靈機妙算命理館 Apps

賴畹蓁紫微斗數-2016年紫微斗數運程婚姻財運預測 1.1.2
***由台灣本土紫微權威大師賴畹蓁撰寫,深受台灣市民歡迎******著名專業命理品牌“靈機”聯合打造******準確率高達95%以上***想知道您2016年運程的走勢如何?想知道您的性格、婚姻、事業、財運等等的運勢怎樣?賴畹蓁紫微斗數全面為您分析今生運程,未雨綢繆提早預知運勢變化!【台灣易學名師賴畹蓁】賴畹蓁老師出生于台灣本土,她自幼受傳統命理文化薰陶,醉心研究中華五千年傳統文化。賴老師醉心研究紫微斗數,強調破除迷信宿命論點,提倡正確的算命、知命、造命方式,結合了占驗派及飛星四化,創出屬於自己的個人紫微斗數論命方法,給人最精準的分析及最佳建議。賴老師投身命理界,從事命理服務已超過二十年,批命無數,贏得良好的口碑,目前在台灣有個人命理工作室,服務專案包含紫微斗數、姓名學、西洋占卜等,是台灣本土著名命理諮詢師之一,曾指點過多位台灣知名藝人以及大型企業。同時,賴老師長期擔任台灣政要人員專用命理分析師,為政要人員提供參選建議及命理指導。【紫微斗數論命術】紫微斗數在古代是歷代帝皇知命觀運之學,公認的最準確命理術數,號稱“天下第一神術”。由於被帝皇視為絕密命理術,不流傳於民間,這導致很多人不知道紫微斗數,而现今則被命理老師所推崇使用。輸入您的生辰八字,就能為您詳細計算您的今生命盤、一生的運勢走向,包括性格、婚姻、事業、財運等等各大命理主星的定位和未來發展趨勢。比市場上生肖、星座等群體式運程更具專屬性和準確性!還有各種紫微小知識,讓您可以輕鬆入門,解讀自己的人生,努力學習的話,可能您將會成為國內紫微界的一名新星。【值得信賴的機靈】【靈機】,憑命理測算类應用打入市場,短短三年間,成為大中華區最大型的命理測算平台,絕對值得您的信任!更讓人驚歎的是香港風水天后麥玲玲、香港風水命理人氣王李丞責、香港著名玄學家陳定邦、香港大學進修學院玄學家何漢明、中國嶺南地區著名風水命理大師何樹榮、台灣面相改運第一人羅鎮等眾多命理界一級大師均表明對靈機的認可和支持!同時靈機還獲得眾多明星的支持:TVB《東張西望》主播李漫芬小姐、香港著名演員陳煒小姐、港澳台著名影視紅星江美儀小姐、台灣青春偶像棒棒堂、香港著名主持人莊思敏小姐、香港《怪談》欄目著名主持人梁思浩等明星紛紛表示支持靈機!【靈機攜手賴畹蓁,打造正確算命論命應用】賴老師結合了占驗派及飛星四化,創出屬於自己的個人紫微斗數論命方法,給人最精準的命理分析及最佳建議,助人正確瞭解自身命運,得到多國人士認同,許多政客官員邀請何老師為他們分析命理情況。賴老師發現很多人不懂命理,分不清楚自身運勢變化情況,不瞭解各個人生階段需要做什麼,這往往導致付出了努力卻得不到相應的回報。只有掌握自身命理資訊,才能更好規劃人生。【應用內容揭秘】2016流年運勢詳批,分析財運起伏、感情婚姻、升職跳槽等運勢情況,預知明年機遇。婚姻感情分析,瞭解您的婚姻生活狀況,找出適合於您的婚姻物件,瞭解伴侶出軌的幾率。財運狀況分析,預測您財運好壞、富有程度,金錢的支配使用情況,以及賺錢的能力與機會。健康注意分析,瞭解自身的健康狀況,身體的弱點,提早做好疾病預防工作。事業發展分析,看出您是否適合創業,與上司相處的互動情況等資訊,提供適合的職業定位。【我們在這裡等您! 】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順! :http://m.linghit.com/【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利! :https://www.facebook.com/linghit【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善! :[email protected]
命理練功館-八字算命 星座運勢 1.1
命理練功館,您的隨身命理占卜大師!【產品簡介】命理練功館,詳細的關於紫微斗數,占星,八字的本命盤解析以及運程預測。命理學是人們對自身命運規律的探索,用自身的出生年月日或姓名筆劃等來測算自己的性格與命運並占卜即將會發生的某些事。【四大特點】1.詳細的紫微斗數,占星,八字的本命盤解析2.超准的十二星座運程預測3.免費精准的姓名學測試4.知名命理大師親自測算【重要提醒】應用囊括了八字、紫微斗數、占星,星座,姓名學等當前最受歡迎的測算類功能,其參考價值和準確度完全媲美資深大師!【我們在這裡等您! 】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順! :http://m.linghit.com/【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利! :https://www.facebook.com/linghit【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善! :[email protected] hall, your portable numerology divination master![Introduction]Numerology practice hall, detailed natal chart parsing andfortune predictions about Astrology, horoscopes, horoscopes.Numerology is the law of the people of their own destiny toexplore, with their date of birth or the name of strokes, etc. tomeasure their own character and destiny and divination something isabout to happen.Four [Features]1. Detailed Astrology, horoscopes, horoscopes natal chartparsing2. Primeline twelve horoscope forecast3. Free precise name of science test4. Numerology Calculation famous master himself[Important remind]Applications include the horoscopes, Astrology, horoscopes,constellations, the name of science and other current popularmeasure functional, its reference value and accuracy fullycomparable to senior master![We are here waiting for you! ][Ling] Numerology Calculation contacts to help you analyze fortuneto help you smooth sailing! : Http: //m.linghit.com/[Facebook] Numerology advice for your daily fresh insight into theleg, to help you smoothly! : Https://www.facebook.com/linghit[Mail] your valuable suggestions, comments are welcome to informus, we will do everything possible to improve! : [email protected]
佛經梵音- 手機拜佛祈福許願聽音樂 2.2.9
佛經梵音,聽佛教佛經,品佛教佛音,一應俱全,最全面的佛經,最悅耳的佛音,盡在佛經梵音。佛經梵音,能修心養性,凈化心靈常聽佛經,能夠使人擺脫痛苦,修養身心常聽佛經,能夠使人積極向上,找回初心常聽佛經,能夠使人懷抱信仰,心有所依常聽佛經,能夠讓你的生活更美好佛經梵音特點:1、佛經蘊含經世為人大道理,帶給你莫大的智慧,讓你的人生不再迷茫!2、佛教早課晚課,讀誦經典,提醒自己,修正自己的行為、思想,增加正能量3、隨時吟唱佛音,凈化心靈,靜心修心,功德無量!4、支持后臺多任務播放,讓您可以同時進行多種工作!5、獨具特色的佛像功能,莊嚴神圣的佛像讓你心更沉穩!每天我們都忙著,煩惱像發絲那樣,剪不斷,理還亂。面對人世間冷暖,迫切的生活,靜下心來聆聽【佛經梵音】,能讓我們都能擁有慈悲,並從中得到健康,更能體會清靜。放鬆神經,聆聽內心。【佛經梵音】通過《般若波羅蜜多心經》、《佛說阿彌陀佛》、《佛說法滅盡經》等多首佛經音樂,以短偈形式贊頌佛與菩薩,其形式有獨唱、齊唱或合唱,亦有樂器伴奏,旋律非常優美,不但能感受各地的佛教音樂風格,還能頤養身心。【佛經梵音】是一種打開心靈智慧的聲音,也是一種萬方佛法護佑的聲音,更是一種帶來宏大智慧和無盡福運的聲音。讓我們一起散播佛法,散播愛,佛經梵音與諸位大德廣結善緣歌曲列表:白財神咒白度母經百孝經白衣觀音靈感神咒八句贊寶篋印陀羅尼八聖吉祥頌財神咒懺悔歌慈悲慈雲懺主淨土文大悲咒大吉祥天女咒大雄寶殿地藏菩薩超度心咒地藏菩薩心咒地藏王菩薩大願贊彌勒佛咒阿彌陀佛來接引阿彌陀佛謝謝你阿彌陀佛在心間彌陀天堂放生歌佛母准提神咒佛說聖佛母般若波羅蜜多心經感恩觀音菩薩心咒觀音菩薩如秋月觀音行願曲皈依頌紅財神心咒黃財神心咒喚醒愚癡歡喜五財神華嚴字母贊皆大歡喜解脫道結緣歌極樂歌極樂世界淨一切眼疾陀羅尼空穀神韻念佛疑問淺答歌六字大明咒六字真言頌綠度母心咒南無阿彌陀佛南無普賢王菩薩毗盧遮那佛咒菩提心燈普賢菩薩行願品唱誦普賢十大願唱誦普賢十大願王清淨法身佛如來一葉三歸依釋迦如來心咒釋念往生咒誦讀版文殊菩薩贊文殊心咒霞光萬丈西方回向偈心是蓮花心是蓮花提藥師佛心咒藥師灌頂真言藥師贊一輪明月照禪心贊佛偈准提神咒釋道心准提咒佛經梵音是靈動菩提旗下官方應用(http://www.jingangjing.com)為促進社會和諧,以弘揚佛法及佛教文化為己任,同時也為能更好的服務於廣大網友和信眾,網站不僅提供金剛經全文,經與古本金剛經原文逐字對照,還提供佛教經文、線上誦經、線上供佛、延壽祿位、往生蓮位、線上念佛、靜心梵音、免費下載、佛像鑒賞等內容。願以此功德,普及於一切,我等與眾生,皆共成佛道。南無阿彌陀佛!加入靈動菩提官方微信公眾號:方法很簡單,只需要2個步驟:1.添加朋友->查找微信公眾帳號->輸入“靈動菩提華人佛教”,確認搜索即可。2.添加朋友->搜號碼->輸入“lingdongputi”,確認關注即可。迎關注靈機命理館:https://www.facebook.com/linghitBuddhist chantingBuddhist sutras listen, product Buddha sound, everything, the mostcomprehensive Sutra, the Buddha of the most pleasant sound, all inBuddhist Sanskrit.Buddhist Sanskrit, to spiritual cultivation, purification of themindBuddhist often heard, can make people get rid of the pain,physical and mental trainingBuddhist often heard, can make positive, get back earlyheartBuddhist often heard, can make people embrace faith, accordingto their heartBuddhist often heard, can make your life better Fine Sutra features:1, Sutra contains statecraft human truths, bring you greatwisdom, let your life is no longer confused! 