Top 19 Apps Similar to 香港六合彩 - 即時開彩(Live!) Mark Six

Wong Tai Sin Ling signed Wong Tai Sin [powered by MZTIT]
八字算命-生肖運勢 線上算命 生辰八字命盤解析 八字流年 1.3.0
Horoscope fortune-telling, deduce life. Taiwan's numerologynationalteacher arranges fortune-telling for you, deducesthecharacteristics of life, analyzes the ups and downs ofpersonality,wealth, emotion, marriage and love career, and healthand fortune.Predict personal fleeting fortune, the accuracy rate isas high as98.7%!
The authentic Guanyin spiritual lottery provides documentsandrecords for requesting, checking and resolving signatures. MZTIT
零零發-樂透版路搜尋中心 2.5
Joe Tang
Zero Zero Hair-Lotto Version Road Search Center is calculatedbydragging the card version road method to quickly search fortherelevant version roads that may appear in the next draw,andprovide users for reference.
萬年曆-日曆老黃曆農民曆黃道吉日放假調休安排 7.6.0
Perpetual calendar old yellow calendar lunar calendar lunarcalendarholiday query
吉祥起名-姓名算命取名 3.79
TVB NEWS 3.4.0
“TVB NEWS” App keeps up with TVB NEWS anytime, at anywhere!
論八字 C8W_20220904_2300
Character telling (Calc8Words), professional and efficient,theprogram is small. Can quickly exhaust various character posterofthe disk.
六壬 C6R_20230608_2330
Three type the most, elected Liuren
澳門氣象局SMG 3.6.0
In order to facilitate Macau residents and tourists to graspthelatest Macau weather information, the Macau MeteorologicalBureauhas launched related mobile applications.
Chinese Lunar Calendar 1.8.9
Chinese Calendar: Lunar CalendarConverter,AuspiciousDays,Holidays,Zodiac Years
中餐西餐菜譜大全 2.5.1
Delicious homemade food, all in Chinese Western recipes Daquan
取名解名-姓名算命 命名起名改名字大全 名字八字算命打分 生 5.4.6
[Name and Resolve] Two major functions: 1. According to thebaby’sbirth date and surname, match the baby with auspicious andwishfulnames; 2. According to the birth date provided by the user,theuser’s name will be scored and the user’s name will bechanged.Suggest!
紫微命盤-紫微斗數大師 婚姻算命 愛情配對 紫微星座運勢 1.3.4
【Zi Wei Fate Board】Zi Wei Dou number chart calculates thefatepalace, comprehensively predicts the fortune index,fortune-tellingastrology! Through the Ziwei Husband and WifePalace, explain thedevelopment of the fleeting relationship, thetrend of love,understand the personality traits of the partner, andresolve thefleeting relationship crisis.
麥玲玲2020鼠年生肖運程-風水佈局 流月运势 擇日通勝 家居風水 吉凶方位 投資指南 開運錦囊 1.0.0
【麥玲玲2020鼠年生肖運程】APP大中華地區正版授權,內容與《麥玲玲2020鼠年生肖運程》書籍同步,根據周易五行生克及飛星吉凶的情況,除了給大家講解每個生肖在2020年的財運、事業、身體、感情等運勢外,還附上世界大勢總論,犯太歲化解錦囊,過年習俗知識,每日通神等精彩內容,而最吸引眼球的是"鼠年行好運風水佈局”,結合2020年九宮飛星風水佈局來調整每個屬相的運氣,想旺丁旺財旺事業,得金得銀得姻緣的你又怎麼能錯過?【APP特色】APP在色彩上採用溫和且具有輕快感的淺色調,傳達一種安穩中帶點喜悅的情感。而在交互上不得不提的是“個人運勢”模塊,只要輸入出生時辰便可輕鬆查詢到自己的個人運勢,除去查詢對照表的時間,方便快捷;而“擇吉通神”模塊則更加貼心,選擇你要進行的擇吉類別、月份,輕輕一按便可篩選到當月適合的日子,看起來小小的功能卻透漏出對用戶的貼心。【六大清晰的模塊】1.豬年指南——民俗講解,如何化太歲,麥玲玲為您的2020年指點迷津2.好運風水陣——2020拍拖脫單不是夢!2020,我想要提升人緣旺桃花!!3.生肖運程——十二生肖鼠年運程,好運必備指南!4.個人運程——玄學天後麥玲玲,為您私人訂制個人運程!5.投資指南——如何才能在2020財運亨通投資順利?投資指南指點投資技巧,助您2020投資順利!6.擇吉通勝——結婚訂婚要選日子?玲玲師傅幫您擇個好日子!【我們在這裡等您!】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順!:【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利!:【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善!:[email protected]
HealthMe 食療快查 9.3a
Joe SC Wong
Food as therapy - What kind of food can benefit your health?
路路發-香港賽馬 2.11
即時香港賽馬(HKJC)資訊**排位表**即時賠率(獨贏,位置,連贏,位置Q,孖寶,組合獨贏)**賽果及派彩**臨場心水/貼士**賽期表**馬匹詳細資料(今季和上季成績), 點擊馬匹名字即可瀏覽。**騎師詳細資料(今季和上季成績, 即日出賽賽事), 點擊騎師名字即可瀏覽。**練馬師詳細資料(今季和上季成績, 即日出賽賽事), 點擊練馬師名字即可瀏覽。**無需申請帳戶,即開即用字體大小設定(大,中,小)Q賠率垂直顯示(適合需要大字體的人)孖寶賠率兩排顯示(適合需要大字體的人)保持屏幕常亮(打開後屏幕不會關閉)分頁數據開關(選擇你需要顯示的數據)**最後祝大家,逢買必贏,收錢收到手軟。**Instant Jockey(HKJC)Information** Qualifying table** Instant odds (Win, location, Forecast, position Q,doubles,combinations Win)** Results and winnings** Heart spot water / Tips** Season table** Details of horses (quarter and previous quarter results),clickon the horse name to browse.** Jockey details (this season and last season results,namelysunrise race event), click on the name to browsejockey.** Trainer details (this season and last season results,namelysunrise race event), click on the name to browseTrainer.** Need to apply for an account, ready to useSetting the font size (large, medium and small)Q Odds vertical display (for people who need large fonts)Doubles Odds two rows of display (for people who needlargefonts)Always keep the screen (after the opening screen does notturnoff)Paged data switch (select the data you want to display)** Finally, I wish you all, every purchase will win, moneyreceivedmercy. **
HK Radio 香港收音機 - Chinese Radio 2.6.9
Likely Labs
Listen live to Chinese radio stations around the world-24小時全天候收聽全球各地的粵語華語電台
姓名稱骨算命-生肖,姓名配對 6.71