Top 50 Apps Similar to 懒饭

下厨房-美食菜谱 8.8.4
Chinese recipes and more comprehensive, more populargourmetcommunity
SelfieCity—High-Quality Selfies for Everyone
开眼 7.5.11
「开眼 Eyepetizer」是一款汇聚全球优质短视频APP,每日精挑细选优质高清短视频,为你奉上惊艳的视觉盛宴,让你大开眼界。应用内汇聚了旅行运动、创意广告、生活集锦、科普干货等新鲜有趣的视频,给你视觉上的惊艳和了解世界的新方式。「每日精选推荐」每日人工精选出有趣高清短视频和社区用户图片视频创作,看到这个世界此时此刻精彩的瞬间记录和奇思妙想的创意内容。「分享美好瞬间」人人都是创作者,无论是摄影创作、旅行记录、生活集锦、美食探店,向世界展示你眼中理想的生活「发现潮流文化」寻找运动、美食、游戏、旅行、创意等各个领域的新鲜达人和创作,发现志同道合的朋友与明星作者---------------------开眼社区定期还会组织各种新奇有趣的特别活动「开眼周末计划」开眼每周会提供线下精致生活指南专题,帮助对生活、审美有追求的年轻人丰富周末时光。从衣食住行到吃喝玩乐,全方位的玩法等你来探索。「开眼观影团」定期组织用户免费观看电影,目前观影团已经组织「未择之路」、「蚁人2」、「碟中谍6」、「无双」、「影」、「毒液」等线下观影活动,参与社区热门话题,更多机会免费领取「IMAX」电影票看大片。「开眼探险团」开眼会不定期组织一些高品质的户外探险活动,带领大家走出去,大开眼界,目前已经策划组织过「开眼带你去北极」、「开眼带你去南极」等高品质的活动---------------------如果你在使用「开眼 Eyepetizer」时,有任何意见或建议,欢迎通过以下方式联系我们:1. 开眼 Eyepetizer客户端:打开「我的」进入「意见反馈」,填写并提交您的意见 2.关注微信公众号并留言:开眼Eyepetizer 3.关注新浪微博并发送私信:开眼视频官微 如果其他事务的想法和需求,也欢迎联系我们:- 商务合作:[email protected] -加入开眼:[email protected]
形色 - 拍照識花識別植物 3.14.2
Glority LLC
•拍照識花:1秒就能知道植物的名字和故事 •分享美圖:一鍵生成有詩詞花語的植物美圖•花語壁紙:精美壁紙天天上新,玩出新花樣•植物養護:園藝專家每週發文教你養花種草 •科學教育:百萬爸媽與中小學教師共同推薦===你是否也有過以下疑問===【這是什麼花?能吃嗎?】 •看到路邊的花花草草,卻不知道名字?•形色一拍,1秒就能知道植物的名字和故事•生成有花語、有詩詞的植物美圖,曬到朋友圈 •寓教於樂,讓孩子識植物、懂詩詞、愛養護【精美的植物壁紙哪裡找?不會養花怎麼辦?】•植物美圖配上心情文字,每天下載新壁紙•與園藝專家交流養花心得,秒變養花大神形色,一個清新獨立的應用,獲得各大平臺的推薦,榮獲各種榮譽和千萬用戶的喜歡。======形色十分適合這些人======形色非常適合植物愛好者、孩子家長、中小學教師、植物相關專業學生及教師、園林工作者、花藝愛好者、旅遊愛好者、攝影愛好者、文藝小青年以及任何熱愛生活的人。======感謝合作夥伴的支援======中國自然標本館CFH、中科院植物研究所、上海辰山植物園======我們期待你的聲音======對於形色的任何建議,歡迎隨時聯繫我們。形色郵箱:[email protected] 形色官方QQ群:702620650官方微博:@形色App官方微信:@形色識花(XSapp007) 產品建議:xingseapp001產品吐槽:liuxiaoliu7商務合作:xingseapp001
即刻 7.31.1
Interested community
小红书 - 你的生活指南 7.65.9
The life experience of 200million people is in Xiaohongshu.