2, Buddhist early lessons Vespers, recite classic, remind yourselfthat modify their behavior, thoughts, increase positive energy3, ready to sing Buddhist sound, purification of the mind,meditation repair the heart, boundless!4, multi-tasking support for background playback, so you canmake a variety of work at the same time!5, the unique features of the Buddha, the solemn and sacredstatues make your heart more calm!        Every day we are busy, as troubleslike hair, cut, and chaotic. 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Let's spread theDharma, spread love with you Dade Sanskrit sutras many friendsThe song list:White Choi MantraWhite Tara byOne hundred Book of Filial PietyWhite Guanyin mantra inspirationLike eightIndian treasure trunk DharaniEight auspicious holy songChoi MantraRepentance songMercyRepentance main Jodo Tsz Wan WenCompassionLarge Lakshmi MantraMain HallJizo salvation mantraJizo mantraEarth Store Bodhisattva big wish ChanMaitreya curseAmitabha to escortsAmitabha Thank youAmitabha between heartAmitabha paradiseReleased songBulmo quasi-mentioned MantraBuddha Sacred Heart Sutra GoddessThanksgivingGuanyin Bodhisattva mantraSuch as the Moon Goddess of MercyGuanyin vows songOde to convertRed Fortuna mantraDzambala mantraWake ignoranceFortuna joy fiveKegon letter ChanHappyRelief roadBecome attached to the songBliss songsElysiumThe net of all eye DharaniValley charmA Buddha doubt shallow songOm Mani Padme HungMantra songGreen Tara mantraNamo AmitabhaNamo Buddha SamantabhadraVairocana curseBodhicitta lightsSamantabhadra vows goods chantingTen willing chanting FugenTen Fugen willing kingBuddha of cleanTathagata leafThree refugeSakyamuni Tathagata mantraInterpretation inMantra recitation reborn versionManjushri ChanManjushri mantraRays bottomlessWestern Hui XiangjiHeart lotusLotus mention heartMedicine Buddha mantraPharmacist mantra initiationsPharmacist ChanA moon shines ZenLike FojiQuasi-mentioned Mantra Buddhism, Taoism heartCundī DhāraṇīBodhi Buddhist Sanskrit is Smart's official application(http://www.jingangjing.com) to promote socialharmony, to promote Buddhism and Buddhist culture ofresponsibility, but also in order to better serve our users and thebelievers, the site not only provides the full text of the DiamondSutra, the ancient text of the Diamond Sutra literally control, italso provides the Buddhist scriptures, chanting online, onlineBuddha, life extension riches, reborn in the lotus position, onlineBuddha, meditation Fine, free download, statues appreciation and soon. Ready to take this merit, universal in all, I waited withliving beings, are a total of Buddha Road. Namo Amitabha!Join Smart Bodhi public official micro-channel number:The method is very simple, just two steps:1. Add a friend -> Find the micro-channel public accounts ->type "Smart Bodhi Chinese Buddhism", confirm search.2. Add a friend -> Search number -> Enter "lingdongputi",confirm attention to.  Numerology welcome attention brainwave Museum: https://www.facebook.com/linghit
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彙聚了港澳臺兩岸三地易學泰斗:香港理工大學著名玄學大師何漢明、“臺灣面相改運第一人”羅鎮、享譽嶺南工商界、傳媒界最受歡迎的堪輿學家何樹榮等等眾多學者和師傅的數十年的專業知識和實踐經驗;香港著名玄學家麥玲玲在《蘋果日報》關於馬年開運秘笈的訪談中重點好評介紹,中港影視紅星江美儀傾情推薦,香港著名玄愛學家陳定邦亦贊口不絕!著名媒體《蘋果日報》、《經濟日報》、《Metropop》、香港No.1的消費者電子產品雜誌《e-zone》對靈機進行了大幅度的測評報導!分析感情運勢,TA是你的真命愛人?預測運氣吉凶,在牌桌上大殺三方;預測事業起伏,制定投資策略、職業方向,國內外多位專業周易大師攜手合作,打造最先進最準確的周易命理應用,從易經卦象推斷現況與未來的吉凶際遇,全面預測你在感情、事業、財運上挑戰和機遇。周易在我國巳有五千多年的歷史,其淵源演化:蓋天賜河圖,燧人得之,以定天極四方;羲聖則之,乃畫先天八卦,以乾為首,又據作後天八卦,以帝出震,先天六十四卦次由是成列;神農繼作連山八卦,以艮為首;黃帝續作歸藏八卦,以坤為首;經堯、舜授受;文王演成後天六十四卦次序,並衍卦辭;周公又據卦繹爻釋辭;孔子贊述作十翼傳,而集其大成。到秦始皇焚書坑儒,燒毀很多書籍,唯易經屬於占卜的書,倖免於難。漢唐以來,歷代都有研究易經的人,尤其在漢宋兩代易學宏揚為最,它所包含的思想,接人待物無所不包。軟體特點:1、精准分析所蔔之事的本卦、變卦,詳盡周易卦文,趨吉避凶。2、開運寶符,靈性加持,百無禁忌。3、操作簡易,支援微博、微信、郵件分享。想要及時瞭解更多精准命理測算應用,開運風水指導,人生勵志心語,立即加入靈機官方微信!方法很簡單,只需要2個步驟:1.添加朋友->查找微信公眾帳號->輸入“靈機”,確認搜索即可。2.添加朋友->搜號碼->輸入“lingjimiaosuan”,確認關注即可。更多命理資訊歡迎關注靈機命理館:https://www.facebook.com/linghitHong Kong, Macao andTaiwan gathered to learn the dean of the three places: Professional knowledge and practice of decades of Hong KongPolytechnic University, the famous master Hehan Ming metaphysics,"Taiwan's face instead of turning the first person," Luo town,renowned Lingnan business sector, the media, etc. He Shurongpopular geomancy scientist and master of many scholarsexperience; Mak Ling Ling in Hong Kong's famous metaphysicians, "Apple Daily"Interview Tips on Horse Lucky's presentation focused on the praise,the Hong Kong film star Elena Kong portrait recommendation, HongKong's famous scientist ROADS mysterious love also neverpraise! Famous media, "Apple Daily", "Economic Daily", "Metropop", HongKong's No.1 consumer electronics magazine "e-zone" of brainwave hasbeen a significant evaluation reports! Analysis feelings fortune, TA