Top 17 Apps Similar to The Bible - Moses

Moses 1
Maximilian Apps
Moses, the interactive children's storywithEnglish and Hebrew narration.* Beautiful original artwork by Eira Goldsworthy brings thestoryof Moses to life in the hands of your child.* Interactive scenes to explore and have fun.* Skip ahead or backward or play your favorite scene againandagain.* Read along in either English or HEBREW with accompanyingvoiceover.Eira Goldsworthy has been in publishing for 30 years asachildren's illustrator and author with over 85 titlespublished.She is inspired by several trips to Israel andtheBible/TorahHer published books titles are under the titles of ReligionandEducation and many have gone worldwidepassover,jewish,hebrew,christian,bible,child,book,seder,story,kid,exodus,torah,pesach,Israel,egypt
Moses - BARNAS bibelfortelling 1.0
CirkA Film
BARNAS bibelfortellingen "Moses" er enbilde-oglydbok med animasjoner. Appen er utgitt av SØNDAGSSKOLENNORGEogfortellingen er tegnet til barnebladet BARNAS.HaraldStoltenbergforteller historien, tegningene er laget avAlekseiBitskof, og CirkAFilm har utviklet appen.Historien om Moses passer bra for barn fra 4 år ogoppovertilvoksen alder.Du kan se fortellingen med eller uten fortellerstemme.Inneholder Bibelfortellingene "Moses og de modigejordmødrene"og"Gud kaller Moses" fra 2. Mosebok, kapittel 1-4.Web: www.sondagsskolen.noKontakt: [email protected] Bible story"Moses"isa video and audio book with animations. The app ispublishedbySUNDAY SCHOOL NORWAY and the narrative is drawntochildrenmagazine CHILDREN. Harald Stoltenberg tells the story,thedrawingsare made by Aleksei Bitskof, and approximately Filmhasdevelopedapp.The story of Moses is suitable for children from 4 years anduptoadulthood.You can see the story with or without narration.Includes Bible stories, "Moses and the brave midwives"and"Godcalls Moses" from Exodus 2, section 1.4.Web: www.sondagsskolen.noContact: [email protected]
Five Books of Moses Torah book 9.0.0
Pentateuch (Hebrew. חֲמִשָּׁה חֻמְשֵׁיתּוֹרָה- Hamish humshey Torah or Hebrew. חֻמָּשׁ - Chumash), theso-calledLaw of Moses - the first five books of the canonicalJewish andChristian Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, NumbersandDeuteronomy. Pentateuch forms the first part of the JewishTanakh -Torah. The word "Torah" is a literal translation from Greek-πεντάτευχος from πεντε - «Five" and τευχος - «that book."The book of Genesis tells the story of Creation and the formationofthe Jews as a family;• Exodus has a prologue and an epilogue, separating it fromotherbooks and tells of the Exodus from Egypt, the giving of theTorahon Mount Sinai and the construction of the tabernacle - thatis,the design of the sons of Israel as the Jewish people;• The book of Leviticus is devoted mainly priestly legislationandthe temple service;• Book of Numbers tells the story of the Jews wandering inthedesert after the Exodus from Egypt;• Deuteronomy is Moses' deathbed speech, in which he repeatsthecontents of other books.