微博 13.11.3
Follow celebrity hotspots, learn about news, watch livevideobroadcasts, and discover new things anytime, anywhere
中医中药 4.2.1
A professional and practical Chinese medicine applicationsoftwarethat introduces more than 500 Chinese herbal medicines indetailand provides convenient interactive query functions
Wuta Camera - Nice Shot Always
Exquisite · Natural · Clear
Snapdish Food Camera & Recipes 6.1.2
Edit & AI scores food photos to look delicious! Food&recipe SNS for foodie.
CHNM 1.21.1
CHNM is a comprehensive platform for domestic and overseas Chinese.
漫客棧-二次元超快看漫畫 3.3.1
Jane 3.8.5
Beauty Inc
Photo and Video Collage Maker
Chinese Medicine Life 1.10
This software is designed to facilitate the need to query theusersof traditional Chinese medicine. The most content of softwarecomesfrom the Internet, books, and Chinese medicine practitioners,allcontent just for reference only; If the disease-relatedissuesplease contact the nearest to seek Chinese medicinepractitionersfor medical treatment, please do not to delay thedisease. Thestarting point of this software is not purelyprofit-makingpurposes, and the software from advertising revenuewill be donatedto charitable organizations. The exchange foradvertising revenuereceipts will from time to time posted on thewebsite, thanks foryour selfless sponsorship. If you have furthercooperation needsplease contact us by [email protected] Website: ReferenceSource:
Hearty Journal - Diary, Notes 2.4.0
Securely record your thoughts, feelings, ideas and private moments.
微信读书 7.3.0
Good books for free reading, no advertising experience!
4U 23.6.0
Master the latest fashion accessories, no matter what styleoroccasion, you can always feel confident when you wear it!
語錄迷 - 每日金句,激勵人心,助您成長 2.0.5
Gopub Inc
甜蜜約定 2sweet 時尚飾品專賣店 23.6.0
專為手機族提供的隨身購物商店 手機/平板可以同步蒐藏&購物 精緻商品,展現自己的風格HelloKitty台灣區銀飾/鋼飾獨家販售
新浪新闻 7.92.3
The fastest and most accurate information platform mobile Chinese
微头条 - 新闻快讯, 探店分享, 商家点评 2.2.37
Wei Toutiao - Personalized local news alerts, storeexplorationsharing, business reviews, Chinese radio stations,eating, drinkingand having fun, second-hand sales, businessreviews, yellow pagesservice, group sharing and group chat,recommended reading platformfor discount information of merchantsand supermarkets.
Poze: Posing Camera 2.2.15
Pose Guides, Instagram Spots
7CPLAY (傾心陪玩) 2.0.9
Let you play games without getting tired
Dianping 10.56.20
Android application for
Lily novel, Lala les enjoy reading, female originalonlineliterature base
京东 11.8.0
Live up to every love
Foodie - Filter & Film Camera 5.3.2
Foodie is a camera app specialized for food, scenery, and selfies.
POPBEE 2.4.19
Download the POPBEE App to get the best of the web magazine onyoursmartphone.
April - Camera360 cute Layout 2.6.2
Pastel Color Layout, Pics Collage, Photo Filter, Tile StickersandPoster Maker
漂亮小媽咪 2.81.0
Pretty Little Mommy, Mami stylish and comfortable outfit!Newon-week, high texture to create Famous clothing, piercingyourfashion sense
HealthMe 食療快查 9.3a
Joe SC Wong
Food as therapy - What kind of food can benefit your health?
Easy to understand the star social dynamic information, stardynamicmaster
Sina Weibo International Edition, Discover! Hot new stuff atyourfingertips.