is your real life lover? Predict goodand bad luck, the three parties at the table big kill; forecastingcareer ups and downs, develop investment strategies, careerdirection, a number of domestic and foreign professional Book ofMasters work together to create the most advanced and accurateapplication of the Book of Changes numerology, infer the status ofthe images from the Book of Changes and the future of good and badfortune, fully predict your challenges and opportunities in theemotional, career, wealth. Pat in our Book of 5,000 years of history, its origins evolution:cover providential Hetu, who was the Sui to set YORK Quartet; Xi isthe saint, is painted congenital gossip, headed to dry, but as theday after tomorrow, according to gossip to Emperor of shock,congenital hexagrams times in a row by a; Shennong Following Hillgossip as to Burgundy headed; Huangdi sequel gossip returnpossession to Kun headed; by Yao, Shun giving and receiving; KingWen evolves acquired sixty hexagrams order, and Yan Guaci; Duke hasresigned, according to release Yao Yi Gua; Confucius praise ShuzuoTen Wings pass, and set its culmination. To Qin Shi HuangFenshukengru, burned many books, only part of the I Chingdivination book, survived. Since the Han and Tang Dynasties, hasstudied the I Ching dynasties, especially in the Han and Songdynasties to learn and carry forward to the most, thinking itcontains, encompassing access to be material. Software features: 1, precise analysis of this matter Bu Gua, change your mind,detailed text Yigua week, stay out of trouble.2. Lucky Bao Fu, spirituality blessing, let yourself go.3, easy to operate, support microblogging, letter, e-mail toshare. Want to keep abreast of more accurate estimates of numerologyapplication lucky feng shui guide, inspirational life Xinyu, JoinNow brainwave official micro-letter!The method is very simple, just two steps:1. Add a friend -> Find the micro-channel public accounts ->Enter "Turing machine" to confirm search.2. Add a friend -> Search number -> Enter "lingjimiaosuan",confirm attention to. For more information please pay attention brainwave numerologynumerology Museum: https: //www.facebook.com/linghit
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2014生肖運程支付插件 2.0.2
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媽祖 求签 出门求平安 1.0.0
媽祖,又稱天妃、天后、天上聖母、盤古長女,夫為三清之一,繼承之帝位讓於第二代天帝,弟玄武大帝,有十女:觀音、大世至(雅典娜)、文殊(大日)、西王母、珠娘、白娘、青娘、碧霞元君、仙女聖母及九天玄女。  道教封號:輔兜昭孝純正靈應孚濟護國庇民妙靈昭應弘仁普濟天妃。是歷代船工、海員、旅客、商人和漁民共同信奉的神祗,許多沿海地區均建有媽祖廟。相傳媽祖的真名為林默,小名默娘,故又稱林默娘,誕生于莆田湄洲島在宋建隆元年(960年)農曆三月二十三日。宋太宗雍熙四年(987年)九月初九逝世。  因默娘生前與民為善,升化後被沿海人民尊為海上女神,立廟祭祀。後屢顯靈應於海上,渡海者皆禱之,被尊為“通靈神女”,廟宇遍海甸。媽祖信仰從產生至今,經歷了一千多年,作為民間信仰,它延續之久,傳播之廣,影響之深,都是其他民間崇拜所不曾有過的。歷代皇帝的崇拜和褒封,使媽祖由民間神提升為官方的航海保護神,而且神格越來越高,傳播的面越來越廣。由莆邑一帶走向五湖四海,達到無人不知,無神能替代的程度。  天后娘娘專保海上平安,凡問出行平安者最靈。  抽靈簽前要專心一致,秉除雜念,先雙手合手默念,救苦救難,天后聖母。然後默念自己姓名,出生年月日和居住地址。接著請求指點心中所問即可。媽祖娘娘專管出行平安,出門在外求支媽祖簽,出行平安最靈驗。Mazu, also known asGoddess, Tin Hau, Heavenly Mother, Pangu eldest daughter, husbandof one of three clear, so that the succession of the throne in thesecond generation of the Emperor of Heaven, brother basaltic Great,there are 10 women: Goddess, Big World to (Athena), Monju (greatday), the Queen Mother, Zhuniang, white mother, young mother, ofPrincess, Fairy Lady and nine Xuannv.        Taoist title:auxiliary pocket Zhao Fu Ji Hyo pure spirit should protect thecountry sheltering China Miao Ling Zhao Ying Hongin Puji Tianfei.Is the ancient boatmen, sailors, travelers, merchants and fishermenbelieve in gods together, and many temples were built in coastalareas. According to legend, Matsu real name is Lin Mo, nicknamesilent mother, so called Lin Mo Niang, was born in Putian MeizhouIsland in Jianlong first year (960 years) Lunar New Year on March23. Taizong Yongxi four years (987 years) died on September9th.        Because silentmother alive and China is good, l of respect for the people alongthe coast after the goddess of the sea, up the templeworship.        Should be repeatedafter the apparitions at sea, crossing the prayer by key, the titleof "psychic Goddess" temples all over the Haidian. Mazu belief fromgeneration has gone through a thousand years as a folk beliefs, aslong as it continues, the wide spread and impact of deep, all theother civil worship never had. Emperors worship and praise letters,so that by the folk deity Matsu upgraded to the official sailingprotection of God, and the godhead increasingly high surface spreadmore widely. Pu Yi to all corners of the area, to no one knows,atheism can replace level.Tin Hau protect maritime safety expert, who asked to travel by themost spiritual peace.Pumping before you concentrate on spiritual sign, Bing in additionto distractions, first hand hands together silently, peril, daysafter the Virgin Mary. Then meditation your name, date of birth andresidential address. Then you can request advice minds areasking.Goddess Mazu travel specifically to deal with peace, away from homeseeking support Matsu sign, travel safely the mostefficacious.
