Top 10 Apps Similar to 432Hz Meditation

Playing and listening to music that hasbeentuned to 432Hz would make your body, and the organicworldwhichsurrounds it, resonate in a natural way. This would fill you withasense of peace and well-being.Listening to 432Hz music resonates inside your body,releasesemotional blockages, and expandsconsciousness. 432Hz music allows you to tune into the knowledgeofthe universe around us in a more intuitiveway.The application contains 3 original ambient tracks composedin432Hz tuning. The effects of this frequencycombined with the healthy and relaxing effects of ambient musicwillreduce anxiety and stress, improve yoursleep quality, promote a sense of well-being and happiness.Please use headphones in a quiet and silent place.
432 Hz Healing Alchemy 0.0.2
Neven Sakotic
Branislav Micić’s composition "Wisdom oftheheart" tuned to 432 Hz carries within it a specificfrequenciesthat has a beneficial effect on the entire body and theenergyfield on multiple levels. He uses the "forgotten" frequenciesthatare not heard in the classical 'western scale' mode ofinstrumenttuning, and for this reason they cannot be heard in themusic weusually listen to. These A=432 Hz tuning frequencies aresomewherebetween the usual gamut of tones that we use, where thetone A istuned at 440Hz.Music tuned In A=432Hz pitch is a Secret of the Universe'If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in termsofenergy, frequency and vibration.' ― Nikola TeslaA=432Hz is a Heavenly Tune! Watch Count On Me 432Hz -BrunoMars43,200 MPH = 12 miles per second is the Speed of the Sun {hencethesolar system}43,200 Seconds = 12 hours of the Day43,200 Seconds = 12 hours of the Night432 Squared (432x432) = 186,624 (Speed of Light 186,000 milespersecond)432 Multiplied by 2 (432x2) = 864864 Thousand Miles = Diameter of the Sun (actually864,938miles)432 Thousand Miles = Radius of the Sun (actually432,450miles)432 Divided by 2 (432/2) = 216216 Hundred Miles = Radius of the Moon@ethos432Hz“Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.” ―AlbertEinsteinBranislav Micić is master of drama and audiovisual arts.Hegraduaded at Academy of Arts in Novi Sad where he lecture“Musictechnology” and "Electronic music" on composition department.CEOat private recording studio SUPERSONIC. His area ofexpertiseinclude CD mastering, postproduction for film, cartoonsand moviedubbing and voiceovers, composing, arranging, musicproduction,location recordings... He has extensive knowledge ofApplecomputers, Logic Pro X and Pro Tools software and hardware.Duringlast six years he studied how sound and particularfrequenciesaffects human body and mind. In 2013. and 2014. hereleased twoCD-s named “Music of the Spheres” and “Forest Wisdom”with special432 Hz tuning sutable for sound healing, relaxing,meditation andDNA repair and awakening. You can find moreinformations and hearhis music at
Chakra Recharge 1.0.3
Activate your pineal gland (organ) andthirdeye (chakra) with the frequencies contained within this freeapp.Featuring the 15-minute pineal gland activationfrequencyprogrammed to the exact tone at which a healthy pinealglandfunctions. This activates the organ if stagnant andwillrehabilitate a malnourished pineal gland.Also featured in this app is the third eye guidedmeditation.Once you have listened to the pineal gland activationfrequency,opening your third eye guided meditation will gentlyawaken thethird eye chakra.This 11 minute guided meditation will magnify your thirdeyechakra and regain a healthy exchange of chi at thischakracenter.Headphones are required to hear the tones and frequenciesusedthroughout this app.With Love,Shane Burke - Founder -
Vital Tones Ajna Chakra 1.4
Vital Tones Ajna Chakra is abrainwavetherapyfor activating Ajna Chakra.The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to wheel ordisk.Inyoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, this term refers to wheelsofenergythroughout the body. There are seven main chakras,whichalign thespine, starting from the base of the spine throughto thecrown ofthe head. To visualize a chakra in the body, imagineaswirling wheelof energy where matter and consciousness meet.Thisinvisible energy,called Prana, is vital life force, whichkeeps usvibrant, healthy,and alive.Ajna, is known as the third eye chakra and is linked tothepinealgland which may inform a model of its envisioning.Thepineal glandis a light sensitive gland that produces thehormonemelatonin whichregulates sleep and waking up, and isalsopostulated to be theproduction site of thepsychedelicdimethyltryptamine, the only knownhallucinogenendogenous to thehuman body. Ajna's key issues involvebalancingthe higher andlower selves and trusting inner guidance.Ajna'sinner aspectrelates to the access of intuition. Mentally,Ajnadeals withvisual consciousness. Emotionally, Ajna dealswithclarity on anintuitive level.Vital Tones Ajna Chakra consist of 2 sessions.Both sessions are 22 minutes long.Every session is customized and stimulates different partsofthebrain.The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1session(limited)to demonstrate and proof our technology works. Fora fulltreatmentyou need to purchase our Pro version!Enjoy your explorations.
