Top 6 Apps Similar to Robot Control

Robot Control 1.0
Control your robot with light sensors and two android devicesviabluetooth
WiFi Bot Control 1.0.5
Control your robot and view an IP Cameravideostream all over WiFi.:: 3 Joystick Modes: Default, Simple Mode andOrientationSensor:: Provides both direction and acceleration to give youcompletecontrol (default joystick).:: Configurable camera URLs (up to 3):: Configurable joystick control URL:: Read and display sensor and other data fromyourmicrocontroller.:: Supports up to 8 additional commands.:: Configurable WiFi packet interval.:: Supports most micro controller - requiresWiFimodule/capabilities.:: Sample Arduino Sketches provided (below link).:: Screen automatically re-sizes for smaller phones.:: New! WiFi Bot Control has the ability to show data passedfromyour robot/sensors.*** This version contains all the features as the Pro versionwiththe exception that it will send the same values over WiFiwhenmoving the joystick. Full functionality is available in theProversionJoystick Modes::: Default Joystick Mode:When you move the joystick, x and y coordinates representingbothspeed and direction are parsed into a URL stringandtransmitted.:: Simple Joystick Mode:In Simple Joystick mode, the joystick has 4 arrowsrepresentingForward (U), Reverse (D), Left (L) and Right (R). Whenyou tap thearrows, the respective character is parsed into avariable withinthe URL string and transmitted.:: Command Mode:You can add custom features to your robot / device withadditionalcommands by customizing the sample sketch provided. Whena Commandbutton is clicked, a value (1-8) is parsed into the URLstring andtransmitted.Instructions and further details are provided at thelinkbelow.:: High Level Requirements:1) You need a robot / device with a micro-controller. You alsoneeda motor driver and a WiFi module/shield. The samples weredevelopedusing the Adafruit CC3300 breakout module. It should alsowork withSpark Core ( or the Arduino (and other) WiFishieldswith little modification to the code.2) You must have a server (local or remote) that can host afewsmall files.3) An android phone or tablet and this application.:: How it Works:- The robot constantly polls the server and parses the jsondatafile for updated movement / command instructions- When using the joystick or command buttons in WiFi BotControl,the app will send a URL string through a web component to ausercustomizable URL defined in the app. A php file will updatethejson file with the updates motor / command instructions.TheArduino, via the WiFi module, calls on a php file to parse thejsonfile and return the values it needs. It then processes thisdata tocommand the robot.:: IP CameraThe IPCam stream is viewed through a simply web page that mustalsobe set-up. This is optional. Details below.:: Other Stuff:The orientation sensor joystick mode may not work on alldevices.Although attempts were made to have this app work on avariety ofscreen sizes, it is difficult to test all and ensure thatit willsize correctly. There may be issues on small phones. Be suretotest the non-Pro version first. This app has been tested inanumber of devices including; Samsung Galaxy S, Samsung GalaxyTabIII, HTC Desire, Samsung Nexus One. Screen has been optimizedformedium sized phones and also tablet screen sizes.More information can be found at
Robot Control Pro 1.4
Control your robot with light sensors and two android devicesandtake photo
Droid Control for Arduino 2.1
Anton Antonov
This application in combination with"DroidHost for Arduino" allows you to remote control your Arduinoprojectvia WiFi / 3G *without* any shields.Steps:1.Download this app.2.Download "Droid Host for Arduino" app on *another* androiddeviceand connect Arduino MEGA/UNO with USB cable to theseconddevice.3.Configure the TCP connection between the apps.4.Both application will communicate via WiFi /3G and allow youtoremote control your Arduino project.This application can also receive video stream from "DroidHostfor Arduino".In general "Droid Host for Arduino" is something likeWiFi/3Gmodem/shield for your Arduino board and this app issomething likea joystick/controller that can send commands to"Droid Host forArduino" and the arduino board.You can find "Droid Host for Arduino" here:
LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Commander 1.0.8
Control the EV3 Robots from your Android device
BT Voice Control for Arduino 1.0
Android Meets Robots : Voice RecognitionUses android mobiles internal voice recognition to passvoicecommands to your robotPairs with Bluetooth Serial Modules and sends in therecognizedvoice as a stringfor example if you say Hello the android phone will return asting*Hello# to your bluetooth module *and # indicate the start andstopbitsCan Be used with any micro controller which can handlestringsExamples Platforms : Arduino , ARM , PICAXE , MSP430 , 8051basedand many other processors and controllers