معجزات الأنبياء عصا سيدنا موسى 1.0
سلسلة معجزات الأنبياء عليهم السلام - عصاسيدناموسىالمعجزة أمرٌ خارقٌ للعادةِ يظهرُ على يدِ مدَّعي النبوةِ سالمٌمنالمعارضةِ بالمثلِ، فليس صنعُ الطيرانِ من قبيلِ المعجزاتِلأنالمعجزاتِ هي خاصةٌ بمن أَوحى اللهُ إليهم وجعلهم أنبياءمصطفَينَأخياراً، فالمعجزة أمر خارق للعادةِ تظهرُ على يدِ من ادَّعىالنبوة،ولذلكَ لمَّا طلبَ قومُ صالحٍ من نبيِّ اللهِ صالح معجزةًأيدَهُاللهُ بالمعجزةِ فأخرجَ لهُ من الصخرةِ الصَّمَّاءِ ناقةًوفصيلَها،فآمنَ من هدى اللهُ قلبَه وعاند وتكبرَ عن الإيمانِ من علِماللهُبعلمِه الأزليِّ أنه لن يُؤمن. وكذلك عيسى ابنُ مريمَ عليهالصلاةوالسلام جاءَ بدينِ الإسلامِ الذي يدعو إلى وحدانيةِ اللهِأيَّدَهُاللهُ بالمعجزاتِ وكان قد اشتهرَ قومُه بالطبِّ ومع ذلكعجَزُوا عن أنيعارضوا عيسى ابنَ مريمَ عليه الصلاة والسلام إذأيَّدَهُ اللهُبمعجزةِ إحياءِ الموتى وإبراءِ الأكمه والأبرصِ بإذنِالله وهماشتهروا بالطبِّ فلم يستطيعوا أن يأتوا بمثلِ ما أتى به ولميستطيعواأن يُحيوا ميتًا ولا أن يشفوا أبرَصَ أو أكمه بمجرد وضعِاليدِ عليهِأو بمجرَّدِ مسحِ عينيهِ لأنَّ هذه الأمورَ خارقةٌللعاداتِ لا تظهَرُإلا على يدِ الأنبياءِ، لو اجتمعَ الكفارُ قاطبةًعلى أن يأتوا بمثلِمعجزة من معجزاتِ أي نبيٍ من أنبياءِ اللهِ لماأتَوا بها ولا بمثلِهاأبداً. فلما كانَ للأنبياءِ علينا ميزات أنَّلهم معجزاتٍ إذًا صارَواجبًا على كلِّ من بلغتهُ دعوةُ النبيِّ أنيصدِّقَ بهذا النبيِّلأنهُ بيدِه البرهانُ والدليلُ على أنه صادقٌوليس مشعوذًا ولا صاحبَخُرافاتٍ ولا صاحبَ شعوذاتٍ. فأنبياءُ اللهِتبارك وتعالى نزَّهَهماللهُ تعالى عن الرذائلِ نزههم اللهُ تعالى عنالفحشاءِ والمنكر،نزَّههمُ اللهُ تعالى عن الزنا وشربِِ الخمرِوالفسقِ والفجورِ. إنمااصطفاهم الله تبارك فصار واجبًا علينا أن نؤمنبهم جميعًا من أولهِمءادمَ عليه الصلاة والسلام إلى ءاخرِهم محمدٍعليهم الصلاةُ والسلامُجميعًا، من غيرِ أن نُكذِّبَ عيسى، من غير أننُكذِّبَ موسى، من غيرأن نكذبَ هارون،َ من غيرِ أن نكذبَ يعقوبَ أواسحقَ أو إسماعيلَ أوإبراهيمَ أو نوحاً نؤمن بهم جميعاً لا نفرِّقُبين أحدٍ من رسلِه. معأنَّ اللهَ تعالى جعلهم درجاتٍ وجعلَ محمداً صلىالله عليه وسلمأعظمَهم درجةً، محمدٌ عليه الصلاة والسلام أيدهُ اللهُتبارك وتعالىبمعجزاتٍ كثيرةٍ. اشتهرَ قومُه باللغةِ العربيةِبالفصاحةِ والبلاغةِ،وأعظمُ معجزاتِ النبيِّ القرءانُ الذي عجَزَفصحاءُ العربِ وبلغاؤُهمعن أن يأتُوا ولو بمِثلِ ءايةٍ منهُ.Series Miracles oftheProphets, peace be upon them - stick Moses Miracle is an extraordinary showing by the plaintiff prophecySalemopposition Similarly, it is not making aviation such asthemiracles because miracles are especially including Godinspiredthem and made them prophets lined Okhiara, فالمعجزة is awondrousshow at the hands of the alleged prophecy, therefore, torequestthe people in favor of prophet of God for a miracle endorsedby Godmiracle, waving to him from the rock endocrine nothingVeselha,believed in Allah guided his heart عاند and grow the faithofeternal knowledge of God with his knowledge that he willnotbelieve. As well as Jesus, son of Mary, peace be upon him camethereligion of Islam, which calls for the oneness of God supportedbyGod's miracles and was known for his people, medicine,however,were unable to oppose Jesus, son of Mary, peace be uponhim, asendorsed by God miraculously revive the dead and heal theblind andthe leper, God willing, they are notorious for theirmedicine didnot they could not produce the like of what brought himand werenot able to live dead nor healed leper or hillock once layhandsupon or simply wipe his eyes because these thingssupernaturalhabits appear only at the hands of the prophets, if metinfidels asa whole to produce the like miracle of miracles anyprophet of theprophets of God when they came out and never ideals.When we hadthe prophets that features them miracles if it became aduty oneach of the language inviting the Prophet to believe thattheProphet because his hand proof and evidence that honest andnotMhaoma nor his superstitions nor owner Haomat. Vonbia Allah,theAlmighty God Nzham vices God Nzham the indecency and evil, NzhamtoGod for adultery and drinking alcohol, immorality anddebauchery.But اصطفاهم God bless became a chore we have to believeall of themfrom their first Adam peace be upon him to OuakmMuhammad peace beupon them all, is not that lie Issa, is that thelie of Moses, isto lie Aaron, is that we lie Jacob or Isaac orIshmael, Abraham orNoah believe all of them do not differentiatebetween any of Hismessengers. With that God made them and makedegrees Muhammad,peace be upon him greatest of degrees, Muhammad,peace be upon himwas endorsed by the Almighty God many miracles.Best known for hispeople in Arabic بالفصاحة and rhetoric, and thegreatest miraclesof the Prophet Qur'an that eloquent deficit Arabsand Bulgaahm forthem to come even if such a Sign of it.