小红Mall: The Mall for More H4.0.13
Japanese and Korean cosmetics, beauty appliances, healthenzymes,daily use for mothers and babies, Japanese and Koreancontactlenses, delicious snacks... Four major warehouses in theUnitedStates, Canada and Japan, Japan warehouse express duty-free
雨扬珍品YuYoung 23.6.0
中医针灸 4.2.1
A professional and practical applications of acupuncture,includingthe introduction of over four hundred points, providingaconvenient search function
中餐西餐菜譜大全 2.5.1
Delicious homemade food, all in Chinese Western recipes Daquan
Codibook - Online Fashion 5.9.1
Korean Fashion Trend Expert - Codibook
Concise Calendar 1.0.30
Very small calendar APP with Gregorian calendar, lunar calendarandholidays
取名解名-姓名算命 命名起名改名字大全 名字八字算命打分 生 5.4.6
[Name and Resolve] Two major functions: 1. According to thebaby’sbirth date and surname, match the baby with auspicious andwishfulnames; 2. According to the birth date provided by the user,theuser’s name will be scored and the user’s name will bechanged.Suggest!
zSMTH水木社区(水木清华BBS)客户端 22.04.25
Zhengfa Dang
Mizuki Community (Tsinghua BBS) ad-free Open Source Android Client
豆瓣阅读 5.37.3
第三届长篇拉力赛火热进行中 尼卡《云胡不喜》精修版独家连载中 豆瓣,你的书影音世界。豆瓣阅读,你的小说世界。豆瓣阅读是豆瓣旗下的优质类型小说平台。我们主打悬疑、女性、幻想、文艺、历史等类型,强调文学性和流行性的结合,打造「看的时候停不下来,看过之后回味再三」的精品小说。豆瓣阅读是一个活跃的创作者与读者交流的社区。在这里,可以与更多豆瓣好友进行深入的讨论与交流。对喜欢的作品和作者,可以关注、订阅、评论、送花。在豆瓣阅读里,你可以——读到优质小说 • 悬疑、女性、幻想、文艺、历史五大频道,拥有豆瓣评分 8.0以上的优质小说,经过豆瓣读者数据检验。 •绝对原创,每月新作 9000+,超过半数作品免费阅读。来自当下最优秀的青年创作者。 • 近10万种经过精细排版的正版电子图书,包括中信、读客、果麦、磨铁等多家著名出版社。 订阅作者长篇连载•订阅:专栏和连载有更新,第一时间提醒。 • 送花:给你爱的作品送花,帮助它成为花神。•批注:可以对书中的任何一个细节进行批注。豆瓣阅读每月新增批注 60000+,读到书友们令人叫绝的批注,是使用豆瓣阅读特有的乐趣。•评论:在豆瓣阅读评论,可以得到作者第一时间的回复。豆瓣阅读每月新增评论15000+,作者与读者之间碰撞出的思维火花,和小说本身一样好看。•赠书:支持送书给朋友,可一对一赠送,也可以一次购买多本送给多个朋友,还可以写赠言。 找到你想读的电子书•按热门程度、按更新字数、按好评程度……各种榜单实时更新,帮助选出最好看的作品。•按作品分类、按价格区间、按热门程度、按发表时间……多种作品筛选和排序方法,帮助选出最想看的作品。•个性化小说推荐,猜中你的喜好;编辑精选主题书单,提供最专业的选书视角。 享受细腻的阅读体验•精致的书籍内容排版,最优美的细节呈现,支持在阅读中批注、划线、添加书签,免费试读所有作品,可下载作品到本地,随时离线阅读。•已购作品、阅读进度、书签、笔记等可在多个设备间实时同步。 成为作者,来写作和发表第一部作品•开放写作平台:原创作品自出版平台,开放接受投稿(请在电脑上访问,为作品提供在线售卖、运营和推广服务。•版权运营:为作品提供可信赖的版权运营服务,包括影视改编、纸书出版等版权业务。已有多部原创作品成功售出影视改编权,涵盖女性、职场、都市、悬疑、幻想等多个题材。已经将近百本纸质书陆续出版。•征文大赛:连续主办六届的大型赛事,分组别竞赛,职场爱情、生活悬疑、幻想小说、文艺小说等每组都选出青年获奖作者。已经成为国内青年作者最重要的出道比赛。更多精彩•精彩原创:《装腔启示录》、《雪盲》、《双宿时代》、《天下刀宗》、《小敏家》、《贤媛》、《滚尘》、《美人余》、《她和她的群岛》、《盘锦豹子》、《欢迎光临兔子直播间》、《这里没有善男信女》、《孤独实验室》、《找到她》、《差一点少女》、《海葵》。•畅销佳作:《月亮与六便士》、《流浪地球》、《哈利波特》、《拉普拉斯的魔女》、《无人生还》、《飘》、《基督山伯爵》、《危险的维纳斯》、《活着》、《古董局中局》、《原来你也在这里》。•好评作者:东野圭吾、J·K·罗琳、刘慈欣、阿加莎·克里斯蒂、马伯庸、紫金陈、顾漫、八月长安、阿耐、刘玥、叶小辛、易难、翼走、双翅目、郭沛文、伊北、王平常。•言情、女性、悬疑、推理、科幻、幻想、青春、都市、文艺等众多分类书籍等你发现。 联系我们电子邮箱:[email protected]新浪微博:@豆瓣阅读 微信公众号:豆瓣阅读 客服渠道:豆瓣阅读微信服务号 – 我的 –我的反馈官方网站:https://read.douban.com使用条款会员订阅服务协议:自动续费协议:豆瓣隐私条款:
