Top 14 Apps Similar to CSI Bergamo

CSI Milano 5.0.5
News, calendar, results and standings of the championships CSIMilan
Mirror 2.3.9
Elegant handy mirror with frames and effects!
CSI Varese 9.2
Here is the app of CSI Varese! Ready for the 2022/2023 season?
CSI Zuidwolde
Michel Broek
Paarden sport, Show Jumping.Het CSI** CH de Wolden 2015 wordt van 16 t/m 19 juli en 23 t/m26juli georganiseerd op het prachtige concoursterrein van JanBroek.Het is alweer de 11e editie van het mooiste concours vanNoordNederland en zoals voorgaande jaren verwachten wij de besteruitersen amazones uit Nederland en een groot aantalinternationale ruitersdie elk jaar met plezier deelnemen aan CH deWolden. In 2014 namenruiters uit 31 landen deel en ook dit jaarverwachten wij datruiters vanuit de hele wereld de weg naarDrenthe vinden.Dit jaar hebben we 4 FEI Longines ranking proeven. Op zondag 19en26 juli wordt er gestreden om de Grote Prijs van GemeentedeWoldenDeze app biedt u de mogelijkheid om alles nauwkeurig op devoette kunnen volgen.Equinesports,Showjumping.CSI ** CH de Wolden 2015 from 16 / 19th July and 23 t / m July26organized on the beautiful grounds of competition Jan Broek.It'salready the 11th edition of the most beautiful show ofNorthernNetherlands and like previous years, we expect the bestriders fromthe Netherlands and a large number of internationalriders whoparticipate each year with pleasure CH the Wolden. 2014riders from31 countries took part and this year we expect ridersfrom aroundthe world find their way to Drenthe.This year we taste 4 Longines FEI ranking. On Sunday 19 and 26Julywill be competing for the Grand Prix Township WoldenThis app allows you to track everything carefully closely.
SoBabyfoot soFoosball network 2.1.4
With SoBabyfoot, find easily foosball tables and players aroundyou!
Calcio Balilla 1.9
In Ampliamento:Classifiche sempre aggiornate per Saint VincentClassifiche sempre aggiornate per la PCBClassifiche sempre aggiornate per i tornei femminiliPossibilità di sapere le varie informazioni sul prossimotoreoGiochino per mettere alla prova le proprie capacitàPossibilità di sapere quando e dove si terrà ilprossimotorneoDescrizione dei giocatoriRegolamento al volo e tradizionale (Doppio)AIUTACI A DIVENTARE L'APP UFFICIALE DELLA FICB!!!In Addition:Standings-date for Saint VincentStandings-date for PCBStandings-date for the women's tournamentsAbility to know the various information on the next toreoPlay to test their skillsAbility to know when and where will be held thenexttournamentDescription of the playersRegulation on the fly and traditional (Double)HELP US TO BECOME OFFICIAL APP FICB !!!
Basket Manager 1.0
A manager events of a basketball game.
BasketBall Manager
バスケットボールマネージャーではバスケニュース以外にも、TIPOFFデジタル版をリニューアルしてご用意しています。- ポイント1創刊号から最新号まで全て見れる!- ポイント2本誌には無いデジタル版特別ページが見れる!Besides basketballnewsinbasketball manager, we offer by renewedTIPOFFdigitalversion.- Point 1You can see everything from the first issue tothelatestissue!- Point 2Magazine no digital version special page can see in!
Basket Manager Board 1.0.9
Blue Orange
Useful and simple tactic boardforbasketballcoaches.- Move the tiles by the board.- Clicking on a tab you can color the same color lines forbetterandclearer view.- Double click on the screen to delete all the linesdrawnonit.- Three buttons with predetermined positions.- A quick delete button.- Available half-court and full court.
Basket Montecchio Maggiore 1.0
L'App ufficiale del Basket MontecchioMaggioreè dedicata a tutte le cestiste e a tutti icestistidell'Associazione, allo Staff e a tutti gli appassionatidelBasket. Offre servizi e contenuti per essere sempreaggiornatisulle partite in corso e sulle ultime novità.Ecco cosa puoi fare con la nostra App:- Sezione "Basket Montecchio Maggiore"Leggi la storia del Team e accedi al sito web del BasketMontecchioMaggiore e alle sezioni dedicate nel sito dellaLegAFemminile.Segui i risultati e le classifiche del campionato in corso, leggilenotizie e le cronache delle partite e guarda le foto che loStaffinserirà nella Gallery.- Sezione "What's up?"Invia allo Staff le tue foto e immagini, così le potraivederenell'area Gallery dell'App. Puoi anche inviare i tuoiRecord,realizzati in partita e in allenamento.- Sezione "Pianeta Basket"Ricevi ogni giorno news e video aggiornati dalla LegA Femminile edaaltri siti istituzionali sul Basket italiano e straniero.The official AppbasketMontecchio Maggiore is dedicated to all the cestiste and allthebasketball players of the Association, the Staff and all fansofbasketball. Provides services and content to keep you updatedonthe ongoing matches and the latest news.Here's what you can do with our app:- Section "Basketball Montecchio Maggiore"Read the story of the team and get access to the websiteofBasketball Montecchio Maggiore and the sections on the site oftheWomen's League.Follow the results and standings of the championship course,readthe news and the news of the games and view photos that fitintothe Staff Gallery.- Section "What's up?"Submit to Staff your photos and images, so you can see intheGallery dell'App. You can also post your record, achieved inthegame and in training.- Section "Planet Basketball"Get daily news and videos updated by the Women's League andotherinstitutional sites on Basketball Italian and foreign.
MDS Tournament Manager 1.1.5
MDS Game Zone
MDS Tournament Manager can manage any kind of tournament withanycombination!
ESPN Fantasy Sports 8.7.4
One home for all your fantasy games
Basket Ball Event Manager 1.0.0
Event Manager basketball game.
CSI Biella 2.0.2
Questa applicazione di permette di vedere la classificadelcampionato di pallavolo divisa per categoria e anno