Free audiobook classics 3.2
Casting Apps
Enjoy free audiobooks from public domain audiobooks collection) in an easyandfriendly way. Fiction, non fiction, fairy tales... allclassics...all for free, with this responsive app (it will adaptinterfaceaccording your device screen size)Download the audiobooks you want and listen them when youprefer,with or without connectionOur app also automatically save your progress inyouraudiobooksNew audiobooks will be added every few days (you will receiveanotification when this happens) so sit, listen and relax,andremember, if the audiobook is downloaded, you will notneedinternet connection in order to listen it
Tales for thinking 1.5.1
A collection of 21 short tales audiobookbyJorge Bucay.Features:==========================- Simple & easy UI and excellent sound quality. Thebestcollection of Jorge Bucay's tales Audio Books.- You can choose to listen online (streaming), so you dont needtodownload it to listen in your mobile.- You can also choose to download the ones you want tolistenwithout being connected to internet.List of tales included:==========================Sadness and angerThe centaurThe seekerThe dreaded enemyThe King wanted to be praisedBarriersThe hen and ducklingsGifts for MaharajaThe teat or milkThe buried treasureA place in the woodsThe Media CobijaThe bearThe princess looking husbandThe diamond in the portI am PeterTwo numbers lessThe Ten CommandmentsThe tenacious lumberjackQuestionsSolos and accompanied=======NOTE: The audios are only in spanish.
Think and Grow Rich 1.4
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill hasbecomethe must-have bible of prosperity and success for millionsofreaders.- Free Ebook- Free Audiobook- Biography- 25 Napoleon Hill Quotes- 16 Napoleon Hill Images Quotes- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Videos- Puzzle Games and more ...FREE EBOOKS BONUS- The Science of Getting Rich By Wallace Delois Wattles- As a Man Thinketh By James AllenThink and Grow Rich is a motivational personal developmentandself-help ebook.While the title implies that this book deals only with how togetrich, the author explains that the philosophy taught in thebookcan be used to help people succeed in all lines of work and todoor be almost anything they want.First commissioned by Andrew Carnegie to write a book on thesecretsof success, Napoleon Hill spent over twenty-five years inthecompany of the greatest minds of his time – and maybe for alltime –in an effort to understand the principles of success. Helearnedfirst hand from Edison, Ford, Carnegie and many others thatthereare certain steps and formulas to riches monetary andotherwise.After so many years of research, Hill was able to showwith greataccuracy the common steps that all successful peopleshare.Although the book can be summed up in just six words “We becomewhatwe think about” Hill’s examples, stories and detailedexplanationsmakes those six words come to life with a far deepermeaning!Here are money-making secets that can change your life.This book will teach you the secrets that will bring youafortune.It will show you not only what to do but how to do it.Once youlearnand apply the simple, basic techniques revealed here, youwill havemastered the secret of true and lasting success.And youmay havewhatever you want in life.
Bible 1.5
The Holy Bible New Testament Greek versioninEnglish.Holy Bible with MP3 is an English Bible audiobook .Listen to holy Bible in English and learn English. DigitalEnglishBible is made for all can listen to English Bible online. Also you can downloadit'sMP3.May God bless you!