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八字桃花運勢-愛情走勢預測開運分析 1.5.5
精準的桃花運測算!深受港澳台兩岸三地用戶的歡迎,香港著名玄學家麥玲玲在《蘋果日報》關於馬年開運秘笈的訪談中重點好評介紹,中港影視紅星江美儀傾情推薦,香港著名演員陳煒、港臺著名藝人莊思敏、香港著名節目主持人《東張西望》主播李漫芬等等眾多明星在使用後紛紛贊准!香港著名玄愛學家陳定邦亦贊口不絕!著名媒體《蘋果日報》、《經濟日報》、《Metropop》、香港No.1的消費者電子產品雜誌《e-zone》刊登了靈機apps並進行了大幅度的測評報導!元宵、七夕、中西情人節,節日提醒你孤單,親友同事漸漸成雙成對,今年還在1個人彷徨在情人節的愛意情濃的街頭?你的真命在哪里?通過你的時辰八字,精準分析你的桃花走勢,戀愛觀等,讓單身的你也可以得到一份幸福美滿的愛情。人逢喜事精神爽,運逢桃花風流多。桃花是青春煥發的表現,桃花是才情藝技的展露,桃花是生命精華的綻放。珍惜桃花如珍惜生命,熱愛桃花如熱愛自然。大家不必害怕桃花,恐懼桃花,應該喜迎桃花,把握桃花,讓生活與事業更加精彩,錦上添花。正所謂愛情的魔力是巨大的,愛情能改變一個人的精神面貌,生活和工作都更加有自信和動力,也自然會更加受歡迎,人際關係改善,事業上有貴人助力,職場路上也會更加順利,升職加薪指日可待。應用特點:1.選擇看桃花運精凖測算,專業詳細分析愛情、婚姻走勢變化,讓你愛情婚姻順利。2.開運轉運。提供最好的開光商品,輕鬆找到自身想要的東西。3.靈符動態壁紙設置桌面動態壁紙後,成為你隨身的庇佑你。4.精美的用戶介面給你一種桃花的氣息,讓愛情婚姻更加接近你。5.經典傳統萬年曆讓你回到童年那份時光,找回那份曾經擁有的感覺。【我們在這裡等您! 】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順! :http://m.linghit.com/【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利! :https://www.facebook.com/linghit【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善! :[email protected] estimatespeach! By Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan the three places the user's welcome,Mak Ling Ling in Hong Kong's famous metaphysician, "Apple Daily"Year of the Horse Lucky Tips on interviews focused on praiseintroduced in Hong Kong film star Elena Kong portraitrecommendation, the famous Hong Kong actor Chan, Hong Kongcelebrated artist Zhuang Simin, Hong Kong's famous show host"Scoop" anchor Man Fen Lee, and so many stars have praise afterusing quasi! Hong Kong's famous scientist Chending Bang Hyun lovealso never praise! Famous media, "Apple Daily", "Economic Daily", "Metropop", HongKong's No.1 consumer electronics magazine "e-zone" publishedbrainwave apps and a significant evaluation reports! Lantern Festival, Tanabata, Western Valentine's Day, the festivalremind you alone, friends colleagues gradually in pairs, this yearis also a personal loss Everlasting love on Valentine's Day on thestreets? Where are you in real life? Hour through your character, your peach accurate trend analysis,Attitude towards Love, so that single you can also get a happylove. The spirit of cool people every happy event, every peach shippedmore romantic. Peach is a youthful glow performance, peach is toexpose talented arts skills, and peach bloom is the essence oflife. Peach treasure as cherish life, love peach as love nature. Weneed not fear peach, peach fear, should celebrate the peach, peachgrasp, to make life more exciting and career, icing on thecake. The so-called magic of love is great, love can change a person'sspirit, life and work are more confident and dynamic, willnaturally be more popular, relationships improve, have honored tohelp the cause, the road will be more successful in the workplace,promotion and pay rise just around the corner. Application Features: 1. Select the watch peach precision quasi estimates, professional adetailed analysis of love, marriage trends change, so you love andmarriage successful.2. open transport operation. Providing the best opening commodityitself easily find what you want.3. After setting the desktop wallpaper magic dynamic dynamicwallpaper, you become portable bless you.The exquisite user interface gives you a peach flavor, make lovemarriage closer to you.5. Classic traditional calendar lets you share time back tochildhood, back share once had feelings. [We are here waiting for you! ][Ling] Numerology Calculation contacts to help you analyze fortuneto help you smooth sailing! : Http: //m.linghit.com/[Facebook] Numerology advice for your daily fresh insight into theleg, to help you smoothly! : Https://www.facebook.com/linghit[Mail] your valuable suggestions, comments are welcome to informus, we will do everything possible to improve! : [email protected]
2014生肖運程 2.3.0
匯聚著名命理專家數十年實踐經驗!深受港澳台兩岸三地用戶的歡迎,香港著名玄學家麥玲玲在《蘋果日報》關於馬年開運秘籍的訪談中重點介紹,中港影視紅星江美儀傾情推薦,香港著名演員陳煒、港台著名藝人莊思敏、香港著名節目主持人《東張西望》主播李漫芬等等眾多明星在使用後紛紛贊準!香港著名玄愛學家陳定邦亦贊口不絕!知名媒體《蘋果日報》、著名IT網站"unwire",知名有線電視節目《週日不講理》、著名財經電台DBC數碼電台《火速燈檯》,均進行了大幅度的報導推薦!2014年你將遇到哪種生活困境?財運不佳,投資失利?感情曲折,桃花黯淡?降職減薪,事業危機?還是親友疏遠小人陷害?【2014生肖運程】由國內著名命理專家週語山大師為你分析2014年最精確的生肖運程命理,從事業、財運、感情、健康等多方面為你解析2014年整體運勢。有解析必有解法,【2014生肖運程】同時為你提供開運寶符。多種開運寶符為你對症下藥,全面開運。想全面掌握自己在新的一年運勢凶吉嗎?想知道自己和自己在乎的人在新的一年如何趨吉避凶嗎?在擔心自己新的一年打不開運嗎?下載【2014生肖運程】,全面把握2014年馬年運勢的機會,獲得12個月365日全程的開運指引!特點:1.大師分析預測。專業性,實用性,全面性無可挑剔。古今結合,解析運勢。2.界面精美,以中國古風工藝——生肖剪紙為主題,簡約盡顯大氣。3.操作簡便,趣味性、互動性強,隨時隨地微博分享。想要及時了解更多精準命理測算應用,開運風水指導,人生勵志心語,立即加入靈機官方微信!方法很簡單,只需要2個步驟:1.添加朋友->查找微信公眾帳號->輸入“靈機”,確認搜索即可。2.添加朋友->搜號碼->輸入“lingjimiaosuan”,確認關注即可。更多命理資訊歡迎關注靈機命理館:https://www.facebook.com/linghitBrought togetherwell-known experts in numerology decades of practical experience!       By Hong Kong, Macaoand Taiwan the three places the user's welcome, Mak Ling Ling inHong Kong's famous metaphysician, "Apple Daily" on the Horse LuckyCheats interview focuses on China and Hong Kong film star ElenaKong portrait recommendation, the famous Hong Kong actor Chan, HongKong and Taiwan famous artists Zhuang Simin, Hong Kong's famousshow host "Scoop" anchor Man Fen Lee in the use of so many starshave praised accurate! Hong Kong's famous scientist Chending BangHyun love also never praise!Well-known media, "Apple Daily", the famous IT website "unwire",well-known TV show "Sunday unreasonable", the famous radio FINANCEDBC Digital radio "rushed Menorah", were carried out substantialreports recommended!2014 What kind of life you will encounter difficulties? Wealthpoor investment losses? Emotional twists and turns, peach bleak?Demotion with pay reduction, the cause of the crisis? Or relativesalienate framed villain? [2014] by the famous domestic zodiacfortune numerology expert mountain master of the song for you themost accurate analysis of the 2014 Lunar New Year fortunenumerology, from career, wealth, love, health and other aspects ofyour whole fortune parse 2014. Analytic solution must, at the sametime [2014] Zodiac Horoscope gives you lucky treasure character.Lucky Bao multiple breaks for you the right medicine, comprehensivefortune.Want