Top 23 Apps Similar to System Settings for Tasker

Terminal Shortcut Pro 7.5
Execute complex terminal commands by pressing a button
RESTask for Tasker
Opt in for betatesting: is a Tasker plugin providing alternative interface toaccessRESTful APIs (targeting GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).This app is intended to work as a plugin to Tasker and doesnotprovide a launcher icon so one must have Tasker installed inorderto utilize this application.*README*Variables can be set synchronously or asynchronously.With the default sync setting, the task will wait until therequestis finished or is timed-out before executing the next taskand youwill be able to set the return code/response to localvariables.Note that in synced mode you can only set localvariables, i.e.,variables with all lower-cased letters, this is alimitation oftasker API.However, in async mode, the task will finish immediately and workinthe background so you will not be able to set local variables init(you can still use local variables for the parameters andstuff).With this mode, you can only set global variables as localvariableswill not be accessible to other tasks. Following is howto enablesetting global variables in async mode:1. To enable global variable set, you have to enable 'AllowExternalAccess' in Tasker ( menu -> preference -> misc ->AllowExternal Access')2. Return variables name should be global (with at least onecapitalletter) because it is set asynchronously in a differenttask andwill not be accessible if it is set as a localvariable.3. Since the request is performed asynchronously,returnedcode/response might not be available immediately. If youwant tocapture the returned code/response, you can set an action to'WaitUntil' the variable 'is set'. But remember to clear thevariablebeforehand because these variables are global and willremain aftertasks finished..---CookiesThe cookies will be found in the %hdr_set_cookie variable ifyourresponse header variable prefix is set to %hdr. If therearemultiple Set-Cookie headers they will stored in the samevariableseparated by newlines.---Feel free to leave comments or send email to me if you haveanysuggestions to improve this application.Special thanks to Arno Puder for helping me test the app.
Advanced Root Checker Pro 1.7.0
3k Developers
Advanced Root Checker Pro the ultimate root checking App foreveryandroid phone
SecureTask 4.1.1
SecureTask is Tasker plugin to manage secure settings
Floating Multitasking
Geeks Empire
Multitasking By Opening All Apps In Floating Windows FromFloatingShortcuts
Denon/Marantz plugin 2.0.3
Jacob Laursen
This app is a third party plugin for:- Yatse. Please note that this plugin requires theunlocked/paidversion of Yatse.- Locale/Tasker. These are paid apps.When installed you can control volume and mute status ofyournetworked Denon/Marantz receiver directly through Yatse'suserinterface. This eliminates the need for a separate control appwhenusing Yatse.It's also possible to automate receiver actions using LocaleorTasker.Yatse features:- Mute and volume control (including scaling according tovolumelimit configured on the receiver).- Configurable volume steps.- Custom commands: Power on/off/toggle, zone on/off/toggle,inputsource select, surround mode, dynamic volume, quick selectanddirect commands.Locale/Tasker features:- Power on/off, zone on/off, mute on/off, input source,surroundmode, dynamic volume, quick select and directcommands.- Tasker: Variable substitution supported for direct commands.Generic features:- Multi-zone configurations are supported.- Telnet-based AVR protocol and new HTTP/XML-based app protocolissupported.The plugin should work with at least the followingreceivers:Denon: AVC-A1HD, AVR-1613, AVR-1713, AVR-1912,AVR-1913,AVR-2112, AVR-2113, AVR-2312, AVR-2313, AVR-3310,AVR-3311,AVR-3312, AVR-3313, AVR-3808, AVR-4306, AVR-4308,AVR-4310,AVR-4311, AVR-4520, AVR-4806, AVR-4810, AVR-5308,AVR-5805,AVR-990, AVR-991, AVR-E300, AVR-E400, AVR-S700W,AVR-S710W,AVR-S900W, AVR-S910W, AVR-X1000, AVR-X1100W, AVR-X1200W,AVR-X2000,AVR-X2100W, AVR-X2200W, AVR-X3000, AVR-X3100W,AVR-X3200W,AVR-X4000, AVR-X4100W, AVR-X4200W, AVR-X5200W,AVR-X6200W,AVR-X7200W, AVR-X7200WAMarantz: AV7701, AV7702, AV8801, AV8802, NR1504,NR1506,NR1602, NR1603, NR1604, NR1605, NR1606, SR5006, SR5007,SR5008,SR5009, SR5010, SR6006, SR6007, SR6008, SR6009, SR7005,SR7007,SR7008, SR7009If you experience any problems, please let me know bye-mail.To use the plugin with Yatse:- You need Yatse 5.7.0 or higher.- You need Yatse Unlocker.- Configure the plugin from:Settings/Managehosts/Edit/Advanced/Plugins/AV Receiver.To use the plugin with Tasker:- Select "Plugin" when adding an action, and choose"Denon/Marantzplugin".This plugin is not affiliated with Yatse or itsauthorTolriq/Genimee. Please request support directly from theauthor ofthis plugin; see contact information below.This plugin is not affiliated with Denon or Marantz. DenonandMarantz are registered trademarks of D&M Holdings, Inc.