El Deseado de Todas las Gentes 4.0.0
IMPORTANTE. Este audio-libro requiere quesudispositivo esté conectado a Internet para poder escuchar cadaunode sus capítulos. Tenga en cuenta que su operadora puedecobrarcargos adicionales por esta actividad. Es mejor que sudispositivoesté conectado a una red WiFi.Este libro no necesita presentación dentro del mundocristianoadventista. El Deseado de Todas las Gentes es una obra querecopilaen detalle la vida del Señor Jesús en su paso por estemundo, desdesu nacimiento profetizado hasta su ascensión a loscielos.En esta aplicación se encuentran todos los capítulos escritosytambién los audios de cada uno para poder escuchar mientras leesucontenido.El contenido de este libro es completamente cristo-céntrico,yesperamos que le sea de gran ayuda espiritual para su vida,quepueda disfrutar y crecer en el camino de vida cristiana.IMPORTANT. Thisaudio-bookrequires that your device is connected to the Internetto listen toeach of its chapters. Please note that your carriermay chargeadditional fees for this activity. It is best that yourdevice isconnected to a WiFi network.This book needs no introduction within the AdventistChristianworld. The Desire of Ages is a work that collects indetail thelife of the Lord Jesus in his passage through this world,frombirth prophesied until his ascension into heaven.In this application are all written chapters and each audiotolisten to while reading them.The contents of this book is completely Christ-centered, andwehope it will be of great help for your spiritual life, youcanenjoy and grow in the way of Christian life.
The 1-10 books of moses 1.4
The 1-10 books of mosesחותמים של משהחותמי משה
Noah's Ark Game 1.0
Richard D Ross
An educational Bible game designed toteachchildren the story of Noah's Ark through multiple choicequestionsand interactive games.The games include a fun and easy swiping activity whereanimalsare swiped onto the Ark. After all of the animals aresuccessfullyswiped onto the Ark, the children are prompted tocomplete anexciting puzzle at the end.
Audioapp to pierwsza i jedyna na polskimrynkuaudiobooków aplikacja, która pozwala nie tylko kupować, aleteżwypożyczać audiobooki. Audiobook wypożyczony może być odtwarzanynaurządzeniach, na których zainstalowana jest aplikacja AUDIOAPP.Po30 dniach audiobook jest kasowany, ale to żaden problem,bowiększość słuchaczy słucha danego audiobooka tylko raz.Jeżelichcesz mieć nieograniczony dostęp do audiobooka – możesz gokupić.Aplikacja pozwala realizować prawie wszystkie zadania,któremożna zrobić w serwisie szczególności:· przeglądać katalog audiobooków;· zapoznawać się z audiobookami, ich ocenami i recenzjami;· słuchać fragmentów audiobooków, dodawać audiobookidoobserwowanych, pobierać darmowe rozdziały;· wypożyczać i kupować audiobooki;· słuchać audiobooków;· oceniać audiobooki.Aplikacja dzięki zastosowaniu nowoczesnego projektuzwykorzystaniem nawigacji typu slider jest łatwa i intuicyjnawobsłudze.Jeszcze nie każdy audiobook oferowany przez AUDIOAPPjestdostępny w wypożyczalni. Pracujemy nad tym, aktualniewwypożyczalni dostępnych jest kilkaset audiobooków i ich ilośćstalerośnie.Audioapp is the firstandonly one in the Polish market audiobook app that allows you tonotonly buy, but also borrow audiobooks. Audiobook loan can beplayedon devices where the application is installed AUDIOAPP. After30days, the audiobook is deleted, but that's no problem, becausemostof the audiobook listeners hear only once. If you want tohaveunlimited access to the audiobook - you can buy it.The application allows you to implement almost all the tasksthatcan be done on the site particular:· Browse the catalog of audio books;· Acquainted with audiobooks, their assessments and reviews;· Listen to audiobooks fragments, add audiobooks to watch,downloadfree chapters;· Rent and purchase audiobooks;· Listen to audiobooks;· Evaluate audiobooks.Application through the use of modern design using theslidernavigation is easy and intuitive to use.Yet not every audiobook offered by AUDIOAPP is available intherental. We are working currently available to hire hundredsofaudiobooks and their number is constantly growing.
Audiolibrix - Audioknihy
Over 9,000 audiobooks, 110,000 hours of Czech and Slovakpodcasts.Audio paradise.
