Top 17 Apps Similar to wordoftravel: Travel Blogs & Travel Tips

Tickaroo Live Blog 4.0
The Liveblogging Tool for Covering News, Sports, & EventsinReal Time
Job Interview Coach - let’s ro 1.0
This app will help you to climb the career ladder!
Weekdone - OKR + Weekly Planning 2.2
Don't Lose Sight of Your Team's Goals Weekly Planning +QuarterlyObjectives Set structured goals to align activitiesthroughout yourorganization. Track weekly progress, providefeedback and moveeveryone in a unified direction. What is theprogress of your longterm goals? What did your team get done thisweek? Weekdone answersthat. Used from Fortune 500 teams to smallstartups for greaterteam insight. HOW IT WORKS: 1. Set quarterlygoals for company,team or person. 2. Each employee enters weeklyprogress, plans andproblems. 3. Weekdone compiles the report anddashboard. You get itvia e-mail, on the mobile, tablet and web. 4.Quickly review eachemployee's week and give valuable feedbackBENEFITS: - Increaseproductivity and manage everyone’s time andfocus better - Makebetter fact-based decisions about your team - Bedata driven, notjust gut-feeling based - Monitor each employee’scontribution -Proactively apply corrective measures and takeactions - Quicklysee when an indicator underperforms - Identifyoperationalinefficiencies - Evaluate strategic performance againstobjectives- Monitor your own performance - No more endlesssearching fromyour overloaded inbox for people’s reports OBJECTIVESAND KEYRESULTS - OKR is the leading best practice team managementandgoal-setting methodology. - It's a simple andstraightforwardmanagement tool for setting and tracking company,team and personalobjectives - It consists of a list of objectives,each tied to 3-5measurable key results - Visualize and analyzeprogress history bypretty charts WEEKLY PLANNING - The simplest andmost efficientreporting method is the PPP - Progress, Plans, andProblems - Firstof all, the past (Progress): What has been achievedalready? -Secondly, the future (Plans): What are you planning to dothisweek? - Finally, the present (Problems): What challenges haveyouencountered with your plans? INFORMATIVE DASHBOARDWeekdonedashboard graphs help you understand in seconds what’s thecompanyhealth score. See who in your team needs more attention andwhodeserves a pat on the back. Drill down to overdue items,taskcompletion ratio, happiness, problematic issues andtaskdistribution for each person. READY-MADE AND CUSTOM TEMPLATESGetstarted with best practices PPP – progress, plans, problems–reporting template used at many top companies. Choose anyotherready-made template, like Weekly Snippets, Results -Objectives -Challenges, Sales Report or Solo Productivity. Add anunlimitednumber of your own section headings or change the defaultones.MANAGERIAL FEEDBACK Employee reports are often like a blackhole.People want to know their manager is reading their reports andgetsome weekly feedback. Weekdone allows you to quickly giveweeklypersonal feedback via comments and additional questions toeachperson. HAPPINESS RATINGS Each person gets asked fortheirhappiness and job satisfaction weekly. See the results byperson,team and company. Take action whenever you see the happinessdrop.TEAM COMMUNICATION It’s easy to like and comment oneach-other’sitems, give feedback or ask additional questions.LIGHTWEIGHT TASKMANAGER Not using any todo list app yet? You canuse Weekdone as asimple task manager, listing your goals andobjectives as plans andmoving them to progress. Focus on what’simportant and get thingsdone. OTHER FEATURES: - Automaticallycompiled team and companyreports - Quick and easy to fill in form -Import items andgenerate reports from Atlassian JIRA and Asana -Submit progressvia e-mail - #hashtags to group items together astopics orprojects - E-mail reminders to never forget any deadlines- Privacysettings by teams and observer role MOBILE, TABLET, E-MAILAND WEB- Access dashboards and reports on your iPhone - Check andfill inreports on your iPad - Get beautiful e-mail reports once perweekE-mail us at [email protected] with any questions.
Tobo: Learn Indonesian Words 2.8.5
Study Indonesian language | Memorize vocabulary & phraseswithflashcards
InterNations 2.42.1
Get the InterNations app to connect with expats & globalmindswherever you are.
GetResponse Enterprise
This App was created with onlyGetResponseEnterprise customers in mind to help their businessneeds.GetResponse Enterprise helps high-volume email marketersenhanceemail campaign performance through optimizeddeliverability,customized installations, and dedicatedconsultancy.FEATURES:• Create and Send - create emails on the go or senddraftsprepared previously on your laptop or desktop. It’savailableanywhere you go, anytime you need it.• Manage List - view new subscribers instantly and searchyourdatabase in real-time. It’s the handiest way to manage yourcontactlist.• Track and Report - check your campaign performance andforwarda report by email.• Add Subscribers - add contacts by manual entry or importfromsmartphone address book.• View Subscribers - check subscriber locationsandactivities.• Web form list - view statistics for your web forms in aclear,easy-to-read list.• Enhanced landing page module - get statistics, A/Btesting,link-sharing to landing page creator, inbox preview — allin asimple, accessible display.• Click-through ratio (CTR) for links in messages -checkstatistics on links clicked in your messages.• GetResponse blog module - view GetResponse blog posts,nowavailable directly from the dashboard.Feel free to email us at [email protected] if you haveanysuggestions or ideas about the app.About GetResponse EnterpriseThe GetResponse Enterprise advanced feature set allows ustotailor a solution to meet your requirements. We will providethetools your team and your business need to boost youremailmarketing ROI.High-Volume Capabilities - The technological infrastructureisinfinitely scalable to meet your demand. You can sendunlimitedemails per day without interruption or downtime. Serversarereliable, redundant, and secure, to deliver campaigns attopspeed.Unique IP addresses - unique IP addresses to providecompletecontrol of your email reputation and emaildeliverabilityAccount Management - 24x7 priority support withguaranteedresponse times to ensure your success at every step.Youareassigned a dedicated Account Manager, who works withyouproactively to improve efficiency and performance,providingtargeted support, training, and professionalconsultingservices.Customized Technology - GetResponse has the experience youneedfor seamless custom integrations. Your IT team can integrateyouremail marketing with external applications such as shoppingcarts,transactional platforms or CRMs with GetResponse JSON-RPCAPI.Sub-Level Access - Administrator can create up to 100separateuser accounts - each with pre-definable rights for useraccess,tools, sharing, and statistics - to facilitate management ofusersaccording to skill, function, and level of responsibility.Optimized Deliverability - Your company is assigned uniqueIPaddresses to provide complete control of your emailreputation.Deliverability of your campaigns is not an issue,becauseGetResponse handles ISP monitoring, DKIM, feedbackloops,whitelabeling, and link customization.Consulting Services - As you plan and execute each elementofyour email marketing program, our ROI experts are available tohelpyou increase efficiency and deliver maximum conversions. Anonymous 1.7.0
Musing Studio
Publish your writing, no sign up needed.