WiFi ADB - Debug Over Air
Debug/test apps on device over theair,wireless, no cable. Must-have developer tool.WiFi ADB makes it easy to debug/test your Android apps directlyondevice via WiFi TCP/IP connection. No need to use USB cable.Afterenabling ADB over WiFi, to connect your computer to the deviceopenthe console and runadb connect ip_address_of_the_deviceREQUIREMENTSThis app works on ROOTED devices only. If you don't knowwhatit means or your device is not rooted please don't install.Usersalso need to grant this app su permission when beingasked.FEATURES★ Quickly enable/disable ADB connection over WiFi TCP/IP★ Auto-enable ADB over WiFi on configured known SSIDs★ Once enabled an entry is added to ongoing notification bartoremind user that ADB over WiFi is active and make it easytodisable it manually★ The app icon can be put on status bar at all time for quickaccess(better than home screen widget, IMO)★ Temporarily increase screen-off timeout. Nine times out of 10thisis what users want during development of an Android app andtestingit on device. The original screen timeout value is restoredwhen ADBover WiFi is disabled again.★ Temporarily lock WiFi, prevent it from going into sleep mode(howeffectively it works depends on device and Androidversion)★ Also acts as Tasker/Locale plugin. You can configureTasker/Localeto automatically turn on/off WiFi ADB based onotherconditionsTIPS★ If your development computer is Unix/Linux or Mac open aconsoleand runwhile true ; do adb connect phone_ip_address ; sleep 15 ;doneThis one-liner auto-reconnects to ADB daemon on the phone everytimethe link is broken for whatever reason.★ If you control the WiFi router, configure it to give the phonethesame IP address every time. Then assign a local DNS hostname tothatIP address so that you don't have to type an IP addresswhichchanges everytime in the console.IN-APP PURCHASEThis app requires in-app purchase permission. This is for userstomake donations to the app developer. Donations are voluntary andinfact do not add any extra features. But if you want tosaythank-you with your wallet, you can. (Thanks!)
3C All-in-One Toolbox Pro key 1.1
Unlocks the full potential of 3C All-in-One Toolbox
Root Checker Pro
**** THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT REQUIREROOTACCESS ******** THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT ROOT THE DEVICE ****This application will allow the user to confirm they haveproperroot ( superuser ) access and a proper BusyBoxinstallation.The Root Check mode displays the most important informationwhendetermining whether root (superuser) access has beenproperlyinstalled: standard su binary locations and filepermissions, rootuid/gid (user id/group id) and SELinux contextresults, Superuserapplication installations and version, adb shelldefault user mode(shell or root user), SELinux Status (enforcing ornot), and theSystem defined PATH.For the more advanced and technically inclined users, manyimportantdetails are provided around the Root and BusyBoxinstallation. Theapplication presents all the details needed toproperly troubleshootany Root or BusyBox issues.The goal of this application is to provide even the newestAndroiduser with a simple method to check their device for rootaccess.This application will also allow the user to verify aproperBusyBox installation.**PLEASE EMAIL ME WITH ISSUES OR QUESTIONS REGARDING MYAPPLICATION.I ALWAYS REPLY!**The application makes it very simple and easy to export thedetailedoutput via email or any other social media applicationinstalled onthe device. One simple button allows Root (superuser)and BusyBoxdetails to be shared for collaborating ortroubleshooting!This application will test the device for root access. Verysimple,quick, and reliable test method to check for root access.The subinary is the most common binary used on Android devices tograntroot access. This application will check and verify the subinarylocation and permissions on the device. This informationisgenerally the most helpful in diagnosing issues withrootaccess.A common method for resolving issues around properly installingandconfiguring root access via the su binary is to gatherthepermissions around the su binary along with theinstallationlocation. All this information is quickly summarized ina fewseconds by this application. To grant even greaterconvenience,this information can be quickly exported and shared forassistancein resolving su binary and root issues.The widget provided along with this application allows easyandconstant monitoring of root and busybox installation status.Thewidget allows the user to setup a timer interval to check forrootand busybox status. The widget will always keep the user up todatevia on screen widget notifications regarding root andbusyboxinstallation and operating status.Please don't leave negative feedback! Instead, please email mewithyour feedback, suggestions, and comments! Feel free to emailyouradvanced root/BusyBox results along with your feedback!Thankyou!!