Manifestatie Meditatie 3.2
Opsomming voordelen vandezeMidbrainManifestatie Meditatie:- Snelle meditatie voor ontspanning- Helpt iets wat u wilt manifest te maken- Speciale binaural achtergrond muziek voor diepe ontspanning- Helpt de hersenen te stimuleren + ontspannen- Deze meditatie activeert uw midbrain (middenhersenen)- Gedachten worden steeds sneller manifestbijregelmatiggebruik- Al resulaat na 1x meditatie binnen enkele dagen/weken.- Regelmatig gebruik activeert wonder vermogenszoalsgenezen,voorspellen, alwetendheid, etcMidbrain Manifestatie Meditatie is een meditatie diegebruikmaaktvan een speciale mantra om iets wat u wilt in hetlevenmanifest temaken. Dit is gebaseerd op eeuwen oude kennis vandeyogis. Veelmensen gebruiken deze technieken tegenwoordig metveelsucces. Dezemeditatie heeft als bijkomend voordeel dat uwmidbrain(middenhersenen) geactiveerd word. Dit heeft een blijvendeffect.Hetmidbrain word ook wel de psychic brain genoemd of ookwelGodbrain.Uw midbrain activeren helpt dan ook om wonderen tekunnendoen.Hoe vaker u deze meditatie doet, hoe meer uwmidbraingeactiveerdword en hoe sneller uw gedachten (vanuit uwmidbrain)manifestzullen worden!Dit is feitelijk de enige mediatie die u nodig heeft omuwmidbrainte activeren. In deze meditatie focussen we ook op ietswatwemanifest willen maken in ons leven.Dit is een hele krachtige methode om dingen naar onstoetetrekken en onze intuitie te vergroten. Op wonderlijkewijzezullenineens dingen gebeuren of de juiste mensen op ons padkomenom zodatgene wat we willen uit te laten komen en werkeijkheidtelatenworden. In feite word u weer één met het Goddelijke in uenkunt ualles weten wat er te weten valt en wonderen vangenezingdoenetc.Deze meditate geeft daarnaast ook de algemenevoordelenvanmeditatie. Zo zult u meer ontspannen worden en heefthetpositieveinvloed op uw lichaam. Uw denken word helderder. Uvoelt ubeter enheeft meer energie.Als achtergrond muziek word gebruik gemaaktvanspecialezogenaamde "binaural klanken", die uw hersenenstimulerenen totontspanning brengen om zo het effect van demeditatieteversterken.Tags voor zoektermen:meditatie, meditation, mantra meditatie, mantrameditation,manifestmeditatie, midbrain meditatie, ontspanning,hersenenactiveren,pineal gland activeren, hersen activatie, pinealglandactivatie,gedachtenmanifestatie, gedachten kracht, mind power,ohmmeditatie,ohm mediation, ahh meditatie, ahh meditation,liefdevinden,voorspellen, alwetendheid, goddelijkSummary benefitsofthesemidbrain Manifestation Meditation:- Fast meditation for relaxation- Helps something you want to manifest- Special binaural background music for deep relaxation- Helps stimulate the brains relax +- This meditation activates your midbrain (center brains)- Thoughts are getting faster manifesto with regular use- All by applying after 1x meditation within a fewdays/weeks.- Regular use activates miracle powers ofhealing,predict,omniscience, etc.Midbrain Manifestation Meditation is a meditation that usesaspecialmantra to something you want to manifest in life. Thisisbased oncenturies-old knowledge of the yogis. Many peopleusethesetechniques today with much success. This meditation hastheaddedadvantage that your midbrain (center brains) isactivated.This has alasting effect. The midbrain also become thepsychicbrain or alsocalled God brain.Activate your midbrain also helps to be able to domiracles.Themore you do this meditation, the more your midbrainisactivatedand the faster your thoughts (from yourmidbrain)manifesto willbe!This is actually the only mediation