Internships, Scholarships, Conferences & Events 2.1.5
OYA Inc.
Want to access various opportunities likecompetitions,awards,conferences, exchange programs,internships,entrepreneurshipevents, Model United Nations (MUNs),academicconferences, jobs,scholarships and fellowships fromdifferent partsof the world?Start using the OYA Opportunities appnow to getaccess toopportunities across the globe. If you believethatOpportunitiesis your future, you need access to somepremiumopportunities tohelp you grow and OYA Opportunities app isjustthat.************************** APPFEATURES**************************Still looking for features thatmake theOYA Opportunities app thebest place to help you findopportunitiesacross the globe? ✅AI-powered Recommendation engine tosuggest youthe opportunitiesthat are most relevant to you ✅SmartNotifications to remind youto apply just in time beforethedeadline of saved opportunity ends✅ Browse throughstudentopportunities, startup opportunities andmore ✅ Searchforopportunities as per your interest andqualification ✅Saveopportunities so that you can view them laterwith more emphasis✅Share opportunities to your friends,colleagues, or other lovedonesin the social media like Facebook,Twitter, among others. ✅Throughthe largest opportunity platform,explore the correct optionin yourlife whether it is your higherstudies in your nation orabroad,conferences all over the world,scholarships in variousfields,internships and many more. ✅ Lookfor the Latest, PopularandDeadline-approaching opportunitiesunder different categoriesWhyOYA Opportunities? Our ArtificialIntelligence poweredenginerecommends you the opportunities thatare most relevant toyou.Along with improved UI and blazing fastperformance,browsingthrough opportunities have never been easier.Moreover, oursmartnotification automatically reminds you to applyjust in timebeforethe deadline of saved opportunities end. OurStory Havingstartedour service by introducing the site‘’, we havebeenconnected to more than 3 millionopportunity seeking youth from90+different countries. We havededicated our app to theopportunityseeking youth from across theglobe in order to addresstheirincreasing trust on OYAOpportunities. OYA Opportunities Appcan bevery resourceful forthe youth who are regularly lookingforopportunities to learn,explore, and grow in the globalplatform.Our Commitment We believethat success can be achieved whenyou geta correct opportunity inthe correct time. We believe the“mantra”for success is thecombination of “Opportunity” and “Hardwork”. Wehelp you explorethe opportunities around the world and aimtooutreachopportunities that help the youths vivid theirfuture.OYAOpportunities has something for everyone and this is thereasonwhyOYA Opportunities is being loved by millionsofyouth.*********************** SAY HELLO ***********************Weareconstantly working hard on making the “OYAOpportunities”appbetter and more useful for you. Please feel freeto email usforany queries/suggestions/problems or if you just wantto sayhi.We'd love to hear from you. If you liked the app, do notforgettorate us. Also, do share this app among your friends.
Acadium 7.1.0
Marketing courses, remote apprenticeships, andfreelanceopportunities.
MyInsights 1.5.95
MyInsights, the app for qualitative market research.
UNESCO Almaty 1.2
"UNESCO Almaty" Mobile Application for young women and menfromKazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan launchedinRussian and English languages. The main target audience ofthe"UNESCO Almaty" mobile application is the latest generationofyoung women and men who are using only the Androidmobiletechnologies. The app ability to read the content at any timeinoffline mode, make it similar to a regular print magazine.Theapplication differs from the UNESCO Office website, mainly bythecontent of the menu and the way to access and store the data.Thenew navigation helping in better understanding on thecurrentprojects and priorities of UNESCO. Mobile application"UNESCOAlmaty" was the first in a series of other products thatareplanned for a mobile digital library implemented in theframeworkof the joint program "Improving the welfare and quality oflife inthe Kyzylorda region through innovative approaches todeliveringeconomic, social and environmental services to thelocalpopulation, including those most vulnerable," implemented bytheGovernment and the UN agencies in the Republic ofKazakhstan:UNESCO, UNDP, UNFPA, UN Women, UNICEF and WHO. Projectstarted inJuly 2014 till December 2016.
PLEXUSS: College/Homework Help 3.0.6
Plexuss Inc.
Find your dream college, apply to scholarships and get yourhomeworkanswered!
IHL – International Humanitari 2.0.1
International Humanitarian law
AgriZoom Congo - eCommerce an 1.0.0
E-commerce of local agricultural products and crowdfundingofprojects in Congo
Skeptic Magazine 6.16.1
Skeptic examines the extraordinary, promotes science, with asoundviewpoint
ContentStudio - Social Media M 2.8.20
Lumotive AB
Find, manage and share the best content to all socialmediaplatforms.