SimpleLabsIN Apps

BT Voice Control for Arduino 1.0
Android Meets Robots : Voice RecognitionUses android mobiles internal voice recognition to pass voicecommands to your robotPairs with Bluetooth Serial Modules and sends in the recognizedvoice as a stringfor example if you say Hello the android phone will return a sting*Hello# to your bluetooth module *and # indicate the start and stopbitsCan Be used with any micro controller which can handlestringsExamples Platforms : Arduino , ARM , PICAXE , MSP430 , 8051 basedand many other processors and controllers
BT Gesture Control For Arduino 1.0
Android Meets Robots : Gesture ControlUse your android mobiles touch screen to communicate with yourrobot or arduino using gesturesDraw a gesture on the screen and the name will be sent to yourbluetooth module on the arduino or the robotFacility to add your own gestures and name them as you like Canpair with any generic Bluetooth module that supports Bluetooth SPPprofileCompatible with Arduino Bluetooth