full control of their fortune in the new year Luck it? Wantto know yourself and your people who care about good fortune in thenew year how to do? Worried about their new year in operation notopen it? Download [2014] zodiac fortune, comprehensive opportunityfortune 2014 Year of the Horse, get lucky guidance throughout the12 months of 365 days!Features:1. The master of analysis and forecasting. Professional, practical,comprehensive impeccable. Combining ancient and modern, analyticalfortune.2. exquisite interface to Chinese antiquity craft - Lunar New Yearpaper-cut theme, simple filling the atmosphere.3. Operation is simple, fun, interactive, anytime Weibo.Want to keep abreast of numerology calculation more preciseapplication, Lucky Feng Shui guide, inspirational life Xinyu, JoinNow Lingji official micro-letter!The method is very simple, you only need two steps:1. Add a friend -> Find micro letter public account -> Enter"Turing machine" to confirm search.2. Add friends -> Search number -> Enter "lingjimiaosuan",confirm attention to.For more information please pay attention brainwave numerologynumerology Museum: https: //www.facebook.com/linghit
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Google play上最專業最準確的測算類應用。深受港澳臺兩岸三地用戶的歡迎,香港著名玄學家麥玲玲在《蘋果日報》關於馬年開運秘笈的訪談中重點好評介紹,中港影視紅星江美儀傾情推薦,香港著名演員陳煒、香港著名藝人莊思敏、香港著名節目主持人《東張西望》主播李漫芬等等眾多明星在使用後紛紛贊准!香港著名玄愛學家陳定邦亦贊口不絕!著名媒體《蘋果日報》、《經濟日報》、《Metropop》、香港No.1的消費者電子產品雜誌《e-zone》刊登了靈機apps並進行了大幅度的測評報導!全面深入剖析你的事業現況,私人制定升職加薪方案!預測財運走勢,改善正財、偏財運,解決破財危機!2014年如何提升桃花正能量?桃花旺運秘笈助你輕鬆脫單!紫微鬥數是東方流傳千年的星象學,是古代君主用來掌控天下大局的帝王之學,號稱天下第一神數,紫微鬥數通過出生的年、月、日、時四個參數,定出紫微命盤,每差一個時辰,命盤就完全不同,星曜按一定次序出現,相應的人就按照這個次序接受星曜帶來的影響,從事業、金錢、愛情、人際、健康等全面給予預測批示和開運指南,因此,紫微鬥數不僅是世界上最早的行為心理學,也是計算最為精准的算命術數。《紫微測命》是特約臺灣命理大師羅鎮師傅支持、指導,結合手機智能傾力打造出的紫微算命應用,只需輸入出生的年、月、日、時四個參數(生辰八字)即可為你提供專業的紫微鬥數排盤,通過紫微命盤預測你性格、婚姻、事業、財運等等各大命理主星的定位和未來發展趨勢。應用特點:1、精析各命宮的運勢,事業、婚姻、財運、健康、全面預測運程指數,星象吉凶!3、傳授各種開運化災秘訣,應變人生起伏,趨吉避凶!4、介面最簡介時尚,操作便捷,隨身攜帶,隨時隨地查看未來變動!特別聲明:紫微鬥數是以陰曆(以月亮為標準)作為基礎,按照正月來推算八字,不需要考慮節氣的影響,不是以立春推算八字。想要及時瞭解更多精准命理測算應用,開運風水指導,人生勵志心語,立即加入靈機官方微信!方法很簡單,只需要2個步驟:1.添加朋友->查找微信公眾帳號->輸入“靈機”,確認搜索即可。2.添加朋友->搜號碼->輸入“lingjimiaosuan”,確認關注即可。【我們在這裡等您! 】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順! :http://m.linghit.com/【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利! :https://www.facebook.com/linghit【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善! :[email protected] Google play mostprofessional and accurate estimates class applications.By Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan the three places the user'swelcome, the famous Hong Kong metaphysicians Mak Ling Ling in"Apple Daily" on the Horse Lucky Tips for interviews focused onpraise introduced in Hong Kong film star Elena Kong portraitrecommendation, the famous Hong Kong actor Chan, Hong Kong's famousartists Zhuang Simin, Hong Kong's famous show host "Scoop" anchorMan Fen Lee in the use of so many stars have praised accurate!IncensePort famous scientist Chending Bang Hyun love also neverpraise!Famous media, "Apple Daily", "Economic Daily", "Metropop", HongKong's No.1 consumer electronics magazine "e-zone" publishedbrainwave apps and a significant evaluation reports!In-depth analysis of the status of your career, personaldevelopment of program promotion and pay rise!Prediction wealth trends, to improve the positive wealth, Windfall,solve the crisis or even bankruptcy!2014 How to improve peach positive energy? Peach Wang Yun Tips tohelp you easily off single!Astrology is spread millennium oriental astrology, ancientEmperors of the monarchy used to control the overall situation ofthe world, known as the best in the world the number of God,through the birth of Astrology, month, day, when the fourparameters, fix Ziwei chart, each an hour difference, the chart iscompletely different, CIEL certain order appears appropriate personto accept this order affect CIEL brought from career, money, love,interpersonal, health other comprehensive forecast giveninstructions and guidelines lucky, therefore, Astrology is not onlythe first act in the world of psychology, but also the mostaccurate calculation of the number of patients fortunes."Ziwei measuring life" is the special master Rho Taiwannumerology master support, guidance, combined with the effort tobuild out a smart phone Ziwei fortune-telling application, simplyenter born in, month, day, hour four parameters (birthdates) toprovide you with professional Astrology row plate, predict yourcharacter, marriage, career, wealth, and so the major numerologyruler positioning and future trends by Ziwei chart.Application Features:1, the fine analysis of each fortune palace life, career, marriage,wealth, health, fortune index comprehensive prediction, astrologyand bad!3, teach a variety of open secret transport of disaster, strain anddowns in life, good fortune!4. Introduction of the most fashionable interface, easy operation,portable, view future change anytime!Special Note: Astrology is lunar (the moon as a standard) as abasis, in accordance with the first month to calculate horoscopes,do not need to consider the impact of solar terms, not in thebeginning of spring projections character.Want to keep abreast of numerology calculation more preciseapplication, Lucky Feng Shui guide, inspirational life Xinyu, JoinNow Lingji official micro-letter!The method is very simple, you only need two steps:1. Add a friend -> Find micro letter public account -> Enter"Turing machine" to confirm search.2. Add friends -> Search number -> Enter "lingjimiaosuan",confirm attention to.[We are here waiting for you! ][Ling] Numerology Calculation contacts to help you analyze fortuneto help you smooth sailing! : Http: //m.linghit.com/[Facebook] Numerology advice for your daily fresh insight into theleg, to help you smoothly! : Https://www.facebook.com/linghit[Mail] your valuable suggestions, comments are welcome to informus, we will do everything possible to improve! : [email protected]
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指紋測算配對-性格特點分析 5.1.0