that you need toactivateyourmidbrain. In this meditation, we focus on something wewanttomanifest in our lives.This is a very powerful method to attract things tousandincrease our intuition. Miraculously suddenly things willhappenifthe right people come our way as to what we want to havecomeoutand let be adaptability of work. In fact, you become onewiththeDivine in you, and you know everything there is to knowanddomiracles of healing etc.This meditate also displays the overall benefits ofmeditation.Soyou will be more relaxed and have a positive impacton yourbody.Your thinking become clearer. You will feel better andhavemoreenergy.Background music is made using special called"binauralsounds"that stimulate your brains and to bring relaxationin ordertostrengthen the effect of meditation.Tags for search terms:meditation, meditation, mantra meditation,mantrameditation,manifesting meditation, midbrain meditation,relaxation,activatebrains, activate pineal gland, brain activation,pinealglandactivation, thought manifestation, mind power, mindpower,ohmmeditation, ohm mediation ahh meditation, ahhmeditation,findlove, predict, omniscience, divine
Vital Tones Homeostasis Pro 1.7
Vital Tones Ltd
Vital Tones Homeostasis is a powerfulbrainwavesound therapy to improve and maintain the state of thebody’sphysiological, endocrine and biochemical parameters.The human body manages a multitude of highly complex interactionstomaintain balance or return systems to functioning within anormalrange. These interactions within the body facilitatecompensatorychanges supportive of physical and psychologicalfunctioning. Thisprocess is essential to the survival of theperson and to ourspecies. The liver, the kidneys, and the brain(hypothalamus, theautonomic nervous system and the endocrinesystem) help maintainhomeostasis.Aging is primarily caused by a progressive loss ofreceptorsensitivity of the hypothalamus (and related structures inthebrain) to negative feedback inhibition. While this lossofsensitivity is essential for normal growth and development, itisalso the cause of post-maturational diseases, aginganddeath.The hypothalamus is the body’s primary organ ofhomeostasis,responsible for maintaining the equilibrium of mostbiologicalprocesses within a fairly narrow range.Releasing factors (small protein-like molecules) secreted fromthehypothalamus initiate hormonal changes in the pituitary(formerlyconsidered “the master gland”). These secretions keepinternaltemperature, blood pressure, thirst, hunger, sexualappetites,chemical and water balances, menstrual cycles andnumerous otheractivities functioning normally.The hormones released from the hypothalamus, in turn, causethepituitary gland to release stimulating hormones. Thesestimulatinghormones cause the peripheral endocrine glands (thyroid,adrenals,ovaries and testes) to secrete “their” hormones(thyroxine,cortisone, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, toname afew).Recent research indicates that the hypothalamus is itselfinfluencedby another structure in the brain known as the pinealgland. Thepineal gland is responsible for the regular cyclicalfunctioning ofthe entire neuroendocrine system, most notably our24-hoursleep-wake cycle, as well as many otherchronobiologicalfunctions.Vital Tones Homeostasis consist of 3 different sessions.Session 1 and 3 is 24 minutes.Session 2 is 23 minutes.All sessions are needed to have a complete treatment!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphoneswith Left and Right placed correctly !Enjoy your explorations.
