Top 12 Apps Similar to Oorlog 14-18 HD

Guerre 14-18 LITE 2.2
Un vieux carnet de campagne découvertdansungrenier.Au fil des pages jaunies, la vie des tranchées. Au jourlejour.Racontée par un brancardier britannique, AndrewNaylor.Untémoignage bouleversant. Guillaume, jeune cinéaste, partsurlestraces de son arrière-grand-père, dans l’enfer de laGrandeGuerre.Cette application a été financée par des fonds européensdanslecadre du projet Interreg "Mémoire de la Grande Guerre".An oldbookcampaigndiscovered in an attic.Over the yellowed pages, life in the trenches. Overnight. ToldbyaBritish stretcher bearer, Andrew Naylor. Amovingtestimony.William, a young filmmaker, on the trail ofhisgreat-grandfatherin the hell of the Great War.This application was funded by European funds undertheInterreg"Memory of the Great War" project.
14-18/TRIP 1.2.0
Le 4 août 1914, la Belgique fut,avecleGrand-Duché de Luxembourg, le premier pays envahiparl'Empireallemand.Si la résistance sur le front de l'Yser est entré danslalégendede la Première Guerre mondiale, on oublie souvent quelesud de laBelgique a été le théâtre des premières grandesbataillesduconflit, baptême du feu pour des centaines de milliersdeBelges,Français, Anglais et Allemands.Conçue par Cuistax, développée par DogStudio, enpartenariatavecle quotidien La Libre Belgique, cette applicationuniquepropose:- l’agenda des commémorations et événements en WallonieetàBruxelles à l’occasion du centenaire du début delaGrandeGuerre- un répertoire des sites de mémoire et monuments- le rappel jour par jours des événements d’août et septembre1914enBelgiqueChacun de ces contenus est commenté et géolocalisésurunecarte.Cet outil pratique et indispensable vous permet depréparerunevisite, de découvrir en dernière minute une destinationdetourismehistorique à proximité de l'endroit où vous vous trouvezouderevivre les faits survenus durant les premières semainesdelaguerre sur le front Ouest.--------------------------------Contenus rédactionnels :Alain Lorfèvre, Gilles Milecan.Séquences sonores :Christian Laporte et Eddy Przybylski.Edition :Alain Lorfèvre, Etienne Scholasse.Crédits photographiques :Associated Press, BildarchivPreußischerKulturbesitzCollectionsprivées, Jean-Luc Flémal,Imperial WarMuseum,,, le soutien financier de Boost-Up/IndustriesCréatives,unemesure du programme Creative WalloniaAvec le soutien de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles etdelaLoterie nationale--------------------------------August 4, 1914,Belgiumwaswith the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the first countryinvadedby theGerman Empire.If the resistance on the Yser front entered the legendoftheFirst World War, we often forget that the south of Belgiumwasthescene of the first major battles of the conflict, baptismoffirefor hundreds of thousands of Belgian, French,EnglishandGerman.Designed by cuistax developed by Dogstudio in partnershipwiththedaily La Libre Belgique, this unique applicationfeatures:- The agenda of commemorations and events in WalloniaandBrusselsto mark the centenary of the beginning of theGreatWar- A directory of memorial sites and monuments- Recall day by day the events of August and September1914inBelgiumEach of these is discussed and location-aware contentonamap.This practical and indispensable tool allows you to planavisitto discover at the last minute a historicaltourismdestinationclose to where you are or relive the eventsthatoccurred duringthe first weeks of the war on the WesternFront.--------------------------------Editorial content:Lorfèvre Alain Gilles Milecan.Sound sequences:Christian Laporte and Eddy Przybylski.Edition:Lorfèvre Alain Etienne Scholasse.Photo credits:Associated Press BildarchivPreußischerKulturbesitzCollectionsprivate, Jean-Luc Flémal,Imperial WarMuseum,,, the financial support of Boost-Up / CreativeIndustries,ameasure of Creative Wallonia programWith the support of the Federation Wallonia-BrusselsandtheNational Lottery--------------------------------
Guerre 14-18 HD 2.2
Un vieux carnet de campagne découvertdansungrenier.Au fil des pages jaunies, la vie des tranchées. Au jourlejour.Racontée par un brancardier britannique, AndrewNaylor.Untémoignage bouleversant. Guillaume, jeune cinéaste, partsurlestraces de son arrière-grand-père, dans l’enfer de laGrandeGuerre.Cette application a été financée par des fonds européensdanslecadre du projet Interreg "Mémoire de la Grande Guerre".La version hors ligne n'a pas besoin d'uneconnexioninternet.An oldbookcampaigndiscovered in an attic.Over the yellowed pages, life in the trenches. Day to day. ToldbyaBritish stretcher bearer, Andrew Naylor. Amovingtestimony.Guillaume, a young filmmaker, share in thefootsteps ofhisgreat-grandfather in the hell of the Great War.This application was funded under the EuropeanInterregproject"Memory of the Great War."The offline version does not require an internet connection.
