SportelloMarketing Apps

Intesa RistoBar 2.0
L'applicazione per smartphone e tablet diL'Intesa RistoBar di Vicenza.Con questa applicazione puoi vedere il menù del giorno e prenotareil tuo tavolo, comodamente dal tuo cellulare e mentre leggi leultime curiosità in fatto di cucina e alimentazione.Scopri le fresche e nuove proposte dello staff L'Intesa ...e vienia trovarci per una pausa di qualità.Funzionalità:- menù del giorno- prenota il tuo tavolo- curiosità tematiche: cibi, sapori, benessere ealimentazioneStrumenti:- visualizzazione (layout) per lista e per tails dei contenutiaggiornabili- 3 diversi temi colorati- widget standard e 4x1 per visualizzare gli aggiornamenti chepreferisciThe application forsmartphones and tablets of the Intesa RISTOBAR of Vicenza.With this application you can view the daily menu and reserve yourtable, from the convenience of your mobile phone and as you readthe latest curiosity in cooking and nutrition.Discover the fresh and new proposals of the staff ... The Ententeand come to us for a quality break.Functionality:- Menu of the day- Book your table- Curiosity themes: food, flavors, Welfare and FoodTools:- Display (layout) for the list and tails for contentupgradeable- 3 different color themes- Standard and 4x1 widget to see the updates you prefer
Basket Montecchio Maggiore 1.0
L'App ufficiale del Basket Montecchio Maggioreè dedicata a tutte le cestiste e a tutti i cestistidell'Associazione, allo Staff e a tutti gli appassionati delBasket. Offre servizi e contenuti per essere sempre aggiornatisulle partite in corso e sulle ultime novità.Ecco cosa puoi fare con la nostra App:- Sezione "Basket Montecchio Maggiore"Leggi la storia del Team e accedi al sito web del Basket MontecchioMaggiore e alle sezioni dedicate nel sito della LegAFemminile.Segui i risultati e le classifiche del campionato in corso, leggile notizie e le cronache delle partite e guarda le foto che loStaff inserirà nella Gallery.- Sezione "What's up?"Invia allo Staff le tue foto e immagini, così le potrai vederenell'area Gallery dell'App. Puoi anche inviare i tuoi Record,realizzati in partita e in allenamento.- Sezione "Pianeta Basket"Ricevi ogni giorno news e video aggiornati dalla LegA Femminile eda altri siti istituzionali sul Basket italiano e straniero.The official App basketMontecchio Maggiore is dedicated to all the cestiste and all thebasketball players of the Association, the Staff and all fans ofbasketball. Provides services and content to keep you updated onthe ongoing matches and the latest news.Here's what you can do with our app:- Section "Basketball Montecchio Maggiore"Read the story of the team and get access to the website ofBasketball Montecchio Maggiore and the sections on the site of theWomen's League.Follow the results and standings of the championship course, readthe news and the news of the games and view photos that fit intothe Staff Gallery.- Section "What's up?"Submit to Staff your photos and images, so you can see in theGallery dell'App. You can also post your record, achieved in thegame and in training.- Section "Planet Basketball"Get daily news and videos updated by the Women's League and otherinstitutional sites on Basketball Italian and foreign.
ComWall 2
ComWall is an App where you can writeabeautiful phrase or your thoughts, so all of the other peoplewhodownload the app can see it. Or you can go to see the phrases of the others.ComWall has been designed and developed by Andrea, FrancescoandFilippo. Launcher icon and logo designed by James Belvedere.DISCLAIMERThis is one of the four apps designed and developed by a groupofstudents during a City Camp programme at Liceo G.B.Quadri,Vicenzain July 2014. My Life! My Future! (written by The LondonSchool,Thiene) is structured around a Leadership and Managementcourse inthe mornings with special student-led projects in theafternoons.All the apps published are just demo apps, and are notmeant to beconsidered official apps and will not be used for anycommercialpurposes. All logos, trademarks, graphics are property oftherespective owners.
VicApp Live in Vicenza 1.6
VicApp is for the people who live in Vicenzaorjust want to visit our town. It is useful and funny. You cangetinformation about local transports, the town and its historyandlocal news. With VicApp you can improve your life or yourjourneyin Vicenza because you can use it for your daily routine.The features of the App:- Timetable AIM- Timetable FTV- Google Maps- The municipal website- The history of Vicenza- The Vicenza newspaperThis App has been designed and developed by ALFAteam(Alessandro, Leonardo, Federico and Andrea). Launcher icon andlogodesigned by James Belvedere and with StefanoGrigoletti'ssupport.DISCLAIMERThis is one of the four apps designed and developed by a groupofstudents during a City Camp programme at Liceo G.B.Quadri,Vicenzain July 2014. My Life! My Future! (written by The LondonSchool,Thiene) is structured around a Leadership and Managementcourse inthe mornings with special student-led projects in theafternoons.All the apps published are just demo apps, and are notmeant to beconsidered official apps and will not be used for anycommercialpurposes. All logos, trademarks, graphics are property oftherespective owners.