結合2016年最新的指紋檢測技術,交友娛樂的必備神器!TA是你的真命情人,還是匆匆過客?如何追求你最愛的TA?指紋測算通過配對兩人的指紋資訊,精確計算速配指數,緣分深淺,揭開你們之間的愛情面紗!指紋具有唯一性,遺傳性和不變性,多年的指紋研究證實了,每個人的性格特點不一樣,所經歷的都不一樣,所以每個人的指紋都是獨一無二,而且終生不變的!“指紋測算配對”是世界上最熱門的指紋掃描應用,利用2016年最新的指紋檢測技術,簡單快捷又準確,快速檢測您的指紋構造,精析您的性格、感情、規劃職業生涯、預測你的另一半。指紋配對特點:1、指紋測算,算出你的性格特點、體質、最合適的職業。2、通古博今,知曉你的流年運勢。3、指紋照妖鏡,妖魔鬼怪哪里逃,你的自信在這裏受到挑戰。4、你和Ta是否相配?姻緣指數盡在指紋配對!【我們在這裡等您! 】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順! :http://m.linghit.com/【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利! :https://www.facebook.com/linghit【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善! :[email protected] combine the latestfingerprint detection technology, essential artifact datingentertainment! TA is your real life lover, or a passer? How to pursue yourfavorite TA? By pairing the two fingerprint calculation fingerprintinformation, accurate calculation of the index match, the depth offate, love uncover the veil between you! Fingerprint is unique, genetic and invariance, years of researchconfirmed the fingerprint, each person's personalitycharacteristics are not the same, the experience is different, soeach person's fingerprint is unique, unchanging and life!"Fingerprint calculation pair" the world's most popular fingerprintscanning applications, the use of 2016 the latest fingerprintdetection technology, simple and quick and accurate, rapiddetection of your fingerprint structure, fine analysis of yourpersonality, emotions, career planning, forecasting you the otherhalf. Fingerprint matching features:1, fingerprint calculation, calculate your character, physicalfitness, the most suitable job.2, through the ancient Bo now, you know fleeting fortune.3, fingerprint magic mirror, where demons escape, yourself-confidence in being challenged here.4, Ta, and if you match? All in marriage index fingerprintmatching![We are here waiting for you! ][Contact with] the Spirit of numerology calculations to help youanalyze fortune to help you smooth sailing! : Http://m.linghit.com/[Facebook] daily fresh insight into the numerology consult yourfortune to help you smoothly! : Https://www.facebook.com/linghit[E-mail] your valuable suggestions, comments are welcome to informus and we will do everything possible to improve! : [email protected]
家居風水 2.0
家居風水測算:家居風水是風水研究的一部分。它研究的物件是人與環境,研究如何使二者相融、想宜、相合。它可以對家居的外部環境和室內環境進行細緻分析、觀形察勢。以人為核心,結合時間和地運綜合全面的評測後得到結果,並根據出現的問題設計出相應的解決方案。它貫穿家居的選擇環境、優化環境、改造環境的過程中,已形成一套完整的體系。所謂的家居風水其實是一種文化傳統,一種有關於生活環境與人的學問。在家居設計中融入風水,可以讓空間設計更加合理,裝修更加科學,顏色運用更到位,飾物點綴更鮮活,全面提升生存環境的品質和品位。更多命理資訊歡迎關注 靈機命理館 :https://www.facebook.com/linghitFeng shui home estimates:feng shui home feng shui is part of the study.  It studies the object is a person and the environment,to study how to make the two blending, thought desirable,consistency. It can be the home of the external environment and acareful analysis of the indoor environment, the concept of shapeobserved trend. People-centered, combining time and groundtransportation obtained after a comprehensive evaluation of theresults, and according to the problems to design appropriatesolutions. It runs through the choice of home environment, improvethe environment, transform the environment in the process, hasformed a complete system.  The so-called feng shui home is actually a culturaltradition, a kind of living environment and on human learning. FengShui in the home design integration, allowing space for a morerational design, decoration more scientific, more use of color inplace, more vivid decorative ornaments to raise the overall qualityof the living environment and taste.More information welcome attention brainwave Numerology NumerologyMuseum: https://www.facebook.com/linghit
2015生肖运势宝典-羊年運程占卜預測 1.0.0
想全面掌握自己在新的一年運勢凶吉嗎?想知道自己和自己在乎的人在新的一年如何趨吉避凶嗎?在擔心自己新的一年打不開運嗎?下載【2015生肖寶典】,搶先把我運勢的機會!【2015生肖寶典】由國內著名命理專家林立通大師為你分析2015年羊年最精確的生肖運程命理,從事業、財運、感情、健康等多方面為你解析2015羊年整體運勢。【2015生肖寶典】同時為你提供開運寶符。多種開運寶符為你對症下藥,全面開運。特點:大師分析預測。專業性,實用性,全面性無可挑剔。古今結合,解析運勢。介面精美,以中國古風工藝——生肖剪紙為主題,簡約而盡顯大方。操作簡便,趣味性、互動性強,隨時隨地朋友圈、微博分享。獨家化太歲方法,開運旺運一整年。林立通先生,《微風水》創始人、《五方玄學》創始人、企業命理風水顧問、中華傳統文化促進會副會長、國際周易應用與發展研究院副院長、廣州市智觀管理諮詢首席導師、中華文化推廣使者,年紀四十出頭,然其學識深厚,特別對中華傳統文化中命理與風水的傳承與研究,頗有見地。林立通老師自幼師從祖父學技,深得其祖真傳。其祖乃潮汕地區有名的算命地理先生,深得當地群眾的敬仰和愛戴。林老先生在林立通少年時候,教他背誦天干、地支、六十甲子、五行生克制化等等,雖年幼不懂如何運用,但在“背的好就有糖果獎勵”的吸引下,很快就把命理風水這些基本知識倒背如流了。並開始鑽研祖父家傳秘笈案例及祖父秘藏中華典籍,博覽古今易學名著,初有小成。現是《微風水》和《五方玄學》的創始人、企業命理風水顧問、中華傳統文化促進會副會長、國際周易應用與發展研究院副院長、廣州市智觀管理諮詢首席導師、中華文化推廣使者。【我們在這裡等您! 】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順! :http://m.linghit.com/【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利! :https://www.facebook.com/linghit【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善! :[email protected] full control oftheir fortune in the new year Luck it? Want to know yourself andyour people who care about good fortune in the new year how to do?Worried about their new year in operation not open it? DownloadZodiac Collection [2015], the first opportunity to put my fortune![2015] Zodiac Collection by renowned domestic master numerologyexperts everywhere through your analysis in 2015 Lunar New YearYear of the Goat most accurate numerology fortune, from career,wealth, love, health and other aspects of the 2015 Goat resolveyour whole fortune.Zodiac Collection [2015] At the same time provide you luckytreasure character. Lucky Bao multiple breaks for you the rightmedicine, comprehensive fortune.Features:Master analysis and forecasting. Professional, practical,comprehensive impeccable. Combining ancient and modern, analyticalfortune.Beautifully interface to Chinese antiquity craft - Lunar New Yearpaper-cut theme, simple and filling and generous.Simple, fun, interactive, anytime circle of friends, Weibo.Exclusive method of Jupiter, Lucky Wang Yun whole year.Mr. Lin Litong, "Breeze water" founder, "five-partymetaphysics," the founder of the enterprise numerology feng shuiconsultant, traditional Chinese Culture Association, vicepresident, application and development of the InternationalResearch Institute Zhou Yi, Guangzhou-Concept Management ConsultingChief Instructor