My Little Bible 1.0.1
My Little Bible is an interactive Bibleappwith touch activated elements and sounds on every pagewhichtoddlers can enjoy. The stories are retold in shortsimplesentences focusing on the illustrative and interactive modesthattoddlers love. Artwork is created by British children’sartist,Gill Guile, and the stories are faithfully retold byChristianteacher, Dawn Mueller.Includes all of the following:# 5 Bibles Stories free of charge# 15 Bibles stories which can be purchased inside the app.# Short simple paraphrase retellings suitable for toddlers# 50 touch activated animations with captivating sound effectsandmusic# Text on/off button so the illustrations and interactive modescanbe fully enjoyed# Thre self-recording options so children and their parents canaversion using their own voices versionContentWhen God Made The World (Genesis 1-2), Noah’s Ark (Genesis 6-9),ATall Tower (Genesis 11), Moses in the Basket (Exodus 2), OutofEgypt (Exodus 7-12), The Ten Commandments (Exodus 19-32), TheWallsof Jericho (Joshua 1-6), Samson (Judges 13-16), David andGoliath(1 Samuel 17), Daniel and the Lions (Daniel 6), Jonah andthe GreatFish (Jonah 1-4), Jesus is Born (Luke 2), The Big Catch ofFish(Luke 5), Through the Roof to Jesus (Mark 2), Jesus FeedsthePeople (Luke 9), Jesus Stills The Storm (Luke 8), Lazarus, WakeUp!(John 11), Jesus is Crucified (Matthew 27), Jesus isAlive!(Matthew 27-28), Going Back to Heaven (Matthew 28, Acts 1&Revelation 21)About usThe text has been through a theological editorial processtofaithfully reflect the Bible and Christian tradition.Thischaracterizes all products of Copenhagen Publishing, which isaninternational Christian publisher of Bible books for childrenandApp concepts which are sold internationally to more than40countries.We would love to hear from you!Please help us to continue to develop better app concepts andBiblebooks by sending us your feedback and leaving your reviews.Beassured we do read them all. We are constantly looking for wayswecan improve ourselves and the rapidly growing range ofdigitalproducts we will launch in the near future. We look muchforwardhearing from you.Yours sincerely,Michael Berghof/Publisherwww.copenhagenpublishing.comemail: [email protected]) Sounds used from
La Sociedad de Jovenes 1.0
In this app you will find more than100programs, games and other resources for La Sociedad deJovenes.With this app you can have a full program for the wholeyear. Note,all resources are in spanish.
Bible Book For Children 1.1
The Bible for Children Application is apicturebible with over 60 comic bible.With beautiful and clear design, this Children's Bible appwillhelp your kids explores, learn and remember bible easier,moreeffective via many stories of Bible.Especially, this Children's Bible is free and available forallAndroid device.Let's install the bible for children application to helpyourchildren more exciting when reading bible and come closerwithChrist.Features:* Easy to use for kids* Pick story from the list* Flick left/ right to navigation pageYou can update our information via:+ Facebook page: Twitter page:
Exodus: Part 1 StoryChimes 1.8
Enjoy the FULL VERSION of Exodus: Part 1forFREE! (This is ad supported, so if you don't want to have Ads,thead free version is available for purchase.)EXODUS PART 1It begins with an infant's humble start and a dangerous voyageina basket, on to living in the palace of the Pharaoh andultimately,exile in the desert. The story of Exodus--Moses leadingthe Jews outof Egypt--is a Biblical adventure and amazingjourney.StoryChimes Application Description 
StoryChimes are an affordable diverse collection ofchildren’sstories designed to immerse your child in the sights andsounds ofinteractive tales while keeping the “feel” of turning thepages ofa real book.As we like to say, “When you hear the chime, turn thepage!”StoryChimes’ stream of new titles will keep you coming backformore fun, adventure and education again and again. Theease-of-usemakes it a snap for even the youngest kids to enjoy aStoryChimetoday.Mom or Dad need a good distraction? No matter how you travelorwhere you are, StoryChimes are never more than a touch away.Anentire collection of books in the palm of your hand, providingagreat assortment of entertainment. StoryChimes are theperfectalternative to movies, tv shows and video games.With StoryChimes you can entertain and educate at the sametime.Grab one today!FEATURES:- Now includes a match game!- Karaoke like text scroll (highlights red as you read)- Page indexing to access your favorite parts- Bookmarking to pick up where you left off- Read at your own pace without audio and scroll text- Facebook integration- E-mail a friend about the App- Help menu- Larger page turn area- 3D page turn provides a tactile “feel”- Beautiful illustrations- Great music accompanies each story- Enhanced with sound FXPlease visit us on the web at for moregreatstories!Have a story suggestion or comment? We’d love to hear it. Dropusa line at [email protected].