Pineal Gland Activation Plus 1.4
bluemonkey apps
How to activate the pineal gland.ThePinealGland often refereed to as "The Third Eye", is asmallyetpowerful, pine cone shaped gland in the centre of thebrain.Ahealthy pineal gland is essential for physical,mentalandspiritual health. Due to poor diet, exposure to toxins,stressandmodern lifestyle choices, the pineal glandbecomeshardened,calcified and shuts down. Download this app to helpawakenyourPineal Gland from its slumber and unlock its mysticalpowers.This is a content rich upgrade on the original freepinealglandactivation app.Plus Version Features:- 11 extra activation methods!- no ads- less permissionsAs well as original free app Features:- Pineal gland info- Progress Tracker- Diet and eating tips to support a healthy pineal gland- What to avoid if you want a healthy pineal gland- a list of foods to eat that will help unlockyourpinealgland- recommended supplements for pineal gland detox- Pineal gland activation program- Calender to log steps to de-calcification- over 70+ mind expanding videos to supplement your awakening
Solar Alchemy 432 Hz 0.0.5
App factory2
This App is right what you need torelaxandenjoy and feel relaxing vibrationsYou will feel lightly vibrations and sound of specialfrequencyandfeel relaxingComposition "Ozone 432 Hz" used in this app is tuned to 432Hzandcarries within it a specific frequencies that hasabeneficialeffect on the entire body and the energy fieldonmultiple levels.We uses the "forgotten" frequencies that arenotheard in theclassical 'western scale' mode of instrumenttuning,and for thisreason they cannot be heard in the music weusuallylisten to.These A=432 Hz tuning frequencies are somewherebetweenthe usualgamut of tones that we use, where the tone A istuned at440Hz.The effectiveness of the sound increases if, whilelisteningtoit, we focus our awareness to the region of the Solarplexus,belowthe diaphragm.Instructions:Instruction while listening: relax and concentrateawarenesstothe region of the Solar plexus. Take a couple of deepbreaths,thengently go into relaxed breathing and let the soundguide you.Youcan also repeat this affirmations:I can do whatever I will to do.I honor the power within me.I accomplish tasks easily and effortlessly.In a smooth and healthy way, I release allunresolvedemotions.I claim my personal power.This center is found at our stomach level, just locatedbelowtheHeart. It is connected to the element of Fire and all thatwemustdo or not do. It is our “Right to Act”. Our main issuesforthisChakra are Power and Energy. The goals is that ofvitality,strengthof will, sense of purpose, and our effectiveness.If itismalfunctioning you may be experiencing,ulcers,timidity,domination, fatigue, digestive problems, authorityissues,andfears of doing or not doing. When the solar plexus isopen,youhave found your unique gift, the work that gives youpleasureandmakes you feel fulfilled. One way to find your gift istoconsiderwhat you most enjoyed doing when you were a child,thiswill giveyou clues about your natural inclinations.
Soul Star Cleansing 432Hz 1.00
The existence of the Eighth Chakra goes unnoticed by many, but isofcentral importance to the wellbeing of our minds andphysicalbodies. It is linked to all of the other seven chakras on averyprofound level. The 8th Chakra, also known as “Aura Chakra”,theseat of the soul, is associated with enlightenment andascension.It is located above our bodies, unlike all of the otherprimarychakras, which reside inside. To balance this very specialchakra,we created Soul StarCleansing, an App that will allow you toplay a423Hz tone that will help you clear this energy centerwhilemeditating on it. This binaural isochronic tone can be madeevenmore pleasant thanks to the 8 relaxing songs you can play inthebackground. The first one is free, while the others canbedownloaded in the premium version. The titles of the tracks inourplaylist are as follows, and can be used to heal your soul:1.Muladhara (Root Chakra) 2. Svadisthana (Sacral Chakra) 3.Manipura(Solar Plexus Chakra) 4. Anahata (Heart Chakra) 5. Visuddha(ThroatChakra) 6. Ajna (Third Eye Chakra) 7. Sahasrara (CrownChakra) 8.Padaka (Soul Star Chakra) To improve your experience, weadded atimer to control exactly how long you will meditate. You canunlockit in the premium version, and set precisely how long tolisten toour music to relax. We highly recommend you to useheadphones whiledoing so, as it will heighten your soothing musicand binauralbeats meditation effect. Once you have succeeded inaligning andhealing all of your chakras, you will be able to healyour soul andyour mind. Remember to use the correct mantra chantingwhenmeditating on each energy center to make your meditationmorepowerful. We hope you can improve your moments of harmonyandserenity through this app. May it help you find peace andwellbeingthrough your chakras. For any suggestions, problems orrequests,please contact us at [email protected]
