Top 2 Apps Similar to Lightning Distance Calculator

Lightning 1.11
Mark Anacker
The original Android Lightning distance calculator. Pressthetopbutton when you see the flash, press the bottom one whenyouhearthe thunder. The distance is shown in Miles and KM, up to20Miles.If you like, you can also start and stop the timer withtheCamerabutton, trackball, or D-Pad. Fun and educational, it'salsousefulfor outdoor activities where lightning may be a hazard(handyforlifeguards, referees, playground helpers, etc.).Notrecommendedfor artillery spotting... Suggestions welcome -pleaseemail me.This App will never contain annoying ads - ever!****SECURITYNOTICE **** Lightning uses the following permissionsONLY:StorageModify/delete SD card contents. Not that it really*does*anythingwith the SD card... System tools Prevent phonefromsleeping Phonecalls Read phone state and identity The last oneis aresult ofbuilding for Android 1.6 compatibility - Lightningdoes*NOT*actually access the phone information in any way.
Lightning Calculator Free 2.4
This is the free version of Lightning Calculator. Itincludesad's,and all permissions are related to the ad-module. Thepaidforversion has no ad's. This program calculate thedistancebetweenyou and the lightning by using an easy to useinterface. Itwillshow the distanse in meter or feet, and a historyof the 5lastdistances will give you an indication of the movementofthelightning. Science of Lightning: Lightning isanatmosphericelectrostatic discharge (spark) accompanied bythunder,whichtypically occurs during thunderstorms,and sometimesduringvolcaniceruptions or dust storms. From this dischargeofatmosphericelectricity, a leader of a bolt of lightning cantravelat speedsof 220,000 km/h (140,000 mph), and canreachtemperaturesapproaching 30,000 °C (54,000 °F), hot enough tofusesilica sandinto glass channels known as fulgurites whicharenormally hollowand can extend some distance into the ground.Thereare some 16million lightning storms in the world everyyear.Lightning causesionisation in the air through which ittravels,leading to theformation of nitric oxide and ultimately,nitricacid, of benefitto plant life below. Lightning can alsooccurwithin the ash cloudsfrom volcanic eruptions, or can be causedbyviolent forest fireswhich generate sufficient dust to createastatic charge. Howlightning initially forms is still a matterofdebate: Scientistshave studied root causes ranging fromatmosphericperturbations(wind, humidity, friction, and atmosphericpressure)to the impactof solar wind and accumulation of chargedsolarparticles. Iceinside a cloud is thought to be a key elementinlightningdevelopment, and may cause a forcible separationofpositive andnegative charges within the cloud, thus assistinginthe formationof lightning. The irrational fear of lightning(andthunder) isastraphobia. The study or science of lightningiscalledfulminology, and someone who studies lightning is referredtoas afulminologist.