Chinese culture promotion messenger, young in hisearly forties, however, its deep knowledge, especially traditionalChinese culture heritage and research numerology and feng shui,insightful.Everywhere through school technology teacher at an early age underthe tutelage of his grandfather, won their ancestral true mass. Hisancestors is the famous Mr. Chaoshan fortune geographic regions,won the admiration and affection of the local people. Mr. Lin Laoteenager in buildings through time, taught him to recite HeavenlyStems, Earthly Branches, Sixty Years, Five Elements Health andrestraint, etc., although the young do not know how to use, but inattracting "good back there candy reward" under soon put the basicsof feng shui numerology recite every word. Tips and began to studythe well-known case of his grandfather and grandfather cache ofChinese books, learn ancient and modern classics Expo early havesmall achievements. Now is the "Breeze Water" and "five-partymetaphysics," the founder of the enterprise numerology feng shuiconsultant, traditional Chinese Culture Association, vicepresident, application and development of the InternationalResearch Institute Zhou Yi, Guangzhou-Concept Management Consultingchief mentor, Chinese culture Promotion messenger.[We are here waiting for you! ][Ling] Numerology Calculation contacts to help you analyze fortuneto help you smooth sailing! : Http: //m.linghit.com/[Facebook] Numerology advice for your daily fresh insight into theleg, to help you smoothly! : Https://www.facebook.com/linghit[Mail] your valuable suggestions, comments are welcome to informus, we will do everything possible to improve! : [email protected]
十二生肖開運靈書 1.1.8
【2016年十二生肖開運靈書】由國內著名命理專家楊參同大師為你分析2016年最精確的生肖運程命理,從事業、財運、感情、健康等多方面為你解析2016年整體運勢。有解析必有解法,【2016十二生肖靈書】同時為你提供開運寶符。多種開運寶符為你對症下藥,全面開運。想全面掌握自己在新的一年運勢凶吉嗎?想知道自己和自己在乎的人在新的一年如何趨吉避凶嗎?在擔心自己新的一年打不開運嗎?下載【2016年生肖靈書】,搶先把握運勢的機會!特點:1.大師分析預測。專業性,實用性,全面性無可挑剔。古今結合,解析運勢。2.界面精美,以中國古風工藝——大紅剪紙為主題,到處充斥著濃郁的喜慶氣氛。3.操作簡便,趣味性、互動性強,隨時隨地微博分享。4.好運靈符伴隨您,庇佑您身心健康。【我們在這裡等您! 】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順! :http://m.linghit.com/【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利! :https://www.facebook.com/linghit【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善! :[email protected][2016] Zodiac Luckyspiritual bookBy renowned domestic numerology expert Yang Tong Masters for youthe most accurate analysis of 2016 Lunar New Year fortunenumerology, from career, wealth, love, health and other aspects ofyour whole fortune parse 2016. Analytic solution must, [2016]Meanwhile zodiac spiritual book gives you lucky treasure character.Lucky Bao multiple breaks for you the right medicine, comprehensivefortune.Want full control of their fortune in the new year Luck it? Wantto know yourself and your people who care about good fortune in thenew year how to do? Worried about their new year in operation notopen it? Download [2016] zodiac spiritual book, the first to seizethe opportunity of fortune!Features:1. The master of analysis and forecasting. Professional, practical,comprehensive impeccable. Combining ancient and modern, analyticalfortune.2. attractive interface to Chinese antiquity craft - red paper-cuttheme, is full of rich festive atmosphere.3. Operation is simple, fun, interactive, anytime Weibo.4. good luck charm with you, bless your physical and mentalhealth.[We are here waiting for you! ][Ling] Numerology Calculation contacts to help you analyze fortuneto help you smooth sailing! : Http: //m.linghit.com/[Facebook] Numerology advice for your daily fresh insight into theleg, to help you smoothly! : Https://www.facebook.com/linghit[Mail] your valuable suggestions, comments are welcome to informus, we will do everything possible to improve! : [email protected]
女神穿衣照相機-衣服五行搭配 色彩风水指南 1.0
時尚主編與命理大師支持指導,穿衣搭配助手,色彩風水指南,教妳如何做幸運女神今天穿什麽衣服好?穿什麽有魅力?如何搭配最時尚?如何搭配招桃花?如何搭配提高事業運氣?如何搭配帶來幸運?顏色對人運氣有什麽樣的影響——人的運勢好壞重要的是納氣,五行氣場的直接體現,就是顏色。衣服的顏色和屋宅大門顏色有異曲同工之妙。壹個專業的風水師,未入門時下意識的會留意到門的顏色。同樣,壹個人的穿著顏色也是相當重要。紅色屬火紫色屬火土黃色屬土............知道了這些特性,我們就可以利用五行所體現出來的顏色,來調整自己的運氣了。特點:1.獨家拍照取色算法:抓住衣服主導顏色,以及主導顏色的心理印象2.專業的數據統計學:算出衣服五行的屬性,以最新的雷達圖顯示出來3.命理大師專業指導:結合老黃歷,命理知識,算出衣服顏色的當天助運指數4.時尚開運搭配方案:結合運勢和顏色搭配法則,提供最適合的搭配方案。用顏色來調整自己的運氣,道理十分清楚,方法十分簡單,效果也比較明顯,而且不用請教專家,用我們的軟件,自己就可以操作進行,完全值得壹試。讓妳成為幸運女神。【我們在這裡等您! 】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順! :http://m.linghit.com/【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利! :https://www.facebook.com/linghit【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善! :[email protected]
風水羅盤 1.0.3
風水羅盤在手,家居風水不用愁。避煞氣,旺運勢,風水羅盤滿足您的需求!無論您是要旺事業,旺財運,旺學業,還是旺健康,【風水羅盤】綜合使用「三元九运」、「八宅法」和「九宫飞星」三個最強風水原理,為您度身訂製家俬擺設、家居裝潢,讓您事事如意,一帆風順!【風水羅盤特色】1、權威:大師專業指導,考慮您家居的每個方位每個細節!2、用心:不僅助您看風水,更為你改風水,旺運勢!3、專屬:管理您的個人風水,為您度身定做最佳風水擺設方案!【風水羅盤功能】1、個人管理:契合您的八字命理,為您開運轉運!2、化解厄運:家居調整,扭轉乾坤!3、名師點評:“靈機”特聘風水大師,名師指路,掌握命運!4、知識傳播:風水常識指導,提供日常開運小秘方。【我們在這裡等您! 】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順! :http://m.linghit.com/【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利! :https://www.facebook.com/linghit【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善! :[email protected] shui compass inhand, Feng Shui, do not worry. Avoid the evil spirits, Wangfortune, feng shui compass to meet your needs!Whether you are prosperous career, Wang Cai Yun, Wang school, stillflourishing health, [] feng shui compass integrated use of "threeyuan National Games," "Eight Mansions law" and "Jiu Gong Flying"three strongest principles of Feng Shui for your degree tailoredfurniture furnishings, home decor, allowing you all the best,smooth sailing![Features] feng shui compass1, authority: the master professional guidance, consider eachposition every detail of your home!2 intentions: to help you not only to see feng shui, the more youchange the feng shui, Wang fortune!3. Exclusive: manage your personal feng shui, tailor-made for youthe best feng shui decoration scheme![Function] feng shui compass1, personal management: numerology fit your character, you startrunning luck!2, defuse bad luck: everything adjusted, to turn thingsaround!3, the teacher review: "Turing machine" Distinguished feng shuimaster, guiding teacher, master fate!4, the dissemination of knowledge: knowledge of feng shui guidance,the daily lucky little secret.[We are here waiting for you! ][Contact with] the Spirit of numerology calculations to help youanalyze fortune to help you smooth sailing! : Http://m.linghit.com/[Facebook] daily fresh insight into the numerology consult yourfortune to help you smoothly! : Https://www.facebook.com/linghit[E-mail] your valuable suggestions, comments are welcome to informus and we will do everything possible to improve! :[email protected]