Router Utility
Monitor your network at a glance. Receive push notificationsforstatus changes.
Power Shortcuts 1.3.2
ChYK the dev
More shortcuts than what you need.
3C App Manager 1.5.0
The most powerful app manager for Android
Snackbar Tasker Plugin 11.6
A plugin to show user-configurable Material Design SnackbarsandBottom Sheets
Wakelock Revamp - PowerManager 3.4.0
Easy control over Android's PowerManager.
SharpTools Tasker Plugin & Widgets for SmartThings
SharpTools is a set of Widgets and Tasker plugins fortheSmartThings platform.
Task Manager Pro (Task Killer) 2.3.7
One-stop task manager, monitor and kill task, speed up phone,andsave battery.
Swiftly switch - Pro 3.1.5
Swiftly Switch is an edge app thatimprovesyour Android experience by allowing to use your phone withone handand faster multitasking.Swiftly Switch runs in the background and can be easilyaccessedfrom any screen with just one swipe from edge screen. It'sfast,battery friendly, highly customizable and no ads.Swiftly Switch offers new ways to handle your phone:• Recent apps switcher: Arrange your recent apps inafloating circle sidebar. Switch between them by one swipefromtrigger screen edge zone.• Quick Actions: swipe in deeper with a right directiontopull down notification, switch to the last app, back or openGridFavorites section.• Grid Favorites: a side panel where you can placeyourfavorite apps, shortcuts, quick settings, contacts to accessfromany screen.• Circle Favorites: like the Recent Apps section but foryourfavorite shortcutWhy Swiftly Switch make your Android experiencebetter?• One-handed usability: don't need to stretch out yourfingerto reach the back, recent button, toggle quick settings, orpulldown notification• Fast multitasking: switch to recent apps or last usedappwith just one swipe. There is no faster way to do it.• No cluster home screen: because now you can accessyourfavorite apps and shortcuts from anywhere.• Focus on user experience: ads free, the app is fast,easyto use, beautiful and extremely customizable.Currently supported shortcuts: apps, contacts, toggle wifi,on/offBluetooth, toggle auto rotation, flashlight, screen lock,screenbrightness, volume, ringer mode, power menu, home, back,recent,pull down notification, last app, dial, call logs anddevice'sshortcuts.Swiftly Switch is extremely customizable:• Shortcuts can be arranged in circle pie control, sidebar,floatside panel• You can change the position, sensitivity of the edgescreen'strigger zone• You can customize icon's size, animation, background color,hapticfeedback, separate content for each edge, the behavior ofeachshortcut.The Pro version of Swiftly Switch offer you:• Unlock the second edge• Customize the columns count and rows count of theGridFavorite• Pin favorite shortcut to Recent Apps• Auto disable in full-screen app optionDownload the best app switcher now with pie control patternthatbrings your Android experience to a new level. Swiftly Switchalsosupport folder, backup settings to Google Drive.What permission Swiftly Switch ask for and why:• Draw over other apps: Used to turn on floating windowsupportrequired to display the circle, side panel,...• Apps usage: Needed for getting recent apps.• Accessibility: Used for performing back, power menu and pulldownnotification for some Samsung devices.• Device Administration: Needed for the "Screen Lock" shortcutsothe app can lock your phone (turn screen off)• Contact, phone: For the contact shortcuts• Camera: Used for turning on/off flashlight with device lessthanAndroid 6.0.Please use the "Email us" section in the app to directlyinteractwith the developer via email, we alway try to responseevery emailin lest than 24 hours. Any Feedback, suggestions, andbug reportsare much appreciated.•Developer's email: [email protected]•De-studio facebookpage:•Google Plus beta testcommunity: you want to help me to localize it in your language, please goto Swiftly Switch and get better Androidexperiencestoday.
Volume Settings (Plugin) 1.4
Manage Sound & Volume of Android, Plug-in of All-In-OneToolbox(29 Tools)
Darker Pro
Darker can lower your screen brightness to extremely low levels.
Tasker Now 9.0.3
The power of Tasker together with the power of Google
UiTask 2.2.0
Stylish user interface tools for Tasker
BusyBox Pro
The fastest, most trusted, and #1 BusyBox installer anduninstaller!