Read the Holy Bible in Chinese Traditional - (Taiwan, HongKong,Macau)
天天親近神 (附繁/簡體紅字版聖經) 2.6
There are more than 8,000 prayers for prayer in the programofgetting close to God every day. In addition, there are a totalof39,117 4-choose 1 Bible questions and answers covering theentireBible for Bible study purposes. There is also evangelism, ascarletletter Bible, and a prayer notebook.
Chinese and English Bible 1.5
Chinese and English Bible is designed for Christian.
Stream of Praise Lite 3.0.15
Have all Stream of Praise songs on your device! all 300 songs!
Glory to God: Hymns, Psalms, & 3.5.2
Glory to God is a Mobile edition of the ecumenical hymnal GlorytoGod.
WeDevote Bible 微讀聖經 6.3.1
Let's read and meditate God’s Word anytime anywhere.
مكتبة الشيخ أحمد يحيى النجمي 1.0
بسم الله و الحمد لله و الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله و على ألهوصحبهو من والاه ، أما بعد: بحمد الله تم اصدار تطبيق مكتبةالشيخأحمد بنيحيى النجمي رحمه الله التي تعمل على الهواتف الذكيةوتضمالمكتبة عشراتالكتب والمقالات والشروحات والاسئلة المفرغة للشيخرحمهالله . مميزاتالمكتبة: 1--حجمها الصغير على ذاكرة الهاتف حيث لاتأخذمساحة كبيرة. 2-عدم الحاجة الى الاتصال بالأنترنت عند تصفحالمكتبة.3- خاصية حفظ صفحاتمعينة كعلامة يمكن الرجوع لها لاحقا. 4-المستخدمعندما يغلق المكتبةعند صفحة معينة من الكتاب ويرجع لفتحالمكتبة بعدفتره معينة فأنالمكتبة تفتح عند اخر كتاب كان يتصفحهالمستخدم وكذلكعند اخر صفحة كانيتصفحها المستخدم. 5- امكانية تعديلالخط (صغير/كبير) وكذلك خاصيةتعديل لون الخلفية وايضا خاصية الاختياربينالقراءة الليلية او فيالنهار . 6- خاصية البحث في الكتب . واسألاللهالعلي العظيم ان ينفعبها المسلمين ، وسبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهدأن لاإله إلا أنت أستغفركوأتوب إليك.
Day by Day with God 1.9.1
Aimer Media
Day by Day with God: Rooting women’s lives in the Bible
Crown Bible (KJV) listen, voice and read bible 3.24.0
Brothers and sisters are safe! Do you want to have a Bible appwhereyou can listen and watch? The Crown Bible can help you! Iused theHoly Inspiration to create the Crowning Bible. The purposeis toencourage brothers and sisters to read God's words more.Through thefunctions of the Crowning Bible to quickly search forscriptures,listen to the scriptures and record the scriptures,help brothersand sisters develop the habit of reading thescriptures every day!"Because of the word of God, there is no wordwithout power." (Luke1:37) The daily reading table of the CrownedBible is provided bythe Seven Habits of Christian SpiritualGrowth. The stylish functionof the crown bible -Bible game, playand learn -Complete the Biblereading task every day and developgood habits quickly -On-demandgolden sentence function, rememberGod's words -Turn chapters invoice, read the classics -Play theBible without interruption,listen to the Bible anytime, anywhere-Easy search function, getencouragement quickly -Dark mode,comfortable to see -Addednote-taking function to record wonderfulsermons -Simple function,quick to get started
Bible Bookmark 2.70
Donut Pond
Scripture with notes, maps and verse reference for ESV, KJV, BBEandWEB
Common Prayer 1.4.0
Common Prayer is a daily guide for morning, midday &eveningprayer.
CadaEstudiante 1.2
How to know that God exists and experience a more meaningfullifefor God.
Ceaseless Prayer 1.0.7
Pray for 3 friends each day and together we can pray for everyoneonearth.
Audio Bible 1.9.6
BunOc Games
Free listening MP3 audio bibles. 28 versions. Available todownload.