432 Hz Solar Alchemy 0.0.2
Neven Sakotic
432 Hz Solar Alchemy appComposition "Ozone 432 Hz" used in this app is tuned to 432Hzand carries within it a specific frequencies that has abeneficialeffect on the entire body and the energy field onmultiple levels.We uses the "forgotten" frequencies that are notheard in theclassical 'western scale' mode of instrument tuning,and for thisreason they cannot be heard in the music we usuallylisten to.These A=432 Hz tuning frequencies are somewhere betweenthe usualgamut of tones that we use, where the tone A is tuned at440Hz.The effectiveness of the sound increases if, while listeningtoit, we focus our awareness to the region of the Solar plexus,belowthe diaphragm.Instruction while listening: relax and concentrate awarenesstothe region of the Solar plexus. Take a couple of deep breaths,thengently go into relaxed breathing and let the sound guide you.Youcan also repeat this affirmations:I can do whatever I will to do.I honor the power within me.I accomplish tasks easily and effortlessly.In a smooth and healthy way, I release allunresolvedemotions.I claim my personal power.This center is found at our stomach level, just located belowtheHeart.  It is connected to the element of Fire and allthat wemust do or not do. It is our “Right to Act”. Our mainissues forthis Chakra are Power and Energy.  The goals isthat ofvitality, strength of will, sense of purpose, andoureffectiveness.  If it is malfunctioning you maybeexperiencing, ulcers, timidity, domination, fatigue,digestiveproblems, authority issues, and fears of doing or notdoing. Whenthe solar plexus is open, you have found your uniquegift, the workthat gives you pleasure and makes you feel fulfilled.One way tofind your gift is to consider what you most enjoyed doingwhen youwere a child, this will give you clues about yournaturalinclinations.Consciousness: Parts of the consciousness associated withthischakra include perceptions concerned with power, control,freedom,the ease with which one is able to be themselves – ease ofbeing.Mental activity and the mental body is also associated withthischakra. The solar plexus chakra is also associated with thelevelof being we call the personality, or ego.The relationship a person has with fire, or the sun, can be seentohave its parallels in the person’s relationship with the partsoftheir consciousness that this chakra represents. Someonesensitive about the sun, then, can be seen to haveparticularsensitivities about power, or control, or freedom.HEALING STRATEGY: Risk taking, grounding, emotional contact,deeprelaxation, stress control, vigorous exercise,sit-ups,psychotherapy (release or contain anger, build egostrength, workon shame issues, strengthen will).Also try our free “432 Hz Healing Alchemy” app!Music Written & Composedby Branislav Micic & Tatjana KarajanovArranged & Producedby Branislav MicicVocalby Tatjana KarajanovMixing & Masteringby Branislav MicicRecorded at Supersonic StudioNovi Sad, Serbia 2013Contact: [email protected] Neven [email protected] Micic is master of drama and audiovisual arts.Hegraduaded at Academy of Arts in Novi Sad where he lecture“Musictechnology” and "Electronic music" on composition department.CEOat private recording studio SUPERSONIC. His area ofexpertiseinclude CD mastering, postproduction for film, cartoonsand moviedubbing and voiceovers, composing, arranging, musicproduction,location recordings... During last decade he studied howsound andparticular frequencies affects human body and mind. In2013. and2014. he released two CD-s named “Music of the Spheres”and “ForestWisdom” with special 432 Hz tuning sutable for soundhealing,relaxing, meditation and DNA repairing and awakening. Youcan findmore informations and hear his music