Oorlog 14-18 LITE 2.2
Met Dagboek 14-18 treed je in devoetsporenvanGuillaume, een jonge cineast, die op zoek gaat naarhet verhaalvanAndrew Naylor, zijn grootvader. Een verweerddagboekje ontdektopzolder, vertelt het leven in de loopgraven enaan het front. Vandagtot dag. Met deze schokkende getuigenis in dehand ontdek jedesites van Mont Saint-Eloi, Fromelles,Beaumont-Hamel, de ChemindesDames en Lijssenthoek (Poperinge).Deze applicatie werd gefinancierd met Europese middeleninhetkader van het Interreg project ”De Grote Oorlog Herdacht”.With journal 14-18youwillenter in the footsteps of Guillaume, a young filmmaker whoislookingfor the story of Andrew Naylor, his grandfather.Aweathered diarydiscovered in the attic, tells the life inthetrenches and on thefront. From day to day. This shockingtestimonyin hand you discoverthe sites of Mont Saint-Eloi,Fromelles,Beaumont-Hamel, the Chemindes Dames and Lijssenthoek(Poperinge).This application was funded by European funds in theframeworkofthe Interreg project "The Great War commemorated".
Tracce 1915-18 1.0
YED28 Srl
Discover World War I fortificationsinAltoGarda and Valle Sabbia.Tracce15-18 will lead you along impressive military footpathsandyouwill reach the most interesting and scenicemplacements.For each point of interest you will be able toaccessin-depthdigital content such as technical descriptions,historicalmaps andphotographs and original documents from wararchives.Just tap to enjoy a handy audio guide; use the built-inreadertoscan the QRCode you find on printed panels distributedacrossthearea to reach extra contents and details.You will also be suggested about other interesting feautresnearyouand decide to change your itinerary to visit a war museumorhavelunch at some nearby agritourism.Main features- Your location and all points of interest will belocatedanddisplayed on a map- be guided in the area, or take a virtual tour from home- original historical maps may be displayed- in-depth coverage of points of interest available,evenwhenoffline or at home- audio guide- built-in QRCode reader to make extra contents veryeasytoreach- linsting of nearby Museums or cultural resources,suggestionsaboutwhere to eat and wher to stayTracce15-18 is aimed to conserve memories abouteventstakingplace across Alto Garda and Valle Sabbia during WorldWarIA comprehensive survey of all fortification wascarreidout,uncovering 2000+ emplacements and over 400Km ofmilitaryroadwaysand footpaths.Tracce15-18 is a growing initiative which will collectthefutureaddition of new data and documents while researchwillcontinue.
Doncaster 1914-18 4.6
Uncover Doncaster's First World War past on a heritage walk.
War 14-18 LITE 2.2
An old war diary found in an attic. Pageafteryellowed page telling of life in the trenches. Day after day.Astold by British stretcher-bearer, Andrew Naylor. Apowerfullymoving eye-witness account. Guillaume, a young film makersets offto follow in the footsteps of his great-grandfather.This application was financed with European funds as a partofthe Interreg project “The Great War Remembered”.
War 14-18 HD 2.2
An old war diary found in an attic.Pageafteryellowed page telling of life in the trenches. Day afterday.Astold by British stretcher-bearer, Andrew Naylor.Apowerfullymoving eye-witness account. Guillaume, a young filmmakersets offto follow in the footsteps of his great-grandfather.This application was financed with European funds as a partoftheInterreg project “The Great War Remembered”.The offline version does not require an internet connection.
100 jaar Groote Oorlog 9.0.49-prod
What did the Scheldeland look like during the First World War?
beCarto 14-18 1.0.5
BeCarto14-18 is an app developed by the Belgian NationalGeographicInstitute (NGI) and the private company Geolives forthecommemoration of WW1. This App allows you to access spatialandhistorical information about the 1st World War in Belgium.Thespatial background of the app is, the NGI’sviewingservice equipped with a zooming tool that makes it possibleto viewon screen the whole of Belgium or a very detailed picture ofasmall area. We put above this topographic base the informationfromthe map “14-18 The Great War from Liège to the Yser and theSomme”for the whole Belgian territory. You can locate museums,militarycemeteries, forts and trenches... that you still may visittoday,but also have an overview of the large troops movesandconcentrations between 1914 and 1918. And that is wherethehistorical information comes in. The app gives you access totwotimelines. The first one runs from 1914 till 1919 and givesyouinformation about what happened on the Belgian territoryduringthat time. The second one goes from 2014 to 2019 and givesyouinformation about all events organized during that time as partofthe commemoration. You also find a series of links tointerestingwebsites, pictures and movies. Last but not least,beCarto14-18provides you with a lot of practical information suchas museumopening times and addresses, place and time of events,etc. TheNational Geographic Institute of Belgium cooperated at thecreationof this app with the Department of Defense andvariousinstitutions, each of them possessing plenty of informationaboutthe 1st World War according to their specific activity.Otherdatabases are expected to be made available via the app, liketheone of the Institute for the Veterans, which will allow youtosearch information (like the day of death or the place wheretheywere buried) about the Belgian soldiers that were killed duringthe1st World War.
WW1 Somme 1.3
Battlefield experiences.With the Somme14-18 app, travel down the Circuit ofRemembranceand meet men and women who lived through the Great WarinSomme.The story of an international conflict, of trench warfare, and ofacruel and deadly confrontation through 12fictionalcharacters*.*Characters in this app are fictional. However, their storiesarebased on historical facts and often inspired on real people.
L'application « Front des vosges14-18»consiste en une interface intuitive et immersive dans lemilieudel'histoire du Massif des Vosges. Elle permettra dedécouvrirleslieux historiques de la Grande Guerre ainsi que deguiderlesvisiteurs vers les points d'intérêt et le contenuquiseralié.The "FrontdesVosges14-18" application consists of an intuitive andimmersiveinterfacein the middle of the story of the Vosges. It willexplorethehistoric sites of the Great War and guide visitors topointsofinterest and content that will be linked.