iDaily · 每日环球视野 0.2.7
Clover Team
3000px ultra-clear visual experience
小說閱讀器-掌讀熱門小說,TXT閱讀器,電子書閱讀器,小說閱 1.2.6
There are so many good-looking novels, a selection of millionsofhigh-quality novels, enjoy reading, never lack of books. Readthemost popular novels on the whole network anytime, anywhere
Chinese Lunar Calendar 1.8.9
Chinese Calendar: Lunar CalendarConverter,AuspiciousDays,Holidays,Zodiac Years
Makaron 4.6.6
Versa, Inc.
Every tiny idea deserves respect. You will create afantasticworldby Makaron directly. Being funny and interesting,Makaronisattracting more and more creators. Join us on facebookmainpageMakaron or chatgroup:, ourInstagram[makaronapp] is waiting for you. Let'sdo somethingdifferent andunique! What makes Makaron special?Instant AI imageediting that isfree and easy to use! 2018 App ofthe Year fromApple! [Pick outpeoples instantly] Makaron's AIsystem automaticallyfigures out theperson. This allows you toedit the subjects andbackgroundindividually or the photo as awhole. [Delete &Auto-Heal] TheDelete and Auto-Heal toolsenable you to automaticallyandseamlessly move and remove anyindividual or object in animage.Goodbye strangers andphoto-bombers! [Change Background]Makaron'simage editing softwareallows you to easily change thebackground ofa photo. You can alsoinstantly stylize the image,create movingstickers, and even addmusic. [Auto-adapt] Afterediting, the Blendtool allows you toinstantly match your image'ssubject to yourbackground You canalso fine-tune the Blend tool byadjusting imageseparationoutlines and editing tone and exposure tocreate theperfect image.[Variety Filters] Makaron has dozens of newfiltersand effectfeatures available that are regularly updated. Youcanalso chooseto individually filter any specific subject in theimageor thewhole image. You can even createdifferentthree-dimensionalperspectives using the available filters.[Growyour Sticker Album]Save any person or object from your imagesas areusable sticker inyour sticker album. [Render Images intoDSLRQuality] Use the Blurtool to increase the quality of allyourphotos. [Recreate Imagesas paintings] Recreate your imagewithpainting styles such asImpressionism, Expressionism, Cubism,andmore! Find yourselffloating in a Van Gogh painting! ContactusBusinesscooperation:[email protected]:www.versa-ai.comFacebook:
别样海外购 - 海淘奢品专柜直达
BorderX Lab