星座運勢-星座物語 1.0.0
每個人都有一個屬於自己的星座,你想要知道你自己的星座背後蘊含的玄機嗎,你想要了解你的Ta有怎樣的性格特點嗎?星座物語就是這樣一個神奇的星座解說,幫你快速的了解自己和他人,簡單的操作,詳細的說明,還不快試試!更多命理資訊歡迎關注 靈機命理館 :https://www.facebook.com/linghitEveryone has one oftheirown constellations, you want to know your own constellationliesbehind the mystery and do you want to know how yourcharactertraits Ta have you? Constellation Story is such amagicalconstellation commentary, to help you quickly understandthemselvesand others, simple operation, a detailed description, notquick totry!More information welcome attention brainwaveNumerologyNumerology Museum: https://www.facebook.com/linghit
手機號碼兇吉測算 1.5
氣有旺衰之氣,數亦有吉凶之數。號碼,數也;故舉凡號碼,均與周易數理具有吉凶關聯,就像風水、姓名會影響運勢命運的意義是一樣的。手機號碼吉凶預測,是根據周易數理預測之原理,來測試手機號碼對主人的運勢影響俗稱手機號碼兇吉測算計算機。更多命理資訊歡迎關注 靈機命理館 :https://www.facebook.com/linghitThere are gas Wangdeclineof the gas, the number of the number of good and bad also.Number,number too; it covered the number, both have good and badwith theBook of Mathematical association, like feng shui, the namewillaffect the fate of fortune meaning is the same.Phone number and bad forecast is based on the principleofmathematical prediction of the Book, to test the effects oncellphone number owner's fortune   Commonly known as the cell phone numberLuckcomputer calculations.For more information please pay attention brainwavenumerologynumerology Museum: https: //www.facebook.com/linghit
星座情感大師 1.0.0
情感顧問——在人生的路上,每個人,或多或少都會遇到感情上的問題。爲什麽我一直都是單身呢?我們什麽時候結婚好呢?結婚後的婆媳關系……種種的感情糾結在我們的內心壓抑著,卻無法抒發和解決。我們煩惱著,找不到能分享和分析情感的人。感情上的顧問,找誰好呢?情感顧問現在不僅爲你一一解答你的感情問題,還提供解決感情困境的小妙招~!回到最初的我們,一段純真的感情,永恒的愛情。更多命理資訊歡迎關注 靈機命理館 :https://www.facebook.com/linghitEmotional consultant -inthe way of life, everyone, more or less experiencingemotionalproblems. Why am I always single? When do we get marriedis good?After marriage law relationship ...... all sorts offeelings in ourhearts tangled suppressed, but can not express andresolve. We havetrouble with, can not find can share and analyzeemotional person.Emotional consultant whom good? Emotionalconsultants answer it foryou now not only your emotional problems,but also providesolutions to the plight of small coup feelings ~!We return to theoriginal, a pure feeling, eternal love.More information welcome attention brainwaveNumerologyNumerology Museum: https://www.facebook.com/linghit
黃大仙靈簽 1.0.0
香港黃大仙,又名赤松仙子,俗名黃初平,晉朝丹溪人(今浙江義烏市赤岸鎮),以行醫濟世為懷而廣為人知。  十五歲時得赤松子指點得道而隱居赤松山。十八歲開始修道,得道後易名赤初平,號黃大仙,故號稱“赤松仙子”。民間流傳其法力高強,能夠點石成金。傳說因為煉丹得道、羽化登天,而且以“藥方”度人成仙,得到人們的信仰和崇祀。   據說黃大仙的簽文十分靈驗,有口皆碑,所以許多善信都遠道而來一求指點迷津。若問前程,趨吉避凶,到大仙廟上頭炷香,會是不錯的選擇。每逢年三十晚,很多名善信帶著香燭祭品,你擠我擁,到黃大仙廟霸頭位,爭上頭炷香,取其好意頭,來年可以事事順境,得心應手,衰運也轉為好運。在每年農曆年底及正月初一至十五日,有大量善信前往黃大仙祠,為過去一年酬謝神恩及為未來一年求神庇佑。有求必應的黃大仙,為你解答:流年,事業,財富,自身,家庭,姻緣,移居,名譽,健康,友誼等各種問題! 【我們在這裡等您! 】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順! :http://m.linghit.com/【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利! :https://www.facebook.com/linghit【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善! :[email protected]
起名取名字大師-姓名算命 嬰兒命名 改名推薦 名字分析 姓名配對打分 五行八字分析生肖 名稱取名 3.2.8
起名定命,知名改運!姓名並不只是人的一個稱呼,更是人的一種符咒。它在相當大的程度上約束了一個人一生的發展,一個人的成就大小、順逆變換,都與姓名有很大關係。每個人的姓名當中含有陰陽五行相生相剋的玄機,如果後天起名所含的五行屬性可以補充五行不足,則可改善人的命運際遇,但如所起姓名欠佳,則有可能不利於後天的運勢發展。這其實與八字、風水等玄學的道理是一脈相通的。因為名字是屬於個人所獨有的,當別人稱呼我們姓名的時候,其實等同於對我們念咒語。這相當於別人祝福會為您帶來正能量,詛咒會為您帶來負能量一樣。好的名字必須從人的八字出發,深度剖析八字中的資訊,再結合人的性別、屬相、漢字音律、意義、字形等方面,才能取得好名。不要埋怨命不好,我們提供好名字幫您補救!【起名取名字大師】特點: 1.起名方法繼承傳統命理起名學優點,準確判斷名字好壞! 2.時間採用真太陽時,分析八字資訊更加準確!3.專業生辰八字、三才五格、生肖喜忌、字義音型分析,輕鬆讀懂名字意義! 4.起名選擇方法,總有一個好名讓您一生順利!5.更有每年運程分析,讓您找到正確方向,年年順利不再是夢! 6.創新紫微和姓名學結合,揭示你一生的命理運勢! 【我們在這裡等您! 】【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利! :https://www.facebook.com/linghit【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善! :[email protected]
假期節日倒數小日曆-節日提醒 紀念日 節假日 公眾假期 日程 1.0.0
塔羅牌占卜-線上占卜算命,預測感情事業運勢,專業Tarot工具 1.0.3
通過塔羅牌占卜解決您內心的困惑,並推斷事情的發展方向以及給到相對應的建議。 -塔羅牌占卜【塔羅牌是什麼?】塔羅牌(Tarot):它是西方古老的占卜工具,在中世紀起流行於歐洲,塔羅牌可以針對愛情、人際關係、工作(學業)等不同需求來做分析預測和提供建議。尤其在不知應採取何種行動的時候,它是一種非常好的提示。【針對哪些問題】感情: 戀愛發展 愛情真相 他的真心 終身伴侶 分手複合 詳細愛情 事業: 工作運程 認識自我 合夥情況 事業決策運勢: 全年運勢財運運程 投資抉擇 事情發展與您的朋友和家人在Twitter,Facebook,Instagram或Whatsapp上分享。他們一定會非常感激你的:)如果你需要我們的應用程式,記得給我們留言和評分。這些鼓勵會讓我們繼續進步和發展。非常謝謝你的使用,希望你會喜歡它!
紫微算命-紫微斗數生辰八字算運勢 紫微占星 星盤占卜 1.3.5
Ziwei fortune-telling master integrates the numerology of Chinesezodiac and Fengshui to help you grasp the fortune of the fleetingyears! Want to have high wealth, get a promotion and raise yoursalary, and have a smooth emotion? The most professionaltraditional fortune-telling application Ziwei Doushufortune-telling master will provide you with numerology guidanceone by one!
Chinese Lunar Calendar 1.8.9
Chinese Calendar: Lunar Calendar Converter,AuspiciousDays,Holidays,Zodiac Years
八字合婚-八字算命,生辰八字姻緣配對,合八字 3.5.0
Enter your partner’s birthday, use the time of birth to performZiwei marriage and Bazi analysis, assess the depth of fate, predictthe development of your marriage and love, answer your concernsabout pre- and post-marriage, help you choose the right person, andtell you after marriage Ways to maintain happiness.
風水算命-羅盤指南針 辦公室家居風水 招財旺桃花 1.4.7
Feng Shui fortune-telling application for masters in the Chinesezodiac: The Book of Changes, Feng Shui Tarot, the work offortune-telling, fortune-telling, and fortune telling.
紫微批命-八字算命紫微運勢大師 1.0.3
Ziwei Doushu: A tool app based on a person’s birth date andcombined with the principle of Ziwei Doushu.
姓名算命-姓名筆劃吉凶查詢姓名學名字分析生肖姓名五行八字配對 1.0.2